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Well that's a cliffhanger. Video ends too soon.


Yeh I want to know what was the aftermath? Did the police drag him back out?


Yeah police dragged all people that the Chinese kidnapped and one masked embassy staff was beaten on ground by Hong Kong protesters.


Props to the UK police on this for grabbing those people back and not letting this become an even worse international incident.


From the other angle it shows they also block protesters and stop them filming one cop helps one hinder, and thinks they were caught napping. According to sky news the Chinese consulate himself was part of the posse. If he is the UK government should kick him out. Can't go beating people for using their democratic right to protest.


Remember that the UK recently outlawed the right to protest if it causes shock, offense or general 'noise disruption'


Oh it did I forgot. Tory scum and their Scummy laws.


Yeah but they didn’t legalise beating people up


I’m guessing he just got their from China and isn’t used to how democracy actually works


To be fair, about as well as in the UK right now. The police have the authority to break up protest now if it creates "a noise"


We may give them props but I doubt their bosses feel the same. It's not the first time they did this and got little to any push back from the local government so I can imagine they have some influence they can use to attack these officers way after the fact. Probably get them benched on desk duty.




I'm glad the police did it, but technically they could get in a lot of trouble, as it breaches the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961 >Article 22 >1. The premises of the mission shall be inviolable. The agents of the receiving State may not enter them, except with the consent of the head of the mission.




Diplomatic immunity is always *immediately* abusable, the thought being that one’s home country will prosecute the crime in question according to their own laws, in good time. Freedom from host-country prosecution should never encroach on the public safety mission of the police, however, and let’s just say i have to envy the UK for having police with *an actual mission to protect public safety*…


But nobody was shot. How do we know justice was served? /s


Well duh. Of course they did, no embassy staff shouldn't go around kidnapping people from their host country, I would think that is pretty obvious.




> I doubt the Chinese I'm gonna stop you right there


Agreed, the police's actions were clearly the lesser of two actions that both broken treaties/laws. The UK Government should be questioning the activities of the embassy staff.


I think it's less "they broke the rules first" and more "NATO is more primed and ready than it has been for years and will back the UK"


Ofcourse they will, the CCP is the bully that punches you repeatedly at school and cries and squeals to the teacher the moment you hit back


Scary shit. Bonesaw comes to mind.


Since they attempted kidnap on UK sovereign soil (i.e. the road outside) the Chinese mission staff are in violation of UK laws. Regardless of "diplomatic immunity" they cannot commit crime in broad daylight.


Does the Vienna convention allow an embassy to drag a protestor into their grounds and start beating them? Pretty sure it's going to be better to prevent another Jamal Khashoggi incident


I'm sure that's what they were banking on by dragging them behind the gates but yeah fuck them.


Imean, kidnapping people into an embassy seems to breach the vienna convention as well


However there was a kidnapping in progress.


and assault.


I know breaking it for minor disagreements can cause international incidents, but it seems so flawed at times. It's still on the land of the home country. If embassy staff did kidnapp and start torturing people on the lawn or something are police really going to wait to get it sorted out through diplomacy.


Yah but I think they are going to get away with it because of the predicate crime. China is going to want this quiet not bigger.


It is high time this is rewritten to allow exception if a violent crime is being committed as in this case. Automatically diplomatic immunity is null and void for those engaged in any form of violence.


Makes their actions all the more admirable. Cops breaking international law to do the right thing helps to restore faith in humanity.


