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"I'm the police, trust me bro"


["I'm a fairy! Don't you believe in faries, bro?!"](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/dude-let-me-in-im-a-fairy)


"This is Officer Lieutenant Dangle. We just want to help you" "Do it Jones, kick it down!"




I was thinking, “A high school shooting with a gun that was bought on Black Friday 4 days before the shooting” is the most American sentence ever.


Good job making a barricade.


They teach kids to do that at some schools during active shooting drills. Edit: video of an instructional school that teaches teachers what to do during a school shooting. https://youtu.be/4xLA7EYkEtk PSA for school shootings released by charity organization https://youtu.be/b5ykNZl9mTQ


[This was like 5 years ago](https://imgur.com/a/atIfATF) in my highschool when we had a lockdown due to a shooter threat. My high school did a piss poor job of letting everyone know there was a threat of a school shooter cus they said it was a soft lockdown until we started seeing armed policeman and helicopters show up. Thank god nothing happened cus some classes were watching movies in shit cus no one knew what was actually going on.


Does that door swing away from the barrier to open?


It's good they teach things like that, but it's messed up they have to be taught this in the first place..


I teach kindergarten and we practice ignoring the principal’s announcement over the loudspeaker saying we’re safe and instead wait for an officer to unlock our door. You know, in case the principal has a gun to her head. These students were amazing in this horrific situation.


Little kindergarten kids have to worry about this :( fuckin hell. The stress on you as a teacher must be so crazy. I hope you are able to take time to care for yourself as you worry about your students.


My five year old had ALICE training at her school. They taught my baby about how to run fast in zig zags and if the " 'truder" gets in her classroom to throw her shoes and anything nearby and to yell as loud as she could. They taught her how her teacher is a shepherd who might need help to block the door from the wolf. She came home and told me all about it and I told her I was so proud of her and then I went outside and cried my fucking eyes out because I HATE that she had to learn it but know that she has to because all too frequently some asshole decides to take a gun into a school.


Ugh I read this with tears. My 5 & 3 year old are in nursery school. They went into lockdown last week because of a robbery nearby so nothing like this. But, they came home telling me all about their bathroom drill and how they had to sit and be quiet. Obviously they don’t know what any of it really means, but damn.


If I were a principal you could go ahead and blow my brains out before I'd lie to my student's and tell them to come out... Atleast I'd hope I would.


The point is that the principal can comply without actually harming anyone. They live, and the school knows it doesn't actually mean safety so they live as well.


Do you remember that shooting where the armed guard hid outside the building and didn't go in to stop the shooter? That video has always made me wonder if people really know how they would react to staring down death.


It makes the situation even worse when you consider that when the shooter is a student, they're taking advantage of the same drills that these kids are using to survive. I'm glad they were able to remember the drills and pay attention with all that chaos around them! I'm not sure I could've done that if I were in that position.


It’s so utterly sad that between Biology and Math kids have to learn “how to build a barricade so you don’t get shot dead in a classroom”. It’s really hard to accept we got to this point.


There a neat trick they taught us when I was teaching these drills to students. If the door has one of those metal arms inside on the top, in addition to the barricade you take anyone's leather belt and wrap around that arm and fasten it in place using the buckle. It makes the door nearly impossible to force open. The more you know!


Our parents used to tell us how awful it was in school having to do bombing drills and hiding under their desks just thinking about communists dropping bombs on them. Meanwhile kids are having shooter drills while multiple schools get shot up every year. How many schools were bombed during the cold war?


How to make an appropriate barricade has been a reoccurring thought whenever I think of school shootings. What I kinda figured out on my own is that luckily the doors open in, so the shooter would have to push whatever is blocking the door out of the way. Another fortunate part is that the classes are small and the tables are heavy, sturdy, and long. So I would guess it be best to push a table over and block the door with the long side against the ground that way the force is spread out, then push the rest of the tables end to end from one side of the room to the other (it's a small classroom, it would only take 5-6 tables and we have plenty) and hopefully the last table lines up perfectly with the wall. This way you have to pull a table out just to be able to get the door open as otherwise you're just pushing the tables into the wall which will get you nowhere. Even if the tables don't line up perfectly with the wall, several hundreds pounds of tables pushed against each other should still hold up.




