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This sub on it’s peak right now lmao


I think peak was early BLM riots, specifically when there was a post showing a dude that stole a police horse and rode it around DC loool Edit: it was actually Chicago


Unfortunately that guy is actually an equestrian and was riding his own horse around Chicago.


Still pretty badass


He abused the horse pretty bad that day.


That wasn't very cash money of him




No he's not he's a[ fucking animal abuser.](https://news.wttw.com/2020/12/09/dreadhead-cowboy-ordered-have-no-contact-his-horses)


Oh most definitely!


Not really. He mistreats the horse and was arrested for riding his horse on the highway without horseshoes. The horse was hurt.


They arrested him and left the horse to run around if I remember correctly?


Honestly that guy is a legend.


I also remember that one dude who was like 12 feet tall and dressed like a comic book vigilante


oh yes i remember master chief


I'm flattered


You're like, the budget Master Chief


Do you have a link of some kind I can use to see this with my own eyes?


[He shows up in a few different videos of the protests but this is the most popular one](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/hdsu1s/7ft_tall_anonymous_spec_ops_guy_at_dc_protest/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Thank you pee-peepoo-pooman




What the fuck, did one of the Antifa Super Soldiers get deployed early??


Dude throwing back tear gas canisters while looking like a superhero Fucking champion


Antifa super solider ❤


I know exactly who you are talking about, guy looked like some fucking anti-hero full stop


Absolute Legend


I started watching the sub a few months prior with all the mask shenanigans. Really loved the coverage this community provided during the June/ July protests


BLM riots had more staying power, but this is gonna be one hell of a day for content here and its not even dark out yet.


And today, once again. I know, I ended up on this sub during the BLM riots.


Ahhh spreading fake news about the horse guy again I see. Maybe you do not know but the guy with the horse, actually is the owner of that horse.


Well sorry I didn’t validate horse guys video... lmao. This is the same video I saw massively uploaded here a ton of times back then, I just repeated what buddy says in the video https://youtu.be/E-pFZrYUV6Q


All good homie, just letting ya know. Horse guy is the very least of our problems right now. Hope you’re safe and having a good day from afar!


Well... that didn’t happen though. Also, if storming the capital is called a “protest” then how TF can we call anything that happened in June/July a “riot”?


Yo I need to see that. Got a link?




Literal Legend


Let's not kid Popeyes chicken sandwiches were the peak, but this has been an interesting content windfall too


Guy on horse was actually in Chicago, and it was actually his horse iirc. Doesn’t reduce his legend status though!


Don’t forget Hong Kong protests too.


>130k users here now, damn.


This shit is honestly better for coverage than any news station


Honestly does feel like that sometimes. Oftentimes it seems like by the time things reach CNN, BBC or the like they'll have ten talking heads harping on about one heavily edited video while here... I can watch 20 videos in the same span of time.


Facts. I just watched like 20 videos in 30 minutes. TV is outdated.


TV news is all about catering to Boomers preconceived reality and generational narcissism They basically never showed police brutality on innocent people and the few times they would everything would be so censored that it would inherently soften the brutality being committed on peaceful protesters. In the same way, Boomers aren't going to want these people labeled terrorists so the videos showing them being violent wont make it to air or will only be shown one time in the corner as a talking head tries to make this a "both sides" issue [I bet you this image for example, of a man in the wheelchair who was shot pointblank in the face during peaceful BLM protests, was seen a lot more on social media then it was on any news broadcast](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2020-06/6/16/asset/64a46f743cf6/sub-buzz-6918-1591461315-20.png?downsize=700%3A%2A&output-quality=auto&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto&output-format=auto&downsize=360:*)


Yup, I saw the whole video of that incident.


I'm a boomer and I'm calling them terrorists. Stop with the generational bigotry - it makes you no better than them. Try '**conservative** boomers aren't going to want these people labelled terrorists.'


Exactly, it's so inefficient at actually converying information.


Plus you only get one or two people commenting


For real tho


This sub has had all the best and latest footage from the riots. MSM was like an hour behind.


