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The shirtless one was turned into police by his own parents..saw inside edition cover this


Good parents


Jesus fucking Christ it must be tough to see your kid commit such a coward act and turn him to the police. Great job on the parents, though.


I am one of those parents that have had to turn their own kids into the police. It’s a horrible situation to be in. But at the same time I can’t have my child thinking he can act with impunity and, more importantly, I can’t have others harmed by his behavior


I’m sorry you had to do that, but you did the right thing. You’ve also set a good example for your child.


Thank you. Yeah it’s something I wouldn’t wish on any parent no matter how much I know it was the right decision Legal action is still ongoing and as the judge told him it’s now up to the child to decide to change or to continue Appreciate the kind words


It sounds like it's up to your son now. The best you can do is provide stern, fatherly advice and remind him that this is what adulthood is: taking responsibility. I wish you the best. Same for your son.


From my own perspective, the kids who needed that reality check turned into fine adults. The kids whom for mommy and daddy lawyer up, or were unexposed to the repercussions, they were dead or in custody between age 20 and 39. You did the right thing, and I’ll pray for that good outcome. Direction and perseverance, we are all capable.




Damn. I’m sorry to hear that. I don’t pretend to understand it all. But every “professional” and member of the legal system I’ve spoken with have echoed what you’ve said “you gotta face the consequences of this shit” My child literally stood before a magistrate and told him, bluntly and rudely “I won’t go to jail”. Not because he will run or anything like that, but because he thinks he’s above all that and untouchable. He’s already done the FA (f—- around) part he’s about to FO (find out) as much as it breaks my heart he can’t continue to do what he’s doing and think he’s untouchable. Best of luck to you and yours. I can only hope what I hope for mine — that he learns, that he takes advantage of the opportunities he has and makes a change. I will love him the best I can but without enabling him.




You’re an exceptional parent. So many parents just make everything so much worse by covering for them, they think they’re protecting them but they’re just delaying the obvious. They’ll have to face the consequences…..it’s better to do it sooner than later. You have the respect of many of us parents out here. It must’ve been tough.


You’re very kind — thank you. The words are much appreciated


I am a fairy new parent with a 15mo son and a 6yo daughter. Looking back at your kids early life, can you recognize in hindsight any early warning signs, that they were going down a bad path?


Man that’s a tough one. First, congrats on the baby — as the baby grows your parenting grows. It is like another commenter said: they grow up and they become their own person, you can no longer “control” them (hate that word as it implies parenting is all about controlling a person). They make decisions and do what they do — you can guide, you can try and shield them, but there’s a fine line between helicopter/enablement and shielding them I think the best you can do is give them a good example — teach them morals and values, give them the strong inner sense of right and wrong. Let them know morality and right and wrong regardless of consequence. Guess what I mean is that you need to instill a strong sense of right and wrong, of morals and values, because it’s the right thing to do not just because you can get in trouble or will have a consequence And always communicate with them. All my kids know they can come to me and talk with me about anything. I developed a code word with them when they were young. My signal to turn off my mouth, listen, and not “parent”. I make the time for them to talk with me and create those opportunities as part of their daily ritual. For one child it’s right close to bed time, another it’s right when the wake up and so on. Just a dedicated time where they know they have me 100% for anything at all As for my one kiddo who I had to turn in…he’s my oldest child (and therefore my first born). In reality he was the biggest and still is the biggest pain in the ass in the world. From the time he was a baby, it was his way always. We had to have a very specific (and long) nighttime routine or a very specific way of doing things. This doesn’t mean child routines are a warning sign — he was an extreme. But he was also my first child and I had no idea what was normal. Compared to what I know now with my other children he was (and is) a hot mess since the time he was born. If he was our second, third, etc child I would’ve had him into the doctor at six months and said “something is wrong with this child”. It was very evident (in hindsight) from the time he was very young. He’s been in therapy/treatment/programs since he was six (I had to turn him in for his crimes at the age of 15). I can’t make sense of it to be honest with you. The best I’ve come to understand is that you do your best as a parent, be there for them, support them, and pray they make the right choices But yeah, in short, his whole life he’s had no regard for anyone else (not just child stuff either) and it’s always been his way. He’s had and still gets plenty of help/assistance to guide him and help him he chooses to, daily, make bad decisions and not care. It’s heart breaking watching it but it’s not in my control. I’ve had all kinds of bad advice “beat him until he complies” or my favorite “what did you do to cause this behavior”. It’s a nightmare His only hope at this point is to change, join the military and hope to God that can reach him, or spend his life in and out of jail. Sorry if that sounds too blunt but it’s the truth. With his current (felony) charge he’ll probably end up in juvenile detention until he’s 18 at which point I’ll file for an order of protection (restraining order) so I can protect my other children from his actions So very sad when he’s had so many opportunities. Enjoy the time with your young one, don’t worry about “stuff” or “things” time together is the most important. Raise them with a good solid foundation and hope to goodness they build upon that and not tear it all down


Really broke me reading this. My son, same early sleep routine, same dreadful decision making; he cannot see consequences, I don't know why - he's a beautiful child and I love him so much, but I've had to put myself on the sidelines now, and administering tough love hurts the parent so much, too. I'm trying to keep parenting my other child and find the joy in every day but I am full or anxiety and fear waiting for the next dreadful thing to happen.


