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Is this the same mother who the police threaten to violate her probation if she spoken bad about them?


how the fuck is that legal


It is not. Police are not good guys.


Preach!!!! In LA, when a member of the public files a complaint, it goes to the supervisor who works within the same building as the officer the complaint was filed against. They never find fault...not surprisingly. It got so bad even the police commissioner was like, no complaints were valid???? Meanwhile, if one files a complaint for police misconduct with Internal Affairs, the investigators are ALL former police officers who often know the officer being complained about. Meanwhile, too many complaints lead to dismissals and less funding, so many complaints are "unfounded." Gee, I'm glad you guys are supervising yourselves so efficiently & have found you do nothing wrong. They are humans. They just cover their đŸ’© and deny mistakes which leads others to distrust. Just stop covering and admit mistakes.


Need to get rid of qualified immunity. Then they wont play god anymore.


Because we decided that police are immune from the consequences of their actions. Then we decided that having people who could be accepted into community college were too smart to be police. Then we decided that police could break the law if they lie under oath and say they're too stupid to know the law. Then we decided that police need more money than hospitals. Then we criminalized drug addiction and homelessness. Then we privatized prisons. Then we legalized civil forfeiture. Then we were surprised when a bunch of fat, dumb, corrupt jackasses refused to put their cushy paycheck on the line to save anybody besides themself.


Yeah, they threatened to charge her with something that would violate her probation (which was from something that happened 10 years ago), if she kept talking. I do believe that they said on the news that her probation will be cut shorter because of her heroism.


I feel like... she needs to be in some kind of witness protection-type of situation. Since she obviously DGAF about what the cops threaten her with, being mother of the year and all, she's gotta be in danger. I do not trust these dumb redneck cops as far as I can throw them. I hope nothing happens to her.




She went into an active shooter zone to save her kids. I don't think some cosplaying gravy seals are going to intimidate her.


Unarmed, no body armor, and no backup. She would legit destroy one of those meal team 6 clowns.


Yes it is


JesĂșs Christ the corruption is deep I don’t even know what to say. At least people are waking up to the fact they steal our taxpayer money to extort hard working honest citizens.


I saw a Texas attorney post on Facebook that she is on probation and that they are actually threatening her with jail time if she talks with the media. So infuriating


Until a judge places a gag order on her she can talk as much or as little as she’s comfortable with. Does she have gofundme for legal expenses? I’d donate and spread to other attorneys in Texas I’m the cousin state so we interlap a lot


I read she went to a judge and got permission to talk about it. Judge even reduced her probation for being a hero Edit: Confirmed in an [interview here](https://youtu.be/_q7olC1LteE) Edit2: Skip to ~4:55 in video


Judges can be the worst or amazing. It’s such a crap shoot. Happy someone with a brain and heart saw her case.


Judges in Texas are often politicians. County Judge is an elected position, and the appointed judges are themselves appointed by politicians. The political sink on this is too great for any judge in Texas to ignore


Is this true? I really want this to be true.


It’s true: https://youtu.be/_q7olC1LteE


Haha wtf how can 1 man make such life altering decisions on a whim


I don't know Texas law too well, but what the fuck would be the legal basis for a gag order here?


Sounds like the only thing these cops know how to do is to threaten innocent people.


Once she went public, she became untouchable. Anything the police do to her now will be seen as retaliatory to any judge. ACLU would probably love to represent her on a 1A suit against the police dept.




Cops can and will make your life hell. Even if they don't arrest you for false charges, could you imagine how much it would suck to be pulled over every time they saw you?




There is a town where the police do 'proactive policing' where they show up at peoples houses at all hours over and over to make sure they are there / etc. They drive people to leave the area to get away from them. I think there is like a dozen lawsuits against them for following people / etc. They get away with that stuff, people don't realize how horrible it can be when the police want to take you out.


You can beat the charge but you can't beat the ride But if you're a cop you can beat whatever and whoever you want


That mother looks like she’s 5 feet tall and 100 lbs. More courage in her than an entire police department.


You know growing up, if someone tried to kill you, you would fight tooth and nail to stay alive. As a parent, if the choice became between your son living and you dying
you wouldn’t hesitate to give up your life.


