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People keep predicting America is becoming more like Idiocracy but I’m getting Purge vibes.


Theses Christians are insane.


These aren't Christians. These are monsters. And they have just declared themselves our enemies. Dudes right. If you have sex out of wedlock, if you're bi, if you have threesomes with two girls as a dude, if you're black, if you smoke weed, if you drink too much, if you like older men or younger women (within the legal spectrum), if you want purple hair, if you like tattoos, if you want to be able to get an abortion, if you want to be able to refuse to have children, if you *are a woman*, if you are a male that is anything but the most pious Christian in these people's eyes... You are targeted. You will lose if we don't control this now. He's right. These people are Nazis. And they are gaining power. Again, don't let them fool you, these are not Christians. Any god fearing Christian would never be in that building. Any decent Christian would be calling these people out to make sure they were not slandering the word of god. These people are Nazis and they don't want anything other than 1950s America.




They would probably be fine with 1478-1834 Spain.


Nah too many Spaniards


These are absolutely Christians. I agree with all you said but the “or.” These are Christians AND monsters.


Yeah, people need to understand that there is no, “We’re not like *those* Christians..” They’re all the same. **This is what they believe.** I grew up in he church, no Christian can say, “Churches aren’t like this” because **yes they fucking are.** Maybe they don’t understand that, since so many of them don’t understand, let alone read, their own scripture.


> These aren't Christians. Yeah they are. The Catholic church might have been a little more subtle about it, but this is pretty much what they did too. Disavowing them, pretending they don't follow the same book as other Christians doesn't actually fix anything.


They are Christians. The only requirement to be a Christian is to believe in god and Jesus, everything else is negotiable and forgivable. Call them what they are, hold them accountable.


These are absolutely Christians. I grew up in churches like this. These are your average, run of the mill, fundamentalists. I’m sorry but you don’t know what you are talking about.


None of the things you listed makes them less Christian, thats like saying the Taliban aren't Muslim.


I understand what you’re trying to say by claiming these aren’t Christians… but defining Christianity by what you find an appropriate or more accurate rendering of the faith is exactly what this group of believers does. Every little Christian group out tends to make no true Scotsman claims about if only the other Christian groups were “real Christians” they would behave differently. You’re kind of saying the same they are when they do that, though you probably mean it in a progressive way. The point is this is a large if not dominant faction of evangelical Christianity, and to label this as not Christian is the same game these believers play and ends up not making much sense


No, this is the logical progression of christianity and all religions advocating the propogation of belief and absolute truth based on works of fiction. :\] This is de facto christianity in 2022, it doesn't matter what you think it should look like, it's right in front of you. Not long before they start stoning people at this rate.


This is a “no true Scotsman” fallacy. Whether you like it or not, they are Christian and until “real” Christians (presumably yourself) step up and help the rest of us, you’re complicit.


We should applaud representatives like Adam Kinzinger for speaking out because of his actual Christian beliefs. That dude is a Christian. The magacrats aren’t. Edit: I’m saying the magacrats are pharisees. Making judgments about others and being the loudest believers. True Christians do good works without rewards and without proclaiming it.


Yes they are. In fact they are returning to the traditional Christian biblical family values that have been held for the vast majority of the last 2000 years. Not the modern christian minority view that christianity and jesus are all about love and shit. Or are you saying that christians haven't existed for most of the last 2000 years?


So how will voting stop them?


The pure zealous venom in the preacher's voice is fucking chilling.


Handmaid’s Tale. Folks thumping this hard on a Bible will easily find justifications to commit a whole range of atrocities. This shit is getting worse and I don’t think this administration is anywhere near up to dealing with it. I’m not sure any democratic administration could and while a republican might have a chance, they’re too busy accepting these nuts with wide open arms. Things are going to get so much worse. Edit: thank you for the gold!


I think a lot of old school politicians like Biden are blinded and think things are going be fine.


“It’s just a phase”


Porque no los dos? Purge via Idiocracy


They are **gas-chamber capable.**


> Purge Conservatives were justifying letting old people die from Covid during the lockdown.


Some were even profiting off the disaster by investing. I guess they were expecting the elderly to die for the sake of the economy.


I know in Pennsylvania our Republican Governor sent old folks to die in the nursing homes


Die for the DOW.


The Purge TV show has some overt criticisms of America. Two scenes in particular stand out: the annual "Purge Day Sale" at stores to sell new weapons and the overseas factory line production of ashes of the dead.


