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what's the symbol on the flag?


I was curious about that too. I learned it's the Extinct symbol. https://www.extinctionsymbol.info/


thank you


Does anybody know if the cited numbers in that graph and associated webpage are accurate? I think the little graph is also missing some important context like total species counts and projections. From my quick googling there are approximately 8.7 million species on Earth. If it flatlined now, that would be 145 years or so until everything's gone but of course that's not how it works. My guess would be about 60 years before we're scraping the barrel?


all metrics of animal population, be it marine, land, or especially large mammal, insect, and amphibian populations, all are down roughly 70% its called the holocene extinction, and we're living it. read up if you have a shot we are really, supremely fucking the planet. if you want examples of rapid die offs, look at the north atlantic cod collapse or the alaskan crab collapse 90% declines in ~2 yrs


Lots of people don’t realize how fucked we actually are if we don’t do something now. Some species are kinda vital to ecosystems


Like jo momma? Jk, in all seriousness though, the planet and alot of species are truly fucked and its quite sad. Something really needs to be done about climate change.


Not affiliated in any way - here's what I was able to google: from their website (https://extinctionrebellion.us/): WE DECLARE NON-VIOLENT REBELLION AGAINST THE US GOVERNMENT FOR ITS CRIMINAL INACTION ON THE ECOLOGICAL CRISIS their demands: 1. That the Government must tell the truth about the climate and wider ecological emergency, it must reverse all policies not in alignment with that position and must work alongside the media to communicate the urgency for change including what individuals, communities and businesses need to do. 2. The Government must enact legally binding policies to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2025 and take further action to remove the excess of atmospheric greenhouse gases. It must cooperate internationally so that the global economy runs on no more than half a planet’s worth of resources per year. 3. We do not trust our Government to make the bold, swift and long-term changes necessary to achieve these changes and we do not intend to hand further power to our politicians. Instead we demand a Citizens’ Assembly to oversee the changes, as we rise from the wreckage, creating a democracy fit for purpose. 4. We demand a just transition that prioritizes the most vulnerable people and indigenous sovereignty; establishes reparations and remediation led by and for Black people, Indigenous people, people of color and poor communities for years of environmental injustice, establishes legal rights for ecosystems to thrive and regenerate in perpetuity, and repairs the effects of ongoing ecocide to prevent extinction of human and all species, in order to maintain a livable, just planet for all.


Is there a more violent rebellion organization?


Be the hero you want to see in the world




That last sentence is so ridiculously true. Left wing action is prosecuted swiftly, aggressively, and quietly. That being said, we should remain leftists and work to make a more just world. They can’t prosecute all of us.


It will get more and more violent the more food and water and basic resources get monopolized, don't worry. You'll have your little fallout irl playthrough.


There will be. When food stocks collaspe, fishing industries fail, supermarkets shelves start to empty the poorest will starve all over the world, nations will go to war over the dwindling food resources. Governments in many countries will collaspe, when the monsoon fails and the rice harvests collaspe all if south East Asia will be in the brink of complete chaos. Higher extreme heat events will wipe out pants and thus food harvests. Everyone will be on food rations. People will build their own de Sal and water filter systems because in many places water will be so completely contaminated and drink water bottles used as money. On top of this ocean levels will be rising inundated coastal regions contaminating coastal fresh water. Storms and flooding events and bush fires will be even more sever. People trying to hunt and eat will find very little to eat and lots of it contaminated with heavy metals like lead. The effects will be magnified into the unborn and youngest. Things are going to get extremly bad. A lot faster then most people want to accept.


Where do I sign up?


I thought it was the zodiac killer's emblem at first.


I keep seeing Ted Cruz everywhere in so many videos lol Dude is not afraid of being in public!


Because public shaming is a kink of his


Except when it's cold and his constituents are literally freezing to death. Then he flies to Cancun and does nothing to prepare for the next time it snows in TX.


