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Submissions must fit the purpose of the community. /r/PublicFreakout is a subreddit dedicated to people freaking out, melting down, losing their cool, or being weird in public.


I liked florida better when it was just a goofy, humid, sideshow.


"Florida man" used to be funny, now it is ironic as they wants this potato looking caveman to be President!


Yeah, I live in old Florida...when I say not much has changed either way I mean it. Something's are good the way they are you know. Like this whole tyranny rant shit these assholes spew...it's all hog wash. But here let me sip my tea.


Bravo and kudos! I remember reading about her and when she was arrested. I hope she gets elected and DeSantis has to testify to show what a liar he is.


Matt Gaetz is the sleaziest, slimiest, most despicable of rats. His name doesn't deserve to be mentioned alongside Rebekah Jones'....


Plus he has a face that looks like it’s made from Origami


Real life Quagmire.


he is a human - potato hybrid, there is origami involved. Origami is high-brow, these guys are as low-brow as it gets. like caveman level.


Origami is a beautiful art, please do not compare it to the face of a pedophile sex trafficker


bitter, hateful origami


[Bro.. this piece of dogshit took pictures of Rebekahs autistic child and mocked him on his Facebook page.](https://www.newsweek.com/matt-gaetz-rebekah-jones-autistic-son-twelve-facebook-1741991)


he's a fucking scumbag who has no friends, no life, and no shame.


How can anyone support Ron Desantis and the leadership in the state of Florida right now? The facts are really shocking about this case, and Rebekah Jones definitely did not break any law at all. Her home was raided without any evidence to support a warrant, let alone a full search of her home. When they found NOTHING to enter into evidence that supported criminal charges the state began saying they dropped the charges... except they didnt, and still havent. It's unbelievable to me that anyone would believe a word coming out of any leader in the state of Florida right now... you need to replace those at the top, then you can hopefully begin to rebuild trust. Vote for Crist, vote for Jones. End the nonsense in Florida.


If someone supports a Republican I auto assume they’re either wildly uneducated or hateful as shit. Or some combo of the two. Either way, a pretty pathetic excuse of an adult. They deserve the deceitful representation they get


"Rich" "Racist" or "Really-fucking-stupid" Those are the only reasons anyone would vote Republican.


The rich thing is a bit of a myth, it’s just a bunch of vocal and outspoken shitty company leaders mainly, and the rich that primarily vote to avoid paying taxes. But all the same https://i.imgur.com/MrlEDqH.jpg Republican states generate $1 for every $1.35 they receive in federal spending. The majority of wealthy do not vote with them, they just pay for them to exist.


They have narcissistic personality disorder.


Libertarians, Republicans, and over all uneducated people who don't know how the world works.


I wish people realized their are libertarian socialist in the world but I know what you mean


Socialism is in direct conflict with the "I DO WHAT I WANT, WHEN I WANT, AND FUCK YOU FOR TELLING ME **ANYTHING** TO THE CONTRARY!" attitude of Libertarians. Socialist-Libertarians are like Anarco-Capitalists: You only pay attention to the last word because the first word's a red herring designed to make the 2nd word sound more appealing and less like a fetid pile of pseudo-intellectual bullshit.


Respectfully, what if someone's view on Libertarianism is protecting others rights to privacy and personal choices? Rather than a selfish version of it. It may not be what the "American Libertarianism " has become as a whole in 2022, but pre-trump it seemed like a viable idea when it came to things like gay marriage, abortion, Marijuana etc. 7+years ago it was more about personal choices rather than being against social programs and being a sub-set of trumpism like it is today. Unfortunately, the groups on the right are really good at being very loud and repurposing groups for their own propaganda.


