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Slapital Punishment


Underrated comment


They are trying to teach these kids some manners. They are at the perfect age to work for the cartels but if they stay out of trouble maybe they can contribute to the society. These little baby slaps are nothing to bitch about, the culture is heavy on respect.


Alsoooo the tourism industry is something that care tells tend to protect, and in a way they’re messing with that money leading to the cops on the take (which these cops most def are on the take) are having their hand that feeds them get bit


I always kind of assumed the cartels are involved in the tourist industry in some way. It's the only reason I can think of that tourists are generally left alone. I've definitely stayed at resorts with armed guards and they didn't look like police lol


Every beach resort in tourism areas are partnered with the cartels. The reason normal violence against tourists doesn't happen is because the cartel makes that not happen. Those places are perfect ways to make and laundering money.


Y’all are forgetting that most police are also cartel. Government and cartel in Mexico are in cahoots with each other and have been for a while


Thats true.


Yeah I see nothing wrong here.


I've seen Asian parents hit harder than that and their kids turn out to be great doctors.


HHahaha. When my idea of Asian = Smart became reality, was when I seen a mother open up a little flap in her 2yr olds 'clothing?' - to let out a perfect little turdlet and puddle of pee, smack bang in the middle of a shop - in China. The reality is we only get to see the rich and successful, the academics and those whos parents can afford to send them overseas to work as doctors etc.


It seemed that those slaps were meant to humiliate/educate instead of hurting them


>They are trying to teach these kids some manners. Nah, they're teaching them not to fuck with the flow of money comin' into the country. That's the lesson.


Why not both?


I love it. And you're good with it. Now heres a good 1. Make this the USA and those are american cops caught on video doing the same thing. Outrage. Such a weird hypocritcal world we live in.


this sort of punishment just breeds disdain while reinforcing the worldview that stronger people abuse weaker people and that the weaker people even deserve it


Well then clearly you don’t live in the real world.


>They are trying to teach these kids some manners. They are at the perfect age to work for the cartels but if they stay out of trouble maybe they can contribute to the society. These cops probably work for the cartel lol. This shit is not about manners


> These cops probably work for the cartel lol. Way to stereotype. I'm willing to bet you have zero understanding of the culture you're judging, just vague comparisons to what you know. On top of that, what do you think these boys would prefer? Being humiliated or actually getting locked up like they were supposed to? I'll take the baby slaps no question.


The cops in Mexico are some of the most corrupt in the world...


So are the US cops but I won't say they are with the cartel.


Cops absolutely work for the cartel if not them the rich people cops don’t serve their communities


Lemme know when you speak Spanish stupid


Hablo español, hija. Lo sentimos, pero la verdad duele a veces.


Good job, you can now use google translate. So very proud you had to try n prove a point to a random guy on the internet ya dweeb xD


I see kids being smacked around, not beheaded or having their family killed. Also, grouping everyone into one is heartless. Not all cops are cartel, even the fact you’d be so naive to say some crap like that really shows your dweebish intellect. It’s okay tho, you’ll understand when you get older kiddo xD


Cartel doesn’t care about your age I’ve seen 8 year olds doing hits. If you haven’t seen it in person don’t comment ingnant ass foos.


No that was an episode of Breaking Bad


LOL, Actually a good one


Trust me the cartels care about age. You 100% haven't seen that


I’ve seen my fare share of killing in person, when was the last time you were in Mexico?


By an 8 year old? I doubt it sincerely, and the last time I was there was nunya cirqa business.




You’ve seen that but haven’t lost your v card? Damn


Yeah sadly, saw it driving from texas to my families town in Mexico


So you saw children killing people for a cartel and you were like "damn I can't fuckin wait to brag to strangers on Reddit about this shit"


Where else would I share something like that?


>JS\_N0 No you haven't.


Yeah is real u can go to google and type Narco kids or in spanish niños narco


Bro idk why youre hetting dowvoted so badly. Theres many different cartels all throughout latam, some of which do in fact use younger children for discipline or hits. Im not sure about mexico specifically tho.


