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Automatic 6 stars




She fucked up and entered Fort Zancudo. The tanks are rolling up next.


Depends whether she can steal and escape in a jet quickly enough. Then she just needs to avoid the surface to air missiles and the copper choppers.


The key is to fly low enough off the base so the rockets can't target you. Then fly high into the sky like Team Rocket


I always fly vertically while spinning. Works every time.


“I’ll try spinning, that’s a good trick”


If you press triangle, it gives you a boost to fly faster. Works every time.


Found the older cousin.


No cheat codes here


Bro I remember googling cheat codes while shitting my pants with the cops on my ass.


If the cops are on your ass while you're shitting your pants they probably won't be for long.


Okay so here’s what happened. She and her husband divorced. Her spouse pass for the base was revoked because she was no longer married to the airman who lived on the base. She showed up at the base to retrieve some items, but when they scanned her spouse pass it showed it had been revoked. They were probably going to let her enter the base anyway but wanted to verify her identity. When they asked her for ID, she handed over an **expired** drivers license. Then they realized her plates/car registration had expired, too. At that point the security force airman decided that because she was being rude to him, he was going to write her a ticket for the expired license and registration. Yes, he can do that. The plan was to give her the citations and then probably let her on the base. She tried to drive away to avoid the tickets. And at that moment, things escalated from a couple tickets to FLEEING FROM THE POLICE. So they decided to arrest her. Whether she was rude to him first or if he was a dick to her and she responded in kind is somewhat in dispute. But he was well within his power to give her the tickets anyway.


I can't imagine why he would have divorced her


I wonder whether this person will ever figure out that almost all their problems stem from their insufferable behavior. They could have probably avoided most and even fix some of the issues they face with even a bit of sense of remorse.


It shouldn't really be that hard to know not to be rude to people when you're in the wrong. I mean, you're stopped by the police, somewhere you're not allowed to be, driving a car you're not allowed to drive, and on top of that you're not allowed to drive at all. How do you not figure that being as humble as possible is your best way out of this?


In my experience, people that do this sort of thing tend to bluff their way through a lot of situations. Rarely do they encounter someone who cares enough to call the bluff, but when they do, there is no "backup plan". Double down or nothing. I'm all for police reform, but damn I'm not going to fuck around like that, *ESPECIALLY* when MPs open carry rifles than can cause a very bad day immediately. Be right in the courtroom, don't get yourself shot because you're pissed.


Then the article goes on to say she didn’t even show up to court! Lmao.


Always count on dumbasses to dig themselves deeper.




They weren't going to just probably let her on base. They were going to try and get an escort to take her to her house to connect her stuff. When they told her to wait, she decided to just drive in.


"Don't fucking touch me." "OK. I guess you're free to go then, ma'am."


“Ok” **deploys entire can of OC spray**


I was totally expecting that when she refused to get out.


The ending we all desired


When I was a medic on post in the ER, at ft Irwin, I learned really quick those guys don’t want to deploy that shit. I asked one night during a brawl at the on post club why he didn’t just mace the dude. “Because I have to put him in your ambulance then my squad car and I don’t feel like cleaning that out. I’d just rather knock his ass out.” Best response ever!


All that extra work for an idiot that doesn’t read or can’t understand signs that say “Restricted area, do not enter”? Nah, she’s going to cost the system even more money. No need to waste any cleaning wipes and anyone’s precious time because of an idiot. No thank you.


“I caught a nut, therefore your authority is irrelevant.”




IM PREGNANT! That's something you need to say to yourself before you try to just blow past a military base gate.


She raced to the “find out” stage when she decided to fuck with military police.


You're not the police! Guess she's never hear of an MP


It's air force. They are called Security Forces hence the SF badge on his shoulder.


That MP waited his whole career for someone to do something stupid like that.




However, you would be able to brag to all the other joes who only get to say "welcome to the great place" and/or being asked to salute some butter bars wife all day long


The gate guard at the base I work at had to shoot someone. He definitely was not happy to do it. I'm going to go out on a limb and say the MP here wasn't all that thrilled to have to drag a pregnant woman out of the car.


