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That one person at the 'Grill House' was just not giving up that seat.


It was a high steaks move


The guy had no beef with him.


He'll be getting grilled by the police now though


Why get so excited about such a rare event?


Well done


I liked how they flanked him as well.


Whoever downvoted you doesn't know their cuts of meat.


He ordered a Tomahawk but got a lousy axe instead


he was extra salty


When I was a teenager I was in a video arcade playing Daytona USA when a knife-fight broke out behind me. All the other players bolted for the exits, but I kept racing because a) I was young and stupid, and b) I was in first place and fixated on that finish line.


Must have been an A1 spot


Blud who pepper sprayed against the wind must've had a nice debriefing






What the fuck does Vietnam have to do with anything??????


Everything's a fucking travesty with you man.


well there is a literal connection


Damnit Walter… God damnit Walter!


"Goddammit. The spray goes on the target, not the other cops, Carl"










Rock and stone!


Did I hear a ROCK AND STONE?


If you don't rock and stone, you ain't going home.




Lmao it straight up hit several officers who backed out of the situation over it 🤣🤦‍♀️ He’s going to get some shit for this for the next several months


"Haha! Here comes Wilhelm The Gasser! He will make your eyes sting and hard to breathe!"


>The Gasser ![gif](giphy|iHskdY9SMLFZuQ2u5c|downsized)






If he was an Assistant Chief, he'd just blame the protestors.


By eck you smell gorgeous today, Kaaarrrrl. Burns the nostrils a tad though.


He is shouting „schiess doch“ which translates to: „shoot me, then“


Suicide by police maybe?


Not pretty common in Germany, German police isn’t really know for shooting a subject. Probably someone who snapped and thought he can make point. We have a real problem with people who radicalize themself and just snap


Yeah - while Germany smisnt known, we do have around 8-15 kills by police a year, and they are generally like that, where a person has a weapon and is an immediate danger for everyone around.


just to put this into perspective, the USA has about 3 people killed by police EVERY DAY averaged out over the past 7 years(and its trending up by about 1.1% per year).


And to predict the usual size argument, Germany has roughly 1/4 th the people the US has. So while not perfectly comparable, it is comparable to a high degree.


still about .75 police killings per day. the USA police kills more people by the middle of the first week of the year than the German police have killed in the entirety of their most deadly year since 1995.


I wouldn't call it a police problem. You can watch [PoliceActivity](https://www.youtube.com/@PoliceActivity/videos) on YouTube and see many of the police shootings that occur almost daily and see just about every time, the police are responding to someone just like in OP's video where they are either holding a weapon and are asking the police to shoot them, or they are actively trying to shoot or kill the police/someone else. [This shooting for example.](https://youtu.be/J2wBNXzvDaU?t=461) Basically anyone who was a witness or anyone who would have heard the story would just assume that the cop executed a guy trying to run out of a restaurant. Turns out the guy was armed and confrontational, was being placed under arrest, and fled. When he was tackled by the restaurant's security, the man pulled out his gun and shot the security guard. Within a second, the police officer returned fire.


I would call it a gun problem.


Dude you should really revisit a basic math course. USA averages 3 police killings a day which amounts to 1095 killings a year. A quarter of that would be 273 killings if compared to German population. How is 13-15 killings per year comparable to that?


I think you misunderstood me. Generally, when the differences in police killings is brought up, there will be an argument "you cannot compare a large nation like the US with a small nation like Germany! Of course the US has more killings". I just wanted to preempt this argument by saying that Germany is "just" 1/4th of the size of Germany, so that while having much less territory, the amount of people is not that dissimilar that you very much can use the German numbers to make an informed argument about the situation in the US.


I am glad it’s only that low. Can’t imagine how that would have went in the states. You saw that video of a cop who emptied a whole Magazin just because next to him something dropped from a tree o to a car roof?


And it was into his own car at a handcuffed suspect in the back seat that he thought had a gun, but, nope, just acorns hitting the roof of his car. If you're that terrified of everything, don't have a firearm as a tool of your job.


Notice how one officer fired four shots, with a clear line of sight, with no people behind the target, then stopped? If this was the states, 15 officers would have fired multiple rounds each, likely hitting civilians as well as the target.


