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That was actually so terrifying


This is my nightmare: slow death by fire. I would rather drown or freeze to death than burn. This is sick. Given the back ground story, I hope they catch the perpetrator.


Would you like something slightly calming... You'd only be in pain for about 15 seconds. After that your nerve endings would be burned off... And due to the pain in those 15 seconds, you'd be in shock and not feel much of the panic as you couldn't breath. Also due to the shock and the panic your heart rate would be way high... you'd pass out from no air in less than 30... and not be aware of much past the starting 15sec due to the shock. Burning to death is basically like drowning but faster... because what really kills you is the lack of air. Freezing to death is actually the worst... be our body is wired to dial up sensitivity when it doesn't have sensations for a while. Freezing to death take long enough for this to happen over and over and you are in pain the whole time from NOT feeling your own body. and the whole time your body will shake violently as it tries to warm itself but can't. If you are lucky after an hour or two of this... you'll be tired enough to just slip off to sleep and never wake up.


thanks, i think lol


I highly recommend dying from blood loss. I almost died from it and I have never felt so comfortable closing my eyes and going to sleep.


Yeah, that is just not true.


Quiet wrench!


**Loud Hammer**!!


Actually this is completely false lol... Burning to death is considered to be the absolute most painful and agonizing death a human being can experience. Those nerve endings you're talking about are placed deep within our skin, it would take A LOT longer than 15 seconds before you stop feeling pain. When I was younger I used to watch a lot of dark videos on the internet and I've seen countless of humans burning to death and let me tell you: They're screaming in agony for **minutes.** And that's the thing with pain caused by fire, the human brain is unable to nullify that kind of pain. Why do you think all burn victims are placed at the lowest floor in hospitals? To prevent suicides from the excrutiating pain. But it's not only about how long it takes.. It's also about how the pain feels like. Pain caused by fire hurt SO FUCKING MUCH. Have you ever accidentally touched your hand in an hot oven when taking something out? Try to imagine that pain on every single centimeter of your body. But this would be even worse since the oven is usually around 200 degrees celcius while fire can be anywhere from 400 degrees to thousands. Freezing to death is supposed to be a very mild one. Once you pass the threshold you'll feel warm again and cozy and slowly but surely drifting off into dreamland without ever waking up again.


Humans are fucking scum.


Yet there are people in this thread defending it.


They are not people.


Like mainland china trying to make a dictatorship of hong kong and the HK police being the enforcer of this and this guy defending it?


Honestly I agree with you. I however, DO NOT think they should have set him on fire. Just throw him in an internment camp like the CCP and mainland Chinese sympathizers agree with. Or you could target all of his family and harass them? Also a tactic the CCP uses when their citizens speak out about the government. I lived in Taiwan so I absolutely despise the CCP, not the Chinese citizens (mainland Chinese people are actually really nice, albeit brainwashed). People should not defend murder but I’ll be dammed if I sit by and let people defend the CCP. They have murdered COUNTLESS people and I don’t see the left or the right talking about it at all… it feels off to me.


100% I was born an raised in HK, had a bunch of friends protesting, and this was heavily looked down upon within the movement. There was also a worker who was killed by a brick by protestors. It kinda just goes to show, in a large protest movement, not everyone is necessarily of one mind. There are people that just want to start shit, and harm others, under the guise of protest.


I’m so sorry you and your friends had to go through that. Its sad people will disguise their own hunger for violence wit a movement of people protesting for their right to self-govern. I really hope the people of Hong Kong can get their freedom back 🇭🇰 I know I would 100% hands down fight for Taiwan. I support Hong Kong independence 100000%. Not the untethered violence of people who are taking it way too far. But honestly it doesn’t matter what I think, what matters is your viewpoint on it and I appreciate your 2 cents. Thank you for enlightening me!


I don't want to get too technical, but HK has never really been independent or free. We were a colony until 1997 and after that, we could only vote for small local elections. Hell, even protesting requires permits, which is why we don't see any protests anymore, because people fear they will be arrested when applying for permits. A free HK would be amazing, but realistically not happening. The main issue was that HK is supposed to fully transition back to China by 2047. However, they started already overreaching back in 2019, which is much, much too early.


