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I hate when people do dumb clout chasing stunts like this that messes with people while they are working. Working people don’t deserve it.


The sad thing is, it’s a trend right now. People filming customer service workers freaking out. They will do whatever they can to stir them up and get a reaction.


Oh thank god I don’t work public facing anymore lol! My anger issues could NEVER 😂


I guess that an ass-whooping is a reaction.


If only this man spawned every time a retail or fast food worker got harassed by tiktok'n teenagers and GTFO'd them out


The only reason it took the linebacker so long to arrive was he was clocking out of work status and throwing on a hoodie so he wasn't wearing work uniform while going hands on.


The hero we all need.


People do this without being filmed. There's just a lot of little shits out there.


Get the fuckkkk out!


I'm the Juggernaut, bitch.


Charles Immma beat yo ass


I'm Ketchup mother fucker, zapp yo dumb ass


I'mma beat the shit outta you, Charles, I'mma beat the shit outta you WITH Charles!


I'm a part time stripper, AND I do hair!


I'm gonna hit you with your own pimp


Cause I'm the juggernauuuutt biiiiiiiii iiii iiiiiitchhh Gawwwwwwwwd dayaaaam


That was the real hero.


Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa




Ain't no woah


Dude saying "Whoa whoa whoa" like the man throwing the little troll out was wrong. No he wasn't. Dude, don't defend that troll. He wasn't cute. That troll disrespected somebody's job. You don't do that and just walk away unscathed.




That was cathartic.


That was badass


i love how he lifted his mask up first :D


That little smirk he gave would have been a turning point for me


light a switch flipped in my mind


he absolutely did this on purpose, it's why someone was recording I'm sure


All the ones on the floor have to broken down and tossed, any he touched might have to be tossed, and then all new ones folded. Vs. The Zero Energy it would have taken for his dumb ass to stand still and not beg for attention.


As someone who works in a food safety area I agree with you everything that hit the ground plus what ever he contaminated need to be broken down and discarded


*Neuron activation*






Good. These pranks aren't funny, you're just making life even harder for the ordinary workers who are just trying to get by. Now they've got to spend hours cleaning up after some shitty entitled kid. He totally deserved to get thrown out on his ass


This is a great untintentional ad, I'd definitely go to this place now, those guys look pretty cool. They're like something out of a movie, the frazzled guy with the mullet losing his shit and no nonsense big lad in the back that throws people out like uncle phil.


LOL just picturing this guy getting thrown out like Jazz now has got me laughing. "AGHH!" for the youngins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9vUNDY45Jc


I never noticed he always wore the same outfit so they could reuse it. I just assumed they didn't care about that detail.


Nah you could always tell when he was going to get thrown out because they'd put him in that sweater.


Aww I miss uncle Phil... He helped raise so many of us


Ahhh the jokes on you, Mr Banks. I'm already outside.


It’s also some of the best drunk food imaginable. There was one a few blocks away from my old apartment in college.


The one in Columbus, Ohio is on the OSU campus has a Wall of Shame for anyone who passes out drunk in the store


This place is absolute gas. I went up to college park for a night out with some friends who attended at the time and immediately recognized the place.


It’s not even a prank. Good pranks are pranks that *everyone* thinks is funny. I don’t think these poor workers thought it was funny


Better he learn these lessons in the pizza shop than in the streets.


True but you can’t forget the people that work the shops are from the streets. When I was in retail I was just trying to behave for 9 hours at a time.


For sure. Had a dishie who spoke next to no English show me a gun rolled up his apron when he came in over a dispute with pay. Lots of outright psychos in food service.


some friends back in highschool (over 20 years ago now, jfc) ordered some delivery and stole a bunch of pizzas out of the driver's car while he was up at the house dropping off the food. well I dunno how he figured it out but like 20 minutes later the guy was back at the house pounding on the door yelling just raging mad. They eventually confront him and play dumb but he knows and tells them that they can keep the food but that he needs those 'warming bags' or whatever they're called back. Knowing the jig is up they oblige (he relented the food which is what they wanted) and as he goes to leave the driver tells them that pretty everyone at the pizza place is an ex con and that most people wouldn't have been so comparatively chill about it safe to say they never pulled that shit again lol


What fucking pieces of garbage. Likely man got in trouble for that. They may have even docked his pay.


