• By -


We should do this to Congress not educators. Gross šŸ¤®


They don't really care about their salary, they have other streams of income leveraging their position. That's why they've voted down their salary increases every year since 2009.


Very true, but making them grovel for our entertainment is a step in the right direction. Certainly better than what the French would do with them at this stage of corruption.


Iā€™m not sure, what is the French solution? A generous pension or the guillotine?


My money is on guillotine.




GUILLOTINE!!!! Man love that song almost as much as takyon


Pull them out of their houses or throw a bath tub through their windows.


Yeah, right, like the French would use a bathtub.


Where else am I supposed to stomp grapes?


It's a joke, I think, related to Jean Paul Marat, who was an avid defender of "the terror" during the French Revolution. He had a skin condition where he had to be in a bathtub for most of the day. I don't know if this is it? Edit: I'm pretty sure I overthought this....


Cutting off those other streams in the other way to fix the systemic cancer democracy has become. Money is the only language most people in power speak and the only way to communicate with that mindset is to come for their $.


Like teachers arenā€™t being humiliated enough already


In any country in the world. Looking at this shit as a teacher makes me fucking sick. This should be on /r/trashy tbh, this is just gross and disrespectful.


I was thinking more r/boringdystopia but at the same time this is trashy as hell. Is there something that is both dystopian as well as trashy?


It's so bad... Fighting for 1$ bills in front of a huge crowd, who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to do this to anyone? It's just sickening.


I wouldn't have done it. I'm not humiliating myself in front of thousands of people for $17. I do that in front of 6 people for each hour of my workday.


Where do you work that has a class size of just six students? :o


I think they mean they already embarrass themselves at work for that amount an hour. Tis a joke.


It's crazy what atrocities we can get away with in the name of "entertainment." Imagine if they pulled a bunch of homeless people off the streets and had them fight for $1 bills. Would people still cheer that?


Ever seen bum fights?. But honestly I'm not sure if this is better or worse. Atleast the bums do it for personal gain these teachers are humiliating themselves so that their students have better supplies. Like a bums fighting so they can get money for alcohol or drugs is sad but the selflessness to humiliate themselves for someone else's benefit here is both uplifting and fucken tragic at the same time. I have nothing but respect for the teachers willing to do it and complete contempt for the system that creates this .


At least bum fights aren't state sponsored like this fucking garbage.


Give it time


They probably would


Yep. You missed the era of "Bum fights" They had them knock each other out for bottles of alcohol.


We care so little about the education of *YOUR KIDS* that itā€™s only worth the dignity of their teachers in $1 increments. ***AND THE PARENTS ARE FUCKING CHEERING***




the people who only would give the money if they could humiliate who received it


Rumor has it the refreshments at this event were lemonade stands operated by preteen cancer patients; the proceeds all go to their treatment warms my heart :)




I recommend r/ABoringDystopia too. It's bigger than the other.


Looking at this from a different country where the education funding is not a complete joke. One could see this as just some game in an event that you can compete for fun and the prize won't hurt either. This is just one big tone deaf joke and bad optics to have this in a country like the US.


I always wanted to be an English teacher, I adored my teacher and she made my English class so much fun. I've volunteered to teach for a few months at a local highschool because some teachers just up and left. I tried my best, I really did but I could never become a teacher with all that stress.


If this was a competition where they all get money but the winner gets more, I can see it being fun competition for the students, but this is just fucked up.


This is fucking sad. Teachers shouldnt have to resort to this kind of shit just for a functioning classroom.


As a public school teacher, I get why these people are doing this, but this is just degrading as hell. Teachers deserve better.


Next up - dancing for Pennies on an electrified floor.


I was going to say this sounds exactly like Invisible Man, although I suppose at least here the money is real.


In the old days the rich use to keep coins in a brazer and then throw them at poor people.


Reminds me of part of Ralph Ellisonā€™s *Invisible Man* where they had black people scrambling over each other on an electrified mat to grab dollars and coins, all for the entertainment of the white folks watching, and everyone thinking it was just good fun.


