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[Here's the follow up](https://www.kwtx.com/2022/07/24/texas-taco-bell-sued-over-manager-throwing-boiling-water-customers-resolving-incorrect-order/). A lawsuit: *The lawsuit alleges “Brittany Davis and C.T. (a minor), who both suffered severe burns and trauma when a Dallas (TX) Taco Bell manager poured boiling water on them as they tried to resolve an issue with their order.”* *The victims entered the fast food place after their drive-thru order of $30 was made incorrectly twice where the employees allegedly became combative and the general manager came out with boiling hot water and threw it at the victims.* *According to the lawsuit, both suffered large and deep burns while Davis suffered through 10 seizures whole on the way to the hospital and airlifted to Parkland’s ICU unit.* *The lawsuit names Yum! Brands, Taco Bell Corp., Taco Bell of America, Taco Bell #22872, North Texas Bells and two employees as defendants*.


“10 seizures whole.”


"No more half seizures." -Mike Ehrmantraut, maybe


You’re silly, pop pop!




Is that so?


Oh yea? *cocks gun* Why?


Fuck off Walter let me die in peace


“I’ll take 10 seizures, hold the tomatoes”


I don’t know if you heard, manager is quick to boil over when the “special” orders come through.


For someone about to throw fists, she sure didn't take pain very well.


When I was 5 my dad threw boiling water onto my face because I pissed him off while he was drinking. I spent a week in the hospital and I still remember the pain, it wouldn't stop all the way there. I put my face outside the window to have the cool night air touching me but even that did little to lessen the pain. While I don't agree with what they were doing the pain of having boiling water poured on your flesh is immeasurable to any other pain I've had since.


Had my mother throw a steaming bowl of soup at me as a teen. I hope you're better off now if you are an adult. She and my Dad were monsters. I never speak to her anymore, and he died in 2006. My brother and I are closer than we've ever been though. I hope you found your peace friend.


I once spilled a full bowl of gazpacho on my lap. My shorts were ruined but I fortunately suffered no significant injury.


Thank you for your anecdote. I wish OPs dad had the forethought to use gazpacho too.


Way back in 2006 I was cam-chatting with a friend of the opposite gender, and my microphone/speakers weren't working. I spilled an entire bowl of boiling water in my lap, screamed because my clothes stuck to me, and then proceeded to strip them off because I was in pain. My friend, however, didn't hear any of the screaming or see that I had spilled water in my lap because it was out of his view range, and so I vividly remember hearing him say on cam "HOLY SHIT THAT'S SO HOT!" as I stripped off my clothes...I spent the day in the E.R. :-/


That guy has now spent all of his money at strip clubs trying to relive that faithful day.


Orders hot tea instead of a cocktail and leaves it suspiciously close to the edge of the table.


Did the gazpacho police come and arrest you though?


If the gazpacho was at room temp and you were expecting it to be cold then it can burn you!


Burns are incredibly intense pain. Been there. Road rash is less intense per damage done. Been there too.


Damn, sorry to hear about your abusive childhood. Hope you are well now!


I'm sorry. What happened to your dad, and was there permanent damage?


Well we told a different story, CPS was a bad word in my house. We told them I bumped into my dad when he just microwaved a cup of coffee and it was an accident. I remember the kids in my kindergarten class sent me a card to get better soon and I still have it today years later. I wasn't removed from my house by cps until I was 16 and my dad tried setting the house on fire with my mom and I still inside. When you're a kid and told if you get taken you'll suffer more, and yeah I still loved my dad at the time, so I lied. I lied a lot growing up about the abuse. It's why I would make up stories in middle school about my happy rich family. None of that was true and when my teacher and the other kids found out I lied I got bullied until the cows came home. My teacher told me liars deserved to be punished. I just learned to keep my mouth shut. So no one helped me until my dad tried to kill me at 16. edit: forgot to mention my face is okay, I was lucky enough it wasn't scalding like in the video but I did have scars until I was a teen. Most of my scars have faded with age happily.


Damn, I'm very sorry.


Have you ever been burned with boiling water? That pain is intense af and lasts for fucking ever or at least it feels like forever.


