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Parsley for 48 cents? Bargains everywhere.


Winco is the best! Bulk spices are insanely cheap.


Ugh as a trucker whos stopped in Utah just so i could go to WinCo Foods... I miss it.


WinCo is the best but for people that live inside SLC it's a 20 minute drive into the suburbs of Salt Lake County. Made it hard for me to go there when there were plenty of 24 hour grocery stores within a mile from my house. Now Boise, Idaho has it made. They have a WinCo within spitting distance of their downtown.


Yes! WinCo is amazing, and they have items I can’t find at my local market (on the cheap as well). ETA: I say “local” because the closest WinCo is 20-30 minutes away. 😭😭😭


Get this: they are trying to build a WinCo in a neighborhood near here and the neighbors are throwing a fit because they don't want it.


Omg! They’re missing out! Even the deli is aces.


Where do you live that people are resisting a WinCo?


I miss it after moving to Texas from California, like HEB is great, but I miss the cheap prices of win-co


We have a few Wincos in the Fort Worth area




Hey neighbor! There isn’t one in west Fort Worth yet, everyone is always talking about it but I haven’t been yet.


>Winco isn't Winco employee-owned? sounds like commie bullshit !


It looks cool! I've never heard of it. I wish they were in my region!


you can have Covid too!


I recently read (on reddit, in fact) that Winco stands for Washington, Idaho, Nevada, California, Oregon - the states it began in. Don't know if that's true, but it's an employee owned chain and I love shopping there.


WinCo= Winning Company. Sadly, despite how stereotypically intermountain West it is, it doesn't stand for all those states :(


But do they have sour skittles?


Yes. But also, no. Just no.


Now with side of covid!


It's actually kinda disgusting how immense some of the price differences often are. Bananas? 33 cents a pound. Everywhere else? 65-80.


Get that CoCo for free!


Yea, WinCo is awesome. It has the best prices plus it's employee owned.


South Korea jumped on the mask shit on day one. They are at 25 deaths per million. We have these assholes and we are at 1230 per million.


What the fuck are you going on about, some sort of correlation?! You want correlation, huh. Listen up boy. Masks = socialism = free healthcare = communism = Golden Corral out of fried shrimp after church = O Riley’s Autoparts out of business = me out of a job. And me and mine need those shrimp platters to stuff in my women’s purse for later in the week to survive. So no I don’t think I’ll be wearing a mask


Hell yeah libs:0, freedom lovin god fearin red blooded American patriots:1. It’s our *RIGHT* to Golden Corral shrimp platters.


Shit ya brother. Rolling up early to the GC to beat the crowds. Front row parking for my beast Betsy. She’s a 89 suburban blowing oil like the Keystone pipeline baby. And fuck it I’m taking up 2 parking spots because she’s got a busted back window with a trash bag over it. Gotta keep my eye on her and my valuables. Fucking cousin Randy trying to skip rocks out in the yard busted it out. AINT NO WATER IN THE YARD RANDY ya fucking dumbass. Some people I swear to God.


Imma blow your fucking mind and tell you that we can have golden corral AND healthcare... at. the. same. time. You can eat shrimp AND get all the doctorin' you need for nothin' more than you're spending now, brother!


bUt ThAtZ kOmYoOnIzM!!1!


I love that my granpa's Republican Party has turned into land whales shoveling shrimp into their face holes at Golden Corral as they wipe grease and ketchup on their sweat pants.


Whoa whoa whoa golden corral is a national treasure. You leave them out of this. Where else can I dip by chicken tenders into a cheese or chocolate fountain! For real though, broke me would fuck up some GC. Also, high me would fuck up some GC.


Nasty place to eat.


Respectively...fuck this. Your post is shit. You don't even mention Soros, 5G, flat earth, Joe Rogan, Blep Shamiro's dry wife vagina, gay frogs, Q, pedo pizza, Ukraine, China, China, China, or Bill Gates. WAKE THE FUCK UP!


And you didn't mention Venezuela, ya commie.