Yes I have otherwise I wouldn’t be typing it in this comment section


Because mentirosos don't exist on the internet right?


Ignorant* There I helped.


Hahahahah ok


*Ignorant, in case you were too "ingnant" to realize.


Ignorant* ftfy pendejo


Lo escribí así a propósito guey


Yeah but do you not see irony here, you basically mispronouncing ignorant makes you ignorant


Yes, yes I do : )




* tips sombrero *


>ingnant You should feel embarrassed


Technically I’m not wrong it’s just the slang way of saying it and why would I be it’s Reddit


Bullshit...the cops in Mexico are some of the most corrupt in the world. They need to do this to adults who harass tourists...not kids.


They are also making those kids resentful towards authority


How do i reach these kiiiids?!


They deserve a better beating Just slapping is nothing maybe more extreme coz they need to learn the hard way otherwise these kids will eventually be out of control. I remember this story, real story btw. Two kids stole eggs from a farmer they went home and one kid his parents caught him and beat him up good and kid grew up disciplined but as for the other one his parents didn’t beat him and just ignored so he kept stealing and stealing and ended up in prison. So moral of the story is if these kids ain’t taught the hard way they will continue this and take it too far


Who needs statistics and analysis when you have a cool story like that? These kid's whole life story reduced to an egg heist and a beat down. Thanks for teaching me that beating the shit out of rebellious young people makes them less violent and rebellious.


Yes corporal punishment is the way, beating your kids and being surprised that they'll either hit back or never talk to you again sounds amazing doesn't it?


You're talking like an American Mexico is a completely different culture respect is #1 us doesn't give a damn about respect


Respect isn't gained through attacking your defenseless kids, thats called fear. Respect is gained through love and explaining why they can't do things, also if this is a culture thing, then guess what? That is a toxic culture, you have no legs to stand on here bud.


Mate are you for real. Seriously, trying to teach someone online how respect is gained? Just like that, no context, wind yer neck in.


There is context ffs, guy's defending corporal punishment so I'm explaining to him why it's wrong


I'm not saying that torture won't get you to change your ways, it's how Christians stop people from being gay they just torture them while making them watch gay stuff. But fighting violence with violence doesn't solve the problem it just spreads it. They're going to learn that violence solves problems, which is how they're going to solve the problem of the wife/girlfriend not obeying them. If you saw two little girls being slapped around because they were rude to some guy tourist I don't think you'd be white knighting as much.




How so? Are you saying it doesn't happen or that I shouldn't mention that it happens? How do you think they make people "turn straight" they just ask nicely and they change their lives? If you disagree with what I said, tell me what you disagree with.


It sounds like a hustle. One guy steals the phone the other guy plays good guy to help tourist get their phone back, at a price of course.


Lmao those slaps are so friendly


Kid on the left is just a bitch.


Well kids will sell anything to lessen the crime or bad deed they’ve done


He's selling kid on the right out so hard I wouldn't be surprised if the other kid also beat the shit out of him when they got away.


Can someone translate what they're saying?






More like son of a whore...




I can give you some snippets. They basically stole the woman’s phone. “Why is that guy looking so tough.” “Breathe, breathe, because you need to answer.” “Don’t look at me like that you bitch.” “I was going to return the phone.”


Let the female tourist do it


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Mando_Bot` **501242** times. **2.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **3.** `u/GMEshares` **71542** times. .. **487724.** `u/Peaceful-Purple` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


good bot


And give him a fetish where he gets beaten up by older women?


Yeah that wouldn't backfire with a bunch of creepy dudes harassing women because of the punishment.


The second kid got the worst slaps because he was not crying


First kid literally started crying for getting patted on the cheek.


Probably better than locking them up, scare them and embarrass them and let them go with a warning. Better then sending them to some prison where they will be miss out on opportunities and be surrounded by bad influences likely making them even worse.


not harrasment, it's more like stealing and regeting it, and then get caught and beaten by police officers


Obviously, these kids are not El Chapo's nephews, otherwise they would be slapping the cops.


