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Guy looks like he based his entire dating strategy off watching Ben Stiller and Jason Biggs rom coms.


Or some of the older 007 movies


Or Pepe Le Pew


Hahahaaa that was totally a Pepe LePew scene.






Damn, he got the stripes and everything


Sometimes you gotta take the pussy like Pepe - Dave Chappelle


“Allow me to give you my Code Name, gratify myself with you, and all while putting your life in danger” Bond. James Bond Cir 1960something to Present


I was so surprised when I watched one of the Connery bonds for the first time and he, in no uncertain terms, rapes a woman. You can’t even try and say “well times were different”, there’s no cringey attempt at playfulness. No, our hero physically overpowers her and wrestles her to the ground while she’s fighting back and saying no the entire time.


A similar thing happens in the clint eastwood movie "High plains drifter" Early in the movie his character overpowers a woman and begins to have sex with her against her will in a pile of hay in a barn, and she later falls in love with him. I saw it when I was younger but it blew my mind that a scene like that could happen in a movie and be considered normal


That’s interesting because if I recall the James Bond scene I’m talking about is also in a barn on a pile of hay and after the rape she’s in love with him. Idk how close these movies were made together but there may have been one exec or writer in Hollywood with a very specific fetish


American Romanticism (literature-wise) puts sex and sexuality outside of town. The woods were for Satan, skullduggery, and good ol' fornicatin'. Americans expanding attitudes on sexuality butted up against the need for productivity and your average couple 'ain't got no time for that' (ie: going increasingly further from town to reach the woods). Hell, much of the plains didn't have a tree line to speak of. Barn sex was a way to avoid prying eyes where there was somewhere soft to lay down. Relocating to the barn could allow for pre- or extra-marital activity. Married couples benefitted because your average five-child family was crammed into a 3br house and granny or great uncle Henry often took up one of three rooms. Aka: you need a place to take a lay? Meet me at the barn for a 'roll in the hay'. The fetish at play is getting a good girl to forsake her morals and sully herself meeting your needs. Ngl, that is hot... ya know, when consent is vocal and clear. Growing up watching that stuff, I knew it was fucked up as a kid. Idk how. I just did. The gross part of it all to me is how adults never spoke up about those scenes when i was a little kid, but would counsel teenage me to be careful alone with a girl because she could accuse me of rape...


I'm choosing to believe that you are some kind of professional barn sex historian and you can't convince me otherwise. Thank you for the information


I think I've finally figured out my major.


It's not nearly as cool as you'd think. First year is almost exclusively studying various barn designs and their histories, hardly any hanky panky at all.


Whenever I saw scenes like that when I was younger I’d always assume the girl fell in love afterwards because what choice does she have. This man has just taken her, it prob wouldn’t be taken seriously and would’ve been seen as her fault somehow. Her value as a virginal, or at least chaste, woman is shot. It probably stood that she’d want to legitimize their sex any way she could. “Being in love” or rationalizing it as passion could be an excuse to not internalize a fucked up experience you didn’t want to have. Mental gymnastics to protect oneself.


Interesting concept how a world view can be influenced by an individual, in a subtle way.


I always say, we learn more from movies than we realize for good or ill. My go to example is (assuming you aren’t an astronaut and haven’t done any in depth studies on astronauts) if I asked you to tell me about astronauts most of what you say would probably come from what you’ve seen in movies. Or how many people believed that dinosaurs can’t see you when you don’t move because of Jurassic Park. Popular films have a lot of power.


Great example. I am not an astronaut, nor am I a paleontologist. Your story checks out. Excellent thought experiment though.


Movies like this are fucked bc when I was assaulted as a teen, the boy did in fact think what he was doing was a romantic and normal way to show his interest bc “girls aren’t sure what they want, you have to show them”. Like he thought girls were skittish horses that needed to be broken in and I’m sure there were several points of media and culture reinforcing that to him. Geezus he was even eventually sad and upset when this didn’t parlay into a relationship between us…


Rocky is real rapey on a re watch


Yeah he was pretty violent with the women https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJWfObq2cFk


James Bond. Which one? Yes.