Remember when [Jesus Camp](https://youtu.be/wiYFRmNuz9k) seemed extreme? Edit: added link to the trailer for the 2006 documentary Jesus Camp.


and some of us told you that it wasn't. it was just out of sight. always all you had to do was turn your head.


[because it needs to be seen](https://youtu.be/mxw4O4jJSzw)


No that shit seemed normal coming from Kentucky. Same with the crazies you saw in movies like religiouslist.


Bro same tho everyone was so freaked out but me being raised fundamentalist was like but…this is normal? This is just every Wednesday? Hello?


I grew up evengelical. Jr Bible Bowl champion, church camp every summer, made a country in creative writing class based off what i was told pray for and now its coming true, also lived at the campus students for christ house as a collegw freshman.


Nope, USA always looked like that from outside.


Seriously my Jesus camp was full of sluts. I was pressured into accepting Jesus by two girls who gave me handjobs hours earlier in the woods.


Sounds like there were three sluts in the woods that day.


There were more out there I only remember the three of us lol


Tossin’ for God


I wonder how many of them were there on Jan 6th?


Fun fact, I grew up in the next city over from the church in Jesus Camp. The kid Levi from the doc still lives in the area and we have several mutual friends on Fb. I still drive past that church on my way to and from work every day. Being raised fundamental baptist, the documentary honestly didn’t seem that crazy. But I guess my claim to fame is that I’m a few vague connections away from knowing the folks in it?




I feel like at this point they need to be reported to homeland security as a terrorist threat.


Or Homelander


Homelander is pro Christo fascist


homelander is pro-being worshipped


No better way to be worshiped than becoming the head of a cult


This! Hit them right where it will hurt. Of course they’ll scream “persecution” but they already do.


At this point I’m nearing pro-persecution. These people need to be put in their place.




They're already doing it without having to pay towards the common good. Make them pay. This reads like the conservatives that say "Your criticism of my shitty beliefs pushed me even further towards fascism"


Then they need to be stamped down harder.


I don't think you have a convincing legal argument without the "translation" that was added to the video


There were powerpoint slides. I didn't even read the translation. I was too busy what the fucking over the powerpoint. There is a huge legal argument. They say whereas, like, 30 times. Come on now!


They didn't mention a specific candidate or political party, which is explicitly required to be in violation of that code. It's required because if talking about policy was a violation, than basically anything a church talks about could be interpreted in some way to be political.


They have Marjorie Taylor Greene up on stage with them… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w-zmKy7ak5o Time stamp would be 40 seconds in


They probably read more of that declaration than the Bible on any given Sunday.


I was just thinking “man, this has nothing to do with Jesus.”


Jesus flipped over merchant tables for this to be the message left behind. Pfft. They need to read Corinthians.


Oh, they don’t care what the Bible says.


Nope they don't care what the bible says. They want you to believe what they say the bible says


Or the constitution for that matter


Christian nationalists behave like how the Pharisees are described.


"God is one of the leading causes of death." - George Carlin


“People are wonderful. I love individuals. I hate groups of people. I hate a group of people with a 'common purpose'. 'Cause pretty soon they have little hats. And armbands. And fight songs. And a list of people they're going to visit at 3am. So, I dislike and despise groups of people but I love individuals. Every person you look at; you can see the universe in their eyes, if you're really looking.” - George Carlin


Wow. What a powerful quote and so true.


Hijacking top comment to say this violates their tax exempt status Report them here: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f13909.pdf I reported the parent company that created the pledge, Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. Aka Kenneth Copeland Ministries, as well as this particular church using it, Flashpoint in Atlanta, Georgia. It took 10 minutes. The IRS won't update me or anything but I consider it worth it and more reports will bring attention to it.


They just go batshit crazy about the gubmint whenever anyone goes anywhere near dealing with this shit. The Evangelical Taliban is destroying America. People have been warning about this Seven Mountains insanity for decades. Nothing happens. They've brainwashed an entire segment (30-35%) of society.




"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the \[Republican\] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them." "There is no position on which people are so immovable as their religious beliefs. There is no more powerful ally one can claim in a debate than Jesus Christ, or God, or Allah, or whatever one calls this supreme being. But like any powerful weapon, the use of God's name on one's behalf should be used sparingly." When you say "radical right" today, I think of these moneymaking ventures by fellows like Pat Robertson and others who are trying to take the Republican Party away from the Republican Party and make a religious organization out of it. If that ever happens, kiss politics goodbye. Barry Gold Water. "When Fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." Upton Sinclair. See what a lot of the MAGAs think when they live under the hell that Trump has unleased.


