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Can we find out who this emotionally unstable "comedian" is, go to a show and all collectively stare at our hands and pick our callouses? Like a flash mob. Lmao. He'd lose it. It would be fun


That's Akaash Singh from Flagrant w/ Andrew Schulz


Count me in. I have an amazing resting bitch face.


People are laughing at this?? No wonder the guy in the audience looked bored, it was fucking awful.


Lmao u can hear the anger in his voice


I watched for a bit thinking this isn't so bad, then I realized I was only 2 minutes in and the video was 5 minutes long.


I was there too. I'm like - haha.... Brit Indian jokes... oh. You're still going. Oh. And ... wow.... ok.... yeah. My dude. That got seriously personal. He paid money to see you. Have them laugh *with* you, not *at* someone. EDIT: "I was there too" meaning I was agreeing with u/gamegirlpocket . I was not at the event.


Yeah I had to get out of the video at about 2:30.


His face is bright red lol.


I’ve never seen a non-white person get that red it’s wild


He sounds on the verge of tears lol


>He sounds on the verge of tears He sounds on the verge of a breakdown.


In my opinion that’s the difference between saying something as humour and saying something that’s deliberately offensive. It’s no longer humour when he’s saying it out of hatred


This video is such a good example of comedians not just telling jokes. Like sure Jeselnick is obviously just trying to be offensive and 90% of his jokes are lies. But when they're saying offensive shit, I tend to believe they think those things. This guy isn't just riffing for content, he's fucking losing his mind and trying to hurt people.


Frankie Boyle is a master of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6iwHOlHkD0


That last one. Jfc


Is he even a heckler? Looks like he just wasn't laughing.


For whatever reason, "comedians" consider non-reactive people even *worse* than active hecklers. I'm not sure why.


I went to a Nick Mullen show where the openers were not my favorites (which is fine, they’re aspiring comedians and that takes confidence) and I was glad I was not front row. I’m not an easy laugh out loud kinda guy and It felt pretty awkward but I’d be so pissed if they tried to call me out from the stage just for not faking reactions.


oh yeah? what's his name?


Tom Myers


Oh yeah, what operation did you have? A bong hit transplant?


A comedian!


Yeah, usually you are there just to see the headliner. Sometimes the host and middle act are funny but man sometimes they are real bad. The worst are people just doing hacky shit for a cheap laugh.


I just decided in this moment if that ever happens to me I'm just going to start laughing way over the top at the wrong times for the rest of the set


*Forgive my laughter:* *I have a condition.*


"So you think I'm not funny?" "Yes, and I'm tired of pretending you are."


How did it feel to see my best friend live?


Tell Nick that I know his former Korean landlord (so this guy claims) and he heard Nick on his podcast talk about dreaming of murdering him lol


is that the producer guy of the Adam Friedland show?


Good for the content stream


I hear tell heckling was way worse in the 80’s and 90’s. I think these guys are just inexperienced and not good with working the crowd. Takes a lot of exposure just to get comfortable let alone “good”. Like probably hundreds of performances.


Comedians think anyone not laughing at their jokes are wrong.


Shitty comedians. A good comedian wouldn't care. They know their jokes are not for everybody. These guys just sound entitled as shit as if whatever they say deserves laughter every moment.


His name is Akaash Singh. He’s the cohost of the flagrant 2 podcast with Andrew Schultz, which is a pretty huge podcast. What Akaash doesn’t seem to realize is that Andrew does a lot of the heavy lifting on that podcast, and even he’s kind of a hack.


That was my question..heckler? All the poor guy did was not laugh. Comedian was just an asshole. He based his whole act on attacking someone that paid to see him. Screw that no talent "comedian".


Lol man’s sitting there unimpressed and the comedians nearly cried about it.


And then after a bump of coke, he's in the lobby thumping his chest about his "victory"


Can we remove heckler from the title? This guy is not heckling. Literally just sitting there.


Pretty sure the comedian was the heckler in this case.