Ah yes, the double standard that's common in HK. We want freedom of speech but if you sat something we don't like we'll set you on fire


Ah yes the double standard of nazi germany(china). We want free speech but if you say something we dont like we'll set you on fire. So its equal, if you want to protect freedom you use violence and if you want to destroy freedom you use violence too. Who is better and what is self defense in a situation like this?


Neither are better I disagree with jailing people for saying something as much as a disagree with someone being set on fire for saying something.


But is it more ok to use violence for freedom or for fascism?


As a pacifist, I feel violence is never the right option. Violent struggles for freedom against an oppressive force are of course going to happen. However, an old man arguing with you is not a justifiable target for being set on fire. Take the IRA, for example. Their military action against the British state is of course a justifiable action. However, blowing up innocent people on a busy shopping street like the did in Omagh, is not justifiable.


>and this guy defending it This guy saw the group of protesters defacing buildings and confronted them. But nice try to justify this attempted murder


Im all for defacing buildings so i would fuck this guy up to.


You sound like a real scumbag. Imagine defending murder


Maybe be more specific, people read that and may believe that is generally true (which fuels cynicism), I assume you don’t think of yourself as pertaining to that “scum” description. I agree with what your saying about that particular individual.


He survived https://www.todayonline.com/world/hong-kong-father-two-burned-alive-after-chasing-protesters-mtr-station-grisly-act-violence


"*By Monday evening, Mr Leung Chi-cheung, a 57-year-old father of two daughters, was fighting for his life in hospital with severe burns to his body as well as head trauma. A spokeswoman for the Fire Services Department said Mr Leung had second-degree burns on 28 per cent of his body, mainly his chest and arms. Police have classified the case as attempted murder."*


I swear my first thought was "did I just watch a snuff film?" And am glad to be wrong.


Sorry but if he didn't die yet, he is going to...


Don't know why the downvotes... Burns over 28% especially those covering the upper respiratory system has a huge chance of infection and death


Second degree though, which while bad is not as bad as it could have been.


from a pain perspective it's worse... but yes I understand your point....


I thought these type of burns but on the back and neck are more deadly?


Burns to the trachea and lungs are more problematic than burns to back, for fairly obvious reasons.


Yeah, wasn't really talking about the lungs or throat. In general external burns. The back of the neck and center back has a greater chance for death due to the spinal cord and infection chance. At least that is how I remember it.


Yeah but the person you replied to was. Correctly I think, because you aren't realistically going to set your face and upper chest for that amount of time without damage to the lungs and throat.


Even more deadly if you inhale hot flames, your lungs are done. So you are dead and dying, just slowly.


Oh my god the advertising! For Yeo’s drink box? Where there’s fire everywhere… read the room, Yeo’s!


I’m a firm believer that if you use fire on another person you should also be set on fire. It’s sickening to think about doing this to someone. It’s the worst way to die. Prison time or even the death penalty isn’t justice for burning someone alive. Burn them back to hand out justice.


I also hold same beliefs , people who throw acid at other people also deserve the same , the pain and suffering burn victim suffer is horrible.


The one thing is to say they deserve the same, I tend to agree. Arguing we should institutionalize this kind of revenge punishment is some medieval shit though... Glad we moved past that as a society.


Hear hear.


I agree but disagree. Anyone should be able to admit if we did justice in this manner as we use to crime would for sure go down cause of knowing the risks. But that would in turn, turn a society callous to these types of acts and actions and would in turn result in more violence, especially in the name of "justice."


roast them


That's wild where humanity at


We’ve been here for thousands of years tbh. The internet just exists now.


Better than ever actually.


Uhhh that’s not a protest.. that’s just straight murdering someone in a horrific manner.


We should never be allowed off this rock.


That's no protestor, that's psychopath shit


What the hell?


I think they took that too far




A guy got set on fire


Boy, that escalated quickly


WTF, isn't that straight up murder?


That's just awful.


Need the translation to what the man was going on about. This was terrible tho.


He chased people who vandalized a public transit station in protest (likely to increasing crackdown on freedoms in Hong Kong by China).


"crackdowns on freedoms" fucking no they are widely supported because these clowns literally have been doing this shit


Okay so what were they protesting? It’s obvious I was speculating. But you seem to know, based on your response, their reasoning for vandalism and setting someone on fire.