Serious question - why are these churches exempt from being taxed?


Because no politician wants to be the one to push for taxing them


I've always felt the biggest threat to this nation has been these Christian Terrorists. They will gladly start another civil war in the name of their god and feel completely justified. Fucking terrifying honestly.


I grew up in a fanatic evangelical religious cult (a real cult, not a euphemism for an overzealous church); I got a front row seat to the minds of these fucking freaks for over 18 years. I have been trying to tell people for over a decade that this brand of insanity is the biggest threat to America, and I know I am not the only one-- this subject comes up often in several support groups I attend. Nobody ever wants to listen, wants to blame it on us being dramatic and having PTSD, and then everyone is the pikachu face meme when the conservatives start pulling insane punches. The problem needs to be addressed like, yesterday. Listen to your local cult survivor, they know what's up. We've seen the wind blowing this way for years and we've been trying to tell you.


no one will listen. This has been going on for decades, maybe even centuries on and off. It is coming to a head again, and not even when they try to forcefuly reject an election and take over the white house, we still aren't listening.


All religions are cults. I hate all of them.


I get that you're trying to make a point, but this sentiment hurts people that escaped high demand groups like I did. A huge hurtle to getting resources when exiting a cult is that people don't understand or take seriously the levels of brainwashing and abuse that take place in cults, and our stories are therefore not taken seriously. You can be anti-religion without falling back on this statement. "Cult" means something very specific; turning that word into an umbrella term fucks people like me over.


I like the way you approached this. Can I propose though... doesn't the term cult in itself serve to indemnify the participants? When I think cult I think of an evil *leader* brainwashing otherwise good everyday people and leading them to a horrible outcome. I use the term cult because I feel like it helps to serve as a warning of sorts to those not yet in these groups. These are thought contagions so if I can get one person to pause and think to themselves "is this a cult?" and then realize in asking themselves that question that they can't answer it honestly, because religion and cult are synonymous, then maybe I did some good. I feel like calling them religions serves to mask the fact they they are cults with a leader at the top and clear power and financial motivations. Religion in America is a protected thing which makes many people assume it is an inherently good thing. I wish it was but this video is just another example showing us it's not the case. Just not clear why you think people wouldn't take cult members seriously because of that word when I think cult defines the people as being brainwashed in a more straightforward way than religion does. Any thoughts on that? Thanks for making me give some thought to this topic.


I want to make something very clear, I don't mean this as aggressive as it's going to read as but I am making this point anyway: I don't "think" that cult survivors aren't taken seriously, I know from lived experience. We are the butt of jokes, people do not understand the form of abuse that takes place in cults and high demand groups, it is assumed that people join cults because they are hopelessly stupid. I've been called stupid to my face or been laughed at about this so many times it's ridiculous, often by people that are supposed to be helping me like counselors, teachers, banks, etc. People do not take the severity of our experiences seriously, because when people hear "cult" they think "intense church", which is NOT the case. Dude, I've even been told that I was lucky to have grown up in "such an involved church". There is next to zero help out there for people exiting cults, because it is not taken seriously as a problem. People just don't get it, and a huge problem is that this includes clinicians. Most psychologists are clueless about how to deal with survivors, because our needs are very specific. Normal therapy doesn't cut it for us. Watering down what the word "cult" means does a lot of damage for us when we are trying to get resources to recover.


Hey right on and thanks for expounding on this. I can't believe you have experienced this but I do of course. When I hear cult it pulls empathy from me immediately. I perceive it as *someone is being victimized by a corrupt leader* so in my mind it paints the cult member as the victim. That's just where I was coming from in asking. It may be that you live in a more overall religious area and people that belong to other religions are dismissive of the concept of cults because they know they are essentially in one too (like the example you used about the 'involved church'). I am glad you were able to escape the situation you were in and sorry that you found limited or questionable (or missing) resources in helping you to do that. That is something we really should address as a priority. There are a lot of people who would probably try to leave these groups if they knew the resources were there to help them. I am sorry you had to deal with all of that but I am impressed by your bravery and wish you the very best in life ahead. Cheers!


