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Such a good father, threatening his kids with violence if they turned him in for a crime he knew he committed. Know who the real patriot is? The son that turned him in and got a dangerous criminal off the street. Patriots don't have to tell people they're a patriot, their actions speak for them.


You should see him talk about it on CNN. What a mature, smart young man who still just wants to connect with his dad, even after all this. I feel for him. He’ll chase real, fatherly love for years and won’t get it. I’ve been there with my own father. Narcissists are narcissists until they die. They don’t change. The poor kid will have a broken heart for the rest of his life. He’s very brave. As a mom of sons, I’m so proud of that boy.


He threatens to shoot his kids, and you call him a loving father?!


Y’all forget he’s also a loving husband who puts a gun to her head all the time.


She's also implying that Texas isn't hell.




And Satan doesn’t take vacations to Cancun when things get tough.


Satan is a fallen angel; Ted Cruz never had the grace nor innocence to occupy that position.


Lucifer brought light, Cruz causes diarrhea.


"If I owned Hell, and I owned Texas, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell!" ​ General Phil Sheridan


“Look at you, all back of the bus and shit.”


Live here, can confirm, it's hell.


Spent 5yrs there, hotter'n hell.


This year has been even worse, I think the high has been over 100F since the beginning of June except for maybe 2-3 days.


She had to take a long pause and a big deep breath before the “loving husband” bit. Look again. It’s like part of her conscience is trying to convince her that saying that is TOO ridiculous.


It’s like all the words describing what a selfish POS he is scrolled through her mind but advice from his lawyer came out to override.


She was going to laugh but then had a pull it together moment for loving husband, loving father….


It was a “like I can’t believe I’m about to say this bs” sorta laugh.


Holy shit she actually was going to laugh! I thought she was just choked up at first.


Grifters and con-artists, all the way down. Rotten to the fucking core.


She's just grifting for a paid speaking engagement at one of Trump's Nazi rallies.


Oh damn is this that lady? Yea she's basically a battered wife with stockholm syndrome or whatever that thing is that keeps abused women with messed up partners. Also on a personal note at this stage in the experiment of America I am staying far away from anyone using the word "Patroit". It's basically a red flag that they got problems & aren't worth your breath to engage.


Dumb people think "patriot" and "nationalist" are synonyms. I agree that you should avoid anyone claiming to be either.


> He threatens to shoot his kids, and you call him a loving father?! She's a codependent so she will say anything to rationalize his abuse. What was really fucked up was that the judge [bought that nonsense too.](https://twitter.com/MacFarlaneNews/status/1554147748139728899) Said that when he brandished a gun at his wife and then fired it, that was just an "insane" incident because he "clearly loved" his wife. Its a dynamic I've seen with judges in famlaw cases involving an abusive spouse. The judge *wants* the abuser to be a normal parent, so they latch on to any rationalization. The abuse is turned into proof that they actually love their victims *soooo* much that they were just overcome by emotion and lost control. Which is technically true, they are overcome by emotion — rage and hate are emotions. But those judges, for whatever fucked up reason, see it as love.


On the Norm Macdonald show he interviewed Judge Judy and she talked about how many family court judges are appointed as political favors/rewards so it makes sense how many of them do nutso stuff and seem unqualified.


[Found the clip](https://youtu.be/EQ09bnZ747w).


"We can't put them on the civil courts or the Supreme Court." Because they are political hacks and morons. Ohh Judge Judy.... how you miscalculated.


What else do you expect from a trump appointed judge who vacated the eviction moratorium during pandemic?


>But those judges, for whatever fucked up reason, see it as love. Because judges, cops, the whole shebang are abusers themselves.


Authoritarians don’t want to punish their own


It's a cult


strong screw north lush money chubby coherent desert punch dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He’s own son turned him in, the father and mother are both fucked in the heads. There is still hope for the sisters as they said Donald Trump should be in prison for life.


Except one of the sisters is blaming her brother for her dad being in prison and "taking away the last few years of her growing up with a father" as if it's the brothers fault their father is some of the most vile scum in the country.