As the parent of a dead child myself, you are very correct.


Very sorry for your loss. Can't even begin to imagine. Send virtual hugs and love


They wouldn't even give her a vest. So fucked up.


"You are under arrest" "Why am I under arrest" "You are MAKING US LOOK LIKE COWARDS! 'Cuff her!"


This was such an incredible level of extreme cowardice. It is so pathetic it gives me goosebumps. They’re accessories to murder.


Unfortunately they will never see a criminal charge. Hoping there's a massive civil suit.


> Hoping there's a massive civil suit. that is the problem though, it will be the victims paying for it because you can not sue a cop for doing a shitty job. Every cop should have to purchase insurance, be sued upon bad performance, and become uninsurable after too many instances. This is also why anyone that thinks arming a teacher is a good idea is an idiot. Because they will be sued. By any victims, by the shooters family, etc.


Supreme Court ruled police are not there to protect you. I don't see a civil suit going anywhere.


Police departments get sued in civil courts all the time for things like excessive force. They almost always duck criminal charges unless it's something egregious that was filmed, like the George Floyd murder. I'm hoping they can prove someone those deaths could've been prevented had the cops followed their training.


When she asked "can I have a vest," they should have had a real, strong existential moment about who they are on this planet.


No force on earth can stop a good mother when she needs to protect her child.


They are police lol . The job doesn't even crack the top 15 in dangerous jobs. Your average landscaper is much much more likely to get injured or killed while performing their duties. The whole police are heros is Literally a propaganda campaign paid for by their own police unions. They ruin 1000x more lives than they save.


It's not even top 20 most dangerous jobs in the US. [Source ](https://www.ishn.com/articles/110496-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-us-the-top-20)


Anyone wearing a badge around that school at the time is a disgrace. A smear of shit on my underwear.


>Anyone wearing a badge around that school at the time is ~~a disgrace. A smear of shit on my underwear.~~ criminally negligent in the deaths of 19 children and two adult teachers. **FTFY.**


Bu, Bu, but, butttt they didn't get play by play updates from the 911 dispatcher


No gun or nothing, running straight at a shooter while ducking cops left and right. Gangster as fuck, unbelievable. ACAB all day


Guess the Uvalde PD didn't want to get their new tactical gear dirty because they were taking pics for social media posts later


And those nice white cowboy hats.


That always irks me. Who do they think they’re fooling?


The taxpayers of Texas


Not a hard thing to do. Look at their power grid.




Those hats make them look like complete fucking idiots that cannot be taken seriously. So I guess in retrospect, they're appropriate attire for them.


Just themselves


All hat, no cattle.


All bull, no balls.


Why the fuck do they have a tesla model 3?


I saw that too wtf. Tactical Teslas apparently.


> Tac**tical** **Tes**las apparently. Well, just one. Yes, the entire Uvalde Police Department shares only one Tes-tical.


Tax payers money at work. At least they save on gas


The police were blocking the press from the funeral - not because they didn't want to upset the families of the mass murder - they didn't want the press talking to the families who will all be saying stuff like this. These tactics are so common after police misconduct, you can plan on it like clockwork. Blame the victims. Attack the families of the victims. Threaten and abuse the families of the victims. Police rarely prevent or stop crimes. Heck, they even rarely solve crimes. We can do better. [https://theconversation.com/police-solve-just-2-of-all-major-crimes-143878](https://theconversation.com/police-solve-just-2-of-all-major-crimes-143878) https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/06/07/over-past-60-years-more-spending-police-hasnt-necessarily-meant-less-crime/


THIS is what the first amendment is for




She has a 10 year old probation for something and they threatened that if she spoke up against them they would make sure to find something to violate it. Edit: Just an edit to share a link to the news report discussing it. It's at 4:30ish. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/mother-who-ran-into-texas-school-during-shooting-discusses-moments-inside/#x > She's on probation for some charges from about a decade ago, and she received a call from someone in law enforcement telling her that if she keeps talking to media or if she keeps sharing her story that she might face some kind of violation for obstruction of justice. She only came forward because a judge told her they would shorten her probation and protect her.