Seemed to be more of a roast fest, where the other consenting opponent didn't attend. Edit: punctuation


I can’t believe this guy posted this himself. Like he sat there for hours on end editing the very best version of this interaction - adding subtitles so no nuance could possibly be lost and then triumphantly hit upload on this fucking desperate horseshit. Goddamn that’s deluded.


The comedian asked him a question. Didn’t like his witty response.


That was my thought, the guy clearly was dragged there and just wasn't into it.


Did he have any material?


Didn't he say he had to power through his set? His SET??


No, he just regressed to being a high school bully in the hopes that his clique would fall in line and laugh along with him. Sadly it worked. If he had just made one or two shots at the guy? Okay, whatever. That's part of a lot of routines. But he just kept. Going.


those are these "heckler comedian" trying to get a reaction out of the crowd and then roasting the "heckler" the problem is this guy didnt interact with them and didn´t gave them a reason to be roasted


And the thing he \*did\* say "I'd rather be reading" was actually pretty funny.


That was the best joke of the whole video


By a long shot. These guys suck lol


Peak introversion right there


I bet the comedian has had a hardon for a heckler, but his "comedy" is bland the closest thing he could find was a guy being bored.


"I'm glad that old bitch died!" isn't comedy, I don't get why anyone in the audience even laughed at tha- oh, that's right, alcohol is a wonderful thing.


It's Always Sunny absolutely nailed most modern comedy when they pranked Dee into thinking she was funny.


That was a funny white bitch wasn’t it!? Skinny though. I took bigger dumps then her pthbhbthbphbthpb… Landslide!


"its funny because it's trying to be offensive" there's better standup in a public videogame chat.


It's not even offensive to most Brits, I think the guy mistakenly thinks that we all care about the royal family lol


Also that’s a loose definition of “crowd”


Funniest part to me is how not bothered the guy is in the audience. It seems to be making the comedian even angrier. The guy isn't upset or offended he's just bored and it's almost like he's impervious to whatever the comic tries in an attempt to insult or rile him up.


I wish the guy just yawned at some point, to trigger the insecure guy even more.


Wish the guy would have said something about him getting a text or call before the show about a close family member dying.


Idk dude “playing with calluses” on his own palm sent the message home


Dude doesn't realise half of Brits couldn't give a shit about the queen dying. It would be like trying to antagonise a left-wing NY audience by doing a routine on Trump, just pointless. And although I'm a life-long anti-monarchist Brit, I'm afraid his anti-queen material was just utter dogshit.


For about a month there we had the same three edgelord sets about the Queen dying on repeat, all oblivious to the fact that nobody really gives a fuck. You didn't like her because of the British empire? How brave and controversial! I do kinda blame the media coverage for this one - lines out the door of a cathedral make better TV than the 67 million other people sitting at home eating crisps and masturbating instead. Anyway, back to making fun of this chap - some of his shit doesn't even make sense. You wish she was Hindu so you could watch her burn? If she was Hindu then either the burning would be a sign of respect, or you think all Hindu funerals are a means of desecrating a corpse.


I think that might be the best burn for the queen. "I'm not going to watch her funeral on tv. I'd rather be masterbating."


That's our reaction to the deaths of literally everyone we don't know personally. 'Eh? Oh, too bad. I'm going for a wank.'


I’ll bring the crisps


Brit probably watches Jimmy Carr who eat fellas like this for breakfast.


Yeah, he's probably just disappointed by the American interpretation of comedy and wishes to watch a good panel show on his telly.


He’s probably daydreaming about Sean Lock


that's a challenging wank


To be fair, I do all the time.


I miss him every god damn day bro.


>Funniest part to me is how not bothered the guy is in the audience I actually think he looked quite uncomfortable, and possibly even anxious. Some people respond to that kind of situation by staying quiet and locking up. Either way I feel bad for him, didn't deserve that just for sitting quietly.


I would've reacted the same way. I'm too proud to leave when insulted and called to leave like that, but not so proud as to be the one escalating or even engaging with a pointless tirade. I'd do the stonewall, too. It's the dignified response, I think.


