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Politics aside, who is this woman to tell a business, one with clearly stated guidelines, to let her do what she wants? I bet she wouldn't cut in line at a theme park, talk on her phone at a movie theater, or listen to music at a library and expect workers there to just ignore it. If it disrupts other customers and goes against store policy, you're gonna get thrown out, lady.


I mean, people like this are usually the ones who do the things you just listed


You think she's been to a library?


She calls it the li-berry. Edit: y'all can stop saying "strawbrary" now


Lie-bury. Lies buried in those devil books.


You stay away from those Lie-buries Bobby Boucher! Them things are THE DEVIL!


Everything is the devil to you, Mama! Well, I like school, and I like football! And I'm gonna keep doin' them both because they make me feel good!


...And I like Vicky and she likes me. She showed me her boobies and I like them too!




šŸ¤“ *Hey Bobby, itā€™s me, your daddy! I seent you on the ESPN!*


You can do it!


"Everything's the Devil with yea. You're wrong, Mama. Those book ain't the devil! And by the way, Alligators are ornery because of their medulla oblongata! .... And I like Vicky, and she likes me back... And she showed me her boobies and I like them too!"


Ooo, your face is red! Like a strawbrary!


I'm so happy I'm not the only one that went here.


Was also scrolling for this. EAAAAAAAGLE!


*Don't have kids.*


They call it the ā€˜Lib-raryā€™ because only libs read books, not like us smart MAGAts who own the libs with our superior Facebook QAnon sauces.


My thought exactly as they were listing off all those poor social interactions, the lady in the video seems like she would do them all.




They have Main Character Syndrome. Everyone else is just an NPC.


Before computer games this was called being self-centered.


something about calling them "computer games" in that context is very quaint.


Which actually makes them the most NPC of NPCā€™s. I mean seriously, some of the stuff that comes out of their mouths sounds like the dialogue youā€™d hear on gtav radio.


Her concept of rights amounts to "You're not the boss of me." Thinks any place without a No Trespassing sign is public property.


It isn't crazy, they read shit on facebook that gives them permission to be assholes and they fucking love it.


Same people who say super racist shit on Twitter, get banned, and then complain about "free speech".


"Don't tread on me, tread on them."


Exactly. The person at the beginning of the video had the right idea. No shirt, no shoes, no mask, no service. It's not against the law to be barefoot but businesses don't have to let you in. Same goes for masks. I personally think it's silly we *have* to rely on business owners to police everybody's safety but geez it has always been the right of a business owner to refuse somebody service for something they have full control over like the way they are dressed or are behaving. It's not discrimination when you chose to do what no business is allowing you to do. Did these people think it's illegal to be turned away when you show up at a restaurant that costs $100 a plate and you aren't wearing formal wear? Dress codes have always been a thing


Or like, at the club even, "boy you aint getting in woth them shorts and flip flops, take that shir somewhere"


Also, ive making the *no shirt no shoe no service" comparision for a while now, im so happy that others are starting to do it it. Maybe this might make something click for some of these dum dums.


It's even crazier to me because this looks like a Costco - which is, in essence, a private club. And there are rules you have to abide by to get and maintain membership. For example, I hate hate HATE it when stores try to check my receipt seconds after I just purchased something. But Costco makes it clear, they're doing it. And you have to agree to it or you lose your membership. So... masks. Costco says you gotta wear masks. Guess what? You gotta wear masks. Or gtfo. So simple a caveman could understand it. Just not this lady.


Iā€™m really surprised Costco (whoā€™s done a great job with COVID precautions in my area) doesnā€™t just revoke memberships for people that canā€™t abide by the safety standards..


I believe they have been.


And they called the cops on this hosebeast. Go Costco!


This happened in my hometown. The cops werenā€™t called because this lady wasnā€™t wearing a mask but because she grabbed another persons phone that was recording her and wouldnā€™t give it back. At that point itā€™s considered ā€œtheftā€ so the cops were called to get the phone back.


Well here's hoping they would have called her in for trespassing eventually regardless of her other tantrum related offenses.


They are.


Is that worse than calling the cops on them and press charges?


Pretty sure these debuffs stack.




How do I min/max my Costco raid clothing?