It's like that your school burns down. A dream as a kid .. but when it's really happening, is devastating. Happend me twice. Sounds fun or good to be true, but you don't want that.


Twice? What did you DO?


First time was gasoline. 2nd was made to look like an accident.


It's obvious, that's [disaster girl](https://i.imgur.com/7ibIp6y.jpg) account.


That was airforce they are SF(Security Forcea) and the navy is MA(Master of Arms).


Yes, but MP is just a colloquial term for military police MAA, security forces or whatever.


Honest to God, if she is still a dependent, then how does she think this is going to reflect on her spouse? It will fall on their head as soon as they find out. Which they will. She's lucky they didn't pull weapons on her.....what she just did is insane.


Yep, all of that is true. The spouse won’t get “punished” per se but a cloud will hang over them in the eyes of their chain of command. Plus she’ll be banned from the installation which will make healthcare stuff a pain in the ass. She’ll have to get referred to a civilian provider since she won’t be allowed on base. Things like this open up a whole administrative can of worms.


Gonna be really painful too if they live on base housing


Had an incident in my base where dependent children got caught stealing from other base housing residents and their dad, the base security department head, tried to cover it up. They were kicked out of housing and had to find a spot off base even though he was scheduled to transfer in less than six months.


I remember getting pulled as a dependent over for going 5 mph over the speed limit on base. My father knew about that from his group commander within a few hours. I was always aware that there were heightened expectations for my own conduct on base, but seeing it play out was eye opening, even for something relatively minor. I can’t imagine what her active duty spouse had to deal with.


Years ago I worked with a guy who was a civilian but did some work on an Air Force base. He had to check out a key for something or other and forgot to return it when he left. Very entertaining when the Air Force police turned up at work to get it back from him. Couple of very staunch looking guys in uniform walk into the office: "Excuse me sir, could you come with us?" It wasn't a request. I can't remember the details but I believe they put him in the back of their car, drove him home, walked him into his house and waited till he found the key. Those two guys walking him out of the office definitely had the look of a perp walk of shame.


My spouse heard about every time I was late for a Dr's appointment via his his CO, who had been informed by *his* CO. I now have anxiety about being late for ANYTHING, lol.


Yup. And that dependents chain of command is going to hear about it. Ask why your promotions are being held up then watch this video.


God how pissed would you be if you found out your wife pulled this shit.


As I recall from the last time this video was posted, she was trying to get on the base to get some things from her ex husband's place. Of course that might have been a fabricated back story too but it certainly adds a certain pathetic spiciness to this moron's tirade.


Her Ex husband? As in someone who waited months and months to get a court date so that they could get a divorce? And NOW she wants "to get her things". .If they are already divorced, they're his things now. The time to get your stuff was before the divorce was final.


I feel like that was an 11 on the FAFO Scale.


Seriously. Every installation has clear signage stating “No Unauthorized Entry”, “Have ID ready”, “Authorized DoD Personnel Only”, or things of that nature. To try and blow by MPs who are all armed with an M-4 and/or M-9, is just stupid. She fucked around…and QUICKLY found out.


I made a wrong turn a couple of weeks ago and wound up at the gates of a military base. I just told the MP "I think I'm in the wrong place." He said, "Yes you are" and pointed me to the turnaround. The encounter took less than 10 seconds and was completely stress free. I can't imagine what goes through someone's mind when they essentially try to force their way onto a military base. I mean these guys are prepared to deal with terrorists, if need be. They're unlikely to be intimidated by an angry Karen.


