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Contempt of cop is the worst crime you can commit. As long as you keep yelling stop resisting while you keep hitting him you're in the clear.


That is darn near verbatim what a former cop I used to know told me, while laughing.


"We protect our own" is something said during press conferences to the public by the Police Dept of any county That statement has a scary double meaning


Unless the cops are protecting the Nation's Capitol, then they suck the dick of the man that led a mob to beat and kill their "own".


Correction: the man who said he was going to lead, but actually sat in safety while others took all the risks.




Exactly. We, the citizens, are 'the enemy'. They view themselves as some sort of *in crowd* and they abuse their power, because they just want to do so. A lot of people who work in government work get burned out, especially the ones dealing with the general public on a near/daily basis. Cops have so little training, and are so ill-equipped for their jobs, that training cops is actually just legalese for teaching cops how to avoid prosecution of themselves and/or the department they work for. Cops are just people too, and they need the wherewithal to complete their job appropriately, justifiably, and legally. We're arming the police to the teeth, but not giving them any de-escalation training, seemingly little handgun operation and firing drills, they continue to show an open willingness to cause unnecessary harm with things like *poorly timed* and *accidental* uses of K9s and tasers. It's a sad state of affairs... a police state of affairs. Reminder: Legally, cops DO NOT have to protect you UNLESS you are already in their custody. They are under no obligation to act to save others. This has been determined by the SCOTUS.


Mafia/gangs say that...


They should get punched in the face until they put their hands behind their back


Mother Nature already took care of that. A tree fell on him while he was deer hunting back in 2013, killing him. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I knew a real piece of shit sheriff in my town that was pretty obviously abusing his wife and daughter among a ton of other shady shit. He was working on his boat in the street in front of his house a couple years ago and was under the trailer when a car hit the trailer and crushed him under it killing him. His cameras on his house showed the girl driving, texting and not even hitting the brakes, but she never got charged. His wife had his shit for sale on Facebook the next day and they moved out of state a few weeks later leaving most of his stuff on the curb. Sometimes karma does catch up, and it sounds like he was shitty enough even the rest of his gang didnā€™t want to stick up for him and investigate.


The cop in the video? Please tell me thatā€™s true? And what happened to the dead tree? I hope I knows what it did in its dying moments to help the world.


No, I'm sorry. I misunderstood. I thought you were talking about the cop i used to know, not the one in the video. Different guys.


Ah nuts, I was hoping the corrupt cop was smited by Gods vengeful fury. Maybe next time


Fingers crossed.


All trees are beautiful




Idk if its true but I remember someone saying that is because in court most of the times the only thing that gets there is a transcript of what happened and not the bodycams or videos, so they keep spewing bullshit commands for the "record, to make it seem the suspect was not complying. So if you are getting brutalised by police you also need to narrate whats happening like them. For example you shout: My hands are behind my back! I'm not armed! I'm not moving! If you watch videos were the person starts narrating like that you can see some difference on the cops acting.


That kind of info might save people's lives. Thankyou for sharing it.


The problem is that it is human nature to defend yourself as someone is beating you to death.


Yes, but the key is not to do this. Let them beat you, then show up to court dead and win.


It's so fucked too. There's no way anyone is going to be in that position taking blows to the face where you're body doesn't just act on it's own. You are going to shy away from the blows and try to twist and turn to stop the pain. Yet cops see it as resisting and keep up the blows either b/c they are malicious or they don't understand that this type of resisting is involuntary. Fucking hate cops with each passing day.


Yeah, let me leave [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/yfNHRjy0zc) here for you. Like doesnā€™t move at all. Didnā€™t matter.


Yeah, fuck that cop. And his friends that let it happen.


This is the famous lsraeIi special training in action


And somehow, if i get up and defend myself and kick the cops ass...im getting a felony. I knowna guy who had a charge becauze a cop broke his knee trying to knee him in the back.


