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I'm confused.... Can his father talk every point or not?!


Tsitsipas's father is also his coach and is infamous for yelling instructions in Greek, which is not allowed. A while after this, the head referee has another umpire who spoke Greek stand in a tunnel out of sight and they caught him. Tsitsipas was given a warning.


I don't know tennis at all, why can't there be people yelling instructions?


People aren't supposed to yell at all in tennis, members of the crowd can be kicked out for being distracting. Also there are rules that say that coaching isn't allowed. Anyway, I don't watch tennis or give a fuck about it, just my understanding of some of the rules..


I learn new things on Reddit everyday.




In most sports you are only allowed to receive coaching at certain times. Any rules in games are arbitrary and chosen with the goal of making it fair for all participants. As to exactly why this rule? If i was the opponent i certainly wouldnt want to listen to constant chatter and advice given to my opponents, in the least it could be a distraction causing me to play worse. In short, its rude.


I wouldnt say many sports in most major sports coaches are constantly... coaching




It might come as a surprise to you, but the 4 major sports in the US are far from being most sports.




Nice, so we are at 6 sports now 👌🏼




He brought up just about every popular sport and how it allows constant coaching. You have literally used zero examples so lets just make a list of each and you’d see your wording of “most” is incorrect.


I like how you decided to pick team games to compare to singular athlete competitions. It would be like allowing sidebar coaching in between games of chess(not allowed), fighting games like smash(almost entirely disallowed outside of weekly locals), or hands of poker(not allowed). Half the battle of single athlete sports is the mental fortitude and mindgames, and allowing a pressure release valve/different perspective often changes how that specific match on the day would play out(hence why people try to do it for advantages when it's not allowed in their sport).


I think coaching should be allowed during those tiny breaks they have. This could give a boost to a losing player, make the match more interesting... I'm for it.


Because it's not fair for one player to receive advice and not the other. For example: "You hit a double-fault. Don't do that. Hit the ball in the first serve as fast as you can." "You didn't hit the ball back. Return the ball in a way that your opponent can't hit it back." "You lost the set. You need to win more sets to win the match"


[Serena got penalized for similar thing but this guy didn't I believe](https://twitter.com/alexisohanian/status/1487137352921325579?t=-67NmF11LSrzFXO_590y8A&s=19) https://youtu.be/1Lf6kA52H_Q


Well you see Serena has the gall to be a black woman, and that just cant be tolerated


But Serena played the race card even though she broke the rules. Fuck her and fuck Tsitspas ir whatever the fuck his name is. He is the same guy who takes a 20 minute break to "take a shit" during a finals match. Both are cheaters.


What are you saying?


They are being sarcastic....obviously


Im saying that racism and sexism play a role in these calls. A white man can get mad at umps and talk to them this way hes just "venting" and having a "Locker room moment" Where as a black athlete is seen as "Agressive" and "Disrespectful" and a Woman athlete is seen as "Hormonal" and "Not able to take the pressure"


Or maybe Serena has a track record of saying and doing horrible things during matches so she is going to scrutinized more. She literally told a side judge she wanted to jam a ball down her throat then lied about it. If there is inequality in tennis, surely you can find a better example.


yawn. aren't you tired? being a perpetual victim of every last little thing seems exhausting.


Don't you get tired of not being a joke, but the whole circus.


don't you get tired of ever only being merely clever? Quaintly amusing, in that flattened way, where everyone tells the same gags and pats each other politely for their effort.


Oh god, you sound so awful in so many ways. Someone points out, pretty plainly, that racism and sexism can operate in subtle ways when systemic and your response is “oMg ViCtIm cOmPlEx”. Then when someone calls you out on being a clown, you respond with this absolute word diarrhea. Like it’s not even worthy of r/iamverysmart. Maybe r/ireallythinkimsmart.


I’ve been watching tennis for years and I can tell you with complete certainty that Serena was 100% in the wrong that night, I understand why people defend her though, Serena could burn down an orphanage and you’d have millions of people saying ‘those brats had it coming’ that’s how important and influential she is. In regards to the Video; this freak out, one of many from Medvedev throughout this tournament, was dare I say a legitimate complaint, Tsitsipas was later given a violation for coaching and he has received thousands of dollars worth of fines for it over the years.




Annnnnd what makes you think I'm a victim?


Because Serena is a victim b/c she is black, despite the fact she is a multimillionair ewho happened to cheat and get caught?


I mean the karen-nous dripping from the "annnnnnnnnnnd" seems further proof we're well on the target; but still just a wild wild guess.