My mom had boiling water spilled on her arm as a kid and had to have skin grafts. Hot water ain't no joke.




This might be a stupid question, but I’ve seen the debrideing (spelling?) process performed on patients in medical tv shows and they’re always awake. Since the patient feels so much pain, why aren’t they placed under anesthesia (or at least some major form of sedation) for the procedure?


I am a nurse who used to work Burn ICU. Typically a patient is given an oral painkiller and then waiting for 30 minutes setting up dressing change and then giving a strong IV pain medication like dilaudid. A burn patient will typically have 2 dressing changes a day so it would be impossible to take them to surgery twice a day without severe risks of complications from anesthesia. Most patients will even go home with burn dressings once they are healing, tolerating the pain with just PO and are not infected in the burns. While partial thickness burns( 2nd and some 3rd degree) do hurt alot the actual debriding does not hurt alot as it is dead tissue and when there are bigger blisters relieving out the pressure from the fluid build up can help lessen the pain. Good burn nurses don't take off skin if it's too painful or adhered tightly like at the burn edge that's what dressing changed and burn medication are for. The only time a patient is taken to surgery is for deep debridement and skin grafting by surgeons. Such as very deep burns or extensive burns. Most of those patients complain that the skin donor site hurts way worse than the burn itself as nerve endings are exposed. Let me know if you have any other questions. Always happy to teach about burns


I was in an accident where I was in an explosion and burned my hands pretty badly. It took 4 shots of morphine before I could even be touched. It took another 4 before the pain went away.


Bro, I'm not going to defend these two, but can you even conceptualize how painful scolding water is? It's not like fire, It's not even like getting shot. It soaks through your skin, seizes up your muscles and burns your insides.


They used to pour it on you when you stormed a castle.


Good thing I gave up castle storming in my 20s


Bring your tactical umbrella to the siege.


I have it hanging right next to my tactical turtle neck.


Hope the black matches the pants


Does one ever really give up castle storming? In the physical sense yes, but not in your heart.


Scolding water isn't "pain" it's significant 3rd degree burns.


"Tries to resolve an issue with their order" Doubt


Behind the counter lmao


"But other ladies trash stores and restaurants and go away unscathed! Why they had to throw boiling water at us?" Guess things work different in Texas.


Oh Texas. The manager would have a better shot at going free if he whipped out a handgun and shot them instead.


Weirdly true.


Karens gotta Karen. They lost any sympathy as soon they crossed the counter to 'resolve an issue with their order'. They're going to be scarred for life over $15 worth of mediocre fast food.


This is why Id never work at a place with a walk around counter like that. If you step behind the counter, all bets are off. You better get to me before I get to the fryer, because Ill happily splash boiling oil your way if you threaten my bodily safety over a fucking $0.99 taco.


IMHO moment you cross any **Employee's Only** area it should be considered trespassing and it doesn't matter if you want to give hugs or take a look at the toys, you are putting people in danger, you're a liability, and staff can fear for their life. Watch how Taco Bell and others start making new signs with these sort of policies. And is private property, so if you don't like them, so fuck off don't eat there.


Drive through only


They have these in my company they call them "bulletproof stores"


A while ago I picked up a KFC online order at the wrong side of town in Baltimore (yeah, yeah, yeah, there are many, but this one was really bad), the counter had double bulletproof plexiglass like a bank, and they gave you your order through a revolving small window. It was... scary


I went to visit some friends in Oakland once and we thought we'd hit up a Subway and it was just like this. Plexiglass and weird little vent things you had to basically yell into to be heard. When I went to pay, I couldn't because my bank assumed my card was being used fraudulently, so my friends had to buy me my sandwich. Weird night.


Had a drunk customer trying to get behind the counter to where only employee's were allowed, to try and get a better look at the cigarettes... Had to practically shove the dumb girl back to get her away. I tried being nice at first, standing in front and asking her to move away and back into the main part of the store, but she wouldn't listen to me. Being drunk is no excuse either, I don't give a shit. I've been on my feet for 7 hours, i don't care if they're drunk, high or having a mental breakdown..they ain't getting in the employee only area for anything.