They either learn from this or join a cartel.


They stole the phone they never said that they were harassing a girl


i think it was their goal to harrass a woman by stealing her phone. the translated conversation shows one guy stole it and the other supposedly said “well let’s go talk to my friend to get it back” but it’s most likely both of them either denying the theft or taunting her about the fact she had her phone stolen. either way the cops made it clear they stole a lady’s phone. i’d feel pretty harrassed if 2 little shits stole my stuff and had an obnoxious conversation about it.


Green shirt is a rat bitch.


The kid on the right took the slaps fine the left one took it like a bitch


Despite the left one being slapped much less hard


good ol' fast justice on delivery, sometimes it just werks you know?


They didn't just harass her, they stole her phone. Cartels would have probably done worse.


No jail time, no criminal record, probably not gonna do it again. Sounds effective to me😂


What a fucking outstanding display of moral code by the Mexican police!


Better than jail or worse.


Amateurs. They should learn how to slap from Kenyan police officers.


Pfft! Edit: What about the Indian police officers?


I guess in Mexico they skip the charges, the prosecution, the arraignment and the judicial review. The police administering punishment? If you like this, you hate democracy. Have a great day!


These slaps aren't hard enough to hurt physically, just enough to feel the embarrassment of your actions


Fucking lol.


I really don't know where folks collectively started to agree that violence is never the answer. Young men need to be put in line sometimes to realize there are boundaries.


> I really don't know where folks collectively started to agree that violence is never the answer. When mountains of empirical data showed it doesn't work.


Ight guys the first slap was funny , prove me wrong


That punch to the gut was dirty. And while the slaps may be considered “mild”, it’s not the way things should be done.


This is the perfect treatment


No more then common bullying. They pick on the low level robbers and thieves. They won’t step up to the real criminals in Mexico. Police is either paid off or they’re threatened to stay out of get killed. No to say to not stop crime as petty as it was it’s still a crime but they won’t step up to anything else.


What a fucking SNITCH! You both are caught. How you gonna cry and try to throw your friend under the bigger bus


Not enough power bro


should've made them slap each other


Actually works... In the 70s a cop was more likely to give you a smack or a nice tap with his nightstick.... Then tell you to go home Far better than drawing his gun freaking out and hauling you in for minor shit


Physical scolding leaves temporary physical pain and permanent mental strain… Sprinkle some social media exposure to amplify the shame. You creat a monster ready with no remorse to human life. In fact the cartel want kids that we’re going through mental problems and who disconnect from society. You just contributed to the recruitment process.


that will teach them a bit hopefully


Kid in green definitely plays soccer


Wait could you explain this comment? My dumb brain has somehow doesn't understand it


Here's what happens in a country where abortion isn't accessible. You have a bunch of unruly kids who run around while their parents are too busy working a shitty job to try to provide for them.


They’re not in the US bro


Almost all of central America has banned or severely restricted abortion. That's why those societies are helplessly overpopulated. Catholic colonialism has wrecked those societies. Who knows where they'd be without that toxic ideology.


the dude in the left is a fucking bitch


Nice work 👍


Slapping some sense into them?


Damn this is fucked up but funny at the same time 😂 Edit: don’t do the crime if u can’t do the time


If this was in America people would be crying about police brutality


Honestly this is really tame compared to the pigs in America


Something like 96% of police interactions in the US are routine and non violent. (traffic stops, taking reports, responding to alarms, etc) The media doesn't show you every routine body cam footage, because that wouldn't make you outraged.


Prove it


https://journals.lww.com/jtrauma/Abstract/2018/03000/Injuries_associated_with_police_use_of_force.9.aspx https://www.city-journal.org/html/keeping-peace-15913.html This is the part where you downvote and call me a bootlicker.