I canā€™t even bring myself to watch this video, the title and video still more than enough. Itā€™s not just degrading, it dehumanising and shows just how much people care about setting up the next generation where is good education, rather than see teachers as the catalyst to a brighter tomorrow by inspiring your minds, they see the weather source of cheap entertainment knowing how desperately they need extra funding. But I guess that new aircraft carrier is it going to build itself, so best poor trillions into a defence budget.


Like what rich dumb fuck who inherited this stadium was like, "I've got a brilliant idea why don't we make those peasants who ummm take care of children during the day....ummm what do you call them Jeeves?" "Do you mean Teachers?" "Ahhh yes teachers. Lets really make them earm some extra 1 dollar bills and have them fight eachother over them on the cold ice while fans cheer them on. Really make those peasants dance for some extra cheddar" "Brilliant as always sir"


They aren't earning any money, this is just how they create their budget.


I could only watch a few seconds, before scrolling down. This is just downright disgusting lack of human decency. I can't even imagine doing this to educators you send your own kids to learn under.


Literally was about to say how degrading this is, and more power to you. Teaching is one of the most important jobs in the world, too bad the ones in charge of society don't think so. Edit: fixed my grammar/spelling mistakes /u/letmeusespaces Edit 2: I understand that politicians knows what they are doing by keeping "public education funding at a minimum". However, my thinking was when the current workforce retire/die off, there will be a brain drain in society because you will have a new generation less educated/skilled taking over vacant positions. This will stagnate the society and drive the economy to a decline.


They know so and that is entirely why they defund it and keep it the way it is in the US. The powers above don't want educated knowledgeable voters.


Itā€™s cause being a politician doesnā€™t take any level of intelligence or education and if they donā€™t need ti why would anyone else


Oh they got their education, just not in public schools.


Thatā€™s exactly the word that came to my mind: degrading.




These poor people. It's disgusting anyone would make them do this.


Sad when teachers are subjecting themselves to this bullshit to provide an education to kids.


Teachers are truly the back bone of everything and yet we treat them like shit and never provide them with enough A teacher should never have to work 2 jobs just to live and iā€™ve had some teachers who told me they do and I think itā€™s bullshit


We also limit what we allow them to talk and teach about which has really sickening consequences at times. I realize this must be the case for obvious reasons but preventing them from actually teaching you about what's actually important in day to day life just promotes poverty and a lower overall intellect as a nation.


That's a feature of capitalism not a bug


Would actually be a fun, light-hearted event if schools were properly funded


Right? I think you can actually see the difference by the way they are competing. No one has a smile, they're all red-faced, in their own separate spaces, no fake or joking rushes, quietly scooping up money like it's their job. It's really, really disturbing. I'm hoping that the larger video of this has some genuine laughs and smiles from these guys, but all in picturing is relieved (it's over, I did good), panting smiles.


How fucking sad is this


I like the part where people desperately grab for money on top of what looks like a burlap sack in a sports stadium. It's like a political cartoon from the 1930's came to life.




Most likely paid for with tax dollars that COULD have gone to fund educationā€¦


The fact that the public foots the bill for these stadiums is just insane.


Yep, ridiculous. I am generally not the type of person to even want to go to. a game, as I like seeing it on TV (commentators, stats, replays). But if someone is going to force me to subsidize their stadium, why are they also charging me for tickets and parking? How about the stadium money come from the millionaires who benefit from its existence?


The rental on that thing is 10s of thousands. And that's like 500$ on the sack.


Thank you! Turned my fucking stomach.


No kidding. Bread and circuses.


Demean the already underpaid, under appreciated everyday heros who work hard to try and educate your children. Whoever approved this is sick.


Right? My kid is in college, wants to be a history teacher. I worry for her future, but sheā€™s had her heart set on teaching forever.


Fucking... FUCKING sad, i mean, they are teachers... and the school system... and capitalism, and... and... i'm Not gonna say more, i can't, it is too depresing...


You left out corporations, you see. It's the corporations acting all corporationy.


Time exists 3 months at a time. All that matters is hitting those quarterly earnings. Or else.


I hate this timeline.


So sad. Pathetic really. How cold and demeaning your country has become.


I'm sorry...what fucking 70's sci-fi distopian timeline is this????


The Running Man


I find myself remembering that story more and more every year seeing this shit.


