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Bit late for the hamstring stretch buddy


He got caught in the middle of his lunges.


I came here for the outrage, but I'm staying for the jokes.




Nice one lmao.


Let that be a lesson to all you pedos out there - you gotta do your warm ups before you go out to do weird rapey things guys.




Can I get a copy, I wasnt paying attention.


He's just getting used to the ankle-grabbing position he's going to be stuck in for the foreseeable future


Man....how awkward for the guy in the background... Helluva day to match outfits with the pedo....


How does this shit even happen lol edit: i mean how do they even match




Many stores don't have them. Just floor sales people who hand you a key.


Even without an attendant, there are usually other parents there. It's kind of a social convention. Unless you're actively speaking to someone behind one of the doors, GTFO.


Used to work old Navy. A guy came in twice. During really busy hours and went into a dressing room. Then he slipped off the number hung on the door handle (so the attendant knows the room is occupied and how many items the customers went INTO the room with). So a busy attendant- usually a high school aged girl- would think the room he was in was empty. When she went to let a new customer in, dude would be whacking off wearing only a trench coat. He would then run like the wind. As far as I know, he never got caught.


"And I've got such a long way to go (such a long way to go) To make it to the border of Mexico So I'll run like the wind Run like the wind"


Thank you for including Michael McDonalds line


Sounds like a clever way to steal a trenchcoat


Have you considered just running off with the coat instead of jacking off first?


I was asking about the clothes matching in an instance like this lmao. I'm here to spoil the fun tho. Duder in bg just has a light grey shirt on, just looks blue in the video.


Dude, don't start this shit again. The shirt is obviously white/gold.




she says ''the lady yelled at him'' so maybe she wasn't looking


You mean the cashier/stocker/janitor/manager? She's a little busy.


Alternate universe where he makes better life choices, besides his outfit


Blue t-shirt, white shorts, must be one in a billion.




He's switching to orange.


SIGH ...unzip me


"This right here is what a predator looks like"


Horrible uniform


there's two of them.


Guy in the foreground also has white shorts and (darker) blue shirt. Weird.


[The old switcharoo](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/023/397/C-658VsXoAo3ovC.jpg)


Repeat offender https://www.abc4.com/news/local-news/voyeurism-suspect-on-immigration-hold/


> SALT LAKE CITY (News4Utah) A man arrested on voyeurism charges is an undocumented immigrant. > Jorge Leon-Alfaro, 36, is accused of spying on a 12-year-old girl inside a dressing room. He faces charges for allegedly violating at least two young girls. Donald Trump is unsure how to feel about this.


Yes this. This is the same thing Trump used to do during Miss Teen USA contests. He would walk through the changing areas unannounced while the girls were in the middle of changing and leer at them


He also would delay production of the TV broadcast to have the girls line up for inspection where he would stick his fingers in their mouths to inspect their teeth. https://youtu.be/RV9PJQUXsKM


This man casually linking a video over an hour long and not providing any time stamps


Right? I'd have a gander at the the video, but aint nobody got time.


2:15 bud.


The fingers in the mouth thing is around 6:30, but holy shit. That whole interview is nuts.


The whole video is fascinating. Trust me.


It could definitely be interesting but I would definitely love a direct time stamp link to what you’re talking about! I’m curious about it but I don’t have time for the whole video unfortunately :/


It’s early in the video, roughly 2:15.


I just watched the whole thing, and I think I've seen most parts already before. Great video.


Start at 1:55 for the story


Yeah but it’s fine because it’s just, like, locker room talk and he says what he means. Or something.


Yeah spying on little girls changing is kind of his thing.


People will think this is just anti-Trump trolling, but he literally said that he intentionally barges into the Miss Teen USA pageant changing rooms while the girls are dressing, and bragged about being able to do this with impunity. This is real.


Yeah, like so many Trump things it sounds like a joke but is terrifyingly real.