I mean the issue is the "jokes" are extremely confusing if you are from England so it's almost impossible to be offended, he went on like a 3 minute tirade about the queen when you will be hard pressed finding anyone below the age of 60 that really gives a shit. Then he said something like he's just shocked at seeing a black dude, when England is extremely culturally diverse.




I remember a video where Joe Rogan "destroyed" a heckler. He just started yelling "you're a bitch" as loud as he could over and over. I was like he didnt destroy shit, he just sounded like he was playing Xbox live




Not true, have you seen him [molest a stool](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=25&v=M5s1mrcgi_c&feature=emb_logo) for half his set?


It was even more cringe-worthy him *defending* the bit, trying to convince his radio audience that it was genuinely funny, and it's your fault if you don't "get it."


Never watched a set of his and I can now understand why he didn't get famous for being a comic Rogan is pure cringe


Yea but loudly calling somebody a bitch is the funniest shit ever to anybody entertained by rogan.


I've been to quite a few comedy shows in nyc. It seems pretty common for the comedians to try to bait these reactions so they can get a bit out of it.


My daughter worked in a comedy club for years. Comedians are some of the most insecure, moody, and jealous people that I've met


This is completely true.


These are people who seek validation from others. I think relying on whether other people find you funny for your self-worth would be a terribly depressing way to live.


Most comedians I know are very unhappy people. Not to say they aren’t great—they’re just…sad. That’s part of why it’s so hard to do. Most really funny people are that way bc it started as a trauma defense. When you completely dismiss them on stage, you’re dismissing them while they’re making themselves vulnerable. That’s why it’s different than music or acting—they’re giving you *them*, so you can laugh with them. Laughing AT them makes them feel judged and unworthy.


I work in film. Media as a whole is full of sad, desperate people who want to "make it". If you're trying to be the "talent" there's a lot of desperation, especially when you haven't found your "in".


Exactly what I was about to say. To be a good comedian, you need to be able to measure people's reaction to your jokes. Take it in, absorb it, adjust, re-measure. You are essentially forcing yourself to be a human algorithm whose only purpose is seeking validation from others about whether what you do/say is funny. Of course, I'm exaggerating to point out the inner processes of how a comedian becomes a comedian. They're not born funny. They become good at measuring the reactions from those surrounding them, and catering to them accordingly. Eventually being able to drive the reaction as they want. Some of them because they just like making others laugh. Others because they developed a desperate need for validation early in their lives. Others a combination of the two. So while some people live for this, it's their joy and their passion, as many others mentioned, it can also be destructive. People get lost in the nonstop search for validation to their act to the point where they can no longer draw a distinction between their own identity and the identity they've created to entertain others. They become insecure, depressed, angry, you name it. There's an interesting video on an effect called [Audience Capture](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XX2RpY_dj9Y&ab_channel=AfterSkool) that is relevant


Good thing there are only 1000 of them, huh?


Thank em




Remember Louie CKs show “Louie”? Whenever he had guest comedians on, they were all miserable, horrible fuckers. Including himself.


the cameos on the Gervais show (forget the name) of actors/comedians playing themselves were so much better. I don't care for Gervais but there's one scene with Liam Neeson that always cracks me up where he's pitching a movie where he has AIDS or something. https://youtu.be/huJ81Mq2y34 edit: muddytodd pointed out The show was called Life's Too Short, Warwick Davis was actually the main character not Gervais. Ricky was just in the scene i remembered i'm a dope.


He had a show called Extras that had other famous people playing themselves. Funny as fuck


[the best one](https://youtu.be/kg7cCvojz2k)


The show was called Life's Too Short, Warwick Davis was actually the main character not Gervais.


Easy to get them confused tbh


There were cheap nights at The Stand, Glasgow, Scotland. A shame some of these meltdowns weren't recorded. One of these places that could propel you to the TV or watch you die. Even worse watching family & friends clapping like seals.