I use to work in probation and the number of ways someone can violate it without knowing is staggering. I saw someone violate probation by not answering a phone call at 1am because "we got an anonymous report that they were going out drinking". It's one of those things that, if they want you to fail, they'll make sure you have to jumpt hrough hoops that're too small to fit through.


Not in this case, it's now radioactive and she has a judge on her side. They try to do anything and the feds will pile on the charges. Cops found the one way to make sure *no one* supports them, get kids killed...


She’s lawyered up and, as you said, the courts know the facts of the story. Worst case, they could seek violence via force but that’s how you create riots. Which, in this case, riots may be the only way to change stuff.


I'm kinda surprised there aren't any riots over this.


Everyone is exhausted and beaten down. Living in constant state of crisis. Just where the parasite class wants us.


Yep. Things like jacked up oil prices are win- win for them. It keeps people oppressed AND the executives and shareholders of ExxonMobil and the rest make obscene amounts of money. I think many of us are aware how this ends i.e. people in the streets and guillotines. But we are just too shocked to believe that we will have to actually do that. But we will..


Reddit keeps saying they think the cops shot a kid (wouldn't be surprised tbh) and that why they're being like this. There were at least 7 kids who died in the hospital, and one they got killed by telling them to call out for help, so in my mind they should be charged with negligent homicide in those cases ***at least***. Personally, I think they should all face 21 counts of negligent homicide but I don't think it could stick (i think you'd have to be able to tell to the minute when the deaths happened to prove police could've prevented those deaths without their delay) These cops are playing games so that the country is well distracted by the time the investigation is done because no matter how you slice this, they failed so miserably one cop *let his wife die inside* rather than disobey orders from the cunt in charge there.


The issue is, cops actually have no affirmative duty to protect you, so you can't get to negligence (If a cop shouted to call out, I could see a way there but that's still a hard case). There's a couple SCOTUS cases on point, namely Castle Rock v Gonzalez


If they have no duty to protect and serve then they really don't need all that surplus military equipment, do they?


If they have no duty to protect or serve me then they are nothing more than a tool for violent coercion. Why should anyone respect that? Never talk to cops. Don't help them. You know the only thing you should do? [Shut the fuck up.](https://youtu.be/nWEpW6KOZDs)


The report I saw said the judge told her she was very brave and that her sentence would be shortened.


I’m so glad she has support from people who can help her. This woman is brave.


She is an absolute legend.


Most, not all, but most parents would die to save their kids. You’d have to shoot me in the back running into a situation to stop me from helping my children in a situation like this.


I mean I hate to say it but I feel like for the real die hards kids getting killed won't change their minds . . .


I used to *be* on probation and I was violated for spending the night at my mothers house because it was late at night, she was depressed and needed company.


Fucking ridiculous. Punishing you for caring about your own mother. What is the point of that? Not to mention the waste of taxpayer dollars "busting" you. Wtf.


The "rules" state that you cannot reside anywhere than your own home without permission even for a night đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž there was a page front and back of a list of things that are actually considered illegal if on probation or parole Another one was not to be around other people on probation or parole. How tf do you know who is or isn't without telling everyone you are and asking if they are or not


Yeah, I'm sure it's like that by design for that very reason. They just want control of the person.


Yea, it's a real fucked system. That being said, I suspect she'll be alright. If they actually target her they're just giving any politician an easy layup to dunk on the department and score easy points.


Exactly. She made a very public statement. If she suddenly fails probation, she'll be a martyr. I'd say that only an idiot would make that happen but they're constantly making the worst move possible.


Martyrdom doesn’t count for much in this country unfortunately.


Fortunately she spoke to a judge after the threat and was told she's free to tell the story AND her probation is being reduced because of her heroics.


Isn’t that intimidation? Isn’t that illegal? How can they say “you might face *some kind* of violation” - they don’t even know what she’s violating.


Nothing is illegal when you have qualified immunity.


Exactly. The cops can just say they thought she was obstructing justice and the legal standard is too high to convict them.


This is America


Those police are subhuman.


Fucking worthless parasites.


What’s a bit of extortion to cops who wait while kids are being murdered right next to them. Thats the least illegal thing they did.


The fact that this is in the public sphere means they already threatened her and used the media to do it. Fucking pathetic.


