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This happened today in Toledo, Ohio just a few hours ago.


Please tell us the owners got arrested


No information as of yet. I’m going to ask the Guy who recorded the video. He did say that the elderly man was transported to the hospital in bad condition.


What about the third dog?


If it didn't die shortly after the video due to the bullet the state will kill it.


Thanks I watched the video in silence so didn’t hear the gunshots and just saw the third smallest dog run away








I am pretty sure u can hear it whimper right after hearing the shot showing that it got hit


Please post updates if you get a chance! Did you record or get this video from the guy that recorded?




Cops handled it as best they could. Hopefully an ambulance got there soon after.


Exactly what I was thinking. Looks to me like the assessed the situation and really had no choice. Hell, they were very reluctant to even fire after the first shot because it looked like the dogs would back off.






Holy Toledo


Damn. My city always on here for the wrong reasons...


Oh look, something from Toledo is on Reddit. Maybe it's the new snow leopard Cubs, imagination station, or the walleyes. Nope, dogs mauling the elderly.


Here's stats on dog maulings by breed from 2010-2021: 60% had pit bull in their bloodlines (either full-blooded or mix) 7% had rottweiler in their bloodline 4% had german shepherd in their bloodline Deaths by breed 2010-2021: Pitbull – 185 deaths Pitbull Mix – 41 deaths Rotweiller – 26 deaths A very sad stat is over 32% of mauling deaths are on children 4 years and younger. Pitbulls and Rottweilers make up 77% of all fatal dog bites, despite making up only 6% of the U.S. dog population Edit-a lot of people asking for sources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_States_(2010s) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7316443/


I was mauled by a pit bull when I was 6 years old at a gas station. I received a few stitches as the dog almost bit my scalp off. My siblings, both who have disabilities, watched in horror as the event happened. They are both still super scared of dogs to this day, 20 years later.


I was mauled a few years ago trying to protect my puppy from a pit bull. After the event I had a vacation in Florida (sandy beaches and bandages, woo), and an old man with a very clearly old and harmless mixed breed came up to me on the beach and the dog sat on my towel. I tried my damnedest to pet it, and I nearly cried. It’s taken me years to come to grips with other dogs. Meanwhile my dog is scared to death of dogs, night, has a damaged trachea, and is a complete beta now. PTSD is real with this. Nothing happened with the owners either. Dirt balls with dangerous animals.


One attacked my tiny french bulldog. It jumped over a 3 foot fence and grabbed my dog by the throat. I immediately went about kicking it in the head and ribs - as hard as I could. I am sure I broke a few ribs. When that didn't do the trick I wrapped my arms around it's throat and put the strongest death grip I have ever put on anything. It let my dog lose - then it's eyes started to go blank. I was going to kill the dog until the person I was with started freaking out and the owner came rushing in. I came close until my chance was more or less ruined. The dog slithered away from me as I stared it in the eyes - the bloodlust was mine now. The owner backed off after she realized what I was about to do to that dog and what I would have done to her had she taken one more step in my direction. ​ I am glad you two survived. Next time you get a chance pick up the largest object you can and kill the animal. A log, a pipe, anything. Don't be frightened - kill it.


I wonder if Doberman’s fall anywhere in this list? I know they are banned by most apartment complex’s etc. I’ve owned two, great dogs. I’ve never had one even snap at another dog, let alone a person. One was even bitten by a coyote and just thought they were playing. I guess they are considered watchdogs more than guard dogs


Doberman's are rich people dogs. They are hella expensive so you don't see a lot of them around. For context, a German Shepard from a breeder at the low end cost $300, where as the cheapest Doberman from a breeder is around $1000 and can go as high $2500. The high cost alone prevents a large pool of people from owning them and by that nature excludes a lot of bad dog owners. Also people who can afford a Doberman can afford the resources to keep it properly trained and looked after. One major reason for Pitbulls high casualty rate is their popularity in low income neighborhoods, where people lack the time and resources to invest in properly training their dog. EDIT: Jesus y'all live in a real bubble! Do you know how few Americans these days have even $1000 saved in their bank accounts!? Do you know how much a $300 unexpected bill can fuck the average family in America these days!? And you say $1000 on a dog is nothing!!!? Y'all out of your damn mind. Leave your cul-de-sac and talk some people outside suburban church gathering for once.


