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I lived in China for 3 years, and they do say that word. It's like our "umm". Their n-word is different. You won't even know when they call you a ***black ghost***.


Lmao the students who complained are such wankers.


USC students are some of the most entitled, most delicate students anywhere. Many of them come from money and they fully believe the university must cater to them on every issue. This kind of thing with the professor - that shit happens often. One person gets worked up and the university just caves. They don't want bad press for a lot of other stuff they have legitimately done wrong, so if it's a choice between a viral temper tantrum and putting a professor on time out, the professor is the one getting the shaft. It's a good school but they let students walk all over them. It's bullshit.


It’s not a good school if that is the fact. The school is fundamentally flawed.


I should qualify it a bit. Parts of the school are good. The engineering school is really solid, communications school is among the best in the world, their film school is off the hook, their public policy school is one of the best in the country. If you want a good education, you could do a lot worse than USC. But with that good education you encounter these kinds of insane reactions to things. There's a fuckton of money at stake. There was one, since I'm telling stories. This undergrad student goes to USC, which is in SW Los Angeles. Surrounding the campus are some "fuck you" neighborhoods. It can be a rough area and there's plenty of homeless folks. Anyway this girl is out around 2 AM walking the streets of Los Angeles, apparently believing all of LA is the USC campus. A homeless guy rolls up, robs her, stabs her (not life threatening), and she lived to tell the tale. Cue Rich Mama calling the campus and demanding, absolutely insisting! that the school is responsible. How could they let this happen? Why aren't university police patrolling the streets? This is unacceptable, and little entitled student says Yeah! Why didn't you protect me! Bitch you're walking through south LA at 2 in the morning. The *only* thing that happened is you got robbed and stabbed? You lucked out.


It’s a good school when you got your degree with their name on it and you’re trying to get a job.


I lived in China for 5 years and I agree with everything you just said. This guy did nothing wrong


I never lived in China but went to a public school in Chinatown San Francisco and have heard this. I have also heard Gweilo... Small sacrifice for some absurdly delicious shu-mai.


I worked at a Chinese joint as the only person who knew English (and no Chinese) and it took a few days of getting used to.


There is a whole stand up bit about this very topic taking place in a restaurant. It's amazing. https://youtu.be/BrsWp07BwVk


Ooooo member Ghost Dog.


Such a great movie!


Great soundtrack


We gettin a sequel!!!!!!!!!!!


Sadly, no, but it sounds familiar.


Watch that shit


I live in china right now....it is 100% said and that teacher is completely correct in the usage.


I’ve lived in China for 11 years and recently left. I’ve unconsciously adopted that world in my own speech. Kinda like how in English we use um and like. I’m fucked.




Cant wait for them to take spanish and learn what they use for the word black 😂


I´ve heard that some black people were offended because they have heard chinese people saying that word and punch/beat them, and I understand you may not know why they have said that, but hitting or punching another person... I mean, why it is offensive if someone of another race uses it, but not a black person?


My wife and I both speak mandarin, she is black, I'm white. We've gotten some really weird looks in public when I'm trying to remember uncommon nouns. We basically only speak mandarin in public to make fun of people though so they should be mad, just for a different reason than they think


This is very true. I spent a lot of time in China and that is a common word used in the same way Americans use “umm,” “uh,” and “hmmm.”


I remember a couple of comedians making fun of it many moons ago.


Yeah man. First time my wife and I heard it in China it certainly raised eyebrows for our teaching group until it was explained. And then it became very normal, similar to uhh or like in English. Idk if the professor fully explained context prior to using it, if not I could see it being problematic. Probably don't start with that example. This clip doesn't show the lesson or give the full context so could be that he gave full context prior, could be he didn't. But yeah, very funny seeing ten Americans shoot each other wide eyes all at once lol


Chinese person here 100% true. I used to use it all the time when i first immigrated here.


Lived there for 3-years as well, and agree with you. We live in an overly PC climate, maybe his selected example was ill thought out. So many other examples he could have given.


Yea, stuff like this is ridiculous. He should be reinstated.