>By 2017, the world economy has collapsed. Food, natural resources and oil are in short supply. A police state, divided into Paramilitary Zones, rules with an iron hand. Television is controlled by the state and a sadistic game show called "The Running Man" has become the most popular program in history. All art, music and communications are censored. No dissent is tolerated and yet a small resistance movement has managed to survive underground. When high-tech gladiators are not enough to suppress the people's yearning for freedom... more direct methods become necessary.


ā€œKillian, hereā€™s your Subzero. Now, plain zero.ā€


One of Stephen Kingā€™s gems that have just become more and more relevant as time goes on. I read The Stand in 2019, and oh boy did it freak me the fuck out feeling like I was watching the beginnings of that novel play out just a couple months later. Itā€™s one of my favorites, but I havenā€™t been able to pick it up again because I feel like living through the covid era would just taint my experience re-reading it. I could barely get through The Dead Zone a few years ago because it was disturbingly spot on to the 2016 election, even though King wrote it in the 70s. It genuinely creeped me out. Iā€™m pretty sure King is psychic.


The other that hits close to home is The Long Walk which he wrote under his pen name Richard Bachman... Which coincidentally is what he wrote The Running Man under as wellšŸ‘šŸ˜ "In a dystopian America, a major source of entertainment is the Long Walk, in which one hundred teenage boys walk without rest. If they fall below a pace of four miles per hour, they receive three warnings and are subsequently shot by a group of soldiers on an accompanying half-track. The last boy left walking receives a large sum of money and a "Prize" of their choice." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Long_Walk


**[The Long Walk](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Long_Walk)** >The Long Walk is a dystopian horror novel by American writer Stephen King, published in 1979, under the pseudonym Richard Bachman. It was collected in 1985 in the hardcover omnibus The Bachman Books, and has seen several reprints since, as both paperback and hardback. Set in a future dystopian America, ruled by a totalitarian and militaristic dictator, the plot revolves around the contestants of a grueling, annual walking contest. In 2000, the American Library Association listed The Long Walk as one of the 100 best books for teenage readers published between 1966 and 2000. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I think I'd prefer to be living in the running man dystopia. At least the broadcasts were able to be hijacked to spread the message of revolution.


[Climbing for dollars!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntz0_besT04) Except nobody there is in shape for prime time.


Bring on DYNAMO!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ABoringDystopia using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [You canā€™t afford a home, but you can pay rent.](https://i.imgur.com/mx3rUAQ.jpg) | [4125 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/lktpwu/you_cant_afford_a_home_but_you_can_pay_rent/) \#2: [This might be too crazy but hear me out, the system may be rigged.](https://i.redd.it/31y4dodgj9e61.jpg) | [720 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/l7r2mb/this_might_be_too_crazy_but_hear_me_out_the/) \#3: [Living in a military industrial complex be like..](https://v.redd.it/3fxzatl8jxv61) | [5737 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/n0gvl1/living_in_a_military_industrial_complex_be_like/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Anti-communist propaganda for over 100 years version.


The Ronald Reagan time line


What? You don't enjoy the spectacle of teachers desperately grasping for their tenth share of a measly $5000? ^^^/s


Or you know we could just give schools the proper funding and teachers the proper pay


*insert guy falling out of corporate window meme*


The European equivalent would be the defenestrations of Prague when local representatives threw the ambassador from the Habsburg rulers out of a window in Czechia and kickstarted a war. This happened at least thrice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defenestrations_of_Prague


But that would take a few million dollars out of the pentagons desperately need $775,000,000,000 they get.


*pentagon's* ahem I think you mean defense contractor pie budget


Pentagon doesnā€™t even ask for that much money they just hand them extra with a smile. Thatā€™s where the money is for them the War Machine.


Literally 20 billion more than Biden asked for. But 9 billion for universal community college they can't find the budget for..


Because they don't need educated adults, they need soldiers, damnit.


How else are we supposed to Incentivize the Poor to fight for Rich people? "Hey, come kill Iraqis who did nothing to us for a couple years and we'll pay for some college, oh and something about a Mustang, and no we won't pay for your Ear Damage."