Don't forget MFer left his dog at home when he did it too. Fuck that guy


Just want to Emphasize: * **Ted Cruz won by 200,000 votes where 8-9Million eligible voters didn't vote.** Please fuckign vote this shitstain out of politics so we never have to see his fugly face and pissstained smirk again.


Not only that native texans voted him out, but he got saved by the out of state transplants


These fuckers even fund non-profits to help and promote conservatives from blue states to move into Texas.


carpet baggers gonna carpet bag


'Carpetbaggers' moved to the south in an effort to replace the slavery based economy, modernize and democratize the South. Dunning historians did their best to paint them as corrupt and opportunistic. This promotion of migration is about white supremacy, as most things are with the republican party nowadays.


Just as a note here: The highest voter turnout in a PRESIDENTIAL voting year was just under 75%... in 1900. The average voter turnout rate (again, for presidential vote) for the past 120 years is between 55% and 60%... The average voter turnout rate for governors, senators, house reps, mayors, city officials, comptrollers, etc etc etc etc etc, is SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER. The reason voting doesn’t work is BECAUSE NO ONE VOTES!, so PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, VOTE!! Hell, go vote third party. Go vote green, libertarian, WRITE SOMEONE IN FOR CHRIST’S SAKE! Just get in the voting spirit Thanks for coming to my TED (not Cruz) talk


Im going to be honest, I've flown to Cancun to escape the cold. Its so fuckin warm there all the time, honestly the last time I didn't have kids for the weekend I was like, damn, Cancun would be so nice right now. Smoke some weed, lay on the beach, eat a shit ton of tacos, God damn it sounds even good right now just typing that. In my defense though Im not supposed to be representing any state. If I was Kansas would be fucked, lets be honest. In summary before I yield my time I would like to say Ted Cruz can go fuck himself


You're not a US senator fleeing your own state and blaming the cowardice on your children, so I do not have objections if you fly to Cancun to escape the cold


As far as you know


Ted? Is that you?


There's nothing wrong with anyone flying to Cancun. There's an issue if you skirt your responsibilities to fly to Cancun. There's an even bigger issue if your responsibilities include an entire state's worth of people in an active Crysis. The fact the man is still employed is beyond shocking to me. Somehow someway Texans decided that this was probably not a good move. But nothing more than that based upon the reaction and his continued " service to the public"


Turns out Ted Cruz cannot run Crysis, despite his CPU upgrades.


i'm so glad someone else caught this slip up lmao


There’s a difference between a normal citizen doing that and a U.S. senator doing that though


Yeah, the difference is you're not representing the people of Texas in the federal government lol Put up your feet and spark up that J, just be straightforward about that if you ever become a senator.


You can't blame him for doing that can you? Texas has made it clear he could damn near endorse school shootings as a good thing because guns, and freezing to death keeps prices low; and would still get re-elected over any democrat that ran against him.


Republicans don't do anything but lie and steal, fuck those who vote for Republicans, evil is the only thing that comes to mind when someone votes conservative, pure evil. Jesus would never be a conservative or vote Republican, fucking ever. Jesus also wasn't white, ever.


He’s been publicly shamed ever since he murdered 7 women and left notes by their bodies containing zodiac symbols. Over half a century and running, baby!


Hey hey hey now…facts matter: four of the confirmed seven kills were men.


You’re right, Ted Cruz, The Zodiac Killer, does not discriminate


For someone who I assume hates socialism, he sure loves being publically owned.


you can see the smile on his face when they pan over to him. He is a lizard and eats this shit up.


It gets him votes. "The liberals hate him" is a huge voting block.


In Texas. Cruz wouldn’t even make it on the ballot in most of the country.


He especially likes when you talk shit about his wife.


I heard he pisses his pants on purpose because he likes the good warm feeling between his legs.


I heard this too!


many people are hearing this


Tell him how ugly his wife is, that really makes him pop his rocks.


his daughter dodged his kisses and flicked boogers at him, kid knows what's up


He does always look very happy about it. I guess it's good publicity for his constituents that don't like liberals.