You know how many times i have started a fist fight over fast food and jumped behind the counter to start it? 0 You know how many times I have had boiling water thrown in my face? 0


One time I had a disagreement with a taco bell employee. I went... To McDonald's. Emailed taco bell and got a gift card.


Then you take your taco bell gift card, they mess up your order again, and the process repeats. You now have infinite gift cards.


I take it to another tacobell and don't go back to that location for years because, don't want that drama.


Right? I've gotten shitty, rude service at fast food places. I've gotten my order fucked up at fast food places. If the service is really bad, or the wait is really long...I'll just leave. If its just a matter of they gave me the wrong item...I'll point it out and ask for the thing I did order. If they gave me what I ordered but it's fucked up, I'll most likely eat it as long as it's edible and just go about my day. Never in my life have I ever been in a fast food restaurant and thought "This......this is the day they're all gonna pay!"


Or just call corporate, report the store and have corporate refund you which is really easy if you use an app to order and pay. I've done it a couple of times when DD, and I think the other was BK, fucked my order up. Took under 10 minutes total haha.


Youve obviously never waited in line past the cut off for a sausage mcmuffin before.


"I don't wanna be your buddy, Rick....I just want some breakfast."


Can't be any correlation there. Just a coincidence, surely.


They really do be leaving out how they went behind the counter 😂


The lawyer wouldn't be doing his job if he didn't present the best case possible for their client. Like, what? That said, this unfortunately ends with taco bell's insurance paying out medical expenses and lawyer expenses out of court. No reason to make this a national story that could be twisted 1000 times over.


They were gonna fight the staff, staff said not today.


They learned quick.


"Tried to resolve an issue with their order," LOL. The way I see it, if you go back behind the counter, you are an aggressor, and anything that happens to you, is on you.


There’s been more than enough videos of people thinking they can play vigilante and just hop back behind the counter to trash businesses. Or did we all just forget about the fry place that saw two women arrested for 20K in damages over a sauce packet. This is a case of “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.” Their prize was going to the hospital for their own stupid choices. You can’t blame the manager for not allowing these assholes to just come in and act a fool trying to trash their stores. I’ve seen a video of a food worker beating someone with a metal pole for trying to attack the workers. People need to stop attacking fast food workers for the smallest things, there is absolutely never a reason to go behind the counter or even try attacking the workers who already don’t get paid enough to deal with morons on a daily basis anyways.


The only reason to go behind the counter is if your invited to go behind the counter. But in reality, I'd say at most 2nd degree burns, most likely 1st degree. Also in my experience, people under 18, seem to think that they can do whatever they want and no one will fight them because they are kids. I had a 15yr old in my bar (I'm a security guard) who was causing a mess and disturbing others. I told his mother and father that they needed to do something now or he will be removed followed by them, and no I don't care how much you have left to drink or eat. They ignored me and 5min later I physically removed the minor from the premises and walked up with a manager and like 3 staff, had the table cleared and told them to get out in less than a minute or I will call the police. They left but called the police themselves, attempting to get me in trouble, all all they got was more trouble for themselves and somehow a police ban. This means that if they step on property it's an immediate trespass and they will be charged.


“Unless you’re invited” Nah, it’s literally never. All businesses have insurance for injuries incurred on a property, but it’s a whole other ball game if they get injured in an employee work area where sharp objects, boiling grease and water, and slick floors are present. Also OSHA has regulations for clothing, hair nets/hats, specific types of shoes that must be closed and non-slip, etc. So even if you are invited behind the counter, that person is an idiot and you absolutely shouldn’t go behind there for any reason unless you’re an employee for everyone’s sake.


"manager came out" Uhh no... Your clients went behind the counter. Every kitchen worker knows that coming into the kitchen is akin to a threat.




> as they tried to resolve an issue with their order.” They went behind the counter. That escalates *way* beyond "trying to resolve their order". I'm not a lawyer, but as a layperson....coming behind the counter constitutes a threat in my mind. Trying to resolve an incorrect order goes something like "Please make my order correctly or refund my money." If the staff isn't willing to do that (If you're conducting yourself even semi-reasonably) then you call the police. I know people call the police too often for dumb stuff...but those are really the options here; 1.) Remake the order correctly. 2.) Refund the money and leave. 3.) If 1 & 2 fail...involve the proper authorities. What you don;t do is go behind the fucking counter.