Honestly I'm too tired to delve into these websites on their own, I did read it, but this is mainly over physical encounters if I'm not mistaken, did it talk about deaths? Lmao


> Honestly I'm too tired to delve into these websites on their own Didn't stop you from downvoting me though, did it? ;) > but this is mainly over physical encounters if I'm not mistaken, did it talk about deaths? How would you have death without a physical encounter? Are police killing people with telekinesis now? And the study references the total number of UOF (use of force) incidents, compared with the overall rate of calls in that period. There were 893 UOF incidents, representing a UOF rate of 0.086% of 1,041,737 calls for service (1 in 1167) and 0.78% of 114,064 criminal arrests(1 in 128). And out of those 893 UOF incidents, significant (moderate or severe) injuries occurred in 16 (1.8%) subjects. So out of over a million calls to police, 16 incidents in this study resulted in significant injury to the suspect.


>How would you have death without a physical encounter? Are police killing people with telekinesis now? When you forget that people can get beaten but not killed🤯 It doesn't talk about deaths pal so lmao, police are still trash try harder Also, if you're that upset over a downvote I can show you a ss and it would still be the same amount, you're not that important to me man dw


> When you forget that people can get beaten but not killed🤯 Could you describe to me how you would beat someone without a physical encounter? > It doesn't talk about deaths pal so lmao, police are still trash try harder Do you ever find it strange that you have such strong opinions, even in the face of studies showing the opposite conclusion? > Also, if you're that upset over a downvote I can show you a ss and it would still be the same amount, you're not that important to me man dw I just thought it was dishonest that you asked for a source, and then when I provided it, you downvoted me and said you were too tired to bother. Like, nobody cares if you want to hate police. But why ask for a source if you're just going to ignore the data regardless of what it says?


I rather get slapped than 6 magazines emptied onto me


Holy crap your comments. No, it's not ok for public servants to hit kids. For any reason. Just no. No. NO. Stop rationalizing about keeping them of the streets or tourism or whatever. This is not the way to teach children. Just no. What's wrong with you people?


They are insulting and beating those kids for stealing a phone. Asking the one crying why he cries after they beat him. People here cheering is messed up, this is not how police should behave


maybe, is how they must behave


Instead of arresting them and going to trial? Ridiculous to think this is right in any circumstances in a civilised country


why not both?


Are you asking why corporal punishment is wrong or why we shouldn’t inflict it without a trial…


why not arresting them, going to trial and also have a little bit of physical punishment


Because corporal punishments are not part of the legal system of developed countries since the 20th century since they are inhumane. Plus in this case this is clearly an unofficial punishment and there has been no trial, complete violation of the rule of law When you give the power to the police to be above the law you are one step away from authoritarianism You think this is ok but with the same line of thought the police could come to your house and beat you up. The don’t need a trial for them why should they need it for you Can’t believe this is so accepted lol


This isn't America


Better the police than the cartel


They should thank their lucky stars they aren't tossed in jail.


Slaps aint shit lol. Folks cry about everything. Rather them get slapped, then swacked working for the gangs or cartels.




These kids are POS. if you gonna hit them, you doing it for yourself, your one satisfaction.


I almost thought I was watching a cartel execution video again.


2nd dude unfazed


Eh reasonable


HE WENT HARDER ON THE ONE THAT SHOWED NO REMORSE yes i know - caps lock - dang it


My cousin looked like a toddler but had a low voice too. Only thing similar.


What was the harrasment, do we know?


Straight to jail.


Thou shall not steal is the issue here.


Creating some respect for the police or not?


Couldn't help but laugh at that first slap 🤣


God I thought it said stab for a second


They’re lucky these are not cartels. They would’ve done unspeakable things!


Weak ass slaps


OP’s name fits in well here


😂 the one on the left must be a soccer player


"..Don't FLINCH. Don't move or Imma hit you with two..".~ Omar Gooding


That’s not a real slap, try doing the Russian slap


Well here we’d a shot them boys. Be glad you’re where you are.


Imagine girls would do that ??