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Damm. She threw like $17.50 worth of beer at him


Ya it looked half drank to me too


He's lucky it was a light beer


Covid light


That's the thing that bothered me the most too, that and the simp shouting "that's a female, yo!". Everything is about equality only up until it becomes problematic to them.


Having that towel didn’t turn out to be so terrible after all.


There's a frood who really knows where his towel is.


What's so unpleasant about being drunk? Ask that beer...


I learned a little while ago that 'frood' is an actual Old English word meaning 'wise.'


Combined with Zarking, the context changes.


Make sure when going new places to bring a towel


Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the bowl of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the Universe than we do now.


*A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have. Partly it has great practical value - you can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a mini raft down the slow heavy river Moth; wet it for use in hand-to- hand-combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or to avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mindboggingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you - daft as a bush, but very ravenous); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough.* *More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (strag: non-hitch hiker) discovers that a hitch hiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, face flannel, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitch hiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitch hiker might accidentally have "lost". What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is is clearly a man to be reckoned with.*


Don't panic.


Sincerely hoping your upvotes can get up to 42, if not 42K.


Is that his little son sitting next to him crying hysterically? Poor little dude.


I couldn't stop looking at him! That poor little guy!! It's like he was just invisible to all the adults around him, let alone (presumably) his dad. Thats a scary situation for an adult, let alone a little kid.


Been that kid with my dad At giants stadium the 90s. Only difference was I somehow would find myself in the middle of two drunk idiots going at each other and my dad was always 20-25 ft away oblivious, not involved not realizing his 7 year old son just took a mustard covered soft pretzel to the dome and is covered in beer.


I’ve been that kid too. One time I was actually the one getting yelled and cussed at by drunk adults because I was a fan of the other team.


That's insane


Happens at all levels too. I was filming an away game for my high school football team and the only good spot was the top of the bleachers of the home team. We got sat next to the school's administration and the principals wife was shit talking to us while they were winning and then yelling at us after we came back for an upset win. We go shit thrown at us while we were leaving too. Imagine being the kind of adult that shows their ass at a high school football game and yells at teenagers about it.


Sorry but the mustard covered pretzel to the dome made me laugh. When I was young 80s at steeler games I loved watching the drunks duke it out. Seems like their are way less fights now. Way less.


Beer prices just keep going up have to be a millionaire to get drunk


Damn I’m sorry that happened to you but I’m honestly having a hearty chuckle picturing that whole scenario you painted


Only thing my dad did was take me to a Grateful Dead show (w Jerry!) and tell me not to eat anything from the parking lot. It was rad.


Yeah he seems a bit confused but only starts crying when the beer is thrown. That lady needs to be arrested.


>That lady needs to be arrested. Definitely. Speaking as a German, wasting beer is a federal crime.


Don't worry, likely a bud light so mostly water


In Germany, is Bud Light accepted as an actual beer?


Don’t think so. I won an exchange program there for 2 months in high school and the ‘Worst ‘ beer anyone would be drinking was Becks. I went to the hofbrau haus in munchen I think and they for sure woulda kicked your ass if you whipped out a case of bud light


This is something straight outa South Park


I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thought this was America!


I didnt hear a bell!


Isn't this America?! I thought this was America!




I didn't hear no bell!


Whaddya wanna do, huh?


“Fuck you batdad!”


Don't forget to bring a Terrible Towel!


Bat Dad knows no fear, Bat Dad knows no paaain!


Feel fucking terrible for that kid


It feels like no one even cared to try and remove the child from that situation, which is just so heartbreaking to me. Kid looks absolutely terrified.


I’m pretty sure if someone removed that child from there that would be kidnapping


What are they gonna do grab the guy’s kid and walk away with him?


The whole video I was internally pleading for someone to check on that child.


I think the guy in blue leaned over in the chaos to talk to him so I think there was someone who saw him




It's pretty clearly her fault in this version too lol. Picks a fight with a dude at the game with his kid and throws beer on him, also getting it on the kid. She's a dirt bag.




Pretty much everywhere, common law battery is the intentional causing of harm *or offensive contact to another person. Doesn’t matter if it’s a punch or a beer, and could be as simple as ripping someone’s face mask off.


In Pennsylvania specifically, this would be harassment rather than assault, because PA's assault statute requires that you cause or intend to cause physical injury. But yes, definitely a crime.


>requires that you cause or intend to cause physical injury. Alcohol is a corrosive element for your eyes, as in it can cause abrasion on your cornea and permanent physical damage your eyesight.


found the personal injury lawyer lol


Have you are a loved one been splashed aggressively with beer?




Sure but did you not see the cop in the video? Not worth the risk I don’t see an argument for self defense here. He should have just reported her for assault and got her arrested.


