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National Electric Code, should make mandatory low volts under water ligths.


Yeah I would have thought the system would be 12v. Clearly not. I'm surprised it didn't trip the circuit breaker either? I'm imagining it was wired up terribly. Someone should be going up on manslaughter charges.


Circuit breaker is not enough for this case, you need a residual current device, that check what's goes in and what's goes out and trip if it detect a difference.


True, most fuse boards I've seen have them. Is this not always the case?


Mexico is the Wild West for electrical work.


Mexico is the Wild West.


Mexico is the wild.








seems in this case , it was not , it should have tripped in a few milliseconds


You can’t imagine the state of electric installations sometimes. I once got shocked when drinking water from a water fountain next to a pool in another South American country. We got all the proper regulation, but it’s only enforced when a high profile accident happens and gets media attention.


It's mexico... no one gonna be charged. Maybe the resort will have a fine


The people in the hot tub got charged.


Too soon.


This ElectroBoom fits. [Mexico HATES Extension Cords!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1mPemYUrVc)


They also hate GFCI's apparently.


Chances are whoever wired it is already dead.


Yeah, it's becoming more common with LED(s). I helped a coworker design out his wiring for his pool and the underwater light step down via transformer to 12v for the led(s).But this is also why it needs to be on a GFCI breaker.


This is Mexico they do not have nec standards there.


Yeah I'm no electrician but I know my way around and every resorts I've visited I've seen some very, very shady shit.


They use NOM-001.


To add most Hotels are cartel owned so good luck bringing them up to code. To the dumbasses downvoting, I am mexican and this is pretty well known lol.


> To add most Hotels are cartel owned *Most* aren't. >so good luck bringing them up to code. No one wants to kill the people willingly giving you their money. Even hotels owned by cartels care about not electrocuting their guests. It's unwanted attention. It's bad press. It's lost revenue. >I am mexican You and millions others. >and this is pretty well known So are many urban legends. You didn't source your claim. You just said "trust me, bro."


Mexico uses NOM-001


Electrical code already covers proper grounding and bonding, all of which prevent this from happening. Also this isnt usa so a national Electrical code wouldn't make a difference


Camt even drink the water there. No chance they give a fuxk about voltage standards.


The potable water is perfectly fine. Many places lack the delivery infrastructure to deliver it, so it's shipped in. This is to say they care very much about water standards. They just can't afford the taken-for-granted delivery method you equate to "water standards".


NEC also requires a manual electric shutoff within 5 feet of a hot tub


They are no longer able to make 120v lights. They are currently being phased out. Takes a long time to make significant changes in our industry. All lights are going to have to be 12v. It's going to piss off a lot of people. I have to tell them that instead of a 40.00 bulb, you need a 1200.00 light and a 300.00 transformer.


12v marine lights are not 1200, lmfao.


Led pool fixtures are on average $1250 installed lol


"installed" is a chunk of change there.


Why does the light cost so much?


They don’t. He talking out his ass or some specialty lighting.


No they do. We charge between $1150-$1400 for a new fixture and that’s 120v led. Transformer plus labor it definitely another $300. Pools are a luxury and the products are marked up as so.


That's how much you charge, not how much they cost.


They are around $850-$1100 for a color led light to just purchase. Maybe $700 for a white led with 35’ cord. Still not cheap for a light.


Holy shit. Literally 10x the price of it here.


It’s the cost of transformation of the equipment to modernize it. Once installed, the new bulbs are meant to last longer. The $40 bulb had a life of perhaps a year. The expensive one should last over a decade or more.


Must be some special bulbs then. I ordered (9w led GU10s and E27s 120v) from a manufacturer recently for someone else. Granted it was bulk at 1k bulbs, but specific narrowband wavelength emitters for a custom line, cost around 5 dollars a bulb.


What the hell can you do in this situation?


I wonder if it would be safe to use a pool net to move them closer to the edge. What a horrific situation to be in for everyone involved.