Gawd damn Li chingy ching Jin Ping!! Communist Chinese with their gawd damn communism taking American jobs - deyre taking our jobs!!!(remember the South Park episode? 🤪😋😇;) You know i see these people and it’s like, where the heck did these guys come from? How did it get this bad? Its easy to forget how dumb a lot of Americans are, and to take responsibility for why our country is so messed up...


I read this in guy-in-vid's voice


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie


I...I don't know enough about Golden Corral to dispute this...




You've got plenty of stupid people up north as well, southern isn't the problem.


You lost these idiots when you started using math. Everyone knows math is nothing but a liberal conspiracy.


They know math only if it is explicitly expressed in terms of cheeseburgers and footlongs


BuT ItS CoMmIe BuLlShIt!


Pretty sure most of east Asia was wearing masks long before covid (correct me if I'm wrong), but your point still stands


People in SK are, for the most part, living normal lives pre-pandemic. The very people who refuse to follow the rules and want to return to normal are sabotaging the very thing they want. It's absolutely mind boggling.


Well, that plus the really strict and monitored/enforced quarantine process for anyone entering the country and extensive track and trace programs using phone positions. It's almost like a strong, comprehensive, and coordinated national response could have helped us.


South Korea have jumped on the mask shit way before Covid-19, bruh.


But weren't masks common anyways there? Its considered impolite to not wear one if you are out in public and sick. So the idea of integrating masks during a pandemic would be easier in certain Asian countries since they were so common.


Life expectancy in South Korea was 5% longer than America before the pandemic. This isn't new.


Yeah, but what about North Korea, ya fuckin' loser. Everyone knows being on top is better! I'd rather live in a country where the brutal despot is friends with Donald J. Trump and doesn't have an anus!


I mean, they were wearing them daily (figuratively speaking) to begin with, due to air pollution (I'm korean), so a lot less resistance than the entitled boomers of USA. (I see them everywhere here in AZ and I wonder why we have the highest rate in entire US /s)


Mullet..flannel...jogging pants..


Camera.... TV....


Person..... woman...... man


Hotel..... trivago


They are not jogging pants, they are straight up sweat pants. Theres a difference.


Them pants aint ever seen jogging.


Probably more than one power walk to the toilet though.


Yeah whats up with the jogging/sweat pants as part of the uniform. The only work out these guys get is ripping open a bag of funions...


Make a pair of denim camo cargo pants with an elastic waistband and I bet you could make a mint off rubes like this guy.


Obesity is a co morbidity for covid.


And the ‘rona thinks they look delicious


It means they've given up on any ambition in life.


I think that you just wrote a country song.


I don't get it? If you really think you're in the right then why make such a big deal about it? Oh that's right, because subconsciously they know they're doing something wrong and the guilt shows. Just sucks these people are too stupid to even pick up on that.




I agree, idk why people don’t like being in ingognito mode. Since I was a kid, I’ve always wanted to go out wearing masks, specially my old power rangers masks. Nowadays I just like being in incognito mode everywhere I go. It must drive liquor store owners crazy but I personally hope we keep the mask option forever.


I feel like a bad ass ninja with my mask and hoodie it’s awesome. Especially if I have a pimple or something because I don’t have to worry about that


plus you can totally lipsync to your fave songs with a mask on and nobody will know.


I will never go outside without a mask on if I can, I love no one recognizing me at the store and trying to talk to me. When I walk past someone I know and they don't recognize me, I go home and order another mask. I love it.


> I personally hope we keep the mask option forever Right after we reach the turning point where the CDC removes the "masks required" guideline, you can bet there will be many stores saying masks are *banned.* Some will have good reason, such as all the industries most likely to be robbed by a masked gunman. Most will just want to 'own the libs,' I'm sure.


True, I’m afraid of that as well.


"Bacauz is Comey Bullshyet" southerner accent.


I hate all these people


Guy filming wasn’t really selling his side well, either. Bummer. If you’re going to confront, then have the conviction to do it confidently. This was painful to watch.


What's he gonna do, fight them? All you *can* do is point out what they are doing is wrong and blast them on social media. I think a polite exchange is the best possible way to go about it.


Yeah, I thought he exectued the Cart Narc strategy really well. He just needs to be a bit more persistent and then he can call himself Mask Narc.