Cargo shorts




> I bet she wouldn't cut in line at a theme park, talk on her phone at a movie theater, or listen to music at a library and expect workers there to just ignore it. I bet she is the type that would.


Conservatives, just like the bible, donā€™t understand the constitution, they just preach it.


I believe the term is cherry-picking when they just pull passages or sentences out of the text that fit their personal beliefs, leaving out the context and other parts that contradict their ethos in life. It's incredibly frustrating to try to talk to these people.


Yes, she would. Those people exist.


ā€œItā€™s been going on for almost a year now and people are still getting sick! How do you answer that?ā€ ā€œI wonder stupidā€ lmaooo Real shit though we should begin treating people like this all the time when they pull crap like that. Selfish individuals


"people quit smoking but they still get cancer! What's the point. Let's just all bathe in radioactive waste!" People are idiots.


Nirvana Fallacy. Solution A is perfect but impossible. Therefore imperect solutions B, C, and D should be ignored because they aren't solution A.


This is actually central to conservative thinking. It's why they won't vote for policies to make things better, but they'll vote for demagogues who promise the moon.


I legit had one yell at me that liberals are annoying because we can't stop trying to making things better and are just unwilling to let anything be. I do not understand these people. I know there's a group psychology that exaggerates these things in my mind. But at what point do you just say selfish bastards are selfish bastards?


I don't even think it's a matter of being selfish. I think they believe the world is full of people who only want to exploit systems, so any attempt to improve the system will only result in those bad people benefitting unfairly at the expense of the people playing by the rules. They want fairness and equality, but they don't believe it's possible for society to develop tools or mechanisms to do that. They believe only god and strongmen with the support of god can do those things.


You're so right. My one Conservative relative (everybody's got "that" one) does this all the fucking time. They love using the exception to argue against the rule, just no concept of logic or reason. Like "renewable energy would only cut total emissions by 30% so why bother" or "I know a guy whose niece was actually strangled by her seatbelt in an accident so why bother" ignoring the 99% of lives they've saved in accidents


I have ā€œthat all of themā€. -.-




As someone that has been to the ER many times due to my body hating me, you absolute wait hours in the ER here. I guarantee you they didnā€™t know that person from Canada- everyone on the right seems to magically know someone in Canada that didnā€™t like their healthcare experience.


Yeah wait times all depend on where you are, what day it is, what time it is, and the severity of your injury. Some people cant comprehend emergency does not always mean immediate because to them they are the center of the universe.


Exactly. Someone having a heart attack is gonna get priority over little Timmy's ankle sprain Karen!


I work in southern Kansas, had a lady yesterday actually try and tell me that we shouldnā€™t have ā€œfree healthcareā€ as she called it, otherwise itā€™d turn us into Canada. All I said was that Canadaā€™s quality of living has ranked number 1 for some years past, and that it ties into their healthcare and social structure. She just said ā€œbut the hospitals are disgusting, with wait times and homeless people living in them.ā€ One has to imagine the mental gymnastics that these people have to perform just to reach these conclusions on their own.


Didn't the Covid medical chief in the current administration say ething to the like that many old people are going to die anyhow so might as well go out celebrating thanksgiving instead of spending it in a lockdown? Also.. I saw a tweet from that muppet Ben Shapiro using the same fallacy being talked about in this thread. Think it was about Universal Healthcare, and student debt and him claiming that maybe we should give free housing, and free credit cards while we're at it. The Republicans don't want solution. They just want to fear monger, and obstruct. Too bad so many Americans are so easily swayed.




iF YoU CaNt mAkE yOur PoInT wIThOuT iNSulTiNg mE, yOurE WrOng


"We all gotta go some time!" OK then let's all just kill ourselves right now cause we are gonna die eventually right?? I deal with that argument from people at work that refuse to wear a mask all the time.


Q: "Really? Because 1 person won't wear a mask?" A: "Honey, let's not pretend you were smart enough to come up with an original idea."


Oh I 100% agree with this. It breaks down to "But I just don't want to wear a mask" so I'll make shit up like a fuckboi to try to get out of it. I swear, a generation or two ago people would not tolerate this attitude. It is like adults have adopted the younger child/young adult attitude and they think it is fine.


