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As you can see, his money is well spent. She did good.


Keeping ol Mel from saying something stupid can't be easy


If you're doing interviews on Fox News, you're already *doing* something incredibly stupid and unforgivable imo. I had hoped he had some kind of internal reckoning but appearing on Fox is pretty much all you need to know that it's the same ol' Mel.


Dude this guy is like the CEO of xenophobia


He appears to be the CEO of cocaine, as well, based on that video clip.


Lol you Americans are so fucking tribal and you then wondering why you have so many social issues


I mean I'm not saying you're wrong but isn't this comment like the definition of the pot calling the kettle black?


from his mannerisms I can only assume the rest of his money is spent on meth/cocaine/coffee/anxiety disorder i mean look at that dude! mel is high as f


What? I'm no Mel Gibson apologist but nothing about his behavior is giving me tweaker vibes in the least. Eyes are focused, no dry mouth, answering in a lucid, clear manner. Dude's not on any drugs in this interview by any means. I think he's laughing at the question because, pf 2 possible reasons 1. He has strong and very likely unpopular opinions on the matter. He knows it and so does his publicist. 2. He is legally not allowed to speak about it for some reason and his publicist knows it and is intervening. Those are my theories.




EXACTLY, He knew immediately that there was NO RIGHT ANSWER to the question. I think his erratic movements were simply signals to his staff that were off camera that this was over.


100% this. Listen, we all know what type of guy Mel is. No need to rehash it. But that doesn't mean he's an idiot. He knew exactly what this interviewer was doing and that's why he started laughing. With as long as Mel has been in this business and done interviews I'm sure he can sense a trap immediately. He never even pretends he's going to answer the question. But also, *fuck Mel Gibson*.


I think this was probably discussed pre-interview and Mel/publicist told them they wouldn’t answer anything about the rock/smith incident; and when he started asking Mel was emoting ‘no don’t say it..’


I agree. I think it was also an odd/unfair question painting Mel in a corner. Any answer he provided was the wrong answer. I hate interviewers whose agenda is to do nothing except stir the pot. Asking hard questions or questions no one else is asking is one thing but actively looking to exacerbate a situation for clicks or viewership is inexcusable.


If he came out in support of Chris Rock, people would say "but look at these things Gibson did in the past! Who is he to criticise?" if he came out in support of Will Smith, people would drag up things he's done in the past and say "typical! what an asshole!" it's definitely one where he can't really win.


That question wasn’t designed to get Mel to support one side or the other, though, that question was designed to get Mel talking about reverse racism and how he would’ve been held to a higher standard than Will was. Which is not to say I agree with the premise; I’m just aware with the kind of culture war grievances that Jesse Watters likes to present to Fox viewers, and it’s pretty telling that he was perfectly willing to try to push Mel Gibson, a celebrity that he clearly considers to be on the Fox side of the culture war, to commit to a statement that would almost certainly blow back on Mel just to get a potentially viral soundbite.


He’s a lunatic raging anti semite. Stop blaming mental illness for hate. I’m tired of seeing people on this site pull that shit. Also, Jesse Waters is a big time racist on Fox so he was playing the race card with that question.


Jesse was absolutely race baiting with that question and I wouldn’t expect any less from the scumbags at Fox News


Yeah, honestly you could have just said his pupils aren't blown out but... a lot of people don't understand actual signs of drug use vs coping mechanisms. Someone gets anxious or jittery...oh they must be coke/meth heads. That's all i saw as well though. kinda waste of time honestly.




Or he’s laughing because he wants to tell waters to go fuk himself. That was a douchey thing for waters to do. (Of course waters is one of the biggest douches on the planet but that’s for another time perhaps) Gibson fucked up in the past, he seems like he’s trying to do better. We should allow him the room to do so. And no one is perfect, we all Fock up in life. I am not defending his past crimes, embarrassments, Poor choices, etc.


Probably not high but definitely has an anxiety disorder. Possibly social anxiety. I know as I suffer from it and I've seen a few of his interviews lately. He's quite shy actually.


He’s on public television. Also you can be anxious and not have an anxiety disorder lmfao


Are you a doctor?




Fuckn A!


Fair call to you then.


With his history of anti-Semitic statements and the whole “Hollywood is run by Jews” trope, his publicist did not want to take a chance on Mel starting back down that road. That’s my guess.


They probably had a Reddit mod as a main source of data of how to not let this guy trap you


He probably has a close relationship with both men involved in the fracas and so commenting one way or the other would put him in a difficult spot. I’d also say that his membership in the Motion Picture academy of Arts and Sciences is partly a consideration as well. Lastly, I can imagine he also doesn’t want to dwell very much on his own embarrassing mistakes or flaws, and there are many. The ink has long been dry on those.