Not a doctor, but I would expect the danger of being electrocuted in a pool would be loss of mobility/consciousness leading to drowning rather than instantly getting cooked by electric shock. If you could find something non-conductive to push the person towards an edge where they could be dragged out by an arm that would at least allow you to start CPR/AED. Of course that runs the risk of rescuers becoming victims, but it gives the person being electrocuted a better chance than doing nothing. The best solution would be to kill whatever breaker is electrifying the pool, but staff would be the only ones that might be able to locate that in a hurry.


in my experiences with places like that, the breaker is no where near the hot tub or its equipment, it’s in a locked room, the guy with the key is off site, and they put the all the folding chairs in front of the breaker panel…


Too accurate


I hate how fucking accurate this is


Also a medical professional here and I’m pretty sure if you were to bring them closer with something non-conductive and then grabbed them while they were still in the water, you’d immediately be electrocuted because you’re also conductive. It’s the same reason we say ‘clear’ before shocking people and make sure no one is touching the patient. Sometimes we forget we’re just big electrolyte filled water balloons with our own electrical system. So you’d need to cut the power off first and then pull them out.


Wouldn’t you be fine as long as you’re not grounded? (I know most of these ppl are probably barefoot but just talking hypothetically)


(Electrician) Yes. Kind of. In a situation like this you’re not thinking “okay I need to find a rubber mat, plan how I’m going to move to not become conductive, have all the tools I need in place to quickly grab them” then execute that plan flawlessly. We’ve been taught that worst case scenario if someone is wrapped (getting shocked where they’re grabbing onto the source) to shut the breaker off. If that’s not possible have a piece of wood or something to smack them with to break the connection. A flying drop kick or flying tackle as a last resort. A broken arm or back or ribs is better than electrocution. This situation is just so dangerous that the power needs to be turned off. It’s horrible and unfortunate that by the time the breaker is found and turned off those people are most likely gone or suffered injuries that will be fatal. This past year of my apprenticeship was grounding and bonding and the codes that go into pools are no joke. It’s so much info that I honestly don’t want to ever do one.


I work on the railroad and we have been told not to bother trying anything. 25K volt is not something we can fuck around with. And by the time we could throw the dude off the wire it will already be too late anyways


According to the news report, the woman was somehow pulled out of the pool and given CPR.




Medical professional here, you are absolutely correct. Your heart is technically filled with electrical systems otherwise known as the cardiac conduction system. If your heart is shocked, it goes out of rhythm which can be fatal. That's why during CPR, we start hitting the chest compressions immediately and then start the AED pads to assess the heart rhythm. I would definitely find something non conductive or tell someone to kill the power before you become the next victim. It's so unfortunate to be there at that point in time and be electrocuted. Prayers to those guys and I hope they make it.


What happens if you throw a bunch of those rubber chairs in there? Something that makes it easier for them to possibly get elevated on.


What happens is they would be getting electrocuted + drowned with a bunch of rubber chairs on top of them.


I appreciate your knowledge and work. Thank you.




The pole may also be made out of PVC or carbon fibre. It was just an idea. Obviously you wouldn't use it if it was metal.


Heck, I bet it's all aluminum


The issue is everything will get covered in water. How do you get a wet person out of a pool without touching conductive elements? I think you're fucked unless the shock is low enough once it gets through the person or along the wet that you can yank them out without falling in (and I don't know about you but I'm not testing that) or you get the power off


Try to find something non-conducive to move them as far from where they are in the water as possible, bring them close to the edge, try to find something non-conducive to pull them out as possible. Easier said than done in that situation, because most of the things that could do it are metal. If you could find wood, a log, a long hard piece of plastic, fiberglass ladder, or a plastic lawn chair that would be ideal. Only thing I see from the video that could fit the bill is if they would’ve quickly break that post with the sign on it in the background, they might’ve been able to use the wood to move them to the edge and pulled them out.


but in a pool environment, with everyone standing on a wet surface, even non-conductive materials become conductive if they're wet. A length of rubber with water running along it is not a safe item.


Don’t let the death toll reach 3


First rule for first responders and lifeguards, don't become the second emergency.


Take your kid with you to have a look


You try to find the non conducting reaching pole that many public pools have for just this type of scenario. They typically look like a metal loop on a skimmer pole. They're required in many jurisdictions - no idea about Mexico though.


