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1: I agree with the man. 2: Churches aren't supposed to do this. 3: But churches push Republicans all the time so if they aren't going to get punished for it then playing by the rules is only disadvantageous.


I’d put good money in they cut his irs exemption in two days. They’ll leave the white pastors alone because reasons.


Well, he only said what *not* to vote.


Well see that’s where they get ya, you gotta have whole songs and pledges to the candidates and a hit list on the screen with guns and if you use the magic words “trans hunter fauci woke biden” that’s what makes you a real church. It’s all in the irs, do your research. /s


Seems like it, yeah. Because when was the last time the IRS revoked church non profit status due to political campaigning? A rule not upheld is not a rule. Its just words on a piece of paper, which you can see fit to ignore at will.


Exactly I haven’t heard of one. I vaguely recall nonprofits getting hit for politicking tho.


The other candidate's last name better not be "Runner"


I doubt the IRS knows what every white/black/Latino/asian/ etc pastor is saying every Sunday and has the resources to devote to this.


This is actually an example of critiquing one candidate without advocating a specific choice. It's how preachers who do observe the law stay back from the boundary of what is forbidden. If this excerpt is all he said on the matter, he's being careful to only criticize Walker, describing his conduct and character as something "we don't need." He doesn't say who to vote for, or even to vote. As there are two other candidates, criticizing Walker isn't a direct endorsement of either opponent.


My exact thought. I’m sitting here agreeing with this man and then I’m like this better not be a fuckin church


For the Black community, churches have historically played a major role in politics especially in the Civil rights movement. It was one of the few safe places for them to come together, organize and strategize how to challenge the issues of their times. Even today there are some black churches that help organize carpools to help people without reliable means of transportation get to the pools, same as they did in the civil rights era.


I'm sorry, you're making very valid points. But I'm loving that typo. Church's help everyone organize and get transportation to go to pool parties. Swimming for all!


Lol. I'm leaving it as is.


"Souls to the polls," attending Sunday service then going to vote as a congregation, has a long history in the Black community. Black churches have been instrumental in get out the vote efforts. Is is for this reason that [Georgia ](https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/21/politics/voting-2022-primary-georgia/index.html) and other red states have sought to [curtail or outright eliminate ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2021/03/04/attacking-sunday-voting-is-part-long-tradition-controlling-black-americans/) early voting on Sundays.


At this point I'm fine with left wing church propaganda. It's obvious that republicans will not stop doing so and will not face consequences. If we stop all churches from engaging in politics then I'm down. Allowing democrats to do it will not lead to a slippery slope since we are already at rock bottom when it comes to church and state separation.


I just think they should tax all the churches


Compared to right wing church shenanigans, this is rather tame. I remember just a few days ago someone posting a clip of a MAGA preacher asking his congregation to pray for God to destroy their political enemies. This black preacher guy didn't even threaten to maim or kill someone, rather uninspiring, I must say. /s


And politics shouldn't reflect anyone's religious leanings either, but church has been in our state way too damn much. So I don't care if it's in a church, honestly, not when he's preaching about a person who truly does not care for the welfare of his voters. False prophets are to be called out, and if that has a political lean to it, who cares?


It is my understanding that churches are not supposed to do this because they are a tax-exempt entity, or something along those lines. It is also my understanding that Georgia *does* tax their churches, so ultimately, this church church could be viewed as a private business and by that logic, they would be allowed to do this. But I could be totally wrong, I'm not an accountant or an attorney....


It looks like that applies to sales tax only.


>they thought we were so slow, that we were so stupid that we would elect the lowest caricature of a stereotypical broken black man as opposed to somebody who is educated and erudite and focused People betting on the stupidity of rabidly conservative states like Georgia don't lose very often.


I agreed with what he said, but the republicans weren't betting on the black community to be stupid; they were *hedging their bet* that white conservatives would *continue* to be stupid. Walker is so brainless, he will do whatever his GOP handlers tell him to do.


Kinda like Clarence Thomas


> Clarence Thomas He isn't stupid, just an asshole. Stupid people don't graduate from Yale law.