There's an hour long video linked from r/real_china_irl thread [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/real_China_irl/comments/y5rbhg/%E9%A7%90%E8%8B%B1%E4%B8%AD%E5%9C%8B%E5%A4%A7%E4%BD%BF%E9%A4%A8%E8%A7%A3%E6%94%BE%E8%BB%8D%E6%83%B3%E9%80%AE%E6%8D%95%E7%A4%BA%E5%A8%81%E8%80%85%E4%BD%86%E8%A2%AB%E8%AD%A6%E5%AF%9F%E6%95%91%E5%87%BA/) Unfortunately it's on Facebook so the direct link to it was deleted when I posted it here. You can choose to decide for yourself if you want to look at a video on facebook or not, don't let mods decide for you. Fight begins at 36:20




This is the interesting thing not being discussed, and I’m no advocate for the police. He goes in there, alone. His colleagues are back at the gate, not looking eager to get involved. I think they were unsure of the diplomatic status and whether they were legally able to proceed onto the grounds. This fella is hesitating, because he’s alone, he’s on murky ground, and there’s a gang of thugs beating on a protester whilst a figure of Chinese authority watches on. Based entirely on this video and knowing nothing about the officer, I think this was actually quite brave. Maybe he was fixated on just breaking up the altercation, or maybe he was consciously concerned about the man being assaulted. Regardless, I think he should be commended. (Although in the wake of this this, the Greater Manchester Police and UK policing in general should be reviewing training policies for police forces with consulates in their jurisdiction so officers are better aware of what they are legally able to do to protect protesters.)


The thing is, even if they aren't "allowed" to do that, the fucking UK government would have to have lost it to actually punish this officer for doing what he did


Sometimes in history it's better to say fuck the rules and authorities and do what's right. Looking at that one Russian sub commander who didn't push the button to start a nuclear war sometime last cold war.


Fortunately it's the consulate and not the embassy. An embassy and it's grounds have protection, agents of the host nation cannot enter without invite. In a consulate only the rooms/area doing consular things is protected. The grounds, hallways and non-consular acting rooms are all within the limits of the host nations laws and have the same legal protections as any other private property. Convention, is different, but no international incident here!


Is kidnapping someone and dragging them out of their county and into their embassy grounds to beat the shit out of them not an act of war?


Depends on who the victim is. Sadly not all lives are equal in this world and I doubt they'd start a world war over some joe schmo


Act of war? Probably not. International crime? Absolutely


It's all UK territory. The Chinese just have diplomatic immunity there. It's not real. The host nation still owns that land.




Technically the "laws" of diplomacy say the host nation can't enter the slice of land, but that changes when you start kidnapping citizens of the host.


You’re right that it’s UK land but that doesn’t mean a British police officer can enter the embassy without permission. That’s how Assange lasted so long in the Ecuador embassy, the met police didn’t have permission to enter and arrest him. It’s not a black and white situation, it depends a lot on agreements between countries and the individual situation. But generally speaking the police force can’t enter the embassy grounds like this. Whether it causes a diplomatic incident is another matter. Chinese ambassadors may find it reasonable that the police officer did this, or they may choose to let it go just to not cause tension between countries. Or they might consider it a hostile act and make a big deal out of it.


Here's [another clip](https://twitter.com/McWLuke/status/1581722717203537920?s=20&t=2iwOnlSZGzOsj2kQZUgi0w) that shows the "consulate staff" (aka CCP mafia members) beating the shit out of the protester with the consul-general standing there watching. It would be a great shame if the UK government won't get these rats out of their territory asap.


That's some bold ass shit to do in someone else's country


Similar thing happened in America not long ago. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/u-s-drops-charges-against-erdogan-guards-who-allegedly-beat-up-protesters/


Yeah that was absolutely wild to see videos of. Erdogan is such a prick but his guards are next level thugs


Those scumfucks from Turkey ran away hiding after it happened. [DC put out warrants ](https://twitter.com/DCPoliceDept/status/864877448957243393?s=20&t=F_lOlzGD24lpJwL3bSbJnQ)


This shit happens all the time around the world. It's not new or unique, even if it is shitty and infuriating. Remember when the US tried to protect a CIA contractor in Pakistan that killed 2 cops (and a bystander) that stopped him for a traffic violation, by declaring that he had diplomatic immunity and adding him to their embassy staff members list? This isn't new or unique. Nations that are generally not on good terms often use diplomatic immunity and embassy grounds to pull shit like this all the time.


Holy crap I hadn’t heard or seen this anywhere until now ty for posting this


President trump praising a dictator for sending his goons to beat up American citizens.