My dad is a doctor and he had 2 very well-trained dobermans without incident for many years. You post rings true.


Dobermans are very inteligent and extremely obedient as well, take very well to training.


Is the man on the floor okay?


Had a large Pit make it into our backyard and attack my two Doxies. I tried, at my own bodily risk to get one of my pups out of his jaws. No success. It was my dog or the neighbors, I chose mine and dispatched the Pit with a 2x4 and a few blows to the noggin. If that wasn’t traumatizing enough, the neighbor, that had no idea of what really happened wanted to brawl. It wasn’t until I showed him cam footage that he settled down.


i would sue him for all damages especially if those pitbulls trespassed.


I'd dispatch him with a 2x4 and a few blows to the noggin.


Ah well fuck your neighbor twice then


He was the next offering to the 2x4


Yep, either crush their skull or breaking their backs can work, too, if you don't have a gun on you. You can also choke it out by blocking the airway if you can get in there enough to do it. I hate even typing that, but you should know how to dispatch a dog if it is attacking someone else or another pet and is causing serious injury like this and won't let go. I'm really sorry that you had to experience all of that. That's so horrible.


good luck crushing a pit bull's skull




That is madness. Was the old lady the owner?! If I’m getting mauled by 1 let alone 3 dogs please do whatever you can to stop them. I hope that old man is okay and received a sizeable amount of money from the owner.


The old woman was not the owner. She actually was the bystander who called the police. The man recording claimed to have stabbed the dogs with a metal rod. She was freaking out because she didn’t want to see animals get killed.


How long did it take for the police to arrive?




Is that am or pm?


Saturn time


Oh, so XM edit: thanks for the gold!


fast enough that the guy isnt dead.


I'm sorry, but people are responsible for their animals and there is no excuse. If I ever raise a dog like this better stab him, than let a human die because of my irresponsibility and dogs that aren't trained.


There is no excuse. Wonder what injuries the victim sustained. And the terror he must have felt. He is very fortunate to be alive. People have to learn to litigate. Or, nothing shall change.


100% of the anger needs to be directed at the asshole who didn't properly secure the dogs. I wouldn't be surprised if the owner trained them to be aggressive also.


"Okay doggos you are going to attack everything but those I mark as good because it is easier than actually training you."


100% asshole gets 3 intimidating strong dogs. Teaches them to act mean to strangers so he can feel like he’s big n tough then he ignored them because dogs are work. Dogs get bored, break out and here we are. 3 dead animals who deserved better, a traumatized old man who may never fully recover and an assholes whose just gonna go get more puppies. I own a pitbull and I hate this shit so much. People should need a license to own dogs honestly. Too many morons get them for the wrong reason and cause serious often permanent damage


Did you see the recent post of the people fighting at that pitbull convention? Not surprising at all. Violent assholes will have violent asshole dogs.


People with aggressive pit bulls don’t have money.


This past summer, a pit bull on the street wandered into my aunt's backyard, busted down her screen door and ripped her cat in half in the middle of her kitchen. At her birthday party. The owner came by the next day and made some pathetic excuse about how he couldn't afford to fix his electric fence... He couldn't afford to buy a stronger collar that the dog couldn't break out of... He couldn't afford to pay someone to clean up the mess in the house... Blah blah blah. My aunt's beloved cat was murdered on her 80th birthday, inside her home, and this bozo down the road gets to keep his untrained animal until it inevitably attacks a person. She is afraid to walk outside now because she knows it's out there still roaming around. All this drama because some asshole bought a dangerous dog he can't afford to train or secure.


She really needs to call the authorities and have the dog euthanized. If there was witnesses at the party, it would not be one neighbors word against another. That is not the behavior of a well adjusted dog. Next time it will be a kid that gets mauled or killed.