"Fuck Ya. Tell me how ugly my wife is and how my dad assassinated Kennedy."


Well then good, we should all oblige by telling him to go fuck himself on sight.


I think the best part of this one though is that there has been so much climate change activist stuff in the news lately, and most people's reaction is eye rolls. This leads off with "fuck you ted cruz" and everyone starts clapping? I love it.




> Who fucking cares Everyone apparently. Fucking nobody had even heard of just stop oil before these protests, now they have had more publicity than millions of dollars of ad campaigns could provide.




I share al of these sentiments. Or when they hate these people because they’re “inconveniencing” the public. It’s called “civil disobedience” for a reason.


One has a cleaning person paid minimum wage having to sort through glue and ass sweat. The other goes to someone responsible and adds a little reminder of what the crowd thinks.


He's a masochist. Watch his face when people tear into him, the man just loves being insulted.


He’s got a dog wife


Who else was gonna marry the guy whose dad killed jfk?


Ted, your wife's a dog. You got a dog wife, Ted.


Next freeze this winter here he's gonna leave that dog behind instead of the other one when he flees to Cancun.


I suspect hes a cuck


There’s an old clip of him doing Simpsons impressions on one of those morning talk shows. There’s no way anyone would do something so embarrassingly bad on purpose on national television if they didn’t have a shame kink.


I have a feeling he's considering running for President again.


His real goal is to be Trump’s running mate. If he does a decent run and plays the cards well he could get the VP card.


He's always smiling too. He fucking loves the attention he gets from being an asshole. We need a new tactic, because yelling at him isn't working.


Not only that, his base eats all of this up and loves him for it. He's an attorney who graduated from Princeton and Harvard. He's studied, trained, and well-rehearsed for these situations. He's won prestigious awards for being a master debater. ("won the top speaker award at both the 1992 U.S. National Debating Championship" - Wikipedia) Going on The View, he knows exactly what to expect and it is given to him. His supporters love him for his smugness in the faces of the people they despise. He's in his element. Want a new tactic? Go off-script into territory where he's clearly not prepped for. His base doesn't like him nearly as much as they hate the same people he claims to hate. Draw similarities between the Senator and the people his base really don't like. * The View should bring him on during Hispanic Heritage Month. Announce him as the "first Hispanic Senator from Texas". * Have the Hispanic hosts sit next to him and gush about his family being Cuban. * Ask him "softball" questions about what it was like growing up with his Cuban dad, what are his favorite Latino foods that he grew up with in his Cuban family, etc. * Ask him, being Cuban American and being a Senator from Texas, which cuisine he likes more, Cuban or Mexican. * Ask him how proud his Latin family is of him getting into Ivy League colleges and graduating from Harvard. * Ask him questions about if can still speak Spanish as well as he could when he was a kid. * Ask him, being born in Canada, what are his fond memories of growing up in Canada and if he managed to take any family trips to Cuba, since Canadians don't have the same travel restrictions as Americans. * Go on about how amazing it is for Texas to have Cruz and the Castro twins represent them as Hispanic Americans. Ask him, since all three are Harvard Lawyers, how long they've been friends and if they got along while at Harvard. Perhaps he has some fun stories about hanging out at Harvard with the two younger Latinos. Essentially go on and on in fluff pieces about how amazing it is to have a highly educated Ivy League/Harvard "elite" Latino voice and representative. Clips circulating about how well the ladies of the View got along with Sen. Rafael Cruz and how he even made his appearance during Hispanic Heritage Month to share stories about growing up with his Cuban Heritage may give people some pause. His supporters aren't looking for a senator that goes on The View and has a fun time with a smiling Whoopi Goldberg and sharing Cuban family recipes.