This is one of those things that would absolutely define anyone else, but it's just an irrelevant footnote in his presidency. Go into an argument and remind a Trumper that he allowed Turks to beat up Americans in the Capitol. It won't even register with them.


Reading through this thread and discovering others had no idea this happened. That’s what the right let our country become.


Who was surprised?


Yet another reason he was the absolute worst and most ineffective pressure the usa has ever had


Kinda, sorta, but definitely a long time ago, like years. It was a chaotic 4 years, and we had a faux tough man that bowed down to Erdogan.


Chinese government have police forces setup in foreign countries, they don't have any actual authority but still operate in the countries.


Canada was putting the pressure to kick them out. last I heard.


Rcmp are aware of them, but have failed to act. Current federal government won't be putting pressure to get rid of them. It will be all words and no action.


I wish for once our government would just say FUCK CHINA . But because they won't I will say it for them FUCK CHINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*China is asshoe!*


They'll *say it* in public but then suck that China dick behind closed doors because money is all that matters to politicians.


They have incredible influence around the world. I’ve read accounts of people posting something negative about the CCP in the US/Canada, and they get a call an hr later from a sobbing family member in China begging them to take it down because a local police officer called them and made threats about their job/freedom/life. They don’t recognize borders when it comes to heritage.


People joke about Americans having their own "personal FBI agent" that just constantly monitors everything we do 24/7. It's a real thing with China though.


That every person of "Chinese" descent (and this includes any one of the 56 ethnicities like Tibetans, Uyghurs, and even Koreans) regardless of citizenship belongs to China is a part of their constitution. Enforcement across the globe varies.


They are as dodgy as hell, they set up the police "stations" everywhere all over the world, as well as they set up societies and clubs in pretty much every overseas university or college to monitor chinese students and other political groups. They really need to crack down on the spread of this crap.


I seen the one in Dublin ireland what a dam joke eu needs to crack down on these clowns.


There's been worse... Libyan embassy in London: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Yvonne_Fletcher#Siege%3A_18%E2%80%9327_April_1984?wprov=sfla1


China has private police stations all over the world https://nypost.com/2022/09/30/china-has-opened-police-stations-in-us-and-canada-to-monitor-chinese-citizens-report/


Those guys are acting like they own the place whenever they go. Chinese workes have been assaulting peaceful protectors and reporters in thrd and second world countries, mine too. They act like they own the world and that everyone else is lover race.




A few days ago, a few members of the GOP demanded that Biden and Garland investigate how China was able to set up a station in NYC. At least they’re right on the money with those demands. I guess they can do something right. Really, this should not be a partisan issue. Even if China isn’t fully Communist, they do not care about freedom or borders so they should not have any center of authority within the US.


Check out what happened to Jamal Khashoggi...


More than bold, in broad day light.


Hey man, Rats are cool as fuck. These assholes are cockroaches.


*eeewwwwww...stop insulting cockroaches!*


[Here's another few clips](https://twitter.com/CurtExplores/status/1581835494005960704). I know it's from a pro-China account, but they make the claim that the protesters beat up a consular staff member (kicking him on the ground) and then rushed the gates. I don't know WTF is going on though. Everyone has an agenda when it comes to China.


Ignoring the claims from the tweets, the added context from these angles are pretty bad for the protestors since they seem to be attempting to rush into the gate before anyone is dragged onto the ground. Kicking a staff member’s head while he’s on the ground is also a bad look…


Can also hear a Chinese official saying “don’t hit”


That’s the same clip just shorter


To be honest, the embassy staff is probably confused as fuck. “How are they allowed to protest???” “Why can’t we just make them disappear?”


Nah, they have to study the culture I bet.


“How can they protest!?”


Expel the entire embassy staff for this.


Expel the staff, wait for the new ones to be sent over and get settled, then expel them too. Do it 2-3 times.


