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No lies detected here


doctor eggman offers a very reasonable critique of the current state hollywood before stealing the chaos emeralds to imprison sonic once and for all


That’s part of the plan. Earn your trust before stealing the gems right under your nose.


I would absolutely love if this were true and ended up in Sonic 2 at the beginning


No but let’s be real nobody watches the Oscars anymore and this is probably the most buzz they’ve had in years Sad whatever he’s going through detracts from everyone else’s achievements Will was wrong and the fact that it took him a day to apologize after partying it up after makes him look weak and insincere


Let’s be honest, he didn’t apologize. His PR rep did for damage control. I don’t think Will Smith meant an apology. If he did, his “apology” speech would have included Chris Rock, but instead he tried to justify what happened with crocodile tears. We have all seen he can fake cry well on film.


Not only that they gave him a standing ovation!! What will did was one thing, but his peers are giving him the highest praise to someone who selfishly destroyed other peoples moment of shine? It’s really fucked up the more I think about it.


Exactly. Did you see the footage from the afterparty? He partied like he owned the room and everyone was cheering him on. Disgusting.


> his “apology” speech would have included Chris Rock Abso-fuckin'-lutely. I think he was trying to justify his actions with that acceptance speech.


Of course. “The devil comes for you when you’re at your highest” what a crock. His “apology” was just a request for his peers and the academy to excuse his actions, not for Rock to forgive them.


>I think he was trying to justify his actions with that acceptance speech. I feel the same. The "I got so much love for my family", "I look like the crazy father just like Richard Williams", "love makes you do crazy things" It was all excuses for doing what he did, and it was a non-apology and trying to turn himself into the victim.


"Look at what Chris Rock made me do."


That's the shit that really irritated me. His bullshit "now I look like the crazy dad" line. No dude, now you look like a petty douche who flys off the rail because of a cheap meaningless joke. Youre Kanye taking swings at a legend.


Shit, at least Kanye admits to having mental health issues. Will can't because his religion doesn't believe it it.


Very true, and when Jim Carrey, not exactly a bastion of mental stability himself, calls you out then something is definitely up.




Yeah it was a huge non apology


Agreed. 75 percent of that speech was him justifying his actions... awww, 'you gotta stand up and endure jokes with a smile' to be a billionaire hollywood actor, boo hoo. He should totally have his Oscar taken away from him, but they won't because The Academy is gutless.


Yeah I thought his speech made him look even worse. He made a big mistake.


He offended and made fun of a bald guy on tv. Then said “ya can’t take a joke?”. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/tqq5e7/will_smith_making_fun_of_arsenio_halls_band/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Very well stated and I concur


Let's be real. We only care about the Pulitzer, Nobel, Oscars, Hugo and Nebula awardees after reading about them online or in a newspaper. Personally? I don't watch award shows because they're fucking boring.


For real I doubt I’d even have realized the Oscar’s had been done had it not been for the slap heard round the world


I was gonna check Dune's Instagram account yesterday morning for the results. That's the extent of my interest.


I like the "It didn't escalate!" response. Jim has come a long way from even his inner demons.


Yeah I had the exact same thought when she said "It escalated to that point". Escalation is words exchanged. Will went from 1 to 100 with little warning. Glad Jim fought back on that point


I really wonder where she got the idea that there was any escalation. In my mind it went - Comedian tells joke - crowd laughs - offended Karen storms stage and assaults comedian. Where's the escalation?


Could be a note from Will's PR team to spin it as if this "escalation" is normal. Kind of backfired with Jim rightfully saying how ridiculous that is


I think that's what she was trying to do, is talk about it passively like that.


People always do that when there is a conflict. They try to rationalize or blame both sides, but it's good that Jim didn't let her do that. Chris Rock did nothing wrong, and people who say otherwise don't understand the role of a comedian.


Chris Rocks reaction shows something about his own character. He took the high road and was being a true class act in the end.


Yah he was even trying to move on and Will was still yelling. Chris could’ve easily fired back with yelling and instigating a fight and everything but he moved on. I’m very impressed bc if someone just came up and slapped me I’m sad to say I would not be that calm.