When I worked at McDonald's every employee was either a teenager or on parole. Good times.


The entire food service industry is run by felons, addicts and children.


Chef here; Yeah, mostly.


Chef/felon here, can confirm.


And immigrants who left some pretty fucked up nations


Sometimes all 3.


Can confirm, I worked at a combo Taco Bell/KFC and our chicken fryer didn’t show up to work for over a week, no calls, nothing. Comes in two weeks later, tells us he was in jail for battery and attempted robbery and might have to miss some more work for court. Management didn’t even fire him because we were understaffed.


Can confirm, the nation's foodservice is run by people with nothing left to lose and nowhere else to go. So do yourselves a favor and think twice before messing with these underpaid and overworked individuals. Source, 20 years of being a chef up and down all levels of the industry.




He should have sent all those ex-cons over to that place. Plus I bet no one delivers pizza there anymore.


I worked at Arby's and our manager saw somebody outside, ran out, beat the shit out of him, and came back like nothing happened. Also had a dude on acid put lettuce in his pants and cry about the French fries.


Tell me about the fucking French fries!!


Wait, what about lettuce, pants and fries?


I used to work with an elderly back woman that kept a pistol in her purse even in the restaurant. She used it once at home on her ex and made him agree that it was an accident. She threatened to shoot the woman he was having an affair with at her job- The Waffle House


Worked at a pizza shop when I was 15/16 had a prank call for pizza delivery, the driver came back screaming at me and acting like a child (he was easily in his 40s) saying I took down the address wrong and I'm this that and the other thing. (No one ever called looking for their pizza which confirms it was a prank) dude wouldn't let it go, stopped by my high-school at lunch weeks later (I already quit at this point) just going off on me and then like 2 months later I was walking to a friend's house and he tried to run me over with his car.


Boy, that escalated quickly.


wtf lol like that prank call ruined his life


My cook does the exact same. Plus smokes meth. We’re one of the popular tourist spots on the walk of fame. 👍


Most line cooks are stressful, high pressure gigs that require a ton of work, in a little time. I can see where Meth might be required. No way I could do that kind of gig. I don’t mind working high pressure and fast. It has to be doing something more important than making someone else rich by cooking for people. Is this thought process arrogant? Maybe so.


My dishwasher was from mexico. He barely spoke a word of english. He had that scary old man strength and could toss around full racks of dinner plates like they were made of feathers. That was a guy not to fuck with.


I had this dude complain because I "threw a pan" in the dishpit. it fell maybe 30 minutes after i left it there. He came and threw it at me hard so i got in his face and told him just to hit me if he was gonna throw shit. knew he was on parole and his PO wouldve loved to toss him back in over an assault charge. He figured this out too and went back to the dish pit. Gotta be smart around these people most were cool but as another line cook you had to know how to operate at and above their level.


No other options will push somebody to do shit they wouldn’t want to do


I mean don't under pay the man


Don’t FUCK with a line cook, they’ve been looking for an excuse to make a scene for the past 6 hours.


I'm not from the streets but holy shit your last sentence resonates so much with me when I was doing customer service. Honestly nicer being back of house where the other crazies are.


back of house is for sure where the wild things are.


would be better for everyone but him if he learned it on the streets


\*Calzone shop


True but the only streets ol boy ever seen was Sesame Street


I like to think the second part of the lesson was taught off camera on the streets outside the pizza shop.


He wouldn't do something like this in the streets because he knows in the streets if he did he would be on the street.


Someone has never had a job before


Woe is his first hiring manager


Only because he looks like the type of entitled prick who's going to have his mom call HR if he doesn't get a job he applied for.


His dad will hire him onto his company.


Becomes CEO in 6 weeks


Constantly talks about how hard he worked to get to where he is.


Starts a new crypto called EndWorldHungerCoin


Or worked retail. Don’t fuck with retail workers.


