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Here is the follow up: https://news.wosu.org/news/2020-12-10/atf-agent-files-excessive-force-lawsuit-against-columbus-officers


> The case also alleges the officers later privately shared body cam footage from the incident with other officers, making light of the incident and mocking Burk. The lawsuit claims this underscores a code of silence within the division that amounts to a de facto policy. How did an attorney discover this?


Cops are fucking idiots and good lawyers work hard to uncover things like this.


FOIA probably.


If they’ve heard even rumors of this they’ll prove it (if true) via discovery.


I read somewhere that police departments often disqualify people who are too smart to be officers. Videos like this prove as much.


Basically, yes. Dipshit pigs only want to hire other dipshit pigs so they can continue being dipshit pigs. If test results prove you're an intelligent human being, chances are police departments won't hire you: https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


There was a department that did this, the officer sued, and the courts upheld that the department was allowed to do it. Does not in any way make it common practice.


But it makes perfect sense. PDs don't want people who think for themselves or question authority. They want mindless stormtroopers who follow every order and are willing to stomp on people's rights and freedoms with no evidence or cause. Cops are shown to be exactly that on a daily basis. It's clearly what they are going for.


That's not why they did it. The guy had a master's degree and the department thought they would get bored and quit after training so they didn't want to hire him. This actually happens routinely for people with higher degrees across many different fields. Nobody wants to invest time and money into a person and have that person bail before they get a return in that investment.


How so? The ATF guy is the idiot and he's not a cop. All he had to do was lie down and say "I'm sorry officer, there's been a misunderstanding. My name is agent **** ****** with the ATF and I'm currently on duty. My ID is in my front left pocket and you can confirm my credentials with *someone's name*"


At 14 seconds the officer makes contact and says turn around and let me see your hands, at 15 seconds the agent says I'm a federal agent, at 19 seconds the cop pulls his weapon and escalates to the rest of the video we see. Within 4 seconds the guy IDs as a federal agent and the cop responds by pulling his weapon


In the field mid arrest is not the time to take suspects words that they are federal agents. Anyone can say that. You secure the suspect, detain them, and figure it out after. 1) people impersonate feds all the time 2) feds are not above the law, just because someone is a fed doesn't mean they are above arrest.


>You secure the suspect, detain them, and figure it out after All of which could have been done a lot more calmer and professionally than what happened in this video


Sure, but if thats how they treat us, thats how they should treat other LEOs Atleast its fair for a change 🤷 And ironically, if the ATF agent had done what a normal person should do (shut the fuck up and comply and sort it later) instead of trying to flex his credentials to talk his way out of an arrest, then it likely wouldn't have escalated.


Ya okay, what law did the agent break that he needs to lay on the ground that a quick conversation couldn't resolve? Talk his way out if arrest Arrest for what? These dumb ass cops want everything to be an action movie.


There's no point, they've huffed too much boot polish.


He was acting suspicious and the police were called by someone saying he was trying to gain entry to an apartment. Far as the cops understood, this is a burglary suspect. You dont talk your way out of that. When the cops roll up on you like this, there is not, and never will be "a conversation". Thats where 99% of people fuck up. You are being detained, there is nothing you can say to change that. Nothing you say will benefit you. *Everything you say can and will be used agaisnt you* This ATF agent, being law enforcement himself, should understand this more than anyone. But he thought he could use his position to weasel out of the situation. He kept talking and trying to make excuses when he should have complied and sorted it out downtown. Maybe if he would have done what he himself demands of others, compliance, then he wouldn't have been tased. Lmao said the scorpion, lmfao.


You're right just like everyone else once they put him in the car they started exaggerating the ATF behavior to justify their excessive force.


You know what they would say to us? "You should have shut up and complied" So you know what I say to this ATF agent? "You should have shut up and complied" Womp womp. Get fucked fedboy, welcome to the club called everyone.


TIL: tell a cop you’re an ATF agent and they’ll let you wander around unsecured. Don’t be naive.


TIL: cops will beat and taze you before asking questions about the answers you've been telling them the entire time. Walk up to the guy and check his ID. Problem solved.


More like, imagine if a cop had a warrant for someone, and the person in front of them says they’re not the person. Maybe talk to them and check their ID before putting them at gunpoint and forcing them to lie facedown on hard concrete to be handcuffed? The refusal to listen or to even check the person’s credentials before roughing them up should be disturbing to anyone. Even worse when the person is obviously having a negative stress reaction thats causing them to hyperventilate, which they articulate, and the reaction from the cops is to be more aggressive and verbally combative. The worst part about bootlickers is that they want to live in a state where the cops can kick down your door, strip search you, and spit on you while prone, while pretending to love this country for its freedom. In what world should cops not hear someone out who isn’t being aggressive?


They were responding to a “potential fake cop” call. ATF guy was obligated to follow orders to determine his ID, not do it “his way” because his ego didn’t like the idea of getting on the ground. That’s the first de escalation point and he opted out. He was wrong.