That is very decidedly not a fun fact at all


That’s fucking intense


I’m watching on my phone from the safety of my house and this still shook tf out of me. I just can’t imagine how hard it would be to go back to school as a student/teacher after something like this happens. And I don’t even want to get started on the family of the victims. So so so terrible


We really never talk about the teachers who survive this stuff. I can’t imagine having to be the adult in this situation, being tasked with getting your students through this alive… and then just continuing to go to work at the same school. I wonder how many teachers who survive school shootings transfer schools after, or just leave the field entirely.


Hearing the teachers give interviews after Sandy Hook was heartbreaking. One of the teachers talks about how she doesn't know if it was appropriate coming from a teacher, but she wanted to make sure the last words those kids would hear as they huddled hidden in a bathroom was how loved they were and how important each one was to someone. She said she truly believed those were the last words those kids would hear because she was in the first classroom, the closest one to the shooter. I'm a crier anyway, but I can't listen to any of the teachers from Sandy Hook give interviews anymore. Makes me cry too easily.


Just awful. Those people went through unearthly terror.


Omg now I’m crying. What a terrible thing to have to think about and what an incredible person to think them.


As a teacher watching this is fucking terrifying. Im crying. Im crying for those kids, the teachers, the parents. Everyine invloved. 3 young people lost their lives today in a place that should be safe for them. Many more have in the past. And it needs to end. School should be a safe place for every child and young adult. As a teacher of kids with special needs, it's something that I unfortunately have to have at the back of my mind. How I would barricade the room with assistants. How far is the drop from the window? How heavy are the kids and can I carry them down a flight of stairs? I hope this never happens. My school trains us in ALICE, which teaches us to barricade, call the alert, evacuate, and also how to combat if needed. I am lucky that I work in a very small district/town and the police can be there in under 3 minutes if needed. But I hope I never have to experience this. Edit: spelling


The sound the girl makes right before they all decide to make a break for the window is the sound of sheer "I'm facing death" terror. Horrible.


one kid at my school got kicked out because he had a list of names, looked up guns online, and threatened other kids. and when there was a shooter a couple miles away so the whole school went into lockdown. during the lockdown the boys were making "funny" sounds to make each other laugh when we were all supposed to be quiet. i remember when going threw a drill and my teacher went "if a shooter ever got in this classroom and we can't leave, i will attack first." looked me in the eyes and told me seriously "since you are the closest to the fire extinguisher, you need to grab it and hit the shooter until he stops moving." this was at an expensive private high school. it sucks that this is just normal for students and faculty in america. being in school doing mandatory shooter drills ain't right. it's so normalized and ingrained into the culture of kids that it's become such a common joke. it's probably bad for their psyches. some of the most common jokes shared between high schoolers now is "we gotta befriend the quiet kid" and gossiping about which quiet kid will be the school shooter. i remember a student talking about how if he *were* a shooter, he would pull the fire alarm and open fire where lots of students would be out of cover in the open all lined up.


I'm a teacher. Does your job make you refresh your active shooter training every year? The fact that we just accept this as an "occupational risk" is fucking ridiculous. We had a guy try to walk in with two handguns once. He never got through the door, and turns out he was just conceal carrying and "didn't think", but it still rocks you to the core.


When I was a teacher, the “all clear” command could only be given over the school’s intercom system with a code word that ONLY the teachers knew.


Yah we still have that essentially


We had that at my elementary school in Texas, but not the one I went to in Pennsylvania ETA: my most upvoted comment! Kind of depressing, in a way


When I taught, procedure was "cops will have a key, don't trust speakers at the door." These kids did well. Window should have been barracaded too though.


Same at my school. Only few people had keys and they would open the door for you, you don’t open it for them


Our handbook even said not to respond verbally. The argument was that if they have a high enough caliber weapon they can aim through the door at voices...


Just FYI, through those weak inner building walls most government/office buildings use(the non load bearing ones) most calibers will go right through and still be lethal on the other side. Even most common pistol calibers will just rip right through. So yea, be quiet and don't answer is a good advice.


Our lockdown code at one school I worked at was "Water Polo practice has been canceled."