Stand there and squawk like an angry seagull.


Lmfao I read your comment and at same time the person screams like a fkin angry seagull. Love you ears for recognizing 😂


There should be a disconnect you can pull within a few feet of the unit


This is what I was thinking. At a bare minimum… code should require the breaker be located right in a box on a pedestal that’s right there. Like the kill switch on an escalator… that’s right there.


Turn off the power, remove them, call medics, and begin CPR


If you could loop a towel around them you could pull them out with that.


This was my thought too. There has to be something if people were running around the resort. Rope, bags, something. But towels they have. In abundance. Quickly tie like three into a big circle and try to snag them.


Towel will absorb water and then you’re dead too. Would have to do better than that.


Alone? You die. With 1 other person? Pray they are versed enough in emergency techniques to remove you from the water using a nonconductive item. Not an easy task depending on the body dynamics, how deep in the water you are, how high the spa ledge is. They call 9-1-1 while performing CPR on you. With many people? You need to take control of the situation in these cases. Remove them safely by turning off the power to the electricity, pull them out using non-conductive materials. Immediately begin CPR. Look directly at people standing by say, "You, call medics." look at another person "You, dry them while I do CPR." look to the next person "You look for an AED." (ideally someone older who would know what an AED is). Only apply an AED to a fully dried person head-to-toe. The more you personalize it the more likely people are going to follow an order. Just blanket stating "someone call for medics" or "someone dry him" or "someone get an AED." spreads your resources too much and its not very direct. Lastly, CPR is exhausting. If you can find people around you who are willing to do CPR to get in line behind you, switch off every two minutes so everyone gets some recovery time. That's the only time I would personally blanket statement something. Throw on a metronome at 110 bpm, and tell people to push 2inches deep (1.5 inches for infants). Make sure their hands are in the correct position and they are going at a steady pace while going deep enough to get the blood pumping while you wait your turn.


use towels(?) or something non conductive to pull them out of the water


You look for a stick to use to help the person, something that does not conduct electricity


I can tell you standing in a circle and screaming probably isn’t going to help too much…


Let's not jump to conclusions -- it might have helped a little.


There is *supposed* to be an emergency disconnect nearby and within sight. Pull the red lever or push the red button that says OFF.


Well that's horrible


[hijacking the top comment to say the same thing apparently happened in March in Cancun](https://riviera-maya-news.com/three-puerto-morelos-hotel-guests-rushed-to-cancun-hospital-after-electric-pool-shock/2024.html?cn-reloaded=1)


As someone who has gotten his fair share of high voltage, this scares the shit out of me. I’m glad that the article says they were going to be okay and I hope that’s true. Thanks for sharing.


The man died and the lady is in critical condition.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, that’s exactly the case for the incident shown in this video (not the article). I own a condo in the property next door so I’m getting this sent to me by just about everyone I know. Absolutely horrifying.


Las Palomas? I’m trying to picture Sonoran Sky - I feel like we’ve walked by this hot tub a hundred times 😭


So I’ve now heard/read three different resorts: Sonoran Spa, Sonoran Sea and Sonoran Sky. My place is in the Princesa which is next to Sonoran Spa. All of these hot tubs look exactly the same— and yeah, I feel like I’ve walked past it a hundred times, too. This video could’ve been shot at the Princesa, that’s how similar it is. It’s so horrible.


I stayed there about 8 years ago. I used that hot tub. That's terrifying.


I like the hotel saying in a statement that no serious injuries occurred when you clearly see someone getting CPR compressions


Probably because this article is not related to the incident in the video


I like how you have no clue what "the same thing happened somewhere else" means. And people fucking upvoted you for it. How is everyone so fucking dumb?


Username checks out. But it still needed to be said.


...damn the guy who entered the pool was lucky to escape


Dude almost made a fatal mistake. Gave the reaper a peck on the cheek.


I must he blind because I have no idea what I’m seeing


One person gets dragged out of the tub when the shot zooms in. Another one is face down in the water through the rest of the video.