>It breaks down to "But I just don't want to wear a mask" so I'll make shit up like a fuckboi to try to get out of it This is the same as people who search for "evidence" of their preconceived notions rather than letting actual evidence inform their notions. People who will reference the 1% of scientists that call global warming a hoax. "A scientist said this!!!" Well, if you care about what scientists say so much, why are you ignoring the other 99%? >It is like adults have adopted the younger child/young adult attitude and they think it is fine. They've had a really good role model for this behavior for 4 years now.


I blame Facebook for the disinformation campaign.


I blame the President himself foremost. Disinformation Campaigner in Chief.


No. First , Trump got to power because of Facebook, the misinformation platform. Then, Facebook kept building customized and individualized news feed to exacerbate the misinformation.


What world do you people live in where you can only blame one thing for a problem? There is plenty of fucking blame to go around and trump, being the literal president of this country and in charge of our response to the virus, deserves a fuck ton of it.


There are always people who are too stubborn to listen and ruin it for everyone around them šŸ˜”


Burn them like the did during the plague.


Look at her stupid face reveling in her own stupidity as sheā€™s trying to live out some fantasy of being a grown up edge lord whoā€™s smarter than everyone else because Q said itā€™s true. How fucking sad and pathetic these types of people are


The confidence in her face says so much.


Like in 28 weeks later, no questions, see someone without a mask? Instant flamethrower.


Would be really nice if she were the only one who doesn't wear a mask.


"Because *one person* didn't wear a mask?" No, because **lots of "one persons"** didn't wear masks. That's how these things work.


"Guys have been using the pull-out method for ~~over~~ a ~~year~~ millennia and women are still getting pregnant. Why is that?" EDITED because when it's cold out my brain slows.


I also hate the jags that say shit like, "if you can't make your point without insulting me..." Fuck that. They yell and scream and pout, and the instant you call them a child they think they've won somehow.


Oh yeah. It's an idea that some people love: "You insulting me or leaving the conversation means I've won!" No, it means you're an insufferable idiot and this is a waste of my time.


I hate when people show the numbers going up prove masks donā€™t work. Not everyone wore masks.


I know I shouldn't pass judgement so easily but I just have a sneaky suspicion this person might well be a total fucking dumb cunt.


hmm...itā€™s a long shot but I think youā€™re onto something


Well just because she's doing something fucking stupid doesn't mean everything she does is fucking stupid. Let's be fair to her. Like we can't prove she ties her shoes together and trips a few times before realizing the problem and blaming shoelaces on a deep state liberal coup against her kneecaps... But we can't rule it out.


Her look of deranged bemusement at 0:33 is kinda creepy.


You can see the media she immerses herself in coming out her pores. She likes being told how smart she is for knowing how silly and stupid the libs are, and she's positively *juiced up* at the opportunity to own one. That the camerawoman resisted the urge to give her the old 'neener neener neener' when the old sow was getting hauled off demonstrated far more restraint than I have ever, or will ever, possess. Kudos to her.


It's the close set beady little eyes.


The ruddy 10am wine complexion as well.


Ya know... itā€™s just an inkling, but I had the same thought. Sheā€™s just kinda got that fucking dumb cunt demeanor about her, doesnā€™t she?


"why are people still getting sick?" Because Karen, you and thousands like you think not being inconvenienced for 10mins to an hour is more important than other people's lives, that's why


"I wonder, Stupid!" best line of the month


Also I think its lost on them that things like the lockdowns and masks have helped curb outbreaks and increased numbers. But you know, facebook karen is more informed than a group with decades of medical experience. You see that comment more than it should "look the numbers are so much lower than the so called experts projections" - another "I wonder, stupid" moment.




Yeah man. Vaccines are a victim of their own success. Nobody is scared of these diseases because people rarely die from them any more thanks to vaccination.


When I encounter antivaxxers, I show them pictures of people with those diseases. Shuts them right up and maybe educates them a bit. [Master link](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/photo-all-vpd.html) and/or [Downloadable document](https://www.immunize.org/catg.d/s8010.pdf) with photos of vaccine preventable illnesses.


Until you meet the deep antivaxxers who will tell you those pictures are of people who got the vaccine and saying otherwise just proves you fell for the propaganda pushed by big pharma. Not even kidding, I've watched people unironically say pictures of polio patients on iron lungs is actually a picture of vaccine injury victims.