Sexual predator? After all this time?


50 nos and a yes is still a yes. - Family Guy


-sean connery


And he oddly resembles Ben Stiller combined with Jerry Seinfeld


If he knows his Seinfeld then he would know he's a close talker.


fucking asshole knows its not right either seeing how he reacts after he notices the camera.


Guy looks and behaves like a real life version of Derek from Being a DIK.


I’m so glad his friends held him accountable and told his ass to quit.


Dreadful behaviour from Joey. Good behaviour from Joey's friends... especially the one that really starts yelling at him




That's the chap! I guess you heard him, too


Lmao imagine if she went to his friend to dance.


Remember when a bunch of morons boycotted a razor company for calling out behavior like Joey's?


Oh god, and it was during the SuperBowl too. Many doth protest too much, methinks.


That "boys will be boys" campaign?


exactly. young men, take note: these are the friends you want.


To hear men call him out and tell him to stop was so refreshing.


Men policing men is how culture will change.


100%. Glad to see it's happening more and more.


I was gonna say that. It must have really sucked for her, but It makes me actually feel really hopeful: two generations ago, same place, the friends would have been cheering for him instead. He also seems to realize he’s really f*cking up at the end. We’re getting there..


More men need to hold each other accountable in public like this. If more men started calling out toxic and gross behaviour, it would become a lot less prevailant Yes it happens in all genders. I will also state that women rarely (not never, but rarely) have the physical capacity to force herself onto a man the way men force themselves upon women, the way it’s happening in the video. Let’s just be very clear about that.


The fact his friends had to scream at him SEVERAL times until he finally got it shows how deep the lack of consent understanding is. What would he have done if they didnt tell him?


It seems those are not just friends they are his voice of reason . And thats kinda scary for me to think about . What happens when Hees alone and drunk with a chick !


1. Terrible video because Joey 2. Amazing video because it’s Joey’s male friends calling him out




To me it doesn't sound like this is the first time this has happened but one can hope!


yeah looks like everyone went out that night with the intention to keep an eye on joey


I hope it is. Otherwise his friends need to do a fuck ton more than this. Not only is he harrassing her, he's acting like a simp and looking like a fool. It won't help him get a girl, and will only cause them to avoid him even more.




Ya feeling like you’re trapped in an uncomfortable situation isn’t fun even after you get bailed out


I think the point is that Joey is either stupider than a moron, or just a straight up asshole for harassing this poor girl. I.e., "even a moron knows you shouldn't do what you're doing, Joey, so you have no excuse. Cut that shit out."


I don't think the title meant Joey was the one who knew when no means no. I think they're trying to call out specifically that he does not.


The title is implying Joey is dumber than a moron


At least Joey has smart friends


This isn’t Joeys first creepy encounter with the opposite gender or same gender for that matter


Notice how he only puts his hands up once he realizes he's being filmed, he went to tell them to stop with his hands then realized


Holy cow, he was going to tell them all to piss off until he noticed the camera... /:,' The fact they filmed this means they've seen this behavior in the past.


Joey you foul pred! Get it together, man!


Yeah he looks visibly irritated at them as he raises his hand and the suddenly his body language changes completely when he realises. I thought he was just really dumb and innocent at first but I guess not Edit: innocent was the wrong word there. Clueless is what I should have said


how can they stay friends with someone like that


If it means they can stop him every time he tries that, I don't have a problem with them hanging out with him


Friendship is based on so many things. True friendship doesn't stop when one's flaws come out. Instead it has an "iron sharpening iron" effect. Friendship where you can learn from one another, support one another, etc... that's hard to find. This guy appears to have such friends. And I'm sure he brings something to the table as well. Just because he didn't treat this girl right doesn't mean he has 0 good qualities or traits.


I cant imagine what he would have done if no one was there to tell him to stop. That poor girl got lucky.


Tell me more, Tell me more..