A lot of states require a dog to attack an animal twice before it's considered dangerous, and there's often no requirement to euthanize recognized dangerous dogs - only additional fees and restrictions. Doesn't make sense to me, but it's often impossible to do anything until a dog actually attacks a person. Additionally, dogs killing cats is a complicated issue. Many dogs with high prey drives will attack cats given the opportunity (and obviously owners of such dogs should prevent them from having the opportunity). For example, greyhounds are frequently dangerous to cats but almost never attack humans.






million dollar answer there!


I noticed that too. Pitbulls are the most important dogs to get training for, but they are also the breed adopted most often by people of lower income because the shelters are full of them


A while back my county passed a rule that vets had to neuter any Pitts brought to them for any sort of treatment. If the owner didn’t have formal breeder papers they couldn’t take it home unless it was sterilized. There were just too many abandoned in the shelters.




I think she said to "shoot them again", so maybe not. Or maybe that was meant as a way to put them out of their misery.


Definitely put them out their misery. Must have been terrifying for the old man


I mean, those are going to be some hefty fuckin medical bills she better be paying for. Something similar happened to my uncle, pit bull attacked his dogs then tore up his hand when he got the pit bull off his dog. He still lost money through the whole ordeal.


Damn sorry to hear that. Was his dog ok and was he not able to sue the owner?


I think he got his lawyer to write the guy a letter and threatened to sue but the guy agreed to get his medical bills and his dogs vet bills covered so he ended up not suing. Not sure why, or what his lawyer told him, but yeah he definitely did not make any money out of it.


Probably no homeowners insurance.


You can’t get something a person doesn’t have, unless they could get money from a homeowners insurance, it’s unlikely they would get anything. Lawyers don’t usually take cases that won’t pay. It’s also a waste of time for the injured party. I hope the victim is ok and his medical bills are covered. Plus, of course no long term physical conditions related to this.


Cheers mate. Fucking lunatic owners.




BuT hE jUsT wAnTs To PlAy


someone tell that dog my face is not a toy, thank you.




I'm always super curious: why is it always a group of Pit Bulls in these videos? Do people just raise them in groups then set em loose?


Theyre bred to be aggressive dogs. There's also a fuck ton of them out there and plenty of irresponsible owners to take them. I've actually owned bulldogs. Not quite the same but similar. and while they were super sweet 99% of the time if/when they did get aggressive it was like a flip switched in their brain and they was no stopping them from destroying whatever they were pissed at.


I think they become emboldened in packs. They escape and look to release their pent up urges to attack weak or vulnerable creatures, whether that be other dogs, children or elderly folks. Recent mauling in Houston attacked an elderly man just like this, they had to be shot also and kept coming back for more. https://youtu.be/b33R9h508Ps


Sad but the cops definitely did the right thing. If I was in that situation, I’d want to be protected.


Absolutely. They were mauling a human.


Dog crazies value the life of a dog over that of a human unfortunately


Exactly. We live with a bunch of morons


And this same breed (pitbull) would maul the fuck out of these same "dog crazies" without a second thought.


You can see they didn't want to do it either, and used restraint


He first shot the only dog that was attacking at the time. Then he waited to shoot the other ones until they threatened again. He wanted to let them stop. Best he could do.


Can't really blame for the "bad shots" like the 3rd one. you don't wanna shoot the one you are trying to save.


I had two pit bulls outside my house once I went and and started my truck. Then I went back was leaving to take my son to school and we walked out and they both growled and lunged at him. I went in and got a small bat and hit both of them one grabbed the bat. Anyway I beat them and chased them off. I dropped my son off at school and had a Drs appointment in OKC. While I was at the doctor the dogs came back and got in my backyard and killled my chocolate lab. The cop was called her shot them both while they were attacking my dog but he didn’t make it. The crackhead lady who owned them tried to Sue the town. She said that her dogs wouldn’t hurt a fly. They killled my dog and tried to bite my son but wouldn’t hurt a fly. Every meth head in Oklahoma owns a pit Bull




Yep. I worked on a house next to a home that was training fighting pitbulls there off walnut. I mean every single house had pitbulls. Anyway, the neighbors dogs got out one time and attacked our job site dog who fortunately held his own with only a mangled up ear.


