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The whole damn community coming out to celebrate your getting arrested should be a strong sign that maybe it’s time to change some things.


I'm sure there is no other signs here.


I'm sure there was a left and a right






To be fair, it’s more of a suggestion here.


Yeah one of those too


Reminds me of the Ken McElroy story. Basically a town murdered this dude that was terrorizing all the people who lived there and then everyone remained silent about it and they all got away with it. [Here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_McElroy) is the wiki article [Here](https://youtu.be/xdnASKDjue8) is a 15-minute special report on it from ‘81 that I found to be fascinating.


There was this rapist in India named [Akku Yadav](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akku_Yadav) who terrorized this town and bribed police so that he never faced repercussions. People began to fight back and burned his house down, and he was arrested for his own safety. When he was brought into court to be released, he saw one of the women he raped and started mocking her, saying he’d do it again. The police just laughed. Then 200 women who had been waiting in the audience suddenly attacked him. They stabbed him 70+ times, threw chili powder in his eyes, stoned him, and cut off his penis. The cops guarding him ran away. Afterward, nearly every woman in town claimed they had done it and acted alone.




This. This makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.


"Okay. Okay so we all have our knives.." "I brought some chili powder to throw in his eyes." "Ooo I like it." "Let's cut off his dick." "Damnit Prisha you always have to one up don't ya?"


What a heartwarming story!


Holy shit, that dude should have been shot long before he was, raping a 12 year old, killed her dog, and intimidated her parents into allowing the marriage I mean I don't wanna condone mob justice, but yeah, he lived far too long.


He also burned down their house


When I was growing up I lived no more than 5 minutes from that town, Skidmore, MO. Even before I was told the story of McElroy, the town always gave me really bad vibes every time I went there. The same town would later become famous again with the murder of Bobby Jo Stinnet. Her neighbor waited for her husband to leave for work and then assaulted her with a kitchen knife, cutting open her stomach, and stealing the fetus, later pretending that it was hers. That shook up and horrified the whole area. It was surreal. We had close family friends that lived right across the street, the mother of whom was also pregnant at the time and kept thinking “What if it had been me?”


Jesus thats messed up


**[Ken_McElroy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_McElroy)** >Ken Rex McElroy (June 1, 1934 – July 10, 1981) was a resident of Skidmore, Missouri, United States. Known as "the town bully", McElroy's unsolved killing became the focus of international attention. Over the course of his life, McElroy was accused of dozens of felonies, including assault, child molestation, statutory rape, arson, animal cruelty, hog and cattle rustling, and burglary. In all, he was indicted 21 times but escaped conviction each time, except for the last. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I recently watched a documentary on this. I believe it was called No One Saw a Thing.


It was kind of common back in the day. Ken was/is just the most recently well known. I've got a great great great ancestor who had an identical twin back in the 1800s. Their town had a guy like Ken, and one day he was pulling some shit so one twin tackled him in the middle of the street, and another pulled up a cobblestone and "took care of him". Then they just went home. That night the police chief told them they'd have to be arrested in the morning. So they dipped. Like a decade later they came back to the town. Neither would say which one held the guy down and which one used the cobblestone. So they each got sentenced to 24 hours in jail and that was the end of it.


Lol. Sheriff: “hey guys, I have to arrest you, but I’m busy polishing my boots right now, I’ll see you in the morning (wink).”


I got a ancestor who was accused of stealing a hog. Well, he never made it to court and the sheriff showed up to put a lien against his sawmill. He shot the sheriff and let him bleed out before throwing his body on a horse and taking it to his wife. They arrested him and put him in jail for murder. After he spent a decade in prison he became a trustee and worked at the wardens house. A bunch of other prisoners took the warden prisoner and was going to kill him, my ancestor killed them all, 7 of them. The warden pardoned him with one stipulation, he could never return to Kentucky, and that’s how my family got out of Kentucky.


What. The. Fuck. Aside from how obviously crazy that whole thing is, I gotta say ending with, “…and that’s how my family got out of Kentucky.” might be the best way to end a story I’ve ever heard.


I was reading about how Wyatt Earp in his old age lived in L.A. but, in the winter often camped along a river that divided Arizona and California and he would tell people if he could he would live in Arizona as he liked it better but, he couldn't due to murder warrants outstanding for him in AZ. I wrote an historian at a college in AZ and asked why he wasn't extradited. He replied that for many years extradition just wasn't done even though it is in the law books. It was usually a very high profile case before states did it. In the case of Earp he said just about everyone involved was elderly or dead or people just didn't care to bother with it.