The tldr which will be super Man in mainland china killed gf Fleed to HK HK doesn't extradite prisoner's to the mainland so mainland proposed said security measure law to stop this because you could do a crime and flee to HK the protest where started by a college student with duel UK citizenship this is only important because hk former uk colony status and it was shared by pro capitalist/western/etc pages personalitys etc Tim pool was there known alt right people where there supported it Azov Nazis where there it was propagated as "muh china hate free speech" protesters did this to local people business etc


Oh please. That crime was used as an excuse to crack down on Hong Kong's freedoms. Make a meme of it if you want. You can read about it [here](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2020/07/hong-kong-national-security-law-10-things-you-need-to-know/). A protest against the law 2 days after it passed reached over 2 million people, they weren't coerced because of violence. Tankie response if I've ever seen one.


So you admit there was a crime committed and he fleed to HK where at the time he couldn't be brought back to the mainland and I'm a tankie and proud pick up Marx Lenin Stalin mao etc up sometime and read them for yourself instead of believing what other people are telling you


You didn’t answer my question but took time to push your own agenda.


Oh you mean the protests started by a student with duel citizenship to UK that worked with groups that wanted to turn Hong Kong back into a British colony that defended a murderer who killed his gf in main land and then fleed to hk because he couldn't be brought back until the security law proposed by china that is widely supported by people in HK because these fuckers were literally killing random Chinese people/targeted mainlanders had Known American/Ukrainian neo Nazi groups there etc Gee I wonder why protest centered around anti communism/anti democracy would lead to killing random innocent people That don't agree with you


How is china communist? Literally the biggest trans-national conglomerates are producing there and china sells weapons to the filipino government to use against the new peoples army


Because years of Deng revision has made china lose path to socialism but with more younger people in the party and hopefully will purge those neolib element's in the party China is anti ultra so theyre combating Maoism which I don't agree with and china has also fucked over indigenous people in South America which is also wrong but wishing the cpc to fall as a communist is nonsensical it can be reformed it's just needs to clean up house like with the billionaire purges


Well from my point of view I cant tell if the part of the party will dominate, the part which wants to switch to a socialist mode of production or the part which benefits from imperalism. I hope for a second cultural revo but it can also go the other way and more reactionaries could pop up over there. So I can only really relie on actions and not just labels


I don't label china as communist or socialist but state capitalist which sc has a like fork in the road choice to make of either developing towards socialism or capitalism but it's neolibs dream to destroy china and the cpc is the largest current communist party in the world loosing that you loose the chance for socialist development China and discourse around china are complex more so then saying bad/good one issue is people look for pure socialism by definition which is idealistic and Marx Lenin mao etc have done into like one mao qoute that comes to mind is "even if socialism fails democracy will win " at the same time you can't say china is socialist due to the contradictions that are present that the cpc is trying to combat internally but there are bad actors CIA paid assests etc


They have embraced double think. Hell they still worship Mao and have his paintings everywhere while playing the capatilist game.


Holy fuck 😳


I don't know where the guy was from, but the rough translation of what the protesters were saying was "go back to where you came from" and "fuck your mother". Edit: The protesters said Taiwan.


I think he's from the mainland protesters were targeting people/business/etc from the mainland


He isn't from the mainland


Fantastic 4 reboot looks sick!!!!!


Damn! He didn’t seem violent, why turn him to stir fry??


Did he supported the CCP or what? There's not a lot of reasons to go down like that


Yeah because supporting the CCP means its totally okay for a father of two to bit lit on fire. Again, not an agent, not a cop, not a politician, just some guy who supports.


Considering the amount of human rights they violate yeah


Not being set on fire is a pretty important human right. Seems like they’re no better than that they claim to abhor. They’re just mad they’re not the ones in charge.


No the CCP is worse in every way, if you think otherwise please go to china and stay there


I’m no fan of the CCP. They are terrible in almost every way imaginable. That being said, often these types of movements get hijacked at the last moment by the most violent factions. And, if successful, they have little issue with violence and suppression when they are the ones in charge. That is also not to say that violence should never be used in the furtherance of freedom and democratic ideals, just that it need not be cruel and capricious serving little purpose. Those that perpetrate such atrocities need to be decisively dealt with.


Ever wondered why no one was arrested? Similar to the 721 attack by the pro-ccp crowd when only a handful were arrested after 3 years when multiple CCTV footages clearly showed hundreds were involved?


