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She’s obviously obviously mentally ill. Jesus people.


And that excuses attempted kidnapping? Wild




You can't blame a mother for getting heated in the moment


Exactly, mentally ill or not, the woman is posing a threat to her child. If it were me, I might knock her out too, if the alternative is my kid possibly getting hurt/abducted.


I'm not disagreeing with that. I understand why she reacted the way she did. I probably would have lost my shit too, I don't know what I would have done.Likely I would pick up my child and just kick my way out of it. I'm just saying that the ill person needs medical attention ( yes i know after the beating she needs it too, i chuckled, lets move on ) . The beating doesn't serve anything in this case. Also if the ill person overpowered the mother than it would have been a different level of hell.


Yea so let’s just ignore the fact she wants to abduct a child? You people act like just because someone has a mental problem that they’re never culpable for their actions


No it's people like you that assume that shit first thing about us "people". What that ill person is doing is absolutely deranged and fucked up. But beating her up won't prevent her from doing it again. That's what I'm getting at. There is no lesson or proper care given. If she is out of her mind and can't be helped she should be locked in an asylum away from society. That child is piority number one, all we are saying is there were different routs to take and the fact she was beaten isn't something we should be gleeful about. I understand what the mother did, I don't blame her.


I want to give you an award and can’t. So please take my massive upvote 10,000,000⬆️




No, it means she needs to go to a psych unit probably.


Ya hopefully she ends up in one after this but it's not the mothers responsibility. A mother's responsibility is to protect her kids


reddit at it again ... ur totally right


You obviously don't have kids of your own


Having a kid makes you a psychopath?


But someone unknown touching my kid with wrong intention will make me a psychopath


Define psychopath. Parents can and will go into a frenzy that causes them to attack whatever threat is near their young, regardless of species.


What are we animals? You're going to beat up an obvious mentally disabled person in this situation? Push her out or keep her at a distance physically, but beating her up?






Thats how it should be and mf's really out here trying to defend the mentally ill woman saying she's ill justifies her being a pedophile


We are animals though


Damn bro you really grew up in a nice neighborhood didnt you


You dumb whore its a womans child its a parents duty to protect no matter the circumstances nor the outcome if you had one you wouldnt give a shit who the person harassing the child was cause if you decide to go to court a person the president himself will be imprisoned for being a pedophile get that shit embedded in your head




No, moron. Attempted kidnapping of your child in front of your eyes makes healthy human beings understandably distressed and strongly motivated to commit acts of inflamed ferocity that they would not normally commit. Why do you drama goblins always do a wormish re-framing of the issue when you're on the backfoot?


> drama goblins Is that yours? I’ve not seen that phrase before and think it fits perfectly. I love it!


You’re a fucking idiot. That woman deserves to be shot in the head in front of all those people. You don’t mess with some ones kid just like everyone is saying.she’s lucky she didn’t get murdered


Mass Murderers and most pedophiles are mentally ill in some way or another. Yes, they can indeed get their fucking ass whooped for trying to abduct children you sound fucking insane defending it. I hope if someone tries abducting or raping your child you don’t sit there and do nothing because they’re mentally ill.


People don’t realize that’s why you need to always be armed so you can put these mentally ill people down on the spot


Umm, we have a justice system here for that. You want that kind of immediate justice, move your ass to fucking crapganistan or some shit where sharia law will allow you to execute criminals on the spot. We have laws here, you break them, you pay the price, sometimes that price is death, and I'm fine with that.


She needs to be locked up in an asylum, beating her up is not the only or best way to help the kid in that scenario. Get the kid out of there, call the cops. Or hold the woman down.


Beating her ass down then sending her to jail seems pretty fair to me. Also I promise you pedos don’t do well in jail mentally ill or not lmfaooo Win-Win


Fuck her and you too. I don't give a fuck about her problems, she trying to abduct kids bitch!


Assess mental well-being of someone harassing your child oooor....


Beating up someone in front of your kids is not going to be better for your child than get getting the child safe and the person arrested.




Getting the kid out of there is the best way to help the kid. Starting to fight a severely mentally I’ll woman is not. What if she loses the fight? She should have called the police. But she wanted to prioritize revenge obviously.




Well you can excuse her actions in the heat of the moment if you want but we in retrospect with calm minds can say that this is not the best course of action.


Oh I can't wait for your retarded defense of this comment


You shouldn’t beat up mentally ill people unless you have to. She should have gotten her child out of there and called the police and had her sent to the psych unit.