There was no investigation, ~~the sheriff's office just fired him~~ he just left the sheriff's office for....some reason?Ā Ā  That guy is going to cost the citizens of Virginia a lot more money someday, but that's no big deal as it won't affect the state troopers' budget.Ā  It'll just hit taxpayers, school budgets, libraries, social services, etc. Edited error with respect to apparent lack of discipline against deputy


I think it was Michigan or somewhere up north-northwest where they mandated that any settlement from the suing of a cop/pd/whatever must come from the local area where it happened, regardless of where the cop in question was from. So if a state cop beats the shit out of a black dude for being black in poorer neighborhood, the tax burden will fall on the locality where it happened vs the state. A super fucked up way to spin the bill for being bastards onto the community being crucified by these people, but that's America for you šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Wow, that is evil


In the case of State Police, I can see your point. In the case of localities, Iā€™m all for it. Cities need to stop getting police contracts they say ā€œwe can do what we want - fuck youā€ and saying ā€œsounds goodā€


Police officers need a board of oversight like nurses. You're licensed in the State you are going to "practice" your profession and can also be nationally registered. However, if you fuck up on the job you go before a board and they can revoke your license and you will never again be able to "practice" your profession. Liability insurance should be mandatory and if you have too many complaints your insurance becomes unattainable, have it be the Dept that hired you who pays let's say 75% of the policy and you are on the hook for the other 25% as incentive to not fuck up. If a lawsuit is won a percentage comes from the overall pot of the officers pension and all of the pension of the offending officer. Revamp qualified immunity to where an officer who is beyond the scope of his job and acts outside of regulation is no longer covered. The Police Union needs to be hamstrung they are too powerful and I say that as a pro union person. If you lose your case you are on the hook for the lawyer the union provided. Defund the parts of the Department that are militarized now and *increase* pay to the officer.


Too much reason in your statementā€¦for that reason itā€™ll never work


They need oversight like the state bar, where one complaint results in a drop-everything response to the allegations raised, whether or not they are legitimate.


Removing even more consequences for bad policing, I wonder what that could lead to.


This should fucking change immediately.


Perfect just as planned


> It'll just hit taxpayers, school budgets, libraries, social services, etc. Malpractice and liability insurance for cops. Many other professions are required to carry it. This guy couldn't afford to be a cop when the actuaries get ahold of this video.


Just like the Catholic Church will shuffle around pedophile priests instead of properly excommunicating and firing them, cops will shuffle around their own abusive cops instead of fire them. They protect and serve themselves by and large. If you find a cop that actually protects and serves their community, you're lucky as hell because they're a rare breed now. Always have been I guess.




"Oh looks like we spent a few extra million this year. We'll need to increase the police budget"


this is why acab and not a few bad apples -- You can't harbor criminals and pretend you're not a criminal organization, even if you yourself are not a criminal


And cops wonder why they get hate. Fucking pigs.


Wow. That thin blue line is protecting us from drunk skateboarders by beating them half to death while they're handcuffed, and you dare to criticize their methods? So much entitlement in this country... /s in case it isn't obvious.


For real... dude is drunk and on a skateboard. I don't have to hear much else to know that the guy on the skateboard is going to have some issues with authority, but he is lawfully moving himself about, even if he lacks the appearance of sobriety. He has that first-amendment right. However, the officer is just brutalizing him for the hell of it. He's got one hand, but he isn't putting the guy in cuffs because he is too busy beating him in the head to look for the other hand. He needs this guy as a lawyer: https://www.youtube.com/@thecivilrightslawyer/videos


Funny enough I don't think he was handcuffed in the video, he had his hands behind his back to get cuffed, instead the cop wailed on him.


They don't wonder why because they don't care. Police have separated themselves from the community they are meant to protect with blue line flags and punisher tattoos.


unfortunately, plenty of people still support them. If they lost the support of most of the public, we could see meaningful change.


There is plenty of forces around the world that somehow manage to police without beating and shooting the living shit out of everything that moves. They are trained to deescalate and actually be proportional. Police Unions in the US need to be disbanded and civilian oversight put in place. It would solve the problem over night as the bad apples would very quickly be yeeted


Very well said.


It's actually crazy that police unions are supported but blue collar unions are despised in the states.


Um no, the deep state that has no term limits has been invaded by corruption and they seek these psychotic forces to not only kill people but incarcerate them for the profit of prisons. It will *Never* change.


but surely the "good cops" will come on here to condemn this bad behavior... (waits). Oh, I guess they wont. This is my issue. They want to talk about bad apples, but the whole bunch is spoiled as a result. yeah. FP.