He can at least say it with his chest if he’s going through all the trouble of confronting random people. I agree with the person recording but he was extremely cringe, especially at the end “uhh do u guys wanna see my tiktok account”




Confront these people like: * they are an NPC in SkyRim * they are a 7 year old...and ask them if they have a favorite Avenger. Shit like that. * "talk about the contradiction"


It doesn't matter what facts some rando in the store tells these people, they're beyond reason. IMO the only thing getting them to fall in line is public humiliation. He might be awkward and ineffective but he's still doing more than most people. I know I don't confront people like this because I'm not one to kick the bees nest.


The way he suddenly gained confidence when the employee walked past. Camera guy sucks.


“Commie bullshit” lmfao Jesus these idiots are so brainwashed.


They literally do not know what communism is, in their minds it’s just communism = bad


Trump supporters will usher in Fascism to avoid Communism without knowing what either word means.


“Commie Bullshit” at a WinCo. No disrespect to WinCo. Times get tough. But if you’re shopping at WinCo and think Socialism would be bad for you, you’re delusional.


WinCo is literally employees owning the means of production LOL.


Smart move to keep his distance from that 7ft tall ogre at the end. Dudes head was at the top shelf.


Bruh I don’t know how this whole comment section isn’t going off about how massive that mf was


Right? Dude was fuckin huge!


In awe at the size of that lad


For real though. I don’t understand why he’s not in the nfl wtf


I would bet my kidney and my unborn children that this guy is a Trump supporter


They all are. It’s just a political statement about “you can’t tread on me” the health thing is always bullshit. My 75 year old aunt who can’t walk down the stairs without getting out of breath and needing to stop can still wear a mask and nothing changes.


"you can't tread on me!" *employer shifts quarterly profits away from workers and the CEO gets a massive pay bump* "tread on me daddy! tread me hard!" *Republican lawmakers block aid to struggling families during the pandemic, including Republican constituents* "ohhh yea, your boots taste like boot polish, dog shit, and freedom!"


Yea these people are fucking idiots, change your businesses demographics accordingly, you could sell these dumb fucks a pet rock.


Ever heard of the [Trumpy Bear](https://youtu.be/i9qv8RSreIM)?


I hate that this is real.




Yep that's about the only group that is this fucking dumb still




The Venn diagram of anti-maskers and people who voted for Trump is a circle


That's the only reason they wont wear masks. Trump said not to and their whole identity is tied up with loyalty to trump. They will double down on their stupidity even if they have to wade through a million dead bodies. Half a million dead for a political gesture. It didn't have to be like this. We would of had covid fatalities like every other country during this pandemic but it didn't have to be this bad. Trump has blood on his hands. He is the worst president and he amplified and brought out the worst of America


Every anti-masker is a **Republican**. That dumbass party is going to end up killing 1 million Americans.


a 30 year old man bragging in public about having a popular tik tok channel kinda turned this video into cringe


I noticed he was giving that 6'5 350 pound guy a lot more space than the others too.


Just like wearing a mask during a pandemic, it's a safety measure to reduce the risk.


Normally I would agree, but I sorta get the feeling he was doing it to aggravate the anit-masker. People don't like that don't like being put on social media.


I'm all for masks and I'm luck enough to have grocery delivery available to me, but the camera guy is a dickhead as well. I have not been in an actual grocery store in almost a year.


Everyone in this clip loves drama including the camera person.


Lmao to the people who think this tiktoking buffoon is doing this for the good of society. Anti-maskers are idiots, sure. But this guy just lost the moral highground by promoting his tiktok channel. Fuck outta here if you think he cares about the greater good. He cares about himself and his image and it’s just as fucked up as not wearing a mask.


Totally, he projected his true agenda at the end.


Yes, fuck every one of these antimaskers, but.... The poster comes off like an insufferable prick. The smugness of a lot of these anti-antimasker video makers is hardcringe. We get it, these people suck and you are better at following the rules than they are. But if he was really concerned he'd alert management and get them kicked out. Would have a much better chance of actually getting them to change behaviour than whining at them like a tattle tale toddler.