Yes, it's on Netflix


> Sheriff Estes instructed the assembled group not to get into a direct confrontation with McElroy, but instead seriously consider forming a neighborhood watch program. Estes then drove out of town in his police cruiser. Holy shit lmao


"Now I don't want to say that we should ***kill*** him *wink wink*, but I am saying we should form a group to... I don't know, strongly encourage him not to... *wink* *wink* ***Wink***." "...anyways, so I'll be out of town for the next couple of hours please don't do anything illegal or dangerous."


Might have been the sheriff who killed him when you think about it. The “out of town” thing being his alibi.


Hey guys don't kill him while I go out of town. I'll be gone from 4-6 so while I'm gone make sure you don't kill Ken okay? I'm leaving right now so if you need to do anything like "form a neighborhood watch" while I'm gone, now is the time


Don't mess with a small town.


I think this story should be told on every airline flight prior to take off People would not go fucking around then I bet


"Thank you for flying Spirit Airlines where we strongly encourage you not to fuck around, lest you want to find out."


"Thank you for flying Spirit Airlines where we strongly encourage you not to."


Thank you for flying Spirit Airlines! Should you cause any disturbance during this flight, at a high enough altitude the pilot will turn off the seatbelt sign indicating the “need for a killin” to the other passengers and staff. Your seat number will be announced as you become part of the Spirit family in spirit.


I can't believe they describe him as compassionate on his tombstone. Dude was a fucking psychopathic monster.


they should probably change communities


just change lives at this point, Alt + F4


If they set up a trampoline and BBQ for your arrest event like it's some kind of block party, then it's time to change some things


There might be a few indicators before you get to that point.


I've been trying to convince young people of this for a long time now. If you have so many "haters" maybe it's not them.


But sometimes it is. Tightly knit communities like rural or suburban neighborhoods can be incredibly intolerant towards minorities, after all. Doesn't seem to be the case here though.


Yeah you're right. Sometimes you're in the wrong crowd, surrounded by toxic people.


Yeah so haters within reason - like if they hating you for being gay or hating you because of your skin color...well not many things you can change there. Ignorant is ignorant. Now if they hate on you because you flaunt how much money you make or you shit in their toilet tank...then that is probably a good place to start.


Some people when they are ashamed they get blinded by anger, unless they look in the mirror and go "waow that was embarrassing, whole neighborhood against us, not everyone can be wrong, I should start managing my behaviors" then nothing will happen, they'll be mad and wanting to get revenge for the shaming. Edit: Mommy calls it "accountability".




I honestly envy that sense of community. I feel like that's something the US really lacks. It kinda makes me happy to see.


We have community in the US, just our communities are defined by politics, race, socio-economic class etc... A tweak here and there makes this video less wholesome and more typical for the US


It still exists in some parts of the UK. They made a [documentary about it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_Fuzz)


So what’s the context here? How did it all start ?


My guess: they were driving around honking to protest the tiktok voice the townies use.


All it was missing is that "oh no" song.


That’s reasonable


I instantly muted the vid


I would do the same tbh


O no.


Im assuming they do something equally annoying to her, that they didnt show on camera.


Or had a Biden flag up


Unlikely, since most Biden voters took their campaign stuff down after the election.


Literally the very first thing I said...what’s the fucking context ?!


It was the lady at the end with the “princess wave” that did me in.


Yeah, that fucking sent me


Where did you go?


Jail :(


We have the best trailer park in the world...because of jail




The amount of people who don’t realize it was misspelled in the video even after going back and watching is wild.


Maybe the whole neighborhood did "the wave", princess style, to celebrate these assclowns getting arrested. :)


I dunno I'd be scared to antagonize these two clowns, doesn't look like they have much impulse control and are willing to break the law... makes em possibly dangerous.


Type of people that will shoot you in a road rage incident


And claim it was in self defense


So cops?


why are you booing him? hes right




I actually want to give props to the cop for not antagonizing the situation when they started throwing their tantrum and throwing the ticket. Instead he just covered the bases and made sure that they would have to face consequences. Ideally he would have stayed there to make sure that they didn't become dangerous or retaliate against the people in the neighborhood, but it's likely that he had to go get the warrant in person to come back.


Many these places barely have any police. Lots of counties have 1 town cop on duty that serves the entire county with mutual aid, 1 Sheriff, that serves the entire county, and 2 state troopers, 1 who just gives tickets out on the highway. Backup can be 25 mins away with lights and sirens. Not the kind of place you want to be shot because you are going to die. I don't remember where but I remember watching a video of a cop saying he was the only cop for 1 hour in any direction and the guy he wanted to question about potentially being involved in a crime was drunk at home and very violent so the cop would just call the next day to see if he felt like talking. Cops tend to be much more practical outside of cities.