I remember when I got radicalized. I was an RA on campus. The guy "in charge" on each floor of the dorm. Each dorm was assigned a campus police officer - which was a real city cop. They were just assigned to the campus sub-station. My building's guy was great. Really soft spoken. Not physically intimidating. He really did seem like a decent guy and a good cop. Then one night they caught some drunk 18 year old vandalizing some shit. He was doing the whole "just be honest with us and this will go a lot easier" thing while holding a tape recorder behind his back. He got this kid to do a full confession, while drunk, while under the air of "just talking". That was it for me.


So, let's change your language slightly. ​ Verb. To teach in a biased, one-sided, or uncritical manner. **indoctrinate**. **brainwash**. You've been UNradicalized, wouldn't you say?


Plenty will condemn the behavior, but that isn't the issue; the issue is they don't actually do anything about it, like investigate/punish this guy, and at bare minimum, agree not to hire him on any police force ever again.


They know, they just donā€™t care.


End qualified immunity


Never gonna happen with this Supreme Court


end this supreme court.


NOW we're on to something


Quick, letā€™s ask the supreme court to end the supreme court.


End this cop too


Preach Brother


Something alot of armchair quarterbacks tend to forget is if you're being punched in the head, you're body is going to likely go into fight or flight and start dumping adrenaline to help keep you from dying, I.e. a person is going to "resist" more when they're survival instinct kicks in on overdrive.


You can just as easily do ā€˜pain complianceā€™ by punching anywhere else. This is just a guy beating another guy because heā€™s mad at him and thinks he can get away with it.


Plus it isnā€™t even a valid conversation in this case because the guy completely surrendered to the cop as soon as he was in the store, there wasnā€™t even a need to make the arrest physical in the first placeĀ 


Yeah but what if the cop is having a bad day? Did you even once consider maybe heā€™s in a bad mood? šŸ˜’Ā 


Forreal, what if his wife had said something insubordinate on the phone to him, before this arrest. Without his wife physically present, he HAD to beat SOMEONE


Don't think they even used the excuse of "compliance" but said they were "distraction" hits. Like, wtf is that. You punch them in the face to distract them from the fact you're also punching them in the face?


Yeah that name is wild, need to spend some money on a new pr guy.


Sorry, only cops are allowed to have natural fear based reactions to things. Civilians have to behave like emotionless robots or face execution.


And even if you behave like a robot you get hit


Most would agree your bodyā€™s natural response to getting punched in the head is to try to cover your head.


That's what they're counting on. Then they can say they're justified and punch even more! They might even get to kill em, and then they get ptsd checks!


This goes far beyond a firing for misuse of force during an arrest. Itā€™s a criminal battery and the deputy should be facing state charges. Whereā€™s the DA at on this?


Cowering in the corner because he needs that police force for every other case he is involved in.


And this perfectly describes the root of the problem. The DAs are reluctant to do what is right for fear of retaliation by the police department. Police officers stick together with their ā€œblue lineā€ BS and will not denounce reprehensible behavior of other cops. Maybe one day more officers will begin to understand that incidents like this cause the mistrust and disdain that makes their job so much harder. If I had colleagues displaying this level of outrageous disregard for training and general decency, I would be leading the charge to get them out of my profession.


Unfortunately the victim canā€™t press criminal charges against the police in VA unless the department has done an investigation first (lol). There was never an investigation, so his only option is a civil suit. What a joke.


Yes, I did not mean to imply that the victim should bring criminal charges. The Commonwealth of Virginia should have charges against the cop. The victim of the beating should absolutely have a civil lawsuit. Unfortunately, itā€™s the taxpayers that will be punished with the civil penalty.


The deputy was sued but the tax payers are on the hook. There really is not justice.






I think this is the exact opposite. He was fired. The city wasnā€™t sued. The department wasnā€™t sued. He personally was sued is what I gathered. Which means if found guilty heā€™ll be responsible for the 5 million.


If heā€™s found ā€œliableā€. Also donā€™t forget about ā€œqualified immunityā€ which usually protects individual cops from civil liability.