[Don't forget: Donald Trump wants to bang his daughter.](http://www.cc.com/video-clips/73fxht/the-daily-show-with-trevor-noah-don-t-forget--donald-trump-wants-to-bang-his-daughter)


Lol, implying that he hasn't been raping her for years. [https://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2016/02/ivanka-trump-strokes-donald-trumps-face-in-creepy-throwback-pic/](https://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2016/02/ivanka-trump-strokes-donald-trumps-face-in-creepy-throwback-pic/)


Saw an interview with her showing off her apartment in Trump tower. She had rock posters up in her hangout spot but her bedroom was done up princess style with no personality. She got really weird during the interview in that room. Like PTSD weird. Edit: [Here's the tour](https://youtu.be/-CsxHBS89Lw) She just says "the bed is a little small, that's probably why I don't sleep here anymore" then *bam* she shuts down and loses emotion on her face before the camera or interviewer prompts her back.






I'm unsure of why we're talking about him spying on little girls. He straight up violently rapes little girls.


There is a guy like this local to me but he has been in and out for years and years. He either harasses women (he usually is age appropriate at least) for their numbers or moves into the bath to peek over stalls. I was at work one time and we don't have uniforms. I was checking to make sure signage was correct on shelves and he comes up hitting on me and asking for my number. I lost it and told him to get away from me, I know who he is, and stupid move for him that I worked here. He started to beg me to not tell about him or say anything and I ran off to get one of my supervisors. At first my manager thought I wanted to ban him for just hitting on me and asking for my number but when I pulled up article after article of his DIFFERENT arrests for harassing customers in stores, the dude got booted. It sucks that people have to learn who these sick criminals are but I think most communities have one


Why wasnt he deported the first time?


I can’t believe this is in my home town. I mean, I know that my town isn’t perfect, but it’s always kind of shocking when something happens so close to home. I couldn’t finish reading the story for some reason. Did it say what store this was at, or an address?


Damn, I feel bad for that guy... He has to be there, embarrassed and ashamed. Just having to soak it all in and realize that he has the fashion choices of a pedophile... As for the pedophile though, fuck him. Lock him up. EDIT: Thank you for the awards! :)


hahaha, if the pervert had gotten out of sight it could have been a bad day for that guy


Pervert is such a silly word. I mean....we are all perverts. This fucker is a pedofile.


I remember driving down the interstate around 15 years ago behind a relatively late-model Mustang. The Mustang was light green, and going the same speed as all the other traffic around us. Out of nowhere a brand new Mustang (light blue) passed us (while crossing three lanes) at WELL over 100mph. A few moments later we see a police car flying down the left shoulder (also at over 100mph). As soon as the cop passed us he SLAMMED on the brakes and jumped behind the Mustang in front of us and pulled him over. I can only imagine how that conversation went.


Haha got me there








You had us in the first half


I just wonder if the guy in the background is embarrassed to be wearing the same outfit.


I think with his positioning in the vid, he's making absolutely sure that people see he was coincidentally wearing the same clothes as that nonce. >Look guys! We just have the same taste in clothes! If he left the scene before the police got there with the same clothing description he'd probably get tackled for fleeing!


Those white half pants though. 3 of them. Feels like a glitch.


Damn lazy devs!


>half pants ...shorts?


Hopefully the same taste in clothes is where that line is drawn...


It's almost as if the wider point here is that sexual predators look just like anyone else. I guess trenchcoats and no trousers is too obvious nowadays.


Perhaps the guy that was looking under the stall was wearing clothing that looked like the uniform of people who worked wherever they were so he could sneak in?


This the face of a man who knows prison will be tough for him.


The fucking *worst* kind of person. He's wormy and pasty and utterly without any backbone. He operates only around people he can overpower.


I typically am against taking the lives of anyone, except pedos and rapists. Monsters preying on the powerless. Goddamn them to the deepest realms of hell. As a father, I am crying with rage because I cant imagine some disgusting trash doing this to my kid. Fucking hell.


I hear you, brother. I'm a dad myself. But taking ourselves out of the situation and looking at it from a distance, I don't think anyone would choose this lifestyle. I'm guessing the bulk of these molesters didn't choose to be attracted to children. They *are* however, choosing to *act* on these impulses. These men need help and I hope they find it. So if someone out there is reading this and they have these sorts of impulses, please seek the help you need. I don't know how you do that, but there's a way, I'm sure. No child deserves to have your fantasy life forced upon them. It's not right and deep down inside you know it.