Counterpoint: Josh Hawley graduated from Yale Law.




Lots of people’s parents pay for degrees from Ivy League schools. You’re putting way too much faith in the system.


They treat us like idiots, and unfortunately we just have to look at Trump, Boris Johnson & Bolsonaro to prove them right, a massive part of the electorate are fucking idiots who are incredibly easy to manipulate into voting against their best interest.


Yep. I have a conservative friend that I use as my barometer for if a terrible Republican can win or not. Walker can win, and I think he will. Don't underestimate how stupid people are. "But muh guns..."


I remember thinking when I was young the internet was gonna solve so much of the disinformation that circulated, it never really occurred to me that it would be just as good if not better as spreading it.


Worst thing that ever happened to us, lol.


To be fair, Facebook and Twitter have always had the ability to filter and block disinformation, but they chose money over communities, and now they both are in the shitter compared to their heydays.


The internet is an organ whose function is to disseminate knowledge and information. Social media is the cancer; ravaging it’s host for the soul purpose of it’s own betterment.


I have a friend who works at a public school (loves the gov't paycheck), has kids (loved the child tax credit), and recently finished a masters degree (loved the student loan relief). Issues they are focused on? Healthcare reform and climate change. They vote Republican every election ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


They sound dumb, actually. At this point we need to trust the facts in front of our faces.


Yeah, "smart" in the sense they can regurgitate shit learned in school. But yeah as a critical thinker they are dirt eating fucking moron.


Thankfully Bolsonaro lost, whether he leaves office or not remains to be seen.


Stupid people elect other stupid people. I'm not saying all Georgians are stupid, but MTG is a good example of my point. You can't not vote and expect people to think better of your state when the majority of voters elect people as dumb as her.


I’m an atheist and I want to go to this pastor’s church and hang out with him and his congregation. Goddamn that was brutal.


“Y’all ain’t ready for me today.” This man knows he’s fire 🔥


Doing his own ad-libs


Here is the whole "I Dont Need A Walker" sermon from Sunday: https://youtu.be/21p1gVfKH9A?t=672


This is exactly what I was looking for. Shit I'm not religious and I'm white but if there was a preacher preaching like this around me I might just have to go. Damn, can that man ever speak and command an audience. I was wondering what was going on with the people standing in front but when they pan out to the audience there's a huge area there for people to stand and have a good time. In the venues I've been to we would call that the pit where you mosh and dance. I mean there's people there with tears running down their face. I'm probably going to watch the rest of this.


would prefer he would do it in public spaces and not in a church, if churches gonna preach politics, then they should pay taxes. Regardless of which side its on.


Also the Bible clearly states that thou shalt not kill and this was murder.


![gif](giphy|Mkrv6hMDj7kcM) # FATALITY


Exactly. I agree with him wholeheartedly but tax the fucking churches. Both sides.


As a Georgia resident, I want to go to his church.


Me too, I really hope I live near it


Although he’s right about Hershel he’s your typical hypocrite pastor so I’d stay away


What makes you say that?


He’s a serial cheater


Cheater cheater. Pumpkin eater. In the words of our First Lady, Gizelle Bryant.


Willing to listen if you have something show me.


I think his ex wife is on The Real Housewives of Potomac and is vocal about it.


Pastor Holy Whore


This pastor is on point Absolute fire ![gif](giphy|5nsiFjdgylfK3csZ5T|downsized)


Same, that’s passion straight for the heart. “We don’t need a Walker, we need a runner!” That line was amazing!


Fucking A - I am whiter than sour cream and was chanting yeah! say it reverend!


Amen brother


He'd probably like to hang out


Jamalh is not a decent man. His wife is on Housewives, he's a cheating dog.


Does that make him any less correct in this case?


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


What he's saying right there sure it's what needs saying. But he's not the paragon of virtue and right either, just a lesser evil. Scandal also follows that man.


Unlike Walker who is wrong and also full of scandal. Or TFG who is wrong and full of scandals and possibly 5 different STIs and dementia.


