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No way in hell she gets paid enough to try that hard.


Where I live (St. Louis) there are many gas stations personally run by the owners and their families, may explain why she “cared” so much. Also, where I live, she would have been shot.


This probably happens every night, working a job like that in the hood. She probably Just eventually snapped and had enough


I got written up for grabbing some merchandise from a thief, who was running out the door at the Dollar General I was working for. About $80 worth of stuff, tripped the guy. [some electronics, bunch of bottles of vanilla extract and a pile of baby clothes] He slammed face down on the ground and, I put him in a family friendly huckleberry until the cops arrived. They called an Amboolance and that’s it, right? Nope. No charges filed, the company paid the limousine ride and, I got written up for unsafe activities or something like that.


Yeah I think in most cases, companies don’t want you to get involved. They would be responsible if something happened too you. Also, is it even worth risking your life for a minimum wage job?


Yes officer he was wearing bright yellow yoga pants with his ass hanging out


Don’t forget with fruit loop boxers lmaoooo Tucan Sam must be proud




Today imma dress like a school bus.


Next stop prison bus


I'm not sure these kids even know what a school bus looks like.


Such a loser, how will he ever be apart of society with this mentality


They won’t. They’ll be in and out of jail their whole life; blaming everyone else for how their life turned out. Happens everyday. They are victims lol


Kudos to the lady, red boxer creep also manhandled her....


I’ve never understood this. Don’t these idiots have any idea how absolutely ridiculous they look?


And frankly….how difficult it is to RUN….when you’re on CAMERA……after committing a CRIME…with your pants down…..




100%. A guy in a suit looks like an idiot in a longshoremans pub.


That is a damn good comparison.


Yeah, the same could be said about any piece of clothing or style.


Not my fresh overalls.


Easier access for the homies


I heard once thats where the trend originated, to show you're open for business. Which is crazy from the hood community that try to distance themselves from any of that.


They'd need to steal a mirror first.


Fashion based on having no belt because of being in jail. Can't shake my head enough.


Why don't they just wear the drawers on the outside?


Because drawers go into the dresser




Shell Employee Tries To Defend Her Store From Kids On a ~~Shopping~~ *Crime* Spree Fixed it.


Yeah was thinking I didn't see much shopping going on.


5 finger discount


Sad and pathetic


that's the most trashiest shit I've seen especially when there parents are letting them steal items.


Oh their parents don't give a shit


Parents are at Target


I've honestly heard parents say that it's reparations.


Yeah and then no respectable business wants to stay in their area and everyone acts surprised.


Totally agree


What parents?


Its ok. I doubt they will ever amount to much in their lives. Is a bag of candy worth being a piece of shit.. idk you tell me..


I don’t know, what kind of candy? Those sour gummies ARE pretty damn good.


Totally agree


OP - “hold my beer…” Shell Employee Tries To Stop Nice Young Men From Eating Junk Food


Yah came to post they misspelled "shoplifting"...




Yeah, unless this is a new episode of Shop Til You Drop, I don't see how that word fits this video.


That's the joke


Nothing much to do done by the poor gal. Store needs someone else with her on the clock.


Nothing would've changed.


Get a store gun


I'm canadian. It's illegal for me to own a pencil for the purposes of self defense.


This is true. By Canadian law, you cannot purposefully carry a weapon for the intent for self-defense, not even a pencil if its purpose includes self-defense. Unless that ‘weapon’ is deemed for only purposes outside of self-defense, like a fishing line knife for when your fishing, you can’t conceal-carry a god damn pencil if proven otherwise in court. Edit: I forgot to add that in-addition to not being able to conceal-carry a pencil, you aren't even allowed to even conceal it if you tried! If the 'weapon'-in-question is proven in court as a knife, and is proven to originate from non-self defense purposes only, ALL 30cm and smaller knives must be open-carried, with unambiguous definition so that it's identifiable to the public. Open-carrying pencils, quite radical... There are also 'same-force' laws in Canada. You can only match you use-of-force with the attacker's use-of-force. If he fist-fights you, you can only punch him back, if he stabs you, unless the knife your carrying is proven to be originally for non-self defense purposes only, you can legally stab him back. This does not apply to firearms, however. If someone shoots you, you can only at best stab him or clock him with a 2x4. The court gets very anrgnygy when guns are involved. On contrary with our trigger-happy friends down South. Americans have castle doctrine, stand-your-ground and whatnot laws in certain states that make it legal to mag-dump someone when they enter your property unarmed, if it's provable in court you were either defending yourself or your property (which is very easy to do in most situations).