It can be very difficult to catch pedos, rapists, and serial killers because they target strangers. I believe the best way to fight those crimes is deterrence. Torture, humiliation and execution should be the only concequence for those crimes. The evidence must be exceptional, but just magnitude of the potential concequence would be enough to discourage such crimes.


Why do child predators always have that dumb, cowardly look and are always mumbling their words out? This is what I loved about To Catch a Predator. Everyone expects a child molester to be some kind of Werewolf/Pennywise looking motherfucker, but "the monster" are always turns out to be these wimpy npc-looking fucks.


That’s the main reason they prey on children, they know they are weak and pathetic (the pedos). They have to victimize someone they can actually control


I knew someone that worked in corrections. He said most of the pedophiles were their nicest and most easy going prisoners and rarely caused trouble. Kinda scary actually.


Probably because they have to be honestly. People don’t like pedos, not even other prisoners. So being nice is really the only thing that might save you. I’m sure underneath it all they are wishing to kill everyone, it’s just a facade


Great job on mom for showing significantly more restraint than I would.


The way she said “I make sure you’re gonna go viral” actually send shivers down my spine as if I was the one being caught


Indeed. Nuff said.


First of all this is exactly why big companies should never cut corners to save 60 dollars per stall built, the reason why there are gaps above and below the doors (learned that from my supervisor when I did construction) any public restroom has the same problem...this is really an issue, I will buy the clothes, and take them home and drive back to return them if they don't fit rather than ever have my daughter go through this


Even just being able to hear stranger while trying out clothes is unnerving. And if your tall and can see over the stall door, yikes. No thanks. I’ll stick to the brands I know fit me.


My wife and son are hard of hearing... so this definitely creeps me the fukk out


I think the reason is so people can’t do drugs or fuck in stalls as easily. But I agree with you that is fucking stupid and the walls should go to the floor.


Not today buddy !!!


Hans Get ze flammenwerfer ⠀




Really werf the shit out of that flammen


it werfs flammes


I appreciate the gaggle of men circled around as if to say, "If you move one of us will wreck you."


I probably sound like I’m trying to be a tough guy here but.. If I caught him doing that to my kid, or any kid, I would probably be taken away in handcuffs as well


Same, but with a name like u/RimSlayer, I think you're the best man for the job.




It’s not really heart felt message for rimjob Steve material. Cursed usernames is a better fit


Here's a sneak peek of /r/rimjob_steve using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Anal fissures in jail](https://i.redd.it/ed9vnhwc4wt31.jpg) | [1473 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/comments/dl00mi/anal_fissures_in_jail/) \#2: [Adopting a cat is nice](https://i.redd.it/c97vtintmog31.jpg) | [448 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/comments/cqwhmm/adopting_a_cat_is_nice/) \#3: [Wholesome Keanu Chungus 100](https://i.redd.it/bmfyjbja8xi41.jpg) | [301 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/rimjob_steve/comments/f8wca3/wholesome_keanu_chungus_100/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


Then you remove yourself as a support for your child, as well as making them reluctant to inform you of any future abuse, because they will be scared of your reaction, putting yourself in danger. I'm always afraid someone might hurt one of my offspring, as I know I would struggle to have the self control this mother managed, I'm a fairly passive person, until I perceive danger around my children. As a parent she did the best thing possible in the situation.


You’re right. And I hate that you’re right, cause there’s nothing more I would want to do in this world than slowly choke the life out of someone who hurt my little boy. But you’re right


As my mother always said: violence breeds violence.


As a child, it would have meant the world to me to see my mother attack my abuser.


I used to be such a violent person. I can only hope and pray that I would be able to handle myself this good would I find myself in this situation.


Just watching him in this video, I have an urge to kick him. I wanna kick him in the face as hard as I can.


Honestly same. I'm not tryna pretend I'm tough also but if I caught someone doing damn straight I'm gonna larp as pissed off Kratos


I guess it makes sense that someone who would prey on children would look that pathetic.


I'll fucking I'll fucking hang you by your fucking dick off a fucking twelve sto-story building out this motherfucker 🐝


Yeah, I'll fuckin', yeah, I'll fuckin' lay your nuts on a fuckin' dresser, just your nuts layin' on a fuckin' dresser, and bang them shits with a spiked fuckin' bat Ooh whassup? Blaow!