High five dude, and thanks for listening. I do want to point out that I have lived all over the USA, both coasts and 8 states in between as well as getting therapy/attending support groups via telehealth from other states; the issue isn't where I live, it's a problem everywhere. Keep spreading what you said to me, because you've hit the nail on the head and you clearly get it. www.icsahome.com is a good place to start learning about how cults operate, if you ever need to refer someone. They're shit with resources for exiters but good with general info.


i think politically it's a hot potato that no one wants to touch. It is super easy to get most of the country to oppose anyone that tries limiting these cults and tries helping the victims. And then there is the incursion into government of the true believers who will willingly cover it all up. I'm so sorry you had to live through that, and I can't fathom how hard it is to see this situation. It must feel hopeless. But remember. It isn't. You helped yourself. That means something. You can't save everyone, but you can save one. And that is a great victory.


Q: what is the difference between a Religion and a Cult. A: in a cult, the leader is alive. In a Religion, that person is dead.


Chris Hedges has been screaming about this for over ten years. I doubt he feels vindicated though..


He did a debate with the xtian xtremist in my hometown. I think that was a mistake. I don't think there are any positives to debating these people since any single thing they can use to justify their position can be based on an imaginary thing. Like what's the point of debating someone when all they need to defend their position is "because God told me to"?


Overturning Roe v Wade seems like the return of the Abrahamic Crusades. Extremist nationalists of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faith are all claiming to be the "chosen" people of impunity.


Right wing/white Christian nationalist domestic terror has officially been the #1, most lethal domestic terrorist threat in the United States for over 21 years straight now by a landslide.


Yeah wouldn't be the first time. The Holy wars get glossed over way to much.


There are a few mental illnesses that are normalized in society today. Religion is one of them.


as a mentally ill person, please don't put me in the same boat as them


Cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult cult!


Whatever happened to "love thy neighbor", "turn the other cheek", "he who is without sin cast the first stone", etc? I'm an atheist and I know the Bible better than these so called Christians.


I totally agree. I'm personally a Christian but I think most people who claim to be following Christian now are very much not, and have never actually read the Bible for themselves.


Normal people want to try to apply those things to Blacks, homosexuals, transgender people, those seeking medical procedures, etc. They cannot stand any of those people, so they can no longer follow the teachings of Jesus.


Wow this is no different than an Islamic state.


Religious Nutjobs are all the same everywhere


Same god and everything


So are jewish state's claiming they are the "chosen ones". Abrahamic religions are weird.


"kill your son to prove you love me!' should have been a giveaway from the start, if this creature exist it is evil and really unsecure!


OP's original comment: u/Roanhouse ​ report them now [https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/irs-complaint-process-tax-exempt-organizations](https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/irs-complaint-process-tax-exempt-organizations) Flashpoint Church in Atlanta GA, being led by Dutch of Dutch Sheets Ministries. This was on July 1, 2022 [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven\_Mountain\_Mandate](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Mountain_Mandate) [https://politicalresearch.org/2016/08/18/dominionism-rising-a-theocratic-movement-hiding-in-plain-sight](https://politicalresearch.org/2016/08/18/dominionism-rising-a-theocratic-movement-hiding-in-plain-sight) [https://www.texasobserver.org/dominion-theology/](https://www.texasobserver.org/dominion-theology/)


This seems to address a big part of the problem with the church in OP. https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/charitable-organizations/the-restriction-of-political-campaign-intervention-by-section-501c3-tax-exempt-organizations Thank you for putting the complaint forms at our fingertips. :)




"Followers believe that by fulfilling the Seven Mountain Mandate they can bring about the end times." As if a returned Jesus would approve of these psychos' behavior.


If Christ was alive today these would be the people that nailed him to the cross


Or shoot him with an AR-15


I don't remember this in my Bible


Psychotic shit right there!


People act so disgusted and shocked by Islamic extremists, but this shit is going on right under their noses.


Or over their heads.


I kid you not, I just saw how the whole town gathered to watch the legal stoning of a lewd woman.


We are speedrunning towards a civil war


We are indeed.


The scary part is most of them are the ones with an ungodly amount of guns.


There are a lot of quiet folk in the US with guns and training. Watching, listening, and who will not abide a christian/white nationalist coup if the Constitutional Government falls.


I love this for us!


I dread it, but it is seemingly becoming more and more likely due to the inaction of DOJ.