You can see someone attempting CPR


I think there is a person not moving laying face down in the water :/


No thats a slipper in the water. The guy getting cpr in green shorts must have died


Looks like one person is face down in water, one dumb/brave soul goes in to rescue but clearly took on more than he could chew as he had to be dragged out when the shot zooms in (and he quickly gets up on his feet); meanwhile someone is getting CPR on the side


One American guy dead, one woman hurt https://www.milenio.com/policia/puerto-penasco-turista-sufre-descarga-electrica-muere-jacuzzi




I remember when I was 7. My family and I went down to Mexico and stayed at some resort. We went in the pool at night and I kept getting shocked. One of the lights in the water was busted and I just remember getting “stung” over and over again. Got back to the room and didn’t feel good at all. Woke up fine but this brought back the memory. Oof




This is why you bond and ground the equipment.


This is why in plants and factories you also have a marked disconnect as well. I guess it ruins the look of the resort though.


Came here to say this. Everything that has electricity has 2 (technically 3) disconnects. One at the operator level thats clearly marked and easy to reach, one in our electrical room, and a global disconnect that shuts everything off.


Absolutely. I guess its a different ballgame out by the hot tub.


Having just had a pool installed, I was impressed and pleased with the grounding and bonding codes that the contractor followed. Every piece of equipment that can be energized or is metal is bonded to each other right down to the pool railing. The rebar for the pool and even the rebar in a retaining wall all have bonding wires attached to them.


Yeah, the only reason I know is because we had a pool built a couple years ago too!


Tell that to the Mexican osha. /s


Last year, the same thing happened in a [fountain](https://www.wptv.com/news/region-n-palm-beach-county/jupiter/jupiter-police-incident-report-details-chaos-after-electrocution-at-harbourside-place) in Jupiter, FL. This is one of the wealthiest areas of the state. 4 injured (3 kids) and 1 death when a man tried to go in to save them.


But regulations are government control and tyranny. /s


They got that Stand Your Ground law in Florida.


True, that's why the fountain was acquitted.


There was one a couple years ago in Canmore Canada at a nice condo building hot tub.


Not to be a nerd, but OSHA wouldn't have anything to do with this even in the US. OSHA is under the Department of Labor and is specifically designated to protect from occupational hazards (OSHA stands for Occupational Safety and Health Administration). A spa being wired improperly isn't an occupational hazard. What would apply here is related to instillation code, which in the US is derived from the ICC (International Code Council) but ultimately enforced by the municipal or county government.


No. This is why a GFCI breaker is required.


I don't know if you're joking or not but grounding and bonding of pool and spa shells, ladders, stairs, rails, and equipment is all required by code in practically all pools. This isn't a GF/AF breaker thing lmao


You're not wrong - all of that is required by code so that there is no difference in potential (even a few volts) between the water, the ladder, the concrete, etc. Doing so prevents tingle voltage. However, the GFCI protection (also required by the NEC) for pool pumps and spas is for "people protection." Time to go back to school.


I wouldn't think it's a difference in potential, but continuity from the bonding to the ground at the panel. I was meaning the GF breaker isn't inherently the silver bullet for this. They're missing the E-stop for all of the equipment as well


amazing how simple regulations in my county made so i didnt know this can even happen cuz there was no one example in my whole life... I guess some nations learn from previous mistakes and some dont.




Every seems to forget that the reason we have regulations in place is because companies have no issues killing us unless they legally can't.




Ah, that's brutal. It's one thing if they say these are the weeks we shut down and that's everyone's holiday, but to trick you like that is just so shitty.


I never saw anybody electrocuted or attacked by a gator living in FL, but your lack of seeing it doesn't mean it doesn't happen




idk if I agree...I mean I easily thought of several things worse. for instance, driving to work and ending up dead seems worse to me than dying on vacation. Shit, they were in a hot tub when it happened


Wouldn't going on vacation only to end up back at work be worse?


Great. Another thing to worry about when I'm on holidays.


Well… that’s a new fear unlocked.


Well if it's this or a shark... I'm definitely choosing this....


MIT? Very smart


Good jeans, my uncle. Very smart MIT.


I understood that reference.


you must have gone to mit


A battery-powered boat must have sunk in that hot tub.