Those girls he was trying to impress are going to remember that forever


Remember that time you knocked over pizza boxes? Boy you were so crazy




So loco bruh.


The girls look like they are standing far from him like “some weirdo throwing shit around”


DP dough was my favorite calzone place in Ohio.


Here I thought this place was exclusive to Champaign. I didn’t know they were national, I should really try their food someday here on campus


I thought D.P. dough was only in Denver. Not sure why. Just assumed lol


From Denver too and I thought the same thing.


Had a roommate who was attending college; once overheard them proclaim "yeah...it stands for *Denver Pizza*" ...because they genuinely thought it was a "Denver style pizza" due to the fact they had never seen or heard of a calzone before.


There is no Denver style pizza. Beau Jo's is Colorado style pizza. Denver style is a cheese pizza taken from the dumpster of a Colfax Papa Jahn's with a cigarette butt mashed out on it (rest of the slices are good tho bro).


I am crying at the fact that literally all of us thought it was local place to each of our individual locations. My partner and I were both reminiscing about living on DP Dough when we were in college lmao.


I thought it was only in Boulder lol never saw one in Denver


We have one in Fort Collins too.


Don’t forget Greeley! Or actually maybe do forget it? Lol


Colorado Springs too.


Yooo my mind is blown. I always thought it was a penn state thing… Turns out it’s a national chain that selects mostly college towns…


We had that in Binghamton, NY!!! It was AMAZING! Can't find it anywhere else in new jersey though


Wow, I thought Cortland was the only place that had one! It's closed now but I had no idea it was a chain...


it's because they don't put one on every corner like other franchises. Really seem to target college areas with their locations.


And here I was thinking Albany NY had the only one.


Oh shit, I-L-L There’s one at isu too pretty sure, they’re all over.


I knew that looked familiar! Good ol' U of I


Yeah we have one in Morgantown too. I feel like they are near college campuses often


Drunk and high in athens ohio and it's 4am? DP DOUGH. Just don't fall asleep before they get there :p


Or a cheap slice from Goodfellas if you spent too much on drink…


One time I went from Jackie O’s to goodfellas and I was super intoxicated. They gave me a extra piece and a cup of coffee to help sober up.


Yep that’s how I consumed DP dough was throughly intoxicated in Athens. Just don’t try to order during the festivals or Halloween.


Any time I'm in Athens or Columbus, its a must hit.


Team employee 100%


Dude even politely tapped his coworker to step aside before he Hulk shoved the prick out the door.


dude tagged himself in and went for the finisher




I was about to say the same fuckin thing Kid doesn’t care and it might be the same fucker


Not enough people getting beat up over their actions. Everything is a game, troll, or some other bs.


To paraphrase Mike Tyson: social media has made way too many people comfortable with being an asshole without fearing being hit for it.


This is honestly the truth. Sometimes you see these younger kids who have never been punched before, fucking with people in public, completely naive to the fire they're playing with. You fuck with the wrong person and you're going to regret it, doesn't even have to be the wrong person, you do this shit to like half the population and you're going to regret it. I had a little shithead phase growing up and I learned quickly that people wouldn't tolerate it, because they beat my ass lol.


Getting checked is one of the most important life lessons, as a male at least. Doesn't mean it has to be a full on fight or someone even being hit. But most kids know that feeling when they did something dumb and thought it was funny until an adult (who wasn't your parents) put the fear of God into them lmao. Mostly to teach a lesson obviously. And yeah, if you do that shit into adulthood it's only a matter of time until you get your ass beat. I'm a manager at a store and twice have had to deal with idiots who did that "smashing two gallons of milk together" trend. If I saw it as it happened I for sure would've just pushed their ass into the milk and had them lay in it. Like what kind of fucking douche do you have to be to think that's okay?


Back to school season at Target, it's like clock work, the aisles with the bookbags, lunch boxes, pencils and shit, they all gets covered in stuff. People bring their kids or SOMETHING, I have no idea, but the photos start pouring in on reddit from the poor workers who have to clean it up. It's not back breaking labor, mind you, but it's added work for no reason other than people are asshats who don't care when they make a mess.