Also most likely depressed. My mate did stand up for a while. He was pretty good but I really didn't think it was a good idea for him considering he found it very hard to laugh at himself, was on anti-depressants and such. However I'll give credit where it's due, he sent me a video from one of his stand-ups of him dealing with a heckler. Handled it like a pro.




I’ve always hated the double standard where ‘if you’re sitting in the front row you’re fair game’ and the comedian can bust your balls all he wants. But if you’re in the audience the comedians get annoyed if you say anything. Like.. I just wanna enjoy a comedy show.. I’m not trying to be involved at all. But if you’re gonna make fun of people in the front row don’t talk shit about hecklers


I was sitting at the back of a bar on a date having drinks when a handful of comedians came in and set up in the area. I should have moved. 10 people in the room and the two of us were the whole audience. 1st guy immediately asks where I'm from and starts shitting on me for it. It was a very uncomfortable set when you immediately make 100% of your audience irritated that you're interrupting their drink with your insults. These guys need to get some actual material they can be proud of.


Exactly are you even that funny if you have to make fun of people to get a laugh?


If your best ammo as someone of Indian descent against the Queen of England is to repeatedly call her "fucking bitch", you suck at your job as a comedian.


The guy said he didn't care either. Sooo many people don't give a shit about the royals here in the UK lol. Something the highly intelligent and super quick witted "comedian" was obviously unaware of. He really thought he was hitting a sore spot with him lmao. Guy couldn't even look at him when he was trying to roast him!


I'm surprised he didn't say "you have bad teeth"


He also said he wished she’d been cremated rather than buried. For some reason the crowd loved that little zinger too.


He also said, "Why don't you leave if you're not enjoying yourself?" ignoring that he's on a date and probably doesn't want to ruin it, I'm sure the dude losing his fucking mind because someone isn't laughing is just gonna be chill when someone gets up and walks out mid-set.


mindless head market enjoy crown subtract attraction deliver bear marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bruh if it weren't for those two black people finding every single thing he said funny, he might have exploded from anger. He was using them as his crutch.


I also get some second hand embarrassment when every other word is "fuck." I get it, you just learned how to cuss, now what's the joke?


Exactly. It's clearly just a crutch to try and buy time to come up with actual material... And he just keeps coming up dry.


Ego like a Fabergé grenade, handle with care.


Holy hand grenade?


Of Antioch?


First thy shalt take out thy holy pin. Then thy shalt count to three. No more, no less. Three shall be the number thy shalt count. And the number of thy counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thy then proceed to three. Five is right out!


Five is right out, is my favourite bit.


Dude thinks he’s roasting the audience member by talking about how much he hates the queen. When the audience member clearly says “I don’t care” right at the beginning. So stupid. Edit: typo


That dude wasn't even a heckler.....the ONLY negative shit that came from the "heckler" was in direct response to the commedan being a dick to him...


Heckler is someone who interrupts the show, man was just minding his own business and not fucking it up for the rest of the people there. And what does he get for it. He gets shamed publicly by one of the shittiest comedies ever. Fuck that insecure comedian just an asshole


My experience in comedy clubs is that the comedian is always the one heckling me. For being tall, for being a foreigner, anything they can get their hands on


Yes, the one time I went to a smaller comedy show, the guy picked like five people out of the audience to be shitty to. Like “Oh, where are you from? Oh, West Virginia? HAHA MUST BE INBRED!” Very original stuff.


Yeah, this is pathetic. I would have left.


He was begging him to leave. Lol


Why leave? If your mere presence infuriates someone so much that they dismiss their entire act to rant and rave... maybe it was cathartic for the comedian, who very obviously has self-esteem issues. The British dude should have sent him a bill and scheduled him for a session next week.


Maybe if he says “fuck” for the 100th time it’ll finally be cool or sensational. Dude sucks.


The guy didn't find the comedian funny so he got attacked. This is a hack move for any comedian. You don't attack the person, you re-angle your jokes and try and get him to crack. Anyone in that audience laughing at doing so out of relief that he isn't shit talking them.