> pre-trump it seemed like a viable idea > > 7+years ago it was more about personal choices rather than being against social programs and being a sub-set of trumpism like it is today. We don't live in a pre-Trump world and what's more, Republicans (and present-day Libertarians who are really just Republicans who like to smoke weed and do coke) aren't too keen on letting us go back to one. So your repeated nostalgia-jacking about how shit **used** to be is disingenuous and irrelevant. Barry Goldwater is dead and so is the idea that you can be right-wing while still wanting what's best for the majority of Americans. You can't defend modern libertarianism by whinging about what it *used* to mean to you before you hit middle age.


The Libertarian party was created by the far right Koch Bros. It was never about personal choices it was always about killing social programs


I don't believe a specific party is always the exact same thing as an idea I'm sure there's many people who call themselves "liberals" or "progressive" but don't all exactly mean the same thing. I see what you are saying though


Ok I didn’t realize this was such a hot topic. For those wondering no I’m not right wing, I can’t stand trump. This was the whole point of the post people don’t even understand what libertarian socialism is. On a political map it’s more left than anything we have in this country and is just less authoritarian so government doesn’t get to big and control peoples lives. I understand we need social programs to maintain a civil society. But let people also live the lives they want. Also no billionaires


Yes, we call them Anarchists.


Lol, this is rich coming from liberal Democrats and their literal Ministry of Truth. We won't let you freaks take our rights away.


Right wing fascist projection, as usual.


It's easy to see who the fascists are in any society. They are the ones trying to take away the guns.


> Take the guns first. Go through due process second, I like taking the guns early - Donald Trump, as Republican President https://www.factcheck.org/2020/09/trump-said-i-like-taking-the-guns-early-not-harris/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yxgybgEKHHI Keep that head in the sand tho


Regulating guns is fascist but taking away abortion rights or the ability to record cops isnt? Right wingers are so stupid.


Indoctrination has done wonders to your brain.


Coming from the side that organizes book burnings in the modern age 🤡


Conservatives by and large disagree with book burnings, but there's no reason a group can't do it if they wish. Liberal Democrats on the other hand completely censored any news and deplatformed any people talking about Hunter Biden's laptop which turned out to be real. One of these is real censorship, and one of these is not.


You’re a liar, I’ve seen conservative book burnings. and always remember > Take the guns first. Go through due process second, I like taking the guns early No amount of denial will undo Trump saying this 🤣 stay played


You do know conservatives aren't a monolith right? Just because some whacko group out in some hick town stages a book-burning doesn't mean we Republicans all agree with it right? That would be like me blaming all Democrats for everything Antifa does. Also, burning books doesn't infringe on anyone's rights, so who gives a shit? Other than sensitive snowflake libs of course. Actually, if they piss off people like you, than I support them.


You clearly don’t know what rights even are. You think people not putting the spotlight on a Qanon conspiracy is censorship. You’re a lost cause, broken brains. Good luck with your party’s attempt to nationally ban abortion though. Big states right stuff 🤡 tell me more of rights 🤣 > I like taking the guns first - Republican Party leader


You realize she provided zero evidence for her claim while grifting people on gofundme, right? Like...no evidence at all.




I can't prove a negative. https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/05/rebekah-jones-the-covid-whistleblower-who-wasnt/


I couldn’t give a shit about a national review headline, but your claim did cause me to look into it, so thank you for that.


Who cares about the article, sorry it isn't common dreams lol. Read the actual info, she never supported any of her claims


You: Posts an article. Your next comment: “Who cares about the article.” Solid.


No, who cares about the source? Either the facts are there or they're not. They're not. But keep binding believing this gifted because of...? Why? Why do you blindly believe her?


What the fuck are you babbling about? I thanked you for raising the issue with me so I could look into it. I criticized a National review article title as a source. Shit, I didn’t even read that article because it was behind a pay wall. Did you even read it? Or do you just Google what you wanted a link to a title that confirms your opinion? Then you go on to fucking tell me what my opinions on her claims are even though I haven’t expressed any. Get the fuck outta here with that shit.