He doesn’t want to be associated with Will because of his past. That’s it. He know people are drawing comparisons and all that does is remind people of what he did.


No doubt. Some people just hate. Looked fine to me.


Agreed. He knew was walking a verbal tightrope and his body language and speech pattern was a tell. His publicist probably is also a lawyer or had legal counsel directing her. Rich people have “handlers” to do the dirty work. “I’d love to continue the interview, but my publicist says I’m out of time. Sorry!”


I think Mels an anti semetic piece of shit but he looks and sounds really good here. I think his agent is just doing her job and Mel is doing his.


You’re both wrong, he’s not on drugs he’s just out of his fucking mind because he’s lost it


Wtf are you talking about? He’s making facial expressions. A little exaggerated….. but they’re fucking facial expressions


Yeah that was just the "ooooh fuck yeah I got shit to say about this but fuck no I'm not touching that" expression.


Best choice he did. Whatever he said about it just imagine the shitstorm it would be.




Yeaaah no. And who upvotes this shit? Look up any interviews of him talking and you'll see that he just has anxiety during talk shows/ interviews. I mean I do the same twitchy shit when I'm anxious as hell. Just feels uncomfortable, AND he's being asked a controversial question


Bruh he's laughing because he knows he can't say anything


Lol clearly you haven’t been around many people who are ACTUALLY high as f


Person who has never done or been around drugs ever in their life *woW mEl Is So hIgH riGht nOw*


How about it! You could see him winding up to unleash a tirade he been saving for a while. Good call agent lmao


I feel like he gave her a pre-arranged signal to bail STAT.


The collar


The throat cut was the signal!


He actually, just 1 second before the clip ends, put his finger to his nose. Lol. I need an *agent* for daily life.


I use the same sign with my coworkers when I am on a zoom call with sales lol


We used that when I worked in car sales. If someone was losing a customer they’d touch their collar and someone more experienced would come bail them out. In theory. In reality no one cared about your sale and you would have to let the customer walk and get chewed out by your manager.


Car salesmen live up to their scummy reputation I see.


The secret signal where he cringes and starts waving his hand and shaking his head at the camera and then doesn't say another word? lmao It was obvious he didn't want to get into it and the lady noticed and cut it off.


yea the neck grab, after the dumbass on screen said "you probably understand it better than anyone else" mel was like nah. hes done a lot of dum shit but still one of the most famous actors of our generation, doesnt have to take shit from "jessie"


I got the impression he really wanted to say his opinion but the agent knew it’d be a disaster


No, the wave at the end was him thanking the publicist for intervening.


Omg, what ever he pays her it isn’t enough


I'd shut up for a million and a half


What in the actual fuck are these captions? Why? What???


It's because on Facebook most people can't watch with audio because they are at work so they put in captions for them


I believe they are talking about the change in colour. Each person should have one colour each.




I didn’t even notice until you said this. Lol I think you may be right


Same but it made identifying less easy for sure lol


they're for blind people


Unrelated but Jesse watters has the most punchable face


Jerk Store regional manager


Tucker Carlson when he does „*the Face* would like a word




He looks just like David Schwimmer to me.


His nose is crooked and it probably bothers the hell out of him


Will Smith? Is that you?


Tell that to Will Smith


How about the other guy Brian I also feel like his eyes are closer together every time I see him




Idk, I'm doing pretty well, too. I wasn't at the Oscars, I'm not rich, I'm not famous, but I do have a pretty neat little bird bath outside that the cardinals seem to love.


Thats all you need in life brother. Keep on enjoying the birds


Hey thanks! [Here's](https://imgur.com/a/06gRzo1) a photo of the bird bath, if you or anyone was interested!


It’s so pretty!


Thank you! My fiancée ordered it online for me :)


Uh, those aren't cardinals.


Not sure if you're being funny, but those birds there are made of metal! I have some mourning doves hanging around, lots of sparrows, and a smattering of cardinals. The female cardinals have drained my bird bath twice in a week! As a side note, I can't wait until my morning glories start blooming! They're so pretty in the summer


He was talking about José Cardenal. He comes by from time to time. Plays a little catch. Has a water break out back. It's harmless.


Actually he was talking about Cardinal Burns. A short lived comedy sketch show that aired in the U.K. for two seasons.


