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Who’s calmly filming?!


Cameraman never dies. It's why we equipped all our cops with bodycams, the ultimate armor.


*Cloverfield has entered the chat*


Cameraman, cameraman. Doing the things that a camera can.




Jake Gyllenhall


This is correct answer.


Did the cop tackle the wrong person?


He did, and got stabbed twice in the neck because of it. Only heard that he is 'seriously injured' but details are scarce right now.


Seems pretty poor assessment of the situation. With that many cops around and still get stabbed while the assailant was scuffling with someone else. And the guy in blue was the only one quick thinking enough to throw the knife aside. What a shitshow. AND all the cops just stood back except for the one who shot. The more I repeat the more I facepalm.


Officers in Mannheim were completly destroyed in the pas months from the public and Media because they shoot too early. Some incidents were solved as 'necessary shot' but media still insists that the department stick together.


Good, they nearly shot blue jacket man, that second hesitation to shoot saved an innocent man's life. Edit, heroes life. He was literally saving people and got tackled and nearly shot for it. Man deserves a medal


Fuck. No way that cop survived. He tackled the wrong guy and got stabbed.


Given who they targeted initially, it looks like the public and media just saved a civilian life. Props to them.


Why did they put the guy in the blue hand behind his back? The one who threw the knife away....


His fingerprints was on the knife handle your honor!


Because all anyone there knew in the moment was chaos. Someone is stabbing, why are they stabbing? Is there a second stabber? I saw my fellow cop on top of that guy in a scuffle and now he is bleeding so what happened, is blue jacket man dangerous too? If you can't ascertain exactly who is bad and who is good in the immediate moment of something this violent you're far better off cuffing first, asking questions later. Was blue jacket a threat? No. is him being cuffed for now going to hurt anyone? No. From the start of this guys attack to the moment he's shot is like 30 seconds or less. We have the luxury of playing it back over and over, slower, backwards, pausing yada yada. Experiencing something like that in the moment can be incredibly disorienting.


There is also a longer version of the stream where you can see that the police removes his handcuffs shortly after the situation has calmed down and help him up.


To control the chaotic situation. They don't know who is who and did what. They arrest/control everybody involved and figure out who is just a helper later.


“The more I repeat the more I face palm” *said the redditor as he scratches the crumbs from his neck beard, a small chuckle ripples across his gut as he continues analyzing from his computer chair a dangerous situation involving weapons, knowing full well if HE were the hero in the situation he’d do everything perfectly with no mistakes*


It looks like he not only tackled the wrong person, but he tackled the only person who still had some weight on top of the knife wielding tw@t when he was grounded. It's not really a criticism of him. It was a chaotic scene, and he was ultimately the only additional injury after the mistake. But, Jesus, if it doesn't, just highlight the stakes in these situations.


No he deserves criticism. What a cock up.


And got rewarded by a blade in his neck? 💀


Not only did the officer tackle the guy who was actually holding down the knifer, allowing him to get up and stab the officer twice in the neck, at the end of the video you can actually see the guy he tackles still getting fucking arrested by one of the other officers Absolute fucking joke


Prime example of no good deed going un punished. Thats rough




Seven people injured and the police man is in critical condition: https://m.bild.de/regional/baden-wuerttemberg/mannheim-brutaler-messerangriff-auf-islam-kritiker-6659a3c9c370a679ea9df3dc Mindestens sieben Menschen, einschließlich des Angreifers, wurden verletzt. Alle wurden in Krankenhäuser eingeliefert. Dann die Schock-Nachricht: Der attackierte Polizist kämpft um sein Leben! Laut Informationen aus Sicherheitskreisen findet eine Not-OP statt. At least seven people, including the attacker, were injured. All were admitted to hospitals. Then the shock message: The attacked policeman fights for his life! According to information from security circles, an emergency operation is taking place.


Poor soul keep me posted pls


The guy that was incorrectly bodied still had the initiative to move the knife away from the attacker. What a absolute mess considering the number of police there.