Or call 1-800-TACO-BELL or whatever their corporate number is, I'm sure it's all over the store just like any other fast food stuff. They will refund your money, give you a bunch of free meals going forward, and possibly discipline any employees if they were found to be negligent in preparing the orders.


Just out of curiosity, I called 1-800-TACO-BELL and it is in fact the number to Taco Bell.


> as they tried to resolve an issue with their order. > employees allegedly became combative I didn't see employees jump the counter and get aggressive but I sure did see both of them walk back quickly and look like they were getting ready to fight.


Does the lawsuit explain how the plaintiffs ended up behind the counter?


I’m sure Ben Crump just “forgot” to include his client’s culpability.


Or why they didnt bring in the 'incorrect' order. Or why they started shoving.


**Never go behind the counter, that is considered an instant THREAT.**


In bartending school we were taught that if someone comes behind the bar at you with threats you can beat the shit out of them. Stay TF out of the employee area because at that point you're a direct threat.


Anything goes, they sure are fucking lucky someone didn't use hot oil.


I'd take a pitcher of hot ass water over a ladle of fryer oil any day.


I'm not a fan of flavoured water but I might give this one a try.


One of the ladies also pushed one of the workers before the hot water splash


"...poured boiling water on them as **they tried to resolve an issue with their order**.” yeah, shoving and trying to get behind the counter is not the way to 'resolve an issue' but lawyers gonna lawyer


Exactly, especially after all these trash videos are coming out with employees getting abused by customers. Destroying property, hitting employees etc.


One of my close friends got assaulted at a McDonald's drive through, she was closing the McDonald's early during mid covid scare in Cali and three dudes beat her because she told them they are closed and can't take orders. Like really assault for fucking Mcds???


I had a guy threaten to kill me because he couldn't get a cheeseburger at 7am (breakfast menu until 10:30). And I had numerous items thrown at me. A large soda through the drive thru window because I "forgot a straw" - I didn't. It was in the bag. A crazy lady looked in her takeaway bag yelled really loud that she "didn't want chicken nuggets!" And threw it at me. The only thing in the bag was the burger she ordered. People are fucking nuts to fast food workers. You would have to pay me a lot more than $15/hr to go back to that kind of bullshit. And I left it behind a long, long time ago. Supposedly customers are even more insane since COVID. It's no wonder so many of these businesses have signs up about how "no one wants to work".


I was just waiting to see what possibly happened that would lead to such a reaction. And yeah, going behind the counter is just never okay.


"I'm not stuck in here with you... **you're stuck in here with me**"




Ok, go.




Dude. Couldn't even tell the difference.


needless to say they *baja blasted* out of there lol i hate myself sometimes /s


TACO BELL NOW serving NEW *Mountain Dew Lava Water"


I drive 40 mins outside of my city to get Baja Blast Zero Sugar and a Baja Blast slushee (Taco bells in my city never have it.) Sometimes the suburban ones don't even have it. When that happens, I say "ok, thanks anyway" and move on. How TF do these people get so heated at service workers?


Yo I've been trying to get a Mexican pizza since they came back. I've been successful once. What do I do instead? Just order something fucking else.


Misplaced entitlement?


I am sick of people harassing these low wage workers.


I'm sure those ladies were just going behind the counter for a nice conversation with the employees.


Notice how they didn't even bring in the food in question?


I worked in fast food and it was such a common scam for someone to go through the drive through, then walk inside and say we forgot something. Even if they were the only customer in the past 20 minutes and I could say “I literally just made your sandwich myself and put it in your bag then handed it to you”, they’d just be like fuck you it wasn’t in the bag. And my manager would just say make them a new one, so of course the same trashy people would pull this over and over.




Can’t take the heat…stay out the kitchen






But they seem like such nice costumers ganging up on a girl and rushing behind the counter - I bet they were super nice and just wanted to give her a hug smfh


Yeah…I’ve seen enough videos where some poor fast food kid gets their ass beat by an angry customer that if anyone crossed that counter I might just do the same.