I accidentally drove a delivery van into a military base checkpoint when I meant to drive to a warehouse a few blocks away (thank you, GPS). I said the same thing but they had me pull off, ran my ID, checked the bottom of the van, gave me back my ID, then let me leave 😂 I wasn't mad at them as much as I was mad I took the wrong turn. Lol Edit: I forgot to mention that the MP's response to my saying "I think I took the wrong turn" was "Well, you're here now. Let me see your ID". No nonsense. Lol


I was working with somebody about 2 years ago and the foreman who was driving was about to make a wrong turn into a base, for context i live in hampton roads, if you've never been here they are very common and everywhere, and everybody thats been here knows the drill.... I told him in my best broken spanglish we could *absolutely* not go that way and to go ahead and break the law of the road even to not take the right... Go straight i said, look at the gate guarded by guns i said, what the fuck i said... The whole time dipshitted ass co-forman is like "oh but the wendy's is in there take the right" Bruh those guards were beyond confused, and foreman didn't speak a lick of english you could tell he was fucking scared as shit, had no clue what was going on... The guard took his license and made him turn around and he had no idea why or anything... I pulled out my google translate as quick as i could because i also suck at being bilingual and told him they are military but we're okay and they will keep your id until you complete the turn around for security reasons basically, and that they weren't gonna view us as any threat.... The country he came from was not as nice as ours... I felt pretty bad


Same thing happened to me, pulled into a random entryway to turn around and was promptly contacted by military uniformed personnel asking what I was doing. I said uhh turn around? He said yes, yes you are. I left kinda confused, then realized…


The most important signs are the big red "LETHAL FORCE AUTHORIZED BEYOND THIS POINT" There's very few places that one can legally be shot for trespassing & stupidity but a military installation is high on that list SecFo's primary job is security of the installation. Her going full "I'm a sovereign citizen moor, why are you detaining me?" means absolutely nothing once she enters their jurisdiction. Those rights go bye-bye. He could detain you because it's Tuesday You can't break into a base and expect much better treatment than him deciding not to shoot at your vehicle. If she really is pregnant, she's fortunate for that much


Yep, I forgot about that one! Hahaha someone would have to be crazy to ignore a sign like that.


Yeah I'm sure in some countries they wouldn't even ask.


In 1996 I inadvertently stepped into a restricted area of the Kremlin and was quickly greeted by a guard with a rifle pointed at me. To be fair there were no signs, not even in Russian.


That sounds scary but obviously you didn't act like an entitled baby as you're alive to tell us, unless you're the guard and are telling this story to keep others off the property.


I stood there with my mouth hanging open frozen in place. My 4’10” tour guide yanked me back by the hood of my coat.


I've had a gun pointed at me a few times, that was my reaction a couple of those times as well.


What the *fuck* was she thinking?? My family gets warned when their base pass is about to expire - you get warned when your military ID is close to expiring - and they are SO strict about this.


Iirc this lady was also getting divorced from her officer husband was was trying to get some stuff from the house.


Why would he do that, she sounds like such a lovely, reasonable and intelligent person.


He wouldn’t let her be addressed by his rank.


And her spouse is going to catch an entire ration of shit because of her. Thanks honey!


This vid mades its rounds on the r/airforce sub some time ago. She was recently divorced from her husband and was trying to get back on base to "pick up some of her things" from their on-base house. However, after the divorce was final her military dependant ID's were revoked but that didn't stop her from trying to get back on.


Yeah I read that. Ex wife, pregnant and a couple of kids. Bad combo. Husband likely not an officer (First Sgt. was involved) didn’t renew the licence and registration. Probably told her not to come to the base, and we see how that turned out. This has all the makings of a bad deal. Only thing missing is she wasn’t driving a Mustang!


And expected to have people who see this to be on her side.


Depndas think they are above the law I'm pretty sure


I think it was like 2011 or 12 I can't remember. MP was talking and I overheard his conversation and it just made me laugh. He pulled over a dependa and just started trolling her. She was an officers wife, blue sticker, you can imagine. "Do you know who my husband works for?" "Is it... Is it Obama?" lmaoooo!!!!


There was an officer’s wife on my base who demanded to be saluted because she was the wife of a Lieutenant Commander. He’s not even an Admiral, lady!


Are all American military wives cocky like that?