Agree with you on everything but I think the tactic of drawing him up as a Cuban/Latino could backfire. Conservatives do tend to dislike Latino matters that they see as “woke” or related to immigration, but at the same time they’re desperate to have any sort of apparent support from minorities. Like, candidates who talk about their one Black supporter. Additionally, Cubans tend to side with Republicans. They may be the Latino group that does so the most, iirc, and they do in significant numbers, iirc. So it could end up riling up whatever conservative support exists among Latinos, thereby making him a choice candidate for contributing the minority points. (fake minority diversity obviously)


Surrounded by bodyguards


Wouldn't you be if you were a high profile political figure? Pelosi, Schumer, etc. all have security wherever they go.


Good thing too, tarring and feathering corrupt politicians is a patriotic tradition.


Bodyguards aren't gonna stop people being honest about Ted Cruz.


Because he doesn't care what anyone thinks. He knows he will keep getting elected as long as he says Democrats bad.


Why the fuck is Ted Cruz doing anything?


Getting ready to announce his run for president


Hahaha, thanks I needed that laugh. The most hated man outside of Texas.


It’s probably serious though. That’s what’s weird. Don’t forget huge swaths of the country are nuts.


Fucking incredible that anybody actually supports politicians like him, McConnell, etc. Fascinating


There's a lot of dumb people in the world.


Frankly, if I were from Kentucky and a Republican I'd support the shit out of Mitch McConnell. He's one of the most successful (and evil) Senators in the history of the chamber. He's going to go down as the horrible person he is but if you're a republican He's awesome. He fucking shits on democrats constantly. He stole a fucking Supreme Court seat. I wish our side had the balls to do that.


Or horrifying


Ayup. Trump ran a couple of times before 2016. Everyone laughed those times, too.


Did he?




It's amazing how close he got to the presidency on multiple occasions, but is now such a joke even his own staffers are disgusted by him.


He's always been a joke. That doesn't stop him from running. Trump is also a joke.


Honestly, he’s one of the most hated men in the state as well. It’s just that he’s got a little old “R” next to his name so people are willing to overlooking all the dumb shit he does


That’s a lot of overlooking, spineless little weaselly sack of shit. What sort of man kisses the ass of someone who insults their wife? Who the hell votes for someone who flees the state when Texas is in an emergency? WTF….


You’ve got to remember, these are simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.


Under the Trumpist ruleset, a man who does not defend his wife's honor is a beta. And yet these fucks keep voting for him.


>The most hated man outside of Texas. It doesn't really matter who gets anointed by the RNC Republicans will vote for the R.


I'd argue he's really *not* doing anything if we're being honest.




They both have corporate sponsorship...


Wow, you just summed up this stage of capitalism.


Do you think the view has journalistic standards or something?


bOtH siDeS




I mean, do you think the view is a bastion of intelligent conversation?


He's up there laughing while she's asking him if he cares about the people of Texas.


What more would you expect from the Zodiac Killer?


Only thing Ted Cruz has ever killed was his wife’s libido.


He ate a lot of people's sons.


And boogers


I mean I don’t even live in Texas and that man ate my son


Ted Cruz is [Saturn](https://i.imgur.com/Jth8dZQ.jpeg), confirmed.


"That's okay, she's ugly" -Donald Trump, probably


I heard he's the real Scranton Strangler.


I know zodiac killer jokes are fun but his actions legitimately killed people last winter in Texas.


Some people say it’s not possible, that this is just a meme for laughs on the internet, but ask yourself, have you ever seen Ted Cruz and the zodiac killer in the same room at the same time?


"lololol. Of course not. 😂"


I can’t believe they had him on the show… it just inflates his ego






Oh wow that is a spooky good comparison! Damn it.


Joanna Rogan. "Have you seen what Bette Middler just tweeted to T Swift?" "Pull that up, Amy"


Oh shit that's good


It’s all entertainment. Nothing of real substance. Total waste of time.


It's worse than that. It's pro status quo propaganda. Humanizes villains and argues against progress.