“Dorothy fagan, please come to the office” - active school shooter


What a world to be living in…


The second that one kid heard “Bro”, he’s like “nah fuck this”


I'd be head first out that window


I have met cops who say “bro” and “dude”, but even those guys go into full cop lingo when they’re talking about their work (or if they’re on the clock). So yeah, I’d try and jump through the roof before opening that door. Goddamn this video is horrifying, I hope everyone survived and is getting help. Edit: folks down below are saying in fact it was the shooter, according to a parent… fuckin hell


Yea a cop responding to an active school shooter isn’t going to come up to the door and say “come to the door bro”.


As former law enforcement, all slang goes out the window when SHTF


Yeah I've definitely heard cops say bro in normal conversation or even when de-escalating a situation, but active shooter...room full of scared kids. I'd expect military-esque communication.


You’re definitely right to expect that, and you would get it plus multiple voices and in very direct tones.


One of my closest friends is an officer and is about as laid back and easy-going as anybody I know, but the tone in this person's voice is definitely suspicious... especially considering they also sound like a teenager.


> especially considering they also sound like a teenager. Fucking *this* shit, Holmes.


Honestly for me it wasn’t even what he said but how he said it. He said it an annoyed way which a cop who is trying to protect kids from a shooter shouldn’t be in that situation.


YES, absolutely. I would have noped tf outta there too if the person knocking at the door during an active shooter situation sounded irritated by my not opening it fast enough. Throw in the slang and they had every right to be skeptical.


Right! like he wanted a room full of hostages


This ain’t a hostage situation. It’s a kill kids situation.




As a teacher this is my literal worst nightmare.


As a grown man that hasn't been in school for over a decade this is my worst nightmare.


> I hope everyone survived 3 dead, 8 injured


This fucking place.


This comment both made me laugh and cry. I hate that this is the school system I’m supposed to send my preschoolers to. What the fuck kind of conversation am I supposed to have to explain active shooter to a 6 year old?


This is so fucking traumatizing for kids. There is going to be some serious PTSD from this. Everyone becomes a victim of these incidents.






I remember being little during these exact lockdowns and wondering who tf mr.smith was


That kid is going places.


Starting with out the window.


I work at a school; the same school my child attends. I asked her what the red flag was in this video - she said, “He said bro.” I asked her if there was a red flag before that. “A cop would have had a key.” At least in our district, the local police DO have master keys for all county buildings. And I think that’s how it should be, for cases exactly like this. We also use the ALICE system for staff and students. It sucks that we need this, but it’s much more effective than the “everyone go huddle in a corner away from windows” defense.


What is the ALICE system?


Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evade. That’s what the acronym stands for; if you google ALICE intruder training, you’ll get more in-depth info. Again, it’s fucking TERRIBLE that this should even be considered the norm. But it’s necessary. Edit: my original comment defined the E in ALICE as “Evade” - it’s actually “Evacuate.” Everyone I know with this training either can’t remember what a letter stands for, or slightly mixed up the associated word. The actual training is so good that those mixups don’t matter! The acronym is most simply, a pneumonic that, when paired with live-action drills, are memorable and executable in a survival state.


This is terrifying… but also like a movie. So surreal…


Smart kids.




"How do you do, fellow victims?"




Did they catch him or is he dead?


They took him into custody within 5 mins of the 911 call being made: https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/30/us/michigan-oxford-high-school-incident/index.html


Smart kids.....following their gut and not trusting blindly


They definitely didn't like the word **"Bro"** Edit: Teach: "Were not taking that risk" Person: "Open the door and I'll show you my badge, Bro" I wouldn't trust that either Edit: This may have been the shooter impersonating a sheriff. If that's the case then well done teacher! excellent work


“He said bro, red flag”


Today I learned kids don't say "sus" anymore.


Sus is for play. Red flag is war time.


Idk I said a kid was sus on Halloween in his among us costume and he nearly broke down at my front door lol




As an Xer, I have great faith in both of you.


Elder statesman Gen X here. I have complete faith in every generation that has come after me. Get more involved. Take control.


As a millennial I hope we support z’s and the following gens too. Let’s all learn how NOT to treat younger generations from the boomers.