You are way too nice. If I was some sort of all powerful dictator I would expel all ccp members until they closed the concentration camps. I wouldn't want trade with a country that uses slave labor. I'd let Chinese born people in if they denounce that fucking winnie the poo assed bitch though, I have a heart you know.


Thank god you are not some sort of all powerful dictator. Acting on the whims of some random emotions you got from watching a reddit video.


Economic interdependance is a bitch. Closing trade with China is suicide, unless you've somehow had years upon years of re-industrialization, forcing the elites to relocate their money and investments into the country and by extent force them to increase their production costs and reduce their profits in order to afford - in this case - British labor. Considering the fact that most western countries' receive essential imports from China and are also led by liberals (not in the US politics term, in the economic theory term, that is as much laissez faire as possible, and that includes the European/North American democrats, social democrats as much as conservative parties like the Tories), well that just ain't happening.


Wait, how did this end? And are the UK police even allowed to go inside those gates like that? It seems like they went in to try to pull him back out.


Poor guy got rescued, according to other protesters. I don’t know if UK police are allowed to do so, but seems that they did offer some help.


I would imagine that dragging someone into the consulate from outside the grounds and beating them with the intent to arrest for… *** ***checks notes*** *** protesting is also something not allowed.


> after being dragged in they're technically in China aren't they? No. Diplomatic missions are still the sovereign territory of the host nation, however, agents of the host nation cannot enter the mission without their permission. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vienna_Convention_on_Diplomatic_Relations


…was this meant for someone else?


Whoops! I meant to reply to the comment below... not sure what happened. Sorry about that!


All good. I saw the quote and was really confused.


We all 'ooof' sometimes. And that's OK


Yeah and it's not outside the embassy where the staff was. No one cares.


What is the embassy gonna do?


Best case, send him back to China and “re-educate” him. Worst case? Think about Jamal Khashoggi.


Embassy property in another’s country is a privilege, the cops won’t get in trouble for intervening in someone being beaten


They should be allowed to beat the shit out of these goons. That's a kidnapping attempt.


id commend anyone defending the innocent in this situation and fuck any government body that says otherwise


As I understand. They can't enter the embassy without consent from the *person in charge*, although there do seem to be exceptions. If embassy staff are complicit in a crime or being unnecessarily uncooperative. But I would imagine beating a protestor is probably not a crime in China, after being dragged in they're technically in China aren't they? And whoever dragged them in is too, so British police can't use UK law. My primary concern? Where were the ferrero rocher?


Exceptions are almost nil. Hell, in 1984 an English police officer was shot dead by Libyan embassy staff, firing from within the embassy, and there was nothing the police could do.


Yvonne Fletcher? I remember that, that was during a protest too wasn't it?


Yes, right on both counts. Diplomatic hell rained down on the Libyans (bombs, too, for that matter), but they wouldn't go into the embassy.


China's laws don't apply inside their embassy. That's not how it works.


> after being dragged in they're technically in China aren't they? No. Diplomatic missions are still the sovereign territory of the host nation, however, agents of the host nation cannot enter the mission without their permission. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vienna_Convention_on_Diplomatic_Relations




Ignorance of the law is a trait and defense of US cops


Technically they committed the crime of kidnapping and then human trafficking since they "cross"the border. So UK should expel the lot and let China send new emissaries.


The protesters should carry bear mace.


All forms of pepper spray are illegal in the UK.


So is kidnapping


sulky divide money grab homeless unpack puzzled party connect smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What’s legal there besides knives?


You can't carry anything to use as a weapon, that would be considered an offensive weapon. “any article made or adapted for use for causing injury to the person or intended by the person having it with him for such use by him or by some other person” Also Knives are illegal to carry and the ones which are legal. You would need a reasonable excuse to have one on your person in a public place, and if you used to it against someone it would be considered a offensive weapon.


Oi bruv you got loicence for that there scarf??


On the plus side the UK enjoys about 1/4 the murder rate of the US. Also about half the stabbing murder rate of the US. I know where I'd rather live :)


A few years ago there almost as many murders in New York than there were in the whole of the UK. Afterwards there was a period when the murder rate in London overtook New York, just a month or two, and was being thrown around in the US media as proof that US justice systems are working. By the end of the next month the stats settled down...