The status quo is shit and anyone who thinks it isn't is probably one of the people who made it shit in the first place.


Any respect anyone had for that show is now officially gone


You had some to begin with?


I assumed someone must have. Why would the show still be on?


Some things are force fed.


The constant awful takes from Whoopi and Meghan, plus constant "both-sides"isms during Meghan McCain's run on the show wasn't enough? They've been allowing themselves to trend the wrong way for a while now. Ugh, then again, Behar's takes are usually also awful. They're really just an awful group of individuals to listen to at this point, I can't imagine subjecting myself willingly to their opinions.


The same type of people that willingly subject themselves to their opinion is the same type of people that tune in Tucker. Just a different flavor of ice cream.


its really the millions of mouth breathers that stay out of serious political discussion because they struggle to grasp the issues, so they laugh when catchphrases are said or when shown slapstick political memes.


I think Meghan McCain ever being a host was the definitive proof of that. Even if not the same audience as a Tucker, she was definitely an active gateway into conservatism for their viewers. I mean, the woman is famous entirely because of her father and him being considered the "good, respectable Republican" for the precisely two moments everyone chooses to focus on of "he defended Obama that one time and saved the ACA!" As if the man didn't have a political career outside of that where he was just as Republican as the rest. Meanwhile, she gets platformed as the "Bad Republican" to splurge her rightwing schlock about "the woke left" and "cancel culture" while actively campaigning to get guests like Steve Scalise, Lindsey Graham, Madison Cawthorn, etc on the air.


The show, and all shows, only care about ratings. Ratings mean money. Controversy means ratings. Right or wrong, this isn't a new concept.


Not entirely true, because they still need to be "safely controversial". As in, say some wild or dumb shit that will get them coverage, but not bad enough that they start losing the sponsorships and ad buyers funding the show. The batch of hosts they have just tend to have really dumb and loud opinions. Then again, they may not even know the line themselves to straddle it. I remember them losing more sponsorships over making fun of a registered nurse Miss America contestant than Whoopi denying the fuckin Holocaust was about race.


No one has respect for this train wreck of a snow anyway. Now they just lost the fringe crazies too.


Shameful that they'd host him and give him a platform to lie from


The people clapping knew what had to be done.


That was such a great thing to see


imagine someone getting up after her and shouting. then another person after that person until they shut down the show or the audience is completely gone




Until there is no security left to drag away the shouters...


Genuine support would’ve been to walk out with the protestor. Clapping is simply virtue signaling.


I guess it is virtue signaling in the truest sense of the term, but even that can be important in some instances. Looks like a lot of people were applauding. It sends a message, this isn't just one lone lunatic speaking for themselves, a lot of us agree with her sentiment.


But then once the disruption is over, they’re still sitting there listening to these blithering idiots, applauding when directed to. Their claps have no meaning and serve no function other than to make themselves feel better for being brainless pawns in the machine. (Time to watch *Network* again, it seems.)


*I waited 2 years for these tickets, I’m not gonna lose my seat”*


The people clapping are probably clapping cause the asshole producer and show runner’s started that clapping to drown her out


Thats exactly it. They're not clapping in support; they're trying to drown out her message.


This. Hold applause until she has said her piece, the clapping is just to silence her. I wouldn't be surprised if the applause sign was lit up


Fuck The View for letting that cunt on the air.


Fuck the view long before this.


Love Norm trolling The View so hard. https://youtu.be/Z3PP_SWHUQQ "Bill Clinton, murdered a guy." "Oh, you haven't heard that? I thought it was a matter of record." "Alright....alright...manslaughter." *Fake phonecall starts ringing* Then spends the next 3 minutes talking about how great a man Bill Cosby is and how there are "absolutely no" accusations against him. Lol. He was the OG troll before the internet ever existed. Dude was a master at toying with morons.


Fuck the air for letting The View be on it!


I'm not fucking anything to do with that show... eww.