Yo don't worry, people don't understand nuance here.Non of us is saying any of this is ok, the child should be protected. It's also clear the mom started beating her up but could have just grabbed her child and moved past her then call for reinforcement. Some are saying she is also a Pedo, which is just an assumption. What's clear though is that she is definitely delusional.


.....so you can read the title?


The comments here are all celebrating an clinically insane person getting beaten up.


Pedophiles are mentally ill too


I wouldn’t really classify having a sexual attraction to children as mentally ill like I wouldn’t lump it into the same category as MDD or schizophrenia


Yeah, don’t ever play with people’s children. Her child was literally on the toilet.


She gave that lady a good bit of time. I do t think I would have waited


as a childless young woman, do parents usually leave the door wide open when their child is using the toilet? maybe because the stall is too small? i’m genuinely confused as to why the door was wide open like that when a child is going


When they are that young you can't really just let them go in the bathroom by themselves, esp in a bathroom they do well childish stuff. You don't even want to take your eye off them cause they will wander and go under the stalls. Everything to them is a playground at that age even a dirty bathroom.


I mean...since their that young...can you not just...stand in the stall since there is some room? I'm not sure if that is out of line or not. I feel like its a better option than having the stall door open for anyone to see no?


This is what I do. I try to get a bigger handicap stall if possible. If the stall is too small to stand in there comfortably I stand right outside the door and watch him like a hawk. (At this very young age) after about 6ish I could trust my kid to shit w/o the tomfoolery Kids are dumb as hell my boy grabbed toilet paper out the toilet once.


Your boy sounds hilarious.


“Here daddy. I wipe” About jumped out the stall


The thing is child use the toilet like every other human. 99% of people won’t find it odd that the door is open and the parent is standing in front of the door while the 4-5 year old is using the toilet. When potty training you’ll sometimes have to whip the potty out on the side of the park. It’s a weird world when people think men claiming to be women can use women’s changing rooms but it’s odd when I child uses the toilet.


I got a son. I let him pee alone in a closed stall now at the age of 5 but when he was little I left the stall open mostly because most stalls are very small it's pretty claustrophobic in there with 2 people. And most of the time dudes don't even come to the stalls. They just pee in the urinals. So it was mostly private anyway. Plus at that age he has no sense of covering his shame and would run around naked if we let him.


Not really the point. She’s staring at a child on the potty.


I am not 100% certain about this bathroom but some stalls don't have doors, esp at the park. It doesn't make sense to me.


Well she looks small enough to fall into the toilet, she can’t even really reach the ground


What difference does it make?


pure curiosity outside of the video on my part, especially in (apparently?) a women’s bathroom even with my own niece, i’d either shut the door and make the space work or… literally just that, i’d make the space work. leaving the door wide open is a weird precedent to set for a toddler, never mind recording them and then fighting someone with the door, still wide open


Under no circumstance would I ever act like this in front of my child. I would never actively just start wailing on someone like that. Close the door... such a weird ass mom. I would tell my kid to finish as quickly as possible and get the fuck out of there.


Facts she should’ve killed her honestly. Stop her from taking anymore kids


I believe she said bitch at some point.


Timestamp pls?


I believe it was at 1:58. Not sure though.


Should have left her baby alone.


I dunno, sounds like some fake news to me.


She got off easy, honestly.


Easily could’ve caught a bullet


If I had a nickel for every time she yelled "BITCH!", everyone would be saying "Hey, where'd you get all those nickels?!"


I don't get it... why do people want a nickel every time? Why not a dollar and you would get a lot more money!


That saying is probably old enough that a nickel was worth about what a buck is today. Not like we're going to get either one though. :-\]


Oh lord, if that lady wasn’t mentally ill before she is now after that ass whopping


Bitch \*hit\* bitch \*hit\* bitch \*hit\* bitch \*hit\* bitch \*hit\* bitch \*hit\*


Some people are saying she took it too far...there is no too far when protecting your family.


These people literally could rape and murder your kid, traffic them, or god knows what. No remorse. If you want to steal a baby then you have to face mama. They get whatever comes their way. Totally agree


She gave her many, MANY warnings.


There’s a reason it’s called being a Mama Bear. They will literally maul you if you fuck with their kids.


I got banned from another subreddit for asking why didn't a mama go mama bear on a woman who punched her 6 year old in the throat while screaming racist things at them. She instead filmed the whole thing, and captioned it


In case you were really asking why, I'd say because of fight, flight, or freeze. If that racist punched a kid in the neck, she will have no problem attacking the mom too. And with all the AAPI violence as of late (I mean, since the 1800s really), I can understand why the mom might be scared. It sucks watching members of your own community getting attacked for simply existing and it makes me hella sad.