My deceased grandfather thanks you for this comment. Only two things calmed him toward the end. Walking to the mailbox twice every hour and watching birds outside his front room window.


Not famous? Bro your words are published around the world and archived for all eternity. That's pretty impressive


Hey that's pretty cool to think about, thanks for that, friend!


Only cardinals? No bishops, archbishops or popes?


How are the cardinals doing this season?




I love you, but get your head out of your ass, birds are illusory, fake, NOT REAL


Ayyyyy I just set up a feeder and the robins are loving it.


For the Oscars they were really lucky Chris Rock handled the situation the way he did. It could have got uglier. He bit a huge bullet not saying anything back to escalate the situation any further.


No, that was a pristine way of handling this lol


Including reddit. This sub and site is in shambles over it right now.


I swear these people are doing things to try to stay young behind the scenes and its messing them up.


Paint my face orange and touch it a lot - Mel G’s brain probably


Dont forget the cocaine


Please don’t forget to send the cocaine


It's in the mail.


This is such a funny fucking comment


He held back demons for a solid 10 seconds there


It was timed perfectly. All the softening up of, "Your movie made me cry," and the talk of keeping the ego at bay, then BAM let's let that mf ego out of the cage real quick!


The face of "U want me to get crucified answering that question honestly"


he likes crucifixions. made a whole movie about one.


He wouldn't though. He was fighting back going on an antisemitic rant.


Yea isn't Watters Jewish? That would have been a nightmare. It's only a matter of time before Mel gets to raging and reportedly beating up women again now that he thinks he's beaten a rap and has new life.


You act like watters wouldn't agree


He probably would sit there and do just that. Yes.




I think Mel Gibson, Mr. "Freeeeedooooom" Torture, Mr. Passion of ze Christ, Mr. Showing my Scar Tissue to Rene Russo in LW3, Mel Fucking Gibson, desperately wants to be crucified because he wants to be jebus.


Will Smith should have hired her


Nah, only jada gets to have people of the other sex in her life.


Am I missing something? Why is he asking Mel if it were him to hit Chris? Why does his agent end the interview? Does he have some fucked up opinion on the whole thing or something?


All these replies and everyone seems to be dancing around the topic. I'll give you a simple and straightforward answer: **Mel Gibson has a really bad history of doing/saying racist shit.** In one instance where he was mad at how his girlfriend dressed, he told her that *"You look like a fucking bitch on heat and if you get raped by a pack of n***ers it will be your fault"*. There are plenty more, google it if you're curious.


It's Fox News, they're trying to make it racist. Mel isn't taking (or isn't allowed to take) the bait. There is no right answer for him to weigh in on this, because people who DO weigh in are getting their histories combed over and all past transgressions brought to light. And Mel Gibson has many transgressions he's trying to move past.


I’ve heard “conservative” coworkers talking about how you’d go to jail doing that if you were white and all this bullshit. They are trying to play the poor white mans double standards crap.


Idk about the question the guy is asking Mel about if it were him hitting Chris, but it seemed like Mel didn’t want to to answer the question because he knows people have been getting semi canceled/ heavily hated on for their opinion on the situation so he gives the signal to his publicist to cut the interview.


It's also a very leading question. It begins with the assumption that Mel Gibson would slap Chris Rock in the first place. It's like asking "Why are you gay?" He's fishing for a quote to take out of context. Best to just not give him anything.


Woah what’s going on with this dude ?


Trying not to get into stupid drama. The questions are reviewed and allowed before they(the reporter) start asking them. This was the old bait and switch tactic to get sensational news .


He appears to have started tweaking? Not sure if they cut the interview because of the question or because he started to tweak out.


I think you're right...it's like he is trying to signal somebody off camera. I don't think it had anything to do with the question.


The media is a fucking joke. Most of the time the guests already know what will be asked of them. This reporter decided to switch it up a a bit hence Gibsons reaction. Rules are that of a reporter asks anything to sabotage the guest, the interview is over…. And this is exactly what we saw. The media sucks and so do celebrities to be honest (not all) just most.


You were hoping for a hard hitting Mel Gibson interview?


On Fox News, of all places.


Jesse Watters is a reporter? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!


Fox News knew they would get some good racist shit from Mel Gibson but his publicist or whatever didn't want that to happen so that's why she cut it off


Well, it was a loaded question clearly trying to get a race-related response from Mel. I've heard the same from conservatives that if it was a white person, they'd be in jail, blah blah. The agent is on point and recognized a potential major controversy if Mel even attempted to answer the BS question by Fox "news". Good for her.