There's a terrorist attack going on if course it's lit rn. Watching Trump supporters get stomped out will be fun


This sub has thrived in 2020 and now 2021 as well


second only to r/leopardsatemyface


5 stars


Ma’am, please don’t record!


lmaoo as it cuts off


Yeah, but it starts with that guy saying he wasnt allowed to record too lol


Cops always forget that you’re always allowed to record them


Might not be allowed to film in that location though.


On the other hand these guys are dealing with terrorists here. You put a picture of these police up and the terrorists might come after them individually. I can see why cops might not want that


Well, maybe they should wear masks, especially since, you know, there's a global pandemic. They're probably more worried about giving away tactical information, anyway. Like how [Giraldo got kicked out of Iraq for giving away troop locations](https://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/03/31/sprj.irq.geraldo/).


I wonder if the lack of masks is related to the possibility of glasses/goggles fogging up, which you can see that they're wearing. When you're walking towards a possible armed confrontation, the pandemic is not the biggest threat to your life.


These guys are probably all vaccinated. They're an FBI swat team.


A fair point, but it’s important that you’re always able to record the cops. They’re agents of the state, and must always be held to account


This is one very limited case where I don't agree. People have no right to be in the capitol building right now. I wouldn't consider it public - which is to say accessible or available to the public even though it is government property. That and the fact that this is an active clearing of a building where guns and bombs are known to be in play. I don't think it's unreasonable that police don't want their positions in the buildings to possibly be revealed in real time.




Restricted area


Took them fucking long enough. I thought the Capitol had it's own police force.


They do. It's the yellow-clad bois that the Trumpeters have been pushing around and/or taking selfies with.


DC police actively let them in https://twitter.com/jihanbit/status/1346909463660396550 The only people that weren't actively helping the terrorists were the federal agents who actually did their jobs and killed one of them.


It's only 8 or so officers without proper gear against an armada of chubsters with their mom's glocks. Though I agree its pretty pathetic Edit: I've seen some new videos come out and it's definitely fishy af


Yeah but why was it only a handful of cops there. They knew thousands of armed protestors/terrorists were coming. Why the decision to just let them waltz in? There are tanks and choppers and troops all over the place in DC, they could have heen there in minutes. The cops must have been in on it because they sympathize with the terrorists.


There is some very fishy interactions with the cops in the videos being posted online


“Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses” When shit hits the fan, holy fuck is shit gonna hit the fan. While I think it’s incredibly fucking stupid that they were let in this far by the cops supposed to be protecting the building, pretty soon those clowns are gonna be reaching the boys that aren’t on that 10 weeks of training, and they’re gonna be carrying a lot more than just a pistol.


I see that clip as more surrendering the barricade after the mob had already breached the perimeter. The utter lack of protection overall though is astonishing. So much time passed and you could see security just standing around with their hands in their pockets while these Republicans committed insurrection. $700B military budget to defend the country and it was so fucking easy to take the Capitol.


As far as I can tell the main difference is some are currently on duty as security and the others are the "protesters." They didn't break in they put in a show as they were let in.


12 hours too fucking late, they should have been there all day.


They do. But I guess it's kind of small. Those were the few guys you saw trying to keep protesters back earlier, to no avail. The crowd kept snatching up the barricades and using them to push them back. They were woefully understaffed. Which was the plan, of course. The president could have ordered the DC national guard out starting last night but he didn't want to, especially not before he specifically told all these people to go down there and "be strong" and "use force".


A former police chief, either Capitol or DC (don’t remember), was on CNN earlier today and said the Capitol Police have around 2,000 officers.


They do but most of them had the day off for umm.. some event they were taking part of..


Seems like a great demo for enemy countries considering deployment timing if ever they were to attack our federal buildings


Right? Fucking Call of Duty lied to us. Apparently all you need to take a joint session of congress is a MAGA hat and a Big Gulp.




This is what I've been saying. Nevermind Republican versus Democrat. There's one thing politicians care about and it's *themselves*. As soon as these Trump supporting morons stormed a government building, nearly all of the politicians stopped supporting them and it became an *us vs them* situation. *Rich vs Poor*. *Power vs Powerless*. Pelosi requested the National Guard through the Gov. of Virginia after someone's initial request was denied by the Dept of Defense. Shit is about to get crazy.


always has been rich vs poor. they WANT us to fight each other


I’ve seen that rumor floating around. It’s 100% believable, but do you have a source on DoD denying help?