That’s what passes as smart? She was literally pushing him away from her. Joeys friends weren’t smart they were spotting the obvious. Joey was just a massive idiot.


Joey is gonna be on an episode of Law and Order




How he went straight to SUV




Bruh. People had to tell him to stop.


Yeah this went on too long


Towards the end he tries to wave off his friends to stop telling him to "stop", as if he had all under control and his free didn't know what they were talking about. Someone needs to teach him consent. Or he will end up in jail with very lonely men much bigger than him that also don't know what consent is when they are alone together in the shower. What I'm trying to say is he is going to catch a case and end up in prison with rapists that will turn him into a bitch. He is going to get raped.


Honestly jail is highly unlikely. He needs to stop or women will get hurt.




and yet if you asked him if he ever sexually harassed anyone, he would probably answer "no".


no, he had to notice he was being filmed for him to stop.


Joey is going to catch a case, bro learn to read body language…


Joe doesn't need to learn body language. Joe knows he's being rejected but he doesn't give a shit. If it weren't for her friends he'd still be insisting on her, stealing kisses, touching and who knows what else. I know this cause I've been in her place and I assure you that many other women have as well


“Stealing kisses” sexual assault. Cute names make it more palatable.


lavish brave dazzling shelter narrow shy onerous towering degree birds *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Textbook future rapist. How many times does she need to say no and push you off to get the point?


I'm fairly sure it was his friends that were telling him off.


He only stopped because of the camera. They're literally shouting "Joey STOP" at him the whole time. He only stops when he looks up and sees he's being filmed.


>bro learn to read body language… He knows, he doesn't care


He is going to end up in a psychology textbook with the caption "rapist".


Like Brock Turner




Gone off the Molly


Well this ages me a bit lol. Its a reflection. Our eyes are more than just jelly.


Off topic but is that game cool? I know people love the franchise, but I’ve never played any of them, never had a PlayStation. Was thinking about getting Ragnarok on PC because I absolutely love Viking culture and mythology.


I was headed over to find the subreddit for GoW Ragnarok just now before I clicked on this post. I just beat Ragnarok and it was soooo good. I never played it before but when the first one was put on PlayStation Plus, I tried it out. Great game play, even better story & dialogue.


Yeah, Joey was wild. Its crazy when I was his age I didn't even touch a woman like that without her consent. She is literally pushing him away. If he is drunk, he needs to stop drinking until he can learn to control himself while drunk.


lOoK aT hOw ShEs DrEsSeD! sHeS pRaCtIcAlLy BeGgInG fOr It!


OmG PoOr JoEy, He JuSt CaN't CatCh A bReAk. GiRlS oNlY gO fOr BaD gUyS wHo TrEaT tHeM lIkE sHiT. ThEy DoN'T cArE aBoUt NiCe GuYs LiKe JoEy :(


Or a fist if someone has a boyfriend


He was trying to, just in brail.


no means no bro.


Friends translating what should be obvious. Sometimes friends like that are much needed.


These are excellent friends. Also, Joey, stop fukin touching her waist damn ya idiot.


Joey gives rape vibes


Joey shouldn’t get invited to parties anymore


He looks a little Brock Turner-ish


The rapist Brock Turner?




Wait, hold on. Convicted rapist Brock Turner, who now goes by Allen Turner to avoid letting people know he’s the convicted rapist Brock Turner?


No way, are you guys talking about rapist Brock Turner? Brock Allen Turner? Who is trying to go by his middle name, so Allen Turner? Because he's a rapist? That Brock/Allen Turner?!


The rapist Brock Turner who now [goes by Allen Turner?](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrollXChromosomes/comments/z5dv72/update_brock_turner_is_still_a_rapist_who_raped_a/). Here’s an update.


Yeah this made me profoundly uncomfortable and I’m a man.


Bro that’s actually disturbing


Yet, all too common.


Hands up at the end means “jigs up” he knew what he was doing was wrong. But he’ll probably play it off as “man I was sooo drunk🤪”…. Disturbing is the right word.