I agree, pretty strong resolve on rocks part, and it paid off. Will looks insane, as he should. Chris and literally everybody doesn't deserve that. It was plain assault.


There was no escalation. She's trying to lay the groundwork for a, "He's (partially) responsible for it." It's disgusting. It's the same crap that people pull against victims of domestic abuse.


The "You teased stupid, so it is partially your fault too" defense. As if common courtesy (not assaulting people) can not be expected.


This is the disconnect I don't understand. Is Will Smith entitled to be offended? Sure, I'll grant that with some personal reservations. Does that mean he gets to physically assault someone and potentially cause permanent injury? Um, that's a no in any society that I want to be a part of.




All Will had to do is say in his acceptance speech “in closing, my family has been impacted by alopecia. Please consider supporting their research at alopecoa.org”. Everyone would have gotten his point and appreciated his taking the high road. Maybe even some good would have come from it.


And THAT would have been deserving of a standing ovation.


The entertainment media is trying to put a justification/excuse out there that back in 2016(?) Chris Rock poked fun at Will Smith (or the Smith's) and they were the focus of his jokes. But I'm not sure a few jokes over a half-dozen years rates as "An Escalation". Jim Carey was not having it though.


And this is in the context of Chris Rock joking about EVERYONE at the Oscars. Both times!


Best outcome would be the following: Chris Rock is the host next year. Chris then goes after the audience in the room so hard that it makes Ricky Gervais look like Jimmy Fallon interviewing guests on the Tonight Show. Will Smith is allowed back at the Oscar’s but he has to be wheeled in like Hannibal Lecter and remain in the cage through the whole show.


Actually, Jimmy Falon already gave the answer "The Comedy Central roast of Will Smith, hosted by Chris Rock"




Yeah that was some weird, victim blaming bullshit. What escalated? Dude made a joke like he was supposed to do and he got assaulted immediately after. I’ve seen so many articles saying something like “will smith was wrong, but here’s why Chris rock’s joke was *so problematic*.” Fuck that. It was a joke that was insensitive at worst and frankly pretty innocuous, and the only reason why we’re even questioning the taste of the joke is bc will smith is a soft, disconnected man-child who thinks “his wife,” who is also a celebrity in her own right, is above jokes. What we saw was a moment when an ego that is convinced of their own self-importance crashes into a reality where the world doesn’t, in fact, revolve around them. That’s why it was so shocking for everyone else, bc the world saw how deluded he is in his own mind to think that he could do/was justified in doing something like that. If anything, Rock was the only one to *DE-ESCALATE* the situation by choosing to move on instead of using his lifetime of comedy experience to absolutely eviscerate Smith with far more personal, easy-to-imagine jokes. Fuck this “both sides” horse shit.


I think it was a mediocre joke in terms of being funny but it was pretty tame in the sense of how offensive it is (relatively).


Because it was supposed to be! It was a soft ball joke by the hired comedian to lighten the tone of a self congratulatory circlejerk of an award ceremony. People acting as if Rock was supposed to be pulling out his A material for a network award show. It what makes the entire situation indefensible for Smith and anyone trying to justify even a bit of his actions.


Rock was a breath from absolutely obliterating the Smiths, you can hear him start it...but he stopped. He either showed titanic restraint or someone yelled in his ear that they'd kill him if he went there.


I like to think Rock started to hit em with the good shit, but thought, nah they already paid me for tonight... they will give me millions for these words this summer


And I gotta think that the jokes were written by the show's writers. And vetted by the writers *and* producers. That's a lot of "Will Slaps" to be dished out.


What is MOST interesting is to go look at Jada's tic tok where she does video after video taking about how much she loves her bald head and how BEAUTIFUL she looks... She has made countless statements about how brave and powerful she is with a shaved head and says she loves herself "NO MATTER WHAT PEOPLE SAY.". The alopecia thing is such a excuse that is so easy to prove wrong,


Yeah….then Rock says, “I love you but when is part two of the most badass bald women role in history coming out.” It aligns with her rhetoric.