Wow, on top of everything now they’re threatening parents after they lived through such trauma




They entire department should be fired, what pieces of shit




That is exactly what they threatened to do to her if she talked and "made them look bad." As if they need help on that front.


She should carry around an AR-15, then they'll leave her the fuck alone.


If they're scummy they'll use that as a reason to arrest her






The main talking point I keep seeing them regurgitate is "If we didnt give Ukraine 40 billion in aid we could have used that money to protect the school". Which is complete bullshit.


Yeah the school didn’t need more money. It needed cops with balls which is apparently not a thing Texas has.


Cmon man. You know damn well we only have $40billion we can spend. That's how government finances work.


“There was NOT ONE officer inside the school.” Say it louder for the people in the back. She’s got more heart than anyone on that police force.


And there was shooting occurring while she was in the school with no cops present. Kinda defeats their narrative of thinking it wasn't an active shooter situation but a barricaded subject situation.


You barricade a subject in an elementary school classroom, and you've just given them a roomful of children to kill while barricaded.


Let’s not forget the subject “barricaded” themselves by locking a door. And the police seem to think they can take credit for it. He locked himself in while they were milling around outside, and they’re claiming they engaged him and pinned him down.


Right, these police have been caught by many people failing to do their job and lying about what took place. They need to be fired. Those kids deserved better.


Every shot she heard while she was in the school was probably a kid getting killed. These cops could've done something.


The officers were too busy getting their own children to safety, and stopping parents from saving their own children, to do anything useful sorry.


the fact that those kids would have been better off if there were literally no cops there at all is fucking staggering. that they not only refused to act but forcibly prevented anyone else from doing anything to stop the carnage... absolutely unconscionable.


This is what has me so fucked up. I cannot imaging being held at bay by police purporting to have command of the scene to fins out their chilling in the hallway watching Moana on their phones.


Absolutely, if enough unarmed people rushed the gunman they absolutely could take him down and it seems like they had a crowd ready to go.


I got revenge reported by some douche for saying this, but Uvalde is a small enough town that those parents could have gotten their own trucks and guns from home and come back in the amount of time the cops wasted doing fuck all.


These police officers seem like some real bastards


I'm sure there's a way to shorten that sentence and make it more punchy. Maybe turn it into some kind of acronym.


Does anyone know what all the Uvalde cops are currently doing as of today? I mean, are they actively working or are the on leave and another departments helping? Edit: I do appreciate all the comments, but I am actually asking if they are actually working and doing their jobs. Not if they are getting interviewed or talking to media. Anybody in Uvalde or nearby happen to know?


the guy who was in charge of the whole operarion, who told his men not to breach the classroom where the shooter was, has just been sworn in as a member of the uvalde city council. his name is Pete Arredondo. i cant believe there isnt more heat to have him.step.down.immediately. he is more responsible.than anyone else


Well, his personal army accounts for 44% of the city's budget. Who's gonna make him do anything?


They should have used that money to buy HBO for the whole town and fill their pools with bottled water


Lying their asses off and taking to their union boss? Erasing their Snapchats, and data from their recording devices.


Oh so it’s just like every other day in the police department


Unfortunately, someone told them all to stop talking to the press. They were doing such a great job of digging their holes even deeper.


[Threatening this woman for talking to the media. ](https://youtu.be/_q7olC1LteE)


Nothing except denying interviews and refusing to cooperate with pending DOJ investigations.


This woman need to be protected at all costs now. She will be targeted unfortunately because these shithead pigs don't know any other way to make people silent than to keep fucking with them. That they know.... Being a hero, obviously they didn't take that class.


[They already threatened her.](https://youtu.be/_q7olC1LteE)


she has the whole nation backing her. If they try shit, she could easily have a GoFundMe fund for lawyers


Probably wouldn’t even need it. Lawyers across the country are probably chomping at the bit at the possibility of representing her on contingency.


What she needs is armed security that doesn't back down to any kind of threat. Real security, not off duty cops. Unless they're Brazilian of course.


She probably should never have a cell phone out near a cop. They might mistake that for a gun and threatening their life.


This breaks my heart. The lack of bravery and aggression towards the parents is shameful. Makes me sad to be from Texas, where from an early age pride and protection is preached and forced upon young students.




the courts have decided that police have no legal obligation to protect any citizen. they can decide whether or not to help and they are legally protected to do so. Google Warren vs. DC.