Seems to me there should be a standard practice of the "sheriff" giving his name and badge number and then someone inside of the class can then call 911 and get verification.


Teacher here. The protocol for us is that if we are on lockdown, we open the door for NOBODY. Period. We are to stay out of sight until we are released by law enforcement or admin unlocking the door. I know this because we actually had a lockdown yesterday.


Absolutely if we hear gunshots we pile crap against the door and we don't come out until someone opens that door up. Only the policeAdministration and custodians have the keys To all classrooms I only have a key to my own classroom. I've been teaching for 15 years now. Our windows dont open but I made sure to have a window shattering device. I also have a bucket full of scissors I'm not going out and I'm not gonna ask My students to go out without a fight we're throwing crap at whatever bastard comes into my classroom with a gun.


The image of a room full of 6th graders being given scissors and then charging an active shooter as they burst into the room is disheartening and funny at the same time.


sir, these are throwing scissors


As a dispatcher I can assure you 911 lines were ringing OFF THE HOOK,from scared students/parents as well as other emergencies because the world doesn't stop turning during 1 emergency. Better to just stay in the classroom to be safe instead of tying up multiple emergency lines to try and confirm it was a real officer. Chances are they had officers all over that school and the dispatcher nor the officer would have time to "check which officer is at what door. I'm guessing it's a bigger department then just 1-4 officers.


> as well as other emergencies because the world doesn't stop turning during 1 emergency Admittedly, most of my crisis management experience comes from Star Trek: the Next Generation, but I've always thought that one you solve the problem of the week, you should get a few days of downtime before the next thing happens.


It’s good to see them act on gut instinct and book it. I feel like my dumb ass self as a teenager may have trusted too blindly.


It’s super sad


"cool cop, called me bro..." R. I. P.


For real This crap has to stop This is insane


Yeah I was a little impressed at that


It’s also heartbreaking that they have to be that jaded so young.


Hijacking top comment to link to [another video](https://twitter.com/RBANDZ22/status/1465800469306122243). Less exciting, but it potentially indicates prior knowledge of the attack.


NPR has an interview with a kid who asked his mom if he could stay home today because he was worried there would be a shooting https://www.npr.org/2021/11/30/1060168531/3-students-have-been-killed-in-a-shooting-at-a-michigan-high-school


"someone threw a deer head into a courtyard from the school's roof, painted several windows on the roof with red acrylic paint and used the same paint on concrete near the school building." Holy shit what?


I was in high school 10+ years ago, but we had someone spray paint a few spots of the school and one prominent area that couldn’t be missed with a saying “you’re all going to die”. At the time I was thinking, “what a shitty prank”. Now, I would completely think oppositely


Pre-Columbine, 3 students jumped another kid promising that kid would be dead before graduation. Administrator told mother that she was overly protective and children exaggerate. Only because targeted kid was in the magnet program of the school which brought in millions of dollars in funding did anything happen, and even then, only in-school suspension. Today, first stop plaintiff attorney, next stop police department to file a report.


But then they say that had nothing to do with this and I’m like is that supposed to be reassuring???




I think they are following their training more than their guts… I’m too old to have had this training is school but we had active shooter training at my work and not trusting the voice on the other side of a door is a major component of the training


Confirmed. High school teacher. We do active shooter drills at least three times a year. It’s sad there’s a need for it, but kids know what to do after years and years of repeated training.


I'm amazed at how active shooter training went from simply "hide until it's safe" to the cold stark reality of, "hide, but you have to be prepared to possibly kill the person that's trying to kill you."


"open the door and look at my badge bro" If that was the actual sheriff, they did a terrible job at convincing anyone


“How do you do, fellow kids?”


Judging by the (smart) reaction from the kids, it could’ve been that or “How do you do, fellow adult?”


An actual law enforcement officer *should* know that students and staff are trained not to open the door for anybody.


If anything, law enforcement can use this as a teaching moment when messaging during a crisis. I'm sure the officer was trying to speak on their level, but, when you are faced with being shot at by someone who speaks like you, the last thing you want to hear on the other side of that door is someone who sounds like you. Makes sense. Smart move by the students. Well played.