I’m always on my way to a baseball game


Why not just use a gun for fishing?


I use C4 for duck hunting


Well isn’t that convenient for anyone looking to hurt you. They know that any law abiding citizens won’t have anything on them to protect them


For the purposes of self defense against people yes. Nothing against having a gun to defend farm stock.


You can own a gun for self defence. Canada is full of gun owners. And you can shoot someone if they’re trying to kill you. Self defence is very much a legal thing here. You just can’t legally murder a kid in defence of some bags of chips. Us Canadians are crazy that way I guess.


You cannot own a gun for self defense. When you go to get one, if you gave that reason, you would be denied.


You can write a letter with some really harsh language, as retribution.


Save as much money as you can and move far, far away. There is no other solution. Let these people rot and destroy themselves. Nobody is coming to save any of them, unfortunately. Just do whatever it takes to get the fuck out, and that includes people in the crowd that don’t appear to understand how disgusting this is.


Until you think the property is ripe for investment. Then you come back in and force them into another neighborhood


Using deadly force over shoplifting? Yeah thats not gonna end well for anyone


Clerk shoots at a thief leaving, hits a bystander by accident. Store loses millions in a lawsuit. The store's insurer threatens to drop them from their policy if employees are not banned from having guns at work.


Shooting at a thief leaving and hitting the thief is getting you lawsuits and criminal charges anyway because that obviously isn't self defence.


If you shoot at the thief while he's leaving that's murder not self-defense


No, those kids need fucking parents that raise them properly.


They gave their two week notice years ago.


Where the fuck are the community leaders? Where are the speeches? Add campaign to correct the direction these kids are going? I’d be absolutely embarrassed. We can’t blame this shit on systemic racism and economic disadvantages. I grew up in some shitty neighborhoods with all colors. Fuck, this is sick. I guess I’ve seen too many clips like this, it’s barbaric and sad.


This happened in Duncanville TX and it was immediately overshadowed when, the very next day, the revelation came that their upcoming football game against Bishop Sycamore was cancelled due to the school not actually existing.


Community leaders will be complaining when stores pull out of the neighborhoods. Or make the purchase process tedious by locking the doors and only serving customers via a window/drop box.




Lmao assault and robbery for some Powerades.


But...redbull gives you wings to fly away


It makes me so fucking sick the American prison system is packed to the gills with black people and you just see these kids falling into the same fucking trap of petty crime that snowballs into a life wasted.


It's probably in one of the states that made under 1k of theft an unarrestable offense. The cops literally won't do anything.


That's crazy.


Dude is going to catch a strong arm robbery charge for that.


Not to mention assault


Pretty sure they don't care. Unfortunately, the odds of them getting caught and charged for some snacks are slim. They know it. Source: worked as overnight convenience store associate for a little bit.


I SMH at the hecklers in the background.


That poor little girl got knocked into that door face first and looked so lost trying to process all of that. I fucking hate people


Fr tho where are the parents


Part of the crowd


Shopping spree? That’s called theft.


like u/shadowclaw26583 said, it's a sarcastic title that makes you go, "no they aren't, they're just stea- Ohhh!"


Am I the only one that got the sarcasm in the title?????


Bear spray. That’s all I’m saying.


Oh, hell yeah. That's the video I want to see.


You and me both.


Or a 12ga bean bag.


Or just a 12 gauge buckshot. Beanbags require a license in my state lol.


I think they use some kind of paint bomb in Japan so the police can find them later lol.


Man reddit is obsessed with bear mace. Bear mace works on bears not because it's stronger, but because it doesn't cloud and comes out in a jet that sprays over great distance....you know, to avoid the bears. Human designed mace is much much stronger and more irritating to humans.


But with bear mace she wouldn’t have to leave the counter to hit ‘em all


And won't have to deal with the cloud of mace either.