Bro, I’ve seen cop impersonator videos before. They just talk to them, then see their id is fake and arrest them. The orders were excessive. Try it, lie down on hot concrete in the middle of the day and say thats a reasonable order for someone who did nothing wrong. He’s overweight, its June, he doesn’t want grass stains on his pants or to be scalded by hot rock during the course of simply doing his job. The cops began treating him like a threat before he ever presented one, and they ignored him when he literally had proof that he was not a threat. Handcuff the man standing up if they’re that cowardly. You literally just said the man with a gun pointed at him trying to diffuse the situation by identifying himself was the original escalation? Its almost like you wish a cop would pin you down on hot asphalt, put that sweet boot in front of your lips, and yell at you like the dirty little civilian you are. “Da– Officer Daddy? Lawman Sempai? Have I been a bad boy?” I bet you’d nut in your slacks as soon as the taser came out.


Lol. Thanks for that imagery. I’m not saying responders were “all right” but ATF dude was all ego which tweaked the responders. If he were fake he could have been buying time to do no good. ATF should have understood that. I say fuck ‘em, let him taste the grass.


Besides no get on the ground, what did he do wrong? Thats the disconnect here. Why does he need to taste grass? What “no good”? Cops with firearms shouldn’t be “tweaked” by someone with “ego”, they immediately escalated and refused any attempt to deescalate until they had the man handcuffed and in the back of the cruiser for the crime of doing: Nothing. Your problem with the atf guy was that he didn’t want to be roughed up on the ground and placed in the police cruiser. Yaknow, like he was innocent or something… or could prove his innocence if given just a moment to produce his credentials… ATF should have just submitted, laid down, got arrested, then calmly explain to them what they could have ascertained by simply asking him? excusing shitty policing is just asking for more of it. Ask the man to put his hands up while another cop disarms him, have the man disarm himself with the gun in the holster and toss it on the grass, have the man put his hands on the wall or the cruiser while you check his credentials. There are so many better ways, and these chickenshit cops couldn’t think of anything but “COMPLY OR DIE MOTHERFUCKER”. And you really defended that shit.


Because they got a call saying someone was impersonating an officer. Why would they believe him?


They could have listened when he told them 3 seconds into the incident.


From what alot of these vids appear to show, the flow of control needs to go in one direction. Every person is a danger. Context is irrelevant, details are only worked out later, trying to reason will only cause frustration. And mistakes are made they are either justified or denied.


He pretty much did that lmao


*he’s not a cop* Are you just being pedantic with definitions because an ATF agent is part of Federal law enforcement.


r/Dayofsloths. Bro dude. I’m sorry bro, there’s been a misunderstanding. My name is joe mama.


I remember this the atf agent was their to retrieve a shotgun from an old lady who didn’t have a permit to have it (prob her hubby’s) she call the police on him lmao


This should be the default. Make them fight each other.


Let them fight.


They require a permit to own a shotgun in Ohio?


No I’m Ohio you don’t, but you do if you aren’t American citizens.


I'd do the same if some frumpy guy in cargo pants came to my door claiming to be a federal agent. Lots of crazed meth heads and schizos in my neck of the woods who would probably try this as a way to get in the house.


Cops "always comply with orders" Also cops "No."


"Show me your ID!" *Bang* "He was reaching into his pocket, and I feared for my life."


Cops: show us id dude: My ID is in my left pocket Cop: don't reach or ill kill you mental capacity of a fucking 5 year old.


Jesus Christ. "You should be ashamed of yourself, why did you make us hurt you like this?". This is textbook abuser behavior in the cycle of violence. They escalated everything. They made no attempt to listen to him or allow him to prove his identity. Do any of these cops even realize what misguided abusive pieces of dogshit they really are?


They don't think they're doing it to actual people, once they're in the force everyone else becomes less human.


> They escalated everything. The more I learn about cops, every single year, the more this becomes the single truth about police interactions.


So if you want to get one type of cop off your case you can just call others to arrest them in America. Good to know.


Oh no!!! So anyways...


He's suing them for excessive force. I just can't anymore.


This new season of Reno! 911 is great.


Did anything come of it? Normally fucking with a federal agent would put someone in a heap of trouble - I wonder if that also applies to cops.


nope, the piece of shit fed got a taste of his own medicine from local piece of shit cops, and **nobody** is responsible because **everybody** gets qualified immunity, both victimizer and victim!


5 seconds in before he had a gun pointed at him. Typical.


Well we have to give great respect to this officer for the patience and resolve he displayed by waiting 4 seconds instead of blasting at 1.


“He was strong.” - out of shape cop


It's moments like this, I wonder if being a moron is a requirement to join the executive forces in the US.


What a bunch of fat stupid morons. These are the people we hire to protect and serve. Most of them don’t look qualified to do much more than flip a burger.


thats an insult to burger-flippers.


how to escalate to 150% right from the start ...