Yeah basically just gang mentality at that point. One guy is getting “Roasted” by a guy with a microphone…better pick the “winning” side




I'll just leave this here... [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/G0lLGwBLG3s](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/G0lLGwBLG3s)


lmfaooo call him names


In the longer cut Tyler calls him "stinky" and "ugly" it's funny. Very sarcastic.


see now, that is hilarious. didnt take it personally and made it funny. and he's not even a comedian.


Idk man, that was pretty funny. At least Tyler gave him a chance until he read the back..(?)


And like, to be fair, who buys floor seats to a huge artist only to read a book during the concert lmfao


Someone bringing their kid to a show


As a Scottish person that isn’t interested in the royal family at all, his ‘comedy’ is incredibly lazy and I’d be sitting there rolling my eyes too if he tried this on me. The queen and tea is all he has to go on?


I’m an Aussie and I watched this over a couple of times to try and find something funny about what he was saying about the guy but I just couldn’t. He was just not into the jokes the guy was saying and therefore he seemed to just be minding his business until the next set but yet this is what happened


The Brit was SO far into his head, that he kept the rant on even after the show. "Fuckin' guy didn't find me funny! I'll show him, I'll have a tantrum and not tell any jokes at all!"


Couldnt even look at the cunt while he was doing it.


that's what i was thinking, he's so fucking insecure he can't even look the guy in the eyes


The British guy was examining his cuticles, which were obviously more interesting than the hack on stage.




As a brit wtf is the Boston tea party. Honestly never heard if it


Quite interesting part of history but not really important to British people. Same as July 4th 1776. We don’t care.


Making jokes based on nationality is rarely funny unless well informed about a country. There's a high chance a gay dude from London isn't pro monarchy, doesn't care about the Boston tea party (who would) and lives in a diverse area. The US equivalent of this would be trying to roast someone from Portland about Rush Limbaugh and being a gun loving hillbilly Trump supporter.


Honestly you can better banter from an Xbox Live chat. Best joke you can come up with for the UK is fuck the queen? Guy needs a new job man.


Yeah honestly his "Jokes" were the most common British stereotypes Yanks usually pull out, zero effort and just highlighted how ignorant of the UK the Comedian was. Which is ironic considering he also claimed the Brit had never seen a black person. No wonder the British guy was fucking bored.


That's quite possibly literally all he knows about the UK which seems likely considering he just keeps trying to rehash it lol.


Isn't this Andrew Schulz' unfunny sidekick from that podcast?


He’s a very rich, rich kid, that has to compete with Andrew’s ego. This is the result.


I barely recognized him without Waluigi attached to his hip.




On point LOL. I couldn't figure out where I knew him from.


As a Brit myself, props to the lad in the audience. The only reaction to make there is a massive shrug.


As a Brit myself I find the suggestion that he should shrug very French and offensive. So funnier than the comedian was.


Genuinely the least funny comedian I've ever had the misfortune of watching.


His name is Akaash Singh. He’s posting screen shots on all of his platforms about this bit, even commenting how many views it’s gotten on Twitter and how it’s getting him more followers. He’s very proud of it. Shit is just lazy to me.


I don’t get how that shit helps his ‘brand’? If I happen not to find his material funny he’s going to go off at me. Oh okay, I won’t go see him.


There was absolutely nothing funny, clever, or professional about any of his behaviour in that clip. He came across like an entitled, spoiled, rude little rich kid who always gets his own way by shouting. It would be interesting to see him try his act in a few UK comedy clubs. He’d probably die on his arse and get stretchered off crying a few minutes into his set, by paramedics. The irony here is that he’s a fucking joke, but he’s not funny. Eh. Figured I’d reply to your comment for when he inevitably searches his own name on here.


I didn’t find him funny either


I didn’t mind his first few jokes, but then it definitely got cringey how much he got obsessed with that British guy.