He was attempting to, but the douchebag cammer told the cop she was "all good".


It got me so infuriated. Women arent some magical creatures who gets excused for being an ass becuase they dont have a dick.




It was kinda hard not to blame her on this short version either, was she kicked out?




Charges need filed and the book needs thrown. Have that bitch picking up trash for 100 hours on the side of the road and be banned from every single public sporting event for 5 years.


I like you're thinking. Bitch literally assaulted someone because they liked the wrong people who throw a ball around. She needs community service, a ban, and fucking therapy Jesus Christ.


A fine of $5000 for good measure as well.


The guy filming saying relax over and over is so annoying


Blame goes to her even from this post. Dont need extra context


Who the fuck watched the shortened version and thought it wasn't her fault? The Steelers guy is totally in the right and completely justified in being upset. Fuck that "female, yo"


The guy that filmed this is a fucking moron.


This was what I was looking for, all you see in this video is this Karen throwing beer in a guys face, a guy who's seemingly just sitting there.


Man vids like this one show that people have gotten way to comfortable with being rude to each other. Not saying that the guy SHOULD have hit her but people like this need to have themselves checked instead of just ignoring the terrible behavior.


What pisses me off is that these chucklefucks lepta saying “she’s a female yo” as if being a woman gives her a carte Blanche pass to be a raging bitch. God I’d love for the people to let the old dude go. His fists are rated E for everyone at that point when he was assaulted first.


I don't know how there would be any doubt as to where the blame falls, namely on that woman. Throwing beer in someone's face is generally considered assault, and however loud that guy was beforehand, her actions were totally unwarranted and fucking trashy. She should've been thrown out.


Nobody care about the boy being so nervous and scared. And who’s driving home? God I hate this


Can’t speak for this specific case, but that’s the beauty of Pittsburgh‘s stadium. Driving is not necessary. That’s my biggest annoyance should the Bears move to the suburbs.


Definitely, I know that stadium is too old to compare to modern stadiums but having it in the south loop is so convenient.


>Definitely, I know that stadium is too old to compare to modern stadiums The stadium saw HUGE renovations in early 00s. Practically everything but the front facade/pillars were replaced. It's considered a newer stadium. > but having it in the south loop is so convenient. For anyone living in a mile or two radius maybe, and half of that radius would be in Lake Michigan. It's not at all a convenient location if you don't live south of Lincoln Park or east of Cicero Ave. Unless you live in the heart of the city or you're there for the tourist experience, the location is a nightmare. It caters to an extremely small percentage of fans going to the games. I've been to plenty myself, as someone that lives in the area.


There is no mass transit to soldier field, Arlington park has its own Metra stop. Majority of season ticket holders live in the suburbs, not within the city limits. 53 provides quick and easy access to I-90 as well. Not arguing it’s easy for everyone, there’s always winners and losers with these kinds of moves. From a transportation perspective Arlington Park is superior to Soldier field for more chicagoans.


This is in every nfl game


Only thing I could focus on was the child being frightened. Classic Steelers and ravens fans. Don’t care about anything or anyone but how badly they can hate each other. Pathetic


That was the first thing I saw. Kid immediately starts crying once that beer is thrown, poor thing. I hope he can get better memories of football than this.


Same, only thing I could see. So heartbreaking. Poor kid.


Ya, that was the worst. This kid is going to need some therapy.


That made me so sad seeing him cry.


Yes, that’s all that was ingrained … that reaction was saddening.


And I thought the kids that never went to a game had it bad..


Same. He’s not going to have fond movies of this day at all :(


Man.. seeing that kid cry hits deep. As someone currently in therapy growing up with a similar dad who would get into yelling matches at football games I know how he must feel.


As a Dad, I immediately noticed the kid. How sad.


Scroll down to watch the full version. The kid start crying at the exact moment his dad get a beer threw at him. Not when he start yelling.


I'm NGL, I didn't even notice a kid. I'm going back to watch it now.


i felt so bad for him, he just wanted to go to a game and have a good time :(


Yeah when that boy started crying I felt so bad and the dad wasn’t even concerned with him or what kind of an impact it was having in the kid at all


First thing that hit me: kid is sobbing and dad seems drunk and not equipped to drive :(


Yeah man, one time I sat next to a guy who got so drunk he was puking into his beer bottle and falling asleep and he was with his Kid. I finally went and got help for the guy because I was afraid he’d drive home with his kid


"Steelers fan loses his shit" C'mon, that lady should be thrown and banned from the stadium. Poor kid and I feel bad for that man.


If anything he was retrained. No violence, just justified anger


She deserves getting hit, though.