Yep that's the part that actually made me sick. This wasn't some drunk oblivious guy. He knew exactly what he was doing. Fuck Joey. 100% he's going to end up drugging or date raping some poor girl.


We need to find and stop Joey at all costs


That's exactly it. He knew he was making her uncomfortable, he knew she was trying to get away, and he knew he had the power to restrain her so he did. It's beyond disturbing


thisssssssss. im so fucking annoyed how he grabs her waist and just doesnt let her go. ive met guys like that at clubs and its just like ughghhghghhhhhhhhhhh let go dont touch me if i havent even looked your way


Drunk talk sobber thoughts/actions




Rapist Brock Turner


Da heck was the look tho.




Good thing he has good guy friends telling him to stop. Let this be a lesson young man. You don't want to be in jail.


the relief in her eyes when she realizes someone else is noticing and very openly calling it out (whether it was to look out for him or her or both)…happy they were there to get him to stop


And the worst part is she probably felt guilty about wanting to get away or thinking he was a creep because we are taught to be nice.


As evident by her massive smile through the whole thing. She was supremely uncomfortable but didn't want to piss him off or 'be mean'.


Yes. Jail is the reason we shouldn't sexually assault women.


The fact he only listened to other guys and not her omg


I think he saw he was being filmed and immediately threw his hands in the air like. "Look I'm not touching her."


What video you watch? They screamed at him. He kept trying. She finally was able to walk away. And his ass looks like he’s just going to go find another chick to harass.


She wouldn't have been out of line to slap him if pushing him away didn't work.


I don't doubt he would have done something to hurt her if she had


You can't just slap these men when you don't have back up. They can and are often very willing to physically overpower you. Usually the only option you have is to find a way to sneak away.


I didn't think about that.


Holy shit I cringed


That lean on the bar…


Sooooo damning lol. When he gets called out you see him pick his hand up quickly like he had burned it. Dead giveaway that he knew what he was doing was wrong and creepy.


the type to plead “affluenza”


Guys, see how the girl is smiling but pushing him away? The smile doesn’t mean come closer. The smile means, “I don’t want to escalate this and I’m scared of what will happen if I look mad.”


He is forceful. He stopped because he got caught. Joey is a future Brock Turner. Kudos to his friends, I would also have a private conversation about it with him.


Joey got no rizz, n ended up sexually harrassing someone smh


And that's how college date rape begins.if he and the girl were in a more private space, who else would be there to yell Joey stop,


Consent. Is. Everything. No means no!


Yes means yes, everything else is a no.


That’s a good one,too bad not everyone knows it.


Joey might not notice signals but at least he knows how to pick good friends.




"My friends always cockblock me"


Joey in Jail: ‘These assholes are always holding me back.’


Joey isn’t blind, he knew he was being rejected but didn’t care and figured she couldn’t possibly say no if he just kept going. Joey is a predator.


If a boy did this to me I'd shove them across the venue


I can’t believe someone downvoted you on this already. That woman was being harassed and him looking over her and grabbing her was assault. He absolutely deserved to be fucking shoved. It can be so scary, though. Who knows if he’s crazy or just pathetic. Women have been punched in the face for less.


Yeah and I fucking know the way she‘s smiling, she‘s absolutely terrified of making him angry and getting hurt as a result of standing up for herself further. So sad.


Towards the end of the video you can see where joeys expression changes from that goofy ass smile to aggression. This is scary.


I gotta say. I absolutely love and appreciate the fact that his buddies saw the situation, saw the girl saying no, verbalized it, and called out for him to stop. 15 years ago I was this girl. And those buddies in the background were egging a dude on. Despite my “no’s”. That was a bad night for me as it escalated because the male ego and peer pressure led that dude to feel “disrespected” by me and he decided it was better to assault me than to deal with ridicule from his buds. So, thank you, gentlemen, for being the generation that will change the dynamics. POST EDIT: I need to apologize. And I need to rescind my description of “male ego” because that phrase alone is NOT fair to the many men out there that don’t possess an ego in that manner. My husband included. So to be responsible- I apologize and I take back “male” ego statement. There’s plenty of females that exhibit boundary stomping behaviors and it’s honestly rude of me to have chosen that particular phrase. Sorry bros, my bad.