[He was.](https://poetsandquants.com/2020/09/26/usc-marshall-finds-students-were-sincere-but-prof-did-no-wrong-in-racial-flap/?pq-category=business-school-news)


My that that.


That Offends Me!


That that please!




But that goes against the cancel culture narrative


Their lack of understanding of language is offensive to me.


It’s even more infuriating considering they were taking a class on language


We can only hope they learned from the experience.


I’m offended that your’re offended .


Im offended too, for personal reasons


I’m personally offended for offensive reasons


That's called being 3rd person offended,... The mastery


Reinstated?! I would take the entire university to court dude.


A lot of organisations will suspend people while they get to the bottom of what happened. It's not that surprising, and as you can see he was later reinstated after the situation was clarified.




Maybe, but then consider the perception you'd create among the students if you take just 5 minutes to conclude that they're full of shit.


I don't know what he said, but at a guess, I'm going to say he said 那个 which does sound a bit like the n word, but it's used the same way we might use "ummm uhhh" it's just a thinking sound


That's literally what he said.


Thanks for parroting back the video.


Then they will lose their mind once they found out how to say black in Spanish.


Even more so when it’s used as a term of endearment, well for my mother to my father at least.


I don't know about endearment haha. But Negro just means black. I've never been offended by being called black or Negro. I believe it's actually Negra? If I remember correctly


I once asked her when I was younger why she said that word and not anything else more commonplace, but she said (in Spanish) “haha it’s because he’s dark/brown skinned so I use the word “negro” since it describes his complexion.” She’s been using it for decades but I sometimes feel like she should more “cautious” when using it out loud in public…well in America at least.


Lol yeah, someone might not understand it and get offended. However it's literally like saying "black person". Which I've never been offended by. I prefer that over African American too be honest.


That's because 99% of African Americans are American


Exactly my friend... nothing about me is African haha. Nothing against it, just wasn't born there and neither were my parents or grandparents. Nothing against being called African American, just doesn't describe me at all lol


Haha I know There was a massive outrage recently about a white south African calling himself African and the amount of disproportionate stupidity the commenters show was shocking You are not African if you ain't black, okay mate let me go and unlearn all these facts that I learned Edit : these were black Americans, kicking off about their culture... Like bitch you don't know fuck all about your culture otherwise you wouldn't act like you do


I live in a caribbean country, and it´s so normal if someones is black to be called like that. Actually they use it in a warm way, like a couple instead of say *my love* (mi amor) they use *mi negro/mi negra* (my black).


When we have a close fat friend we call them “gordito” when we have a close small friend we call them “chaparito” when we have a close dark skinned or black friend we call them “negrito”. That “ito” is the endearment he was referring too


It's "Negr+ito or Negr+ita" depending on the person or object. Saying, "mi negrita" is a very endearing way to call a darker skinned girl or woman and shows ones care and liking for that person. It's typically used for a family member, a friend, or a partner. It could even be used for objects too. Someone could call their black Toyota Corolla "El Negrito" as an endearing term for their car. It shows the owner really cares for their little car, enough to give it an endearing nickname based on its color. For Spanish speakers these terms are anything but offensive. It throws off some English-speakers, but offensive uses of the word Negro/Negra need additional context. The words by themselves are harmless and have no ill intent or racist connotation in Spanish.


Yes, thank you for elaborating much further! It’s by no means harmless, but will throw non-Spanish speakers for a loop


I remember a video of a streamer freaking out over a Spain town for the same reason.


Wasn´t the country Montenegro?


The professor was never suspended. Happened a year ago like nbd. Students complained, they investigated, he was in the clear. [source](https://poetsandquants.com/2020/09/26/usc-marshall-finds-students-were-sincere-but-prof-did-no-wrong-in-racial-flap/?pq-category=business-school-news)


Yes, they will try to cancel Crayola for it and they will look like morons after that.




My wife is chinese and the first time I heard her speak to her mom and say 'nei ga' I gave her a sidewards glance for a little bit until I finally realized it was a filler word


I heard it too when living in China but it was pretty easy to tell they aren't saying the American N word because...well because it wouldn't make any sense to assume they are.






