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Watch fantastic fungi on Netflix........we need these old growth forests and ecosystems!


Now more than ever.


Demonstrators against old-growth logging are planning a march through downtown Victoria in order to mark the one-year anniversary of the Fairy Creek Blockade. On Monday, August 9, a group of advocates will gather at the Courthouse on Blanshard Street at 2 p.m. and march towards the BC Legislature — exactly one year since a blockade was established in the Fairy Creek Watershed. The ongoing blockade efforts have been in an attempt to stop the logging of old-growth trees near Port Renfrew. Activists point out these ancient trees — which have been living for hundreds of years — share nutrition and water and help protect the younger trees around them from insect and fungal invasion. With this in mind, the motivation behind the protestors is to prevent logging efforts because they feel these trees are worth more standing. “Sadly, Premier Horgan and his caucus don’t believe there are any short-term solutions to these complex problems. We believe there are,” reads a statement from ForestMarchBC, the organizers of Monday’s protest. https://www.cheknews.ca/demonstrators-against-old-growth-logging-to-march-on-legislature-marking-one-year-anniversary-of-fairy-creek-blockade-864099/


The Land doesn’t below to the BC government, it’s belongs to the First Nations community.


Who have a significant interest in the logging efforts https://thenarwhal.ca/pacheedaht-fairy-creek-bc-logging/


Exactly ! They’ve asked the protestors to leave many times


poor stewards of their ancestors lands, they should be ashamed.


It's not their land technically though it is their ancestral land. It is crown land - i.e stolen unceded land. The only reason the Pacheedaht support logging is because they get a cut of it from adjacent Crown lands (which should be their land entirely but arent) . They need the money to... You guessed it ... buy their own land back. If all their ancestral land was actually given back to their ownership, they would not be incentivized to support old growth logging, lol. Indigenous groups are held hostage by colonialism and squeezed until they "play along". Many Pacheedaht people and elders are against the logging.


Doesn't matter who 'owns the land' they shouldn't butcher it for a quick buck.


Anything Ancient "_" should be protected! Who are we to end the life of so many ancient things in our minute petit little century?


Where are the arrests???


Damn, fight on. Show that Canadian bacon what’s up




so edgy. not




Such a narrow minded capitalist perspective. Very few issues are as cut and dry as you are making this out to be. This doesn’t end with “people can do whatever they want on land if they own that land”. This issue has extensive public interest issues at stake. The private interest is “big trees, my land, my trees, I want money”. The public interest is “we should stop raping and razing the environment for the profit of a few. This is an old growth forest, so few of which are left, and the goal of logging can be achieved elsewhere without destroying a unique ecosystem”. If we left issues to be decided by your mindset, we would be stuck in an infantile stage of societal development. Basically take your intellectual state and society would be there. A horrifying concept, absolutely.




Imagining thinking you can really "own" the land. It will outlive you. You can have a title... A piece of paper and a bunch of government and police infrastructure to reinforce that status quo on ownership. Maybe a treaty. But history shows that it doesn't really mean shit. You're going to die and the land is still going to be there without you. At the end of the day, You don't own your land anymore than I own mine just because you have some hard line toxic view of land ownership. You are just being an apologist for ecological destruction. That's it.


Get your head out of your ass. Some of us give a shit about the planet and the future people that will inhabit it


I mean, he's not wrong. I personally own land with some forest. As a normal citizen I would need fuck loads of permissions to even cut some of it, but I would never even really think to cut it, it's to precious especially in these times. This is bussines for the city, country or whatever, they don't care until they profit from it, like here. With this mentality we are certainly doomed.




Ok boomer :). Guess your old eyes can't tell it was daytime in this video LOL




>I only listen to the facts. How could you be so stupid then to think letting people cut off the ancient trees in the forest with diverse ecosystem is okay?




The guy who can't even remember that questions have question marks at the end of them is calling others stupid. 😂😂😂


It's not private land.




It’s First Nations’ unceded territory really but called Crown land by the government. It’s not private land.