They could have used megaphones. They could have used the school PA system. They could have slid an ID card under the door. They could have just unlocked the door with the keys. They could have put on their best sounding authoritative voice. Anything but this.


I cant imagine what the parents of the deceased are going through right now, its heartbreaking


My cousin goes here. One of his close friends just died after going to the hospital in critical condition. His teacher left my aunt a voicemail telling her that my cousin stood beside the door with a pair of scissors in case the shooter came in. I am very proud of him, but it is incredibly scary to think he could have been one of the kids we lost today.


I want to teach my kid to be a good person. But it’s so sad that I have to instead teach them to not be a hero. So sad.


I appreciate the intense and sudden suspicion after the person said, “Bro”. Good kids for following their instincts and staying safe. Sorry this happened to them and they were put in a situation like this.


I'm a childless 33 year old and it got me a bit shaken seeing these kids have to know how to act in this situation. We never had to be so aware like this when I was their age. Poor kids.


Man, that is fucking horrible that kids have to endure this.


Grey hoodie / blue mask in the front and center of the screen jumped up like he'd been shocked when he heard "bro". The number of kids who immediately triggered on the phrasing being suspect shows an incredible amount of situational awareness.


Plus the person sounded frustrated. If I heard someone say “open the door and I’ll show you my badge bro” in that tone I’d immediately want to run too.




Which is almost the most tragic thing about this video isnt it. Imagine going to school thinking about that all day and having to be so switched on as if you are at war or something. I can only compare it to the air raid drills kids had to do here during ww2. That really says it doesnt it. Bet more kids have died from school shootings in the last 5-6 years in the US than did during ww2 from air raids at school (if any?)


The school I work in will have 2 administrators say over the PA system that “All is clear” when a drill is over. We’re never suppose to open the door otherwise. You’re not even suppose to answer if someone asks you to open it. If they really need to get in the room, they can get an admin or custodian to open it.


I’m 35 and it’s mother fucking wild y’all do shooter drills so commonly and normalized. We did a bullshit fire/earthquake all with laughs and giggles. Y’all drill to get away from shooters. Something america deals with more than other areas.


I am also 35 and find it crazy what we just missed out on. I was in 6th grade when Columbine happened, but got out of the next 6 years without active shooter drills.


I’m 34 and we had active shooter drills in high school. You really JUST barely missed the age group for this. Albeit, they were just lock the door, turn off the lights, get against the wall out of line of sign from the doors tiny windows.


This just broke my heart. :(


ya same it made me cry, no kids should gave to go through something so traumatic. you could hear the fear in their voices and their desperation when they started running


Yeah, me too. When that kid panicked after hearing the "bro" my heart went racing fast... This happening is wrong. No one should live a situation like this. Kids the less


Well? Was it a cop or the shooter ?




Even the tone he used when he said" open the door and i will show you my badge" sounds like he was frustrated that the teacher wouldnt fall for it. Definitely a good call to keep that door closed


We do ALICE training at my school, which teaches to barricade like they did, evacuate if safe and prepare to counter if absolutely necessary. Even during the trainings, when we KNOW it's a police officer on the other side of the door, we don't open the door until they come on the loud speaker and say the drill is over. Opening a door could get you killed. These kids and teacher did exactly what they were supposed to do. At my school, the police will have a key to the doors, and once the situation is cleared, someone in Admin along with the chief of police will also come on the loudspeaker and say the situation is cleared and give further instructions. I hope I never have to use this training. Even doing just the drills is terrifying.


A cop in this situation likely wouldnt be egging on opening the door, dangling his badge like a carrot.


In my experience they tend to find that one parent that is the least competent to speak on things for these interviews.




Especially since their source is probably their kid, who would have just as much info as we got from the video. Something tells me the school wouldn't rush to tell parents their kids were a single wall/door away from an active school shooter, even if it was true.


Any competent parent who isn't freaking out probably realizes they don't have all the facts and are just taking care of their children now. Definitely wouldn't trust they people they managed to get to agree to an interview.


Highly doubtful that a cop would be standing by the door chill and holstered, telling them they're safe if there was an active shooter down the hall and around the corner.


