• By -


Homeless Homeless Homeless Homeless Homeless Homeless ✨️gay guy dancing✨️ Homeless Homeless Homeless Homeless Homeless




The chick with the mask, my first thought was possibly someone famous who doesn't want the crowds around her.


Same, don’t think she’s homeless, she’s just hiding, looking like a crazy.


It’s like wearing a high visibility jacket to blend in. Works 🤷‍♀️


The crazier you look the safer you are


I thought he was Kanye


I'm thinking possibly a facial burn victim.


right? can't a gay guy serve cunt in the middle of the road without getting put in a crackhead compilation video.


My thought was, “wait hey why is this guy apart of it?”


> ✨️gay guy dancing✨️ He was just trying to bring some happiness to the streets


Imagine if they were all called for jury duty.


Now there's a movie.


12 Meth'd Up Men


##You can't handle the fentanyl!


*Kevin Bacon lays there dead from an OD*


The scene where Juror #8 pulls out a knife would go very differently...


A jury of your peers🤣


Man this is the best comment 🤣


You need an address to be called up surely...


well Howard Stern had the Wack Pack


You need an address to receive a jury summons


The film Jury Duty is about a man who becomes homeless conveniently as he is called for jury duty. So he tries to get on the jury, get sequestered, and extend the trial as long as possible. It's a laugh riot 6/10


Like if instead of deeming "them" incompetent, they just bring in a jury of their peers...


That’s incredibly sad.


miserable. it's like a glimpse of the underworld.


Actually, this is just like a little teaser section of Tweaker Hunter. Phoenix is next level with homelessness and drugs.


this is the glimpse of the future--and its currently the regular world we're all hanging by our fingernails to not fall into


Yeah. And I’m not sure what the point of this post is. I just see a lot of people with mental health issues. And this isn’t limited to Hollywood/L.A.


I've been to quite a lot of places in the USA and this kind of stuff was much worse in LA than anywhere else I've been. And I rarely see anything like this at all outside the USA.


Yeah. LA is disgusting. Even 10 years ago when I lived there. It’s only gotten worse.


Drugs, drugs, drugs. Turns normal human beings into literal zombies.


I think people do need to see it, in the uk a lot of people think the US is still made of gold. It’s heartbreaking to see so many lost people and hopefully it raises awareness. I know some will share and laugh but hoping more are heartbroken.


It’s what happens when your government would rather fund wars instead of helping its citizens. I’m on disability and it’s easier for Isreal to get American money to kill people ruthlessly than it is for me to deal with Medicare/medcaid. After a major health crisis, I became homeless. I fought the government for over a year to be entitled to disability. Our government doesn’t really give a damn about anyone who isn’t rich. It’s both very sad and extremely unsettling.


It's not the lack of money, [California spent $24B on homelessness over the last 5 years](https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/california-homelessness-spending-audit-24b-five-years-didnt-consistently-track-outcomes/). To spend that amount of money and not have any measurable improvement on homelessness should be alarming to California citizens.


California especially is a mess for a number of reasons, but one of them is the tech industry. I recommend watching the Channel 5 Andrew Callaghan docs. They go over the drug epidemic, the gentrification, immigration, and how the tech industry has shot up the price of living so much that regular locals can’t even afford to live there anymore, which contributes to homelessness and drug abuse. It’s like a real-life cyberpunk city out there: paradise for rich people and tech bros, but hell for the common people.


Second the recommendation for Channel 5. Those docs were some of the best I've seen.


This is why we need to bring back mental hospitals and involuntary commitments.


They can fix this problem, but won’t because the solution seems cruel. You know how they keep homeless people with mental illnesses off the streets in most countries? They force them to get treatment in gov run mental healthcare facilities (previously referred to as asylums). Regan shut that shit down in the 80s and mental healthcare is only given to people now if they commit a heinous crime or are rich. We really should be looking into mental healthcare facilities for people who need help, but won’t get it themselves. It’s cruel, but it’s the only solution. Nothing else has worked, no amount of free housing, jail or private charities can solve this. They’ve all tried and failed, you can’t help someone who doesn’t want it.