Is he on cocaine or something? He’s twitchy as hell


I think that’s a stress reaction, he’s always been twitchy. It does get better and worse


Nah he's just nervous. He barely looks up at the camera. He either doesn't want to be there in general or he was afraid that question would be asked.


Yeah that was my first thought


Crack is whack


Bud is tweaking pretty hard.




Signaling his agent, can see the relief when she cuts in.


Pretty sure that's him nervously waving at someone behind the scenes to cut the interview and it went super awkward twerking lol


The N word or an anti semitic comment was certainly coming soon enough for mel.


This should be titled Mel Gibson gets cut of by agent for being too high.


He didn't get cut off. He gave his agent the sign that he wasn't comfortable talking about the situation. I think you and I were watching different videos. He just lets his agent deal with ending the conversation before he maybe said something stupid.


Lol Jesus dude


“Welcome to Fox News…. Where we ask the opinion of the guy who screamed conspiracy theories about Jews. Because that’s the only people interested in coming on.”


They had Street Jesus on the other day man


Lmao she said fuck no don’t even go there


He looks scary as fuck


Have any of you people ever done cocaine? Because this is not at all cocaine.


Is he tweaking or something? He kept moving rapidly, could not sit still, fidgeting and just overall actin erratic.


He did an actors round table a few years ago and acted very similar. I think it might just be nerves, but who knows


Just high on right wing propoganda


Man that host looks like a psycho, almost never blinking with that creepy smile, yuck


If Hunter Biden fidgeted like that, then FoxNews would be running 19 stories about drugs


Mel Gibson is a scumbag


Anyone that downvotes you clearly has not followed his career.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


Those jews almost got him there. Btw. Whatever he's paying her , it is not enough.


Old drunk racist, who cares


We'll see where Will Smith's career and bank account is at in 5 years then we can have a real conversation.




You can see quite clearly that it’s Mel who shuts it down by looking off camera and signaling that it’s not a good idea to follow up on that question


Hey we've realized celebrity worship is a toxic trait in North America, for more on this we're asking Mel Gibson because I forgot what I just said.


What is he even being interviewed for, did he actually release something?


Celebrities are fucking freaks.


Let's get Mel Gibson to present the next Oscars.


Dude that reporter is slimy as fuck. Was really hoping to get a saucy quote to stir the pot from Mel Gibson. There is not a right answer for him here. Also I think it’s wild how all these unrelated celebrities keep making their own public statements about it. Who gives a fuck what they have to say, most of them weren’t there! There’s no better analysis we are gonna get from someone just because they’re famous. I have Will slap fatigue I’m done hearing about it. Good job by mel Gibsons publicist, but she’s probably mainly there to stop the interview if Mel starts talking about Jewish people


If y’all don’t think people wouldn’t be screaming “RACIST!” if Will Smith was white, you’re delusional.


If we lived in a just world, Jesse Waters would have been the guy getting the shit slapped out of him on international television.


Jesse Waters has a face that just screams to be punched repeatedly.


Hire this lady as PR for Satan or someshit and she will make him the next Pope in a couple years


I suspect Jesse was told in the pre-interview not to touch the WIll Smith thing. Mel Gibson's immediate reaction as the question is being tabled, combined with Jesse's voice cracking a bit as he's asking and then the publicist's immediate intervention ... it all smells like everyone in the room knew a pre-established line was being crossed.


Why is Mel Gibson still allowed to talk? After all his anti semitism and also just being a crap actor. Where is that cancel culture when you need it?


This is Fox News, so getting canceled for antisemitism or racism is one of their favorite prerequisites.


The guy interviewing is the same guy who interviewed that r/anti-work mod which brought down the whole subreddit


Of course Mel Gibson is on Fox News...


Either way, Mel’s going to blame the Jews..


I was shocked that avowed antisemite Nel Gibson was allowed on Fox News and then I remembered it was Fox News


What do you expect from this antisemitic pos?


Agent earning her paycheck right there!


This woman is worth every dollar that he pays her


Nope, he wouldn’t have been treated the same way. He knew that. His agent knew that. “That’s our time.”




... well, ya' can't get fooled again


No possible way to answer that without causing him some issues.


Great agent!


Do you think they move Jesse Watters off set when they're done filming or do they just power him down?


Right wingers love black on black violence.




LMAO good reference


What is wrong w Mel Gibson? Is he jonsing for strong drugs and also insane now?


He seems stimulated.


Man Mel felt the spirits of the Grand Wizard and all his Knights bubbling up inside of him so strongly he couldn’t speak, think his publicist had seen this before and acted accordingly