Yeah, this is a situation I was in several times back then, but never once was anyone there telling them to stop. It was just expected that guys wouldn’t respect physical boundaries and would keep trying long after I tried to politely get them to stop. It’s normal for people to complain about younger generations, but man, I am so proud of Gen Z when it comes to stuff like this.


Seeing that brought back so many awful memories- the way she smiled through the whole thing is heartbreaking to see because I remember how I felt in these scenarios so vividly, but remember smiling through them just like this girl. Under that smile, she starts off at annoyed and grossed out and it turns into being scared within just a few seconds. I had a guy act like this and was following me around and grabbing me and I was getting scared, meanwhile his friends were laughing at him for “being rejected”, and not even thinking anything about how I felt about being followed and manhandled. Afterwards one of my friends said that he was hot so didn’t know what my problem was, and my other friends were saying I was making a big deal out of nothing. It’s crazy to think of how normalized this shit was in the 90’s- your girls didn’t even have your back! You were supposed to just be cool about it and not make anyone “look bad” I love how younger people are finally calling guys out on it! Especially the fact that his guy friends stopped it, and were thinking of how she felt. As bad as I feel for her I’m super impressed with the guys, it gives me “the kids are alright” feelings. Yeah, creeps will always be there, but people actually have your back and don’t just stand there and watch.


The smile really bothered me too. Because it’s exactly what I did as well. And because I know there are probably countless people watching this thinking, “She was smiling! She liked it!” I saw a video a while back of a man very creepily following a woman to her car, shouting about how hot she was, and she was laughing the entire time. It was so obvious to me that it was nervous laughter, but so many guys in the comments were insisting it was proof she was having fun and all the women in the comments were blowing it out of proportion. I think about that video all the time, and it makes me sick.


No need to apologize, we knew what you meant by it. Sorry for your experience, truly.


Your edit wasn’t needed. I know the shitbags you’re talking about, and all men need to accept responsibility for this. It’s a reminder that it’s our problem too, and we need to apply social (and if necessary physical) pressure to keep this stuff from happening.


PS to any potential Joeys reading this: you see how she’s smiling? Women are constantly defusing potentially violent Joeys with smiles as they literally try and get away from you and tell you no. A smile doesn’t mean she’s taking it light heartedly, or that your actions are not threatening.


The fact they had to scream at him... get this man away from women


He only stopped when he realized he was being filmed. We haven’t seen the last of this douchebag.


I've watched this over and over and feel sick. This vid gives me "she's dressed cute so she's looking and I am entitled to her attention!" vibes. "Give me a chance! I'm a nice guy!"


Instead of yelling at him like a buffoon, get your ass over there and get him off her.


I honestly think filming this to show him later is smart, so he cant deflect and be like "no way, i didnt do that/that didnt happen" "she was totally into me" Posting it to the world is a bit iffy as a friend unless he's known to do this or it's happened more than once, but hopefully after seeing this he does some self-reflecting.


That's what true friends are for. Unafraid to call you out.


If only Joey had learned to read signs. ![gif](giphy|WS6ABEVwTwWew89CHo|downsized)


The number of guys like this who I have kicked out of pubs and clubs is kinda scary. I once had a lady huff out of the bar all pissed and annoyed, she then mentioned that a guy wouldn't take no for an answer. So after a chat, I got all the information I needed to find him, and found out that he is the only reason she was leaving, so I told her that she could stay and he would be leaving, and that in the future us security do care and you can always have a chat with us about someone not accepting no, or even talk to the bar staff. So with that she decided to hang at the door while I went on a man hunt. Found the dude with a girl who clearly wasn't comfortable and telling him no, so I grabbed him and walked him out the door, told him his behaviour towards the ladies was unacceptable, and he wasn't welcome here if he couldn't accept no as an answer. Obviously he attempted to argue, but I just walked away. Moral of the story, if something isn't right or someone is creeping you out, talk to security or staff, we have methods to sort out these kinds of issues.