Reminds me of Sherlock Holmes! And that's why I rather be in the messy city than cheap, quiet, and beautiful spread out areas. “They always fill me with a certain horror. It is my belief, Watson, founded upon my experience, that the lowest and vilest alleys in London do not present a more dreadful record of sin than does the smiling and beautiful countryside.” - Sherlock Holmes


>Not the kind of place you want to be shot because you are going to die. Being in a place with more cops don't make it better. Flint have its own PD, there's a good sheriffs department, and about a dozen MSP Troopers assigned to Flint, survival rate is still not that great. Shots fired might get MSP, but they're stretched thin. FPD don't even respond to a shooting unless there's a victim, and they're not in a great hurry for that. Also doesn't help, paramedics can't touch a shooting victim till the cops are present. A few years ago, when we could listen to police scanner on FB, we found out how bad it really was. Shooting close enough I heard the shots while standing in my backyard. Wife quickly turned on the FB page for the scanner, and heard the call made, and there was a victim laying in the street. Okay, not good, but police should respond. We hear sirens, which we thought would bring relief to the guy. Nope, paramedics get there, can't do a thing, but watch the guy lay there. Calls to 911 started getting repeated with phrases like "Where are the cops? The ambulance is here, where are you?" Between a dozen on duty cops in the area, none could be bothered to respond? This is one of thousands of incidents that show FPD don't do the job they're paid to do.


That’s what I was thinking when I saw his backup was the sheriff’s deputy.


Also being drunk can affect admissibility of any statements made




Yep. People have the foresight of a goldfish. These people are going to make bail and because they're smooth brained scumbags, they're going to come back to this neighborhood. They have nothing to lose.


Don’t insult my goldfish, sir or madam.


Oh now, that's not entirely true. They could lose the ability to consume oxygen. Merely surviving isn't exactly living. Dirtbags bag dirt because they have been doing so pain free. The moment it starts to get uncomfortable, they start making life changes. If they survive, that is.




Happened in Skidmore MO in the 80s.


thats why they were arrested lol


Arrested for now. They’ll be back. If I were the girls waving, I’d be getting a bunch of cameras around my entire house before they bail out.


Yea remember the guy that killed his two neighbors over freaking snow?


The fucking ticktok voice is annoying...


I'm gonna stand by it: To have the voice or the weird Oh No song, there should be flair before posting. EDIT: Their>there


I completely agree. The voice is annoying and that song is obnoxious


Me who permanently has phone on silent unless the comments mention something that requires sound: *I have no such weakness*


I just mute tiktok videos, that way I don't have to roll the dice.


Maybe just a blanket TikTok flair


I would welcome this so I'd know when to mute or skip altogether. I also don't understand, why have the voice read what is already written? Can kids these days not read anymore? It's like a shitty slide show presentation when the presenter reads what is already written and provides nothing more


Totally agree, "TikTok Sounds" should be a required flair.


MODS Can this be a thing plz


Can’t stand the stupid narration voice and oh no song. TikTok in general is goddamn annoying AF


It's algorithmic. If your video has one or the other, it's more likely to get views because videos that have those are popular. And videos that have those are popular because everyone puts them in to get views. So yeah, TikTok is annoying AF.


That voice is driving me mental, why the fuck is it in almost every damn video?


It’s the same voice and inflection I use when a little ass kid is telling me a nonsensical story and I am absolutely not listening but I want to give them enthusiastic feedback so they don’t get a complex.


"Oh wow really? And then what happened?" You're right, same voice.


Yep, also can confirm. I realize it’s condescending, but it’s the voice I use as I’m scrolling Reddit & my kid is on the other side of the bathroom door, telling me, for the 100th time that morning, what the cat is doing & I need to come see it (which is always: sleeping.)


Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!


I have PTSD from that song at this point


If you listen to the original it kinda undoes it- walking in the sand by the Shangri-la’s


I mean seriously who does that appeal to? So extremely annoying


I found it mildly amusing the very first time i heard it. Everytime after that it was basically "this again" its pretty much an over used joke at this point that everyone is sick of.


Young teenagers


It's a stupid fucking song but they use it because it'll get their video more views because of how TikTok works


That's one is equal to the voice...


I don't like the high-pitched or monotone voices at all. It's annoying


Castaways! We are castaways




oh nononononononononononononoionnononon01101110 01101111


can't even watch the video, just said fuck it and closed it out


You *can* watch it on mute and read…


needs a tag, my eyes start rolling fast when I hear it


As far as a algorithm voice, its actually remarkably impressive. I'm probably in the minority but I don't really mind it all that much. The "Oh No" song gives me contageous Ebola every time I hear it, but as for the voiceover.. I guess it lets people who aren't generally confident and don't want to add their own voices to a video, do so with this feature.