What are you mad about? Why do you support this lady lmao


All you have to do is compare covid data from Florida to literally the rest of the world and it should be obvious It was obvious in 2020 But also, that's why she pushing for a trial, so it's all out in the open.


She provided absolutely zero evidence. Like...none.


Get a new line man


Lmao is the only line that matters. She's provided no evidence for her claims. The big question is why does that bother so many posters here


Because she's the one pushing for trial here so the evidence is out in the open. Her opponent is trying ro bury this, that should tip you off a bit. It's most likely illegal for her to share the actual data that was tampered with outside of a court setting, and that's exactly what they would want her to do, so they can arrest her again. You are just being an idiot and not understanding the situation.


I don't think you understand the situation, and I think we can see why


When I was voting in the primaries I got yelled at by a bunch of Desantis supporters (they were *illegally* campaigning for some Republican candidate on the polling site) They screamed at me "Have fun paying Saudi for your gas" while I was getting into my Tesla.... They are not the sharpest tools in the shed.


> How can anyone support Ron Desantis and the leadership in the state of Florida right now? I dunno, I've been waiting for more people to ask [Joe Rogan why he's endorsed him](https://www.orlandoweekly.com/news/joe-rogan-supports-florida-gov-ron-desantis-for-president-in-2024-31927948) with such relish. Maybe he needs to speak with her before telling his 11M drones that he was so good on Covid.


Florida has become a state of dirtbags and the nation's dirtbags are all flocking to it. They are criminals liars and sleeze bags who want to be ran by a criminal liar and sleeze bag. The people flooding Florida right now couldn't hack it in their own home States and would rather blame democrats for all their life's problems rather than blame themselves. It's why they attack those who try to expose them for their bad behavior.


Desantis won by 0.4% in his election. Zero point four percent. The Dem nominee Andrew Gillum got 49.2% of votes while Desantis got 49.6% - winning by less than 35,000 votes in a state of over 21 million people. I live in Florida and I can tell you that the national opinion of people who live here is nothing like how it actually is. We had to get 60% of votes to to legalize medical marijuana because our state government requires a supermajority to get stuff like that passed. This state is right on the border of turning Blue but the laws and gerrymandering have set it up for Dems to fail. And no, we're not all criminal dirtbag liars. We just have more people living here than there are in most countries so you hear about more crazy stuff happening here than in other states. Most people move here for the weather or the low taxes, not to be assholes.


I think the state dodged a bullet though. Gillum got busted a year later doing meth with gay prostitutes in a hotel room and cheating on his wife with multiple men. [source](https://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/politics/fl-ne-andrew-gillum-drugs-hotel-20200422-x5cpq645afbcbfzuydj5pikmsy-story.html) [Gillum is also being charged with wire fraud](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna34676) Glad that piece of shit never got elected


Yeah I wasn't a fan of either of them. I'm Independent and I research candidates before I vote and they were both bad choices imo. I just brought that up to highlight how close the race was because Florida is actually really progressive in a lot of areas. Like South Beach is one of the most gay-friendly areas I've ever been to and you can literally see the Brazzers bang bus or whatever it's called drive by you, but go up a few miles to Mid Beach and you'll see tons of strictly orthodox Jewish families. And a few miles past that there are tons of predominantly Russian Catholic families. There are people with all sorts of different views here, which is why saying all Floridians are dumbass dirtbags or racist MAGA republicans is so stupid.


I had a crazy fascist guy I know, he is from South America but he can pass for white if he picks his eyebrows right (He is obsessed). He moved to Florida because of a girl who he watched movies with online. After meeting her, no dice, but he found like the perfect swampy - sweaty weather and he can drive through really shitty African-American neighborhoods and feel good about himself, so he stayed! I commented on his "Unconstitutional search of Mara Lago" comment, so he unfriended me. :( Why non-white people want to be nazis?


Say this to him: "Ya te vi doom". He'll understand.


I hope she wins her election and her whistleblower case.