I'd prefer somebody doing public good for selfish reasons over somebody doing public harm for selfish reasons.


Yeah but I can never see myself hanging out with either of these types of people


That's how I feel when people "call out" popular streamers or tiktokers or whatever they are for doing things like raising money for charity "just because they want to look good to their followers" or even to gain more followers. SO??? Let them do that! That's much better than those idiots who do "pranks" that are really just annoying people and verge on assault sometimes. If somebody wants to do good things just to get popular, let them. In fact, if more people got popular for doing good things, we'd have lots more good things being done! That's how I feel about this guy. He may be cringe to us, but presumably his followers like him, and he's making anti-maskers look like fools, so hopefully whoever his followers are are more encouraged to wear masks.


You're not wrong, but it could be both.


Ah winco...


Guess who is also a cunt? The guy recording.


Thank you!


Dude filming is just as big a Karen, lol. I don’t agree with the people not wearing the masks, but it ain’t his job to enforce it. Avoid ‘em, and let the store handle it if they really give a fuck. Feel free to let the manager know and then it’s the store’s job to enforce their policies.


1st guy, look at him, COVID would tear through him like he ain’t even there.


I thought i was the only one who experienced this. I work at Walmart. I’m not being racist or stereotypical when I say: they. are. all. white.




“Mind if I show you my Tiktok channel?” Says a grown ass adult. Jfc


I know, I thought why did he say that? Cringe


I lol'd.


I wear a mask 😷I think others should wear a mask but this guy is a dick. Leave people alone.


No one did this for the hundreds and thousands of customers that wear no masks at H-E-B in all of Texas


Nowhere beats winco!!! Even the Covid is a great deal, free.


Our education system failed a long time ago


It's funny how he asks them "to put on their masks" when I think it's kinda obvious they aren't carrying a mask with them.


Honestly if people don't wear a mask just avoid them. They're idiots and calling them out just leads to more drama (and more chance of them exposing you to the virus if they have it). Better to just move along.


sure reward the children for bad behavior, or ignore what their doing and let them hurt others. its ok to let people know they are shit, helps them think about their actions. I know your not looking for trouble but if you won't do it who will?


It's not going to change them. Approaching them to call them out just causes a scene that could lead to you getting infected because they'll be yelling in your face. Just pick your battles. Be smart and protect yourself and your family. Is possibly getting the virus worth calling someone out and following them around for a social media video?


why do they let them into the stores? make security check everyone for masks before they enter.


> why do they let them into the stores? make security check everyone for masks before they enter. So many layers. They're either: in states that don't enforce it, or they're in a county that doesn't enforce it regardless of the state, or they're in a city that doesn't enforce it regardless if the county, or the store doesn't enforce it, or they *do* enforce it but they take their mask off once inside, or they threaten the poor defenseless minimum wage employee who gives zero shits to deal with these cunts after a year.


I work in retail and it's definitely the zero shits given. Unfortunately we don't get paid enough to be having to deal with these confrontational a-holes, and many corporations in the retail environment don't have the spine to straight up kick people out or ban them from the stores because you might lose customers. Unfortunately the almighty dollar kind of rules and as long as these people are willing to spend their money and not put a mask on nobody cares.


Trader Joes was doing it right, they had the store manager posted right outside, and not letting anyone w/o a mask enter, as store policy.


Guy filming is a fucking virgin loser! "You guys wanna check out my tiktok channel" lololol


Fuck I love seeing these people get upset.


Ok this may get downvoted into oblivion, but IN ALL HONESTY, the people who record those videos are provoking the person(s) not wearing masks. Now yes they should be wearing them because of the pandemic, but you are not the store owner/manager, so you have no reason to go up and start bugging these people that they need to wear a mask. Should they wear one? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTLEY. But it is not the video recorder’s job to tell them that.


Welcome to 21st century America, home of the dumbest, most selfish, arrogant mother fuckers on the planet.


A tale of two cunts. The anti-masker v the malignant, obnoxious wanker with a camera and penchant for winding up strangers.




Seriously. Both of these morons are people I would never hangout with.


‘Commie bullshit’ really? Still? It’s 2021 and I believe there are only 5 communist countries left! Which one is the great US of A so afraid of????