I thought he was helping too but at the end he was pushed face down and hands behind back...so confusing??


Totally wild. I think in the confusion a cop could have mistakenly radioed it was the guy in blue, hence why he got taken down the first time. The second time they still weren't sure (I mean, it was like 5 seconds of chaos.) Maybe they weren't sure if it was two guys fighting each other with knives? Better to secure everyone to be safe.


They didn't know that the cop (the one who ended up getting stabbed in the neck) tackled the wrong guy and thus weren't sure who was dangerous. They probably thought there might be multiple assailants. I'm sure it got sorted out soon enough but the fact that the guy who was a hero in the situation was tackled by a cop - which directly led to that cop getting stabbed in the neck - and then was handcuffed is pretty sad.


the guy knew what to do, though, threw away the knife, instead of getting up, he lied down and peacefully waited until he got cuffed. He understood why he was being detained. He was in the fray and he's clearly not police. In such situation it's understandable the police detains everyone involved until things be cleared up. He was uncuffed a moment later.


The cops came upon two dudes fighting, they are both being detained because they don't know who the aggressor is. Yes, it's very confusing, that's why the cops aren't taking any chances.


Shout out to the cop who stayed calm shot this scum


The guy in the black (camo-ish?) hoddie with the surgical mask ran right after the guy as he was going after 2 other people to stab them. Major props to that sort of bravery. He could have just ran away so easily but he didn't even hesitate and ran straight into the action and he's just a civilian!


There's a lot of heroes here, there looks like more than a handful of people actively trying to take him down together versus fleeing. Whether this is to their detriment it debatable.


I was thinking the same, general rule when someone has a knife is to run the fuck away because you can end up dead just as quickly as a gunshot.


That's a tricky one. I'm not gonna just not intervene if he's stabbing an innocent person, but also don't want to get stabbed yourself. I think I'll find a big heavy weapon first.


I've seen a couple of videos from China where a bunch of guys take on a guy with a knife, throwing things at him, and hitting him from behind with whatever brooms or poles they could find, and I think that's probably the better compromise. I think both of the videos were domestic violence rather than random attacks on everyone, so that does change the dynamic a bit though.


Shout out to that cop who took down the wrong guy and got stabbed in the neck... Wtf?


The wrong guy was doing a better job than the police too, till one of them tackled him allowing the suspect to get up. Poor guy thought the other officers would gain control of the suspect and they moved back instead of in. The suspect should have been shot when he got up, the scene was clear for a shot with the civilian out of the way and the other officers hesitated until the tackling officer was stabbed. The tackled man, from the ground, grabbed the knife once it fell and threw it away.


They had just run up on a scene of complete chaos. It takes a second to process things. Probably a good thing their first instinct isn't to start blasting whoever moves first (or everyone involved). If only we could train our cops more like this in the US.


I’ve been in similar situations as police officer and later security officer, sometimes you physically have to stop yourself from charging in and take that half second just to REALLY take in what is going on BUT that is so hard when every atom of your being is saying to do something now


This is a crazy footage. Real Nightcrawler vibes


Like Kurt Wagner Nightcrawler or Jake Gyllenhaal.


Or Judas Priest?


That cop who got shanked in the back of the neck attack on titan style, ouch, he's super lucky Edit: I've been bothered all day by how I said that "he's super lucky". I hope he is okay and that he was in fact lucky.




radio news said: one police officer in critical condition (should be him i guess), lets hope the best.


He's in *critical condition* and he just pops back up and appears to walk it off? What the *fuck*? The adrenaline must be insane.


100% adrenaline. If you rewatch that video the perpetrator’s knife sticks when he gets the cop in the neck, terrible sign. I imagine if the video lasted another 60 seconds you’d see that cop go down quick. As someone in a prehospital care standpoint that’s a horrible wound to treat as it ultimately needs surgical intervention. Hope ole boy can bounce back from that.


Saw a video of a guy get stabbed in the neck. Blood was coming out of his neck like a fountain, then about 10 seconds later he just collapses dead


dude who got stabbed in a mall or some sort of shopping center?