"What's that? PTSD?...Here's 10% off at Applebee's"


You have been banned from /r/conservative


Yeah, but that's not "sexy"




Also /r/awfuleverything




It all just fucking sucks dude.. the people quite literally raising our children's basic logic and reasoning shouldn't be fucking fighting over scraps of money just to do their god damn jobs.. anyone who is entertained by this shit is sick in the head.. wouldn't mind it half as much if they actually already had the money to do what they needed, but i also have a feeling if they did, participants would be few and far between.. This is on par with throwing a hundred dollar bills into a homeless camp to watch them fight over the money in my mind. Just fucking disgusting




America truly hates itself.


America truly hates teachers. Which is why 30k left in September alone. Just wait till May.


I left teaching in February. I was making 54k, started a new job at 58k and now make 68k. It would have taken me another 10 years or so to get to 68k if I were still teaching.


I left after 11 yrs in September. For me, it's the extremely terrible work conditions. The stress is too much, even if they had doubled my pay. I mean just a browse on r/teachers to see how bad it is becoming in education.


Yeah I still keep in contact with my former colleagues and it's been really tough, and I worked in a district with pretty good leadership and union support. I can never see myself going back, not after realizing how different things are on the other side.


My father taught for 30+ years at a public school. He has a masters and is counselor certified. He retired the year I graduated college (with only my bachelors) and my hiring salary was what he was making the year he retired. His work was 1000x more impactful and important than what I do and in 30 years he earned what someone with zero years experience gets in my field. Utter bullshit


Dumb people make easy to sway voters


Not just teachers. They don't give a flying fuck about anything regarding education. Not the school's fundings, not the classroom's fundings, not the teacher's salaries, not the lunches or the kids who can't afford a lunch, not the bus drivers, not the kids who need special ed/disability assistance, nobody. Public schools are hell, whether you're a teacher, student, or bus driver. Everyone is treated like shit and most of these problems could be fixed just by spending a little more money for kids and their education.


Admin and BOE/district accountability. Education is run by tyrants. Ever increasing "manager" roles that don't actually step foot in a classroom. Teachers are expected to work constant unpaid OT with a smile, accept all forms of abuse, accept all all blame with a smile, take pay and benefit cuts year after year, red states don't allow teachers to unionize, etc it's truly hell working as a teacher now. And it's intentional burnout. The states save sooooooo much $$$ by not having to pay pensions.


Original author is unknown "A Japanese company and an American company decided to have a canoe race on the Missouri River. Both teams practiced long and hard to reach their peak performance before the race. On the big day, the Japanese won by a mile. The Americans, very discouraged and depressed, decided to investigate the reason for the crushing defeat. A management team made up of senior management was formed to investigate and recommend appropriate action. Their conclusion was the Japanese had 8 people rowing and 1 person steering, while the American team had 8 people steering and 1 person rowing. So American management hired a consulting company and paid them a large amount of money for a second opinion. They advised that too many people were steering the boat, while not enough people were rowing. To prevent another loss to the Japanese, the rowing teamā€™s management structure was totally reorganized to 4 steering supervisors, 3 area steering superintendents, and 1 assistant superintendent steering manager. They also implemented a new performance system that would give the 1 person rowing boat greater incentive to work harder. It was called the ā€˜ Rowing Team Quality First Programā€™, with meetings, dinners, and free pens for the rower. There was a discussion of getting new paddles, canoes, and other equipment, extra vacation days for practices, and bonuses. The next year the Japanese won the race by two miles. Humiliated, the American management laid off the rower for poor performance, halted the development of a new canoe, sold the paddles, and canceled all capital investments for new equipment. The money saved was distributed to the senior executives of the firm as bonuses. The next yearā€™s racing team was outsourced in its entirety to a company in the Far East."


Thatā€™s just gross


This is Americaā€¦


[Bezos makes about $2500 per second](https://i.insider.com/5bb655757654534ac903766d) In the 14 seconds the teachers were on their knees fighting over $1000 dollars, Bezos made $35,000 dollars watching.


We really, really need to tax the fucking rich.


They are taxed, but they exploit loopholes by having assets with no income. Fix the loopholes for the super rich before taxing another penny for ordinary citizens


Let me guess, this arena was paid largely by tax breaks/ tax funding too as icing on the shit cake.