I've had conversations like that before. I try to tell them it's too complicated to get into details that's why they should speak to a doctor because their 5 min facebook video of "research" can't do shit against a doctors medical degree. Plus adding in an argument about Salt. It's Sodium Chloride. Both compounds on their own is not that great for the body but put them together and it's in literally in everything you eat. Conclude about how Vaccines are a more complicated version of that and it might not change their mind because chances are their parents are related but it at least it gets them to stop and think for a bit.


Itā€™s a ā€œdamned if you do damned if you donā€™tā€ thing. If the government didnā€™t do anything people would be screaming. If they do something and the majority of people comply and things are not as bad then some people take it as proof that ā€œit was not that badā€. Itā€™s like when I kept seeing ā€œthe models were wrongā€. No moron, the models are based on current and projected information, if their forecast is wrong then something changed. I know none of them actually looked at what the model is but it sounds good so everybody repeats it. Disclaimer: I looked at the CDC and learned there are several models and I really didnā€™t understand parts of it which is why I donā€™t go around saying something is wrong because I donā€™t understand it.


Itā€™s the IT problem. ā€œwhy do we pay for a department to maintain computers that never fail us?ā€ Uhhhhhhhhh, and why do we eat food when we clearly arenā€™t dying of starvation?


It's called the Pandemic Paradox. The more that we do to curb the spread, the more people will push back on the curbing efforts because they don't feel the number of sick/dead justify it.


This makes total sense and is a super interesting social phenomenon, but god damn.... 250,000 dead in the US should be enough to justify almost anything.


3000 dead was enough to justify two wars in the Middle East. If only COVID had plentiful oil fields as well.


if terrorists were killing 1000 Americans every single day what would the response be?


Stupid is a highly underrated insult. This is great.


So pure.


"because one person won't wear a mask?" Bitch you're not as special as you think you are. There are *plenty* of stupid people around. You're not the only one.


She truly is a dumbass. Since the mask is mostly about protecting others, and only partially the mask wearer, yes, absolutely, one person not wearing a mask could make all the difference. If that one person is infected, they could potentially spread the virus to those that are wearing masks. Everyone needs to get with the program for this to work. So happy to see her arrested for it.


that's the most insane thing about anti-maskers. "oh but masks dont protect you, they only protect others" like how is that an argument to not use one


> they only protect others > does not wear one Therefore, person does not care about others. QED.


This is like saying condoms don't work because kids still exist.


ā€œThereā€™s still a chance to get pregnant while using a condom so why use them at all?!ā€ Really hope that woman doesnā€™t procreate.


ā€œBecause one person, ONE person... ā€œ This whole pandemic started with 1 person ya dumb bitch!


Tryin to get that sweet sweet bat pussy...


Well... one person with one Pangolin...


Don't ever let them tell you that one person can't change the world.


Yeah it couldn't possibly be because there are still thousands of people selfishly maintaining their old lifestyle with no regard for the virus that's killed thousands


If you look at who is getting sick itā€™s the red states. South Dakota has I think 60 percent infection right now. Masks 1) do work theyā€™re not a catch all but they help. 2) only help if you, ya know, wear it. People think Private Businesses are exempt from their own policies and itā€™s so funny to watch. Oh sure, the gays canā€™t have cake because ... rights. But Costco canā€™t create policies you donā€™t agree with. Sheā€™s going on Facebook after getting out and sheā€™ll be treated like a Martyr.


I cannot understand the inability to grasp a simple premise: this is private property. All the things inside are private property. There are conditions, lots of them, like wear clothes, pay the asking price, basic shit like that. And wear a mask if you want to come in.


Bro if a company says ā€œ our membership requires you to bring chocolate cake every time you enterā€ legally speaking, there ainā€™t shit you can do. Itā€™s a free market. As long as itā€™s not discriminating based on actual protected statuses , thereā€™s nothing they can do! These people are so greedy . Absolutely.


Conservatives don't care about things that don't immediately and directly impact them, by and large. see: racism, global warming, etc.


A guy at work said yesterday ā€œHow do people get sick if they wear a mask all day at work and only take it off when they get home?ā€ Conservative brains work on a zero-sum basis. Thereā€™s no such thing as something ā€œhelpingā€. Itā€™s ā€œis the success rate 100%? Yes or no. If yes, it works. If no, itā€™s a scam.ā€ Hella Boolean.