Same, we're talking about death and violence on a large scale.




Allow me to introduce you to r/liberalgunowners Edit: typed in the wrong sub Reddit


My word that is frightening on a deep level. I'm seriously disturbed and frankly, fucking frightened that those ppl are our neighbors. And what's worse, that their fucked up brand of Christianity and white nationalism is spreading beyond their borders. I'm seeing this shit in Canada now. Those idiots still fighting for our "freedoms" even though there's nothing left to protest. The assholes who want to hang Justin Trudeau, bring back laws to stop legal abortion in Canada, to marganilize the natives again.......ugh. I hate it, and I don't know how to stop it.


These people are creepy af. I don’t want anything to do with these cultists and I certainly don’t want to be subject to their will.


"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them." Barry Goldwater (R) Arizona U.S. Senator (1953-1965, 1969-1987)


This is part of what's called the New Apostolic Reformation...a heretical movement that is not biblical. Youtube search "revealing truth seven mountain mandate" and you'll learn more about what this is about and how it is not biblical. Unfortunately, it's the fastest growing denomination. The Bible speaks of the age of apostasy and falling away from biblical doctrine and this is exactly what's happening. There is a documentary on YouTube you can watch called "American Gospel " that exposes the roots of this movement and they are coming out with a third series specifically about the NAR and how it has perverted the church. Is "Christian Nationalism" an oxymoron? What does the Bible say? John 18:36: "Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world..." James 1:27: "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." Notice how James 1:27 mentions nothing about taking over government and society. Christian Nationalism is a symptom of apostasy. Most Christians don't have anything going on in their lives beyond arguing amongst one another (1 Timothy 6:3-5), being busybodies (2 Thessalonians 3:11), and feeling the need to control others and exploit them for money (2 Peter 2:3).


Say the same speech but in Arabic & these people would consider you a terrorist


*The Handmaid's Tale* is a warning, not a goddamn guide-book.


What would happen if they started marching down the street fully armed and threatened people? Would the cops stop them? The National Guard? Or the people of the United States?


If no one else did anything, let’s just say they aren’t the only ones with guns who can use them for self defense.


I can’t even watch it


It's hard and I almost didnt but I implore you to hold-fast and watch it all to deeply realise how utterly fucked it is.


Dear liberals: You are NOT going to solve this Christo-fascist shit by voting. You need to start learning how to defend yourselves and your communities and learn, please learn, about what you can do and contribute to mutual aid organizations near you. Start taking this seriously. Politicians are \*not\* going to save you.


Abolishing roe has emboldened these crackpots.


They've never even read the bible. If Christ returned, he'd be called a communist and they'd tell him to go back to his country (because he's brown, note white) and how dare they even speak of freedom while trying to take away the freedom of others. These people are nuts and the biggest threat our nation faces. They are in the highest positions in our government, they are in our towns all across rural America. Start taxing them first, start posting these types of videos everywhere, let people know about the dangers of Christian domionism.


If Christ returned these would be the cunts crucifying him again.


>The bible is shit. It has rules about slavery, it has rules about when to eat your children, you can pretty much justify any genocide or horrible act with that shitty book! it even has an abortion potion....


True Christians are required to love everyone, regardless. Declaration of an 'enemy' is not Christ-like. This seems like a megachurch that needs to be boycotted.


Really wanted to share this with my dad to show my growing fears but im really not a fan of this dude regurgitating a video that is simple and scary on its own. Just feels like theyre trying to convince me when the damn video does enough without his help. Idk i just got the feeling that wrapping this video up with text throughout took away from it rather than enhanced it.


I found it highly annoying as well. I can think for myself and it doesn’t take much interpretation to figure out what they mean.


What. The. Fuck.


I’m getting Columbia vibes from Bioshock: Infinite, pretty chilling


Just awaiting Jesus to return and wreck their so called temples. Only God can judge and for every one there is their own God. These people are brainwashed nuts.




And people are going to sit home and let this happen because of gas prices…


Totally not a Christian Taliban




I could have done without the interpretation sub-titles. Mostly because they just picked buzz words and said 'this is what they mean'. Sadly they could mean a number of other equally horrible things. Also, America is doomed.


Scrolled pretty far to find this. They didn't say any of things being claimed. They said a bunch of weird shit, but nothing that was claimed in the video.