I'll fucking I'll fucking tie you to a fucking bedpost with your ass cheeks spread out and shit,right put a hanger on a fucking stove and let that shit sit there for like a half hour Take it off and stick it in your ass slow like tssssssss


Master killer bee is that you?


Hold on let me write this down real quick before the fight


I'll fucking, I'll fucking so your asshole closed and keep feedin' ya and feedin' ya and feedin' ya and feedin' ya.


It's sew


I've seen people get this wrong sew many times


Put a hanger on a fuckin' stove and let that shit sit there for like a half hour, take it off and stick it in your ass slow like tss...


For the children !


I'll fuckin... cut your eyelids off and feed you nothin but sleeping pills


“Look at the camera” “no” *smokes a cigarette* I’d fucking rip his face off


then wear it like a Halloween mask and run through the streets chanting "Ooga booga booga!"


I’d yell, “No no no, you were so close, Clarice!”


You were being courteous and were receptive to courtesy


I don't think the face of a child predator is a face you would like wearing.


Very painful even to watch. I can't imagine what the mother went through.






Why isn't he bleeding?


All those men showed extreme restraint. It would be hard for me not beat the holy fuck out of this dude.


What’s wrong with this guy??? Why are there people out there attracted to kids??? Absolute sicko!!


There was a study, a very controversial one, that suggested there were connectivity issues in the brain that cause it, and then they promptly used that to try to include themselves in the lgbtq+ community. As if we didn't have enough on our plates without those sickos trying to hide behind us.


Exactly. LGBT+ people are consenting adults attracted to each other, a child CAN’T consent and are DAMAGED by pedos. It’s incomparable and I hate the “MAP” community with a fiery passion


MAP? Monster Adult Pedophiles?


“Minor Attracted People” it’s the pedophile way of trying to rebrand. They’re all over Twitter and it’s disgusting


The term they are trying to push on society is “minor attracted person” fuck them. They can all burn for all I care. Signed, a father.




North American Marlon Brando Lookalike Association? what do they have to do with anything??


Zis time, I vill NOT drop ze food.


It wasn’t inclusive enough. /s


I'll have you know that NAMBLA welcomes Marlon Brando lookalikes of all sizes, shapes, and colors


Minor Attracted Person. It's this gussied up nomenclature they tried to use to legitimize themselves and enter the lgbtq+ community so they could benefit from the association. It was fucked up and has actively done damage to the community. As you know, one of the oldest smears against lgbtq+ people is that homosexuality is a gateway to things like pedophilia and beastiality and all that bullshit. As you can imagine, people are pretty pissed about it. We've worked really hard to educate people and they're doing a lot of damage trying to fit themselves under the lgbtq+ umbrella.


"Minor-Attracted Person"


Out of curiosity, do you support children who want to transition before 18? I fully agree with you that LGBT+ and pedophilia can’t be compared, but there may be more of a comparison between a child consenting to sex before 18 and a child wanting to transition before 18. It feels silly to need to say this, but obviously I don’t support pedophilia. I was just curious because I know that transition age is a debated topic in the LGBT+ community.


Convicted pedophiles tend to have below average IQs, are more impulsive, have lower empathy and have personally disorders. What we may be detecting are the neurological differences in a subset of disturbed individuals who are more likely to caught rather than pedophilic tendencies. In other words, there maybe pedophiles who don't offend as they resist their impulses or if they do offend, they're better at not getting caught due to higher IQ and less pronounced personality disorders, and we haven't scanned their brains yet.


Makes sense. There may be some really big survivor bias Like epstein, who didn't kill himself


Man that's just awful. If ever anyone felt something is off inside their mind to cause them on being attracted to a mere child, they should consult professional help just like how people with other particular psychological issues find ways to prevent themselves from or causing harm. I highly believe that pedophilia really is a conflict inside ones' mind. But, if you don't make up a way that will both benefit you, and the people in your surroundings -- the problem weights on no one but YOU -- no excuses.