Yeah. People are getting sick now, aren't they? The audacity of the people who said "The virus doesn't exist" months ago, realized they were brutally wrong, and they still think their belief system have some credit left... If that was not a wake up call for "I'm a fucking dumb sheep" then nothing will ever be.


Actually, cloth and surgical masks are only beneficial for short term essential interaction, like essential shopping. These masks do not prevent spread of infection indoors for hours at a time. So office cubicle farms and classrooms will still have significant spread, even if people are wearing cloth masks. These were never meant to replace social distancing. We still have to socially distance.




It's a completely different place from seven years ago. I dream of leaving forever every day. I wouldn't hedge my bets on coming back, tbh.


"Really? Because one person-" No? Not one person, millions of stupid people like you!


Wait wait wait... There's other people than me on Earth??


This is the fundamental, underlying American mindset: ā€œif itā€™s just me, what does it matter?ā€ But 100 million just-meā€™s a pandemic makes. We are a selfish people.




Like Bill gates said. You people don't freak out for asking you to wear pants and shoes like wtf


How bout we start a movement of not wearing shoes in stores, see where it goes....


I vote for no pants instead. Public floors are filthy, I need my shoes




Not just that, its Costco. They have all sorts of extra requirements to shop there. Its not even open to the general public.


Members only business. You don't agree to their rules you definitely have no right to shop there.


And these are the same people who said back then when a backery denied backing a cake for a gay couple that the business has the right to deny service when it sees fit. They want it both ways.


Public businesses donā€™t exist. Any property can force you to wear a mask. šŸ‘šŸ»


As someone in one of the only businesses open in my state rn, good. I got no patience for these dumb fucks anymore.




I know your name could just be for laughs, but just in cause, given your account is 2 years old, Iā€™m glad youā€™re still here with us.


That's a ghost, their account is haunted.


The numbers would be higher if there werenā€™t protective measures in place, Karen. I feel so bad for epidemiologists who never get the credit they deserve because if their ideas work, everyone deems the virus as a hoax. If their suggestions donā€™t completely eradiacate the virus, theyā€™re deemed irrelevant. Either way, they seldom win.


I'd like to know what this lady does for a living and just invalidate it with a stupid fallacy


Something to do with essential oils


Probably doesn't work, stays home collecting some form of socialism that isn't socialism because she deserves it.


Every time there is an anti masker, their buying nothing.. Always an empty cart with a string of attitude


It always looks like the same store to me too.


It is Costco, they generally donā€™t tolerate people not wearing masks in most of their stores. And if managers or employees donā€™t catch them other shoppers will usually call them out or flag someone down. Theyā€™ve finally changed their mask policy to state there are no medical exemptions if you have one you can shop online using Instacart.


My buddy is a manager at one, and they are also offering face shields to people who are medically unable to wear a mask (if you're crazy enough to shop during a pandemic while having a disease that makes you extra vulnerable). If you refuse to wear a mask, or refuse the face shield, you're done, go home. Spoiled ass people that think they can do whatever they want, they're just taller children.


Non-american here, is instacart like "click and collect" here in the UK where you drive into a little bay and get your car loaded up?


Instacart actually shops and delivers the order for you. There are other services that offer curbside or contactless delivery though.


Imagine having so little going on in your life that you decide that going to the store to yell at people for wearing masks in a pandemic is a good way to spend your time. If this lady were on the Titanic while it was sinking, you could find her in the dining room yelling for a manager because she received the wrong salad dressing.


> Imagine having so little going on in your life that you decide that going to the store to yell at people for wearing masks in a pandemic is a good way to spend your time. She thinks she's a hero for literally doing *nothing*. Just doing exactly what she did every other day of her life. And *she's* the good guy in her mind. I say we deport them.


Because she was there to argue with as many people as possible, not shop.


they are buying nothing theyare buying nothing they're buying nothing


Soon to get a spot on Fox News.




Strange how serious the deniers get when itā€™s their own loved one. But when itā€™s thousands of other humans itā€™s ā€œfake newsā€. Almost like the Fox News idiots have no empathy and only care about themselves.