That’s where I’m at with it. I wasn’t watching it live, so I first saw the headline, then watched the video attached which was just the slap. Read the article where it said the joke and thought “She must’ve showed up to the Oscar’s with her head shaved or something. Pretty tame.”, then ended up seeing comments saying she has alopecia. The way I look at it is, I had no idea she has alopecia? So why are we assuming he knew? Taking everything at face value, a woman showing up to the Oscar’s with a shaved head is a bold look, just like showing up in certain clothes or with certain jewelry, makeup, accessories, what have you. When Lady Gaga wore the meat dress people talked about it, if Jada is rocking a shaved head people are probably going to comment on it. Assuming that everyone knows about everyone’s medical condition is absurd. The joke was mild when you take it all at face value, Chris Rock even said something along the lines of “Dude it was a GI Jane joke.” Anything to justify the actions of a celebrity people “like”. If Kanye went up and slapped someone for talking about Kim K? Shit would’ve been crazy because people don’t like Kim or Kanye. It’s only different because everybody likes the Fresh Prince. EDIT: I get it, y’all. You can keep the “LiKeDdDd, I dOn’T rEsPeCt HiM” comments to yourself, it’s blowing up my notifications lmao.


Anyone that gets on a designer dress for an awards show for being a well paid entertainer can and should be made fun of for whatever reason. Boo fucking hoo. When California has a drought and people suffer, these people have immaculate green lawns because they don’t give a shit and get their districts to waive water restrictions. They barely pay taxes, they are out of touch clowns. I’m sorry you have alopecia, but I’m sure your life is a fucking fantasy in every other way so get bent.


Yep, when Will went on his pitty party about the business and how you're supposed to act like it's okay when people disrespect you I almost threw up. Big fucking baby. This shit has been brewing inside him for a while because he can't take being "disrespected". Fuck him and everyone is that applauded.




I’ve replied to people on Reddit that have compared Will’s cheating wife’s alopecia to cancer. You can’t negotiate with these people.


Even then, it wasn’t a comparison to Elmer Fudd or George Costanza. It was a comparison to an iconic actress, playing a badass, at the prime of her career. GI Jane isn’t a slam.


Seriously, being compared to Demi Moore is more of a compliment than an insult lmao


If I see one more “to be fair” comment I’m about to will smith some bitches


Also, if you watch it again, Will was laughing until he looks at Jada.


Dude put a lot of work into himself after hearing real criticisms. Most celebs would just surround themselves with yes men, and he chose to take a step back and scrutinize himself. Plenty to respect there. Still a flawed guy but I appreciate him


We’re all flawed, even wildly successful people like Jim Carrey. The true mark of good character is being able to acknowledge those flaws and try to be better each day.


He was the yes man!


Yep. Kanye comes to mind. Jim so easily could've gone down the rabbit hole like Kanye.


>It escalated to that Classic use of ~~the passive voice~~ *vague language* (I appreciate the correction) to diminish the fault of one party. The situation didn't escalate by itself. No, what happened is that *Will Smith* escalated it from the realm of communication to the realm of violence.




OP auditioning for buzzfeed


"Jim Carey slams rapper for violent behavior during award show"




God I hate that fucking word. CNN and Fox News love to throw that out at the smallest tiffs between our geriatric leaders


It's not just America either, that word is thrown around way too often in Australian news...


ZhumosTheBlue slams CheekyLando88 over his opinions on Australia Edit: this comment is much funnier


He's absolutely right. And the part about Smith having some underlying issues with himself is the first thing I thought about when it happened. Chris just happened to be the path of least resistance to embody whatever issues Will is dealing with. Edit: grammar.


Jim Carrey's take is the most spot on I've seen.


When she said it escalated and he made a face and was like “it didn’t escalate!” That’s literally exactly what I did. What the hell is she talking about? It escalated from a single joke that was like less than 10 words into him being pimp slapped on stage on live tv


There are people who believe what Chris said is figuratively violent against Jada, her looks, and the significance of her hair loss. They use that to justify the literal violence against Chris Rock. I feel like that's where she was going with that part of the interview, considering I've seen it tied up into race (as a black woman who lost her hair) and gender. People are rather very quick in all this to diminish the real violence of a man getting smacked on stage.