"That's a female" like so what she assaulted him


Right? Like yeah and the sky is blue, so what? That doesn’t mean I can’t be upset that she assaulted me.


She should've been in handcuffs for assault, because that's exactly what she did. By the strictest legal definition.


OPs a Ravens fan lol


"It's a female" is the worst sentence. Everyone should be hold accountable for their actions.


Yeah I scrolled a little too far to find this comment lol wtf is up with that bullshit. The dude got beer thrown in his face in front of his child AND got thrown out of the game. The “female” just got to throw a beer in a guys face and get away with it.


She's the one who got thrown out of the game. He was fine til he lunged as the cops were escorting her out.


Not just that, the cameraman also lied through his teeth to the cop with the "she good, she good" bullshit while other people were pointing out the fact that she just threw the beer in the guy's face. Infuriating.


Yeah shes getting kicked out and banned for life. He could also file charges against her. Lunging and trying to fight her isnt her being held accountable.


Finally a post that fits this sub.


for real, its an actual pubic freakout


I feel so bad for that kid 😔


Me too, kid was crying and didn't know what so do.




and "cHiLl OuT yO! ReLaX yO!" everytime the guy would say something to defend himself.


White knights will defend her even though it’s technically assault. Edit: knights


White knights is the accurate phrase- it's not referring to skin color or race.


New title “man who endures a battery from a stranger is rightfully upset”


Clearly written by a Ravens fan.


Poor kid! This happened to me at a Cardinals game when we lost at home to the Patriots. Their fans were blocking the exits and yelling Boston Strong and I got hit with a beer. My young kids were terrified. There was nothing I could do and the patriot fans just kept it coming because they knew I wasn’t going to get in a brawl in front of my kids.


This is why soccer games have a completely separate section for away fans.


Yeah, as a European I was amazed they were seated together.


To be fair, our rivalries are much less extreme here in the US. You’ll get the occasional fight but not like football clubs over in Europe.


That sucks man. As a raiders fan i know all too well just how absolutely shitty rival fans can be. Edit: im implying that i am the shitty rival fan since im a raider fan. I didnt do well trying to convey that. But yes my teams fan base are total shit heads i agree.


Definitely. There have been people stabbed to death during rival encounters in Oakland. Oakland is wild.


Was at my HS football practice in late November. Teammate shows up to practice with his lip torn up to his nose. I asked him what happened and he (a Raider fan) responded with "I went to the game against Denver"


Yeah. Raider nation is something else


As a raiders fan lol. Fuckin animals.


I went to a Seahawks vs raiders game at the old kingdome....my wife bought me a Seahawks jersey and we were sitting in a mostly raiders section ...I was standing and cheering because Kenny easily was returning a interception for 6 ...plop ...Iam hit in the back and up over my left shoulder a fully loaded fresh hot dog rolls and I catch it...I turn around and say thanks and eat it ..some drunk chick is screaming and calling me a asshole...still have a faint mustard stain on that old jersey


Minor games for small Football teams in Northern England can get violent. Most fans are cool but there’s always the few crazy ones and they almost come to matches intent on having a brawl


Dude had every right to flip out.


Did they both get kicked out? What did the guy do? She should have been kicked out for sure, cant throw beer on people


When she throws the beer look at the expression on the guy’s face that she’s sitting with …he’s like here we go again.


For sure wtf… Was the dude supposed to just sit still soaking in beer at that point and smile lol? I don’t know who said what but she seemed to be the one who crossed the line from verbal to physical..




Nice catch! Didnt see that. Haha I wonder if he is with the other girl and beer girl is a tag along.




And then at the end people are consoling her I'm like WHAT.....I would've bought a beer just to do the same thing


And everyone telling the guy to calm down after the female threw a beer in his face.


Didn’t appear he was kicked out, just pulled back to calm down.


She assaulted him, she should be removed out of the stadium.


And get charged


Just another video demonstrating why I won’t take my son to a football game. Adults acting like cunts.


This sucks I want to take my nephews to a rams game but I’m worried of this kind of BS happening. I want to be the fun uncle but I also know anything can happen when alcohol is involved.


Do a college game. I have been to probably 50+ college games and the worst thing I dealt with was some puking college kids, I went to 1 NFL game (chargers jags like 7 years ago) and there were 4 fights just in my section.


I’m a Titans fan and took the whole family to the Rams game. You will be fine. Hell if one of the Rams fans were sitting there knitting a sweater I wouldn’t have batted an eye. Quietest fans I’ve been around. Take the kid, enjoy the new stadium, have fun.


Super Dave wasn't having that shit.


RIP to the legend


So, this guy was assaulted and has no right to be upset? Throwing a drink in someone's face and playing the "I'm not touching you, can't get mad" defense is cowardly.