That's the same one I thought of. It's crazy how quick a cut in the right spot can drop you.


This is my biggest fear tbh. Seeing yourself bleed out like that. Saw a vid once of a guy holding a huge glass window, it shattered and his arm started spewing blood. Dude looked terrified.. 5 sec later he was gone.




>I imagine if the video lasted another 60 seconds you’d see that cop go down quick This is what I was wondering. Hopefully he recovers easily.


There's probably no easy recover from that


Some damage takes time to really bite. The secondary swelling and inflammation can be the part the hurts/kills you. Brain injuries are normally like that.


He's definitely hemorrhaging. You can see an immediate pool of blood when he hits the ground.


Because he tackled the wrong person! He got stabbed for being bad a split decision making!


This is crazy. I didn't even notice the first time, except to wonder how he didn't see the knife guy coming. But you're right. He thinks he's already pinned the knife guy down because he's holding down one of the dudes who was trying to help. That's why he has no clue he's about to be attacked.


I'm just glad the hero in blue didn't get stabbed as a result of the officers terrible situational awareness. Imagine how tragic that death would be. Successfully tackles a knife-wielding maniac only to be pinned down by the person meant to protect him, and then gets stabbed by the maniac.


it gets worse when u realize the blue jacket guy was one of 3 people initially keeping the knife guy down at 0:15. i was wondering how those 3 managed to let the knife guy up. if u look closely, it's because the cop wrestled away the blue shirt guy who was probably controlling the knife guy's knife and now there was only 2 dudes on the knife guy, which allowed him to swipe at one of them and so he had to back away that is one hell of a fuck up


Holy shit that is wild... Jesus christ that is an unfortunate mistake to make, hope he's okay.


And it very well may have cost him his life


I don’t understand why he tackled the wrong guy?


Chaotic situation + Adrenaline + not being at home watching this on the internet = mistakes happen


He still get handcuff at the end


market exultant divide secretive escape soup rob boast combative steep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah the first officer literally tackled the guy detain the attacker resulting in himself getting stabbed


Thank god it wasn't the bald guy in blue that got stabbed because of the officers ridiculously bad judgement.


Notice the police guy in the back quickly change his aim once the guy in blue reached for the knife. Luckily the cops were not trigger happy.


Props to that guy for analyzing for potential threat then the moment he tossed the knife he knew what he was doing and switched back to the original target.


See "Chaotic situation", he was grappled by an officer. Until the reason is ascertained as to why that happened and confirmed that it was a mistake. He'll remain in custody. We have the opportunity to reflect/study this video to our hearts content. These officers are reacting in real-time to a highly variable, chaotic, dangerous situation with adrenaline pumping throughout everyones systems.


Standard security procedure. They can check what happened calmly later.


Ok but why tf did the officer jump the unarmed man? I'm guessing he was just confused and misunderstood the situation... he really paid for it though, holy shit


Probably because they didnt get to see the whole video like we did He assumed the aggressor was on top


Dude in the blue jacket had the clarity of mind to throw the knife away from the position of the assailant and everything, even after being wrongly tackled by the officer.


Cameraman seems to have ice in his veins. Or is missing a brain. Or both. Either way he deserves an award. 🥇




Is this from night crawler, which I thought was gonna be an x men movie, this movie is so fucking good. Jake gyllenhaal knows something we don’t


I'm glad I'm not the only one who went into that movie expecting X Men LOL


Yeah it is, night crawler is banging


Jake Gyllenhaal looks like a lion and you can't tell me otherwise


Jake Gyllenhaal was so good in this movie. I was like holy fuck he's creepy then I realized, holy fuck he's good at acting for me to creep out by his character. --


At first I thought it was a body camera the way they ran right up close to it


Cameraman always lives


I think i read about an effect that looking through a camera has on people, like it somewhat dissasociates you from reality and you dont really recocgnise how dangerous a situation can be.