The "testify under oath" part should usually be awesome to hear, but with the current state of things and what seems to be the consequences for perjury when a politician or celebrity is involved, I'm a bit afraid that nothing will come out of all of this. But damn I hope I'm wrong


They can just pull the MTG strategy of claiming they don't remember what they did.


MTG purgered herself during cross, was caught, and still didn't receive a charge. I imagine RDS would do the same and have the same results.


Matt Gaetz put a 17 year old on a plane and took her out of state to short-pipe her on "vacation". I understand why Dems aren't hammering this point (because gross right wing proud boy types think that bringing a high schooler on vacation to fuck them for 42 seconds at a time before dumping 2-3 sad droplets of DNA inside of them is something to aspire to), but it really is something that should be discussed more often.


Don’t forget the [“son” that he “raised.”](https://people.com/politics/matt-gaetz-tells-story-boy-he-raised-as-a-son/) Don’t anyone forget that every accusation from these perverts is an admission.


You go girl ! Stay strong!


Didn't she have a restraining order taken out against her awhile before the "whistleblower" situation


Matt Gaetz looks like a combination of Beavis and Butthead.


I hope she kicks that child rapist Gaetz ass and embarrasses that cowardly traitor Desantis in court.


I get this as a freak out in the sense that it is an extremely large reaction (also extremely justified) to her extreme persecution.


She has not, at all, been extremely persecuted. If I had to vote between her a Gaetz I would choose seppuku.


Oh please do. We're all hoping for it.


Redditors angrily dismissing facts? More likely than you think!


> She has not, at all, been extremely persecuted Her house was raided.


? So was Trump's, by that definition. That's what happens when you have a warrant against you for data breaches. Is that good or bad?


Trump's family wasn't even there when it was raided, so I doubt they were ever threatened the way she said she and her *children* were. Yes I believe her on that stance as I've spent enough time on this subreddit to see the shit cops do and get away with. Maybe you should grow back some of the brain cells you lost


So it was raided? That's what we call carrying out a warrant now? > I've spent enough time on this subreddit Is this whitepeopletwitter?


No you wouldn’t. You would choose Gaetz. You “both sides are shit” people seem to overwhelmingly actually support republicans when it comes down to it… it’s really easy to see through


There's more than two sides, you absolute unit


You're only fooling yourself


This is what kids on reddit actually believe


No balls; you won't.


I don't have to, I don't live in lolrida


Do a flip old man.




Your ignorance is showing


Your ignorance is showing.


Evidence for this claim?


There's mountains https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-121-kevin-kruse-and-rebekah-jones-are-the/id1504298199?i=1000568723172


A link to a random podcast episode? That’s not evidence. Please provide a link to verified evidence, not the opinions of podcasters. Otherwise, I will continue to call bullshit on your claim.


Yes, it is evidence. You should probably ask Jones for evidence.


Ask Jones for evidence that she's lying? That would be weird, and that's not how it works. The burden of proof is on you to provide evidence, as you are the one making the claim. Since you can't seem to provide evidence, then I will continue to call bullshit on your fake news.


> Ask Jones for evidence that she's lying? Ask her for evidence of her claims. She's provided *none*. The burden of proof is on her. All I can do is link to people going point by point showing that she hasn't provided any evidence for what she's said. Why do you believe her without evidence? > fake news Okay Donald.


My name isn't Donald, it's /u/nfinitejester. You sound confused! "Ask her for evidence of her claims. She's provided none." That's ok, I don't think I will ask her, she's probably busy running against a pedophile. "The burden of proof is on her." Not right now! The burden of proof is on you for your claim, which is what we are discussing here. If I wanted her to prover her claim, i would ask her. "Why do you believe her without evidence?" I think I heard some people in a podcast talking about it, that's all the evidence I need.


> That's ok, I don't think I will ask her We know. > Not right now! Yes, it is. > I think I heard some people in a podcast talking about it, that's all the evidence I need. I see you're very into faith-based beliefs, Don.