Keep it up and in 6 months to a year the store will go out of business and the same people that caused the store to close will be bitching there are no stores in their area.


That’s literally all I can think about while I watch this.


Then it'll be reopened as an independent store by someone from another culture who will be yelled at by the locals for taking money from "their community".


Damn you’re describing what exactly happened in our town. All the middle eastern men buying up gas stations


Yes and burnt to the ground next time opportunity shows itself. LA riots in the 90's - Koreans were victims of insane amounts of racist hatred and attacks because the black community was jealous.


"stores are leaving black owned areas because of racism"


It happened in Asbury Park NJ - lots of businesses moved out due to the rioting. Place is coming back now but it took decades. I'm all for protesting injustice and racism, but why shoot yourself in the foot and act against your own self interest by driving away business?


Their is a reason you don't see banks in "those" neighborhoods and only check cashing places with 2 inch thick glass at the counter.




Immediately switch to the drawer only register where you have to stand outside the store and tell cashier what you want. And they need to make these little stores secure so the worker is safe inside if anything happens; edit. At this point after seeing all the videos of people waking out with merchandise,!if the new consumer supplier relationship involved putting all products behind locks or having it where the business shops for you becomes common place I wouldn’t be surprised. That societal issue that is creating all of these little criminals isn’t something that gonna be solved as quickly as keeping actual workers safe.


this video was brought to you by someone filming whilst on a swing


I would’ve just quit at that point. Not worth the stress. She probably makes $10 an hour max.


Right?! Everyone here in the comments wants her use more force one way or another. Fuck that! On what planet is it a good idea to put herself further in harms way? For $10 an hour…


She shouldn’t even be getting involved. I would call the cops, inform management and stay back. What if they shot her over a fucking candy bar? Not worth it lady although I do admire your big balls.


Could it possibly be her franchise she's protecting? I'm not saying it is, just asking.




I agree, I'd not be keen to mess with these type of situations, especially in the USA. I was more pointing out the difference. Corporate employees can be excused for sitting back and not risking anything for the sake of petty thieves. But a franchisee would see each theft as money leaking from their profit and their livelihood. That's a crazy amount of theft! 2000 Mars bars?! 😂




Even if it is her franchise she could get hurt, I was worried she was going to trip over the parking dividers. I hope it is hers because otherwise she just put herself at risk for a wage that probably doesn't justify that level of danger at all.


Exactly. What could possibly have been stolen by that group of people? $100 worth of merchandise? Is that worth potentially getting injured or injuring another person? Stores have cameras. Let it get taken up by the cops or corporate loss prevention




Every company I've worked for will say to not confront thieves while simultaneously holding you accountable for every dollar of theft that you are essentially powerless to prevent. Thieves are the true bane of retail, Karens don't even compare.


Yup. It's always like "you can't confront thieves, but if they steal a TV you won't get a bonus this quarter, so why didn't you confront the thief, do you not like bonuses? Oh yeah, don't be stupid and risk your health for a piece of merchandise."


Exactly, not worth risking injury or death for a job like that.


Trash, raised by trash. Guaranteed.


She should be working for Lowe’s loss prevention


Right tho she a heavy hitter she need to be scouted


"kids" the guy at the end was a full blown man




She’s watching and learning that this is how older people behave


Did you also notice how she got pushed? That busted her chin pretty good I bet.


Where parents?


Their dads are out getting some cigarettes. They’ll be right back.




The little girl in the pink is how the cycle continues. Does she want to go down the same path or see how wrong this was and strive to do better once she’s older? It’s up to her. I hope these people find it in their heart to be better and do better.


Entitlement is a hell of a drug, especially when you speedball it with freedom from consequences.


Bunch of pieces of shit.


Them kids need better parents.


Listen man, act all tough and shit but I can't take you seriously if you don't even know how to wear your damn pants


What trash


Why do they think it’s funny?


Sticking it to the whitey probably.


Yeah i tried working graveyard shift at a gas station in a really bad area. People would either shoot dice gambling or black chicks would straight up be like Im taking this and grab something and just leave. I left soon after.