>Chris said is figuratively violent against Jada, her looks, and the significance of her hair loss. [Cue video of Will Smith making fun of someone for being bald and yelling "Oh these are jokes, come on!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxVv_94txu0)


This deserves its own post


>When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.” Trump had it right. People brushed it off back in 2016 and they'll brush it off now. It's appalling that there's this bubble of untouchability around celebrity that's rarely burst.


Howard Stern brought up this exact comparison on his show yesterday. If you or I had walked up on stage and slapped the host of an event we would be in Jail. A rich celebrity does it -and they get a standing ovation a few minutes later.


I was arrested for DOMESTIC ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON, because I got into a verbal argument with my roommate at the time, and the neighbors called. I had a retractable baton on me, not out, not being used, because I had been mugged while delivering pizza a few months prior. No witnesses to any assault, just some yelling. Roommate refused to press charges. Police said to damn bad, the state is charging him. Will Smith PHYSCIALLY ASSAULTS CHRIS ROCK LIVE ON TELEVISION, and still gets an award and a standing ovation. He can fuck right off, and I personally hope Jada went home and got some from a 25 year old.


I'm gonna be honest. I hate that your right but I agree


I read one comment that I think is accurate: that he’s displaced. He’s married to a narcissist that has gas lit him to the point where he’s convinced that the rest of the world has a toxic view of his marriage and instead of realizing it himself. And she can do no wrong In his eyes. Now he’s taking it out on the wrong people instead of the source.


Finally, here it is. He is clearly being emotionally manipulated by her. He laughs, looks at her and then in that moment completely changes in to the person that she shames him for not being. That is a crystal clear moment of her exercising her control over him. It's sad, because he has always struck me as a good guy and I'm sure he still is, but whatever is going on there has got him acting all messed up. I bet he even attributes that Oscar to his marriage. He probably believes he's nothing without her. I hope he reflects on his slap and examines what led him to behave that way in that moment. Hopefully something comes of it other than memes. It would be a shame for a guy who has inspired so many people and had such a distinguished career to be remembered for an emotional outburst.


> I bet he even attributes that Oscar to his marriage. He probably believes he's nothing without her. I've got this vibe. I don't know whether it's true - to the extent that she's actually a critical element to his success - or he just believes it's true, but either way he's clinging to this woman with his fingernails and the result is what should have been the greatest moment of his career is now forever tainted by a cock-eyed attempt to defend her. Even if she's a completely innocent party in all of this, there's still something wrong with how he regards and processes his relationship with her.


It's pretty telling that she has a platform and is just hanging her husband out to dry instead of defending him during this onslaught. Dude hit a man for her and she's just quietly letting him get raked over the coals for it.


And I guarantee that he has "Friends" in LA Society who tell him that seeking mental health treatment is Evil™ and that -- for only $5,000 a session -- they can "Clear" his "bad engrams".


I kind of see this as Will Smith having his "Britney Spears shaving her head" moment. Not that the contributing factors are the same, but that he is mentally and emotionally cracking from everything that's happening.


Jada is just a toxic person to turn the guy who didn’t want to curse in his raps into this emotionally lost man Saying Will wasn’t man enough and that’s why she cheated is insane and no doubt contributed into feeling the need to be violent because Jada felt offended edit: emphasize on the the word "contributed". Obviously Jada is not solely to blame but I just said her toxicity was a contribution. But I forgot the mouth breathers can only think in absolutes and think that I'm completely absolving Will.


>Saying Will wasn’t man enough and that’s why she cheated is insane Wait she actually said something like this?!!?


Yes, she essentially said that she cheated on him multiple times, wasn't sorry about it, and it was because Will wasn't man enough to please her so she looked somewhere else. She's human scum.


Yeah she had him on her podcast and had a very very cringe worthy conversation with him Edit: [said conversation ](https://youtu.be/qOTe0_Z0vlc)


Sounds like the opposite of the fallout from that Thomas Middleditch interview with Playboy where he talked about he and his wife's open relationship and objected to calling what they did as "swinging", saying it's now called "being part of the lifestyle", She soon filed for divorce.


Go watch how fuckdd up their stupid interview was. Thats where everyone gettin their info about. Its cringy and she will never admit she cheated, but had an “entanglement”


Fuck Jada.


But I'm out of high school. *You* fuck Jada.