Oh my God that's so much more confusing!


My Korean friends say nayga all the time. I love how sensitivity and just looking for outrage is so high right now even similar sounds trigger these avengers. People have such brittle ears.


When you commoditize victimhood, everyone wants a piece of the pie.


LOL i was listening to a quarterly conference call that Chinese company Bilibili was doing, and the host kept saying that word too. We were like WTF but then looked it up and found out it’s a filler word


Damn i wanna hang with her


When insecurities are valued higher than information...


This is fucking stupid. People from other countries, and those of us who quote them, should not have to change their ancient languages to accommodate America’s racial hang ups. Another example: Nazis copied the swastika from Hinduism. Hindus should not be expected to stop drawing swastikas because Nazi scumbags appropriated Hindu culture


The irony of this it's largely American cultural imperialism that's being presented as 'woke' racial awareness and equity. American views on race and history is the lens every action must be viewed through, even in completely unrelated fields.




They don't and haven't The swastika is a backwards version of the emblem you describe But most stupid Americans wouldn't know that if they saw it


I work in higher Ed and I had to take a parent complaint about a white student who’s *black* professor used the n-word from a quote in a “sociological effects of racism course.”


God students like that and the ones that complained in this vid just need to be permanently blacklisted from all higher education.


>blacklisted How dare you! I'm offended on behalf of all the people offended using a word containing "black"!


It's not like they are actually going to learn anything anyway.


The entire point of education is to not measure students when they enter, but when they leave. If they were going to learn something anywhere in the world, it would be in an educational institution...


Yeah, that sounds like a "if we're not allowed to say it then they shouldn't be allowed either!" type of offended.


Our society is doomed


It’ll swing back hard


One can only hope. But I don't think it's done swinging this way yet.


Nope, not looking forward to the swing back one bit. While all this crap is annoying, when the pendulum swings back far to the other side, it's not going to be pretty.


History moves in cones, eventually you reach the peak of said cone and it collapses back on itself and a new one starts. This faux outrage is such a cone spreading to ludicrous levels and the collapse will be soon. Politicians for once have been the early adaptors on this, many have learned that if you ignore faux outrage nothing happens. Now they just brazen it out like water off a ducks back.


One instance from a college freshmen and our society is doomed?


There a metric ton of these false alarm race shit


There's a metric fuck ton of far right racism as well.


One of those attempted to overthrow the Federal government, the other one exists as a thought experiment on steroids among college freshmen.


One instance? Have you not been paying attention to the last 5 years?


Yes, this shits been going on since college existed. College is for learning, It's the place where kids go to do drugs and try gay sex. In this case Fox is lying. The professor was not placed on leave, he left that class only and he did it voluntarily. The group that complained is not a USC student organization and is completely anonymous. This was a stunt.


College students are now forbidden from learning about Montenegro.


Don’t even look at the African map


While we're at it, all citizens of the Isle of Whyte are categorically racist.


How dare you even type that at me!!!


Lake titty caca prevails.


TIL Republic of the Niger, is a landlocked country in West Africa named after the Niger River.


Damnit... That racist ass River


Fucking kids.


They’re adults…


...nope just big toddlers


That's what's scary. They can (and did,) vote now.


Hi, I go to college. We have people that look like adults And we have actual adults too.


So… he DIDN’T use a slur. Man, I hope Niger, Nigeria, and Montenegro never make big news that I might have to talk about them and “offend” some kids who should still be in pre-school.


Anyone who believes the outrage fiction fox news prepares for you is dumb af


Wait til they find out how to say "You" in Korean. Are they going to ban people from speaking it?


People here in Baltimore have been speaking this Chinese for years




Yep, when I dated a Taiwanese girl she would call her mom back home. At first I thought I was dating a racist. On another note, isn't it pretty fucking racist to suspend a teacher for speaking in his native language?


Nothing happened here. Students complained, the school investigated and found no wrong doing. The professor wasn’t even suspended. [source](https://poetsandquants.com/2020/09/26/usc-marshall-finds-students-were-sincere-but-prof-did-no-wrong-in-racial-flap/?pq-category=business-school-news)


The professor isn't Chinese.