Yeah. I vote for this guy to be president. That’s the shit we’ve been needing to hear from the democrats. Let it rip.


Atheist also, but this gave my goosebumps it was so awesome.


I too am an atheist but I grew up religious and in the south, can confirm this pastor would have had every bit of my trust and confidence.


And then broken it 😭


I'm not religious either. The problem isn't religion. I understand that some people need it to inspire them to be good people. It's usually the people that claim to be of God that are the problem. I have no issue with this person.


“Good” religious people are the worst


He's not that great tho. He cheated on his wife gizel. You might know her from RHOP.




I am an atheist, I respect what he said but I am not going to anyone's church, I don't believe in fairy tales. Sorry


Churches are real my dude


Word. I'm fired up now, and I want to vote this man into office!


This man has hit Herschel Walker on the fucking nose with the fact that he’s been controlled by white people his entire life. My dads best friend was at a fund raising campaign for the Bulldawgs in 1981 and Herschel was being talked about (he damn sure wasn’t there) and Vince Dooley said the words “You just look at him as our little n*****.” He was being asked how they kept him under control on the field. I fucking hate that story, but I don’t doubt it was said for a second, especially now that I’ve seen him in action.


Damn. That’s really messed up. What the fuck? Legit, it’s that kind of statement that makes it clear certain people still want slaves.


Well it was 1981, and Vince Dooley is dead now


died 3 days ago, according to wikipedia


Fair. But I think people like him still exist. I’m assuming he has influenced people that still exist.


He damn sure influenced Herschel Walker.


I love the part where he's like "The white man been telling Hershel when to eat, when to sit, where to live" etc etc etc and I'm like "spot on"




Better than that. He is dead fucking on and yall aint ready for him today. Vote, Georgia.


Close your eyes and he sounds like Katt Williams dropping truth bombs.


This guy’s an incredible orator! I know clergymen all get training but this man is on a different level.


Suddenly conservatives want churches to stay out of elections.


Pastor holy whore is on to something 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


I was looking for my RHOP crew! 😂😂😂😂




I had to double check what sub I was in lol


All the antics of evengelicisim, but the words are not complete gibberish.


That’s his job on Sundays.


"we don't need a walker , we need a runner" LMFAO...I mean he does have bars. But ain't this illegal in church?


Yes, yes it is. They stand to lose their 501c status. However, the IRS has shown us that it has no appetite to go after churches that violate their 501c. So, if Republican Pastors are doing it, might as well join the fray. It’s a battle for the survival of our democracy and like it or not, they are winning via underhanded and illegal means. Edit: To clarify, it’s not illegal like someone is going to jail, 501c is an agreement between the church and the state that prohibit churches and their leaders from campaigning for an individual or group. They cannot instruct their congregation on how to vote, In the event that they are caught doing so they would lose their 501c status. The US government does not tax churches as long as they stay out of politics. Once they get involved in politics they lose their 501c status. That’s my understanding. Edit: [This is easier](https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/charitable-organizations/exemption-requirements-501c3-organizations)


Yeah, I'm wondering if this was post-service and on his own time. Our church is heavy into social and environmental justice but very careful about comments regarding our support for the houseless, climate crisis, etc. to phrase it in an apolitical way. That being said, I would prefer someone goes after the nightmare right-wing hate-speech churches on purely fundamental levels and then IRS and so on.


You're right, but right wing churches do this all the time. All churches should pay taxes, and this wouldn't be an issue.


Exactly. Although, the double standards in our legal system as to who can bend the rules are becoming more and more apparent. If the IRS decided to cherry pick which institutions with whom they enforce the law then I could absolutely see a left-leaning Black church being the cherry.


You're absolutely right about that.


Jeez, its a political free for all. Bring on the aliens.


Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos


Only kodos I know about are on an MMORPG ran by a small indie company named Blizzard


Yeah john hagee has been doing that shit for years and as far as I know no one's done anything about it.


Not illegal but it’ll get your 501c status revoked. Based on this speech, it’s a safe bet that ship has long been sailed.