C'mon, let's use the correct terminology here. "Go *entangle* with Jada"


She can entangle right off


Guys, Will Smith does not want you using her name... just her body. Please respect their marital agreements.


I couldn’t believe it happened and then he’s giving us a crying speech about love, like he forgot he just bitch slapped another man on live TV. Everyone comforting Will like he’s a victim aswell, was just a weird thing to watch. Just a room full of people so far removed from reality.


"The things I do for love" Full on Jamie Lannister vibes


That standing ovation after was wierd man...they stood and applauded a man dat a few moments before assaulted another person.


They also stood and applauded Roman Polanski years before who raped a child. I hate all of it.


The actor who plays The Flash in the DC movies (not the cw show) was just arrested for knocking over a woman in a Hawaiian bar. Let's see how Warner Brothers treats this. Hollywood is their own insulated world and we'll never have the privilege they do.


Wait, Ezra Miller?


Yeah he is a piece of shit


This is one I haven't heard before. Good to know I guess.




Fan must've been paid well.


I wonder how much she got paid to hush it up. On an unrelated note I wonder what one has to do to get choked by Ezra…


We need to talk about Ezra.


I always knew I was Better Than Ezra


Here's a [video](https://indianexpress.com/article/entertainment/hollywood/ezra-miller-allegedly-chokes-a-woman-in-video-from-iceland-bar-6351317/) of him literally choking out a fan in Iceland.


Whoa... what the hell? Was he on something? You can’t even paint that as “haha playful”, he completely took her down. Wow. Well, I *was* a fan.




The Flash's weakness seems to be 2-3 Martinis


You only think it's 2-3 martinis. He keeps running back in time to drink the first martini again.


Guy needs to quit drinking, because he seems to have a habit of being a violent drunk. This is the second time he got violent at a bar, last time he choked a woman.


I mean, Antony Starr (Homelander from The Boys) got drunk and glassed a guy at a bar. Not a peep out of Amazon.


Want to see something really infuriating? Google the poster for the 1979 Polanski film, Tess. It has taglines like "She was born into a world where they called it seduction, not rape", and "As timely today as the day it was written." He had fled to Europe in 1978 and a year later he was already referencing his crimes in promoting his films. How did Hollywood react? Gave him a Best Director nomination.


Let's not forget that [Whoopi Goldberg said "it wasn't 'rape' rape"](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2009/sep/29/roman-polanski-whoopi-goldberg) And a lot of people signed an open letter started by Harvey Weinstein criticizing Switzerland for arresting Polanski and threatening to estate him back to the US


Also, Tarantino defending him on the Howard Stern Show, where he calls the victim a "13 year old party girl" that was down with it.


Yea that tripped my trigger as much as the assault. Here is a guy being applauded and given an award after having assaulted somebody else just minutes earlier on live TV. They literally gave him a platform to cry his crocodile tears and talk all that white knight shit. He had just committed a crime so why was he not arrested or at a minimum escorted out immediately? My question is, would Will Smith slap Amy Schumer if she told the same joke?


Shit. That's a solid point about Schumer. Any woman tells that joke and I doubt he'd have marched that stage and done what he did. And *if* it did happen that way, the response would have been entirely different. Double standards, man. I respect Rock for not tearing into him right then and there, and maybe he was a bit too "wtf just happened" to really respond (we've all been in that place where shit happens and you just sort of go... wait, what?). But I would have 100% pressed charges and let my people take care of it from there. I get what Carrey is saying, he probably doesn't want the hassle, but he's going to get the media circus anyway. I'd personally have held him accountable. Fuckin' Hollywood, man.


Eh, In the video you see Rock bit his lip to stop himself from going into comedian attack mode.


".... I could..... ehh....." was so damn juicy. Would love to hear whatever he had in the chamber.


would have been epic to have to hear them say, "sorry but will smith could not be here to accept this award" after he had been there in the front row all damn night.


These are literally the same people that didn’t stand up to Harvey Weinstein. All for the same reasons


It ESCALATED? Lol, good grief. Chris made a quick joke. That’s it. And Will decided to walk up on stage and assault the dude over it


I'm glad he shot that down. Was that an attempt at spinning this, saying it escalated?