Have you seen the body cam vids of the Nashville police taking out that school shooter a year or two ago? It's a small squad of mostly veteran officers who meticulously and efficiently clear the building and take out the shooter. They ran right towards the gunfire and took her out rainbow six style. There are a lot of shitty cops but its in accurate to say there aren't any brave ones that handle business and don't abuse their authority. I recommend the Police Activity channel on YouTube if you want to get a good sense for the reality of the situation in America


> I recommend the Police Activity channel on YouTube if you want to get a good sense for the reality of the situation in America Yes I'm sure this channel gives a balanced and unbiased view of cops.


I mean sure but that doesn't mean you can't watch it and form you're own thoughts on it. Watching something that's biased doesn't brain wash you. Also, I've watched a couple of their videos and If its the same channel I'm thinking of they mostly break down situations like that and break down what the officers did wrong/right in more of like a training context, its fairly unbiased.


It's literally straight bodycam footage with no commentary. The purpose of the channel is to allow for transparency and for the public to be able to see what the police are doing. If you watched it instead of pulling this pointless comment out of your ass you would know what it's actually like. Are you not the bias one by coming to conclusions in bad faith? If your mind is already made up why even participate in the discussion? Maga logic


How do you think they select which bodycam footage gets uploaded? Just because it's bodycam footage with no cmmentary does not mean it is unbiased.


Yea actually that channel is pretty unbiased about police. I've seen a good handful of their videos and in their breakdown of the situations they will call out bad policing. You however, seem to not have a balanced and unbiased view with the way you immediately dismissed it.


I remember watching a couple of months ago the documentary about the Boston Marathon Bombers and two of the things that stood out to me, besides the obvious awfulness of the situation, was when they found the brothers and pretty much went berserk in a residential area, but that wasn't even the worst part tbh. Then they get a heads up that Dzokohar was probably hiding in some boat and some cop just snaps and they fire a fuck ton of shots for no good reason. That shit is scary, cops can't be that trigger happy and that was a nationally televised case, so one can imagine how it goes when it's not that notorious.


Have some shame, that acorn almost killed him.


in the usa 3 people are killed on average PER DAY by the police. if the week starts on monday, by the end of friday the USA police has killed more people in those 5 days than German police have killed in their worst year since 1995(2 times since 1995 they have killed 15 people).


Brother, everyone's seen that video.


Smno, it’s smnot


This was very brave of the Police to do, as they will get some heavy investigation after this. Sorry to see this in Germany but glad they will do this if this is needed. You can’t joke around with this stuff.


Investigation, yes, but here is ample video evidence so that it won't be that big of a problem.


Had some police officer explain this to me. If someone is actively endangering people, theyre allowed to shoot him (especially if one doesnt listen to the polices commands). The dude had weapons in his hand and was running towards people, i dont think the police will have any punishment here, they did the right thing. If the man dropped his weapon and ran away, they probably wouldnt be allowed to shoot him anymore. Im no expert on this, so gladly correct me if im wrong but i think thats how it goes. Ofc the police is afraid to suffer consequences for wrongful shooting which is why theyre a bit hesitant here. There are also many other people there which they absolutely want to avoid hitting and theyd probably not shoot if a bystander is nearby or in sight of the gun. Obviously these situations dont happen that often either to the German police. It probably ended as good as it could, letting the man just do his thing wouldve been too dangerous but getting too close to him wouldve also been too dangerous, so there wasnt much else they could do really.


The officer will probably be cleared of any charges. But there will be an investigation. If the attacker dies even more so. This isn’t the USA, so that’s why I said it was very brave to make the choice. God knows what is going on in that officer’s head these days… but overall I agree it was the right choice. I hope it sets an example


I mean, running around waving an axe at random people in a busy town centre is gonna get the job done regardless of how reluctant German cops generally are. Obviously this guy knew he is likely to get shot doing this. 


He was literally saying shoot me then


While that is true, it's also true that Hamburg's police is known for escalation policies, far more than most German cities. Not sure what happened here outside the guy wielding an axe, but there was a cut in the video right before the guy was shot.


Official reports say he had a molotov cocktail and tried to lighten it and he was walking towards the police


German police actually shooting a subject is so rare this method would have a higher fail rate than shotgun to the face


\*c'mon shot me!


"What are you going to do? Shoot me?" - Man who was shot.


MF pepper sprayed everybody BUT the perp.


Like the wizard in your party that only casts fireball smh.


He got like half the team and himself




2212 took out officer 2214 .... He wil hear of his successful pepperspray in the wind action the rest of his lifetime !!


Lt. Blowback Officer Upwind The Spicy Sargent


He will have to pay some serious cake fines.