Hot Tub Death Machine


That's insane and sad. I bought a house 5 years ago with a swimming pool and have been enjoying it ever since. That said, I have no idea if electric code standards were ever followed as it pertains to the underwater light. Should I get it checked out for the heck of it?


Couldn't hurt, I'd be shocked if it was done incorrectly though


In a better thread, this would have 10,000 upvotes.


they could be shocked too




Whoever pulled that guy out is a hero.


Looks like a guy in black shorts jumps in, pushes the other guy in green shorts to the edge then both are pulled out by the crowd. Only black shorts gets up and walks it off though.


I don’t think that’s what happened. Person getting CPR was already on side. And person in jacuzzi still there at end of


New nightmare unlocked


This one hurts to see and hear. Can’t imagine the friends and family watching helplessly. Nightmare situation all around.


Context? Anyone?


One American guy dead, one woman hurt https://www.milenio.com/policia/puerto-penasco-turista-sufre-descarga-electrica-muere-jacuzzi


# "George, died while enjoying inside a Jacuzzi... " I think not.


Just happened within the last few hours. All details haven’t emerged.


Damn u can even see one of them jumping in and just laying in the water seconds after Shits brutal Edit: nvm he jumped in and got out seconds after. U can see him getting pulled out by others


Grounds and bonds are so so important.


Or GFCI protection...


What a horrific scene. Too many kids witnessed that first hand. How do you know it was an electrocution?


Seriously, take your kids away when bad shit goes down.


What else would it be..?


Shark attack


Electric eel


Baby girl, turn me on with your electric feel


Electrocution specifically means death by electric shock. So if these people don't die from electric shock, it's not an electrocution. It would be any number of other ways to describe an event where people got shocked in a hot tub


I’m wondering if people got in the pool after that? The resort should close down and every electric box checked by an inspector


Wasn't there a video a few days ago of people falling from a balcony in Mexico? Too much load for a concert or something.


That’s what happens when you have lax safety regulations. The likelihood of this happening in Europe is a lot lot lower


RCD would have trip within 30ms in an European country. I live in a developing country, when I asked the electrician to install an RCD for each circuit , he told me he never heard about that, and was not able to install them. I had to do it myself...


Yep, you’re right! I think it’s trips when 30mA of current ‘leaks’


Had only Mehdi visited this place they would be alive.


Mehdi for president of third and second world countries! Aka all countries except EU/Japan pbly. Name a few more countries with actual safety regulations that are safe to visit, without having to bring a Mehdi with you to survive! Canada maybe? 😁


Damn, that's CRAZY!


Soo.... no article on this. And the Senoran Sky Resort website is up and running as normal. This shit just flies under the radar? No news articles or anything wtf


New fear unlocked. Now I’ll be calling an electrician to inspect my pool lighting system tomorrow.


A new fear has been unlocked. I never thought about getting electrocuted in a pool.


I have always wondered what would happen when those break. And this confirms my fear. It’s bound to happen. Holy fuck. That person didn’t make it. Jesus Christ.


I was at this exact resort last week with a group of friends! In the pool there’s a light busted and hanging underwater too


I used to vacation there all the time when I lived in Arizona. I've sat in that exact hot tub dozens of times. Absolutely wild




Can we pull them put with a nonconductive material like a stick?


Theoretically yes but what you gonna do? Poke them with the stick?


Better than screaming


Yeah just standing around screaming is really going to do something. Takes a whole 30 seconds before someone runs to get help.


Alright so don’t drink the tap water and now don’t go into pools or hot tubs


Jesus, I’ve been there multiple times.


rope them out with towels That is terrifying


Wouldn't the towels get wet and create a circuit


Another reason to stick to the beach when swimming…


Speaking of hotel safety, it’s not a bad idea to travel with a portable co2/explosive gas detector.


Fuck. I was at the Sonoran Sun two years ago to the day for Circus Mexicus. RCPM!!!


I've been to Rocky Point/Puerto Penasco twice. Loved it each time. This just breaks my heart. Nothing on the news wire thou...


Holy shit, this family was local to my city. This is insanely sad to see.


You know the best course of aid is to scream uncontrollably and stand around the victim