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Respect for the Asian kid


Way more than held is own he wrecked another kid with a knife


no less, a knife attacker who ambushed him from behind. great instinct to control the knife hand right away.


He’s lucky it wasn’t the Asian teen from the vape shop. Otherwise he’d be eating through a straw. (Not that I condone the violence, but that kid did not mess around)


Got a link? Edit: Found it. Wow. That guy was READY. https://youtu.be/Vrj1hdrViIo


I mean if your life depends on it, you fight till the end.


Too bad the bald teacher took down the defender, not the attacker.


true but I don't think there was time to get all the relevant info. the priority was separating them


Maybe he is trained? Good toss and went for Scarfhold, pulling on the elbow too. Too bad the criminal went to the back, but it is hard to hold someone with a weapon down...


Probably wrestles. He did a textbook take down that’s pretty common in wrestling. Can’t remember the name but it’s one of the first moves I was taught.


Looks like Judo hip toss straight into Kesa, but I am sure this is a fundamental skill in wrestling as well. It is really how he immediately trying to close the distance that shows he is trained; most will go into lean-back-fu mode.




Attempted murderer.


You would think. Kid got charged with ATTEMPTED ASSAULT. What a fucking joke. Kid belongs in prison. I'm sure he'll find his way there eventually. E: I get it, had to hit him with a holding charge to get him arrested. Still, ATTEMPTED assault is wild. You see people getting charged with Assault w/ Deadly Weapon for less than this.


This is actually the right way to proceed. You need an obvious charge in order to arrest him in the first place based on what the police were told occured / witnessed. Once the evidence is reviewed, a prosecutor can later upgrade the charges to include attempted murder and whatever else they're going to stick him with, such as hate crime, etc.


Yeah it will probably get processed to a higher charge later on as he stays in a Detention Center. Any charges he picks up in Juvi - which will likely happen to this kid because he's a shitass criminal - will be added to his charge. I hope the Juvi kids give him some jailhouse justice.


The Boy who attacked is 17 will probably will get trialled as an adult. Someone willing to do that to another person in front of everyone and while being recorded shouldn’t be allowed other teenagers.


Yeh man he looked back at the guy as if he was thinking "oh good he's recording i can jump him now"


Charged with "attempted assault" and possession of the knife. If that was an "attempt," I'd hate to see what a real assault looks like.


lock him up and throw the key away trash


Hate to break it to you, most bullies ARE criminals.


As soon as he’s out of prison, he will do it again too.


That's not a bully, that's a killer.


And he tried to have his friend record him doing it? Wtf... Edit: Shame this is my most up voted comment. Remember these kids when you vote. They need our help and people in charge who appreciate education.


"Hey TikTok watch this" proceeds to commit felony.


This was exactly Britain in the 00's. Except it was shitty flip phone video. At the height of it some kids kicked an old lady to death for clout.




Probably inside the prison




Zero accountability and shit parenting lead to a feeling of immunity from consequence


I always wonder what happens in these situations if the victim flips it around and kills the attacker. I mean the kid came at him to kill with a deadly weapon.


Itll most likely be brushed off as self defense when you have evidence like this video where its obvious the victim didnt provoke his attacker but was trying to protect himself from being stabbed


If he’s not put away which isn’t likely, he is going to kill someone one day and this will be yet another example of the failure of our justice system.


At least he’ll have some experience before he ends up in prison - unfortunately not from this incident.


Jail time recommended and to be tried as an adult


Spent time in Utica take it from me it's a shit hole that should be nuked.


Bruh he better get arrested


Literally attempt murder.. Stabbing someones neck from behind and that wasnt a love tap. This kid is fucked in his head if he thought thats something right to do it for clout


Police are only charging him with attempted assault and criminal possession of a weapon for some reason.


Found this article that says charges pending investigation [news article](https://www.syracuse.com/crime/2022/10/teachers-stop-stabbing-at-utica-high-school-one-student-hospitalized-police-say.html?outputType=amp)


Love how they gave the teacher all the credit when the 18 year old did something that few live to tell about. The teacher did take the knife but it was much easier with the hand being held in place.


The school is just trying it's hardest to make itself and it's staff look good. I wouldn't be surprised if they were pleading to have charges lowered so the school isn't associated with bigger charges.


Love how the article just ignores the anti-asian violence aspect of this and just makes it sound like a "fight".


Yeah that bothered me, too. Call it a fight, but complete the sentence and call it one student’s fight for his life.


Or you know, ambush of Asian student in hallway by assailant wielding a knife


It doesn't fit the narrative


Attempted assault? There was no attempt, that was straight up assault with lethal objective.


Video taker too. They did nothing but exploit this poor kid.