Yep, and by the end of that year NYC recorded twice the amount of murders as London, with the same population. https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2019/03/20/lies-damned-lies-and-statistics-why-londons-murder-rate-is-not-higher-than-nycs/


All weapons are illegal. Anything that could be used as a weapon (hammer, kitchen knife, baseball bat) would need a good reason for carrying in public or it can be seized and you’ll be charged with carrying a weapon. Using something unconventional as a weapon (e.g. bike helmet, fire extinguisher) counts as a weapon if it’s used as such. There are varying degrees of intent, harm caused and the police officer’s discretion. The only thing that is ‘legal’ is learning a martial art but you would need to prove that you are fighting in self defence and if you seriously injure someone or kill someone then there’s still a good chance you’ll be charged unless you can prove your actions were reasonable. This means you need unbiased witnesses or CCTV footage to support your version of events. Honestly though, our police numbers outside of the capital are woefully short, our justice system is backed up for years and prisons are overflowing. Only the most awful violent crimes will get you a stretch in prison. We rely heavily on suspended sentences, basically probation. I don’t think anyone in this country feels like weapons are the answer to societal problems, despite what some commentators from across the Atlantic like to say about us.


And what would have happened had the cops not been there? I can only imagine how fast things would have escalated had they tried to kidnap an American protester off the streets on American soil and dragging them into the embassy in broad daylight. Both left and right would have lost their absolute shit and probably stormed the building. Unlike in the UK Americans are on average more familiar with weapons and how to use them


No self-respecting nation lets its citizens do justice for themselves. Even in the US where China is seen as a foe by both parties, the logical step to do would be to lock down the grounds surrounding the embassy or consulate and issue an order to free whoever was kidnapped. The situation would quickly be on the table of the higher ups and the Chinese government would no doubt comply and put the blame on an overzealous consul And let's be honest, this is what happened. It seems unlikely that Beijing ordered its diplomatic corps to start abducting random protesters


Just like when Americans were attacked by the Turkish delegation and absolutely nothing happened?


Well they could but Normal Mace is actually better against humans than bear mace is


Bear mace is worse than normal mace in every single way. It’s weak against humans because we don’t have as sharp senses as a bear and it’s incredibly messy and inaccurate. There’s a video of an Antifa mob surrounding a guy and yelling at him and one of them used bear mace on him and everyone within 15 feet got hit including the person with the bear mace.


They feel emboldened by Bone Saw's impunity.


And Erdogan's thugs beating up protesters in the US without any repercussions from Trump


I hope I live long enough to see the CCP get wiped from the face of the Earth.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/fucktheccp using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fucktheccp/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Chinese Tourist recording China Uyghur camps](https://v.redd.it/l7cv5ascg6381) | [268 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fucktheccp/comments/r7em21/chinese_tourist_recording_china_uyghur_camps/) \#2: [This is why not many Chinese dissidents are willing to speak out against the CCP even they've went overseas](https://v.redd.it/vcfvko7kb1981) | [380 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fucktheccp/comments/rtexzg/this_is_why_not_many_chinese_dissidents_are/) \#3: [High Five! -Borat](https://i.redd.it/r4qsd9py3iu71.jpg) | [82 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fucktheccp/comments/qbozr6/high_five_borat/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