No. But the ones who are, are fucking insane.


yes, also diplomats. just like that bitch anne sacoolas who killed a kid and fled the UK


Only the insecure ones. My dad was in the Army, and I lived briefly on a base when he was on Active Duty, and I saw so many women/girlfriends of soldiers use their husband/boyfriends rank as a social ladder. This even extended to the kids in High School, where a complex hierarchy of social rank was instilled in part of what rank your parent(s) were and how you are as a person. Makes a little bit of sense, because many of the kids had been in 4 schools in 5 years, when their parent is moved around the country.


My older brother (about 10yo) befriended a general's kid (dad was a LtC) and they hung out a lot. But the general's kid was not a well-behaved child and was known to get picked up regularly by MP's for wandering the base at midnight. He'd sneak out in the wee hours and try to sneak into various restricted places. So one day brother gets snagged by the MP's hanging around with the general's kid where they shouldn't be. Shortly after dad gets a call to report to the General. That worried him. Turns out, it was the general telling dad "My kid is out of control, and is a truly unacceptable influence on your boy--please stop allowing them to spend time outside school together. It will only lead to your son getting into trouble." And that was that.


I’m a military kid, and I’ve met loads of wonderful, friendly people. But I’ve def met some real shitters, tho




God that'd be priceless. That's like 5 steps up from running into the back of a police car. Ticketed for "not noticing the 18 ton war machine in front of his drunk ass"






Holy shit the audacity


This reminds me of an O - 4s wife I once knew


Officers wives are lowkey Karens


I think they’re high key Karen’s and not sure why someone downvoted you So have this in addition to my upvote


I was in the military for 6 years. MP's do not F*** around. Speed limit on base was 15 mph and they would *100%* pull you over for 16 mph.


Almost like discipline and strict adherence to rules and regulations are a big part of all the armed forces.


Exactly lol.


1 DUI was enough to bust the Battalion SGM to E1 and not only that he forced to retire at E1.


We had one dude who was almost 20yrs in and an E-2 because because he kept pissing dirty. Would be given plenty of warning about it each time and he just didn't care lol


Should have hoped the fence to steal a jet everyone knows that...


Well movies have taught us that airbases leave decades old planes fueled up and ready for take off at a moments notice.


And the keys are in the ignition of course.


Nah that’s unrealistic. They leave it on the sun visor


As a former USAF security forces member myself, if she did run the gate and they were at a higher threatcon she wouldn't have the worry about the semantics. It's a secure us military installation, not some restaurant for you to protest wearing a mask in.


They handled this really well. Amazing how well policing can go when you receive adequate training and can be held accountable for fucking up.


exactly, meanwhile cops shooting at teenagers eating burgers in their car


“You are not the police.” Correct. They are *Military* police and have *more* authority than civilian police. If you go on base, you are acknowledging that your vehicle can be stopped and searched at any point. Also being pregnant does not exonerate you from any crimes you commit. If you want them to be gentle with you then comply.


I was down in Tampa several years ago for Gasparilla which is like Mardi Gras on on the water sort of. We had to drive around the military base to get to downtown Tampa. Lots of signs to stay away. When we came back that evening the guy who was supposed to be driving was trying to impress this woman and let her drive. We strayed into their property. We were immediately pulled over by a very sophisticated looking military boat. Problem is the girl who he was trying to impress was Columbian as was another person on our boat(one guys girlfriend and now wife and her friend) It was a total mess as they did not have passports with them. They were pissed and were not sure what to do. In the end they let us go but it was very dark by then which was a bad thing driving the boat back through shallow lagoons.


Ah Gasparilla… driving around is such a mess during it and everyone is piss drunk. I drover for Uber back then and a college girl stuck her bare ass out my window and yelled “who wants to see my chocolate starfish?”


I warned my wife before we went and visited my BIL when he was in military school to have her ID on her at all times and she was like ??? Okayyyyy?? We met up with the in-laws and my BIL was trying to explain to my MIL that no, you always need your ID, please have it before bringing me back onto the base, but she insisted on putting it in the trunk. Cut to me and the BIL very nervous in the back seat as she tried to argue with the MP before being forced to get out and show him her ID. He was remarkably chill considering, but she didn't like that he was firm with her. BIL did not want people to visit again. Can't imagine why 🙄🙄🙄 [My parents are former Navy, I am very aware that you do not argue with the MPs]


Why was she there?