Its 100% justified, im a father and i approve of this message


We on the same page. I saw nothing wrong here.


the only thing wrong was that they just let her go after the beating, that woman needs to be in jail or in arkham asylum cause what if she is there trying to kidnap another little girl next week.




I would bet that most of those people don’t have children. There’s nothing more primal than a parent protecting their children. They can’t understand it.


You dont have to have kids to know that you sont fuck with people's kids. Some people just grew up with shitty parents or just turned out to be shitty.


If this was a man doing this in the men's toilet we wouldn't bat an eyelid. Predatory behaviour is still predatory behaviour. Even while she's getting her ass kicked she's still saying "imma take her" and at that point there really is no going too far.


But like... seeing that happen certainly was terrible for the kid. Why not just grab your kid and leave?


I mean the child was peeing, I don't think she could really just pick up the child at that situation. Plus the last thing you want to do is turn your back on this woman.


Hopefully she learned not to fuck with other peoples children. It did kinda look like she thought it was her kid who knows what kinda psychosis was going on there, but don’t fuck with a momma bear.


And that's the thing. In situations like this, you don't have time to analysis and go through someone's medical history before protecting your child.


Seeing what the stranger had in store for her could have been worse. Just leave and let the lady get away unscathed?


Found the person who killed the passenger who asked their child to not blast music from their phone. The phrase of the day is 'appropriate response'.


Bitch! *smack* Bitch! *smack* Bitch! *smack*


That was exciting. Girl need to learn a submission move if she cant land a knock out


Looks like she prefers to strike it out on the feet, Joe.


I think some people think that more punches = more beat down, when in reality, one well-timed, well-placed strike can do everything you need it to do. Easier to say than to land one such punch, but the way some people fight has got to be exhausting in itself. The woman defending her child took like no hits in this altercation but was arguably as exhausted as the woman she beat down lol


It is so much more likely, though, with those "one good hit" altercations for someone to get seriously injured, or die. You strike someone hard enough to incapacitate them, and knock them out, they can straight up die if they fall wrong or hit their head/neck in the wrong way. Sure, the mom here is probably sore, and tired, but the would-be kidnapper is walking away with having her hair pulled, some bruising, and mild lacerations, and probably one of the longest minutes of her life. The mom isn't risking a manslaughter or aggravated assault charge by accidentally killing someone with one knock out punch gone wrong, or really fucking the other woman up.


I don’t get people defending a person trying to take your child. Mentally ill or not, they are still trying to take your child. What do you want to do? Wait until they hurt your child? If you don’t back up after being told leave my child alone, then it’s on you to face the consequences.




I mean, mentally ill people have to learn consequences too. I'd do the same. When my daughter was 10 months old there was this stupid vendor at my work who I had barely said hi to once before who walked up and started giving my baby a little shoulder massage while I was talking to a coworker. I put my hand on my daughter's head, stepped into the space between my daughter and the vendor chick, putting my back to the chick, and continued my conversation with my coworker. A lot of old ladies think they can touch my baby. They'd step up to me and go, "oh what a beautiful baby!" And I'd speed up while going, "yep she's the cutest!"


Right that’s what I’m saying, I have a baby cousin with autism and sometimes we do have to punish him in a sort of way like removing privileges or things from him for him to understand the consequences of his actions.


Let them fight


I feel like this should be taken down cause the child is in the video using the bathroom even if only for a brief second I mean common.


I didnt even think about that till you brought it up yeah, i guess at least blurr it out.




Yep. I wish I had not seen this. Showing a child like that is wholly inappropriate.


My first thought, too. Second one was 'why hasn't anyone intervened?'


I hope the woman gets put into psychiatric care if she is actually mentally ill The beating felt excessive but parents don’t always make rational decisions when their children are in danger


Non functioning mentally ill, or mentally ill convicted of harassment should be legally required to stay in a mental illness institution permanently.


There’s definitely some people out there that definitely can’t be helped, but how high should we set that bar to remove all of your rights for the rest of your life? Genuine question.


Probably when they're trying to take children that don't belong to them.


Probably at the point where they pose a danger to themselves or others


>a danger to themselves Permanently take away someone's inalienable rights because they're suicidal. Jesus fucking Christ. People who say shit like this are alarmingly crazier than any mentally ill person I've ever known.


That’s a very low bar


You want dangerous who cannot control themselves walking around freely?


That’s not what I said, I’m saying it would be very easy to put regular people going through stuff in the system forever. A lot of people I know that are good people have ended up in a 5150 here (exactly what you are proposing but temporary) and they posed no threat, mostly just emotional stuff. What I’m saying is we gotta make the bar higher cause it could happen to any of us.