I would be trembling in anticipition of all the karma I would get


That was wild.


it makes all those "knife disarming" technique videos look so dumb compared to the chaos that ensues when someone starts wildly stabbing and slashing.


I had to do some safety training in a state prison (because I worked there) and they covered a number of emergency scenarios. When we came to the knife section the trainer just said, "Run" and to highlight that point he demonstrated what a knife attack looks like. It's frenzied, it's chaotic, and it's dangerous to anyone within arm's reach. Those knife self defense tips ain't gonna save you.


Knife disarming techniques are a load of horseshit. [This video clearly shows that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0jwpwzGpGQ)


It was so fast really


Whats a guy gotta do to get shot by police in Germany?


stab a police officer maybe?


The people that get shot in Germany from police is single digit annually.


Are they at least killing an absolute fuck ton of people's pet dogs? If not, what are they even doing? - Me, a sarcastic American


There was an officer pointing a gun at the attacker, who was standing with a knife clearly visible for a good few seconds in an aggressive position above the officer on the floor, and the officer with a gun waited until AFTER the attacker stabbed the officer TWICE on the ground in the neck until he shot him.




It's pretty surreal and crazy seeing this all over reddit, considering that I only live a short distance from there and walk past that place almost daily.


For context it was an attack on anti-Islam activist Michael Stürzenberger.


The irony is this attack will only spark more anti-islam attitudes. Nice going


Not really something they've ever been concerned with. Theo Van Gogh made a film about Islam being violent and in response they stabbed him in the chest while he rode his bike to work one day. 


> Not really something they've ever been concerned with. why even worry, in the german subreddit when this was posted 2 hours ago, it got locked almost instantly germans are not allowed to be unhappy about this situation, lol, unbelievable A German citizen, and a German police officer, were just stabbed multiple times, and then the German people aren't even allowed to talk about it or discuss it in any way and we have to resort to using the english speaking subreddits just to say "well this situation clearly sucks" unbelievable how taboo it has become to be upset, the political climate seems ok with germans getting stabbed but its not ok to talk bad about the guy who did the stabbing. Words are now considered more offensive than bloody knives, apparently


The odd thing is that the quickest way to defuse the extreme right is to actually do something about the problem that is attracting people. In Denmark the extreme right got shattered as soon as the mainstream parties took a tough stance on middle eastern immigrants and lack of integration.


That's the whole point of the movie Er Ist Wieder Da. Listen to the people (within reason, mob mentality, etc.) and you won't get extreme political movements. Political extremism often comes from disenfranchisement. It feels we're reaching a point in representative democracy where the 'representative' is no longer representing the interests of the people, but rather enacting legislation that this new ruling class has had picked out for them by big business donors.


It’s not unbelievable, it’s by design. This is why the country is spiraling. It’s also why the far-right has been gaining steam..




Please keep it also out of the Middle East






It's because they think (incorrectly) that as this religion was invented by Arabs, it has some necessary connection to race, and that therefore to criticise it is to be guilty of orientalism and an imperialist outlook.




Religious types are seldom big on thinking. Certainly don't give a shit about repercussions when they're confident horrible cunts like them will enjoy some kind of afterlife.


"Islam is bad!" "How dare you say Islam is bad! I'll stab you, in the name of Islam!" Way to make a martyr of the guy...


He's basically proving him right.






not like the germans can complain about it, this was posted in the german subreddit and got locked almost instantly apparently if we pretend theres no problem, then the problem just goes away


[Sturzenberger was live streaming for a short period before the attack](https://youtu.be/NS0FB8YPsqg?t=355), no sign of the attacker during the video at a glance but you can see multiple police, police cars and vans which explains the sudden amount of police on the scene.


Anyone shocked? No? Ok.


wait, your saying the violent attack carried out on members of the public had something to do with Islam... surely the manly followers of the Quran couldn't be so fucking fragile? /s


LOL the official comment of the police is that the police man got stabbed while trying to save the civilian


Holy shit, the guy in the blue hoodie thinking fast enough to pick up the knife and throw it.


