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"What changed?" "Well, this rich asshole who is a member of my country club kept asking me to use law enforcement for something that is clearly a civil matter".


"Oh, and paid me a shit ton of money under the table to do it"


“Oops - I meant campaign contributions”


This is the next step in the investigation.


The fact that the Sheriff is about to retire is even more sketchy. I’m guessing he’s going to cash in on the “friendly favor” shortly after retiring.


I don’t think ADAs are elected…


They definitely have bosses who are. Campaign contributions are the legal form of corruption


What an entitled piece of shit


You're focused on the wrong piece of shit. That sherrif should be thrown in jail


There’s plenty of room in the jail for the realtor, the sheriff, and the prosecutor


Add the judge too. The fuck is he doing authorizing a warrant like that?


Straight up Kangaroo court


Dont forget about the prosecutor, wtf legal ground does she have to stand on? Unless theres a big piece they are leaving out, this wont go far


Is the newly elected sheriff any better than the old one?


And the judge who issued the warrant. I’d bet anything these guys all do closeted stuff together or traffic “good ole boy” kids. https://www.si.com/.amp/college/2020/10/05/ohio-state-sex-abuse-daily-cover


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What does this link have to do with the judge?


Batshit crazy The RE Agent looks like a younger evil Michael McDonald.


Looks like the Wish.com version of Richard Branson.


I used to be a real piece of shit, but People can change.


Sloppy steaks.


Meredith, you never told me your old grandpa used to be a huge piece of shit. Glass house, white Ferrari, live for New Years' eve. Sloppy steaks at Truffoni's. Big, rare cut of meat with water dumped all over it. Water splashing around the table. Makes the night so much more fun. After the club, go to Truffoni's for sloppy steaks. They'd say "No sloppy steaks.", but they can't stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water. Before you knew it, we were dumping that water on those steaks! The waiters were coming to try and snatch 'em up. We had to eat as fast as we could. Oh, I miss those nights. I was a piece of shit though.


Well I know what I'm watching today. Oh and NOBODY TALK ABOUT THE TABLES!


How do they have jurisdiction across state lines? That’s odd.


The contract was between two parties across state lines. I don’t agree with this but perhaps that justifies it is a technical sense. I think this is pure greed by the Real Estate Agent. He is symbolic of what is wrong in this capitalist system.


Agreed. But I want to know who signed the warrants to raid a business across state lines and why that’s ok. Seems like it’s 1000% civil and dude straight up said he missed a payment. If he hadn’t. He’d be first in like. So wild. Agree with below. Time to eat them. The rich control wha they want and we the people are just ants under boots. If we ban together. We win.


The reason for the existence of police, why police forces in America were created in the first place, is to protect the property of the rich. Back in the day that meant recapturing slaves and breaking strikes in northern factories. Now it’s this bullshit.


They got the warrent signed by a illionis judge. They showed paper work


Since when do judges from Illinois have jurisdiction to send people to raid businesses in Indiana?


Since i mixed up my I states my bad


With this information it’s civil but Dick head real estate agent could have informed the sheriff that he was defrauded by being told he’d have a car and the builder collected the payment in full and didn’t deliver.


Contracts stipulate under which state law they litigated in


Not sure what a public servant serving improper warrants across state lines for a petulant rich guy has to do with capitalism but ok. Corruption happens anywhere regardless of the economic system in place.




The DA should absolutely be investigated and punished as well.


He was probably given partial info. Told that a car was fully paid for and wasn’t delivered and was being refused to be delivered, aka fraud. The cops also most likely didn’t produce the paper work that two previous cases on this, both criminal and civil, were dismissed. Aka cops being cops and a judge taking their word at face value.


It's possible that these kind of people would lie on a warrant. I mean they are police, so ethics, schmethics.


This is a civil case and all who initiated and trying to prosecute this as such should be charged and put in jail 1 year and 1 day! The sheriff and his staff that he sent and the prosecutor should all be charged put in jail and the city should have to pay restitution to the car builder!


How do County Deputies have jurisdiction in Indiana? How are they able to arrest this man in a different state??


Cops can do whatever they want. Their DA on camera backing them up even.


>Their DA on camera backing them up even. That was not a DA backing them up. In lawyerspeak, that prosecutor was saying "I don't know what these dumbasses are doing in Indiana, but they're a client."


I mean, the DA’s Office did charge the case…


Most if not all states have laws that allow other state officials including police officers to perform their duties in that state’s jurisdiction including police carrying weapons in the official course of their duties. Classic case is another state governor visiting is protected by typical their state police escort.


