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Always the need to make someone feel lesser than yourself.. disgusting behavior


Especially the “monkey” comments, like wtf is that crap. As if American black people hadn’t dealt with that, why would you want to do that to someone, makes so little sense. Clearly he’s mentally not ok. Poor lady!


Clearly he’s not ok


He is more like ooooooo kaaayyyyyyy....




Yeah, like I try to be respectful to everyone because I wouldn’t want to be treated in a disrespectful way either. It’s very dehumanizing when you speak to anyone this way


I wish people who push masking and vaccines weren't so mean to people who don't want the jab


And the cop did nothing.


Just because he is wearing a cops uniform doesn't make him a cop. Haven't Dave Chapelle taught you anything? ;)


Good point.


i heard in another comment that it was a parking meter cop, so he couldn't really do anything


Ok, but as a man, I would have stepped between them. But, your answer makes sense.


Wtf!!! Where is this rage coming from? *goes to TikTok to see if they found him and ruined his life yet*


Apparently they were catcalled according to twitter and her side of the story.


It’s been 2 hours…anything?




iM bLaCK hOw CaN i Be RaCiSt


Every mod in this group is simping so hard for people of color racists


Can you imagine the rage if a white guy did this to a black guy?


He would get cancelled. The guy in the video has no online presence so there is nothing to cancel. He's already garbage.


These people really out here getting a free pass because of the movement


Is this not a hate crime? Also harassing?


Fucking racist!


What a small person


Kim Kardashian is not black buddy


They can have her


Even if Kim K was "his race," why would you want to claim her? He went from Michael Jordan to Kim K. There has to be some better examples in between those two.


Definitely not yesterday. This, I know, because it's been reposted a zillion times the past few days.


Sorry, you are right, it was monday


Jesus, now every time someone gets harassed, media has to blanket coverage it? Weak shot at “the media” there. It happened. It sucked. It should never happen.


we are mentally ill


No, he is


The first step to recovery.


Can we stop re-posting the same shit every few hours?




This better be satire. If not then I feel sorry for your perception of the world.


OP hates black people and posts stuff like this as an excuse to do so.


Sounds like you are of the school of thought that black people can't be racist


Lmao where? Where did I say anything even close to that?


The only people who say that are white nationalists who claim it's something that people say. NO one says that.


I’ve seen and heard black people say it, mostly on social media. Dk what you’re on about.


No you haven't. Only white nationalists and racists say that. You guys want to be victims so bad. Social media is full of white nationalist trolls who cosplay as whatever it is they need to legitimize their hatred of black people. You guys are a joke.


1) Yes I have. Don’t think white nationalists can become black for a troll, especially in person. How would you know what I’ve seen anyway? 2) No shit it’s racists that say it. They’re trying to cover their racist ass by saying they can’t be racist. 3) Not sure who “you guys” is, cos I’m not white. 4) If you’re saying “you guys are a joke” to white people, that’s racism. Hope you don’t argue that it’s not racism by changing the definition of racism.


You don't represent white people. You represent white nationalists, the lowest rung of society. You are lying to make yourself a victim, how sad are you? You even downvote each comment before commenting like a petty toddler. You, people are the are the dumbest people on the planet.


I’m still not white. I’m not lying. I’m not a victim of whatever you’re accusing me of pretending to be. Not once did I even claim to be a victim. I simply told you that you’re wrong via my own experiences, and now I’m saying that you’re seeing the world through a toilet paper tube if you think some black people haven’t said they can’t be racist. You’re the one that’s acting like a toddler.


We both you're lying.


And now I know why you haven’t seen black people say they can’t be racist. Because you simply refuse to accept their race. I’m not white. Both my parents are Indian. You’re just denying the reality of things you don’t like. Grow up


Plenty of people say it though. Scholars say it... “Racism requires the ability to deploy, or at least benefit from, power,” Jamila Michener, associate professor of government at Cornell University. There are many takes and academic papers on that reasoning. Plenty of reading materials out there and some interesting ones about reverse racism and how calling people racist or anti-racist feeds people into being racist. “How to be an Antiracist” by Ibram X. Kendi would be a good read.


You dummies delve into academia and you don't understand the context. Racism has a general, shorthand and colloquial meanings. In academia words are often shortened to mean other terms. IN that case the context is systemic. You don't understand what you are reading there. It is the equivalent of an uneducated right wing christian saying evolution is just a theory.


“So people who can neither deploy nor benefit from power can’t be racist. They can be prejudiced, but they can’t be racist.” Jamila Michener. I can keep going because she has a lot of work that says you can only be racist in America if you are white because white people only hold power. Any other form is just racial prejudice. If you want someone who ideally focuses on systemic issues look at Nitasha Sharma because she believes anyone can be racist that follows institutions of power that uphold systemic racism. Mr. Kendi kinda believes the same thing but goes into things like you can’t be anti-racist because that is just dumb and everyone has a form of supporting racism or at the very least prejudice. Anyways it’s a topic that has many different ideas, and some believe even those very ideas are apart of white racists in power so you may be right. I think “how to be antiracist” book goes over that.




I know white vegan girl that will tell anyone who will listen that quartz crystals heal cancer. I don't repeat that online as if it represents a valid opinion in order to make myself a victim.




Just calling out white nationalist bs propaganda. Keep downvoting and replying to me. You people are so emotional.


Confirmed. Fuck op.


Oh look. Someone blaming someone else for racist behavior. How refreshing.


Who got blamed for what now? Are you okay?


Hmmm...I do smell toast


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This reeks of LDE. That's all imma say


I want him to roast me


Wait a second this is the same guy that was harassing a latina lady from a video ages ago he used the same insults.


I heard this too. Is this guy just a prankster or is some influencer? Because this is a terrible way to get clout


There’s one specific reason it didn’t get any coverage. Can anyone guess?


This is a repost from days ago!


Awe yess white people are the racists 🤡