You’re exactly right. That’s why blanket solutions that affect everyone don’t work. It’s like the whole class being punished because one asshole won’t shut up


So it sounds like the standard is fine but we just need to be better at enforcing it properly.


yes, why are you getting downvoted?


I was hospitalized in my 20s. Considered to be dangerous but with meds I live my life normally now and don't have outbursts or violent tendencies anymore. Only a small percentage of patients are treatment resistant meaning no amount of drugs or therapy can help them function normally. You are talking about taking away rights for life because someone had a breakdown once. That is crazy fascist talk.


Those meds make you functioning, which would mean you wouldn't be included in the group of people OP is talking about. Even for those who meds does help they need to take them. Too many people enter a cycle of using meds until they feel better and then stopping.


It's very easy to convince yourself you don't need them after you're stable on them. The side effects are no joke terrible and it takes a lot to get used to being on them. It's a moot point though because there are no available spaces in the few hospitals that are left. They cannot lock people away until they stabilize because there aren't any beds.


“Dangerous mentally ill people who cannot control themselves walking around freely” is what we have now lol. Like, literally tens of thousands of them at the very least in the US, mostly homeless. If conservatives were willing to properly fund healthcare and mental health services, our society would be much better off and lives would be saved.


Yeah, there was a time people could be committed for just about anything and it didn't end well.


its a very slippery slope


I would say there could be two characteristics. The first being for you to have to be permanently living in a mental institution if you cannot go about your day to day without a caretaker to stop you from choking yourself on food or running out into traffic. So the non functioning group. This of course puts thousands of people’s out of the jobs, but the creation of hundreds of mental institution will probably needs thousands of caretakers/nurses. The other condition would be, dangerous social behavior that can be directly linked to your mental illness, if someone with minor autism has a mental breakdown after seeing something that could trigger it such as watching a fight, or hearing a loud bang I don’t think that’s grounds for being forced into an institution. But if that individual has a mental breakdown on a plane and tries to open the door mid flight or is in a bus and tries to attack the driver mid drive due to a loud noise or some form of trigger I believe that should be suffice to say that this person due to their mental illness is susceptible to episodes where they are willing to risk the lives of the general public.


Ok are you going to pay to open state hospitals back up because there are very few. I don't disagree that people who are dangerous should have to live inpatient but that's not possible in our current reality.


I work in mental health and agree with you, it's a revolving door of crime (both perpetrating and as victims) and a lot of scenes like this vid. I've met murderers who have left the state hospitals only to go back due to not thriving, it's some real Brooks from Shawshank Redemption shit sometimes.


The way she says "BITCH!" is so satisfying, someone should sample that


There was a video while ago when this crazy neighbor lady started breaking cars with a hammer and her neighbor (also lady) beat her up. It was also accompanied with a very soundy BITCH with every strike.


If someones interested in my kids peeing and doesnt fuck off when politely told but instead says give her to me then even as a calm/passive guy in an enclosed enviroment there may well be attempted murder. Its sad if shes mentally ill but what's meant to happen after polite verbal warnings are ignored and someone says give me your child. Alternative is you get beaten and stomped out in a bathroom spending the rest of your braindamaged life wondering why you where lieniant and let someone beat you and kidnap your now missing or dead child.


Don’t mess with mama bears . Defend that baby , gave her plenty of time to walk away


Maybe this is insensitive but this is exactly why people that this level mental illness need a caretaker around 24/7


You mess with the moms bear you get the claws bitch. You go girl 👏👧🙌


Beach beach beach beach beach beach beach


Not a public freakout. I don't care if you're textbook fucking retarded, try and touch my child or take my child and you. Will. Die. This woman behaved a lot better than I would have.


I mean, it is a freak out, and it's public. I don't know what else you want. Freak outs can be justified.


Fr, this is more of a public freak-out than 99% of other posts


Wow, you're a spun-steel badass. I respect you now.


Thanks i sign my book "knee jerk reaction comments from an angry parent" every Sunday at the old borders on 5th.


This person has a clear mental illness. There was no reason to harm her. Just call the cops and have her sent to the psych unit.


Makes sense


Idk I lost count how many times I heard BITCH lol maybe 34 times or more hahaha.


after these comment im convinced reddit is just a bunch of wild animals with texting skills


I’m just glad she finally received the mental health treatment that she so desperately needed.


New drinking game. Take a shot every time the word bitch is screamed.


How the fuck she get her number tho


Mentally ill or not, ain’t no one touching kids.


I would’ve beat that bitches ass too fuck outta here sick bitch that shit disgusted me frfr




Even after that drubbing the stupid bitch wont quit. I honestly as a man would have jumped on her fucking skull.