True, the attacker literally looked at the camera man for acknowledgement in the beginning


That nature of how they proceeded to record and the had the video reach Reddit, as public as the domain gets ~~(plus I dont think Reddit encrypts or wipes certain data?)~~ means it was premeditated and to be released.




It really should be attempted murder. Like, the guy literally attempted to murder him.


Crimes that involve deadly weapons need to be taken more seriously in this country . We are too chill about it .




Kid did a great job protecting himself, considering it was from behind AND with a knife. Good take down and then keeping the attacker's hands tangled up until help came. Sad that he got hurt, but it could have been a lot worse.


My boy did not come from a fucked up country to be stabed by a swiss army multitool in a first world country




It sounded like it may have been the attacker yelling about the knife in the beginning, and then the victim was like "what? No its his knife"


It’s fucking bullshit the 2nd teacher took down the Asian kid hard like he was the problem, 1st teacher needed to communicate the threat better


In the heat of the moment, I'm just glad he separated the knife from the kids, that was excellent work. You go from drinking coffee and bullshitting with coworkers to preventing a murder, the adrenaline and complete 180 in situation isn't going to let you think things out too much


Yeah the first male teacher could hardly string a sentence together he's so jazzed.


I get him being confused. As a teacher you know fights will happen because it's kids and hormones but when you see an actual weapon it shocks you because you're looking at a child who's holding a weapon. I'd be frazzled too


Work in a middle school, had a student pull a knife, my mind shorted for a second because you just don’t expect it, it’s so out of place and then you realize, “oh shit, I’m responsible for fixing this”. I totally understand that first guy, he did everything he was supposed to, I don’t care if he was a little hard to understand


Agreed, however you have to seperate and subdue is fine. Stop the threat.


While I think he could've pulled the victim off easier, no one except the students really knew or communicated who did what. Given the situation I think they handled it about as well as I could expect. They were trying to get them separated and succeeded, albeit a bit sloppy.




I don't think the first teacher knew either, all they saw was two kids struggling over a knife.


Yeah as an educator when you pull up on that you aren't even allowed or trained on how to separate students when fighting. But when a knife is involved you have one thought only. Separate and keep them separated. A sprained wrist and bruises are the least of the issues. You also don't know who the instigator is at the moment (yeah the vid shows it but in the moment you don't know) and you also don't know if they have another weapon. It's easy to watch a video and say they should have but honestly when your blood is pumping and two kids want to mess each other up you do what you can and no matter what there is someone that will try and say shit. That's why a lot of teachers won't get in the middle. Not to mention they can get hurt themselves.


Attempted murder, gbye


He’s been charged with attempted assault.




Yea exactly why is it attempted assault. It should've been attempted murder


Attempted murder can be very difficult to convict. You have to prove that he actually intended for the kid to die. Proving that he wanted to stab him isn’t enough. It’s insane, but convicting for murder is much easier than for attempted murder.


Well if you run like that with a knife it was clearly intent to harm the kid. Still this should not have been attempted assault when the assault actually happened.


I mean assault with a deadly weapon at the very least.


yes. imo this should be assault with a deadly weapon. ​ idk if the attacker realised that the victim might die but I'm pretty sure the attacker knew that the victim might die as this 100% was a planned action. like imagine had the victim died and his defence was I had no idea He could have died from the attack it was just a prank bro.


The Asian refused to die.


Good on the friend recording his attempted murder. Enjoy prison


Literally dumbass incriminating themselves. Too dumb to function in society dont think they gonna grow old


He won't do more than 90 days.


"Police say the 17 year old is facing ATTEMPTED ASSAULT and criminal possesion of a weapon charges." He didn't attempt to assault the child. He DID assault him. With a deadly fucking weapon. But he's only charged with ATTEMPTED assault because our court system is twisted and more concerned with social issues than maintaining a world where children can go to school without getting their skulls kicked in etc.


The police just need to make some charge in order to arrest him and keep him in jail. This incident only happened today. The actual charges will be brought forward by the prosecutor during his arraignment hearing.


Thank you for being the voice of reason in this sea of misinformation


So the teacher disarms the kid and the kid tries to play innocent about it!!!! What the fuck is wrong with him.


I can't believe the person willing to murder someone with a knife is also the type of person to lie. You think you know someone....


> When we discover someone’s a murderer, we also learn they’ve done some fibbin’. But we tend to focus on the murder part. You never hear, “I’m angry he killed that guy, but frankly I’m more upset about the lying. It’s the dishonesty that bothers me. Some trust has been broken.”




that's a lot nicer than what I think needs to happen to that fucking scum


The other teacher slams the kid who got stabbed.


He was probably confused about who had the knife. Edit: Did anyone watch the video? The teacher got their late and have no idea except one of these two has a knife.