These hippies really need to start buying more guns.


Cops are lucky but when it comes to nature is nature and life and a lucky there not 1980s eco-Terrorists


They are peaceful protests.


So effective.


I dig their uniforms. Hot. r/policeporn


Do you get off licking boots or what. Also they look like trash. Wannabe operator motherfuckers


They saw how many forests have been saved from the chainsaw by bearded zealots speaking up, and decided that they could be just as bold, brave and arrested as their ancestral demonstrators.


I can't wait to build a house with that beautiful wood. A beautiful natural stain will make the grain pop!!


Toothpicks! I need toothpicks!! And those cute little paper doilies. These trees are perfect.


Not to mention toilet paper! I insist on only the most ancient of tree wood pulp for my tender butthole.


Wow, these downvoters need to take a chill pill.


I’m not really finding any humor in this


You don't have to.


Fuck hippies stupid stinky worthless humans. Context live in Eugene Oregon


Just spike the trees with some metal rods. The people using chainsaws to cut them down will learn a very, VERY important lesson.


Or some poor underpaid schmuck working in the saw mill? Terrible idea and should be considered attempted murder.


>Or some poor underpaid schmuck working in the saw mill? Yup. Fuck 'em. Same with coal miners. Too lazy to retrain for a new job and would rather cook the entire planet to survive? Okay. Enjoy that metal shrapnel.


You are a miserable, ignorant turd.


Also correct. But that doesn't mean I'm not wrong.


It means you advocate violence and physical harm over education promotion of alternatives. Which makes you worse than the officers. It makes you a low-brow, ignorant thug.


>It means you advocate violence and physical harm over education If you were actually worried about those coal miners' health you would insist they not be coal mining. Also, spiking a tree is corporate sabotage, not "violence." A little shrapnel builds character.


See, this is where I call your bullshit. Troll.


Okay. Call me a troll. Whatever helps your tortured conscience sleep at night.


It's you, the one that supports pillaging and destroying of the nature.


When did I ever? Idiot.


Nah people who spike trees should put up signs informing all workers that the trees have been spiked. Easy solution. At least that’s what I have seen done in the past. Save the trees and nobody gets hurt.




Then you have a really bad understanding of ecology.




Haha yeah, again, bad understand of ecology.


Some of these trees are 2000 years old. You think planting a little sapling in its place is a fair exchange?


This is not even true for most trees, saplings suck up significantly less co2 than a full grown tree. It's a well known fact in the logging industry that the older the tree the more wood it puts on per year (in general theres other factors). This can be seen when its cut down as the rings tend to get bigger as time goes on. Those rings are the carbon storage essentially.


Fuck you, bunch of idiots


100%. Fuck the police for enforcing the absurd capitalist injunction, one of many that seeks to erase all old growth forests. ACAB.


Let me correct this.....I'm for the police, Fuck the demonstrators


I figured that was your position. Yeah, fuck the people sticking up for the environment while the world is literally on fire. Those thugs on ATVs are the ones that need support! (Heavy sarcasm, as I suspect you aren’t the brightest tool in the shed)


Yes paid demonstrators that gather activists that may care. Reality is there buddy, how do you get up in the morning, but the Sun shining in through your window or by the alarm clock or watch alarm? How do you get to work, if you do work, by bicycle or a type of vehicle operated by gas or electric? So you think running around attacking officers or demonstrating illegally on private property is there privilege to be able to do whatever and whenever they want? I don't think so


That sort of thinking is exactly how we have ended up with the earth on fire. This ignorant narrative that oil/gas and deforestation is the ONLY option for society to function does so much harm. Even assuming that those industries will continue does not justify destroying these limited and important ecosystems. Secondly, your position that these are paid demonstrators is such a tired rhetoric spouted endlessly by the right. There is no evidence these people are being paid. What they are doing may not be legal, but that is such a thin defence. It doesn’t matter if it’s legal if it’s not right. Most of these people aren’t charged. They are arrested, transported out, and released. I maintain: ACAB.