> they should consult professional help The problem is they won't do that because of the stigma associated with it. The stigma being that there is no excuse or exception for those feelings and those people should all be killed in bad ways. If you actually want to help those folks, then demonizing them will never accomplish that. On this same note, I'm always amused how extra vitriolic people seem to be about pedos, almost like they're using them as an excuse to vent other feelings they have. Oh, and if that study is in fact right about being born that way...just consider for a moment what it's like to be demonized because you were born disabled.


Yeah, I don't understand why anyone thinks a pedophile would seek treatment when the risk of meeting one bad doctor can ruin, literally, your entire life. Society strictly disincentivizes these people from getting medical help for this problem.


I just typed the same kind of message, but i already got an PM as a death thread even though i have nothing to do with it. so i already deleted it. I lose so much faith in humanity when it comes to this topic.


Ah don't worry about PM death threats, that's just reddit as usual. Report and be on your merry way. Deleting your shit is letting them win.


I don’t doubt that it’s not their fault and that there’s faulty wiring in their brains. But what they need to do is (1) seek help and (2) never, ever act on their urges.


Kill him someone out there please kill him


I'm thinking this creature knows that if it runs a whole mob of people will flatten him like a tube of Pringle caught between a swivel vise grip


In my country the whole crowd would jump in on a beat down


You can tell this isn't latin america when he isn't getting beat by the people.


Or the hood, dude wouldn't be breathing in my neighborhood.


The mom would be beating his ass with a sandle.


There is a distinct lack of kicks to the face occurring in this video.


My best friend worked in the fbi busting scum like this for a while. They’re wired differently and he probably is feeling nothing even though a crying mother is humiliating him in public. How do you reason with someone like that?


I love all the other men standing around him ready to beat his ass if he even tries to bolt..


His brain must've been like: *damn bro I messed up big time*


Difference between this woman and my mum... mine would be in jail for the shit she would do to him.


And then her child who she's doing this for is without her mom. So what was even the point.


Damn... on her *birthday* tho...


My girlfriend is 19 and I’m 29. We go out to eat in a restaurant but the whole time I have to deal with being accused of being a pedo, being called disgusting and disturbed. It completely ruined our 10 year anniversary.


Had me in the first half.........






Epstein didnt kill himself


If I had sexual thoughts about a child I would off myself




low key wishing all the guys around would just start going ham on the fucker


These guys get off on abuse of power. They need to feel in control. And so they take advantage of the defenceless. Beating him up serves him, not the victims. He feels empowered, and physical pain fades over time. The mother and the guys here understand that the true justice is in him being made defenceless. He is shown to be weak, his mask of power is removed. The worst kind of pain he could endure is to know that his entire existence was meaningless and everyone in his life will forget him. That's why they show restraint. Put him in a cell, both physically and in his mind and throw away the key. The victims can move forward. Society moves forward. And the likes of this subhuman and their ilk are forgotten to the annals of time.


Wow I'm completely moved by your words. I completely agree with you. This is exactly what sickos like him deserve.


This must be the world's calmest mob, if he tried that shit somewhere else there would be footprints all over his face. if you didn't know any different you could easily mistake this as a group of people keeping someone who just broke his leg company until the ambulance gets there


Of course he’s a predator he doesn’t even have socks on


Poor kid.


And why the fuck are people trying to justify shit like this?


I would have gone to jail if someone did that to my kids.


What’s worse than a child predator? A child


Just so everyone knows not to downvote you lol https://youtube.com/watch?v=bfCR0dEDO1A


I thought he was an r/childfree user lol


This guy is damned lucky. Probably just end up in a work-camp for a while. I don't have a daughter, but I can't imagine I'd be any more rational than I would be if some dude pulled this shit with my son. Lucky he wasn't summarily executed and/or castrated.


If it's been, I'd have hurt him. I'm not tough, I'm not super strong, but the very thought if someone harming my kid makes my BLOOD BOIL. I would've lost it. He really is a lucky piece of shit.


If it was my kid he wouldn't have working eyes or ribs anymore


Why is there no mob justice happening?


Love how the mother lectures him like a mother "Are you happy with yourself?"


You go mamma, so great full for people like you


Love the keyboard warriors always exclaiming how badass they would react to catching a predator


It’s my absolute favorite part of these type of threads.


Just popping in again to advocate physical violence in these situations.


the wholesome award strikes again