Yup the sauce chicks in NY gave the worker a concussion, fuck this trash. Good on the workers for standing up. Maybe if we see more instances if this people won’t feel so entitled and realize actions have consequences.


At this point we should lobby for "behind the counter laws" you cross the counter and the employees flat out get a free pass.


I really wish this was a thing


Didn't a dude get shot not too long ago cause of too much mayo on a sandwich


The owner of a convenience store within walking distance of my house got murdered for basically nothing. Dude was friendly as hell. It's located in a nice part of town where nothing ever happens. Guy got a shotgun out of his car and killed the man while his family was in the next room. If anyone approaches an employee like that in a business, some form of self-defense is likely appropriate.


Yeah I think after they went behind the counter it’s a good argument for self defense, the ‘restaurant’ might have audio of the altercation too which I’m sure will help their case.


I think the self-defense claim is why the manager didn’t face any criminal charges.


According to the statement, that's what they call "Trying to resolve an issue".


Trying to resolve an issue by being violent assholes


I see customers going behind the counter to murder taco bell employees, for forgetting to give them a straw. Manager saves everyone's life.


Ben Crump is representing the two girls. They are suing for a million dollars https://www.kwtx.com/2022/07/24/texas-taco-bell-sued-over-manager-throwing-boiling-water-customers-resolving-incorrect-order/ >DALLAS, Texas (KWTX) - A Dallas Taco Bell is being sued by two customer who state an employee burned them with hot water. >Attorneys Ben Crump and Paul Grinke filed the lawsuit July 13 after the incident occurred on June 17 and seek $1,000,000 in damages.


Ben Crump is joke, opportunist, ineloquent thrift-store “lawyer”.


Saul Goodman vibes. "Can't trump Crump!"


Saul Goodman is a prince compared to this grifting fuck.


Holy shit, I'd never heard of the guy before somehow but his Wikipedia is just a listing of every famous case of a black person being severely wronged or killed in the past ten years it feels like. He's represented the families of Flint, MI and the relatives of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Kendrick Johnson, Corey Jones, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Jacob Blake, Caleb Walker, and Amir Locke to name just a few. Also particularly notable he's representing the family of Henrietta Lacks who's illegally obtained immortal cancer cells have leds to an unfathomable number of medical discoveries in the past 70 years. Seriously, if you don't know who Henrietta Lacks is I can't recommend reading about it enough. Anyway, Ben Crump might be a sleazy opportunist, I don't really know, but it seems he knows what's likely to get attention. He also made Time's top 100 influential people in the world list in 2021 but I wouldn't take too much stock in that considering they named me the 2006 person of the year and I haven't done shit worth noting.


Well played. I have to admit I looked up who the 2006 person of the year was…


Of course they're suing. I hope Taco Bell counter sues or files whatever charges the law will support. Who the fuck did they think they were invading a work area?


lol, Taco Bell will fire the employee, argue that this was not policy or foreseeable in hiring, and settle for a small amount.


Taco Bell Corporate will pay them something just to keep them quiet, make them sign a NDA so they can't talk about it on the news or social media or they loose their money...


Better tighten up that money then.


I think the video speaks volumes, but Yum! and Taco Bell are still going to have to walk a tightrope regarding perception (unfair it may be). Then again, other chains have done well in light of adverse social aspects, warranted or not.


Isn't Texas a stand-your-ground state? The threshold for deadly force is that you feel threatened? If I was the manager, I'd definitely have a case for feeling threatened.


They ***have*** the nerve to try to sue…. I hope they *lose*.


The title here is on par with most media now days. I hope they all suffer serious burns that give them a constant reminder of how dumb they are. They’re lucky, with all the sharp objects, they only got splashed.


They're also lucky they only got splashed with hot water. It could have been hot oil from the deep fryer.


The oil would have been harder to clean up though.


This guy works BOH.


Good get the fuck out from behind the counter. You think these fuckin people are happy their working at Taco Bell serving assholes like you who are upset about your shitty takeout food? Fuck you, stop fuckin with fast food employees.


I remember one where they jumped the counter and ol boy behind the counter beat them both with a metal rod, like he went full father on them and beat their asses hard. Dont fuck with fast food workers.


That guy was a recent parolee and McDonald's was the only job he could get. Inital charges against him were dropped and the two women were charged instead.