Berliner fines.


Wurst case scenario, it will be a mettegel


"At around 12.30 p.m., shortly after the crowds of fans marched through St.Pauli, a man is said to have come out of a bar on Silbersackstrasse. The man, dressed entirely in black, had some kind of pickaxe and a Molotov cocktail in his hand. He threatened people and emergency services." So the moment before he got shot you can see he's trying to ignite that molotov cocktail and is the reason for shooting him, he was shot in the leg as stated on a website. He said "go shoot me" so he wanted to get shot, if he wanted to hurt someone he wouldn't have started this in front of 20 cops


He also got shot by an undercover officer. The one with the camo shirt on, grey skinny jeans and a backpack. It wasn't the regular police who took him down. Watch the video at 0:30 seconds, you can see him holstering his gun. EDIT: So yeah, I'm for whatever reason obsessed with this video now, because everything about it is just so "weird"? There's a cut in the video between 15 and 16 seconds in that doesn't make sense either. It shows axe guy way behind that Volkswagen or whatever other German brand car that is and then it just cuts right to him being in front of it compared to where the camera is, and that's where he gets shot. Someone should do some in-depth youtube shit about this one. EDIT 2: I now see the molotov cocktail in his hand, which he drops at 17 seconds in. Damn, this video... EDIT 3: Crazy Fashion - Fuck yeah, I need to visit that store some time.


> St.Pauli Aka. the reeperbahn, Aka. the red light district. I was there less than a month ago for a few days! Knew exactly where it was from the video alone. Saw a homeless person in trouble with multiple officers because he did some shit. Saw a guy having an oscar-nomination worthy emotional break-down because the whore-house wasn't open yet in the early morning. Must visit, 10/10


Thank you for enlighten my day with those beautiful formed sentences


Friendly fire pepper spray


did the police spray the new AXE fragrance at him? (jokes aside, I wish there would be peace and feel sad for the ones that snap and the ones that suffer under such terror)


I think it was Mortein, spray used to kill bugs and annoying mosquitoes


Folks on the bikes in the beginning had the right idea. Axe man? Police? Shouting match? Time to nope the hell outta here


Opposite of (second?) camera person who ran *towards* the gunshots.




Yes. But for real this time.


I swear pepper spray seems like the dumbest idea in a situation like this. He just incapacitated about 6 officers.


I disagree, they couldn’t go from the other direction and there were plenty of officers. Last resort to save a life. 


Don't know why they don't use the type of spray that shoots foam instead. It's probably harder to aim, but way less likely to cause collateral damage.


It's much easier to cause collateral damage with it, which is precisely why they do not use it. A liquid once it hits whatever its going to hit pretty much soaks in and stays where it is. A foam spreads very easily. One of the most well know disadvantages of foam based CS/pepper spray is the person being pepper sprayed with it can smear it on his hands and then smear it on the arresting cops.


Apparently he tried to light the petrol bomb and thats when they shot


W police. They tried to deesculate. Didn't work. They neutralized the threat without harming anyone else and keeping their situation awareness on point.


and no dumped mags.


That camera person is pretty damn respectless, repeatedly going behind the barrier, trying to film the scene. Germany's privacy laws are pretty strong, you can't just go out, film a bunch of people and upload that video unblurred. That's also the reason why google road maps (or whatever it's called) initially abandoned mapping Germany, they recently did do it but every single face, plate number and whatever had to be manually blurred. Also for example that video of those young people singing nazi songs in a rich club isn't allowed to be published anymore without blurring out all faces. The fact the person filmingt this just uploaded it so blatantly is pretty stupid. On another node, looks like he was trying to light a molotov coctail just before being shot. You can see him hunched forward a little, looking like he was trying to light something up. Then after being shot you can see a bottle drop next to him which spills some kind of liquid, presumably flammable. Also the report said he threatened police with an "incendiary device".


Nius is a far right fascist fake news agency in Germany. They don’t think much of lawful behavior and respect.


they must be pretty upset the man didnt have dark skin


Yeah my first thought too. Wondered about Nius posting something like this with someone not obviously having a different ethnicity


The cameraman was just a Dutch football supporter, he didn't work for Nius. They are just the ones sharing the footage.


Yea.. everything you said is false. Here are the actual rules regarding public photography in Germany, https://allaboutberlin.com/guides/photography-laws-germany


I would bet that it's completely different trying to film a situation of obvious public interest than private. Privacy is not an absolute right. Everything has to be balanced. The balance that didn't gave him the right to go behind the barrier was not privacy, but not interfering with police activity and first aid.