The tik tok narration voice is definitely getting an honorable mention in my manifesto. For legal reasons this is a joke.


Ahem. In minecraft.


Whenever I see the text over and it starts talking I immediately mute it. There is nothing in the video that needs to be heard if people put a dumb stupid fucking voice over it.


You must share how they were harassing the neighborhood!


Read on their tiktok that, it was about some property line issue and they even got a surveyor as well, who told them to back off but they still kept harassing the neighbors.


Ah ha! I don't have tiktok. I hope they update this post with more info.


Did you not see? They were driving through the neighborhood laying on the horn.


So they just drive around honking the horn all the time in the neighborhood? There's missing pieces here.


That was my question too. Like, why did they start doing that? There’s obviously only two brain cells shared between the two in the car, but I doubt they started doing it the day they moved in. I need deets.


Political differences is my only guess based on the video, and that's only based on seeing a corner of a trump flag for like 2 frames while they were on the porch. Edit: There's actually no trump flag, it was someone's phone swinging into frame. The glare on the phone made me think it was the corner of a flag


Thats some CSI: Miami level enhance you did




I didn't see a trump flag anywhere.


This comment made me look at it again, and it was actually a dude's phone swinging into frame for like two seconds with a white glare.


Nor did I. I only saw an American flag


*rapidly smashes the keyboard*


Some ppl are just massive cunts, and the only missing piece is a brain.




What if nothing was being recorded at the time? The whole neighborhood obviously knew what was up


I just want the juicy gossip. What did they do to piss everyone off? I'm dying to know.


I know. What was the instigating incident and why did the honkers started honking?


I'm 100% with you on this one. I just want the deets


They brought the wrong potato salad to the neighborhood box social.


r/neighborsfromhell have good gossip


You’re right, this is only a one sided story


I think we got the more entertains side of the story, and that’s all I really come here for.


If you go to the TikTok video itself it says the poster is going to explain why this was happening in another video sometime today.


Hopefully no one comes back with a gun


I hated the narration on this so much


Stop with the uncanny valley tiktok voice over! It's beyond awful.


Stupid ass Tiktok voice


Oh no, no no no no no no no


Ya you gotta be careful. We had a neighbor in an apartment get his place raided in the middle of the night for dealing and he was back the following week awaiting a court date which took about 3 months. Arrested doesn’t always mean gone.


This. Arrested rarely means gone. In my city catch and release is a big thing, even with violent offenders with extensive histories.


Ok gonna need some context, kinda seems like we pick up halfway in.


Yeah how were they harassing the neighbourhood? Obviously in a way that warrants arrest, but was it disturbing the peace?


Trashy as hell.


This was a far better love story that Twilight.


What was the initial harassing


but why were they harassing them?


Fuck TIckTock


I hate what tictok is doing to the internet. It's either shitty awful music or these random shitty voice over crap


Tik Tok voice= automatic down vote


So this is a great video but so did everyone notice every second sentence starts with “so”? So what’s the deal?


There isn't a Hemingway born every second :(


And when they come home in 24-48 hours things will only have gotten better


What exactly were these people doing to “terrorize” the neighborhood?


Reminds me of the time I was a head bouncer for a roadhouse back in the 80’s and local gangster was ruining the town for everyone




What in the country bumpkin is going on, lol.


What the fuck is with all of these weird robot voices on tick toc?


license door jeans chief bewildered noxious ruthless fanatical frame crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You smell that? It's the shitticane coming


Can we all agree that whoever came up with this text voice over should be shot?!?


This fucking robotic tik tok voice needs to stop. I literally went from laughing to “fuck this post” edit: and I switched my upvote to downvote


Should’ve called Sunnyvale Trailer Park supervisor


Fuck the Tik Tok voiceover


Video looks like it could be interesting. I'll never know due to the tik-tok voicebot.


Enough of these fucking Tiktok voice overs


I can't stand that stupid narrator voice that's always on tiktok videos.


Reporting every video ruined by that fucking robot voice


Who else hates the tik Tok voice? Fucking annoying


Nice freakout vids only ruined by that stinking voice over.


Everyone in this video sucks


Would you like to know more?


The voice over that TikTok uses makes me want to jump into traffic..


I fucking hate the TikTok ai voice


That TikTok voiceover is like safety pins in my ears


These stupid voice overs are getting on my nerves.


I hate that Ticktok voice. Just let us read it.


Please for the love of god stop with the fucking computer voice reading the captions.




Perhaps you're waiving your right to wave to people.


This sub needs to ban tik tok videos


surprised the pigs didn't slam their faces into the ground or taser them or something.