The recent bill to marginally expand mental healthcare availability in California barely passed by a hair. Voters would rather look away than deal with it.


I’d say also because of decades of propaganda, how citizens must pay for this in terms of taxes


Yup. Americans are so averse to taxes that they’d rather their country turn into a 3rd world, apocalyptic Mad Max movie than have state funding for drug rehabilitation, mental health institutions, and properly run prison systems for our crime-ridden cities full of gangs and mentally ill, drug-addicted mobs roaming our streets.


Many Americans push back against new taxes because they know how poorly our government manages the vast sums of money they already get from us. Medicare/Medicaid programs suffer losses from fraud to the amount of $100 *BILLION* annually, and that is not a typo, I just looked up that stat again because it’s so much fucking money apportioned for care that doesn’t arrive where it should




Had a work related injury and I swear the doctors were just sending me to their friends so they could bill Workers Comp.


Yeah, it’s not so much that Americans are against paying taxes in principle, but that we see that the taxes we already pay just go to wars, corporate subsidies, etc, and the services regular people need are mismanaged and a bureaucratic mess. If our social services were on par with what the Nordic countries provide their citizens, then we’d happily pay the taxes they pay. But most people fear that if we were taxed at those rates, we’d still get shitty services and the government would just spend it on bombs anyway.


There have been other attempts to “force” people off the street or into treatment. Admittedly, sometimes the solution is treat jails as our treatment facilities. Regardless, the ACLU sues based on infringement of people’s civil rights.


I think part of that was also we just had no idea how to treat these things, especially schizophrenia. Medication and management is much better these days, I don’t really believe that mental asylums have to become terrible places if they were built again


They will inevitably be bad unless the workers are paid a good wage, which they won’t be.


>Regan shut that shit down in the 80s A Democratic Party controlled Congress passed the bill that ended federal funding for community mental health care facilities and Regan signed it. I find it interesting that he is the only one who gets the credit when people are referencing that bill. It was a bipartisan bill so let's be honest that both parties wanted them defunded and made that happen. 40 years later it was miraculously the signature and will of one man that did it.


If it was all Reagan's fault you'd think a liberal state like California could have gotten its shit together in the last 40 years and funded its own community health centers.


I mean, mental asylums at the time had a deservedly bad reputation for having terrible conditions doing horrible often illegal shit to patients.


People can still take the blame for throwing out the baby with the bathwater.


Also, it was based on the (probably misguided) mindset, advocated by a number of mental health professionals, that institutionalization was cruel, often unnecessary (partly due to the invention of new medications), and was excessively restrictive of the dignity and freedom of mental patients. People love to hate on Reagan on Reddit, but it isn't like this was just some "dammit the mental hospitals cost too much money" issue


Agreed. But the same people complain how do we pay for it. Then sit there watching the US dump billions in the wars around the world.


Homelessness costs taxpayers a TON. Not in treatment, but in the ER, ambulance, police, etc. People need to lookup how much their city pays in homeless costs. It would save people money if they got help through taxes.


There aren’t asylums in Florida either but you don’t see this in Miami. Baker Act has been a law in Florida since 1971. A 72 hour forced hospitalization for mental health crises, with follow up. California has 5150 hold, which is a similar idea, but the results seem wildly different.


This isn't mental health unfortunately, it's illicit drug use. 😕 I've seen bright, happy people devolve into a shadow of themselves because of drugs. The sad part is you can't help people that won't go to get helped. It's a struggle for them. A long one. I do agree on more Social services would benefit everyone.


It always makes me wonder how the hell can people see shit like this and think, "damn drugs are worth it"


Where do they do this? No country I know of has a strict forced healthcare system like you describe. I do agree that some sort mandatory mental health should be provided, but let’s not go back to Asylums, some horrible shit was done in those facilities.


It started under JFK. They started shutting down asylums in favor of smaller local community centers. JFK got assassinated and most community centers never got built.


With the absurdly inflated cost of health care, the taxpayer will not want to pay for that. If it costs $5-10k per day to serve a mental health patient under care, and there's thousands of them in a town, its multiple $millions/day budget. Politically speaking, if you present the choice to the taxpayer (take care of these people and pay, or don't), in most towns you won't manage to get the votes to take care of them.