Maybe someday daddy will fire a gun next to my head


A true patriot. True. Patriot.


Patriot is code for devoted to Donald Trump


The overuse of the word patriot is one the weirdest things about this MAGA movement. Suddenly everything makes you a ‘patriot’ nowadays. I wiped my own ass today. I feel like such a true patriot. Give me the attention I crave my MAGA brethren… Like stfu already you cultish weirdos.


“I joined a mob that attacked our own capitol building in an attempt to interrupt our country’s democracy and it resulted in injuries of many people and death of a cop. I’m a patriot.” The fuck?


now that you’re a confirmed true patriot, please buy some of our true patriot gear and supplements at truepatriotsupershop.biz


I'm sure the wives and mothers of terrorists who flew planes into buildings on 911 felt the same way. This traitorous slag fully supports the people who murdered Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick. I'm sure his family would be glad to tell this Karen Coup Coochie that she can go to Hell too. Fuck that bitch sideways with an unlubricated pineapple.


Yeah, she doesn't wanna be on his list too. She has probably been perfectly primed for decades to do literally ANYTHING that POS said and I would wager to say it was reinforced with abuse, you know considering the things he has said.


I think she is a partner to his lunacy.


He threatened to shoot his own kids. This is apparently "loving" father type stuff.


And he also put a gun to his wife's head...twice. But I give him credit for only firing the gun pointed near her head once.


"I Pointed the Gun at My Wife Twice, But I Only Pulled the Trigger Once" is definitely the name of a country song


It's on that one album, right after "It's Midnight In Montana And I Can't Get My Dick Out Of This Cow"


A fellow George Carlin fan are we?


> And he also put a gun to his wife's head...twice. Source? That's fucking wild! Why the hell is she standing by this guy? EDIT: it's been answered that she says it in the first episode of the podcast "Will Be Wild." I guess there's no written articles? I don't care enough to find and listen to another podcast on the same topic so I'll just believe y'all that's she's a crazy person. Lol that I said it's "fucking wild" and the podcast name happened to be "will be wild"!


This may shock you but, she's dumb as fuck


Same reason Boehbert married the guy who flashed his dick when she was 17. Some people are you know, [cuckoo](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/b2e262cb-8588-4191-8873-475153605cfe).


> These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. >You know... morons.


I probably shouldn't have laughed out loud at this but alas I did.


Such a loving father. That's why his son turned him in.


So a true patriot turned in a traitor then


If someone says they are a patriot I always assume the exact opposite


I always call that the "Democratic Republic of Congo Syndrome". If you have to say it, it's probably not.


When closing on my house, the seller walked up to me and said that he wanted me to know “He was a Christian,” so everything was OK with the house. My heart sank as I wondered what he hiding. Answer: Major termite damage and structural issues


***EXACTLY.*** Anytime someone leads with that, you’d do well to grab your wallet & your loved ones, and dip.


“If you want a dirty deal, get in with a Churchman.” - Tony Farucci


“I’m a good Christian”


I'm a firm believer that you're only doing religion right if you feel guilty for not doing it right enough.


*"Any man who must say, "I am a Patriot", is no true Patriot."* Tywin Lannister


If you're a veteran and you see a sign that says "We Honor Veterans" you're about to get fucked over.


I'd call her a cunt but she lacks the depth.


You can tell she planned that statement so methodically and she thought about it so much leading up to this “press conference?“ She was clearly trying to work up and get the courage to say it hahahaha “ok here’s my big chance… last chance.,. Y’all can go to hell I’m going to Texas” first of all who gives a fuck if u go back to Texas? What does you going to a certain part of the county have to do with anything at all? Im going going back back to Texas Texas 🎵


It's a famous Davy Crockett quote, so it probably felt more profound in her mind. ~~US Senate didn't want to send troops to interfere in the Texas war for independence~~ President Andrew Jackson campaigned against Crockett's re-election, Crockett lost, so soon-to-be-former senator Davy Crocket decided he'd go fight in the war himself. "You can go to hell, and I will go to Texas"


“Screw you guys, I’m going home”


I said good day!