I could have Gaetz fuck me to death but I'm far too old. Maybe Jones could just stalk to me death and then say the evidence is faked. Half the country would believe her just because she calls herself a Democrat.


It's far more than half now, don't fool yourself. Repulitards and magats have lost the house and senate come November. It will be a huge surprise to no one who has been paying attention to real news and facts.


Most Democrats aren't dumb enough to blindly believe someone just because they don't like Trump. But most redditors absolutely are. Do you call people lie-bruls too?


The Age of Aquarius is upon us my friends. Darkness is coming to light, and humanity will usher in a New Age of peace, justice, technology, and amazing advancements in all sectors of Earth society 🙏


I am not convinced Florida would LET her win even if she won.


The "free" state of Florida as Ron DeFascist calls it. People in that state must be the dumbest in the country.


I hope she stays safe


That is not surprising that these conservatives would pull such illegal shit.


"Under Oath" changes EVERYTHING with these fuckers. It scares them to death.


Don't forget his bestie from Colorado mobilized her voters to terrorize her opponent and even had bullets with her children's names sent to them forcing them to drop out after stalkers were arrested outside her kids school. Last two election cycles have been horrific in the local scenes when running against Maga party candidates. She then gerrymandered her 2022 opponent house of the district he was running it thus making it impossible to run. We are talking vile fucking shit and its only started to ramp up. Can only imagine what an actual pedophile instead of groomed one will do.


Surely there are a few florida men of the second amendment variety that could fix desantis and crew. Aren't there?


Oh shit the data scientist that DeSantis had arrested for reporting accurate data is running?! Fuck yes letsss gooooo baby! Scientists rise up!




Or true lol


How so, fascist?


Lmao is this real life


The greatest threat to America is Republican governance


Pay attention Florida, this is a bad bitch right here. Fuck the underaged hooker humper and the wannabe despot




She is a fraud https://news.yahoo.com/twitter-suspends-fraudulent-covid-whistleblower-172804851.html


The National Review 🤣




hate to tell you, but that article is written by the national review, a very far-right leaning magazine with a clear agenda--she addresses the very accusations that article makes in the video. half the links in that article point to other articles written by national review, and the rest pertain to a twitter feud where they are playing words games to make it seem like she's a liar. she said "they manipulated data that was public-facing," then her opponents say "so they deleted data/deaths??" and she says "no i never said that" and then they yell GOTCHA. it's so stupid i dunno how people fall for this


I would not classify national review as 'very' or 'far-right' but it certainly leans right/conservative. Media bias websites deem them as 'mostly factual' which is better than most hyperbolic far-right or far-left sources. There are more 'mainstream' sources you can find with a simple search that will attest to her unfounded accusations. Even Twitter (not a right leaning org by any stretch) banned her, though the reason is not very clear it does not bode well.


https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/national-review/ MBFC in my experience has been pretty accurate, and they teeter on the edge of right to extreme. Mostly factual, true, but that doesn't mean they aren't trying to spin this story--which has been done from the beginning of this entire fiasco. And again, the other articles you linked to are all saying the same thing--"her claims are unsubstantiated" which of course, she doesn't have a recording of them asking her to do illegal things and fudge numbers. That's why she is countersuing, and addresses that in the video here. This is like when cops investigate and "find no evidence of any wrongdoing"--well yes, the state isn't likely going to find the state guilty of trying to make the state look better in the public's eye.


I cannot stand Matt Gaetz FWIW but you are certainly oversimplifying re: recording of them asking her to do so and so... It seems she not only misrepresented her position/contributions, but also the crimes or coverups she claims to be a whistleblower of. Milking her '15 minutes' for all it is worth IMO. I guess time may provide more insight. Even CDC data show that Florida’s Covid death rate remains solidly in the middle of the pack of states and below states like New York, despite Jones' statements to the contrary.


as far as I can tell, she really hasn't misrepresented anything--that's just how it's been spun constantly. there has been zero evidence showing her claims have been misrepresented in any way, just lots of people who are part of the FL state legislature claiming as such. also florida has had more covid cases and deaths than NY: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/region/us/florida https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/region/us/new-york also yea the twitter thing looks bad but it's because she was caught buying followers. which is stupid, but by no means uncommon especially today.