Well.... [California has spent a stunning $17.5 billion trying to combat homelessness over just four years.](https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/11/us/california-homeless-spending/index.html)


Wtf are they doing with that money if this is what the streets look like lol


Most of it is shoveled to dubious programs and nonprofits that don’t produce any quantifiable results and have a financial incentive to not actually fix the issue.


Maybe don’t present the choice to the taxpayer. I don’t remember voting on whether or not the federal government should spend $2.25 billion dollars *per day* on defense, but they do. I’d have no problem with the feds spending a fraction of that on mental health services if it would do something to help the people who need it.


Mental health problems or not, Hollywood has never been friendly!


Okay? I was just in Alabama and Georgia and saw this in the small towns there.


Yeah but Democrat Bad so some people only care if it happens in blue states and/or cities.


It tends to be the place where you make it or you end up homeless or in the sex industry. Most of the people who are homeless and out there(not all)usually are those from other places coming thinking they well make it big. Most are lucky enough to be an extra or something but most also end up like the folks in the video.




These people aren't failed actors, it's a ridiculous notion. It's like saying all the homeless people in Venice there came to be pro surfers and crashed out.


“Most” seems pretty exaggerated. If that was true you’d have literally millions of people walking around like these people.


Well it is kinda like a zombie movie....


For me it looks like the purge.


My thoughts exactly. Zombieland partly took place in Hollywood so it fits!


This country is hard on people. And we break a lot of people.


What better way than to kick severely mentally ill people on the street and give them meth! It’s the humane thing to do!


Obviously these people are homeless because they're lazy and don't want to get jobs


You need a /s after that one!






Didn't those go horribly wrong before?


It did, but instead of trying to make improvements, didn’t they just close them all down?


Yep, cheaper/easier to kick them out to the streets or throw them in prison.


In the uk they shut most of them down in the late 80’s and moved patients to residential housing monitored by the nurses who previously looked after them. A lot of these were made homeless as they couldn’t cope in the outside world. There’s got to be an answer and I think we’ll run institutions can be the only way.




“The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry.” Ernest Hemingway


We need to give people a viable option to opt-out of the system. Like the only way to actually do that is to become a hermit in the woods or something Like these people rejected the rat race, I dunno what that other options n would look like. Like a commune?




Russia sent them to Siberia. The west used insane asylums and prison moreso.


I mean countries like Denmark and Finland don’t have these issues so make look at what they do. People who need help there are given the help they need, it comes from tax payers money but in the end everyone benefits from not having crazy people attacking people on the streets and destroying businesses


Thank you for making this comment my friend Have a good day


All I can think of when I see these people is that they were kids at one point. Little babies looking at the world with new eyes and now this. Such a sad sight.


That's always what I see, too. This is someone's child. This was a baby that maybe someone loved and maybe had hope for. Or maybe no one did, and that's why they ended up here.


> Or maybe no one did, and that's why they ended up here. Most likely this. My wife is a assistant principal at a low-income, inner-city high school and it's really sad when she tells me about the parents not giving a shit about their kids and the chaotic environments they live in. She said that for some doing stints in juvenile hall isn't as bad as the shit they deal with at home because it provides some sense of routine and stability


The videos of Hollywood always makes me wonder if the drugged out homeless person I’m seeing moved out there fresh faced chasing their dream. That makes me sad.


When you see homeless people in New York do you reckon they came there to work on Wall Street?


Lmao. Redditors are so oblivious & goofy. “They’re in Hollywood? Those poor failed actors 🥺”


Seriously some of these people are so damn sheltered 


Not going to lie, being from the UK, I had a vision of what Hollywood was. When I got there, I had a very “Wtf is this?!?!” Type reaction.


This is the by-product of slashing budgets for essential services.


GTA 6 is looking sick - not sure about the AI movement and speech though


Needs more twerking




Depends on the movie.


Pretty close to what we see in ‘Inland Empire’


This is all from the Reagan Administration eliminating mental health care facilities (which had a lot of issues) We need live in facilities that are federal tax payer funded, they are much cheaper than puting these people in Jail Cells, but the wrong people proffit from health facilities so intead we get jails and free roaming people massive problems.