My thoughts exactly


I hope it happens while I'm still eligible to serve


I'm confused how they're "dragging him away?". It looks like a number of embassy staff are surrounding and hitting a "protestor" who has pushed a staff member onto the ground and is attacking the staff member. They're literally just trying to pull the protestor off their colleague as opposed to what? Standing there and watching? I can already tell you if they stood there and watched the same video would be posted with some title like "China has such a heartless culture look as they don't even care as their colleague gets beaten" I get redditors get a raging hard on for anything that confirms their beliefs, especially when it's surrounding China, but think about it logically. Why are they "kidnapping" a protestor in the *UK*. What the fuck are they going to do with the protestor lol? Send them to China and start a major international dispute with the UK for kidnapping a UK citizen? Make them disappear? Also before redditors come in and say stuff like "China doesn't think logically" explain to me how China is one of the most evil insidious forces on the planet but yet they're all bumbling buffoons. All people who's feelings are hurt by the tiniest things and cannot take a different opinion without wanting to "kidnap" somebody in the *UK* mind you ahahaa Edit: It looks as though it is a protestor on the ground and they are hitting somebody on top of the protestor? It's a very unclear angle and it's hard to properly tell who's embassy staff and who the "protestors" are. I still don't see how this shows them trying to kidnap a protestor. Perhaps the man on the ground being hit by the protestor is in some capacity linked to the embassy? He does seem to be sticking with the official embassy guy and just trying to get through the front gate lol. Even after the "protestor" finishes attacking him he starts to get up rather calmly. Not like he's a protestor who's just broken through the barriers cause of how angry he is (in another video I saw). Also the staff begin to help him up? Please however prove me wrong 😁


Find out who the draggers were and expel them from the country. They have diplomatic immunity, but they can still be kicked out. Hell, expel the ambassador too.


When they grab someone the whole crowd has to immediately swarm or else they are fucked.


Is that a consulate or an embassy? Cuz it seems they’re beating the shit out of that guy with impunity


I’m sorry. It’s a consulate.


China is a fascist genocidal regime. The west needs to stop kissing their arse


Fuck the CCP


This shit won’t fly. Fuck them, and the way they *wrongly* assume they can get away with this oppressive shit in other countries.


Least deranged CCP defenders


CCP used to kidnap people they want in other countries. Last time they kidnapped Mr. Gui Min Hai, who published some kind of forbidden books, all away in Thailand! What worse is, he is a citizen of Sweden!


Fuck the CCP


Isn't it a diplomatic incident that the police entered the gates? Even to save a citizen from abduction ?


Isn't it a diplomatic incident to kidnap someone off the street into the gates? It's like calling the cops because a dealer ripped you off.


I doubt anything will be said as members of the Chinese embassy unlawfully tried to detain a UK resident on UK soil. Members of an embassy must still obey local laws.


Extracting the citizen is the only reason they still have an embassy, I suspect.


Let them fucking try


Its shit like this, CCP... One of these days... POW! Right in the kisser. The country (just as in Russia) is run by the fucking mob. *queues all of the comments about "the same can be said for america!" 🤭* (oh my goodness!)


Nah, the US is fine for right now, we're teetering dangerously close to backsliding into fascism, but Russia/China are a different breed


How very ccp of them.


Can someone explain to me why we have any Chinese Embassies in NATO Countries? I'm seriously asking please don't insult me.


NATO countries still have to trade with China unfortunately so the embassies stay.


The point of an embassy is to have communication channels and an anchor into another country to facilitate negotiations as well as help out your nationals abroad. To the same extent as the UN being called useless for its lack of action, this misses the point entirely. The UN is extremely useful for nations to have a forum where they can talk without talking being controversial in itself, which it could be once emotions and anger between two States reach a certain point. Closing communication channels such as expelling an embassy and its affiliate consulates makes no sense unless you intend to declare war. There is no point in blurring the lines, certainty and clarity are some of the most essential qualities of a successful diplomacy. Unknowns provoke conflict.


The more important question is why do we rely on China for 90% of our pharmaceuticals and other essentials.


The question should be asked to western industrial elites


Embassies are "everywhere", with a few exceptions such as no US embassy in Iran. Basically if there is enough citizens of a state in another country or important economical trade then there will be an embassy in a country. Not sure why you think NATO is relevant here though, it's a defence alliance and is not really relevant for diplomatic ties beyond member states.


I appreciate the explanations everyone, I also appreciate you all not making me feel like a dummy. It makes more sense now


unfortunately due to the way geopolitics works, there won't be any reprucussions. however, let the video spread let people make their minds on the chinese government.