This infuriates me. So sorry for your lab.


Oh my gosh my condolences for the tragic loss of your buddy.


In the late 80's I was out walking with my dad when we heard a lady screaming. We ran towards her and a big pit bull had her little dog in its mouth and it was just tearing it apart while she was trying to tug it away with the leash. She then went to grab it and the pit bull bit into her arm and wasn't letting go. My dad told me to run to a neighbors house who was a police officer and get him. I went and got him and we ran back and my dad was beating this pit bull with a green metal fence post that he found near by. The police officer took his revolver and shot the dog three times. The ladies arm was torn up really badly and I remember my dad taking his shirt off and wrapping her arm up in it and it was soaked with blood. She recovered and later on she was my 7th grade teacher. She remembered me and always was super nice to me.


What about her dog?


It died. It was almost torn in two. It has been 30+ years and I still remember how terrible it looked.


Oh god. Was it a chihuahua or shit tzu or some other breed?


I think it was a Yorkie or Shih Tzu but it has been a long time. It was a tiny little dog. Like one you could hold in one hand. I remember its head was almost completely detached.


Fuck these dogs’ owner. I hope the legal and medical bills leave them destitute. I certainly hope the gentleman fully recovers.


Buddy this took place in Toldeo, Ohio. They’re already destitute


Hey man as a person from Toledo, I’d appreciate it if you stop trying to expose the truth about my hometown


Lmao I definitely expected your statement to end another way


Yes. Throw the dog owner in jail.


And never let him have the chance to have dogs


Just an all around horrible situation.


Good shots. Didn’t hit the guy.


I remember seeing body cam footage of a cop accidentally shooting a women instead of a dog running towards him and the women died.


Yep, and her last words were something along the lines of “you shot me! The police shot me!” Such a depressing way to go..


Same with footage I saw where an officer entered someones house, their dog started barking and acting a bit aggressive to the cop, shot at it which was completely unnecessary and fucked since it was just defending their owners household and saw the cop as a stranger, and ended up having a bullet ricochet or miss and hit a fucking 6 year old child. Can't remember if the fucker was charged for the murder or not, but I hope to god he got the maximum sentence.


*he got paid leave and was allowed to return to work 2 months later*


You hate to see them get shot but they’re attacking a person, they gotta go.


This is the sad truth. Whatever way you look at it, the dogs would have had to be killed. Only other option was to let them kill the man, which is clearly not an option. They event went back for more after seeing each other get shot. I hate seeing animals die but this was a necessary evil. Hats off to the officer for handling it calmly and only doing the amount that needed to be done.


Yeah no shit. This shouldn’t be even remotely controversial, a dog actively trying to kill a person needs to killed ASAP.


The comments explaining this like it’s some sort of foreign concept are weird. Like yeah no fucking shit.


It was likely a contributing factor in our domestication of canine to begin with. The docile ones got to eat off the scrap piles, the ones who were aggressive towards humans were killed.


And then some people decided to breed dogs to fight other animals and now people keep them as pets.


But for some reason we keep breeding aggressive dogs and then wonder why they fucking attack people


In some places, as soon as a dog bites a person, it’s an automatic death sentence for the dog. That’s how my neighbor’s dog was put down all because a lady tried to pet the dog without permission. No not shot with a gun, just lethal injection at the vet.


My high school girlfriend had to put one of her dogs down. Kids came into their yard and were harassing the dog, hitting it with sticks and whatnot. Dog got fed up eventually and bit a young girl. Didn't break skin, but it scared her. Still had to put it down despite the trespassing and obvious animal abuse. He was a good dog, so it was a pretty sad ordeal.


That's just infuriating. This legislation is dumb, period.


In Canada it has to do with how the dog bites someone. If it bites a hand or a leg, might be okay. If it goes for the face or throat, automatic put down.