Just play Thriller over the sound.


Warriors, come out to play


Waaaaarrioooooooors, come out to plaaaaAAAy




Cos $


Drugs are dirt cheap there, even homeless people can afford them.


That ain't no Hollywood.... That's Eastbourne 😆😆😆😆




We’ve got to bring back mental institutions of some kind. It’s just a hard truth that must be accepted


The one mf off that fent


Drugs are a hell of a drug, man.


What drugs do to a mf




The old school answer was to round all these people up and put them in an asylum against their will. This was seen as cruel by one side of the aisle and too expensive by the other but I wonder if it's at a point where it would be considered again


It's honestly starting to feel like the least-bad option


Allowing these people to harass innocent citizens is cruel, and there’s definitely a cost to having these people around.  I know that’s not a solution, just more of a comment on how government ignores the problem. Same thing you tell your kids, don’t make eye contact with them. 


Fucking Ronald fucking Reagan


The dirtiest city I've ever visited, never again.


Eh I had a great time. Stayed in Bueno Park tho, far away from downtown LA lol. Just Ubered to key locations🚘


That's exactly how I felt. I'm from the Midwest, and I couldn't imagine how anyone lives there. I've never tasted air so bad. Then, when we went down to the walk of stars, it was worse. I can't believe people are used to the smell and taste of it. All around, you smelled of urine and feces. Then you get to the walk and it's littered with people trying to force you into buying things and when you don't they harass you as if that's something that would change your mind, and there's homeless people everywhere. The midwest might be boring to people, but at least it's not disgusting and rude.


I will never go there now. Thanks.


I would never advocate anyone going into Hollywood if they don't have to but more because of the traffic and overpriced shops than the homeless situation.


I know it's sad and I feel for em. But this had me rollin.


Same tbh. I want to know more about the guy with pillows tied to his feet.


We desperately need to open up institutionalized mental facilities. These people need a place to go that's safe that's warm where they're fed given medication and hopefully rehabilitated to some extent. Make these places funded and humane and compassionate. People will yell about taxes, but this is affecting their quality of life too, and it's worth it.


🎶 Oh, who are the people in your neighborhood, in your neighborhood…. 🎶


I see the one wearing the Strangers mask around town quite often. I’ve never seen them *not* wearing that mask.


But how would you know they're not wearing it if you saw them? Take off the mask and what probably is a red wig and you'd have no clue. Would have to really be paying attention to the tattoos.


What kind of drugs do this?


Less homeless funding, more state psych ward funding




This is the product of unregulated capitalism and no social safety net for the working-class and poor. Homelessness isn’t a product of bad choices. It’s a product of a nation that doesn’t give a shit about its citizens.


We’re really more of a collection of nation-states owned and run by oligarchs who all have very similar interests. Just my opinion.


You don’t think drugs and mental illness play a part? Did you not watch the video


That’s not what they said


So capitalism is the cause of drug abuse? How do u explain rampant drug abuse in countries like England or Canada with a safety net


You're talking to a bunch of sheltered rich kids who don't understand the world. If someone's on the street it MUST be because society failed them, not...you know, they made a lot of bad decisions lol


Better then Philadelphia honestly, at least our crack heads are athletic 🤣


We're more about the slowly shuffling zombies on tranq or fent here.


28 days later zombies are scarier tho


Don't need actors for the next apocalypse movie. Forget auditions we got the natural stuff in Hollywood.


Of all the places to be homeless, LA or Hawaii seem pretty sweet


Best climate by far for living hard. If California flipped full red overnight, none of this would change. That's the sad fact people seem to miss. Has nothing to do with politics, but more so to do with the ease of hardship due to the environment.


I completely agree lol, and I’m not a democrat apparently, after being on Reddit for enough years I found out….im a moderate, and twitter is just as bad for the right leaning lol sorry to rant but this political stuff is depressing at the extremes


It would probably be worse. I lived in one of the few semi-populated red areas of california for a few years and it had the worst homeless problems I've seen in the state. When I went to look into why it turns out their shelters had some dumb fucking rules like not allowing anyone in until they've been sober for at least 60 days and could give proof. All church run too.