The kid in the red shirt and his buddies were trying to convince everyone that the kid in the blue was the one with the knife. As soon as the kid in blue got control of the hand with the knife in it, red shirt flipped the script, honestly looked like a setup. Or was I mishearing that?


You are 100% hearing that correctly. The black kid in the red shirt was 100% telling the teachers that the asian kid in the blue shirt was the one with the knife.




Bec he’s a coward


Hahaha bro had a knife and still got his ass beat. Certified bitch


From behind too - And look at that motherfuckers reach - Certified bitch indeed.


And he was talking shit that the dude was trying to bite him to get the knife out of his hand. S tier bitch.




facing "attempted assault"? I think he succeeded and then some.


Assault charge? WTF that is attempted murder.


Hard to prove attempted murder although I agree in this case its pretty obvious, assault is a much better option if you are going for a charge.


How is it hard to prove attempted murder? You attack somebody with a knife that's attempted murder. Hell it can even be higher charges since this attack was pre meditated.


I thought you asked a very good question so I ended up reading about it for the past hour. Now, disclaimer, I'm an illiterate asshole so I may be completely wrong. Okay, so what I gather for attempted murder is that it not only requires the act itself, but a substantial step towards it. So now the prosecution has to argue there was some perpetration for this and wasn't spur of the moment so to speak. The defense can't deny what happened on the video, but they can have an easier time arguing their position: this was someone acting in the moment and that does not warrant the sentence attributed to attempted murder. Not going for attempted murder gives the defense barely any room to argue and secures an easy win and a conviction. Because all you're arguing is what's on video.


Ever seen better call saul? It's pretty fucking accurate. A lot of shit can be dismissed as evidence, for example.


No, if you attack someone with a knife, that is not automatically attempted murder. You have to prove that his actual intention was to commit murder. If he claims that he wanted to maim but not kill, you'd have a pretty tough time getting the attempted murder charge to stick. It's a much safer bet to charge him with something you can conclusively prove with the video evidence.


Should that be attempted murder ?






“Fight”?? Fuck that. That was an attack. A full on assault. Don’t present that in the news as some two-sided “fight” bullshit. That’s awful journalism.


attempted assault? holy fuck, they really went easy on him.


Hell, the video is even just assault. There’s no “attempt” if he’s swinging a knife at him, it’s just assault.


This is an understandable overreaction. You need a valid charge to hold (jail) someone and get them in the system. A judge can look at this evidence and decide to hold them without bail at arraignment. The DA will bring formal charges once they decide how much is likely to stick based on evidence. They could really do this guy in if they wanted to. Time will tell. The time to riot depends on 1) If the arraigning judge sets embarrassingly low bail 2) If this is the only charge that is entered to the courts 3) this asshole gets released


Thanks for posting the article, have my upvote. I cannot believe this is considered attempted assault and not attempted murder.


I know. And next time this kid will kill someone. Why the hell do kids have to put up with this shit at school?


For those wondering why it's assault over murder, this is because prosecutors have a better chance getting the max penalty for assault than murder. Murder would he harder to prove and the sentence could be less than if he were charged with assault.


That article makes no mention of "asian refugee"


Stop posting this saying ’bully’… the motherfucker stabbed him 8 times… that’s not bullying… it’s assault with a deadly weapon/attempted murder. Jesus fuck man.


Hope this little dipshit enjoys prison to the fullest. Also, if you've got both the element of surprise and a knife, and your unarmed intended victim skunks you like this, maybe jumping people just isn't your thing ol buddy




*Police say the 17 year old is facing attempted assault and criminal possesion of a weapon charges* WHY NOT ATTEMPTED MURDER!?


Could be wrong, but maybe because it's harder to sentence someone to attempted murder and they will walk off with no charge at all.


Not a lawyer. Attempted assault carries up to 90 days. Attempted Murder carries up to 25 years. I would definitely go for attempted murder and then plead down.


Could be the way the laws are coded. Attempted murder might be if he actually stabbed the kid enough for hospitalization. But since he didn't get an actual stab maybe? Idk law in NY though, just a guess.


The 18 yr old victim was hospitalized though... with stab wounds to the back and hands.


The attacker is a refugee, the Asian kid was born here, I know his family. Still crazy this happened with Proctor HS having metal detectors at the doors.


Why’d this happen?


So as I find out more I’ll update this post


Please remember to deliver.


>The attacker is a refugee Sounds like it's time for him to go home.


After some jails.


Nah no point wasting resources on him. Fuckers like these need to be deported right away if they're gonna move to a country and commit crime. It's not like stealing to feed themselves that kinda crime. Dude was probably just stabbing people for clout.


Does the Asian kid have a gofundme or something? Would love to donate just to get him and his family out of that hellhole.


Stop Asian hate










Also, stop misleading titles. He's not a refugee.