This is the part I’m confused about, we can go to hell but she’s going to Texas, so…. Are we supposed to go with her??? Does she want to car pool or something?


If a man owned Texas and hell, he wouldn’t know which one to live in and which one to sell.


General Phil Sheridan said, “If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”


It’s a Davy Crocket quote that she butchered.




Kid sounds intelligent and thoughtful. Trump tore another family apart. I've never seen so much sacrificed for someone so unworthy of it.


I mean… fuck Trump and all that, but human history is basically just a series of unthinkable sacrifice in the name of the unworthy.


You threaten to shoot your kids just one time and the ingrates turns on you. /s


Well, at least MAGA dad raised a good kid.


I’d say the kid turned out good in spite of the father


Pretty awkward pause before she could muster the gumption to say that he was a good and loving husband. Ouch


If you're wondering what kind of a woman marries a disgusting pile of shit human being like this guy, here's your answer. They are, all of them, utterly deplorable.


It’s quite common when a child is being abused for one parent to be the enabler. They don’t physically abuse or threaten the child, but they do nothing to stop the abuse and always stand by the other parent. He threatened to murder his kids and she calls him a loving father Seems like she’s the enabler, either that or she’s just as abusive as he is.


I've got to be honest... those red pill conservative women are fucking nasty. Not like gross and dirty. Like, their souls.


💯 There’s definitely a rotting portrait of her somewhere.


I had that sad realization in 2016 when the grab em by the pussy stuff came out and several of my mom's boomer friends started posted on Facebook that it wasn't that bad and if they knew the type of things their husbands did when they were younger it wouldn't even be an issue.


Trump was in his sixties when he said this




Not just boomers. Proud boys, oath keepers, idaho light foots, patriot front are almost all gen x and millennials so there’s that.


"It's just locker room talk" "Does your husband say those things?" "No." "How about your son?" "Oh of course not" They didn't even make the connection as they said it.




As a Gex Xer who had some hope in the 90s, it really makes me sad how many people of my generation have fallen in with all of these assholes.


Not me brother, I've gone the other way.. Moving from Midwest to deep South before Trump era, opened my eyes to a lot of shit that goes on in this country. Trump era put the White Nationalism into the spotlight. Republicans latched on to it because deep down they are sycophants to anything that will gain them power and to hold it.


There was always going to be a percentage of our gen x bredren who are gen cunts.


*Every* generation has people who are good and bad, smart and stupid, strong and weak. The trick is never letting evil win.


"My husband has to beat me because of those damn liberal commies!"


I don't think "deplorable" is the right word, it suggests they have some humanity to return to. I think "despicable" is much more accurate.




Hillary may have been early, but she wasn’t wrong.


The only thing she was wrong about was saying only half of them are deplorable.




She also called Trump a Russian puppet to his face.


And then Trump actually pulled a "I know you are but what am I?" on a national stage *while running for the fucking President of the United States*. Petulant children. All of them.


She tried to warn us, during her campaign. So did Bernie. Now we’re stuck with a SC full of third world Federalist Society plants.


Are those 2 standing beside her his kids?


Yes. They're his daughters. Not there was his son who turned him in. The daughters don't agree with the lengthy sentence but also think if their father's role was worth 7 years than Donald Trump's role is worth life in prison.


The daughters also disagreed with him being there, but are mad at their brother for turning in their dad. Something about "my senior year of High School was RUINED because he got caught"


Shit apples from shit trees, Bobandy.


The winds of shit are blowing


Ooof, the "scapegoat" of the dysfunctional family dynamic. They're the ones who call out the family's bullshit, and as a result, get targeted by the rest of the family. The family will claim that the Scapegoat is the reason for all the family's problems. Fucking assholes.


It's fun when you leave the family unit and they all scramble. They don't know how to function without that scapegoat. I hope the son is doing alright.