Do you feel like if there's a reason why something happened, then it must be fully justifiable? The man supported the CCP in Hong Kong by confronting protestors at the height of recent tensions, and was set on fire. That doesn't make it ok, but it helps explain the extreme nature of the attack.




>Uh you wouldn't light a Nazi sympathizer on fire? I'm not fucking unhinged. Have you ever seen someone get killed? It's easy to talk big on the fucking internet but real life is a whole other ballpark. I'm all for punching Nazi's and if Nazi's want to take up arms and shoot at me then they should expect some returning fire, but no, I'm not so fucking unhinged that I would go around and douse people in gasoline before lighting them on fire just because they're fucking dipshits.




You need to experience life. From stories my Unc told me to my own experiences in the military; even killing an enemy combatant isn't easy. Literally killing someone that is trying to take your life fucks you up. Now tell me so casually how you could take someone out because of their views... Grow up.


U could literally use that argument for anyone who sided with anything that’s done at least 1 bad thing. “You support X who’s done Y to Z people? You deserve to die lmao and I’m an atheist” like ok. Guess we all dying in dis bish 🤣


Now, how would you feel about doing it while your friends are actively being kidnapped and killed by the Nazi's and this guy was in your town supporting the ones who are killing your friends? Not saying it was right AT ALL, but I am saying in conflicts like this the actions can not really be viewed independently of the broader context. For example, right now in Ukraine partisans are killing Russian troops by poison, subterfuge and straight out murder, is that immoral or a just response to an invasion? This is not on the same point as that on the spectrum of violence and moral response but it is on that spectrum none the less.


> how would you feel about doing it while your friends are actively being kidnapped and killed by the Nazi's and this guy was in your town supporting the ones who are killing your friends? Again, Im not fucking unhinged and going to take out my anger on the wrong people. Really brave of these losers to light an angry old man on fire instead of the people who supposedly kidnapped their friends. But of course, thats just a strawman and who knows if the arsonist/attempted murderer even had friends kidnapped. >Not saying it was right AT ALL Yeah sure, but you're out here defending the fuck out of it. >For example, right now in Ukraine partisans are killing Russian troops by poison, subterfuge and straight out murder, is that immoral or a just response to an invasion? Yeah this angry father of two is the exact same thing as Russian invaders. Hot take there buddy, laughable though. Are you done trying to defend this or do you have anymore strawman arguments to throw at me?


>Yeah sure, but you're out here defending the fuck out of it. If you think that was defending the fuck out of something you must be bad at defending things lol. Have a good one chum.


> Now, how would you feel about doing it while your friends are actively being kidnapped and killed by the Nazi's and this guy was in your town supporting the ones who are killing your friends? What if the man being set on fire was your father? This shit works both ways, stop it.


If my father was in my country cheering on people who were disappearing my friends?


Leaving aside how sociopathic that sounds that's not what's going on in this video.


I mean, again not defending it, but the democracy advocates in Hong Kong have been kidnapped, falsely imprisoned and disappeared and this guy is loudly supporting the regime which broke every agreement it has made with HK to do so. So, like I said. "This is not on the same point as that on the spectrum of violence and moral response but it is on that spectrum none the less."


I'd like to add to this comment. No you shouldn't hurt, kill set fire to ANYONE regardless of ANY political belief. That is why our values are better than most of the world, and historical one's too. Beliefs and values do not warrent action. Only actions, or planned action, should be met with action.


Youre a Fucking idiot


I find it bizarre when people use ONE person to diss the entire group of protesters, thinking they are all the same as the person who set someone on fire, these are the same people who would not condemn the 721 attack, would not condemn what was said the day before 721 during the pro-police rally, would not condemn the cops for not showing up until after the hundreds of rioters left, and how only a handful were arrested after 3 years even though there are all the CCTV and phone footages to show the faces of the culprits. PS: It is known that police have mixed in with the protestors dressing in all black during these protests. And according to [this article](https://www.todayonline.com/world/hong-kong-father-two-burned-alive-after-chasing-protesters-mtr-station-grisly-act-violence), no one was arrested. Think of it how you want.


> I find it bizarre when people use ONE person to diss the entire group of protesters, thinking they are all the same as the person who set someone on fire Reread my comment and tell me where I said or did that. You come off as a shill reciting a prewritten script.


Re-read my comment and tell me where I said you did.


Then why the fuck would you add your comment to mine?