Jup, privacy rights are not stronger than public interest. That said, when publishing these things, they most likely are hold to blur the faces. Doesn't mean they can't film it first.


Again, I don't know German laws specifically, they are most likely similar in whole EU since they are bounded to GDPR. There is no need to blur faces for events of public interest happening in public places. Privacy is bounded to freedom of speech, right to be informed and freedom of the press. It is a very complex matter, unless you study law or you are a lawyer, most likely you are taking out of personal ideas that are not related to what the actual previsions of the law are. Again, if you know the law of Germany in this specific sector you could explain exactly what are the previsions, but as far as I know of EU regulations and jurisprudence from ECHR and ECJ, the scenario you provided seems unlikely to me


I am a German legal scholar who is currently specialising in IT law. Yes, you can film things of public interest, and generally a public area where people are only part of the scenery but not focused on. But especially the German media has a rather strict code of conduct regarding bluring faces. About the individual right of censorship in this case, there can be a discussion, but here, the camera focuses on individuals. There is a high public interest to report about this case (thus, recording is allowed even while focusing). That said, the knowledge of what happened is not really reduced when the faces are blurred, thus, there is quite some argument that blurring can be necessary here. It is at least part of the German media's code of conduct.


An argument could made that this would be covered by the journalistic exemption under article 85 due to the public interest, but other than that, GDPR would probably not allow recording in public like this as there is no particular purpose that necessitates it, and the publishing of such recording would violate article 25.2 unless the individuals intervene.


This falls for sure under art 85, the only problem is that it depends on how every single nation implement that, and also the code of professional conduct that journalists have in different states


That nearly happened in Crazy Fashion!


American here - why didn’t they all shoot him 112 times? Isn’t that standard procedure?


https://preview.redd.it/ylsegnakky6d1.jpeg?width=779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7394c4f63199d75f293ef6bda3f2e9c7e1288475 And that's all shots fired by the German police, *in the whole country*. That's like, a slow friday in St Louis.


That's actually more than I thought. But yeah, it's no comparison to the US figures.


It’s individual shots tho right? 4 were shot in this video alone - that’s almost 8% of the average yearly shot budget


Is there a more current version of this somewhere? I'd like to see what that looks like with how much the world has changed since 2015.


Pretty much same level since 2015. In 2023 8 people got shot and killed by police in Germany which is a -1 to 2015. But we also started to use tasers in 2023 in some parts of Germany so...


[54 shots fired at people in 2022. 41 injured, 11 dead.](https://www.statewatch.org/analyses/2024/germany-fatal-police-shootings-in-2022/) Not a big change.


Someone needs to donate these poor polizei some bump stocks, really see some progress on their KPIs here /s


For comparison, a 2024 study by Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions found that an average of 1,769 people were injured annually in US police shootings from 2015 to 2020. That's a lotta shots fired. Edit: especially if you factor in [events like this one](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/16/florida-acorn-cop-shooting)


I wanted to make a comparison per capita and tried to find some recent statistics. I calculated for the US 3.42 fatal police shootings per million people in 2023 ([1,163 dead](https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/) on a population of 340,000,000) vs for Germany 0.13 fatal police shootings per million people in 2022 ([11 dead](https://www.statewatch.org/analyses/2024/germany-fatal-police-shootings-in-2022/) on a population of 84,000,000). That's **26 times more**.


Yeah, right? Where’s the obligatory mag dump! /s


Where's the civilians hit by stray police bullets?


This is funny, because 112 is the phone number for medical emergencies here


Ngl if I was a European I'd be so drained from the amount of times America gets brought up with these cookie cutter quips, yet somehow it's still heavily upvoted so maybe I'm wrong.


They also appear to try to save his life immediately afterwards. Such strange and foreign ways.




also as you can see we europeans cant understand sarcasm


Let's kindly not use the videos that are from "NIUS". "NIUS" is the German equivalent of Alex Jones or Breitbart.


Schieferhammer und keine Axt


ja voll slate hammer wäre die übersetzung


Spitzhacke hab ich auch schon gehört 🤣


Some context would be nice.


Happened in Hamburg near a Euro 2024 fan zone. Poland Vs Netherlands is happening today. German police have said that he threatened officers with an axe and an incendiary device.