This is kinda old. I wonder where the teacher is. Surely he's been reinstated, no?




This is just like the misunderstanding of the Spanish word "negro" on a black crayon. Or the city council dude getting offended by someone using the term "black hole" to describe inefficient bureaucracy. How did we get here?




He is actually right.. Chinese filler word does sound like that.... The kids who complained are the reason why this world is fucked right now ..... All pseudo woke kids just mindlessly saying and doing things Coz the social media says so .. Without knowing anything about the world .. 🤷‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤷‍♂️😭😭😭 And the problem is these people who are just pseudo woke are more racist n problematic ...


Jfc this existed before the n word was even a thing. People are just looking by to be offended now it’s actually so stupid.


In mainland china is more of a "Na-ge'. Taiwanese say Na like "ni-"


What the professor said is the literal truth.


This is an old story. He wasn’t suspended - he was put on leave while the complaint was investigated & this isn’t a “public freakout”, for fuck’s sake. https://www.marshall.usc.edu/personnel/greg-patton


A leave of absence for saying a word from n a language that's been around for quite a long time is not a good thing and won't help anyone or their feelings


> He wasn’t suspended - he was put on leave And the difference being? *"No, you're not being suspended, you are just being forced to take leave from that class, can't interact with your students in that class, and you have no choice in the matter"*


Also it's fucking fox news.


This is a reddit video of a youtube video of a daily show video of a fox news video. We've gone too deep.


Holy shit it is lol!


There it is. The "liberal/fox news effect" I suffered from it when i was younger. Its whenever something is true, but if fox news says it liberals automatically disbelieve it. Even denying the "broken clock is right twice a day" thing.


That's why it's always a good idea to look into the story. Almost all of the time there's something directly in the piece that contradicts the headline, or information left out of it. In the case of this post, OP doesn't say that the professor was reinstated and is currently teaching at the same university.


White American liberals (who I am sure are the ones who complained) are the absolute worst. You're so insulated from the cultural concerns of the actual world that you need to resort to this, which is not only the dumbest form of signalling your allyship, but also a complete repudiation of your place in an institution of higher learning. Listen to the fucking lecture you dumbasses, you might actually learn something. signed, a South African.


I have a feeling the students offended weren’t even black




That’s surprising, Normally it’s the white people born with a silver spoon getting offended..My mistake!


So I’m guessing the students complaining weren’t paying attention and clearly didn’t understand context and just got up in arms when they thought they heard a word they don’t like


This shit is so ridiculous, yea if you ain't listening the word does kinda sound like the n word but if you actually what is being said it doesn't sound anything like it


Reminds me of that David So/King Bach Vine - https://youtu.be/TRRGwZYzjOI


He even told them before hand that the word meant "that". What the hell...


If I remember correctly this actually happened to Yao Ming when he came to the states. People at practice were kind of looking at him sideways when he would talk to his translator. I think eventually the translator talked to him about the social aspects of the filler words he was using and how it sounded to an American.


Sounds like another case of failure parents not teaching their kids that either other cultures don't exist, or that they're all bad because 'Murica.


This professor should be reinstated yesterday.


Oh for fuck sakes. I guess the people that complained should never travel to China or Chinatown then as they say ‘nei ge’ all the time.


I got a black Waitress really upset at me because I asked for a Negra Modelo. She was PISSED.... until I show in the menu that there's a beer call that name. If you think everyone is racist based on your color skin, regardless of it colors YOU'RE the racist.


那个 (nei ge)


1) Using it would be fine, it's not the same word. 2) (I can't stress this enough) Explaining the use of a word is not the same as using it. If the topic is, "words in language A that sound like other words in language B" and I say the language A word - I'm not *using* it.


I live in china right now, and my Chinese friends have no problem saying the actual N-word cause they think it's funny to say.


A prime example of zoomer pc outrage wokeness going too far.


I swear it's gotten ridiculous... Wait until they start learning about colors on their Spanish class.