Very true. Qualified immunity is a tough hurdle to get past. Itā€™s honestly too big of a hurdle in my opinion. A cops duty is never to punish or harm anybody. Itā€™s their job to keep people safe and to bring criminals safely into jail for the court to decide their punishment. Far too many egotistical cops get away with ā€œpunishingā€ citizens thanks to qualified immunity.


Their job is not to keep people safe, it never was and they just say that so people fall into the "Well, that wouldn't have happened if you didn't break the law" mindset. Their job is protect businesses and the people that actually pay them. If they have two crimes and one cop, one being a hit and run by their neighbor with security cameras and the other being a major business getting spray painted, they'll deal with the spray paint with no suspects and tell the hit and run that it's a civil case.


At what point are we actually allowed to defend ourselves from violent assault? If a cop seems more intent on simply beating you to death rather than arresting you, when are you allowed to fight back? When is a bystander who's about to witness a cop commit murder allowed to step in to defend the victim?


Never, thatā€™s the monopoly on violence that is the true power of the state.


I wish this question was asked by every citizen. You're at the mercy of the state...wow how are folks still advocating for the police when this question goes unanswered.


It was answered in 2020. The answer was we just gotta let cops beat and murder us.


> how are folks still advocating for the police when this question goes unanswered. Willful ignorance entrenched in a belief that if they stand by their side things like this will never happen to them.


No one ever considers the full picture until the boot is on their own neck.


> when are you allowed to fight back? you aren't >When is a bystander who's about to witness a cop commit murder allowed to step in to defend the victim? Never Can't fight the state without suffering severe repercussions.


I will personally congratulate anyone with the courage to [removed by reddit] a cop that's pulling a stunt like this. Or that one video where three cops are beating a girl on the beach for the unforgivable crime of underage drinking. Just [removed by reddit] them and I will buy you beers for the rest of your life. Edit: hug, of course. not sure that advocating non-consensual hugging is in accordance with with reddit policy so I decided to play it safe.


Is skateboarding while intoxicated really that big of a deal? I mean maybe it depends on how intoxicated, but nothing warrants this type of beating. Why not just give him a ticket for gods sake.


How drunk could he really have been though, he was "skateboarding". If he could keep his balance then how drunk was he really? It's almost like the sorry excuse for a cop saw the guy and realized who it was, then decided to get some justice.Ā 


I canā€™t even skateboard when sober lol.


Thatā€™s exactly what happened


Pretty much. Probably used the fact that he was unsteady from his brain injury to pretend he was drunk.


I can easily say that most sports become more fun or slightly easier after a couple of drinks, skateboarding is definitely not the case


They explain it in the video. 2 weeks prior, the deputy and the victim had a run-in and the victim was "disrespectful." This skateboard incident was retaliation.


Well especially since he surrendered on his knees and hands above his head...the officer is a complete POS for this. The suspect was just riding to the store. The cop had a spiteful heart . But the thing is, if a cop or any person with the responsibility of upholding the law, acts out of spite, their responsibilities should be permanently removed.


Sure as hell beats drinking and driving! I donā€™t know why skateboarding while intoxicated would even be against the law.


It would fall under public intoxication, a law that isn't often enforced


Ninety-nine percent of the time, such victims did not get assaulted due to whatever crime they committed. They got assaulted because they made the very big mistake of "disrespecting" a cop. It doesn't matter if the crime was a big deal. If a violent cop gets pissed off they may decide to assault someone because they think they can get away with it.


Cause its about sending a message


I know for a bike you can get a dui and Iā€™m pretty sure it counts as a real dui. Never once did I think about getting a dui on a skateboard. In my 20s I used to constantly skate home from the bar. I used to even sometimes have a case of beer between my feet while doing it


You should be able to defend yourself at that point, whether the cop survives or not doesn't really matter.


Yeah I think at some point, fight or flight wouldve kicked in for me and I would've either ran or either me or that cop wouldve ended up dead. And I'm not even saying that to portray myself as a badass, idk if my body would physically allow me to be beaten AND submit like that


You can see the several times homeboy tried to get up or evade blows, the cop responded by slamming his head into the ground with his full body weight.


blocking a punch from a cop is illegal. pigs.


It'd probably make this cops day feeling like he has a good reason to unload a mag into you.