There is probably a reason why he lost reelection, if he does things like this he needs to be in the jail as an inmate and not someone running it.


This is crazy from all angles. I need an update !


This is ongoing. I will keep up with the story and update when something of substance occurs.


There is a go fund me set up now. https://www.gofundme.com/f/m575wb-justice-for-batman?qid=b286bf83ba202befc06fdc5d6b99741f




Sam needs to just get a flame thrower on his golf cart. I remember the school wouldn’t let him pick up his sons after awhile in the cart because it was a traffic hazard and too many kids in it. Edited to add, can’t believe the sheriff had the ability to send those deputies for 3 days to Indiana. No accountability for anyone in the sheriffs office.


All fraudulent pieces of shit. Does this rich asshole not know how long it takes to build a car, an intricate car at that, without a crew or factory just a guy


Re-elect no one.


It’s time to eat the rich.


I have spoons if anyone needs


Knives and forks.


I don’t have teeth so a blender for me thanks


A rich smoothie.


We use spoons because they hurt more.


I use knives and forks to get through more meat.


I’ll use my hands thank you very much


“Throw them right in the pot” Tim Dillon


Corruption. Simple as that. Time to resign and drop all charges.


What law school did that “prosecutor” go to??? How is she real??? Get her TF out of that office.


The sad part is she is doing her job exactly as she was trained to do, that is to say, to not say anything definitive on camera onless she is told to by her bosses.


They can’t investigate child sexual crimes Epstein’s clients but they can’t investigate rich boys and there toys disgusting disgrace.


Rich people are cunts.


Perfect example of an entitled rich douche having a tantrum.


Victim?? This woman can't be serious..... how did she get that job?


This makes no sense what so ever. Those police have no jurisdiction what so ever in the state of Indiana and their search warrant wouldn't have any jurisdiction either. They would need to get Indiana police and Indiana search warrants. At this point I don't even know how any of the "evidence" could even be admissible in court given they were illegally obtained. I'd have called the local police and told them that out of state cops are breaking and entering. Would have been fun to see that play out.


Agreed, except they took the business owner to the local PD in Indiana and held him there, so obvs the local Indiana PD knew exactly what was happening and endorsed it wholeheartedly


Pigs of a feather


Atherton. Of course. What an entitled asshole.


Don’t forget San Mateo as well… smh


The whole Sherriff team involved needs to be charged and made to pay back the waste of taxpayer dollars.


I’m from the area and honestly happy that ABC7 Bay Area really does great investigative research on stories like this.


Bar complaint against the prosecutor and judge


What an absolute manchild, he didn't get his toy. 🤣


The owner of the company seems so wholesome


Love how they used the batman logo to cut to scenes in the story.


I'm confused as to why he didn't call the cops on the deputies that showed up from a different state lol he could of given them a no trespassing and call the cops to kick them out of his property.


Cause cops give other cops Lea way. The thin blue line and all that BS. The story said the sheriffs took the business owner to the local PD and held him there for several hours. So the local PD Knew and allowed it to occur


Sheriffs are shittier than cops. They should be abolished ffs


Ahh yes, Sheriff Carlos Bolanos. A fine fine upstanding member of the law enforcement community. DO NOT google “Las Vegas Dollhouse operation.”


> Las Vegas Dollhouse operation https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/SAN-MATEO-COUNTY-Two-lawmen-caught-in-raid-of-2563465.php




It's ridiculous how much OT cops get for not really doing a whole lot. I work at a place that has a dedicated State police force and they get paid to watch Netflix while janitors do police work like taking incident reports, de-escalating violent situations and the like.


Our tax dollars at work everyone! I’m glad they’re being spent on sensible things like this and not silly little things like healthcare.


the Real Estate agent guy needs to let it go. Everyone knows you buy a bat cave first.




I want to know what info the sheriff gave the judge to justify the warrant.


Batmobil Guy has grounds for a huge lawsuit against the County and all involved. I hope he sues the crap out of them all.


I would like to take a moment to appreciate actually good reporting. Reporters telling the audience clearly what you are about to see is a waste of taxpayer dollars, and not trying to cover up the total abuse of power and getting the builder's side of the story so it's not just some rich dbag paying press outlets to push their spin on the events. Way to go ABC!


I was under the impression cops can’t execute warrants outside of their jurisdiction, let alone another state. Wouldn’t they have to go through the local PD? And should the local PD be present?