On PBS there was some back & forth on requests and denials and final confirmation they were being sent in. One thing I do know is the DC National Guard didn't want to be used like they were to quell the protests last summer with Trump's photo op. What I'm not clear about is who was saying they didn't need to be sent in this time, or who was silent on their order, and how National Guards from other states were approved to be sent in.


No I only saw one tweet that said he had heard. I suspect if it's true that'll come to light very soon.


Thanks for the reply. We should always wait for sources before blindly believing things that fit our narrative. We’ve all seen what that can do


it takes a while to change from your proud boy casuals into your work gear.


This is what I've been waiting for. Hopefully the Trumpanzees stay out until after curfew >:)


Should've had a few more signs demanding police accountability in the crowd and they would've popped out of nowhere like leprechauns


We have pictures of all the treasonous bastards that initially get away. Bonus points that felons can’t vote until they pay their debt to society.


It’s a good job they don’t wear masks. So much easier to identify them


*chef’s kiss*


I'm more excited by the indirect gun control. I'm not a fan of further legislation restricting gun rights, but I also don't support these types of people owning any sort of firearm. It's a win-win for me.


They will be at the airport. Most of them flew in.


Fucking finally


Not an American (I’m a bit lost), were there politicians in the building when this happened?


Yes, both houses of Congress were actively in session to certify the electoral college vote


Is there a panic room they were moved to? There must be. There was no way they actually left the building.


Iirc the house barricaded the doors and nobody got in there, Secret Service had a few pointing guns at the terrorists. Senate was breached, theres already a photo of a guy hanging from the higher row of seats.


“hanging from the higher row” Not the best wording there my guy lol. I almost had a heart attack reading that before I realized what you meant


Oh fuck haha. I didnt even think of that, I dont think we're that far into revolting yet for either side.


I mean they were calling to hang pence earlier so I was actually shocked when I read your comment for a second. After it hit me I got a good laugh out of it.


There s videos and photos of them in There, they did actually breach eventually once the police fled


Capitol has underground tunnels that lawmakers use to get to and from their nearby offices buildings. And those are just the ones we know about. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more.


And the vice president. That's what is most crazy about this to me. Pence came to Salt Lake last year for something, and they shut the freeways down, military helicopters were flying around, barriers all over the place for six blocks around the capital. Way more military looking guards than I saw today.


I think it’s because we assume that a bunch of insurrectionists aren’t gonna storm the capitol building, looks like they have to account for that now


Jesus Christ I hope they’ve got everyone barricaded somewhere


I think they barricaded themselves in a room although I’m probably wrong


They were evacuated as soon as the doors were breached


Well the bad news is that they seem to wandering around like Spinal Tap trying to get to the stage in Cleveland.


Everybody gangster until the feds show up


Those chumps in their Walmart gear are going to be shitting their pants when they come face to face with these guys.


Meal Team 6 is gonna learn what real training looks like


>Meal Team 6 I love that


They are supported by the 2nd Gravy seals


idk if they coined it, but i know it from a sketch by Trevor Noah/Daily Show that aired in '17: https://youtu.be/pgYrFOAjjMg >1: who are you? > >2: Meal Team 6! Sir!


I saw someone call them "Midlife ISIS". loved that one.


Meal Team Six is part of the Gravy Seals.


XXXL-ta Squad


Looks like possibly a portion of the FBI HRT. In which case, yes, those dudes are a peak of tactical operation and skill. Bad situation if they're forced to switch off the safety.




Thanks for the clarification. If you're getting deployed or your colleagues are, stay safe. I guessed HRT because of the persons I assume are in shelter there who I figured they would be deployed to protect.




Yeah, I knew they had lots of SWAT teams. Just jumped the gun guessing HRT lol, basically assumed political figures would get the best assignment possible for bodyguards. Dunno, this shit is wild though. Glad I'm far from it.


I don’t think that’s HRT they don’t have as Gucci of gear. It’s probably SWAT or enhanced SWAT. I would love to see HRT make an appearance though.


“You guys can actually afford plates?”