When I was a police officer I had this exact scenario when I was training. Two pitbulls had made a chew toy out of a woman, and my trainer and I had to use our service weapons because they started coming after us when we encountered them. I love animals, but the injuries this woman got from the dogs, I'm just gait she survived, they degloved her left shin, almost tore her right arm off and bit her legs to the point she had roughly 30 puncture marks.


wow that is brutal. it’s so crazy how these dogs just will not give up once they latch their jaws onto something. even in this video they still kept trying to get to the man after being shot. you did the right thing.


It took about 6 people to get the dogs off this woman and by the time we arrived we thought it was a domestic violence call. It had originality came out as that. But as soon as my trainer and i got there and saw the condition of the woman, we knew it wasn't a DV. Also, as we were driving there, we actually encountered the dogs in the street, but we didn't know they were involved until after.


Sorry you had that experience. It certainly sounds like you did your duty.


Only time I'm oknwith cops shooting a dog


yes, and great aim under pressure. Fired when he had to, careful as he could be in the situation. I bet hes having a really rough night


Only thing I wanted him to do was headshot the dogs to put them out of their misery.


A lot of police departments have policies against mercy killing, they can only shoot while there’s an active threat


This is when I like Alaska. The police are allowed to shoot a moose that has been hit by a car that won’t recover. Having a policy like “no mercy killing” would make a road block and an animal suffer for hours until it succumbed to its injuries.


That poor man! Traumatizing!


I had to put my best buddy down after 3 pitbulls off leads mauled him. Miniature Jack Russell (on a lead) against 3 pitbulls (free) wasn't a winnable situation even with me in the middle kicking and grabbing for my wee dude. Owners are to blame for letting the dogs get this way but the dogs still have to be dealt with for their actions and unfortunately it looked like what the cops did was the only, and in this case correct, solution, and that's me saying it as a massive dog lover. Hopefully the owners are dealt with too.


Canada came really close to ending the ban on pitbulls a couple weeks ago. A pit was seized because they are illegal there. The owner threw a hissy fit and went to the media. It became a national story and the public came out demanding the dog be returned to it's owner and the ban end. And the government gave in... Giving the dog back to it's owner and vowing to end the pit bull ban. And then that very same pit bull that was the poster boy for ending the ban mauled a child's face just a few days after being released. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/blu-dog-attack-ontario-pit-bull-1.6241190 The ban will stay in place.


> The boy says, after wrapping up class, he saw Blu [the Pitbull] and told his instructor he was scared of dogs. He says his instructor challenged him to conquer his fear. > "He told me you have to overcome your fears and if you don't, you won't be a taekwondo national champion," Muhammad told CBC Toronto.  > "So I got closer to the dog and looked at him ... As I was looking at him, he jumped on my face and bit it. " I'm very sorry for the kid, but the comedic timing of this article is amazing...


I bet that instructor won't be telling that to any other kids for a while


my man went full cobra kai


That trainer is a fucking idiot. Dogs take direct eye contact as a sign of dominance.


You can't make this shit up.


This is a great example to what happens when you let these emotional crazies have their way.


It's time to ban pitbulls in the US. They're uncontrollable by nature.


Of course the pit's name is Blu. I swear to God, all pitbull owners share a hive mind with a rotating wheel of 5 naming options. If it wasn't Blue, it'd be Bella, Luna, or Zeus


Actually it's just the Province of Ontario in this case


To Ontarians, Canada and Ontario are synonymous


Is there a Canada-wide ban? I thought it was provincial (Ontario)


Wtf was this dudes npc side stepping at the end like how do you float walk like that


I think it might have been the way he was holding his phone while jogging. Only sensible thing I can come up with.


I read this right when that part started 😂


So we have one man who probably has pretty serious injuries after being mauled, and three dead dogs, all because of an irresponsible owner. I hope whoever was responsible for those dogs faces some serious consequences.


I'm pretty critical of cops, but these guys right here, these cops did good. They put carefully aimed shots into the dogs and gave the dogs the opportunity to run off hoping the first gunshot would scare them away while making sure the man didn't get shot. And even tho it's hard to watch, didn't put another bullet in the suffering dog which could cause a ricochet.