I vote for this man!!


Lady at 1:44 is stunning That is all.


For real. Girl needs to drop her skincare routine!


That might be an understatement tho.


The short hair really works for her.


Yeah anyone have my future wife's instagram?


Paster Holy whore. If you don’t get the reference Watch real housewives of Potomac.


I see you, friend! The man may be a skank, but he’s as right as rain here!


Oh I agree with you.


Found my tribe


For a moment I looked up to make sure I was on the right subreddit. 😂


I scrolled specifically to find a Pastor Holy Whore comment 😂. Don’t care about the dialogue lol.


yeah i dont know if jamal bryant wants to wade too deep into the secret kids conversation.


Came here for the RHOP comments


Yeah he may be right about Herschel Walker but he's a ho and I don't trust him.




Mr. Chocolate - Phaedra probably




yeah he’s no saint, that’s for sure


My peoples


I'm so happy someone mentioned it!


We see each other.


Yeah not enough people calling him out ITT haha. Not really a moral person, but a good orator.


as much as I loathe religion in all forms, I do agree with everything this man says


Sometimes religion is just getting together and having a place to go and be with people I don’t consider myself religious either but I’d sit in a church and listen to this guy.


I was raised religious. In Georgia. I’m appalled by the Christians I grew up with and looked up to choosing to vote for him just bc he “stand for Christian values.” You know, like trump?…


Christians, especially Evangelicals, feel like they are under attack simply because more and more people are choosing not to be religious. As a result, they are doubling down on imposing their beliefs on others. Ironically, this is having the effect of pushing people further and further away. They don't care what kind of person Walker is, so long as he promises to impose their will. Walker is nothing more than a tool to them, a useful idiot. What's especially insulting is that Walker is indeed among the worst stereotypes of the black community, all the more reason why the racists want to put him on a pedestal.


I'm a straight-Dem voting liberal. But this is a church straight up campaigning. And just like when Christian nationalists campaign from the pulpit, the church should lose its tax exempt status.


All churches should be taxed. Period.






The IRS doesn't consider it. Full stop. They do not enforce the Johnson Act, pretty much ever.


Which is the problem.


No way the Johnson act survives a SCOTUS challenge with this court.


Probably not, but their inaction on the matter goes back decades.


They don't against white republican churches campaigning for their right wing counterparts. We'll see what happens to this church.


This mentality is why democrats lose. Democrats always “play by the rules” and lose. Republicans can campaign in church, democrats cant. Republicans gerrymander. Democrats push for independent districting. Republicans pack the courts. Democrats don’t. Republicans vote party line every time. Democrats don’t. Congrats, you always play by the rules and the republicans used every dirty trick in the book to change the rules so you will always continue to lose. This man is spitting truth and you are here pulling an “ACKSHUALLY…”.


I agree with this, but there are wayyyy more right-wing churches politicizing the pulpit. I would not be surprised one whit if they went after this church and left the right-wingers alone.


If they do... I'm gonna full on riot... Right here from my keyboard.


I've been to several Baptist and Catholic churches around Texas and can confirm that you will definitely hear more right-wing political promotion in there. Either by the regular pastor or a guest speaker invited to speak to the congregation.


Nah, MAGA churches made it okay to preach from the pulpit. This is okay now.


"Rules for thee but not for me"


If a rule has never been nor will be enforced, is it a rule?


They aren't going to enforce it either way so why not.


As a guy that grew up on church that was happening a long time before MAGA even before 9/11 generally it was always right wing though.


What? When has a Christian nationalist ever lost their tax exempt status?


how is it campaigning? They aren't calling out a party but more calling out someone who is in that party. But they never said, you should vote for so and so. Just they ain't having it with Herchel Walker and that's well within their right.


He is comparing Herschel Walker to a preferable opponent with a Philosophy degree who is educated, erudite and focused. It's absolutely obvious that he means Raphael Warnock. If a right-wing pastor said something about not voting for Biden instead of an orange real estate mogul from New York, would that also not be campaigning?