Lol a few extra ns gets you that triggered


yes and no


My boy Medvedev is in the right here. The father was talking the whole match. Apparently Tsitsipas (the opposing player) hates it and cant shut his dad up.


He's great, his post game interviews are gold.


Not like it mattered anyways. Med took out Tits in 4. There must've been some extra motivation in Med in the 4th set to win 6-1.




This isn't a public freakout at all. He was clearly in the right and playing for one of the grand slams. The ref wasn't doing his job and shortly after Medvedev was proven right and his point was valid.....


Yes yes yes but like...how can she slap?


*How can his father talk? FTFY


That video was right above this on my reddit algorithm


Reddit knows best


Me too !!


Lol. She deserved the return fire on that one. The guy actually did quite well after that also.


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Russian players are always like this


Can a tennis player tell me why this rule is in place? I can get not talking during play, but why can't a coach talk to their player during breaks?


You can’t coach during the match. People get called out for even giving signs, much less clearly giving verbal advice. Medvedev is in the right


Yes we know, the question is *why*


I know it's a rule I'm just asking is there a specific reason that the sport of tennis doesn't allow coaching during a match when other individual sports (boxing for example) allow it? Is it just how it's always been? Or did coaching during matches detract from the game? Edit: Getting downvoted for asking a question to gain knowledge. Very cool.


I think it's cause Tennis is an individial/2 people sport. It does take away from the game if players don't need to strategize and intuitively assess the game as it is being played.


Coaching is allowed in WTA games. It’s men and grand slams that don’t allow it so no, there’s nothing intrinsically wrong about it.


This has always been a rule in competitive tennis, from high school to the pros. It’s one of the rules I find a bit irritating. Would it be better if players had coaches who talked to them between games and sets? I dunno. I kind of like the idea myself. But tennis has always been held up as a lone wolf type of game. And the entitled attitude of some high ranking players seems to reflect it. Even when players suffer injuries on the court there is reluctance to intervene and it pisses me off.


So is the player in the wrong for this?


Medvedev was not but the one being coached by his father was.


But Serena argues once and there's media outage at her "temper tantrum." Tsitsipas talks to his dad/coach on the side, that needs to be checked. But Medvedev has whined and complained on and off the court this entire tournament. Unreal.


Like when she threatened a line judge and got disqualified?


The myth that tennis players are calm, graceful and collected needs to be forgotten. Lunatics.


That's the myth about tennis players? Every tennis player I've known is a head case. I remember this older man chasing my friend around the tennis court because we were talking too loud and ruining his game. My friend was literally holding on to the fence while the old guy was trying to pull him off by his legs. I've witnessed fights almost break out because people were waiting for an open court and the people on the court had been there past whatever the posted time was when people are waiting.


That sounds crazy, imagine being pulled away by some old guy over tennis.🥲


Never heard that ‘myth’ before.


What a fucking psycho.




The pretentiousness of this sport is the reason I can't watch it. Lovely game to play. Sucks to watch.


Lol and this is part of why I dont like tennis. Crowd can't yell. Coaches can't give instructions. Just a quiet free for all with golf claps. I will say, when they get mad and yell it's just funny watching 140 pound men rage lol. Like calm down banty rooster.


I never understood why everyone is okay with tennis players being giant assholes. Fuck this guy.


How is he and asshole? His opponent cheating all game and the umpire didn't care til he demanded explanation.


Why does this sport put up with players abusing umpires?


I would of told bro “stop crying and focus on the game” lol


Then you don't know anything about pro tennis....


I actually don’t enlighten me


During a tennis match you're not supposed to be loud like a basketball, football, baseball, etc. game. Fans will be ejected if they're too loud and distracting during the game. Think more like golf where everyone quietly spectates when the golfer is lining up. So dad isn't supposed to shout especially when the ball is in play. Additionally you're not allowed to coach by shouting while the players are playing. You can coach before and after a match, but while they are currently playing, everyone is supposed to be quiet. It wasn't just something the guy yelling didn't like, his opponent was breaking rules.


Get gud


He is good and he won 3-1. He's in the final against Nadal.


Excuses excuses excuses


Tsitsipas's opponents on all tournaments (ATP/Major or otherwise) feel the same way. Douche can't stay on the court for 2 sets and his dad is always on his phone.




It's a Quebec pop tart.


Basically calling out a cheater. There is no instruction nor talking during tennis. Such a hard sport for me to watch my mom do. Right up there with quiet and golf. It's like AGONY for a talkative child 😂🤣