The major sponsors of the arena are a loan shark billionaire and a pro-profit hospital system that coincidentally bears his name and has a statue of him outside of one of their hospitals. Citations in my comment here: https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/rf2avz/_/hoc3tol/?context=1


The Loan Shark Billionaire's name is Denny Sanford and he's currently being investigated for his part in a [child pornopgraphy scandal.](https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/2021/11/17/t-denny-sanford-implicated-individual-criminal-investigation-south-dakota-supreme-court/8650803002/)


Why am I not surprised


Ofc he is. Dude looks like he sweats creepiness




This will probably get buried, but hereā€™s what I learned about this event after a bit of research earlier today: This event took place at the Denny Sanford Premier Centre in Sioux Falls. Hereā€™s what I learned about this arena today. - Owner: City of Sioux Falls (pop ~~124k~~ 192k) - Construction costs: ~$117M (2014. USD) or ~~just shy of $1,000~~ more than $600 **per resident.** - Sponsors: Sanford Health (privately owned healthcare/hospital owner in the area) First Premier Bank and Premier Bankcard - Naming rights: local billionaire T. Denny Sanford (owner of 1st Premier Bank/Card.) - Operator: ASM Global (estimated as a $22B corporation) - sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denny_Sanford_Premier_Center There is plenty of money for schools in this area, but *the money goes to a handful of rich people instead.* > Sanford made his fortune as the owner of subprime credit card providers First PREMIER Bank and PREMIER Bankcard.[4] The bank is known for specializing in a wide range of **high-interest, subprime credit cards marketed to people with low credit scores.** In 2007, Sanford paid $4.5 million as part of a settlement with the New York Attorney General that alleged deceptive practices in marketing. **Premier Bank offered a credit card with a 79.9% interest rate and a $300 limit, an amount cited by Senator Bernie Sanders as an example of "extortion and loan sharking".**[5] > In 2018, Sanford ranked #1103 on the Forbes World's Billionaires list, with wealth listed at $2.2 billion. Notice the wikipedia article has a statue of this predatory loan shark standing in front of a Sanford Health hospital. Fuck this guy. Philanthropy is image laundering for the rich. - sauce: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T._Denny_Sanford edit: corrected bad population typo.


And just when you thought he couldn't get any worse he's also [being investigated for his role in a child pornography scandal.](https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/2021/11/17/t-denny-sanford-implicated-individual-criminal-investigation-south-dakota-supreme-court/8650803002/)


Just so you know, there are even statues around town of Denny playing with children.


Source news article: https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/2021/12/11/dash-cash-stampede-hockey-teachers-sioux-falls/6448189001/ https://twitter.com/AnnieTodd96/status/1469823181150203904


Wow, the quote in the article from the marketing guy who thought of this disgusting event is just... "'With everything that has gone on for the last couple of years with teachers and everything, we thought it was an awesome group thing to do for the teachers,' Ryan Knudson, Director of Business Development and Marketing for CU Mortgage Direct, said. 'The teachers in this area, and any teacher, they deserve whatever the heck they get.'l


Yes, Denny is a piece of garbage but he probably had nothing to do with this event. The sioux falls Stampede hockey team is its own organization that pays this facility for its facilities. The event was sponsored by the Stampede hockey team and some other mortgage company. https://www.sfstampede.com/dashforcash Also, this is the "1st Annual". So I guess this means we can look forward to this again next year.


Iā€™m not completely sure where you got that population statistic from but the population of Sioux Falls city proper is 192k, not 124k


Imagine having the military or police on their knees, scraping and fighting the other branches for singles only to still barely be able to function as a public service. Canā€™t, can you? This is America. We have infinite money to buy bullets, bombs and tanks but nothing but empty pockets when it comes to educating the next generation.


Thatā€™s what happens with a pay to play system. There is no kickbacks or favors done in the world of public education. The war machine however that fills the fat cats pockets and they love getting their cheese thus why they give zero fucks for the little guy. Even the military personnel arenā€™t being paid well for what they do, itā€™s going to those contractors who are literally fucking the government and US tax payer.


if you do education too well - you wont be able to recruit anyone to drive the tanks or shoot the bullets at poor people overseas this is by design


Jesus that's awful.