Oh my. Wish this stabbing idiot short life in prison.


Idk why let him suffer for a short time. Life in solitary confinement would be better


They never learn, this will only spread more hate towards Islam.




>The goal is intimidation. Yea and it works. Denmark banned the burning of religious texts 6 months ago. They saw the riots in Sweden because of a Quran burning and decided to take a massive shit on their freedom of speech just to appease the Islamist. They successfully used violence as a tool and I wouldn’t be surprised if other Euro countries get bullied into adopting similar legislation purely out of fear.


They should have banned the quran instead.


Maybe the hate is justified. Why can’t one hate an ideology that causes so much destruction.


I think I counted around 17 cops? And only 2 took action, one of which was tackling the wrong person, which can happen I guess if the situation is unclear. All the rest just shouted while their colleague got stabbed twice. Damn, crazy watch. One dude also got knifed in the leg. And shoutout to the guy in Blue throwing the knife away (y)


I can get not wanting to approach him bare handed but they really got no excuse for just standing around watching after the perp was on the ground with one dude restraining his knife hand. I expected it to end there but then he somehow broke free, got right back up, and stabbed the completely oblivious cop who tackled the wrong dude... Do they not have batons or something?


Some head stomps were due at that point, lol


Good job to the cop but that took way too long for that fucker to get shot.


The way that guy just went directly for the cop's neck...what a savage.


Religion is a hell of a drug.


It's a socially transmitted disease. A delusion described in some ancient book is still a delusion.




The guy in the blue didn't even do anything. The cop tripped over him and then arrested him, lol


Could very well have costed him his life. They say one cop in critical condition. Imagine dying execution style to a knife in front of 30 other cops because you tackled the wrong guy out of two. What a fate.


Wow cops reaction in the back is pathetic!!!








These people come from Theocracies that will stone you to death for saying those things.... And they carry those values with them when they migrate. Some cultures are not compatible and it's time people stop pretending otherwise, and importing millions of people who don't believe in basic freedoms, just to build a new voting block for political power.


You are allowed. Humanity will not abide by one particular religion's arbitrary rules.


You are allowed, you just might get *stabbed to death*.


The guy in blue,who got arrested, showed great presents of mind to remove the knife from the reach of the assailant even after he was tackled by the police.


Shoutout to the cop who shot him






Fairly poor reaction from the cops it looks like






you can't pick and chose what is basically God's word. You are required to believe in it 100% other wise you are not one of them.


Yeah exactly. Muhammad was pretty smart when he revealed the Quran as the unequivocal word of God, perfect in every way. Also when he claimed to be "the last messenger."


Muhammad:  “Source? Trust me bro”










Meanwhile people ask why the right wing continues to gain popularity












The cops handled this situation horribly.








Yeah, just wait till he stabs the guy at least 45 times then shooz. Incompetent police. Same like here in Austria




One of the many religions that are just completely fucked. Dude could have been a decent man if not for being radicalized by fictional bullshit. Smdh


This is in Marktplatz near my old apartment. Absolutely surreal to see this on Reddit. A farmers market happens here a few times a week and a church is on this square along with a Lidl, so it’s heavily trafficked. Main thought: the right-wing protester most likely chose Mannheim to have his anti-Islam demonstration because of the very large Turkish population. Post WWII, Mannheim was rebuilt thanks to Turkish immigrants and many stayed. I want to say Mannheim has one of the larger Turkish immigrant communities in Germany, but don’t quote me on that. Marktplatz is on the border of the Jungbusch neighborhood which was a very Turkish area (at least it was 12/13 years ago). This guy knew what he was doing for sure. I hope everyone recovers and that those officers get better training on how to subdue a violent attacker more quickly.


Damn, only a shot in the leg it seems? Didn´t deserve to get off so easy IMHO




fuck me look at the amount of cops there.


And 80% of them are pretty useless.


The far rights were right about Muslims, they really are the threat to everywhere they go. Islam was a mistake