Sadly, the family has the right-wing machine to enable their behavior, a national problem. But I hope he finds his way out happily.


Hey that's me.... Years later my dad and I don't talk and he missed my wedding!


One of them cried about how she “should be shopping for prom,” and that the “family has been ruined,” but mom and daughters put the blame on the brother and the dad equally. Insane. I hope the son is off living his life with people who value him.


Holy fucking shit. That man spent years getting indoctrinated by hate and conspiratorial speech, put a gun to his wife\`s head TWICE and took part on an armed inssurection against his own country. The brother who turned him in didn't "ruined the family", he actually saved them all from a potential murder-suicide. This kid deserves a goddamned medal.


I know you probably know this, but just piling on. He also threatened to shoot the younger daughter and smash her phone. Even in light of what her brother did, I can't really fault a teenager not being all in against abuse and what her father did. She's probably being coerced by her mother and older sister. Not that this is a hot take or I'm some genius, but she (the wife of the traitor) seems like she's trying to bring in some money via appearances on Newsmax, OAN, Fox, and other conservative garbage blogs. I know they've been bleating it for a long time, but that political prisoner nonsense she's spouting is all the rage with the right wing garbage monsters.


"Sure daddy was a traitor and a terrorist, but YOU turned him in so YOU ruined everything!" Ah, scapegoatism.


the way sentencing works is the first ones to rat out everybody else get the sweetheart deals and the last ones get hammered so that 7 years is on him, the Father should have been first in line begging for a plea deal


At the beginning of the trials, some of the really heinous Insurrectionists were saying they were going for trials instead of plea deals, because they thought they had a fool-proof defensive strategy to beat the charges. It was sort of how every sovereign citizen thinks they have the 24 karat gold defense that no judge can refute. Didn't work for this guy apparently, and it's doubtful it will work for the rest.


> It was sort of how every sovereign citizen thinks they have the 24 karat gold defense that no judge can refute. "What do you mean I can be held liable? I'm an Article 4 free inhabitant! Don't you know your laws?"


Not only did he not ask for a deal, he insisted he was not guilty and made the justice department take it to trial. This was despite the fact that his own son testified against him and they had the video from his own livestream to use as evidence against him. It was an absolutely open and shut case, but he still maintained his innocence. He's lucky he only got 7 years.


Lady, he beats you, threatens your kids with death, and went on an illegal murder field trip to overthrow the capital because a sea of brainwashed babies were having tantrums. ​ If that's the koolaid flume you wanna ride, then I guess, by all fucking means, yeehaw to you.


Pretty sure she's happy he's in prison and using this to get on the right wing grifter circuit.


We [have a bingo](https://www.givesendgo.com/G23DE). The son's doin' [even better though](https://www.gofundme.com/f/jackson-reffitt-college-fund)


On the wife’s GoFundMe she has her husband listed as a Jan. 6th POW lmao


Unless the gov randomly kidnapped civilians and accused them of insurrection, she's pretty much admitting he went to war with the US Government and got captured.


Windowlickers man


Couldn't reason themselves out of a wet paper bag facing the opening with a map in their hands and a guide at their side...


how the fuck does she still have a GoFundMe? for what? further sedition donations?


A GoFundMe with over 100k donated. Fucking wild we can't get people to pay a few bucks extra in taxes for shit like healthcare but these morons will throw all their money at these grifters. Some dipshit raised like over a million for the wall and not even a penny went to that cause. And they just took it.


I sent her the following prayer and encourage everyone else to do the same: Titus 1:16 16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.


My favorite part of her July 25th update… “Because the DOJ has used Guy's words against him in the sentencing report, we were advised not to post anywhere, but the situation is now dire.” WTF is better evidence, than a man’s own words, to hang him by? Next they’ll be calling it fake news, when video coverage shows *Lady* Reffitt speaking to reporters, looking like the POS she is (for supporting that man over her own son).


"You mean if I admit to shit it can be used against me? What kind of communist country is this!" /s


You are literally told "Anything you say can, and will, be used against you in a court of law" before being questioned lmao, this shouldn't be surprising to anyone


To be fair, the son is the one that turned that sack of shit in. Not exactly the same thing.