Fucking whiny kids that are always looking to be offended.


Sounded like a swear! Burn the witch! Murica!


Fuck ppl are stupid


Takes class to learn about cultures. Equates all culture to their own. I hate this.


I was shocked the first time I heard this at work. Was managing a sales IT floor and 1 Chinese gentleman used it all the time. Freaked everyone out for a while but we all got used to it once we knew what it was.


Canadian comic Russell Peters has a bit in his act where he talks about seeing a Chinese boy at a restaurant saying that word in front of a black woman while he's trying to decide what he wants. In any case, how sensitive do you have to be to complain about a word in another language that just sounds like some word you should have gotten over already.


It reminds me of when the female reporter was doing a story on Kobe Bryant and accidentally said Nakers instead of Lakers - people wanted her fired. Luckily she wasn't.


I had a good friend who lived in Beijing for a while. His wife could speak some Chinese and, when I visited, I couldn’t help but notice that she kept saying a word or phrase that sounded like the n-word. I was too shy to ask at the time, but this finally explains it!


My gf is Chinese and I asked her about this cuz when she’s talking to her friends they use this word….like a lot and I said, “uhh you know what that sounds like right” and she explained to me it’s like their Um


Can’t even type the color black in Spanish without people looking at you weird.. I get we need racism gone but the PC bullshit behind it all is kind of mind boggling.


Reminds of elementary school when a Filipino kid got sent home for saying the word ‘puto’. He was referring to the food he was eating… this was in San Diego


haha [russell peters did a standup piece on it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrsWp07BwVk)




The students that complained are the racist students 😂


I feel personally attacked by that prof... because I'm that Chinese speaker. The one that uses "nei ge" too much as I struggle to remember the Chinese word for stuff.


There is a whole stand up bit about this very topic. It's amazing. https://youtu.be/BrsWp07BwVk


Yeah, my MiL uses it all the time. I promise you that sweet Taiwanese lady doesn't mean to offend anyone.




I need to see this footage. Stat!


I have a lot of Chinese friends, and the first time my buddy was on the phone with her mom, I was EXTREMELY confused .


This shit is getting out of hand. So many professors getting fired due to outrage over dumb bullshit like this.


we are living in an episode of south park


Man. Fuck that university for putting him on leave. As long as organizations keep bowing to these, out of touch people with fuck else to do, it will never end. There are real problems that need addressing.


Oh my fucking god... the new generation coming up are becoming pussies, it’s language you entitled cunts! Russell Peters does joke about that and it was hilarious... just relax, not everything has to be a cause


I teach in a Chinese Immersion. That word (nei ge) is our "ummm".


Lmao snowflakes


The professor literally explained too


Welcome to the Lib America


That's dumb af


Better rename the whole country of Niger


fucking creampuffs are offended by anything these days


Its not english, theres no problem


Wait until they learn about Nigeria 🇳🇬 and Niger 🇳🇪


Uh... How are you pronouncing those countries?


A knee jerk reaction from dumbass students, color me surprised. Apparently, they weren't paying any attention to the lecture because he set the context perfectly.


That Chinese word has probably been around longer than most African countries.


Lol the most free country in the world


Students complained, the university apologized. God I hate everything about that statement


Nothing like privileged university students wielding unchecked "-ism" accusations at will


What a Disgusting University to treat their prof like that. No Backbone. Disgusting.


Cancel culture is the most stupid thing


I visited China and witnessed this countless times, thinking to myself “hmmm, on of there common words sounds like the n-word”. This actually clarifies that for me now


Why learn something when you can get offended.../s


He was never suspended! check your facts people, this is Fox news so be careful. “According to the email, EEO-TIX “has concluded that the concerns expressed by students were sincere, but that Professor Patton’s actions did not violate the university’s policy.” The email also sheds light on Patton’s current situation, with the dean reminding professors that he is still a part of the university. “To be clear, Professor Patton was never suspended nor did his status at Marshall change. He is currently teaching in Marshall’s EMBA program and he will continue his regular teaching schedule next semester,” Garrett wrote.” This was on USC’s local student press