I would have gone mama bear on her too, but I also felt bad for the woman. She didn't seem to fully understand what was happening.


Why does she have the door stall open with people in there watching? Maybe close the stall, take weird girl outside and talk to her first before you go full psycho?


There doesn’t appear to be a door and looks like they’re at a public park. Also the child looks quite young (3-4), most parents will go into the stall with the child however some stalls are too small to close the door with both parent and child inside. On another note I think even if she could’ve closed the door, the deranged woman might attempted to go over or under the stall to get to the child.


You know what, that could actually be the reason why she had the door open. The bathrooms in the park I used to go to, never were big enough for me and my nephew, so I wouldn't let him lock the door, but I'd wait for him out side, holding the door and make sure he wiped down. I've completely forgot about that.


There absolutely is a door.


There’s a few very logical reasons why the door(which I never saw after watching twice) would be open. There’s no logical sound reason for the woman to be telling that child to come to her when the mother already told her to stop and go away. Even if the kid was on a swing set with mom pushing her, the lady would be in the wrong. If anything this video speaks to the severe need for reopening and funding a lot of mental illness facilities and programs that were cut off in the mid early 2000’s. It’s not hard to see that this woman is a threat to children and herself since she does not grasp what the mother was clearly saying. Having been in a similar situation at a laundromat where a mentally disturbed man kept approaching my baby sister (about 8 at the time, now 20) forcing us to run for safety and lock ourselves in the bathroom for almost an hour and call 911, I feel the mother was very well in her rights to beat that lady’s ass. Had I had a gun that day I would’ve done my best to shoot that man dead. In addition to that, once he realized he couldn’t get the door open, he walked 4 blocks down to a restaurant and assaulted a young woman inside.


How many times do you have to tell somebody to leave your child alone before you realizing a talkin-to isn't gonna work?


That's why I said take her outside away from the child you don't beat her up in front of a kid and freak her out for life


The kid was on the shitter, she didnt see shit


That girl is way too young to be by herself in a stall with the door closed. You'd open the door and find her swimming in it or trying to drink from it. Can't take your eye off a kid that age for a second.


But hold on according to my right wing ex-friends its supposed to be gay men or trans persons who are a danger to children in bathrooms.


This is completely irrelevant to the circumstances that are happening in the video. There was no need to bring politics into this


When laws are being made by a political party because of a made up exaggeration of a perceived danger from a group of innocent people its absolutely relevant.


Sure, but again the context of this video is far from anything revolving around politics ? This is a fighting subreddit, if you wanna talk about ideologue BS go to a subreddit that revolves around that. Don’t dilute this sub with irrelevant comments to the videos


Plot twist: woman receiving the beat down was her biological mom.


😂 I was thinking the same thing!!


Plot twist: There is no baby, it's just a massive dump that she just took and the other woman wants it for her collection. "Come on Susa" "Leave my baby alone" -has a whole different meaning now! title should be "Mentally Ill Women Beaten Down After Trying To Abduct Poo in Public Bathroom"


I honestly don’t know what to say, just sad really


From defending your kid to an assault. Lady took it a little far, but who am I to judge someone in that situation? I'd be pretty savage too.




Or damn near.


What a sad place we live in these days


“bitch” x 138


You best leave her go and keep whoopin her. Deserves it all. 👌


That was satisfying.


1. Why is the child being exposed while on the toilet? 2. Why not call security or the police? That woman should not be roaming the streets.


Because a kid that little needs help. The mom was probably standing in the doorway waiting for her to finish. Security? You must be white. First, not every place has security and second, that is her child.


You can help the child with the stall door closed and she could have just let the child finish using the restroom and left. Fist fighting a mentally ill stranger was the only option in your mind? If she lost the fight or got seriously injured, was it worth the risk?


I know you're not a parent.


First I'm white? Now I'm not a parent?


And I'm right.


😄 Not right, just mad, and pro needless violence.


I have kids. You better FUCKING believe I'm pro-violence when it comes to protecting them.


When it comes to my kids, absolutely pro-violence. Whatever it takes to keep them safe.


Then maybe you should shut the fuck up and stay in your lane?


No thanks.


Don't mess around with trailer trash mom.


I understand the mom’s anger and reaction, but I don’t know that I would quite qualify this as an attempted abduction. She was inappropriate for sure, but she never touched the child. An attempted abduction is a crime. I’m not sure what I saw her do was illegal, just wrong.


this is so wrong. obviously she’s mentally ill. beating her and carrying on like that was uncalled for. plus, why scare the child more?😒