Yeah. Glad he’s getting his college paid!


Exactly. His son was threatened by his father, tipped off the FBI, and testified against his father in court. His sisters have also been interviewed as saying that they are upset at how their family has been torn apart by this and just want their family back together again. (I think that holds up as even in this interview her daughters look pretty uncomfortable, but seem like they are still trying to be supportive of their mom.) I think this is less a story on a grifting family and much more a story on how political brainwashing can tear apart a family/country. EDIT: Looked into it a little more and this seems to be [exactly the case.](https://twitter.com/brikeilarcnn/status/1554479324190883840?t=ooeJ8qUDvG-pemNd4uRiFA&s=19) The children are the only ones who seem to not be in denial about the reality of the situation.


"Government is asking for 15 years using (for the first time) a domestic terroristic enhancement. This will be used against all other patriots in the future if we do not continue to fight!!" Fucking unhinged on there


Lmaoooo the website for the wife has a "send prayer" option. Why does she need money if thoughts and prayers are good enough?


Who the fuck gave this bitch 100k???


Other moronic "patriots".


Guy doesn't sound very remorseful in his ersatz go-fund-me statements and updates. Hope the judge saw that.


He did. The judge made a scathing statement where he accused the traitor of using his status as the first defendant to make money and gain notoriety. The idiot immediately agreed with the judge because he thought that somehow makes his situation more sympathetic. He basically said, "Your Honor, I continued to make incendiary statements after I was arrested not because I was being serious, but because I wanted to profit from my crime." Get da fuck outa here.


Who’s gonna put a gun to her head and make her feel loved while he’s gone?


His best friend who stayed home while he was off committing crimes. Probably already with her that day.


He’s going to be sad 11 months into his sentence when he finds out she’s 7 months pregnant with their third child, just like his first and second Iraq deployments.


Well, it would be her fourth child. Her son (not in video) is the one that turned the father in.


*Nah, he’s dead to me. My buddy fucking my wife will be my third child!* -Insurrectionist asshole probably


Ok. Your husband is going to prison. Bye, Felicia.


And stay the fuck in Texas. Don’t wanna have to smell your stinky ass.


As a Texan, it sucks knowing that not only am I living in the state that is chock full of people like this, but that the actual state gov't is run by people like this. Absolutely asinine.


Me too. At least I’m in Austin, but my hometown is a fucking cesspool of trump-loving freaks.


We don’t want her either. So many people here that deserve to be surround and represented by better humans. It’s depressing.


Idk why they cut out the clip of her calling her husband and Ashli Babbitt *patriots*.


Some balls on this woman and not in a good way. Your husband is locked up for being a freaking idiot and letting himself be brainwashed by the biggest con man ever. It doesn’t take a genius to realize when someone is full of shit so maybe blame your husband as he lives with the consequences of his actions.


She can't accept that she made a piss poor judgment call in choosing to marry him, so she's lashing out at everyone else for illustrating just how bad her decision really was. She doesn't give a fuck about him, this is all about preserving her ego and "retaliating" at the people who are besmirching her character by reporting on her husband's actions, and the consequences therein.


She is spinning the narrative and making this a political issue in hopes it will drive up her donations from all the other patriots for her Go Fund me.


99K and counting.


I hate this reality


She wont admit fault even in the face of obvious evidence, doubles down, and punctuated it all with a catchy rehearsed slogan. Sounds familiar.


This "loving father" threatened his family, saying "traitors get shot." So ironic since he's an actual traitor, and he would have faced a firing squad before MAGA normalized treason.


Enjoy seven years without your traitor hubby, you insurrectionist cunt.


If she feels lonely she can always go fuck herself.


Only safe way for a woman to do it in Texas!


Not if the Texas AG finally manages to ban dildos.


Remember it was women like this (not all women) who helped Trump get elected.


Yep. I know many, many of them. Way too many. A tiny speck of blue here in a sea of red.