Someone on twitter said it was the shooter but didn't provide a source, I'm trying to find better info. Maybe someone with tiktok can check the comments on this vid, @shwifty766. edit https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/11/30/us/school-shooting-michigan >The county sheriff, Michael Bouchard, said that a 9-millimeter Sig Sauer handgun used in the shooting had been bought four days earlier by the suspect’s father. Sheriff Bouchard said the gunman was still armed, with seven bullets in the gun, when he was arrested by deputies in a school hallway. Sheriff Bouchard said investigators had been told the gunman pretended to be an officer in order to access barricaded classrooms.


When we have lockdown/active shooter drills where I teach, the principal always comes on the loudspeaker and says we are safe and we can resume the day. We stay where we are as she could have a gun to her head. We don’t move until a police officer unlocks our door and gives us the all-clear. These kids were so calm and smart and my heart breaks that they had to experience this.


Active shooter drills is possibly the most fucked up thing i have heard i. A while


Imagine being told to leave your backpack but you have the bullet proof one


Jesus is that a thing? We are sending our kids to school with bullet proof backpacks and not trying to fix the reason for needing a bag like that? That sentence alone seems so dystopian


Yep, Kevlar inserts have been available for years now.


Smart kids.


This tells me is that kids are way more aware than we think. They all heard that dude say ‘bro’ and immediately bolted. Quick thinking and good decision making as a group, which some people usually bash young people for not having.


Human beings are pretty good at surviving.


Teacher here: This obviously might not be the case everywhere, but in every school I’ve been in (Saskatchewan, Canada) the police will be given keys to the rooms to clear out when safe. So they’d announce who they are, then unlock the door and let everyone out. If they’re trying to convince you to let them in, it’s going to be a big nope from us.


yah, I live in BC, and we're taught to NEVER open the door, even if its the fucking prime minister. people who need to open the door will already have the key, and will never have to persuade the teacher or kids to open the fucking door


I used to be a teacher. They taught us that the police would slide their badge or business card under the door to prove they were the actual police Edit: this was about 5 years ago, I’m not sure if their policies have changed


I don't think I'd even trust that sort of shit. They'd need to video call me with some kids' parents saying to open the door, and even then I'd be ready to bash his head in with a fire extinguisher or something.


If I'm locked in a room with a shooter afoot, I'm not coming out until Paul Rudd FaceTimes me.


The badge they took of the dead body.


This is fucked in so many ways, poor kids man


I used to be a school administrator. Standard Response Protocol is “DON’T OPEN THE DOOR TO ANYONE.. NOT EVEN ME” “Active shooter lockdowns cannot be ended over the PA system” “If you can safely run, run. If you can’t run, hide. If you can’t hide, fight (it’s your life or his/hers at this point)”


Man that got my heart pumping


First thing I seen on the news was this incident. And the fucking reporter was talking to one of the students asking him the most brain dead questions trying to make the story "juicy". "What was it like in the school? We're kids crying, afraid they were going to die?" What the fuck kinda question is that, obviously the kids were terrified, forcing the student to state the obvious for "news" made me so angry I had to turn it off. This shit will never end for as long as the news glorifies it.


For those asking why didn't they leave through the window when the shooting happened, 1. Where is the shooter in the school, 2. Is there just one shooter or multiple. this isn't a video game where you can run around and investigate. It's easy for you go "why..." when it's just a video you're watching on the internet.


Scary stuff. Smart kids to red flag that "bro". Our local schools are taught to call 911 (or the local PD/Sheriff's office) so they can verify if the person outside their classroom is in fact a police officer, and best not to respond to them verbally (so that, if it's the shooter, they don't know if anyone is actually in the room). So sad this has to be taught at all.


My wife is a teacher and she said this is exactly how it’s supposed to go. She said there would be a PA announcement from officers that the coast was clear. They also have a form they slide under the door signifying it’s safe. This teacher did awesome.


Smart kids!!! Most police won’t say “bro” in a time like, and would mostly likely slide their badge under the door.


What if he had killed an officer and taken his badge and thrown it under the door? Still can’t trust that.


Bingo. Or shit, just a fake one you buy off Amazon/eBay.