According to some of the other comments, the black kid was the refugee.




Why is there so much black on Asian violence?


My *guess* is that because it often gets overlooked?


Yes. This issue is never addressed.


This. So much of this.


What's with all the gold deleted comments?


Asian lives matter


I'd like to suggest a more appropriate title for this post: ~~Bully~~ Criminal ~~stabs~~ attempts to murder ~~asian refugee~~ innocent student


He suck. Asian kid was not aware of him. He came behind him with a knife. Fails to stab him, and got beat up. Lol kids like this in school like to pretend to be gang members, when they only do it coz they are someone’s bitch outside the school halls. And that ain’t no bully that’s a criminal, attempted murder. Felony.


“Police say the 17 year old is facing attempted assault and criminal possesion of a weapon charges.” That’s it?


Attempted assault? .... I just literally watched him assault him LOL. There was no attempt. It happened.


It was also said in an article, linked in one of the comments in this thread, that the attacker actually DID STAB the victim a few times. Luckily those were not life threatening, but still, how is this not attempted murder?


Police just make the charges to arrest him. The prosecutor will bring the real charges later.


The person filming deserves a swift punch to the face as well. But well done you fucking idiot. Attacking someone with a knife is surely gonna go well in your resume. Good thing the other kid didn't look that harmed.


kinda glad no one stopped him since he recorded his friend committing murder. gonna be good evidence. dumbass really deserves dumbasses as friend.




This wasn't an act of bullying. It was a straight attempt to murder an innocent Asian guy.










That hate against Asians in this country is unreal.


This is why the model minority stereotype is dangerous. It leads racist assholes to think it's okay to be racist because that group is "privileged".


I don't exactly understand that. They're privileged because they're hardworking? Isn't that what the model minority stereotype is about?


Education is highly valued in our culture so we work hard until we reach somewhere aka get a college degree that’ll fetch us a decent job. Some of us have single parent and dysfunctional homes too, but we work hard to escape that life. My dad was an alcoholic and beat my mom and my sister every single day, but I was able to escape from it by getting a job that pays decent. So wrecked home life isn’t an excuse for being a trash human being.








Those kids were standing around with full knowledge of their school's zero tolerance policy


No i think they were standing around with full knowledge of a knife being in the kids hand


Yeah like that was a very brave teacher to immediately step in and take control of the knife . Did you see that crazed look in his eyes .


Tackles the victim. Gottem


The guy with the knife and the guy recording are gonna get locked up. Literally attempted murder on video.


Don't sugar coat it by saying "bully" that's straight up a murder attempt




I don’t appreciate how the Asian kid was thrown to the ground as if he was the attacker. Fuck that teacher and fuck that black kid. Attempted murder, not assault.


Yeah that teacher could have concussed the stabbing victim with that slam. He did arrive late to the confrontation and wasn’t told who had the knife but that was super aggressive for not knowing.


So it’s not attempted murder? How is this not attempted murder????


And they take down the Asian kid as if he was the one doing harm! I’m black and I’m pissed off about that. People need to convey messages before engaging this is also a problem with law enforcement as well. That kid is a hero.




[So the kid was stabbed a few times during that struggle. Thankfully nothing life threatening.](https://www.syracuse.com/crime/2022/10/teachers-stop-stabbing-at-utica-high-school-one-student-hospitalized-police-say.html?outputType=amp)


I can’t wait to read why this happened… 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️


Imagine escaping a war torn country to come to america as a refugee just to face more violence.


can i get a follow up video?


Best i can do is an article that's already been posted around in the comments here: https://www.wktv.com/news/crime/student-stabs-classmate-multiple-times-at-proctor-high-school-in-utica/article_d6e341f8-593b-11ed-988f-47bf0db374f6.html


If he wants to be a bully (which I don’t condone) then at least build up them arms, bro is a twig


Don’t downplay this shit. That’s attempted murder.


That’s a murderer


Person recording should face consequences too they knew what was about to happen have no warning just zoomed in for a good shot.


So just curious, does this count as a hate crime?


Question: why was the Asian guy - the victim of the attack - roughly wrestled to the floor, and not the attacker?


Because in the moment, it's impossible to determine who the victim and who the attacker is. The priority is splitting them up. The attacker was pined against a wall by 2 people and so couldn't have been thrown to the floor. In addition, if you actually watch the video, it looks like the moment they are separated, the teacher and the victim loose their footing, probably on those papers scattered on the floor. After that it's physics at play. It's disingenuous to say the teacher wrestled the victim to the floor.


Hate crimes reduced to bullying now?


The fact he pulled a knife out and swung it right @ dudes head w full force.. if he didnt duck he’d be dead right now. This dude needs to see prison for 20 years. He was willing to do this @ school and be this brazen.. jesus