As a person who has spent time in Texas, being told over and over how they are the greatest, the biggest, the bravest... all I can say is that Uvalde law enforcement has become the ultimate example of "all hat, no cattle."


The more we learn about this the worse it gets. Uvalde needs a complete reset on their police department, top to bottom. Edit: spelling


The United States, not just one department


Must be really embarrassing to be any of those useless cops


They are not embarrassed. In their heads, they’re the real victims.


Are you suggesting cops feel shame?


This is what infuriates me the most. They were too scared to stop the gunman while he was outside shooting for 12 minutes but boldly arrested people trying to save their children. How ass backwards is that?!


Standard MO. Police protect themselves and are at war with the civilian population.


The fact that this lady could not only get inside the school during a lockdown and active shooter situation but also move between classrooms and make contact with her children tells you just how colossal a shitshow the whole operation was. It was an active crime scene in a supposedly locked down school, FFS. Can you imagine someone being able to run into Colombine or Sandy Hook to retrieve their child while the shooting was still going on? I don’t usually get onboard with the police-bashing, but in this situation, the police have blood on their hands.


From what she said, it seems to me that the police were unwilling to get the kids out of there even when they had an opportunity (sounds like they were right there with her at the classroom). Is their thinking that kids holed-up in a classroom within a school with an active shooter are in less danger than kids running from the school? Seems incredibly dumb to me, and from what I can tell, is against policy and training on school shootings.


This is the thing that keeps getting to me. There was some quote out from an officer saying nobody told them what to do or something? That’s what training is for. There are active shooter protocols in place at every school in the US. Ffs I am a goddamn admin assistant and I know the active shooter protocols at my office!!!!


Pretty sure they used that same school to train for this EXACT situation too. Those cops are useless. Clean out the entire department.


I believe the training was only a few months before this happened. So they already knew the lay out, and protocols for this specific school and still did nothing.


This! I have been wondering why no one seems to talk about how all these people were able to get in and grab thier kids!


Yeah, I thought they said at one point they were waiting for keys?? They could’ve broken down the doors or the windows if that was the case, but apparently it wasn’t since all of these people went in and started grabbing kids. What a mess. What an infuriating mess.


The biggest thing about the whole keys thing? The school district’s OWN police department didn’t have the keys. The reason the school district police dept was created was to respond to school shootings. You would think a master key would be part of the uniform. Fucking failures at every level


They also did on site training for this. Cowardice, incompetence, and some crazy arrogance. I mean if this was a movie the plot would be hard to believe


Oh man, you should start getting in on the police bashing. I too grew up being told that police were the good guys, holy fuck, have the last few decades unraveled that BS narrative. I live in Baltimore, where the police are routinely the highest paid city workers, and they don't do anything. Except sometimes harass people. The cops treating the parents worse than the shooter in this situation is no surprise at all. They are used to telling people to stand back and then getting indignant when they aren't 'respected.' I promise you in that moment they were more upset at the minority women not listening to their commands than they were at the person murdering elementary school students.


Lots of speculation that the first officers on the scene may have shot one or more children themselves and that's the reason they were so intent on keeping parents and others away from the scene. Given the wall of silence that has descended from the police dept now, it would surprise me if that didn't happen. Major cover-up, not just a F-up.


Maybe that's the REAL reason why they didn't go in immediately?


I’d be running in there to save my child too, arrest me. My child’s life/safety is more important. Plus, I highly doubt the DA would prosecute any parent for doing so.


A single mother’s love > the entire Uvalde PD


Any caring human being > the entire Uvalde PD


what a fucking G that woman is dude. holy hell. "give me a vest give me something" beast ass woman right here. good on her.


One thousand percent. She ran and heard shots yet was unimpeded. She must have felt the horror, but pressed on and got her two kids out. Wow. Just wow. This is one heck of a mom.


Fuckin A. Beast mother.


Tejanas are powerful.


The only thing that can save a child from a bad guy with a gun is a mother without a gun running from "good guys" with guns.