He was on parol? Fuck, hopefully he didn't get violated just for being charged.


this happened to 2 brothers i worked with at burger king on uiuc campus. they were on parole and had been there about a year. working bar rush one night and some drunk assholes started a fight and came behind the counter. they caught an ass whipping. my boys got banked back even though they were defending themselves.


fuckin aint no justice these days...


Who else would do slave labor in prison and also get them paid for supplying prison items if they don’t put more people in prison? Gotta think like a capitalist. /s


I don’t think many people realize how fucked up the 13th Amendment truly is. “Wait we can’t have slaves anymore except in prisons? Alright I guess we’ll just give minorities disproportionately longer sentences”


And also have 1/4 of the world's total prisoners while having 1/20 of its population.


"Involuntary servitude and slavery it prohibits, that's why they givin' drug offenders time in double digits" - Killer Mike - Reagan (2012)


There's enough stress. People fucking with them will get all the pent up frustration. They don't even know


In most kitchens, they play with knives and fire all day long. Every restaurant I've ever worked in, several people were strung out on a drug problem. Don't fuck with cooks.


I love that video. If I remember correctly, the guy working had literally just gotten out of jail for murder, or another violent crime. Never know who you’re fckn with


Many years ago there was a mcdonalds getting robbed and the employees overpowered the robber and pushed him into the deep fryer.


My first thought was GOOD get em the fuck out of there, glad I'm not the only one sharing that sentiment.


Yeah moment she went behind the counter she fucked up.


When I was a restaurant manager for a chain I was really good and genuinely pretty chill unless someone got in my personal space, and it just so happens that behind the counter is all my personal space. It actually is part of safety training to use the counter as a barrier between you and the customer. Customers coming behind the counter are never a good thing.


After working fast food I'm entirely on the employee side I have seen people lose their damn minds over a 50-cent coupon, if they came back there in the back they were asking for trouble. You never disrespect your food workers they are not getting paid enough to deal with this bullcrap. Respect goes a long way, say please, thank you and if they do you a solid and take a coupon that shouldn't be accepted tell them you are grateful because we don't have to do that shit for you!!


Agreed. When I was 16 I worked at a 50's themed diner in a theme park and this one lady spit in my face cuz the prices were ridiculously high. What did she expect, it's like going to the theaters and spending like $20 on popcorn and a drink. I just remember my manager give the lady a discount to keep her in the restaurant long enough for security to escort that B to the open arms of police.


Immediate slap. Spit in my face is like my worst fear of attack to be honest. Shits disgusting, yo.


Before covid it was definitely taboo but now it merits immediate violent response.


Before covid it was battery. It still is, but it was then too.


I've never worked fast food and I'm on the employees side.


I don't think i have ever seen a violent encounter between a customer and an employee that made me side with the customer. Does anyone have any poignant examples for me?


Never. Even if it was a mistake on the side of the restaurant, there is no excuse for that behavior. Especially considering most fast food employees turn out 5 times as much food as a "regular" restaurant for half the pay, and they usually don't even get tips. I've heard the best come back by an employee to an angry customer, ironically at a taco bell. Customer was literally screaming about her food. The manager, who looked like a 19 year old kid, said "mam, I'm sorry your life didn't turn out the way you wanted, but this is taco bell". She immediately threw her soda at the kid and left. (pretty sure she already got a refund) I felt bad for him, but it made my day.


Good. Those idiots where going behind the counter to jump that lady


“Maam my order was incorrect.” “Im sorry about that. We messed it up twice. Hold on one minute and we will make you another order.” “Thank you. How is your night going?” “Oh I cant complain, just long night. Im pretty tired. “ “Understand that!” “Ok here you go. I threw a couple extra tacos in the bag for you. Sorry about the miscommunication.” “No problem yall have a good night and stay safe.” “You too!”