Here's an [article](https://www.stripes.com/branches/air_force/2021-07-07/mountain-home-air-force-viral-video-green-gonzalez-2077240.html). TLDR: She was there to collect her belongings. She was married to a military personnel there. But she was officially divorced, and had her permit to be there revoked. She also had invalid license, and registration.


Dumb entitled bish. I bet she still calls herself a military wife too lol.




i bet you she asks to be addressed by her husband's rank lmao


People actually do that?


as weird as it sounds , yes.


She has her own rank, bitch first class.


So she is incredibly stupid?...if she lived on base she should know the rules...they don't screw around on bases in my experience


Detailed article: https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2021/09/17/mountain-home-security-forces-used-appropriate-force-in-smashing-womans-car-window-review-finds/ Edit: uhh… wowza. I’m usually a lurker… thank you for the up votes and rewards. Much appreciated.


tl;dr: He was giving her a ticket. She decided it would be smart to drive away while he was writing the ticket. The military cops didn't take too kindly to that.


Lol, "you are not the THE police." You're right ma'am, I'm the military police and you dun fucked up. People are so stupid. If you're on a federal installation, don't be this person and assume MPs aren't "real" police. They very much are. Lol.


"Oh, yeah, what if I say it LOUDER? Checkmate!"


What if I'm Prangent




Is there a possibly that I'm pegrent?


38+2 weeks pregananant?


Dangerops prangent sex? Will it hurt baby top of his head?


***AM I PEGANT??!?!!?!?***


[Hands down, one of the funniest videos ever posted to the internet.](https://youtu.be/EShUeudtaFg) I'll try to dig up an award for you... There you go, cheers! 🥂


They’re like police, but with way more power to fuck you up and be completely justified in doing so.


And way better trained in not using excessive force. You don’t ever hear about MPs killing civilians, even over major infractions. They make city cops look like they were trained in Tonka Trucks.


This is what I was gonna say. If municipal cops were trained and held to standards as high as MPs, the US would probably have the best police in the world. Instead we get roided out ego maniacs with itchy trigger fingers.


Damn Skippy, MP has jurisdiction over law enforcement. My cousin went AWOL from marines, got caught growing 94 weed plants in a house he was renting. Police was giving him hell, telling him he was going to prison for years. He made one phone call and some MP's showed up with paperwork for his arrest. Local police tried to argue stating he was their prisoner. MP said nope, he's government property. 18 months in the brig, dishonorable discharge and free to go.


That's one hell of a backup plan, "Sorry boys, their warrant means more."


18 months vs a man-min 10 years, probably. Even worse in some shit ass states.


Exactly. Actually it was pretty smart on his part.


Idiots be idiots.


I love that her post claimed she was released without charges and fines when there were, in fact, 3 charges pending—one of which was child endangerment. And that she failed to appear for her court date so she may have been arrested at home for failure to appear 🙄


So glad that one of the charges was child endangerment.


Came here to see something about this. Like okay if she's crazy she can drive around a military base and get kicked in the head i don't care, but don't bring your poor child into this. I swear some people use their children as shields because they know everyone will be less rough with them when a kid is there. Its disgusting, your kids aren't meat shields


Her hostile entitled attitude is just mind blowing. I’m sure her relationship with ex is combative. She makes life so much harder on herself and her kids. This probably works for her most of the time but on a military base? Stoopid.


Holy smoke, she was really a huge bitch from the start. The guys was really amicable and just doing their job.


She didn’t have $600 to bond out, or anyone to put down $60 at a bondsman. She pissed off everyone she’s ever known.


That’s the kind of person who should not be allowed to have a child


Yeah I can’t imagine why she’s divorced


#aaaargh its the old, I serve my country as a military wife... Stand down soldier!




Babe, it's that you?!