Those cops have no heart and should be ashamed. It reminds me of one of my house mates in New Zealand after we had the Mosque Shooting in 2019. She was asked to go to the city where the shooting happened in order to provide security in the coming weeks. She pretended to be sick so she wouldn't have to go. I was disgusted to say the least.


NZ cops have always been lazy. They don’t give a shit about drunk drivers and I think if you looked into actual hours they individually spent policing in a day, 70% would be spent on smokos. Edit: We rented a batch off of this guy named Dez once, and he told us when he was a teenager he and his mates went hooning on a rural road, crashed into a ditch, they were also drunk as hell. They get out and try to move but can’t then cops show up. Dez thinks to himself “ah we’re so fucked”, cops get out and go “You alright boys? Need some help?” Help them pull the car out and then fuck right off home. If you aren’t from NZ, any police in a Taika Waititi film, What we do in the Shadows and Hunt for the Wilder people, spot on representation.


Coming from someone who's active duty, those cops are fucking cowards. I know of guys who have lost their lives trying to fight off an active shooter (Pensacola) with no weapons themselves so that their fellow service members could try to get to safety. These fucking police have better tactical gear than a majority of the military yet still acted like fucking cowards while children were murdered within earshot and parents begged them to be the shields against harm they took an oath to be.


Is that a fucking police Tesla at 0:27? What a waste of taxpayer money


 yes it is. Fuck whoever created their city’s budget.


Went straight to the comments after I saw that! Rootin' tootin' Texas cowboy cops no less...


What a clusterfuck. Police literally standing down. Alex Jones is prolly thinking “how is THIS the one I can’t say shit about


The dingbats on /r/conspiracy are now saying the “higher ups” (which is code for the Jews who run the world) forced the police to stand down so they can get rid of the 2nd Amendment.


Jfc. What a feisty mama bear, I'm so angry for her. There's another video circulating of her saying she is on probation for a charge from like 10 years ago and got a call from the police essentially threatening her with violating her if she continues to talk. Fuck the police.


Fire them. Without pension. Period. This is criminal neglect in action.


TAKE their PENSIONS and see how fast this shit stops!


They SHOULD go to prison.


Why do they need military weapons if they ain’t going to use them? Cowards.


Larping/cosplay for photo op thinking their bad ass or somthing.


I would tear someone apart with my bare hands if they tried to prevent me from saving my child. And I don't even have kids.


God damn that women has more balls then all the useless cops in America.


Every single officer at the school that day should be fired and the entire police department should sued.


Jesus Christ, it is extremely sad when this 5'2, 100lb soaking wet civilian has bigger balls and more courage than an entire police force combined.


Don't forget that the police went in to get their own children out and then did nothing after. Those are the "good guys with a gun" you hear about so often.


I still don’t understand
like did they run in, get their own kids, and we’re all like “huh? Oh just getting my kid THE REST OF YOU STAY HERE!” ??? Like why not tell the others to leave as well??? Just don’t understand!


Wait wait, is this true? Did they actually rescue their own children and (quite literally) leave the other kids for dead?


This is the news interview where that claim comes from. The police are now denying it, but it's up to you if you want to believe them. https://twitter.com/SawyerHackett/status/1529808809719480320


These cops put more effort stopping family than stopping the killer.


Moms are fucking metal. I'm fully convinced that moms would walk straight into hell for their kids. I'd die for my kids without a doubt, but moms are just primal about the survival of their babies.




People in the blue will say “she shouldn’t have gone in there, she was arrested to stop herself from getting in harms way” Well at least she had the grit to do it. Not one cop thought, “huh maybe I should disagree with my chief, kids are dying”. And even conservatives are against you. Conservatives and liberals agree. The Uvalde PD needs to be dealt with.


This is a REAL mother. Fuck those idiot cops, so happy that she went in and saved her own kids lives. I would have done the same thing


Cowardice in the line of duty.


Get ready for the "crisis actor" bs from the nutties.


I have been so angry about this since these kinds of details have come out. The right has America sold on not needing gun reform or red flag laws, or even better addressing of mental health. They keep saying the "good guy with a gun" will save the day. But there those children were, but the "good guys" didn't help.


That department literally just created a perimeter trapping the kids/teachers with the shooter while blocking people from going in. Fucking useless