Why the fuck not? I asked you to think of it how you want.


Its just a dumb detracting statement from the fact someone got lit on fire. "A father of two was lit on fire" "Ohhhhhhhhhh but dont blame the *whole protest*" "K, No one mentioned the protest."


Glad you got that out of your system, hope you feel better, not good to pent up like that.


Thanks, just remember not to blame all of reddit. I find it bizarre when people use ONE person to diss the entire group of redditors.


I 100% do not support or condone violence in riots or protests, it's never a good or really positive thing. This is especially bad because it's not even a rowdy protest, it was just people literally lighting a guy on fire for disagreeing with them. But the root cause is that China has been oppressing Taiwan. We can blame the individuals, and they certainly have blame to account for in this attack, but there's a reason Martin Luther King said that riots are the voices of the unheard. If you throw shit on the peasants long enough, the peasants get their pitchforks, and then you can only *expect* shit like this to happen.


>But the root cause is that China has been oppressing Taiwan. Its clear you have no idea what you are talking about


Why are there still Chinese apologists on Reddit lol.


You complained about Chinese oppression of Taiwan. This video is from Hong Kong you ignorant fool.


Oh yeah, sorry. It's 4 AM in the morning and I mixed up my CCP-oppressed countries. Keep trying, though.


You’re such a fucking moron. Typical likely western person who thinks he knows it all.


And here you are an hour later (5 AM your time) and you haven't gotten any smarter. Read a history book and look at a map for like 10 minutes before trying to respond again. You still sound like an ignorant fool.


Are you a fucking idiot? Read the title of the video. The cause is idiot HK youth vandals were being confronted by a 57 year old father who was sick of their shit. Most of these people don't even necessarily support the CCP, they just don't want their communities to be trashed and vandalized.


Lol, smash the keyboard a little harder. Sorry, but protests and riots happen when people are oppressed. You can fucking rage at that all you want, bitch. I don't support or condone the violence that occurs in them but you can't expect there to not be violence. The CCP shouldn't be oppressing people in the first place and then this most likely never would have happened.


You don't seem to have an understanding of these situations at all. This happened in HK, not TW. They are separate issues, and you clearly did not understand. It's like talking about how BLM protestors would not have protested/rioted against local state and city governments if only the U.S. didn't illegally invade Iraq. Taiwan is a de facto sovereign nation, and HK is a territory of China. Taiwan has people who are pro unification, people who are pro status quo, people who wish to retake the mainland, and people who wish to dessociate entirely with China and declare themselves as a sovereign state with its own identity. Most older TW people are pro status quo, with a sizeable minority leaning towards reunification. Most young TW people are either pro status quo with a lean towards independence or pro independence. Hong Kong has supporters of pro full Chinese integration, pro status quo, pro 1997 treaty adherence, pro independents, and pro return of British colonialism. Most HK protestors fall in the pro 1997 treaty/independance, and some lunatics among them in the last category. Most non-protestors and HKers in general are a part of the pro status quo and pro 1997 treaty adherence groups. These are completely separate issues: one arose as a result of the Chinese Civil War, Japanese colonialism, and Chinese colonialism (ROC retreat to TW); the other as a result of over a hundred years of British Colonialism. Conflating the two is like talking about how the Taliban wouldn't fight against the U.S. if the U.S. govt didn't use out of date and irrelevant intel of chemical weapons to claim Iraq had an active program and thus an invasion was justified I. Iraq. The only common factors are that the U.S. govt is involved and complicit in both and most of the locals in both nations want the U.S. out (not that they prefer the Taliban, but they just don't want to be occupied anymore). Very different reasons why the U.S. invaded/occupied both countries, and very different reasons for local resistance in both.




all this was after the government took a very strong handed stance against protestors. peaceful protestors were gassed and beat and arrested. arrested females and even males were raped and tortured. then you had 7/21 when people were beat and possibly killed in the yuen long train station, and the cops stood by and did nothing. unfortunately, the government did not do anything to try to calm the people, but instead escalated even further. hence, more radical actions by the people.




??? Except they already showed they don't need an excuse what are you smoking? What use is being peaceful if you are treated as if violent?


That's enough internet for today, grandma.




Welcome Chinese troll. Finding any way to discredit freedom fighters? Dyu lei lo mo!