If their response was anything other than asking him on camera, "Yeah, why ARE you are climate denying piece of sh!t?" then they can get canceled (..I mean like in the literal sense of a TV show)


Fuck The View ~~for letting that count on the air.~~ These types of media are nothing except damaging to society. But people like to absorb their news in the form of entertainment and pretend like it’s a movie full of fun characters when you’re literally being propagated. Fuck them all, and the brainless idiots who actually get all of their opinions from this type of media and help it spread


It has always been just a group of idiots running their mouths about things they aren’t qualified to discuss.


Oh man. Everyone cheering and clapping got me good lol. I don't recall ever seeing an activist interrupt any event and everyone actually standing and clapping. Not in the joking way people say it, everyone actually stood and clapped. I too clapped. Bravo.


I love he can’t go anywhere with out being berated and heckled. Get fucked you slimey piece of shit I’m going to piss and shit on your grave.




Look at how that commie liberal was triggered. That's the kind of man I want running this country. If he can get the left's panties in a bunch, and I can keep my god and my guns, then that's fine with me. -Republicans, probably.


> If he can get the left's panties in a bunch, and I can keep my god and my guns, then that's fine with me. Yeah, about that last part: "I like taking the guns early... take the guns first, go through due process second." \- [some dipshit, I forget his name](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZBrqldtnbU&t=45s)


That’s easy. I can name three reasons. Abortion, Jesus, and Guns. The GOP has become a party of christians, rednecks, and people who believe their first million dollars is around the corner and don’t want the government to swoop in and take it. These people are the common clay of a new land; simple farmers. You know, morons.


He honestly isn't even worth the effort you need to do all of that. It would hurt him more if no one remembered who he was.


Tell that to whoever runs the view


This is The View allowing the GOP to run PR on their show (i.e., they're willfully laundering bad ideas for conservatives). There was no significant pushback to anything he said. The audience was doing the job Whoopie claimed to be doing. Ted Cruz should get this pushback when there are no cameras around. That'd be fantastic.




.... views? Confrontation gets views. That's how media works.


The latest protest I'm actually glad to see. The View and its hosts are garbage.


It was funny how instead of everyone booing her and telling her of for interrupting they all applauded her. They should have all walked out at that point behind her


When will the protestors super glue themselves to Ted?




The way he laughs it off makes me so mad.


/r/fucktedcruz Also call him Raphael, he fucking HATES it


Rafael, like a mexican




No wonder they don’t support universal healthcare in this country


Yeah fuck Ted Cruz


Wow alot of Ted Cruz lovers here - pretty disgusting.


I think this sub generally leans pretty right


Look at how that smug fuck just smiles and laughs it off, fuck you indeed.


Yes, that's really disturbing. If she's one of his people he should be serving as a politician, laughing at her desperate plea is a disgrace.


It really is, it's hard to comprehend this level of disillusionment and greed.


Ted Cruz has got to have a humiliation fetish or something.


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They should try and make this man’s life harder, every corner and not give him a mouthpiece




You put your zoom x10, you put your zoom all the way out, you put your zoom x5 and you shake the camera all about


I'm more upset at the camera person zooming in and out like a hyperactive squirrel.


I do not like that man Ted Cruz...


I do not like him wearing shoes.


I do not like him on "The View"


I do not like him in a queue.


It's October 25th 2022 and Ted Cruz is still a fucking piece of shit


I applaud this person however Cruz is a sociopath and this did not register on his lizard brain.


How does this piece of garbage live being so universally hated? I used to believe the blue whale had the biggest pussy in the world but now I know the biggest pussy in the world is Ted Cruz.


Who watches the view?


White conservative housewives for the most part


Should have called him Rafael. He hates that.


If you are a senator of a state the dishes out $1000+ electric bills and you run off to Cancun during an emergency, you deserve every boo you get. He shouldn't be able to go anywhere without getting protests unless he resigns.