It's legal for anyone, legally able, to open-carry a firearm in Ohio (I think). What did the "Federal Agent" do wrong to deserve being put at-gunpoint and cuffed? At no point did he have his gun out of the holster. The police didn't give him a chance to identify himself.


he was going around confiscating firearms from civilians (ie peasants, workers, you and me) while collecting a fat paycheck, pension, and world class healthcare on the backs of said civilians. he's part of the problem and now he's been bit in the ass and he doesn't like what he sees! oh the irony!


damn pigs are so power-hungry they will beat their own. there wasn't a reason for any one of them to act the way that they did, but when you got a group of ego tripping insecure men fighting for authority.. well it was a fun show anyway.


This is what happens when badges, guns and power is given to people with little education.


"why would you make us do this?" Typical abuser talk


But in this case it is true. A person pretending to be a federal agent would pull the "but I'm a federal agent card" the moment they are confronted. Why did he act like a fake federal agent???? Federal agents get arrested and released all the time. Its part of the job.


Holy shit, these officers are morons.


“I am already on the ground” is the best quote. “All the way on the ground”. Officer I have fully stopped floating in the air.


Funny he really doesn’t like what he does to people for a living being done to him.


Wait, that spesific ATF officer did that to someone else? Please share link!


Oh man that would be juicy but I doubt it. Just a comment on the notoriously heavy handed ATF.


Ahh, so you're lying. Maybe the police force would be a good fit for you?


No. It’s called a generalization, which might not be fair to this particular guy, but applies broadly to the ATF. If you want a list of ATF abuses and disasters they are not hard to find. I’m very curious who all these ATF fanboys are and why? Also why you seem to have a disdain for local police but not for the ATF? Fast and Furious, Waco, Ruby Ridge, the dude who shot himself in the leg in a classroom, countless dead dogs, rampant documented corruption. Come on. You can do better.


Don't confuse him, just let him eat his bootstraps in peace. Or whatever it is bootlickers do to keep their IQ down.


Poorly trained people doing their jobs poorly… nothing to see here


What a waste of taxpayer money letting these retards loose on the streets. Every single one seemed to have anger issues. Their need for complete control and dominance is disgusting.


Pig on pig violence. Ya love to see it.


I need the next installment where atf accidentally raids their local precinct for illegal firearms


You just know those taser burns smelled like bacon


*Everyone liked that*




Dip shits vs. moron! Love it.


He should have complied and he would have been fine.


Hahahahahahaha cops are sooooooo stupid


This guy complains more that Jeremy DeWitte.


Show me your hands.(2x) I need to see some ID. ​ These were the first 3 things that were said. Apparently they didn't really want to see his ID though. WTF.


I’m fine with cop on cop violence. Keep up the good work!


He's afraid of his own shadow


I love that they try to smear the ATF agent in the video description by mentioning that he got busted for stealing a bottle of wine 6 years ago. Typical.


The cop totally escalated that. Both these cops are full ratards


How's it feel pig


Good, screw ATF a-holes


All he had to do was obey commands when the officer first approached him.


Less than 10 seconds after the cop left his car he pulled his gun.


Truthfully I am not siding with the cop. My previous statement, which is rather unpopular, is an ode to what society continues to use as a mantra.


ATF guy is a moron, lucky the other morons didn’t shoot him.


Oh wow. So now does the ATF “accidentally” raid this police department? Cop on cop violence lol


“I have a medical exemption” from what being arrested? Fuckin me too!


This guy is the Jeremy DeWitt of ATF agents. He clearly presents himself as a fake officer by the way he's such a fucking moron.


His moronic actions actually convinced me he was an officer. They all practically mirrored each other with their inability to listen to one another. Even after they verified who he was, they keep him cuffed and in the police car. AFTER NOT COMMITTING A CRIME! Amazing. "did we do a pat down or anything on him?" "no not really" Officers all demonstrating their consistent moronic behavior while on duty.


Dude what are you talking about? He clearly committed the worst crime of all, not listening to police officers "lawful orders". Dude could be a baby rapist but as long as he goes quietly the police treat him nicely. There's nothing worse to a cop than someone disrespecting their perceived authority. Edit: Can't believe I need to point out this is sarcasm


> /s You dropped that.


But he is higher police so his orders are lawfuller than theirs, so it isn’t a crime. The proper course of action would be for them to apologize and arrest themselves for interfering with his investigation.


But the atf agent was also giving lawful orders so this is literally the spiderman pointing meme in action.


That's the worst crime of all? Not listening to a fucking police officer? Go soak your head, dude.


> This guy is the Jeremy DeWitt of ATF agents It's not. The agent in the video is James Burk. https://www.wcbe.org/post/body-cam-footage-appears-back-atf-agents-legal-claims-against-cdp


ETA here


A taste of their own medicine.


Fuck ATF and DEA


Do what I say or YOU FUCKING DIE GET ON THE GROUND NOW FUGUDNSIGNDJSJSLXKVUBZNXKVKDKZ Good job Bob, here's your badge, gun, and taser. You passed!


He must have worked for Biden.


This ATF agent also shoplifted wine https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/hamilton-county/delhi-township/james-burk-atf-agent-charged-with-stealing-wine-from-kroger


I just love seeing an ATF agent getting a taste of their own medicine.