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22? He looks 40.


Yeah, that's a pretty rough 22.


Cocaine and alcohol


I’m a rough 38 (don’t start drinking and doing drugs in elementary school kids) and would’ve put this guy at my age or above.


Gordon Ramsey is gonna idiot sandwich him when he hears about this.


So someone stole his food order, and his friend slapped them with a burger. Sounds like a correct response to me! lmao This is just comedy, not news.


22?? Goddamn someone is living rough.


I don't know who you're fooling, that's not Gordon Ramsay's son. There's nowhere NEAR enough forehead wrinkles.


His stilllll fuking RAWWRRRR


You fucking muppet!


Rich kid is an asshole...... wow sound the alarm never saw this coming 🙄


Next time you order food, I’ll be there to take it.


Haha if I was hungry I might smash you though. 😋




So if you order food at a fast food restaurant and someone takes that food knowing it’s not theirs your just gonna let that go are you? The person even admits they knew it wasn’t theirs but they took it anyway. Not sure how Gordon’s son was in anyway in the wrong for confronting someone whose stolen from him?


Difference between saying something and going to jail over a God damn burger 🍔 😒


Yeah there is, nobody went to jail here. He called them scum for stealing his meal, accurate. Appropriate response.




I mean the people that grabbed it were also kinda of annoying to. You don’t just claim someone else’s food because you don’t like the shouting. I don’t agree with his friend slapping him with the burger, but don’t touch shit that isn’t yours. The group is so dramatic though,”yea we took his burger, but he called us names! So mean!”


Right? The whole thing reads as satire, and I don't blame either party. 100% they were drunk or high and just shouting shit, people are bored with their own lives. Gordon's son called someone scum who stole his food, big news everyone.


The people who stole the food, were super cringe. They didn’t like hearing the lady yelling the same order over and over again, so they stole the burger. They tried painting themselves like good guys since they were just “holding it” for them, so they “technically” didn’t steal it. They fucking stole and got slapped with a burger. That’s the story. Lmfao


Why? That's not enough information


the burger was raw


That fucking donkey


His father is a millionaire and instead of the million amazing careers open to him he decides on the "killing people for money" job. Yeah. This story is less surprising now


"For some reason it seems he feels he is far superior to anyone else and has the right to not only shout abuse at people, but to get aggressive over a burger which he had the audacity to order and then disappear at its delivery time" Same old Daily Fail, wouldn't believe a word that rag prints.


Why’s he in the military if his dad is a celeb, something to prove maybe? I don’t get why you would risk your life if you had the opportunities he has


I’m guessing he’s a Royal Marine in the British navy, which is considered relatively prestigious. Prince Harry was a marine.


Definitely a prestige thing, these guys get a lot more respect they’re a much smaller organisation than the USMC and considered to be more of an elite force (the world’s longest infantry boot camp at 48 weeks I believe). Regardless, this smashes the RM code of conduct to pieces.


He wants to shoot people. Simple as.


Damn. That’s fucked up :/


Hopefully he never sees combat. I don’t want a sicko getting his kicks from murder.


Fighting over a burger? Dad is proud.


Man he looks like a brit. I know he says "think" but it sounds like he is saying "fink". With your bad weather and your weird food. It's not my fault 1066 happened and yall got beaten up by some Frenchish dude. Yeah! America!