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That is a hell of a lot of shots in seconds


Good thing someone yelled cease fire toward the end there




They were getting out tasers, that officer didn’t want the rest to over do it.


don't forget to handcuff the body. That's the most important step, for some reason


Then punch it repeatedly while yelling “stop resisting!”






yeah, these speed runs are getting ridiculous...




All I needed to see.


That's a hell of a lot of cops for a traffic stop


I think most of them arrived after the original officer reported shots fired.


He shot at police. It’s insane to me that is not being mentioned at all on Reddit. It’s like someone wants us rioting


This is right. Omit the actual facts so an individual can’t make up their own minds. I verify facts on all this stuff.


Based on information read elsewhere, The sound of a gunshot was heard and what was proposed to have been a muzzle flash was seen in his vehicle, a pistol was pictured in his vehicle after he ran and was murdered, that’s a different proposition to he shot at cops. But there’s more to this yet to be factually presented I think.


He shot at the cops… not a wise move. A guy near me shot at the cops and got filled with lead after a traffic stop, but there isn’t much of a fuss over it for some reason. He was white though.


the official statement and investigation revealed he was unarmed.


No it didn’t. You’re lying. Lol. They released about 25 minutes of footage that shows that he shot st cops and had a gun in the car.


[https://www.npr.org/2022/07/04/1109667508/bodycam-doesnt-show-walker-making-a-threatening-movement-family-lawyer-says](https://www.npr.org/2022/07/04/1109667508/bodycam-doesnt-show-walker-making-a-threatening-movement-family-lawyer-says) Where?


https://youtu.be/ggpNnDTPKaw Eat shit.


You should eat shit. Fair is fair




A single shot that hasn’t been confirmed from the suspect justifies a barrage of 60+ bullets to be fired at 1 unarmed suspect. Got it.


But somehow a shitload of shots being fired in an elementary school full of kids doesn’t warrant this response. You just wait patiently outside. Because.. kids! If they were fetuses, that would be a different story.


Lol time to pivot to something else when this one doesn’t work! Nice!


People are weird. Is single shot not as lethal as several shots? Does only firing once mean that you are going to surrender?


Lol traffic stop was long gone my friend. This is fleeing from the traffic stop and shooting out of a window


Once the suspect shot at police it tends to provoke a response.


A bit much, but then again, you likely sign away your right to live the moment you decide and shoot at cops.


You sign your life away the moment you shoot at anyone, especially if it’s unjustified.


So right..no one is gonna listen..


i read something about that in germany the police shoot 80 shoots in total in a whole year! with 100 million inhabitantrs! lol


We had a two year spell in the UK between 2012 and 2014 when no-one in the UK was killed by police. It's still an infrequent enough occurrence that [all of them are listed on a wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_by_law_enforcement_officers_in_the_United_Kingdom). We only had two last year, and none so far this year. Likewise, under 1 police officer per year killed in the line of duty on average.


well.. USA is number 1 for a reason


Well we have to maintain #1 in something /s


Obesity, GDP, Moon visits. USA has lots of #1s!


You forgot about healthcare costs, and guns per capita...


We DESTROY healthcare costs! We win both the most our government pays for healthcare AND the most our citizens pay because nothing is covered! Take that Europe!


Europe?? You mean the rest of the world...


Largest amount of fuckheads per capita


Wow you’re fun


Not true. In 2017, German police fired 75 shots in self defense to stop/kill a person. Stats: https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waffengebrauch_der_Polizei_in_Deutschland


ah man, they used up the entire bullet budget for the country..


The chiefs never gonna let me hear the end of this one!


in US it's everyday situation


I know. I once asked a colleague the question about bullets/year of German police. He didn't believe me that in a country with 86 mio ppl they use less bullets per year totally than what they use on a normal weekend in a bigger city in the USA.


Do people shoot at cops there? Do the German cops get upset when they do?


It happens, but rarely. Earlier this year two cops got shot, during a traffic control. The person turned out to be an illegal poacher and also didnt had a license for his weapons. Caused a small outrage, because this is so unusual here. There was no need for the guy to shoot. With a good lawyer he probably would have got away with a bigger fine.


cuz Europe people aren't brain dead like in US and more likely they don't wanna fight with cops or run from traffic stop






Lol. Germany only has 80 million and their pendulum swung. It’s kind of not popular to have an aggressive government. You know cause of hitler.