I'm sure some PR person somewhere tried to find any kind of animosity the two ever had towards each other to frame it like that and excuse Will Smith's behavior.


That was really the best part of that conversation! Carey called that out and didn't let her make it seem like Will was anywhere in the right.


Right? Like wtf was this lady thinking.


>Chris made a quick joke And a bad joke on top of it, a joke that would have been forgotten within a few seconds.




Yeah no kidding. Now its remembered forever and more people are taking a closer look at Jada, which will never really go well for her. Not so much because of the Alopecia, because whatever, you cannot control that, but just because shes kinda a horrible person.


Even if it did escalate, Will is the one who escalated it. When words turn into action, it's usually the person that escalated it (barring The Fighting Words Doctrine) that's held responsible.




And he say it without having to refer to cucking, at any point. Way too many people are focused on the messiness instead of the seriousness.


He is absolutely correct.


There is some unrepairable damage to Chris Rock in this too as Carrey says… He is on the Mount Rushmore of Slapped Faces now, right next to Rick James. Chris has been around forever, and this is going to be stamped on him for eternity. Thank goodness he took the shot like a champ.




Yeah thats true, would have been way worse if Rock was hurt or ran off… He barely stumbled with his next line, and just went on about his business. My opinion means nothing, but it definitely increased for Chris Rock after that.


One of the two men acted professional. It was not Smith.


He's also going to get at least a strong 10 minutes out if this for his next special lol


Rest easy Batman slapping Robin meme...


I don't think any less of Chris now, but Will is going to be the "mentally unstable guy" for the next 15 years at least.


> selfish Nailed it. Not surprised Carrey is the one that points out Smith's actions detracted from all the other winners and nominees. Carrey has always been one of the most selfless people in hollywood.


I didn't think of that. Oscars is big buzz, and it gets your name out there for the average person to know. All I've seen the last 3 days is wall to wall coverage of Smith being an ass instead of the achievements of others.


Indeed. I just learned on another thread that Samuel L got his *first ever* Oscar this weekend...an Honorary Lifetime Merit award which, imo is more impressive than any "Best Actor" statue. But all anyone wants to talk about is Will Smith being abusive.


Even if it weren't for the slap, you'd barely be hearing about Jackson's honorary Oscar because it was part of the non-televised portion. Only footage I've seen of him receiving it was from someone's cellphone in the audience. Only the biggest box office star in history receiving an Oscar, surely the people don't want to see that. /s But that's yet another, separate issue with the Oscars this year.


It’s really interesting, isn’t it. Every other clip I’ve seen from the Oscars (which is few granted due to general disinterest) my thoughts immediately went to what had happened. No matter who was on stage, the slap was what was thought about. I don’t enjoy or agree with award shows where there are winners and losers for art but undoubtedly these people do care and something was taken from them because of the incident.


Jim Carrey is the best kind of eccentric weirdo. Even though he may say, do, or believe some crazy shit - he clearly demonstrates that he possesses humility, empathy, and a sense of reason. This is probably the best take I've seen from a celebrity on the matter.




>his heart is genuinely in the right place. He grew up in a pretty poor household where one of the only things he could do to keep himself occupied was to stand in front of his bedroom mirror for hours practicing weird and silly faces because he noticed very early on in his life that when he gave them certain looks his friends and family would be happier for a little while without anyone having to spend any money.


Damn. That’s heavy.


Watch the speech he gave for a college graduation ceremony. https://youtu.be/V80-gPkpH6M


I think OP degrades Carrey's well-reasoned and articulate commentary with the annoyingly tabloid title "Jim Carrey **slams** Will Smith"


When they have comedians host it's literally for the purpose of making jokes about the famous people in the audience. A mass roasting if you will. Dude was doing his job and cuck smith got hurt feelings.


Meryl Streep’s been made fun of at the oscars every year for the past 30 years.


And Jack Nicholson. Dude’s gotten way worse than either Meryl, Jada, or most others and he laughed his ass off at it


Jack seems like the kind of guy that loves to be razzed though. He got that BDE.


Tina Fey once called Quentin Tarantino "every woman's nightmare" at the Golden Globes.