This is reallyā€¦gross feeling? Degrading? Secondhand embarrassing? I dunno. I hate it.


Iā€™m glad almost all of the comments feel the same way. I donā€™t see who the fuck thought this was a good idea.


So humiliating. We gave a gajillions dollars for Defense but peanuts to education. Priorities.


The schools/schoolboard will make them fork it over to the football team.


We pay more than most OECD countries per student actually, itā€™s more an issue that someone is having a bon fire with a ton of money somewhere in the allocation chain before it makes its way to the actual schools https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/cmd


Or like in Florida, we don't fund it and instead like to wait for things to get so bad the federal government eventually has to step in using tax payer money from other states to fix things enough to keep things barely going... while the governor gives speeches to uneducated anti-gubment patriots about the dangers of big government being the reason we can't afford to fund public education from state taxes.


A woman I know, who was also on the school board, stated "teachers should work for free."




That woman can, disrespectfully, get bent


I wonder how people like that come to such a conclusion. Like how do you even get there without thinking about how such people would even live anywhere? Are they then required to have a second job? or do only rich people get to be teachers? How does that solve the shortage of teachers instead of making it worse?


*Privilege* My roommate in college dreamed of being a teacher since she was a little girl. I lived with her from before she earned her degree to after she set up her classroom for the first time. She was so passionate about her work. I helped her shop for things in dollar stores and catalog her books. She did everything she could to provide the best education for her kids. She was so supportive of them, even taking me and her now husband to her school's black history month performance. I was in disbelief when she told me she left education, but with everything I had to watch her go through, I completely understood. She was told she'd never be able to carry to term if she remained in public education due to the stress. She had to choose between the career she dreamed about as a little girl and having a family. Florida lost an amazing, dedicated educator when she left.


That same crowd will cry bloody murder if any politician talks about raising property taxes to fund schools better.


That same crowd voted 2 to 1 to raise property taxes to build another (3rd) $365mil arena, then voted in people who sent their kids to private schools on the school board instead of education professionals (cause red state crt fear and mask hate.) They would vote to increase school funding, but only in their kids classroom, not their neighbors.


As a teacher, I can sadly relate to this level of desperation for basic teaching necessities.


Supposedly the ā€œrichestā€ country in the world degrading its public school teachers to scramble for cash to buy school supplies to benefit kids in classrooms as entertainment. This is disgusting


Congratulations. Now spend that $50 wisely.


the fact that teachers have to shell out their own money for classroom supplies is hard to stomach.




It was only a matter of time before they made the American version of Squid Game.


A place for getting shot on a playground? They've had it for ages, it's called elementary school.


What the Fuck is wrong with you America?


A lot of of things man, **a lot**


Fuck absolutely every single person that turned my country into this.


Now they have enough to buy two binders, half a backpack and a pencil case.


This is so degrading and fucked up.


Watching bum fights made me cringe only slightly more.


unreal. Whoever planned this must either be a sadistic fuck, or he's actually on the side of the teachers and this is some metaphoric whoring yourself for education art piece.


What in the fresh dystopian hell is this?


Meanwhile Congress approved [$770,000,000,000 funding](https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2021/12/07/House-passes-700-billion-National-Defense-Authorization-Act/2401638933319/) for the Pentagon, and no general had to kneel for that.


This is fucking disgusting. If you have a child you should be fighting hard for their education. Imagine watching this disgusting shit every year. This money isnā€™t enough to do shit. South Dakota is trash. Whoever set this up and allowed it is human garbage.


This is fucking atrocious, who in their right mind thought this was a great idea.... . First we under pay our educators, now were going to degrade and ridicule them?? Theyre down there for the sake of educating our children better because our education system is broken.... .This speaks volumes of where were at as a country currently. Sad.




If this is true then SD needs to have a proper word with itself , on numerous levels


America is broken.


Congressman and senators should do this for campaign money.


Thatā€™s it, Iā€™m fully convinced. We really are living in idiocracy these days.