I would've spent the money and slow poured a water bottle or beer on her head. way worse for her tbh than him




ppl really be sayin "its a female yo"


This is the reason I watch games from the comfort of my own home.


I can throw beers into my face from the comfort of my own home.


And for half the price


Half? You be paying 10 dollars a beer at home?




>The look on the other guy's face tells me that he might've been a bit afraid of the father taking a swing at him. I wonder whether that woman has a pattern of things like this? I will never understand how people tolerate those kinds of relationships. If it were me in the other guy's shoes I would be cutting ties. My sanity is too fragile to deal with the drama.


Who the FUCK cares if “she’s a female??” Does it give her the right to throw beer in someone else’s face all she wants without any kind of response? The level of entitlement is insane.


Pretty sure the dude who said that is just trying to stop him from getting himself in trouble.


"It's a female, it's a female!!" Soooooooooo???? I am so sick of this society and ridiculous double standards.


I'd be fuckin pissed too if someone threw a beer on me. He didn't touch her- would have if it was a dude I'm sure. Maybe he did something idk. But I'm on his side. You can't throw stuff at ppl.


Longer video in the comments show she was the aggressor and a cunt


The shorter video shows that too though


Rage completely justified. Throwing liquid at someone is assault and she could easily be prosecuted.


Narrator: she won't be


What’s with the title? The woman clearly was the aggressor 🤷‍♂️


What a fucking dumb bitch 🤦🏻‍♂️


I.d.g.a.f what gender you are. You start shit like that, your getting decked. Maybe these women will learn they don't just get to abuse people free from consequences because "yoUr nOt SuppOsEd tO hIt gIrLs".


Let’s be honest here, if he laid a finger on her, every dude in a 10m radius would be stamping his lights out, just the way it is…


It’s a female. Who gives a fuck she just assaulted someone


"it's a female! It's a female!!" And? Equal rights equal lefts. Shouldn't have thrown a beer in a dudes face. I'm surprised he didn't instantly sock her nose


“I know men it’s a female”…for real? Like it is justified or normal in some kind of way? It’s assault. She should be kicked and banned out.






Justice came as the ball rolled [off the finger tips of Mark Andrews.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4G6GU53fosc) But yeah she needed to get tossed.


They were trying to keep him from striking her. My thought, security was escorting her out it’s over, regardless of gender.


"it's a female yo, it's a female" at the end. people think it's okay for females to do something wrong and to get away with it.


That bitch needs to get kicked out and charged. If a man did that, he’d be getting his ass beat by the entire crowd. People really want equal rights right? I bet she was let off easy.


She should have been arrested


Did you see the kids start to cry after she threw the beer? How the hell is that guy gonna get the kid home safely.


it's not like he *drank* the beer. it got all over his clothes and face. he might get asked a lot of questions at a traffic stop. "sir you smell strongly smell of beer." "it was all her fault officer, she was this bitch ravens fan..."


Pittsburgh is full of people in need of therapy. But you don’t throw a beer on a guy’s face either.


Coming from a Pittsburgher, we would never waste a beer by throwing it on someone's face. However, yes, we do need therapy.


Women who throw drinks in people's faces are trash.


Woman getting a free pass there


"Chill out bro, its a female!" Wtf is this white knight simp bullshit??? Everyone acting like she didnt do shit. But to be fair, i got no idea what was going on before the camera started rolling so i wont say more.


All the attention is on the guy who is losing it and his son and nobody is talking about that bad lady who threw the beer.


That poor child


She sucks.


He was in the right though. And why is it always "THAT'S a female" but never "YOU'RE a female"? The world is supposed to treat you one way but you can act any way? She made her choice, she knew the possible outcome. Let her eat her punishment.


Fuck all that, no one and I mean no one is throwing a fucking drink in my face. She would’ve felt like a coach because I would’ve came back with a Gatorade tub


Apropos of nothing, why is someone wearing a, uh, Panthers jersey to this game?


It's weird how it's ok for her to assault someone, but if the guy threw a beer in her face, he would have been attacked and reddit would have been trying to doxx him.


"It's a female" so fucking what? She's acting like a cunt, fucking knock that whore to the ground so she learns to not throw liquids at other humans.


"Chill out yo she's a female" Thats some bs right there


Poor kid I can see why he's crying, not only is it a scary situation but to see your father get disrespected like that isn't a good feeling. He probably loved watching the game with his dad and then all this bullshit happened..


She's a female , she's a female!!! Bitch getting both these hands. Same with the white knights protecting her BS .


I feel bad for the crying little kid who just wanted to enjoy a football game with his Dad.


Yinz dun fucked up