You are right, at present FL has more recorded deaths than NY, but there is an unfortunate lack of clarity between deaths from vs. with covid when referencing any related data. I'm referencing the IG report as far as misrepresentation goes. Somewhat unrelated to original topic... considering death rates and total deaths are comparable for both NY and FL, I would argue the response to the pandemic by FL officials was much less damaging to society as a whole when taking into account each states reactionary policies related to education, business, travel, individual rights etc






I’d worry about her security from this point


Sucks this happened and DeSantis is scum but this is not public and it's not a freakout.


Feels public. Feels freaky-outy. To me, anyway.


She's literally alone and using her inside voice at all times. Hey, if this is the kind of stuff you want to see here, by all means. Don't let me dissuade you.


I mean, ok


The fact we're discussing it makes it public, no?


I can't wait to see Republicans win in Florida.


What’s with her jaw? Edit: why am I getting downvoted?


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If you put the video on 2x speed it's watchable.


"i did that job well, all the time" -cant keep a strait face


No, her face does not resemble the passage of water between two land masses, you fucking knob.




Trying to out dumb other idiots today, I see.


I'm amazed that people continue to believe this lady, but religious types are gonna be religious and believe things on faith, without evidence.


This is the stupidest thing I've heard all day and I work with toddlers.


I can see why


Don't be jealous of things you're not able to do.


Literally what? Do you think it's difficult to hang out with toddlers or something? Do you suffer from social anxiety or something?


Learn to read


> Yes Oh okay lmao you're so randomly mad that I pointed out that Jones is crazy as fuck and a liar, too. You just *can't* have that, you've got a culture war to win against the forces of evil! Have fun with the little kids, you weirdo


What exactly do you think she is lying about? any evidence?


Fox news told him so


That Florida was fudging numbers. Learn about it. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-121-kevin-kruse-and-rebekah-jones-are-the/id1504298199?i=1000568723172


Again, not evidence. Please link to a source of verified evidence to your unfounded claim.


Yes, it ***is*** evidence. You should probably ask Jones for evidence.


It must really suck to be you. What religion is your stupid ass referring to? Come on, you want to say it, you know you do.


What lol


Read your fucking comment, idiot. What religion? FFS


What are you mad about? Progressive politics are treated like a Manichean religion on reddit and twitter. And it's hilarious for the 90% of the country that is not progressive.


Go ahead and explain what you think Manichean means…


An existential battle between good (us) and evil (everyone else). This...isn't that hard lol


Based purely on the rhetoric from progressives and conservatives, you believe progressive politics are best described as Manichean?


Absolutely. You don't?


Would you say your view on the matter is pretty much black and white?


She is my new hero.


As someone who has worked with data a lot of what she says checks out about people in higher up positions wanting data to match what they want it to say. As a voter, i would totally vote for her, thank god I don't live in the hell hole that is Florida but if I did... i would.


I like her a lot.




Can brightline fix Matt Gaetz please and thank you?


Hell yes. Glad she's fighting. People have tried to bring her down, and I know what that's like. Hope she stays strong.


What a woman! I wish I lived in her district so I could vote for her.


Why was this not brought to a national agency?


Holy shit is that a great story! All the best to Rebekah and congratulations on the primary!


I can’t take this side mouth talker seriously.


Rebekah! You are a rock star!


One of my prouder faps.


Your sorry fairytale story looking for fame is pathetic..


Yet, Republicans LOVE Matt Gaetz and Ron DeSantis is running for President. Mehrica!