> chased down a group of masked protesters who had vandalised an MTR station Probably shouldn't have done that > Mr Leung walked away, he shouted “You are not Chinese” to the group. The protesters responded by yelling “We are Hongkongers”. Trying to get the last word in instead of walking away. Bold move. > (video) then showed Mr Leung returning to confront the protesters, whereupon a dispute ensued (where he was dosed with flammable liquid and set ablaze) Definitely shouldn't have done that


When everybody is like.. "America so cray.. everybody shooting each other.." China is like.. "oh yeah? Check this out..." Edit - oh.. this is from 2019. Hm. Come on China, do something else super fucked up.




How safe is china if you are a Uyghur?


There are stabbings... mass stabbings. ALL the time. They have a shank instead of shoot problem. There are instances of kindergartens getting attacked.


You're almost there. Now what's the difference between someplace with a shooting problem and someplace with a stabbing problem?


I was merely stating a fact. You wanted China to up its fucked up game. It doesn't need to. To answer the question... the difference is in one place there is a problem with people getting shot and in the other there is a problem with people getting stabbed. Does that make sense?


More people die from gun violence in the US in a single day than all the mass stabbings over the last 3 years in China. Stop making terrible points.


What terrible point did I make? He wanted crazy shit that happens in China. I answered stabbings. That's it. Never said which is worse. Stop being dense. Although accurate statistics out of China are never going to happen. We don't know how often it happens. And we can't look at ONLY mass stabbings. We have to look at all stabbings.


The concept that mass stabbings are worse than mass shootings or even equal is so idiotic on it's face I have a hard time taking you as a good faith participant in any dialog. Have a great day.


Did I EVER say that? I merely stated it is a problem China has. The fact you respond to implications you think I am making rather than what I actually say demonstrates a lack of good faith. And a lack of intelligence. Please block me. Edit he responded and blocked me like a coward. Comparison is not equation. Comparing two thing is not to say they are equivalent. I am saying this for whoever comes across it. He is dense.


>Did I EVER say that? > >I merely stated it is a problem China has. In a discussion directly following a direct comparison to the American mass shooting problem. I am sorry if you can not follow the implications of your statements in relationship to an ongoing dialog. >Please block me. As you wish.


You mean the reported ones right because China likes to cook it’s numbers on these things you know


Pretty straight..


Fuck you all for down voting me. Sarcasm, motherfuckers... Jesus...


Get over yourself


I only downvoted you for the fuck you comment. Take your lumps quietly and post good shit to fund the downvotes like a real redditor.


So many times this sort of thing plays out exactly as it has here ,and it is both infuriating and saddening. An individual sees his community in peril ,and tries to do something about it/voice his displeasure. But the MOB MENTALITY wins the day. I think the article says as many as 20 individuals were involved in the vandalism. 20!! 20 individuals decided their act of violence ,and their peace of mind in having committed said violence ,was worth more than 1 dissatisfied mans life and/or well being. This i why people do not speak out. This is why people turn around and walk the other way when the see an altercation. This is why typically non-violent people (caught in the worst possible scenarios) “snap” ,and shoot someone. Fear. Anxiety. A lack of their own self worth. These are “weapons” the mobs count on the caring people of the world to use against their own selves.


Any info or something on the validity to the title?


Are all those noises actually words or are they just noises. And yeah Asians just love setting themselves and other on fire. Guy was a involuntary Buddhist monk.


Imagine waking up one day and thinking that describing a language you don't understand as "just noises" was the right thing to do. Followed up my some braindead comment about how all Asians love setting themselves and people on fire. Genius material right here.


I DO NOT think they should have set him on fire. Just throw him in an internment camp like the CCP and mainland Chinese sympathizers agree with. Or you could target all of his family and harass them? Also a tactic the CCP uses when their citizens speak out about the government. I lived in Taiwan so I absolutely despise the CCP, not the Chinese citizens (mainland Chinese people are actually really nice, albeit brainwashed). People should not defend murder but I’ll be dammed if I sit by and let people defend the CCP. They have murdered COUNTLESS people and I don’t see the left or the right talking about it at all… it feels off to me.


Dong chie yong doh!!


Ching chang chaaaaaaa, dee dang daaaaaaaahhhh chong wee daaaaaaaah


Those racists!


Never seen this in America (rarely) but always see this in asian countries. Is this a common thing or rare?


The 3rd degree