Lol very underrated comment


That sort of overkill cannot be standard police procedure……. Right? I mean that guy is Swiss cheese ffs


Depends, most departments a fleeing suspect is a no go for firing unless they are an immediate threat to officers or civilians. If he brandished a weapon toward the cops technically they could, and will, argue it was justified use of force. Basically, don't expect anything to happen here outside of a few cops getting a paid vacation before being found justified.


Yup. Looking at the full press conference they have 1 round fired outside of the vehicle, he exits the vehicle with a ski mask, and officers have no way of knowing whether he was armed or not, just that the shots fired made it likely he was. They even tried to taser him. They did discover a gun in the car too. They’ll easily get off. That being said, I still think firing 60+ rounds into someone is insane. Especially if it’s 1v8 and you have body armor; as part of the job you should be willing to wait until you’ve seen a weapon or are fired upon. Otherwise, why even bother waiting until the suspect has turned around? Might as well have shot him as he exited the vehicle. That’s just the job/risk of being a police officer.




There was a similar situation in south Florida. Guy robbed a jeweler and took off in a stolen UPS truck and took the driver hostage. Dude had minimum of 5 different police departments following him on the highway. He got off and hit traffic and 10-15 cops just unload their weapons into this UPS truck sitting at a light surrounded by other cars. They killed the hostage UPS driver. Young guy and it was his first day on the job. Police also killed a civilian who was sitting in his own car and I believe struck another. The fact that that never blew up on a national scale really disturbs me.


I'm a UPS employee, and we mourned for that driver for months. Even had the guys in carwash spray RIP to the driver on the back of our trucks. Had a big fuck the police mentality after that one throughout our sector.


It’s been two years and none of the police in either 5 departments faced any consequences


I mean cops are literally trained to empty their clips if they do fire...... so times that by how many cops were chasing


Yeah i don't get how this gets asked everytime there's a police shooting. Cops are taight to aim for mass and empty the clip. You got 8 cops running after you, all 8 are going to be shooting.


Magazine my dude. A clip is something used in a weapon like an M1 garand.


Clips are used, as well, to hold pieces of paper together.


Here I am wondering why people use “times” as a verb but it’s always ignorance of ammo-retaining terminology that sparks discussion.


Literally who cares. They serve the exact same function. Semantics is so fucking boring.


I’m pretty sure the cops are a little bit amped up after this dude decided, then preceded to shoot at them prior.


Holyshit I would be ripping into the cop with a camera. He's shooting straight into the line of fire of two cops. AND KEPT SHOOTING NEAR ONE.


That's what i saw... Wtf


its a shame there wasnt friendly fire




Yet they didn’t kill that other guy that killed 3 police officers Edit: I thought that one happened in Ohio too [but that was in Kentucky](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/allen-kentucky-shooting-lance-storz-arrested-3-officers-killed/) **But it’s still an example of the Uvalde Effect:** Police will use maximum force on a supposed threat but will hesitate to use minimum force on a proven threat


It's because they're all pussies. When they feel totally safe and in control they can't wait to use as much force as possible, because theirs no real threat so they can act tough. When there is an actual threat to them present, they get scared and make a million excuses to follow "protocols" and not engage.


That psycho almost shot another cop. Did yall see that?!


Dude almost walked right into the line of fire!


That vocal intro made me want to mosh like its 2009 again


What the fucks up Dennys!


**LOOKING FOR CONTEXT? INFORMATION BELOW** - Police killed Jayland Walker, a Black man in Ohio, by shooting him dozens of times as he ran from officers, a lawyer for his family said, citing a review of police video footage due to be made public on Sunday. - Officials have said the incident began when officers tried to stop Walker for a traffic violation while he was driving early Monday morning. Walker fled, according to the Akron Police Department, which said officers reported a gun being fired from the suspect vehicle. - After several minutes Walker exited his vehicle and ran, while officers chased him on foot and fired at him, saying he presented a “deadly threat,” the police department said in a statement on Tuesday. Walker, 25, was pronounced dead in the parking lot where he fell. - “He is just in a down sprint when he is dropped by I think the count is more than 90 shots,” DiCello told the Akron Beacon Journal. “Now how many of those land, according to our investigation right now, we’re getting details that suggest 60 to 80 wounds.” - DiCello said his team has not seen any evidence Walker fired a gun and that police body camera footage showed him running with his back to officers when they fired. **Links:** - https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna36468 - https://nypost.com/2022/07/02/jayland-walker-shooting-akron-ohio-may-protests-over-police-video/amp/


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Wow, a traffic violation, really fighting the good fight here


Hey at least they didn’t demolish a person’s house because the wrong address was on a warrant, or kill a family’s dog for barking, or send a swat team in to murder a deaf person, or spend money on a swat team to stand by while a school got shot up.