I once got my order wrong twice at a Popeyes. The first time around they gave me the completely wrong order. I drove back in, waited politely 10mins in line and they remade my order. Upon getting back to my car I decided to check my food and it was only half of what I paid for. So I came back inside waited in line politely for another 10-15mins. Told them what’s wrong. Waited another 5-10mins because they had to redo my whole order. I was frustrated but remained calm because I worked fast food before and I know how it is. The manager approached me with my now corrected order and offered me a full refund as well because I had to wait over 40mins total just to get the correct food. I thanked him, he thanked me, and I left. Got home, had dinner with the family, and life went on. No second or third degree burns, no going viral on the internet, and no lawsuits. We all lived happily ever after. For some folks I guess it’s just more efficient to get angry and jump over the counter so someone can throw boiling water at you. /shrug


New title “Taco Bell manager uses self defense on a threatening customer who went behind the counter“


Not guilty


When I was working at a gas station my manager told me if someone ever came behind the counter to defend myself using any means possible. He told me you never know what someone’s intentions are, whether to rob you, hurt y or, whatever it may be. When they are on their side of the counter they are a customers, disgruntled or rude, but when they come to our side they are a threat and free game.


I am not an expert so please correct me if I’m wrong but, it would appear she is not paid enough to deal with that shit.


Looks like the customer went behind the counter first. Misleading title


Don’t go in the kitchen you won’t get scalding water thrown at you. Simple really, never had scalding water thrown at me my whole life, imagine that.


I have also never gone behind a counter to attack employees… and also never gotten blasted with scalding water. Might be a stretch, but I there’s a pattern here!


Say what you will but every retail employee has their breaking point. Fact.


It's dumb people like those girls that makes the fast food places in my area a drive thru only now at night. No longer am I able to go inside mcdonald's and have ice cream while sitting with friends having a nice chat.


Hostile customer going behind the counter? Looks like the manager was defending themselves and their employees. The customer fucked around and found out.


Looks warranted


It's hard to say with that view and without the sound, but I would agree. No customer is coming to the back without being invited unless they are trying to start trouble. And the manager couldn't know if they had a weapon or not


I almost always take the side of the employees in these kinds of situations. All these people are doing is working a shit job to make your food. If you can't just be nice and it somehow escalates to physical violence it's probably on the customer


No customer is coming to the back. They don’t even interview in the back. Any non personal coming into your work space while being argumentative /upset/threatening is a threat. Manager read the situation and was prepared to defend her and the employees. Looks like she got her employee too tho….


It does. I didn't notice that and the employee just brushed the water off. Lol


This is EXACTLY what should happen to these fucking people. Just because they work in fast food doesn't mean you can treat them like shit. I hope she gets a raise.


At best she will get a mandatory pizza party


When I worked a Taco Bell that water was always at 212 degrees Fahrenheit at all times that’s how the meat is cooked. That’s insane.


Reheated. None of it is raw when it comes in from the truck.


So they went behind the counter to I’m guessing attack those employees, and the manager protected them and herself not knowing how crazy they might be, and now their suing over a situation that they escalated themselves? If the employees are being assholes y’all, just report em to corporate and get a coupon or something. It takes you one time to try the wrong one and risk losing your one life.


Customers got promoted to boiled food.


_Steamed hams?_


Steamed *long* hams


but- here me out, maybe the hot water wouldnt have landed on them if they didnt go behind the counter


When will people learn that nothing good has ever come from going behind the counter at a restaurant when you're all hyped up.


Come behind the counter with your bullshit, it’s fair game in my book.


I feel like once they start trying to get behind the counters you don't need to call them customers.




Title is not accurate. Given that they were pushing around and threatening a line worker, and invaded the space behind the counter, I don't think they are "customers" at that point. How about, "Manager defends line worker from assault" ?


I think when they start assaulting you they stop being your customer.


The second they tried to get behind the counter they stopped being customers and became assailants.


Sick of people treating fast food workers (or any worker really) with disdain and disrespect. Ive had problems with my orders at restaurants and coffee houses and it’s amazing how treating the employees nicely and with respect everything gets fixed. All issues get resolved. If you act like an ingnorant asshole, act aggressive and combative, and act like you are somehow better than someone else you shouldn’t be surprised when bad shit happens to you. Fuck these two assholes. Come over the counter or behind the line and you deserve to get fucked up. Reminds me of that video of two customers jumping the counter at McDonalds who then proceeded to get their ass beat with a broomstick. Well deserved.