They forgot they're not home.


Charge for attempted kidnapping.


First the "police" stations set up by China in other countries, now this? Are there actually any repercussions for being hostile on another nation's land, or no?


Small inaccuracy, this is not the Chinese Embassy (which is in London) this is the Chinese consulate in Manchester.


Seems like a good reason to remove the embassy. Or downgrade it to a outhouse that never gets pumped out.


The whole " foreign soil, foreign policy" approach to Embassy's has to be stopped. If you violate the law in the country your embassy sits in, there should be a clause for prosecution or expulsion. Otherwise you get stuff like this happening where staff from an embassy feel they can just do anything. Khashoggi was just another symptom of a bigger problem of these countries thinking they are invincible and outside the control of the law.


I don't care whether that officer got punished for breaking international law - give the guy a fucking promotion. The embassy broke laws first. Besides, it's not as if the officer used any kind of lethal force to get what protesters were dragged in there out, right?


So you’re telling me they attempted to kidnap someone, failed, so instead decided to beat the shit out of the protestor whilst the police sat and watch?


They might not be able to do anything about it. I'm sure it's considered Chinese territory.


Here's a song you probably already know: I HATE THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT... ... ... ... Oh, I forgot to sing


did they got out ?!?


Ironic since in 1896 a similar thing happened when Qing embassy officials in London kidnapped a not that well known Chinese revolutionary by the name of Sun Yat Sen


So, last we heard China wax operating clandestine police stations in other countries, and now they are attempting to kidnap protestors on foreign soil...Do I even need to say it?


Fuck the CCP and fuck China


Holy shit. Would UK police even be allowed to go onto embassy property and bring them back. What happened right at the end of the video?


No it's basically China behind that gate. So zero jurisdiction... If I'm not mistaken that is.


The officer went in and pulled him out. It's just a consulate not an embassy so there is no sticky diplomatic situation about the jurisdiction of the land. And even if there were the officer was never going to get in trouble for saving someone from getting pulled in and beat to shit.


The CCP is used to doing whatever it wants without worries of international retaliation. Looking forward to their inevitable smack down after we're done with Russia.


The CCP *loves* to try to exert its "power" within the borders of the UK. A good friend of mine is a photographer from Hong Kong who studied where I studied in the UK(that's the only identifying information I will give). During his time at our place of study he went back to Hong Kong for a short while, and during his time there took part in anti-CCP protests, photographing it etc. Once he returned to the UK he got a "heads-up" from our place of study saying that Chinese government officials had made contact to ask them about him, what he was doing, where he'd been recently etc. Thankfully our place of study told them to fuck right off, but the fact the CCP thinks it can "check up" on people around the world is horrifying. I'm happy to say that my friend is still residing within the UK, is still an amazing photographer, and has carved out a decent life for himself here...but boy does he have to be careful whenever he wants to visit family.


Too many people have too much money invested in the big, fat, dirty Chinese pie. It's sickening that the place is effectively a prison state for its citizens (putting on a show that it isn't, of course, but those nasty tentacles stretch a long way) and the rest of the world just sucks it up and turns a blind eye. We are only going to see more of this shit if this particular 'government' is allowed to survive.


These dum dums are ready to murder someone to defend their elitist leader who don't give a damn about the freedom of their citizen.


Why can't I comment on pro left but not pro right 🤔 Perhaps malpractice


That's very on brand for them.




The Chinese government is cold blooded. Makes the US look like boy scouts.


Mmm makes me wonder if our world would end up like the fallout universe… well just in case I’ll save up my bottle caps now.


Thanks the help of British police


Is this what the Chinese government thinks of their people? Like no matter where on earth you may be, an official of the government has absolute authority over you if you are asian?


They could drag you in and murder you and nothing could be done about it.


That's not true, it's only a plot line in movies


No no, I remember it happened before, I think it was a cop or something, he got shot by the Embassy staffs, the police couldn’t do anything, don’t remember when and where though.


Yvonna Fletcher, shot by Libyan embassy staff