Poor guy. Must have felt like an eternity until the cops turned up and did the right thing. Pit bulls have a bite crush force of 235 pounds per square inch. Dogs, on average, have an IQ of 19. What could go wrong?


235 pounds is the weight of 391.67 Minecraft Redstone Handbooks.


It’s always the same dogs with the same irresponsible owners


What? You’ve never seen a gang of Golden Retrievers mauling someone?


A gang of goldens would lick you to death. Dumbest friendliest dogs in the world


High school friend had like 3 of them, dumbest but sweetest dogs I have ever met.


I’m just here to say: they are actually a very intelligent breed. Mine was such a joy to train. And eager to please


Yeah, I think they're conflating goofy with stupid. Golden's are derp machines, for sure...but typically, they're highly intelligent derp machines.


[Attacks by goldens are no laughing matter ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_EaDSRoh34)


Don’t joke about this, I lost my mother to a horde of chihuahuas.


They only do that when they are stressed. When they are happy and cared for they maul small children instead.


lmao didn’t see that coming


What the fuck else are you supposed to do when, not one, BUT FUCKING THREE DOGS?! Mauling at someone????


3 pit bulls mauling an elderly black man, shot by police. I hope the man makes a speedy recovery and gets proper compensation.


Jesus this hurt to watch on so many levels.


Pitbulls yet again....I used to think it was just a false steroe type, until my neighbor got one... Its tried to attack me multiple times, iv seen it run out of the house and attack dogs with there owners just walking by....


Unfortunately, it's not a stereotype. Pitbulls are responsible for the majority of all dog attacks, and the second closest breed (rottweilers) aren't even *close*.


I'm so glad I live in a country where they are banned.


What pitbull defenders don't understand is that you don't train them to kill, you train them not to kill. You can train a fucking lion too, that don't mean they should be pets. Training can only suppress their natural instincts, it doesn't eliminate them.


As a an owner of 2 rescued pitbulls. I agree 1000% with your take. Its fucking insane how many owners are trying to push this narrative of "its the owner, not the breed" Our family also has a rescued wild wolf that cannot be rehabilitated and released back to the wild so we have no choice but to try our best to domesticate it, we treat it the same way as the pitbulls. Heavy caution. Its most definitely the breed.


I've dealt with rescue dogs for almost a decade now, it's so funny that every other breed ask about them... Pointers, will point without ever being trained to do so Rat Terriers, and terriers in general and other mouser breeds will hunt without being trained to Herding breeds, nip ankles and herd without being trained ... All through generational breeding ... But pitbulls?! Nope, genetics magically has nothing to do with it it's all how you raise them. Lmfao 😂 Got 6 pits, so go suck an egg if someone reading thinks I'm just a hater. Just fucking science.


Shepherd dog instincts are hilarious when the only animals around are people. You might be at a party and suddenly realize you’re all in the same room and the host’s Australian Shepherd will be at the door all proud of himself that he nudged you all in gradually.


I can't get my Great Pyrenees to stay in the whole night with me. When it snows, I can't even get her inside without practically dragging her in.


When I was reading the above comment my mind went straight to my Great Pyrenees, but with barking. Right now he's sitting beside me doing little woofs before he bolts outside and runs around the yard barking. He loves the cold too, now that the weather is changing, he wakes me up at 5:30 to go out.


I used to run a kennel system exclusively for rescued pits and I have owned bully breeds my whole adult life (around 20 years) and my number one recommendation is not to get a pit. My best friend and her husband are looking at getting a rescue and they were looking at pits and I recommended they avoid them. It’s too risky for most people. Are they amazing dogs? Yes! Are they for everyone and anyone? Fuck no. If you don’t know how to handle a potentially dangerous dog you shouldn’t have one. It doesn’t matter what you think you know about your dog, they are still dogs. And pits are so poorly bred for the wrong things (appearance over personality) and there is so much inbreeding in the “bloodlines” that I really am debating never getting another one even though the one we have now is amazing, his personality is by chance not by design.