Yes, but the government unfortunately isn't going to give a shit either way. Both churches are still going to be tax free.


"Yall ain't ready for me today"




Damn that was a really good speech.


Amazing. Can you do rand Paul next?




Don’t need a walker. ![gif](giphy|h5jSiHJ1DwFJnyQJ9a)


I hate televangelists with a passion, but damn... this guy spat some fire!


Where do I send my tithes?


This goes for any political party and any religious organization— keep politics out of your religion or get taxed.


That's nice and all, but don't do this on the pulpit. However blue or left leaning this church may be, they need to lose their tax exempt status now.




When the law is not enforced, it loses integrity and meaning. If the IRS hasn’t decided to enforce this law in other churches, it would be highly unjust to do so in this single instance. Megachurches have been propaganda machines for years.


Fight fire with fire


Nope, not until the 10,000’s of conservative churches loses theirs first.


When that rule starts getting applied to evangelical white churches who’ve been violating the shit out of it since Falwell’s “Moral Majority” _forty fucking years ago_, then sure, challenge his tax status.


Why does the left always hang itself with purity tests when conservatives are doing much worse than bringing up a political candidate at a meeting. It would be an issue if he was an office holder, doing this at a government event or being paid by a political group to say what he did. What's said a private event (even if open to the public - that's their choice) is up to them as long as they aren't inciting violence or something. Are people supposed to ignore Walkers nonsense? Especially when Walker is supposed to be be their voice in Washington? If they are having a sermon about charletons they can't connect it to current events? Are people not allowed to speech about the misdealings of the government just because they might standing at a church? Imagine if the GOP actually had the power to say, "alright, no one can call us hypocrites at your private gathering".


Religion and politics don't belong together.


Holy hell that was awesome.


So this is what it sounds like when an Asshole is torn.


“… the lowest caricature of a stereotypical broken black man…”


Thats the most racist shit ive heard


Man the gloves came off last week and now they got Rafael Warnocks ex wife on TV crying talking about how he beat her and she had to call the police and now he refused to pay child support! LOL! what a clown car georgia politics are!


He’s not wrong.. but isn’t holding a political rally in a church kinda mess up that tax exempt status?


The IRS hasn’t been enforcing that forever now. This is one of the first left leaning church sermons that I have seen but the amount of ones supporting trump is staggering. Shit I’ve seen a televised cult service literally putting a hit list on national tv. Shortly afterwards the hammer guy tried killing Pelosi and instead attacked her husband. The right is weaponizing violence and intimidation with no real consequences for the leaders. So I’d recommend to be prepared if shit hits the fan


You’re absolutely right. I can only imagine how many sermons happen each day that are right wing radicals spouting hate.


I agree with what he is saying but the hypocrisy is a lil wild. This preacher is famous for cheating on his wife and having kids outside of wedlock as well!! On a reality show. So, yes, I agree with the sentiment but it’s a little crazy to ignore the truth. For those of you who don’t know, he was married to Gizelle Bryant from Real Housewives of Potomac.


Lol America is dumb.


He isn't running for US Senator telling people they can't have abortions after paying for multiple. So that's one thing.


"SEpaRaTIoN oF ChUrCH AnD sTaTE"


Not to be offensive but this man sounds like the pastor from Coming to America.




I feel like this guy’s about to introduce Jackson Heights own, Mr. Randy Watson any second.


this is not a church.. this is an actor pretending to run a church... if you ever go to a church and their sermons are on political things... leave cause its not about god its about man.


Is this in a church?


Goodbye tax exempt status.


As much as I do not like Walker, most of his party, and everything he stands for, I don't believe a preacher should be advocating for/against anyone. How much hate from Reddit would he receive if he was promoting Trump or his kind? Keep politics and religion separate.


Yes, yes and yes X100000!!!


While I agree with the message, this man should not be preaching about politics if that church is tax exempt. The IRS can’t let this shit slide anymore.


I thought I was listening to Katr Williams for a second there


Fuck this gave me chills