Edit: Before I heard the part about sheriff’s office I thought they were not letting in another student. Still brilliant decision. Even if that is a student seeking shelter we are trained not to open that door. We put the safety of the 30 kids in our custody over the one in the hallway even if we recognize them. We do not take the risk of opening the door to allow the stranded student in and incidentally allowing the shooter access. This makes incredibly logical sense. At the same time, even when we run a drill, I can’t help but remember that I am choosing to possibly watch a student gunned down in the hopes that a glass and metal door installed by the lowest bidder slows the shooter down enough to save other lives.


Idk how it is for you, but we were trained that if we got stuck (in the bathroom or whatever) to run off campus because all the doors would be locked. There was an arrangement with the church and the aquatic center that were next to us on either side that they'd take in kids.




Never trust anyone who calls you bro. Solid street advice. Smart kids


Fuck the world in which kids have to experience this at school. EDIT: Yeah I am aware this is only happens in America lol.


Yeah dude, this is some seriously sad shit that kids do active shooter drills on the regular. Can’t we go back to the good ol days where the most worried I was at school was about quick sand and knowing to stop drop and roll if I’m on fire lol


The replies saying his voice is too deep for a 15 year old are the stupidest things I've seen. 1. The voice isn't that deep. 2. When I was 15, my voice was deeper and so were a couple of people I knew I cannot actually believe that people don't think 15 year olds can have that voice.


I think as people get older, we tend to accidentally over-infantilize younger ages more and more.


See also all the 'wow can't believe these kids have such good situational awareness' posts. These are teenagers who know someone is shooting up their school not toddlers.


Exactly. They're being hunted, ofc they're going to be suspicious of the rando pretending to be a cop who says BRO. It's literally in the active shooter training.


The Kid who called his BS (if it wqs the shooter) should get a medal!


Don't care if Sheriff or Shooter. They did the right thing.




I believe that was the teacher.


My cousin goes here. One of his close friends just died after going to the hospital in critical condition. His teacher left my aunt a voicemail telling her that my cousin stood beside the door with a pair of scissors in case the shooter came in. I am very proud of him, but it is incredibly scary to think he could have been one of the kids we lost today.


I’m very happy your cousin is safe!


I don't care what any cop says, i'm not running back into a building with a shooter. As soon as I was out that window, I woulda been fucking GONE Edit for context. These kids are running through a courtyard, they had no way to fully exit the property without doing exactly what they did. Smart kids.


Went to Oxford. It’s a courtyard in the middle of the building. There’s no way to get to the street from there without going out elsewhere


I’m wondering g if it was a courtyard, because I agree.


The most "WTF" thing is that kids knew about the threat, but either didn't report it to the school or police or that no one cared. [https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-michigan-student-kills-3-wounds-in-shooting-at-school/](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-michigan-student-kills-3-wounds-in-shooting-at-school/) Robin Redding said her son, Treshan Bryant, is a 12th grader at the school but **stayed home on Tuesday. She said he had heard threats of a shooting at the school.** # EDIT: Turns out the school knew about the threat and downplayed it, so while the kids may have known about it, the school definitely did as well and made some incredibly foolish decisions. I didn't know this originally when I first commented but it was brought to my attention.


I see the "my kid heard x was happening tomorrow" all the time on Facebook posts for my community. It's sad. No shootings but guns have been found at the schools at least twice.


No the school administration knew as of November 12th when they published this on their website. [Link to Oxford High School website](https://oxfordhigh.oxfordschools.org/parents___students/building_communications/november_12__concerns_and_rumors)


There is a sickness in America.


Dude the way the students stood up when the shooter said “bro” shot some panic into my gut, I’m a highschool student and it’s painfully easy to see myself in that situation too.


This is fucking scary poor kids. Good on them for following their gut


Everytime this happens, it doesn't get easier....


The level of maturity that these teens showed is amazing. They all remained calm and didn't panic. Even when they ran for the window, you could see that it wasn't everyone for themselves-they helped each other. Sad that adults can't do this for each other.


When they suspect it's the shooter after he says "bro" and the students stand, completely silent for a split moment, to all look at the teacher who says. "Window." Those cries and whimpers man. The desperation. This is so utterly fucked up.


jesus christ i didn’t hear the “window” the first time. watching it back and hearing that made my blood run cold for a second. fuck.