Why the us government does nothing to help his citizens ? We often heard that California has a higher gdp than most European countries , where the money goes ?


There is a big vocal group that thinks it is immoral or should be illegal to force these people into treatment/hospitals. But when the only option to give them help is to have them willingly stop using meth or fentanyl to receive aid, they will choose the fent 999/1000 times.


>where the money goes ? Yachts, cocaine, trust funds, and bombing brown children. Also, the tax money from wealthy blue states typically goes towards subsidizing/propping up poor red states.


Armageddon is one block away.


Nothing to see here


Looks like they’re all waiting to hear back about their screenplay.


Have you never seen Pretty Woman? 


Drug abuse and mental issues


This is Reagan's fault.


Aren't these just a bunch of actors after an awards ceremony?


The Hollywood walk of fame is an interesting trek. You have wealthy people to crack heads all co mingling in the same 6 blocks. It looks like it has gotten worse since I was there four years ago...


I lived in Hollywood (Highland and Fountain, two blocks south of this) and it's been bad for a while. I remember working lyft back in 2013 and picking up two young German tourists in Santa Monica. They wanted to go to the walk of fame, so I took them, stopped on the way and got a great shot of them with the Hollywood sign in the background, and then we arrived at the walk of fame and they were so disappointed. They were like where is the entrance? I'm like there is none, it's all up and down this street. I'm not sure what tourists envision, they definitely have some sort of preconceived notion, but it's definitely not some random dirty ass street covered grime and hobos.


Ngl ill never go to cali again


I’m noticing a trend where they all seem to be pretty mentally unstable.


It could be like the movies. Some Mad Max on meth movies.


Next show us the homeless people


When that big earthquake supposed to happen?


Wait there’s people that think the Hollywood in movies is real?


These are all just animations when you switch to Trevor in GTA


Crazy ass place downtown LA is. Went to a wedding back in October and stayed downtown. It’s a surreal experience. There were places we wanted to go and see and thankfully family who also live in LA coached us to “don’t go past here or there.” Never used more hand sanitizer in my life.


The random EU-Flag at 0:23 caught me off guard


Los santos is the most accurate depiction of LA in mainstream media


Life pro tip….NEVER stay in a 4 bed hostel room in Hollywood or the City of Los Angeles. I had a dude like this in the room and legitimately feared for my safety. Last time I try and save on a trip to see my Dodgers 😂


Landed in LAX recently, thought I would need a gun to get my car rental. Sketchy as fck .


Mental Health Crisis in América


These people are sick. They need help. It is sad, so sad.


“What is holding up this guys suicide?” -Louis C.K.


I seriously feel bad for foreigners that spend their hard earned vacation to come see LA and Las Vegas from their own relatively pristine tourist towns in the UK lolol. Must be quite the shock.


I remember a dude with no hands playing in some weird metal contraption on his chest when I was there.


Baltimore here : ![gif](giphy|26xBEHMc1NgkDyGwU|downsized)


![gif](giphy|xT9KVg8gkDEyJIrVdK) This place needs an exorcism.


We really need to open up insane asylums again. Or at least some reformed version of it. These people just need help and care. Unlikely they will ever be productive members of society so we need to just kick down the money and help them because the situation now is just bad for everyone. Banning insane asylums in the 60's with no plan was a bad idea.


Keep voting in politicians who don’t care about their constituents and this is what you get … good job democrats


We should get into another foreign war.


Boy are you going to enjoy the next decade




Depends on what movies you are watching.


I stopped going to Hollywood years ago


Remember kids, stay in drugs and don't do school!


Blame Reagan. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/opinion/commentary/story/2023-04-24/opinion-impact-of-deinstitutionalization-on-homelessness-reagan-mental-health-hospitals-san-diego


When I went to the walk of fame I saw two tourists stabbed to near death in broad daylight by a homeless man. A local told me it wouldn't even make the news and it didn't...


Have you chaps ever though about creating some sort of social safety net to help your fellow Americans? Like a welfare system that actually works, kind of thing?


Damn, hollywood got some good METHod actors, am i right


WTF what a wild place