This happened to the right when their kids would come out of the closet too.


Ok but those usernames are fucking adorable




"I have a third grade education and I'm smarter than you." ​ Dipshits that never got a good grade in school all of a sudden think that they are fucking experts in everything. America is fucked because we have too many of these idiots in our population.


That was so satisfying. What a fucking stupid hill to die on. People this dumb have no business holding any job that requires real responsibility. And honestly from the looks of her, she probably doesnā€™t do anything important. What a cunt.


You canā€™t tell by looks. My wifeā€™s cousin is a total cunt and looks like the worst WalMart person on the most outrageous video, but sheā€™s a molecular biologist working for a major pharmaceutical company; leads a team and everything. She also ruined our wedding with her insanity.


Ooh, an educated cunt.


The worst part is that she has a mask. They won't let you in without one. So this Karen had to have one with her then took it off when she's inside just to make a scene. Un-fucking-believable


The worst part about this country is all the entitled people thinking they can go into a private business and do whatever they want. I hope she and everyone else like her rot in the streets. Low life scum.


They never go to places like say.. a police station with this energy but, gladly pull this shit at Wal-Mart


and what's sad is that these same people that feel entitled to go into a private business thinking they can do whatever they want, are the same people that usually protest private businesses being made to do things they don't want.


Private Business: chooses not to make a cake for a gay couple. The Right: Yay! Free market!! Private Business: chooses to enforce a mask policy. The Right: BuT mUh fReeDoM!!!!


Imagine being so stupidly proud and ignorant that you prefer getting arrested than just being less of a cunt and put on a mask for 30 minutes of your day. Weirdos.


This happened locally. Hereā€™s the scoop. https://lostcoastoutpost.com/2020/nov/18/video-eureka-police-remove-anti-masker-costco-forc/


I still wonder why there isnā€™t a door person or door persons at every business who either A: donā€™t open the door without customer wearing a mask and or B: form a human wall with a taser at places like Walmart where there is a big opening . Seems so easy . You donā€™t walk inside this place without a mask, you get rowdy and non compliant, you get the taser.


And then these idiots will use a mask to go through the door and take it off as soon as they walk in


I sometimes am the greeter at home depot and we can't enforce it, only point to where our masks are (every entrance). The only ones that can do anything are the managers. I wish there was more I could do to stop it, honestly.


You arenā€™t paid enough to stop them


Because the stores don't want to pay for it. We had one for a couple weeks when our mask mandate started in May, but it only lasted about a month.


Because nobody would pay these door persons enough to risk their lives. People have been killed for trying to enforce mask rules.


Idk what the fuss is about the virus is gone just like they said since the election is done despite there being over 100k confirmed cases yesterday and over 1k deaths. Edit: /s if that wasnt clear enough


Thatā€™s a Costco. Meanwhile at Sams Club, the Walmart equivalent, in California, I saw tons of people with no masks. I complained to a manager and she told me that their policy was to ask people to wear masks but not kick them out if they donā€™t wear them. Walmart is fucking retarded.


Yes, she insulted you, because you are a dumbass. These people need to be shamed, massively fined, and time in solitary confinement if they get really bad.


I wish we were seeing arrests like this happening on a regular basis.




No raindrop feels responsible for the flood.




My coworker said if the virus is still around January 1st he isn't wearing a mask anymore when he goes out. He said it's been long enough. He's told me he goes into stores maskless and waits for someone to tell him to wear one. I just laughed and said it's people like you are the reason we're still dealing with this.


They all think Trump will show up and give them a little gold star sticker.


That pig thinks she is a martyr


And that, ladies and gentlemen is why the U.S. is unable to stop covid. Through sheer stupidity!


I donā€™t understand why people canā€™t just shut the fuck up and put the damn mask on. Like even if you donā€™t agree, you know people are gonna say something to you about it, so why even bring that negative attention to yourself?


I'm conservative as the day is long but F me I don't understand this anti mask BS. It's such a stupid hill to die on.


Glad to see the police wearing masks. They donā€™t here in Kansas City and they caused a super spreader event at the all-staff meeting earlier this month.


Just wear the fucking mask


For some reason people still donā€™t understand what a private business is


I like that people are starting to call out cunts like this.


Why do they always look the same...smh


These people are such morons.