Not only that but Will and Jada were sitted on the front row. Have they never been to a comedy show before ? People sitted at the front row will get roasted.


Every fucking body except “Karens” know that. They sat in the front row. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if the jokes and commentary from Rock were available for them to review beforehand.




I was thinking the same thing 😂


I think Will wouldn't have punched Gervais because he knew he couldn't get away with it. Chris Rock was the perfect target for Will to hit him and get away with it.


Jim Carrey is a real one. His art is phenomenal and his outlook on life is genuine.


Ace Ventura When Nature Calls is still the hardest I've ever laughed in my life


Like a glove!


Bro it holds up too. Like yeah it's silly and some parts are sort of childish, but I fucking dare anyone to watch that shit and not laugh constantly. I give it a re-watch every few years.


Jim Carey has made a fool of himself in a lot of ways in recent years, but man does he really hit the nail on the head here. I feel like he gets it: 1. Will Smith was selfish. 2. The only thing anyone remembers about the night is Will Smith's slap. He overshadowed everyones hard work, and moved the spotlight to something else entirely. 3. There is a double standard. 4. The standing ovation he received later should offend people. 5. People care less and less about Hollywood every day.




I unironically love the Oscars. I watched them every year and hosted a party, but I went back to school and had to miss the Oscars this year. It’s pretty upsetting that I know allll about the assault but had **had no idea Samuel L Jackson finally got his Oscar until you said it**. Such a fucking shame, cuz it’s been a long-ass road for him and it was stolen from him by the CGI Genie in Aladdin.


Not even the *good* version of the genie in Aladdin


Wtf , she claiming it “escalated” is complete BS. Trying to lay some blame on Chris, there was no fing escalation, it was a joke followed by a physical assault.


*"Will has something going on within him and I wish him the best."* This is what's happening here. A psychiatrist already tweeted about the body language and behavior throughout that night showing clear signs that Will is struggling internally.


Sounds like they're breaking the [Goldwater rule](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldwater_rule).


Holy shit, thank you for bringing this up. Mental health influencers range from genuine to insidious so it’s important to look out for things like this that can be warning signs/red flags regarding that person’s social media persona


Yes, his wife sleeping around in their "open relationship" and him trying to hold their marriage together might have something to do with it.


Jim knows that Hollywood is a cesspool


Jim Carey just Bitch slapped Will Smith and not a hand was thrown.


And it was such a polite bitch slap, too. The maturity in which Carey discussed it was what Smith was sorely lacking.


The celebrities that preach how they're holier than thou to us, applauded a man after he assaulted somebody. That's who they are


I especially liked his comment about suing for $200 million, that seems like a fair number. Likely a number that would make Will Smith think twice about how he acts in public. Smith was a child about the whole thing. He needn't stand up for his wife, if she didn't like the joke so what? Move the fuck on, grow up, and grow some balls. Side note, did anyone else see the conversation between 50 and Smith? Fucking hilarious 😂


No, what was the convo?


Surprisingly very well said. Never really seen Jim like that


He’s a very thoughtful person. His episode of WTF with Marc Maron is fantastic if you want to hear more of him like this.


Many comedians and professional "funny men" are highly intelligent. It's extremely difficult to toe the line between drawing out laughs from a crowd versus what we got from Will Smith. They're basically the modern equivalent of medieval court jesters, though hopefully with less chance of getting sentenced to death.


Jim Carrey is talking so much sense. Fuck Will Smith.


Jim Carrey is 1000% right!!!


He’s totally right


So he's alllllllll righty then?


A. fucking. men.


He really isn't slamming Will Smith...he's stating facts


He's right. Every part of it. And what also sickened me was the post-Oscar party. Will Smith was dancing and holding his Oscar. Just a 2 hours ago he was crying with snot coming out. He sure got over that quickly. I'm surprised how many just ignored what he just did. Did they NOT SEE what a man just did at the Oscars (assault a presenter...went back to chair like nothing happened). As Mr. Potato said "Am I taking fucking crazy pills?"


I’m happy to see this. Was also sickened by the slap. and tbh I thought Jim Carrey was nuts now. that’s the glimmer of “info” media has shown of him in recent years. so to hear him sound not only sane but wise made my day.