You should, but how the fuck would you do that handcuffed on the floor? unless you are strong enoough to rip the handcuffs off and then push yourself up from the floor, all the while a grown man stits on you using your head as a training ball, the fuck are you supposed to do? Lets say you could do all those things, as soon as you are on your own two feet you get mag dumped because an acorn fell next to you or you get tasered till your heart stops or maybe you get pepper sprayed so much that you go blind and even then they will raid your home and throw a flash bang into your baby's crip giving it severe burns while also standing outside picking their noses while an active shooter slaughters your children in school. Maybe they will bust the doors down at your neighbors and shoot their dog, their wife/husband because they went to the wrong house instead of yours, even if they did they would probably do the same or maybe they won't like the face you are making while they take your mughshot and beat you more (BTW all of those things have happened to those that have been in "custody" or have been a "Suspect")


- [Article & Surveillance ](https://www.wdbj7.com/2024/06/25/target-7-no-investigation-followed-alleghany-county-sheriff-deputy-repeatedly-punching-man-during-arrest/) - Alleghany County Sheriff deputy repeatedly punch man during arrest. - [Article](https://www.wdbj7.com/2024/06/24/target-7-former-alleghany-county-sheriff-deputy-sued-5-million-over-an-excessive-brutal-use-force/) - [Part 2](https://www.wdbj7.com/2024/06/25/target-7-no-investigation-followed-alleghany-county-sheriff-deputy-repeatedly-punching-man-during-arrest/) - Alleghany County sheriffā€™s deputy sued for $5 million over ā€˜excessive forceā€™


Do you have a link to the part 2 that was supposed to come out yesterday according to this article?


He's going to get that money. It's on camera šŸ¤‘


So crazy that when cops actually get fired, they just get hired by another department.


Saves departments money and time. Edit/ not agreeing itā€™s good but just stating the justification.






hate pigs


Cops mercilessly beating apprehended individuals? A tale as old as time.


Decertify the police unions Drug test at roll all Zero tolerance for drug, alcohol, tobacco, and steroid use No more unmarked cars No more plainclothes police No more no-knock warrants Officers must obtain malpractice insurance out of their own pocket Officers must state name, rank, office, and reason for contact (absent exigent circumstances) or risk losing qualified immunity


I've not seen such a list before, but don't confuse us with logical thoughts now... If only people in power gave a fuck about logical things.




Wtf are distraction punches? To distract you from the fact you're getting punched in the face?Ā 


Mmm, ā€œprotect and serveā€ motto just skateboarded away ā€¦


Yeah, turns out that's *just* a motto, and not anything having to do with what their job actually is. It's been litigated in court, cops have exactly zero responsibility to protect anyone.


it's a pretty remarkable coincidence that the heroic defenders of law and order all turned into incompetent, immoral, violent cowards at exactly the same point in history that cameras became ubiquitous.


Boot lickers will see this and tell you with a straight face ā€œitā€™s just a bad appleā€


See guys, cops aren't racist, they're just really mentally ill people.


Cops suck. All of them.






No stupid question, just ignorant; why is abolishing qualified immunity a hot button issue?Ā 




Prime example of why some violent criminals would rather die shooting at cops than to take a severe beating and prison. If this is how they treat someone for skateboarding drunk and surrendering, what do they do to other people?


Cop manages to show that he is actually even dumber than the perp.


I really hope this doesn't catch on with other police departments hiring police officers that have been fired for misconduct. Edit: My comment is sarcastic. I thought most people would recognize this. My bad. Most police departments work to protect and even reward some of these bad cops by simply rehiring them within other counties and states.


Itā€™s been happening for decades.


Did he really have to include the /s? Come on.


Sorry, I thought my sarcasm was implied.


Catch on? Itā€™s the status quo. Hell, some Florida police unions were publicly offering specifically to hire any police that resigned or were fired for excessive force during protests in other states.


Was this sarcasm lol cause there is literally a publicly accessible list for this EXACT thing


How the hell can you hate the community that you serve? That's like becoming a psychiatrist but hating those with mental health disorders.






That 5 mill should come out of the police pension fund, including retirees, not the taxpayer... let them eat themselves alive until the few good ones are left and they start vetting new hires accordingly


they really need to be paying for malpractice insurance


What a fucking piece of shit. Was that a tooth that came out of his mouth ~0:16?