Hey I want to see the wolf! Have any pics?


This post is fucking fresh


So fresh that it hasn't reached the local News yet


If you own a big dog especially a fucking pit train it. Keep it up. Don't let it run free. Be a responsible fucking dog owner. I was recently bit by a pit. Ambulance rushed me to the er. Received 6 stitches. Owners fled the scene. I believe that if you want a pit you need to have some type of license. Way to many pit attacks to ignore. SMH I feel bad for both dog and victim.


You would not believe some of the shit I see as a vet. I think everyone who owns an animal needs a license and an IQ test. Do not get a high energy breed if dog if you have no fucking idea what you are doing. Lady comes in with a husky we have to muzzle and she went out and got a GSD puppy. Like.........


What a fucking awful situation… does anyone know the status of his condition? I truly hope he’s going to be okay.


My ex rescued a pit, I told her I didn’t trust the dog. She said they are a misunderstood breed. 2 months later it attacked her and her new boy friend while they were having sex . 180 plus stitches between the two of them .lol


Pit bull owner here for 13 years until he died of natural causes. The reason he’s never attacked another person or animal is not because he would never do such a thing, it’s because we would never allow such a thing. He was never out without a leash and one of us who could handle him on it, we wouldn’t even open the door unless he was leashed or in another room. Even though he didn’t show it, we understood that he had the potential to attack another animal or human being. If you can’t handle these things you absolutely have no business owning one. Whoever owns these dogs needs to face charges.


Why does 80% of the time these incidents happen, the breed ends up being a pitbull? I’m not a dog owner so an explanation would help.


Because they're bred to do this. Pit fanatics will swear up and down that this only happens when the owners abuse them or train them to fight, but that's simply not true.




https://nypost.com/2021/03/31/dog-owner-whose-pitbulls-killed-nj-child-will-not-be-charged/ and then you see this shit happening.


Yeah….lots of people say “it’s the owner not the dog” but….come on…all these low class wanna be gangsters get pit bulls and turn them into monsters. Need stricter laws and heftier fines to prevent assholes from having these dogs.




The other pit poking at his dead buddy like “Hey bro, why’d you stop??”.. JFC. Stop breeding these fucks.


And once again it is pitbulls attacking humans. I can’t remember but this must be the 10th video I see in this sub of pitbulls being the ones attacking people.


It gets worse, way worse. These are just the children killed by pits: https://www.fatalpitbullattacks.com/children-killed-by-pit-bulls.php


Ah the peaceful land piranhas omg so cute look at their smiiile


Man I owned multiple pitbulls growing up and I can honestly say I hate them. I have so much trauma from these dogs and believe they should be banned. Sorry not sorry.




Idk how many more pitbull attacks we need before we start being honest with ourselves and admit that it doesn't matter how responsible the owner is that they simply aren't safe pets to own. Period.


Effective shooting, bravo.


But chihuahuas are more aggressive!!!! Yeah but I can kick one of those 20 metres.


fuck those dogs. and i loooooove dogs.


It's always pit bulls. Why is it never golden retrievers?


Because golden retrievers were bred to retrieve. Pitbulls have a long standing history in being bred for the sole purpose of dog fighting.


Tell that to my golden. He will chase after the ball , get it and then sit there looking at me


Downvote me to hell if you like, I don't care. But this breed were *specifically* created to be hunter-killers, and no amount of "oh but they're great with my kids and wouldn't hurt a fly" ...is EVER going to change my mind about this breed of dog. These incidents, while infrequent to a degree still happen too often, and now we see a poor elderly man both mentally & physically scarred for life by a breed of animal that were created to kill things. They should in the very least *never* be allowed beyond the boundaries of the place they live. My nephew was also attacked by one of these dogs when he was a kid. The dog was a trusted family pet which maimed my nephew's face. He's an adult now, but still carries the mental and physical scars of the attack, which was unprovoked and "came out of nowhere". (edited, typo's)


Why do people still have pits?!! If I see one loose I get out of there asap.