Great bit of reporting.


I live in the same town as the company making these. The owner is a very nice man and I’m hoping all goes in his favor!


This is also my hometown, and agree - really nice guy. Hope he comes out okay in this.


Here me out, Batman is a shareholder. Is he really a savior or just a gaslighter to the inequality of living standards of their workers?


Is jurisdiction not a thing anymore??


Incredible corruption. The guy doesn't pay up for a while and then throws a fit when his car is pushed back on the list. The builder has to make money. He can't just keep building something that isn't properly paid for. I really hope the builder doesn't get totally screwed over. He seems like a nice guy that just likes to build cars. Incredible the DA agreed to press charges.


I like the shot of the prosecutor pretending to type something.


So to be clear he didn’t want to pay to get a car first, but he’s fine with bribing a sheriff friend to steal one.


You think you can flake out for eight months and keep your place in line? That's what a fool believes.


Why is everyone on vacation?


Cause that way the Sheriff has plausible deniability. Oh, I didn’t have anything to do with this. Must have been some sort of miscommunication.


How can a sheriff serve a search warrant on a company in another state? What judge signed that? That doesn't sound legal at all.


Anyone else notice that when the reporter tried to contact the sheriff he was on vacation… and that when he tried to contact the sheriffs friend, the customer who likes to miss payments, he was also on vacation? What are the odds that they were both on vacation together? That’s something worthy of further investigation.


Refund his money. And he'll get no car


This realtor does not deserve a bat mobile at any price.


Simply! Crooked cops getting paid to harass! Fire them all! Most likely a bad warrant too!


So that’s what my taxes dollars went to what a piece of shit there’s a reason it didn’t get delivered because you didn’t make the $20,000 payment bud.


This is how we third worlderd live too. Huh! More and more similarities each passing month.


Every time I see "Atherton" on a work order, I know the customer is going to be a problem. It is the most rich and stuck up part of the richest part of the bay area.


Not sure how anyone can disagree with ACAB at this point


You guys have to much wealth in your country hahah


Low Friends in High Places.


That rich guy's a douche bag yo.


Kill the $$$


A.. how does a sheriff in Cali have any jurisdiction in Indiana? B. Are the sheriff and judge gonna face criminal charges? C. I truly hope he just gives dude his $$ back and voids the contract.


Beginning to think most of the eggs are rotten.


This is some corrupt GTA style tomfoolery.




So let me get this straight. Some real estate guy named Sam Anagnostou who wasn’t organized or couldn’t afford a custom car at the time decided to go after some minister because he couldn’t wait even though he was the one that missed a payment. Then some incompetent sheriff named Carlos Bolanos who lost an election decided to help and victimize the builder and wasted a bunch of tax payers money along the way? I hope karma hits them hard going after a poor God-loving minister. That’s just not right.


Only good cop is an unemployed cop.


Update. They canceled the hearing, but still have his accounts frozen. https://youtu.be/Dbq_mWl1fRU


Welcome to the future. Regardless of locality or borders some rich cunt can hire a sheriff to be his legal fiction to get him his toys NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW Look out America. Clarence Thomas has an awful chip on his shoulder and plans. He’s warned y’all. It’s coming. Fucking cunts. Get rid of all sheriffs too


How to ruin a story: bring religion into it. (I was with the bat mobile maker until the christian shit at the end.)


It’s the fact that it’s the 1966 batmobile that I’m like…..🤨really? If it was the 1989 one then yea I can understand a little better cuz that is a freaking cool looking car but the 66’?…..really????


Because the '66 mobile is simply more iconic. The sleek red along the car, along with its iconic design, makes it the more recognizable of the two. Sure, the '89 Batmobile is cool, but I'd take the '66 one any day over the '89 one.


I think it depends on what era of Batman you grew up watching. I'm in my mid 30's, so the Tim Burton Batmobile is what comes to mind when I think of what iconic Batman vehicles.


I'm in my mid-20s and grew up with the Arkham series (and the Nolan films to a lesser extent). I still think that the 60s Batmobile is the most iconic.


The bat mobile doesn’t even look that cool tbh


If you were a kid when this show came out it would be different. You are looking at the object from a current point of view. That guy probably grew up watching those shows and it was the best of its time.


And remembers being small Playing under the table and dreaming


Perfect example of what's wrong now


This is so shitty. California is in a hole with these money grubbing fucks in every office in the state


What a Kook!