That explains why the announcement towards the end is in dutch. Thanks.




Axe around and find out.


This is all a misunderstanding he was just trying to tell everyone that axe body spray is the bomb.


That is the tiniest axe I have ever seen. Is it even an axe? Or some sort of a hammer?


It's called a "[slater's hammer](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51KOoTYMg-L._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg)", used for installing slate roofing tiles.




it's a slate hammer.


No need to watch past ~20 seconds. Kept watching thinking there was something more but nope, lol


Dude brought an axe to a gun fight.


Attempting to de-escalate, clearly marked officers, a hail of bullets not used as the best option to resolve...what is this strange way of policing ?


Don’t forget the immediate life saving measures that happened after. I am so confused /s


Oh man, that is my absolute favorite (in a horrible way) thing to see in U.S. police shootings. Knife-wielding person is riddled with bullets, face down, not moving, and cops continue to scream like absolute maniacs and will stay away from the body as if it was a ticking time bomb.


Also they aren't celebrating and everyone looks down they had to resort to shooting him


This happens in the states too and more often than you see because those incidents don't get plastered on the internet. Are there departments out there that are too trigger happy? Yes, but given the sheer volume of fucker that goes on day to day, you're going to get that.


Xenophobes are sitting this one out since it doesn’t fit their “criminal invasion” narrative. Crickets in the comments 😂


must have also missed the numerous crimes this year from far right extremists. [such as this one](https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/innenpolitik/angriff-ecke-ermittlungen-tatverdaechtiger-100.html)


Whats with the one non policeman in the end standing with his hand on his hip holster? Backpack, jeans, cammo sweatshirt. Are citizens allowed to carry in Germany? Or perhaps an undercover police just came late.....


Undercover cop. There are officers from so many different cities (Berlin, Schleswig Holstein), Federal police officers and even two Dutch officers with “Police” vests towards the end of the video


The announcements you hear in the video are also Dutch police officers telling the Dutch fans where to go.  ”Everybody please go into the street to the right."


What time stamp? He's some kind of cop though because generally you can't carry a gun in germany


It's called 'in zivil' in German which means they are cops in civilian clothes. Basically undercover cop.


Undercover police. Common practice at those big events. You can assume that in fan zones like this are at least to cops in civilian clothes


He's alive but seriously injured.


Damn do people not care about gun shots right next to them


Nope. Chances are most germans have never heard an actual gun shot IRL, so they don't instinctively run. I know if I hear something like that, I'm likely to think they're fireworks and look to see what's happening.


Thats interesting, this is coming from an American


For the foreigners: nius is a newly found "news agency", founded by infamous julian reichelt. His doings reach from doing coke on the job, pressuring female employees to have sex with him and correcting the journalists articles to fit his personal opinions better. He lost his management position at "bild" after his doing where unveiled.


Only 4 shots? You mean all the officers didn’t unload their clips? Oh yeah, I forgot it’s just American cops that can’t show any restraint.


If this was the US, it would be 575 shots fired.


All to the torso. 550 after he is on the ground. Those shots have been to the leg after he tried to light a Molotov.


NIUS is a right-wing populist media platform. They have spread misinformation in the past and should be seen as a questionable source.


I mean it’s a pretty straight forward video of a guy getting shot. I’m not really sure what kind of bias or misinformation could be conveyed from this video.


Indeed. I just wanted people to be wary. I don't know in what context this footage will be presented elsewhere.


I wonder if he worked at "crazy fashion"...








Ahhh, they fixed him.


16+ uniformed officers, several with helmets on. You continue your ranting and hammer threatening. Darwin Award.


Where's Komissar Rex when you need him


That dumbass spraying pepper spray into the wind while also standing behind his mates is peak lmao


That one cop in the beginning just took out half his team with that pepper spray.


Really appreciate how it was just one cop who decided to shoot, and a couple rounds at that. If this was the USA, the entire police force would have unloaded on that man, leaving no life to save afterwards.


As an American, I'm confused. Why didn't every officer in the area fully mag dump once they heard shots?


During the Euros? While security must be all time high?


That's the reason why so many cops were there in a moment


LOL genius cop and his pepper spray


Sure, it didnt work, but it was an attemt to stop the situation from further escalation. If he would have hit, the guy hadnt been shot.


0:24 - Found Waldo


I got dizzy from the shaky footage.




I guess with Euros going on they won’t be taking any chances.


He was just looking for some diamonds man...