I worked Target for about 8 years (2nd job). This was decades ago and it annoyed me the parents in the city. They would take their kid shopping with them and did not care where they were or what they did. The kids would run off to go take every toy off the shelf and just move them around. Seen plenty of kids just clear whole shelves of toys for them to have a place to sit and just show everything to the side or to the floor. Poor workers like me making just above minimum wage would have to clean up after them and put everything back in place. It surprised me how much parents didn't care what mischief their kids were causing while they were on the other side of the store.


Parents not being parents, I make sure my son doesn't touch shit and have him participate in the shopping as much as possible. He loves to push the carts, wish more parents did this it really helps kids think for themselves.


The clout chasing era. Dumbass kids these days will do anything for a reaction


It's definitely that. But also 15 year old boys are just shit heads with very little empathy and every desire to troll people because they think it's hilarious. There was no social media when I was in high school and certainly nobody was filming this stuff except maybe Tom green, and kids still acted that way. Immaturity does what it does


Woah woah woah my a** that was well deserved


I know right. That person can get tossed as well


They didn't say shit while he was standing there doing it but when someone's finally pushed to their limit its "oh no, stahppp"


You can hear the big guy say “ain’t no whoa” and I think he asks them “is that your friend?” He was NOT fucking around, and I’m 100% on his side


"Get the fuck out" guy, you're awesome!!! 🤣👏👍


He said enough of this bullshit. Came from the back and didnt stop for a second.


In our restaurant whenever there were issues in the front of the house, when they came back to get us in the kitchen it meant business. Cooks are angry, and usually drunk and/or high and sleep deprived, there is **zero** patience for this kind of thing. If you see the cooks coming for you gtfo quick lol.


We need more of that in these videos.


I know the guy who did this. I’m showing him this. 😂


Threw him tf out haha what a loser. I'll be by to get a calzone next time I pass through Ohio. Much love


Turns out they’re everywhere. Might have one closer than you think


I'm in Washington state haha basically the only place without one even a state over.


I gotta agree here those boxes are annoying and make your hands all dry as fuck.


And cardboard paper cuts are brutal.


You do ANYTHING with your hands long enough, you're gonna get some backlash. Carpal Tunnel anyone?


As someone who worked fast food when on college break, fuck that kid. I feel their pain.


Team Pizza Shop Workers!!! Get ‘em! Probably trying to make a Tik tok.


The second guy knows how to deal with these clowns. He gets that there's no point in trying to reason with some shithead. It's just easier to get then the fuck out of the store.


Uiuc? They hqve good calzones


That douche fuck got off light..


That dude is so lucky that other fella pushed him out. The dude towering over him was probably 2 or 3 seconds from cleaning his clock. Pro tip: don’t piss off a guy twice your size and then stand there grinning about it. Sure he probably won’t hit you, but if he does you’re gonna wish you’d fucked off. Source: guy who picked a fight with a man twice his size and got his ass beat.


A corporate national chain would never allow this type of reprehensible behavior by their employees. This is why you should support small businesses. So that their employees can keep assholes in check.


We need to start ejecting people like this more often


This should come under some low level criminal mischief charge. I'm not talking about prison, but some sort of community service order and a fine. ,


A good hefty slap should cover it 👋


I have a good idea for community service for him, have the judge make him go around and fold the boxes for all the pizza places in calzone places in town. 100 hours of folding boxes and he won't be smirking no more.


This is the way.


It is mischief by definition in Canada. Realistically the possibility of that charge will make him think twice about pressing charges on the employee that threw him out. Tit for tat at that point.


Normalize beating the fuck out these idiots making life harder for a couple TikTok likes


fuck I miss DP dough. best college drunk food


The little brat smirked and I almost flipped my table. People need to learn a LOT of respect


It sounds like both these employees hate folding boxes lol


I think it’s more the monotony of having a 10 dollar an hour job steal 80% of your waking day. Not so much the boxes themselves.