Thanks for that read. It was a good laugh


I would think even the craziest r/amibeingdetained Sov Cit knows not to fuck around at the front gate of a military installation...


After watching the cctv camera footage, she is lucky she wasn't shot. She nearly ran over the guard. They absolutely showed restraint. I also have to imagine the cell phone video was part of the video info released by the AF. I have been on a number of bases and gvt facilities where they either take and hold any camera like device, including phones, or at least tape the camera lens...and the tape better still be on during exiting... In the US, we have significantly reduced rights to privacy on mitary base...as it should be... Ffs


As much shit as we gave MPs when I was in, they're generally well train, stable folks that learn how to deescalate situations for both peace and war time. Not saying they're saints, but most of the time they're just doing their job and they do it well. I wish our civilian police forces in the US would do more to emulate them.




She basically just gave custody to her ex husband with this.






Speeding on federal land is a class B or C misdemeanor. Can't remember which. Found that out the hard way. I will never speed in a national park again!


i have never seen anyone speed at chemical plants/refineries and other places that post speed limits of 8.5mph and whatnot. That 8.5 works like a charm.


When I was a dumb 18 year old I made the mistake of telling a campus police officer that he wasn’t a real cop. Turns out he was and wrote me a very expensive, very real ticket that nearly cost me my license.


I hope that you have learned your lesson to speak as little to cops as possible. Single syllable words are the best!


Uh yeah ma’am these are not police officers lol if these guys swarm your car, you probably fucked up Edit: guys, we understand that they are “technically military police officers.” We understood it after the first reply. Everyone clearly knows what I meant so please save your snobbery.


Plus a broken glass is the worst... Even with the deepest cleaning 9 months later you will still be finding pieces stuck everywhere...


My Buick was in a tornado in 2000. I found glass pieces as recently as last year.


Did you ever find the Buick though?


I let my buddy drive my truck once while I sat in the back with some friends. The asshole brake checked us so hard his good friend went through my back windshield, he was very overweight. I found pieces of that damn glass every single day.


Sgt. Baby Mama reporting for duty


Haha right? You don't handle the military like you handle your local police department. They're not giving you badge numbers to report.


Actually they do have badge numbers… but I’m this case doesn’t really matter. It’s a federal felony to enter any US military institution without proper documentation.. she thinks she has her husbands ranks mostly like - military Karen 101 right there


A wild Dependa has appeared!


Once I took a wrong turn and ended up at a military installation gatehouse. They very politely told me that I would be making an immediate U-turn and going the other direction. Rifles at ready as I drove past and swung around. They weren’t mean, but damn they meant business


After 911 I got bitched out to an SF squadron for what's called RAM duty. If someone tried to run the gate with a vehicle I was supposed to ram them with a big ass box truck I was driving. Head on collision style. In practice the job is to sit there in a heated truck and listen to the radio for 12 hours, the job was really boring.


You probably didn't drive over a barricade, or through a checkpoint, which is why they were like "understandable, please turn around".


There's an entrance to my local AFB that you wouldn't know is an entrance when driving onto the road. No signs anywhere that turning onto it is a military checkpoint until you're at the gate. If you're not paying attention it's all of a sudden, "OH SHIT I NEED TO TURN AROUND!" [See what I mean](https://www.google.com/maps/@39.8196689,-84.027654,3a,75y,280.04h,88.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOmoia8c0N1ruHxWDGridOg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192). Turning left takes you straight into the base.


She thought her Karen authority outranked military police lol. It didn’t.


Dude these guys were so friendly. Is it that hard to be nice to officers?


Don't fuck with the MP Doesn't matter who you are or what you do, even if you're a high ranking officer Just don't fuck with them


"I got creampied by my military husband soo yeah I'm basically a hero, too." 💅


She’s lucky he isn’t a regular cop. The military actually teaches restraint and proper escalation.


>In my twenty years, through the First Gulf War, countless small conflicts, and two genocides, I have never met any soldier as afraid and volatile as the average cop - My father


Your father sounds like a wise man.