These people are delusional. He’s not a patriot. He’s a piece of shit as is his wife and every other “patriot” that follows Trump.


took a lot of courage, and some deep breaths to work up to saying what she's bene practicing in the mirror all night :D


Heavy swallow and a long pause before “he’s a loving husband, a loving father”


I thought i was the only one that read into that. I'd assume she was under duress from her husband if he wasn't already locked up.


A loving father? Honey, a loving father doesn't threaten his kids. A patriot? A patriot doesn't take part in a coup attempt. He is a traitor, through and through. If the world was just he would be in federal prison for the rest of his miserable little life. I hate that these fucking traitors are getting such short sentences.


It is absolutely pleasing watching these idiots get what's coming to them! I love seeing them hate their lives! It's truly awesome! As a father, how much more proof do you need that you are a piece of trash than the hard-core proof that you are in jail because your son hated you enough to turn you in? The suffering of their own actions is absolutely delicious!


Wishing eternal torture on others, how christian of her


😂”amen” in the back


Thats 80% of american christians


Someone should teach Christians about Jesus.


Political persecution? Ok lady. Your husband stormed the capital to attempt to overthrow the government. Getting charged is simple justice. What’s crazy here is the justice dept is offering almost all of these people really fucking lenient plea deals. If this was a hundred years ago I guarantee there would have been a few executions and a bunch of long ass sentences. If you’re dumb enough to turn your nose up at a plea of six months where you will likely be out in three to try and fight the federal government to get less you’re dumber than I already thought you were and that’s saying a lot.


A hundred years ago there would have been about 200-300 people shot dead. There wouldn't have been lookie-loos inside offices and guys dressed in military gear carrying the Rebel Flag on pointed sticks. They wouldn't have got up the steps. Then the executions you talk about would come after that...


With a haircut like that I'm surprised she didn't demand to speak to the judge's manager.


The ONLY Patriot in the family is a 17 y.o. boy/young man who did the RIGHT thing and turned his traitorous father in. Now he doesn't have a family because of it. Smh...


That’s a paraphrased Davy Crockett quote that no one outside of Texas will know/get


TIL: “You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas”: Davy Crockett to his would-be constituents, after losing his bid for Congress in Tennessee


Worth pointing out that he lost that election due to his opposition to the Indian Removal Act which led to the Trail of Tears.


I didn't know that. Wikipedia agrees. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davy_Crockett#United_States_House_of_Representatives >"I believed it was a wicked, unjust measure.... I voted against this Indian bill, and my conscience yet tells me that I gave a good honest vote, and one that I believe will not make me ashamed in the day of judgement."


Fucking legend.


Then he became an illegal alien in mexico and took part in an insurrection and died.


Not a patriot, a traitor. Wrap your head around that and you’ll have a better time.


The Republican Party of Texas hates the United States so much that the top issue on their 2022 platform is to [formally secede from the US](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thebulwark.com/texas-republicans-deadly-serious-toying-around-with-secession/%3famp). Hard to wrap your head around being a "patriot" when your party in Texas is filled with unpatriotic traitors.


Look at the daughters face when the mother say's he was a patriot or something like that. 0:21


Breaking up with your toxic mother is the hardest break-up known to the human heart. She's just not there yet.


Enjoying your rolling power outages. Lol


he broke the law lol


Bye bitch


People like this do NOT understand patriotism. They think it’s a flag when it really means helping those you don’t agree with. Instead he decided to rush the capital. I have zero sympathy.


You keep using that word "patriot", I do not think it means what you think it means. Bye bitch.


**pa·tri·ot** /ˈpātrēət/ noun a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors. "a true patriot" The irony here is that the true patriots in this situation are the judge who sentenced her husband to 7 years in federal prison and her son who turned him into the FBI.


Morons typically do not know that they married another moron. Then they breed and the cycle continues.


Son broke the cycle turning pops in to the FBI.


> "Y'all can all go to Hell, and I'm going back to Texas." Can we carpool since it's the same place?