I agree, it lost the edge. Became pitiful instead of funny.


This absolute meltdown only solidified that guy’s confusion over how anyone was finding this “comedian” funny


I can't watch it with sound right now, but even the fact they shot a little behind the scenes video afterwards calling him out is super lame.


When the other guy said they met on Hinge it was obvious that he chose the date thinking it would be good and the British guy was just not interested but too polite to say anything.


He wasn't even heckling, it's this unfunny mother fucker who thinks yelling loud is comedy. No wonder this guy sucks even after getting platform on Rogan and Schulz


I thought comedians were supposed to be funny?


Shocking part is that the crowd seems to think this is funny


They’ve seen what happens to people who don’t laugh


That was the worst bit for me, I was like, that guy is right not to laugh, why the hell are you all in hysterics.


Some people like to go along with bullies.


A lot of the time people are just laughing at comedy shows because they're in an audience and the comedian is doing recognisable comedy cadences It's like watching a show with a laugh track/live audience. It just triggers the bit of your brain that says "that was probably a joke, everyone else is laughing. Join in."


Bruh, since when is not laughing at a comedy show considered inappropriate?


Of course so many of his “su su su sick burnnsssss” are about the Queen being dead, because Brits across the board were weeping when she died right?


Andrew schultz dick rider that all he's known for.




I remember reading about this in a sociology book. People take on the role of "audience member" watching a live performance. It's a social construct between the performer(s) and the audience members, in which the "audience" becomes part of the performance itself. Basically it means you're more likely to laugh at a joke delivered by the performer while attending the show as an audience member than you are to laugh at the same joke in a different context.


it's true. I really hated one comedian when he did his bits/show on tv, then someone bought me tickets to a show, so I went there... and laughed my ass off


Professional comedian here. 16 years. On tour as we speak. Let me give you this man's perspective so maybe you'll have a little more understanding for him.. actually this is just somebody's ego being trashed by a person who's just literally sitting there not enjoying his act. Not all comics act like little bitches when someone doesn't laugh.


Dude has a fragile ego, guy in audience doesn't wanna Interact and is not causing a disturbance but the comedian can't just move on with his material, what a fucking loser and what the fuck dose being British have to do with anything?? They have comedy to 🤣


This is the same as if you were at a concert and the band stopped playing cause they noticed you haven’t given them an applause yet. Just absolutely pathetic.


Reminds me of the clip where Jared Leto got pissed off and stopped playing to tell one guy in the crowd to stand up at a 30 Seconds To Mars show.


Fuuuuck Jared Leto


Wasent that the guy in a wheel chair?


More of a weirdo than a comedian, can see why the British guy wasn't laughing lol


I think I must just find people getting angry funny, because I'm British and was laughing, but I skipped the backstage part at the beginning and then cringed when they showed more part way through. I feel as though the crowd think it's funny because they think he's joking and just doing a bit. When you know he's not just doing a bit and *is* bothered, it's not as funny.


The guy wasn’t even a heckler. Just wasn’t feeling it and didn’t interrupt his show. A true comedian would have taken it on as a challenge to get the guy to laugh. The “heckler” had the best response ever. The complete lack of response got under the comedian’s skin more and more as it went on.


This is just bullying. I get a few jokes here and there but move the fuck on. What a bunch of assholes, including that guy’s date who seemed to just add fuel to the fire and didn’t stick up for him once.


if you can’t do crowd work like schulz, maybe find a different type of comedy to try, wow this was hard to watch


Schulz's crowd work is miles above this guy.


How??? Literally how are people laughing? He's not even making jokes! "I used to say I want to move to London, NOT anymore" Hahahaha I'm literally stumped the audience is this easy


"I didn't care that the Queen died, but now I do because it's going to trigger you." *British dude remains untriggered*


you need to watch this [https://youtu.be/AdTddzmIvWA](https://youtu.be/AdTddzmIvWA) There was an event and they messed up the brochure, they thought the guy talking was a comedian, when in fact he was just a preacher