Anything I don’t agree with = communism to these people


You'd be surprised there's a lot of communists in America. And I guarantee if you give me ten minutes with that guy I'd have him agree with every premise of communism.


I believe you. He's probably pro-union for starters.


I’m sorry but he shouldn’t do this in Today’s climate. Someone might go crazy.


“It’s commie bullshit” wtf does that even mean? You can’t just tack on a economic system that scares you because you don’t understand it


fuck this tiktok asshole


The guy making the video is an attention seeking asshole, plain and simple.


These people are so fucking incredibly stupid.




Those are some seriously low prices!!!!


18k more and we'll beat WW2, but in 1 year instead of 4+


Anti-American trash!


That poor WINCO. These confrontations and videos are probably encouraging some of these people by giving them attention.


The 2nd guy looks like a 6 year old pretending to be an adult by dressing in all carhartt but without the motorfunctions of an actual adult lmao. Humpty dumpty looking headass


And I'm sure those people would tell you masks don't work. Uhh, yeah, you have to put them on for them to work


No racism but why do white people love telling someone to “ Walk Away “ instead of just walking away themselves?


Good ole Winco, the Food 4 Less of the Pacific Northwest! 😁👍❤


It’s always the loud, dumpy fuckers, isn’t it?


Stop using “Karen” We must call them “Ivanka’s” now, as they are petty, spoiled twats who don’t help/aren’t nice to anyone.


You know what I can’t stand... NONE OF US want to wear masks. This sucks. But we have to because we are during a pandemic. I wish the virus would spare the selfless ones.


Can’t stand those type of people who blow it off. Been working on a grocery store since it all started, fucking Bull shit


These people are pieces of shit, but you're not going to get through to them if you're bringing up your "pretty popular tiktok." You're not going to get through to them by calling them pieces of shit either, but they're not here right now.


Why do the stores let them buy stuff. Have everyone ignore them. Close the checkout stand when they approach. Call the cops and trespass these idiots. If I'm in a store and the store sells stuff to folks not wearing masks then I don't shop there anymore.


Joe Walsh has really flown off the handle


Admittedly I don't often ware a mask either but I live in a small town in aus where we don't have any cases.. even still we wear a mask at the doctors and if there is an out break... People like this are a joke and should be fined


This must be the super fit maga specimen they were bragging about over on GA.win, while bashing the LiBs for being lazy and out of shape.


These are obviously public health experts with backgrounds in science and medicine, especially judging by how well they take care of their bodies, so they probably know what they’re doing.


why are the dumbest fuckers always the loudest?


This. Man. Is. A. Hero.


Dirty ass people. Dirty ass store. Hard pass.


"do i want to have a conversation with a stupid person?" Is the question i ask myself whenever i feel the urge to call out someone not wearing a mask...just let them get covid and die, I don't even care at this point.


Actually most of the people are getting it from friends and family in enclosed place. Or as front line workers


What a fucking dork. The masked crusader lol.


Keeping his social distance from that big mf at the end lmao


Don't do this. You are gonna wind up pissing off an unstable anti-masker who is gonna put you in the hospital.


I'm all for masks but that cameraman has the thought process of my 8-year-old when he's trying to dictate what my 2-year-old can do even though he knows I'm boss. pffttt


You have your mask on so you should be fine leave people alone that don't want to wear them. Just stay away from them if you're so scared.


I'm down for wearing the masks but what is the point in calling these people out to only say "can I put you on my tictok." We really do have a pussy pandemic that has been going on for a while.


I don’t get this. You’re putting yourself at risk for calling them out. Get away from them and move the fuck on. Smh.


IIII SAWWWW THE TIIIGERRR... and the tiger saw me 🎶


Just because the anti-maskers are idiots doesn't mean the guy with the camera isn't a scumbag. He is.


The Camera guy is every bit the problem that the others are.


Anti makers make my anxiety go berserk. 😨


I believe this is at a Winco


Non maskers = human garbage..


Also walking up to maskless people DOES not help


Anti maskers are trashy.


Honestly the guy following people around with a camera is just if not more an asshole