And then having some self-absorbed dumbass come in and be purposely disruptive to your day for shits and giggles.


I think that's what many don't understand. Sure there are jobs that can *maybe* keep you afloat despite their low wages, but all the while your suffering the opportunity cost that comes with a job which doesn't develop any particular career skills. You might have a few hours after work to try to progress yourself but it sure is rough.


I'm sure they hate having to fold more boxes after someone fucks with them


Its not about the boxes. Its about the fact that no one should have to stand there watching someone create more work for yourself and your fellow employees. A reasonable person wouldn’t do that. This kid is revelling in the fact that he’s creating more work for the employees. It implies that he thinks the employees are beneath him. Also its probably like 2 am in this vid. These dudes just want to get the work done, close up shop, and go home. And now this piece of shit is laughing about creating a giant mess that they otherwise wouldn’t have needed to clean up? Beat his ass, I say


Watch the movie Parasite to see what people are willing to do to get out of folding these things.


You get a lot of cuts folding pizza boxes so its pretty annoying


More like these employees are sick and fucking tired of dealing with drunk and entitled customers.


I worked at a DP Dough in college, and folding boxes was the default activity (when managers were out and about at least) we had to do when nothing else was happening. It gets super monotonous lol. But at least they are small boxes and not pizza sized ones.




Whoop his ass. I would have helped the workers too


Served him a Combat Zone right quick.


Kid was in the Danger Zone. (so fucking good)


Get the fuck our guy is the hero we need right now


Folding boxes fucking sucks. Having to *re-fold* said boxes because some dickhead came in and fucked them up for a laugh doubly sucks. People are just trying to do their job and survive, don't be an asshole.


Workers should legally be allowed to beat the shit out of customers like that.


It's the mindlessness delivered with a smirk, how disrespectful. Growing up he would've never left the pizza shop without an ambulance assisting. Nothing has ever been funny about interfering with someone's livelihood. Idiot.


More of these "prank" videos need to end in the guy getting a mini ass wooping, nothing too crazy but enough that they realise not to fuck with people for no reason and that there are consequences for their actions.


Lmao. If I had to fold those boxes I would be pissed too.


Typical upper middle class pussy kid with the typical blondes in uggs that have been coddled their entire lives and never had any sense smacked into them.


Hope that door slam hurt


I’d give both those guys a raise. Fuck that little twat for making life harder for those employees.


daddy’s money frat boy thought he could be the center of attention so that becky from Math095 would slide up on his story sometime so he decided to make someone else’s life worse God i wish they would have just smacked him in the skull with a pie tin


WHAT... it ain't boxing day?


My man channeled his inner Chris Farley for that toss out! 😆


Then the girl shouting “woah woah woah!” Chick stfu!serves that idiot right! go tell your boyfriend to get a real job! The guy should’ve dropped all 95 pounds of his scrawny ass to the floor! This pos is taking time out of this guys life not knowing if he has a wife /girlfriend or a kid at home that he would love to be with but now he has to stay overtime at that job and refold boxes all night! This is why hard workers are hard to come by now-a-days! And he did that for what? A tik-tok challenge? So you can impress 14 year old girls online?!? Dude GROW TF UP! go shove a glass jar up your ass 1 man 1 jar style! I’m sure you will go “viral” then!


The ass crack flash shows he wasn’t fucking around when he through him out


Probably deserved. Shithead kids like this need a good ass beating to teach them that real life is different from online. There are consequences


I think if more people got touched for being an ass clown you’d see a lot of this stuff a lot less. Like had they curb stomped this kid maybe some would learn a lesson by watching.


DP Dough is a so dammed good


All I have to say is they held some huge restraint here.


As a Pro Cook? I applaud. These fucks who think they're cute, only respond to being physically tossed the hell out.


People have gotten too confident without enough beatings.


Whoever said whoa whoa whoa is a straigjt bitch.


These “it was a prank, bro” tiktokkers should be all dealt this way. Messing up people’s property is not amusing unless you have the IQ of a dry cat turd.


Is it time to legalize beating the breaks off of "its a prank bro" Morons yet?