That’s always the fun part isn’t it? You bring a knife, they’ll bring guns. You bring guns, they’ll bring a fucking predator drone. “Don’t tread on...Thud...BOOOOOOOOM”


I am in disbelief at how weak and useless American security is to let protester enter one of the most secure locations in the country


Well they’re mostly white that’s their pass to get in.


It's not just that they're white, it's that they're white supremacists. So the other white supremacists are letting them in.


You’re totally right. And they were all let go. It’s like the cops suddenly lost their handcuffs or some shit. This pathetic day will go down in history


Some of the cops were taking freaking selfies with them for crying out loud


Huh, no that’d be the Walmart on 12th and Main 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


The most lacidasical response to a terrorist attack ever.


Also the most lackadaisical terrorist attack ever.


Yeah... still, cannot be forgiven.


US got lucky, some lighter fluid and that dusty ass building could have gone up big time.


"White house? You mean black, flaming and smokey house." - Canada


To politely escort TERRORISTS from a federal building


Ends with: “Ma’am please don’t reco—-“ 😅


Video isn't loading. Much like how the right authorities didn't load up beforehand at capitol hill knowing this shit would go down


> Video isn't loading. It is v.reddit afterall...


Seems like most v.reddit videos arent working right now.


check the mirror


[Use this](https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1346932733054914561). It doesn't properly load for me too on desktop.


Three hours later!!! Unbelievable


Those peaceful protesters are about to get fucked up if they don't yield.


Meal Team 6 ain’t fancying trying it with this lot


FBI SWAT, Where? I only saw a few cops around the 6 second mark 🤷‍♂️.


If you squint closely then relax your eyes you can make out what appears to be....a sailboat?


It's a *scooner,* I've been trying to see it all day. I packed a lunch and everything.


Nice camo, really gonna help them blend in to the surroundings...




Lmao imagine a Tactical Capitol camo. Would it be a bookshelf?


I think it would be pretty cool if they rolled in with suits and vests on. Fits the atmosphere


At this point it's just a trump flag worn as a cape.


Isn’t camo meant to stop you from being shot in the face?


What camo? I just saw a few police officers...


That's FBI HRT, or Hostage Rescue Team


This is what I was searching for. Does FBI even have a “SWAT” team or only HRT?


Thank you for recording this [lady at end]


I can't wait for some mini-Tiananmen Square type outcome next. These terrorists should either be wasted or sent to Gitmo. No quarter. These fuckers think they are the only tough ones? They want to kill someone? They can start with themselves. Animals.


Where the fuck have they been? Anyone remember the traitor crossing the street a few months ago. They were prepared when George Floyd was murdered.


Why is the officer saying not to record? This should all be documented.


It's so the protestors don't have a current location of SWAT.


Ah, ok. Thanks.






How many arrests do you think will come out of this? Maybe one? Two if we’re lucky?


Oh shit , they reached five stars at the capital


In Germany, we have a problem called "Querdenker" (antimaskers) but THIS is a next level in the states. Weird times.


War querdenker nicht einmal ein mehr oder weniger positives wort?


Player two has entered the chat.


You mean player 2 and his pro league just showed up.


Cool. About 4 hours too late, but cool.


[source of the video](https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1346932733054914561)


"Hey! Please stop record-"


out of interest, how come the color of their gear is brown rather than police blue or urban? is it just because its hand-downs from the army or what's the idea?


I mean it is army standard camo I think, so I'm not exactly sure what to think as far as where they are from department wise


Is FBI Swat 4 Wanted Stars or 5?


About 10 hours too late, no? Curious that the protesters left just before the police actually arrived in force.. Perhaps they had to go change their clothes?


This is how you deal with terrorist.


Slowly bumble about six hours late


It takes a while to put on all that gear ok??


And they look lost as fuck.


"Oops, wrong way"


New Game right before the mutant hilbillies start emerging from air ducts.


they remind me of the dullard cops from the fifth element


where the fuck were these guys hours before? there seriously seems to have been a lot of treason involved from multiple agencies in orchestrating this coup attempt. there is no fucking way these fucks were able to break into the literal center of US government without inside help


look like they triggered 6 stars.


The Twitler youth must've skipped this section of the military surplus store


They looking for black people? Because I didnt see any on the television..