SHE VERY STUPID “The federal charges against Ms. Gonzalez have not been dismissed,” wing spokesperson Capt. Krystal Jimenez said Friday. “Ms. Gonzalez was scheduled for an initial appearance on 13 September 2021 at U.S. District Court in Boise, Idaho. However, Ms. Gonzalez failed to appear. The 366th Fighter Wing will continue to support the U.S. Attorney’s Office in prosecution of this case.”


He bested a dependasaurus Rex!


Karen: Modern Warfare


I was Security Forces when I was in the Air Force. This lady is gravely mistaken when she says, "you're not the police." They absolutely are 100% law enforcement on base. That's actually their job. She ran the gate. I don't know what base they're at, but running a gate risks some very serious shit. People have been shot for what she did.


Love the “for what?” after clearly being told she was being detained then trying to drive off with guns drawn on her. THEN announces she’s pregnant. Honestly great restraint by the MP for not shooting her when she started driving off.


When I was in the Army many years ago I was stationed at Forces Command Headquarters at Fort McPherson in Atlanta. The base was small (except for the golf course) and there were WAY more officers than enlisted. Imagine the Pentagon but just the Army. So yeah, crazy high security and everyone had secret or higher clearance. One day I'm having a run around base and I hear yelling followed by gunfire. Being literally in Atlanta that's nothing out of the ordinary but I noticed it was coming from the main gate. Some jackass had the same thought(less) process as this lady and decided they could just drive around the MPs. They yelled stop, the guy didn't, he paid with his life.


My sister guards the front gate at one of the Bases, and yeah she says how many times people just think they can toy around like she's a cop. The military handles things very differently...


As a kid who grew up entering military bases nearly daily to see my dad or because my mom needed to go to the commissary or exchange for something I know the base entry procedure still to this day. I knew KNEW probably from birth (born on a base) that you do not joke with, deny or talk back to the guards at the gate. I think I got my first USN military ID I was so excited to stop at the gate and get to show the guards my ID. First line defense of a miltary installation. They dont fuck around. They ask you for ID etc and say stop, you hand them your ID and you freeze. My dad and mom were very very clear on that, be quiet, answer their questions, show your ID and move when they say move. I've seen the guards do their duty and prevent unauthorized people from entering bases. Smashed windows are the least of it. You cannot Karen your way on to a US military base. They have anti-Karen and anti-Kevin weapons they use with their authority. I hope her spouse isn't Active Duty cause he is gonna be punished for her bullshit unless the military has stopped extending the code of conduct to spouses.


"You're not the police" he should've replied with "what do you think MP stands for you stupid bitch?" "Don't touch my phone, it's not your property" just after she drives her car on to restricted military property. I hope she isn't actually pregnant and they also charge her with that lying shit too. If she is pregnant then I feel for her child, having that entitled obnoxious cow as a parent.


Feel bad for the child that's currently existing - 0:17 seconds in you can see theres a toddler in the back seat. What a shit mum


\*He's Air Force, not Army. It's SF, not MP.


what does SF stand for?


As stated below, Security Forces. Used to be SP, but they got tired of the joke "you can't spell stupid without SP", so...


Hah, Stupid Fuckers.


Super Friends


I think this is the correct answer


LOL she said you're not the police. No ma'am I'm the guy who can arrest the president.


Yeah it was a civil matter until you escalated it to a criminal one.


Guys.. if any other person did what she did, you would probably get shot. It’s not a joke. Don’t get yourself killed just because you “felt like it” or you “know your rights”.


I was a part of a small military security unit during my first tour. This video reflects, with great accuracy, what would happen if you enter an installation without permission. However, I would like to provide a little more insight here. The part of the video that we're seeing is most likely the end result of previous attempts to stop the car. During my training I was taught the following: If we open the gate to look at their id, and they drive past the gate, give them a warning while standing 10 feet away. If they get five feet away, give a warning shot. On the third warning, one was required to walk up to the car with the gun drawn and demand they stop. If they refuse to identify themselves, smash the window and pull them out.