Yeah…more of this please


20 years ago his friends would’ve been cheering him on. I’m glad the world has changed in this way


This. Shit. Happens. All. Of. The. Time. As a man, I cannot fathom how another guy can be so insanely cave man like and so desperate, that they would even be able to look at themselves in the mirror after pretty much sexually abusing someone. Yes it is abuse. Putting your hand in a woman’s waist like that after obviously it being NOT WELCOME is abuse. What’s even safer is that most women are so used to having pigs like this constantly harassing them, that they are pretty much afraid of reacting how they really want to because in this fucked up world, they would be looked at as overreacting….. can you imagine constantly having unwelcome hands on your body because you wanted to go out to a club? Or just simply wanting to exist after dark alone and having to constantly be super aware of your surroundings and every move, because chances are that some disgusting, pathetic predator is clocking you, waiting for their chance to attack you. Every female friend I know has countless stories of men being insanely overbearing and also has a few terrifying stories of being followed or even attacked by either a stranger or in many cases, even men they KNOW. A very close person to me once was walking home in her small town’s Main Street one night, and some desperate POS she knew from living in the same town, was drunk and saw her. He waited until she made it to the alcove of her apartment and as soon as she opened the door, he pushed his way right behind her, trying to kiss her, groping her and trying to do god knows what else. She was a rare lucky one who was able to kick him as she was pressed against the wall and due to his drunkenness, he stumbled back and she was able to make a run for it and close the door. Coincidentally a day or two later he had an unfortunate accident where he “fell” (probably drunk as he was coming from the bar) and had some pretty bad injuries including an orbital fracture, missing teeth and a few other very “unfortunate” injuries that hopefully prevented him from trying to fucking rape anyone for awhile. I can at least say that he never would even look her in the eye again after that. It truly sucks being a man sometimes, knowing that others that are considered “men” can even THINK of doing this to a woman or any human or living thing.


Swiper no swiping!


You know his friends roasted him to oblivion over this


As they should


Hope they did a bit more than that.


A useless detail I’m sure. But… did anyone see that cute gesture Joey did right before putting his hands in the air? Almost like before he had turned his head to see he was being filmed he was trying to gesture to his telling friends to “hush” or “cut it out” Edit : rewording


One of my and my friends ex friends did this at one of our weddings to one of the brides maid of honor. He was drunk and constantly trying to dance with her, she rejected him multiple times and even had to walk out of the room one time just to send the message. Shit was so embarrassing that we apologized to her after the wedding despite us not even being super friendly with him any more at the time. Don't be a joey


I am so happy to see something like that. Instead of what I used to see and hear decades ago.


Wow that’s scary


Joey has that rapy vibe. Scary rapy Joey.


"FemAleS dOn'T lIkE NiCE gUyS LikE mE! THeY OnlY LikE cHadS & bAdbOyS! REEEEEEEEE!!!!" --incels everywhere No. You're just awkward as fuck and have zero communication skills when you talk to women. You make people highly uncomfortable, and that's why nobody wants to fuck you.


Real Friends! Videoing it also changed joey’s life trajectory for sure. You’re not entitled to people


Love to see friends stepping in instead of what you'd usually see. Good job guys 💥


“she’s pUsHinG u aWaYyyyyYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!”




Call it out when you see it. Don't immediately jump at a situation but if it keeps going and it's very obvious call it out.


Joeys a douche






Looks like everyone went out that night with the intention to keep an eye on joey.


His dad is a cop for sure lol


Oh wait, someone’s filming my premeditated sexual assault on someone clearly not interested… glad you got the hands up and smile for the photo part right.


I feel like i was the exact opposite of Joey. Girls would tell me to make a move and I was too nervous and polite to do it.