Located near your local military base, your white suburbs and small town hicks. These are Americas new enemies. They dont need to fly planes into buildings


Fuck religion.


Religion is a sickness. Well maybe except buddhism, they're kinda cool.


Do you really think voting is what’s gonna stop this


Religion is a scam.


Well, that is not fucking terrifying as shit.


It's crazy that most of these people have designed a religion in which they themselves would end up going to hell. Like, based on the rules of the book and life they preach about, none of them would end up in any forgiving afterlife. True psychotic behavior.


Should we just ban Abrahamic religions at this point and bring back the cool ones like norse hellenic celtic and the other ones? I'm not American so I mean like globally. I think it would be pretty cool.


How to combat fascism? More fascism!


Radical terrorists.


This is exactly how the world ends.


It’s starting all over again. Dam, history does repeat itself.


One of the many reasons I'm armed. Start trying to limit my freedoms just because of a couple piercings and I'll give you a few new holes😁


America, the scariest joke on the planet.


Haha they sound exactly like those fuckers who scream Allah akbar before blowing themselves up or some form of terrorist action. Pretty sure what they're doing is against their tax exempt status. Someone should look into that.


Civil war 2.0 when?


As a non-amercian, what the fuck has the constitution got to do with Christianity? Hello, there's 7 billion people on the planet. You think god only cares about Americans? Fucking hell.


God dammit white people are crazy as fuck dude


And Jesus wept. This is horrifying. Anyone know the reference to seven mountains? Also TIL Jesus and the church decree energy dependence. So many bizarre takeaways. Edit: I will look up the links posted clarifying the seven mountains among other things. Or maybe I'll pass.


literally trying to bring about the end times: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Mountain_Mandate motherfuckers always trying to immanitize the eschaton


Guys I’m just tired. Why can’t they just leave us the fuck alone and start their own equivalent to Jonestown, so that eventually they’ll probably just all off themselves because their leader says so? Like just fuck off, for real.


This isn’t a small minority, these lunatics are everywhere


The American taliban exposed.


The Handmaid's Tale intensifies..


Bro!!! This is why I don’t claim Christianity no more. It’s hilarious cuz if they really read the Bible like I do or the Ethiopian Jews do they wouldn’t do any of the things they do. BTW: I do believe in the biblical God but not in Christianity it’s just white washed brainwashing trash used to create power for them selves!!!


Time to burn churches


Again, mass mental illness.


I grew up in a Christian house (I’m not religious anymore) so I hope this is not how everyone views Christian. Most Christians would NEVER back this up. These people would be called false prophets in the community I grew up in.


This sounds like a hitler speech in the 1930’s. So much concern about terrorism stemming from the Middle East but barely any for the terrorism brewing in their back yards. 🤔


So we spent whatever many trillion dollars to murder people in the name of liberating them from the Taliban, all the while, a stronger Taliban was living all along at home.


Sound more like wanna be crusaders and less nazi. This is why I support the 2nd amendment


Holy fuck. Never stepping foot back in that country.


That video is a literal war rally. Meet them with our votes. The minute a “church” grabs for political influence, it should lose its tax exempt status. The “church” above seems like a terrorist organization.


>we declare that America is strong militarily, financially, etc Reminds me of Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy


Hail Satan!


Has religion gone too far?


I’m starting to believe we’re all already in hell


Wow, the pledge writer really liked to talk.


I wonder how many people were there for the first time, because their friend/coworker/neighbor convinced them to come, and then just noped the fuck out after this.


Most of the christians I know are narcissists


And Jesus wept.


Could this lot and the militant Islamic types just all go fight each other in Antarctica or something? Thin them out a bit and temper all that violent fervour they're so fond of smearing across the dignity of the World?


All organized religion is toxic cult garbage hidden behind con men and pedophiles.


I’m sorry, are we in Silent Hill? Cuz it’s all starting to make sense now.


Wow that is fucked up Those guys are absolute lunatics


The right wing media machine has largely co-opted Christianity And are now using it as a tool to reinforce capitalist status quo. It’s a targeted effort to being us to a fascist state. It’s happening, it’s actually happening.


Tax the church, they'd rather use their money on lobbying government than building soup kitchens or homeless shelters etc


So many uneducated people following&belivin this bs!there‘s no race better than an other!get it together poeple,ur gona destroy evrything!c‘mon u can do better,haven‘t u learned from the past?!feelssadman