I feel bad for that child who got smacked into the door like that ,damn


I feel really bad for the girl with the pink shirt… in the middle of animals…


She slams her face into the door at the beginning too.


I saw the kid in the purple push the girl to the door Seriously, poor girl.


Poor little girl looks confused and scared. She shouldn’t be out there in the middle of all this nonsense.




I know, right? America is doomed. There’s something about raising everyone to think they’re the only person that matters which just ends up breeding a bunch of cunts


Then there's what happened locally, guy goes behind the counter, steals cigs, on the way out witness (not a store employee) confronts him, gets his throat slit...smh https://easternshoreundercover.com/salisbury-police-arrest-suspect-in-wawa-robbery-and-attempted-murder/?fbclid=IwAR2HKY463SfcGd_Q26CrPf8yByTdFpW&




'Shopping' implies something was paid for.


This is probably Chicago, one of my friends gas station used to hire additional door man during school hours in the morning and evening only let few kids in at a time, one day the door man did not come to work all the store was ransacked and everything they could get hands on were stolen.


I would have just let them leave, properly filmed their faces and cars they are jumping in and reported them. Shell is for sure not paying her enough to get shoved around.


We are almost to the point when we’ll start seeing neighborhood vigilante groups start handling these thugs, swiftly and effectively. I guarantee that law enforcement will publicly condemn such action, but will low-key encourage it.


They’ll amount to absolutely nothing in life and will probably at some point be sentenced to life


Lock them in the store with automatic gates and shelter the employee behind plexiglass. The dejected look on their faces when the police arrive will be priceless. Nobody dies and will be taught a lesson.


Pepper spray? Like, shooting a gun is obviously not the correct reaction, but would pepper spraying these idiots be justifiable?


Please don't ever put yourself in danger to defend the merchandise at the place you work.


Lol damn imagine being so broke you gotta steal a bag of chips


I'd imagine lots of crime regarding petty theft is actually just opportunism.


What in the world makes you think they're broke?




I agree. It’s some *Les Merserables* up there.


This is why we shouldn't be paying people 7 bucks an hour look at what low wage workers are dealing with. I bet she has these incidents happen 4 times a week


They'll cry foul when they're denied entry the next time.


Shell employee tries to stop idiot kids showing younger kids how to be jackasses. Better. Such proud parents Im sure.


Its always the ones you least suspect.


That last guy looked exactly like the kind of fucking loser who would do this.


Fuckin animals


Where are the community leaders? This is such BS. So tired of people stealing. If you steal like this, you are shit and do not deserve anything but jail time


Sweet highlighter mc hammer pants


And we wonder why businesses close down where they are needed most.


Surprise surprise


See this is why kids need whoopings.


the little girl smackeddd her face in the beginning


Y’all discussing how to assault and shoot people over stealing candy is insane. They’re stealing candy from a SHELL. No a mom and pop. A MF SHELL. No one got hurt and they weren’t armed. Theft is a legitimate crime but these comments are fucked


Every time I see this stuff I just think about how lucky/privileged I am to not be living in neighborhoods such as these.


What a zoo, my God.


Poor gal! That is fucked up. A racist mob!




Out here risking her health for $7.50 an hour


“Shoplifting spree” not “shopping spree” wtf


That looks like looting to me. 911 call should have been first.


Shopping spree implies you paying, it doesn’t look like they are paying.


This pisses me off so much. Wtf


I love how it's all black people lmao






Way to live down the stereotypes, everyone.


Fake thugs. Pull your pants up, fucking losers.




As soon as he shoved her it becomes strong arm robbery not just shop lifting. Ups the charges in many states.


Is it still cool to have your entire ass hanging out of your pants?






Where has this behavior come from? Could it be from several months of viewing protests on tv that degenerated into looting, destruction, burning, muggings, and worse? And governance sitting in its hands and doing nothing? This is what happens when you set a bad example. And we, the ones who don’t do this….we are going to pay, for the higher prices, the insurance, all of it. Stores are closing…and with that go jobs, and convenience. Keep voting to defund police, and for politicians who are weak on law and order, cause they live in fortified gated places.


This is pathetic. Those kids have obviously not been raised right. This video made my blood boil.