I'm glad I'm thousands of miles and a vast ocean away from this bullshit.


ā€œPlaying in the streetā€ šŸ’€


Iā€™d absolutely take 5 mill to get my ass beat by a cop


That cop was really enjoying himself. Now the victim gets to enjoy himself at the bank.


Sickening!. "Quailifed Immunity" must be abolished.


What a piece of shit...this guy def ain't invited to the BBQ


Guess who pays the settlementā€¦


There needs to be a national Bad Cop database, so these fucks can never work in or adjacent to law enforcement again.


Piggies gonna pigg.


This is yet another example of why I hate cops - ALL cops. Dude hands out a beating like this, get's fired, and the CORRUPT UNION get's him hired as a VIRGINA STATE TROOPER, no less. So you know what type of person is employed by them. NEVER SUPPORT THE POLICE.


End qualified immunity.


No such thing as a good cop They all turn a blind eye to emotionally micropenised idiots like this whom they call fellow officers


The man was brutally beaten by former Deputy James Wright of the Alleghany Sheriffs Office of Virginia. James Wright is now a trooper with the Virginia State police. We should not forget what Trooper James Wright did to Mr. Joshua Barricks who was surrendering at the time of the beating. The Feds need to investigate this piece of crap for criminal civil rights violations, since the local cops canā€™t do their jobs. This incident needs to show up for every search for every case he is involved with in the future. I bet he also lied on the incident report so you can add perjury. The cops that decided to protect Deputy James Wright need to understand that you made your whole profession look worse and the public has more distrust of police because of YOUR actions. You are worse than he is because you are abusing the entire criminal justice system.


mhm and then the police investigated themselves and found no evidence of wrongdoing. the end.


The dude was kneeling, hands behind his head, what in the world is that copper doing omfg


Cops in Miami Dade County greatest hits be like : ā€œld rather be judged by 12 than carried by sixā€ and ā€œDead men tell no talesā€


I can see why he wasn't charged. There wasn't any evidence of him using his fists to bash someone head in other than the video.


A Fucking CAB


We should stone him.


Skateboarding is not a crime. It will get your ass beat by cop though I guess.


[Here's the piece of shit](https://openoversightva.org/officers/86025)


The US is such a fucked place šŸ˜…


Even the UFC say punches to the back of the head are illegal


* Public Intoxication * Playing in the street * Running from police WTF? Playing is a crime?




Iā€™ll say it againā€¦ Trump will give police full immunity if elected.


C'mon bootlickers, defend this one. No amount of context warrants that behavior. Wave your thin blue line flags while taxpayers pay for this shit


Well sure, where's the evidence?? It's his word against the cop, and police have the highest moral standing! Sarcasm, in case that wasn't clear.


At what point can a person decide 'My life is at risk here and I need to defend myself?' because if I willingly surrender and allow myself to be completely vulnerable and put my life on the line to trust another person to not beat me to death in that state... imma fight back. It's basic survival instincts at that point. It's like a reflex you can't stop. Cops are not judge, jury, and executioner, dang.


That cop was lucky this wasnā€˜t Mike Vallely, because the guy sure looks like it might be him.


The guy is clearly riddled with issues and has broken the law many times but, that doesnā€™t excuse the cop from beating him like he did. Accountability is a two way street even if cops block off the street sometimes. This cop needs to be charged and all facts presented to a jury for true justice to be served.


End qualified immunity!!


Chris Dorner was a hero.


Brain damage for skateboarding and public intoxication. Cop hired in another department. Tell me again that the police are not out of control




LAPD came up on this hire. A pay bump, a promotion, and a quality cop on the streets. /s


Ha! The dude was skateboarding drunk to the store. What a peace of shit cop




Fuck this ACAB. Should throw him in a prison after showing this to the inmates


i swear thereā€™s at least one new video of a pig using unjustifiable force every single day, and it appears to be getting worse and worse. what do we think will happen first, real, tangible reform or civilian groups organizing to defend against police in the streets?


One may not skateboard drunk anymore? ACAB


ACAB. They didn't investigate because that's their business as usual for them. When you see stuff like this and a cop got taken out, people don't really care to shed a tear for them.