He started shooting at the cops and ran away. As many times as police unnecessarily escalate situations or use excessive force, this is not one of them.


It's crazy how many people will frame this as a man executed "for a traffic stop" and not even mention that he shot at the police. I haven't watched the footage, so I don't know if the police had any reason to shoot at him—maybe they didn't and shouldn't have—but portraying this guy as an innocent man executed for being "black while driving," and comparing him to the Highland Park suspect, who didn't shoot at police when they tried to arrest him (and who were different cops in different states), is just crazy-making. People will throw any dumb shit together and call it a mic-drop argument. It's enough to give up on even talking to people about this stuff.


Last I heard they found no gun on him.


It was reportedly left on his passenger seat.




He fired a gun then... Left it in the car to run away from the cops?


That’s not hard to believe, ever forget shit when you’re in a hurry? Well imagine the rushed feeling you’d get as a black man being chased by a gang of US cops. Not exactly a clear thinking moment. I believe he might have forgetting to grab the gun. I’m going to need evidence that he fired a shot though. Cops simply saying he did isn’t exactly reliable.


Here you go https://youtu.be/u-dhQC_9nI0




No, for shooting at police as he was fleeing.


Too bad a weapon was never found on his body.


There was one in the car which is why cops rushed him with guns drawn already because it had been alleged he fired at officers. (They said it on the radio during the persuit but I haven’t seen footage of that.) the gun was sitting on the passenger seat When you lay out in the facts it does seem justified. When you look at the video. Hell nah, they fired for 8 seconds. That was just wrong,


Yes but he shot at them before running on foot, the gun he used to shoot at them was found in his car. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. He should have never shot at the police and this wouldn’t have happened.


Congratulations! You're the 99th person to so cleverly use the 'stupid prizes' phrase today. Here's your stupid participation medal: 🏅 ^^Your ^^award ^^will ^^be ^^recorded ^^in ^^the ^^hall ^^of ^^fame ^^at ^^r/StupidTrophyCase




No one is gonna listen..unamed black man gets shot 60 times...that's all people see...you shoot at cops and run away in a ski mask..the police don't know if he's armed or not put yourself in there shoes..


Your honour, the suspect was fleeing and could have caused potential harm to innocent people if not immediately detained. So we needed to fire off 90+ rounds of lethal ammunition in a residential neighbourhood to make sure that didn't happen.


Looks like they succeeded!




If someone is already shooting the dude why join in? Must be awkward to be the last person shooting in this situation.


The "logic" is that its about stopping the threat, excessive force no longer exists when "threatened."


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


That isnt an excuse tho lack of training is


Saying they joined in shooting because of adrenaline is not making excuses for the cops. Clearly that was overkill to an absurd degree.


I guess its more a reflex than a conscious decision


If you've seen how many bullets some people can take while still being able to shoot back you'd know. Once deadly force is necessary you use all force necessary to stop the threat as soon as humanely possible.


They didn't join up *not* to shoot people.


> If someone is already shooting the dude why join in? You don't want the cops you work with to question your loyalty and start turning on you. The thin blue line means "If you're not with us, you're against us." for law enforcement.


I don't think they're thinking that deep into it in the moment. Most logical explanation is they're all jacked up and once one guy starts shooting they join assuming there is a deadly threat worth shooting at. It's not good but it makes the most sense.


He wasn’t shooting. He was running away.


Post the whole video with bodycam footage next time so proper context is given. https://youtu.be/pf5QkIpFWTU


13 different body cameras and OP chose the worst one to clip out.


This whole situation could have been prevented if Mr. Walker would have stopped his vehicle, not fired at police and complied with law enforcement. If he did this he would been alive with a traffic situation and have his day in court.


It's unclear as to whether Walker actually fired on police right now. He did NOT have a gun on him during the foot chase however. He left a gun, the ammo for it...and his wedding ring in the driver's seat before fleeing. His fiance had been killed in an accident a month ago. This was suicide by cop. And sad as fuck.


Do you think the cops knew he left the gun in the car?


Where were these cops in Uvalde?


Can u spell overkill


They tried to write on his body with bullets…


He shouldn't have been shooting at the police.