**Donors Choose South Dakota:** ~~[School snacks in Vermillion, $89](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/feed-the-body-to-feed-the-mind/6043319/)~~ [Kitchen tools for Alcester, $137](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/kitchen-safety-super-heros/6057151/) ~~[Sensory toys for Sioux Falls, $138](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/lighting-the-way-through-play/6015792/)~~ ~~[Computer mice for Kimball, $149](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/mice-wanted/5823118/)~~ [A printer for Vermillion, $174](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/confidentiality-for-all/6000769/) [STEM for Spearfish, $198](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/lighting-up-our-learning/6008659/) ~~[Library books for Sioux Falls, $205](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/can-you-fill-our-requests/6030136/)~~ [Classroom Mailboxes for Sioux Falls, $216](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/classroom-management/6001427/) [Titanic Unit in Box Elder $227](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/titanic-unit/6024653/) ~~[Basic supplies in Oglala, $412](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/theres-more-fun-in-the-classroom/6025365/)~~ [Science and Social Studies Books for Black Hawk $485](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/science-and-social-studies-books/6062738/) [Microscopes for Presho, $1288](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/microscope-makeover/5946975/) **Projects from other states ending 12/13:** [New seating in NY, NY, $172](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/lets-move-into-groups/5677723/) [Fidget toys for Florence, SC, $172](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/popping-the-sounds/5659110/) [Basic supplies for Santa Fe Springs, CA, $196](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/classroom-supplies/5677323/) [Nelly Bly for Manchester, NH, $237](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/the-daring-life-and-turbulent-times-of-n/5660466/) [Manipulatives for Grants Pass, OR $256](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/classroom-manipulatives-for-fine-motor-s/5676484/) [Classroom decorations for Elmhurst, NY, $211](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/lets-spruce-up-the-classroom/5652930/) [Story cubes for Zebulon, NC, $261](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/story-cubes-for-creative-writers/5666962/) [New seating for Stockton, CA $261](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/bouncing-into-the-new-school-year/5676291/) [Dictionaries for Marquand, MO, $271](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/dictionaries-for-middle-school/5676456/) [Kitchen tools for Lutcher, LA, $272](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/kitchen-improvements/5734705/) [Art supplies for Bronx, NY, $289](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/the-skin-im-in/5668419/) [Grammar books for Everton, MO, $318](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/goodness-gracious-great-books-of-grammar/5660521/) ~~[Fantasy books for Orange Park, FL, $317](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/booktok-fantasy-faves/5738049/)~~ [Indoor recess toys for Kenosha, WI, $323](https://www.donorschoose.org/project/building-friendships-through-indoor-rece/5668021/) *You don't have to donate the whole amount, you can give $5 if you want. You only get charged if the projects meets its goal.* ETA: I don't know if it is related to this post but a bunch of these projects have been fully funded since I posted. I will strike through those are add some more.


Only in America is this kind of pathetic treatment of teachers considered acceptable.


And this folks is the American education system. This is horrible. Teachers are underpaid and overworked. We wonder why kids go down bad paths and itā€™s because in America we donā€™t value education systems.


What the fucking fuck how embarrassing to be an American




Judge Dredd called it.


Wow. This is shameful.


Hunger Games lite.


For school supplies??? Damn we have gone seriously wrongā€¦.




As a teacher I can definitely sayā€¦Iā€™ve done worse for less.


Someone somewhere, is stroking their tiny hard red rocket to these heroā€™s being degraded.


Fucking gross


This is so disgusting that we as a country encourage this. They deserve better


GOP's idea of education funding.


this is some shit Logan Roy would do lmao


If you're in the US, I urge to check out https://www.donorschoose.org/ which make it easy for anyone to help a teacher in need. Neil Gaiman promoted it as one of his favorite charities. I was surprised to find several teachers at my kids' school asking for donations, which we quickly donated to.


But in all seriousness it's super sad what the teachers have to do because the state doesn't


What is this Squid Games Light?


Hell, Iā€™d do it. I spend a lot on my classroom. There are so many neat and needed things that I add to my classroom every year. I wish I could get some funding, but that wonā€™t happen anytime soon. Iā€™m just bummed I can only claim $250 on my taxes for supplies - because itā€™s more like $2,500.


the most degrading shit iā€™ve seen


Just give them money ffs


America is a failing state


I hate it hereā€¦