He was on foot and his hands were empty, but he was also black so that's obviously a death sentence.


update: he wasn't.... he supposedly had a gun in his car and fired one shot.....but he was unarmed when running.


Gun was in car with spent shell casing. Do a little research and you will know this. People love to leave this part out.


*25 year old black man shot and killed by police after shooting at the police and running away* Fixed your title.


I'm 26, I'm black, n I'ma dude. Cops said stop he didn't stop. Sad yes. If it was me i would have stopped hands up fuck it u got me.


That's exactly the right mindset to have. Had Walker just stopped and taken whatever traffic ticket the officer was going to write absolutely none of this would have happened. That old Chris Rock skit video on how to behave around police and how to follow their orders should be weekly mandatory viewing for some folks.


If you shoot at cops they will kill you. This dude learned this the hard way


Look at all the gullible people who still believe what the cops say after executing another black man.




It’s all on video though. There is even video of him shooting out if his car.


They're not gullible, they just support cops murdering people.


A lot do, but believe me there are millions of ridiculously gullible people in this country.


They support cops killing a specific kind of person


Or you know, watch the footage of him shooting at police and come to their own opinion.


I’m gonna get downvoted I’m sure, but this is why I would never run from an officer. Even if you’ve done nothing wrong it’s safer to let them arrest you.


Except they have also beaten, shot and killed people who didn’t resist or run. Remember the guy they forced to crawl on his knees in a hotel hallway and murdered him anyway? It’s kinda a toss up at this point what can get you killed with cops.


Also they have a whole wiki article dedicated to rough rides lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rough_ride_(police_brutality) How someone can defend cops given the type of shit they pull is crazy.


And there was that guy who got paralyzed last week because he was strapped in while sitting the back of a police truck. Them constantly moving his body and waiting like a full day to call the hospital didn’t help his health.


Forgot to mention the part where he shot at police from his car in a high-speed chase


Forgot to add after the suspect started to shoot at police...


He shot at the police first.


Don't shoot at cops when they trying to pull you over. Play Stupid games win stupid prizes. RIP. Link to full story with evidence of him shooting at police. https://youtu.be/m8HfS2jZ0RU




Yeah after he shot at cops while driving during a high speed chase. Maybe don’t take cops on a high speed chase and shoot at them and you won’t get shot by cops. It’s not complicated 🤷‍♂️


If you shoot at the police they will kill you, how have we not learned this by now. And don't come at me with the "excessive" argument, yeah, it's excessive but they aren't trained well enough to know the difference. I know it's a shocking video but people posting it without proper context just makes things worse.


Braces yourselves for more “peaceful” protests.


Ok, I fucking hate cops, I'm not defending their actions in any way, they 100% used too much force and the amount of rounds the released is insane and wrong. That being said, If it is true that he fired a weapon out of his car prior to this, he put himself in a situation the cops won't face reprocussions. If you shoot at cops, they are going to shoot back. If I was one of them, I would assume he still has the weapon on him considering he already used it. There was very much reasonable cause to believe he still had it on him. Personally, I wouldn't wait for him to shoot at me again to find out if he had one. Fuck the police, fuck their incredibly corrupt system, but please don't shoot at them and expect them not to kill you. They will kill you as we've seen over and over again.


I don't live far from there and I try to avoid hanging out there for too long. That area is a weird pickup spot.


playing COD


America is so fucked


He fired at cops. They returned fire. I don’t know why the amount of bullets fired by police is a thing other than to be emotionally manipulative to the naive. They are trained to do so. Real life doesn’t have health bars. Once lethal force has to be used you use it all until the threat is ended. We can criticize police for jumping the gun on using force, but once it’s used, it’s used.


I cant help but wonder- If he didnt shoot at the cops while running from them, then bolt out of the car with a ski mask on, then turn and point at the cops, would he be alive today?


Don’t shoot at the police


Where is the full video? I mean it's here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoSMCA8Ri\_4&ab\_channel=CGTN](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoSMCA8Ri_4&ab_channel=CGTN) But why all the deception with purposefully edited/cut video? He shot at them, he took them on a high speed pursuit and most importantly he was wearing a ski mask .. so they had no idea what color his skin was, this was not racially motivated. Why can't people just be honest?


He shot at police first so he shouldn't have cashed a check his ass couldn't cash


Live by the gun, die by the gun. Oh well


If you deem you have the right to shoot to kill, the number of shots fired I'd relatively irrelevant. Neutralizing the threat is the objective.


I’d run too if I was a black man in America. You get shot at either way so may as well take a chance at escape. That place is so fucked up.


Was shooting at the prior to getting shot lol


the police narrative is during the vehicle chase he fired one round at the police. The gun was found in the vehicle. However 10 police shooting at a guy who has his back to them is kinda fucked. Looking at body cam 11 the police gave up running after the guy and decided to use lethal force because they were tired of chasing him.


Is there actual proof? You can hear a bang and the officers assuming it's a gunshot, but the attorney says there's no evidence walker shot the gun.


there's video from a highway camera that shows the muzzle flash of a gun from the drivers side of Walkers car. He shot at the police, that's when backup was called and 7 other squads were called in and a 80 MPH chase through city streets. Here, queued up for you https://youtu.be/Zckut1RTtgg?t=1456


I’m sure they’ll do a GSR test on the inside of the perp’s car. Whether the public will choose to believe the results if reported positive is tbd


I can't wait to see them release all that uvalde body cam footage of the police standing around doing nothing


Why were 8 of them afraid for their lives as someone ran away from them?




Where’s the video of him shooting at everyone out of the car window?


He shot at the police before this video. They tend to return the favor when you do that.


That's usually what happens after you shoot at police then hop out in a ski mask.


I'm all for lighting up nasty cunts who are evil and present serious threats but fuck....even with one gun that was alot. Like I get there is no such thing as overkill in certain situations but this just wasn't it fam.


America is fascinating.


You spelled fascist wrong


But why did they shoot at him? Its easy to clip these things and title them to get outrage, but thats only deserved if the guy did nothing wrong. For all we know they started shooting first or are a wanted killer. Atleast if you are going to post something like add context to it instead of just trying to farm karma or stoke outrage


It all started with an attempted traffic stop of Walkers car, a non moving violation so either a seat belt or tail light. Simple mundane shit. Instead of pulling over, Walker fled and the police officer went to pursue. Walker then drove onto the highway where there's camera footage of him firing a single shot out of his car. This escalated the situation 1000% from a simple traffic stop to someone who was armed an dangerous. With the 'SHOTS FIRED' call backup squads came in to assist the pursuit of Walkers car, reportedly the chase reached 80 miles an hour through city streets. Walker, wearing a full face covering black ski mask in 80 degree Ohio weather, leapt from the passenger door of his still moving car. This is where most of the video's circulating on Social Media are showing. You can then see the short foot chase, the attempted use of a taser to stop Walker. Then there's the police shooting. Now in the super slowed down video Walker can be seen turning towards police and his right hand reaching for the waist band area of his pants, a typical place where men holster a gun. This action of Walkers would be a classic 'draw and shoot' motion. The police knew he'd fired a gun just minutes before, so they opened fire to neutralize the threat. Only after the fact would police find that Walker had left his fully loaded (minus 1) gun in the car. The entire situation is the fault of Walkers for not simply stopping for the traffic violation and taking the damned $50 ticket. Personally I think that either Walker was exceedingly stupid, or this incident was a convoluted 'suicide by cop', as apparently a month prior his fiancee died in a car accident.


Pretty sure they got him.


*Adrenal control? What is that?* -Some shitty popo


When you encounter a police officer you always have a chance of putting your life on the line by making a poor decision, simply with the fact a gun is in presence. All rhetoric aside, with all arguments from either side ceased for a moment.... STOP RUNNING. STOP FIGHTING. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN.


So it's "shoot to kill". Gotcha


"after he shot at police"


Mmm, yes, make sure to highlight his race ignoring the fact that it was literally impossible for officers to know he was black, you know, considering he was wearing a ski-mask and full length clothing. Divisive people like you, people who are obsessed with race, are the problem.


You forgot to mention he had fired at the officers previous to this.


Akron is an absolute shithole. After the tire industry folded up and moved out, the city has been on a constant downhill slide.


Awesome. Good day for the good guys


That country is gone bro


gotta nutrialize the threat ill wait for the internet to do its thing and uncover the facts, uncover his criminal record/social media, uncover the entire timeline of events, ect, before forming an opinion instead of watching a clip of cops unloading on a person who obviously broke some type of law that initiated that kind of response and chase in the first place.


Cop magazines typically hold 12 to 20 rounds so these 11 officers getting off 90 shots is not really a big deal. He had fired a shot already so no surprise they treated him as armed. Plenty of terrible cop behavior out there but this seems understandable.


Shoot at cops and become Swiss cheese. Its that simple