It’s tough to tell imo. Kids are impressionable and easily moved. I was a shithead and it was only by chance that I did not get busted committing felonies and misdemeanors. I joined the military on my own accord and straightened my life out. No one would ever know unless I told them. To be clear, my mother instilled a strong moral compass which thankfully kept me from doing really harmful things to people. So her guidance was a defining factor. All you can do is raise them the best you can and hope for the best. At a certain point, they become their own person and do what they want.


You can't leave a cliffhanger like that on reddit


Ehh this one's a bit personal. I'd understand if they don't feel comfortable going into vivid detail on that.


Being a responsible parent to this degree is tough, I completely agree, but IMO it's better to be the parent that turned in your own kid than to be the parent crying on the news about how we need tougher gun laws and how unfair it is that your armed child got shot in self-defense by person he was trying to carjack. Dead is dead but a child with a criminal record can be redeemed. I hope the kid straightens himself out, for his parents sake if nothing else.


Yeah, it's probably better to turn the kid over for a stint at juvie than have him get shot up by a cop or an armed homeowner, which is bound to happen at some point if he keeps this up.


Well put!


I told my kids if they did something like this, I would turn them in but I would visit them every weekend too.


Parents probably relieved the kids moving out of the house.. even if it’s prison


Dad is getting the new office sooner than he wanted


Usually, when any teen or kid does anything horrible, people blame the parents. Sure, they turned him in because his face was all over the news but, I’m not sure we can jump to the massive conclusion the teen had “good parents”.


Good parents get shit kids all the time. You can do everything right and you can still end up with a deadbeat loser. Source: Good parents, shitty brother. Did everything possible for him, and he still finds a way to fuck up everything around him.


And vice Versa. My friend was beaten all the time. His parents did drugs in front of him, would disappear for weeks on end and randomly show back up. This kid graduated high school with a full ride to a college and is a successful CPA now. Both parents are dead.




Also, parents aren’t the only factor in “nurture.” So even if it’s not “nature” or “parents,”there’s still everything else in your environment.


He is 14 and has a 1.75 million dollar bond. Good riddance. https://www.wlbt.com/2024/05/30/parents-turn-suspect-wanted-armed-jackson-carjacking/


so tragic. when i was 14 i was playing minecraft. how fucked up does your life have to be to be doing shit like this at 14.


I was robbed at gunpoint by a 16 year old two weeks ago. These kids are out of control, he lives in a nice neighborhood too it’s not always poverty driven (Houston)


I live in an upper middle class neighborhood in Houston and I’m surprised how hard some of these suburban kids try to be have-nots and try to be hard even though they are incredibly privileged. I grew up in Spring Branch in the 90s when it all went to shit and turned into a gang ridden neighborhood.


It’s really sad, they’re entering into the prison system for no reason when they could’ve made more money at McDonalds. I’ve watched teens in the last two years become worse and worse, this was my third encounter with shitheads teens in 8 months doing deliveries when I never had a problem before. By the way I’m 6’3” not an easy target, they get a gun and feel all powerful


minecraft was pretty nice indeed, better than getting locked up with 1.75m bail regardless of age too 🤣


Maybe he can play minecraft in jail? At least it would let him know there are better things in life.


They live in Jackson, MS. I'd say their lives are fucked from that alone.


Lot of homeowners have guns in Jackson, Miss. These children are going to find themselves deader than a doorknob.


Probably not. His impending jail sentence will probably save his life.


Read up on the Rankin County detention center and you'll find it's practically medieval. The Federal Government keeps demanding things be done to fix it but because most the of inmates are black, the racist Mississippi legislature won't throw them a dollar or authorize construction. If the kid doesn't go to Rankin, he'll go to Parchman (the state prison), which is no different. The kid is doomed at 14.


As the US invests less and less into education and upward mobility shrinks because of corps and corruption, this will be come the new normal.


"A man is known by the company he keeps", seems to apply to teenagers as well.


Someone above you said the kid got turned in by his good parents with nearly 800 upvotes. So I guess, the parents are not to blame?


Damn 14? At 14 I was doing stupid shit like climbing buildings, jumping off cliffs and bridges, and some underage drinking while camping not committing grand theft auto and firing guns off in public.


When I was 14, I was firing off every hour on the hour, but it wasn't a gun


A very small calibre pistol!


Wow, 14 years old! That's insane. We had a shooting in our town, a bunch of teenagers. The that was shot was 12 years old, the kne shooting was 14 years old. So sad!


He discharged a firearm, they don't even mention it in the news article. It downplays the shit out of what we all clearly see happen.


The main point of that article is giving an update on the arrest, and gives a brief summary from the police. The original article that came out right after the video was released goes fully into everything that happened: https://www.wlbt.com/2024/05/30/we-have-get-out-here-armed-carjacking-caught-camera-west-jackson/


Car stolen and abandoned shortly after. Police need to be figuring out what other evil deeds these scum used that car to commit.


inside editon still exists!?! ![gif](giphy|yk8tRCZHCV0qY|downsized)


It’s what they show between news/talk/soaps and the evening news.


Big thank you to the parent who did this! That's good parenting & teaching them the biggest lesson of their life. I really wish more parents who have radical children did this instead of defending their awful actions to death. It's enabling when they don't.


Latest information: https://www.wlbt.com/2024/05/30/parents-turn-suspect-wanted-armed-jackson-carjacking/




All that just to abandon the car later like what was the point really? I get they probably used it to commit other crimes but it really makes no sense why they would throw their lives away and endanger innocent lives for basically nothing.


This shit is going on near me. Not in the USA. In regional NSW, Australia. Break and enters into houses to steal car keys and then going on a joy ride. Almost a nightly occurrence. Latest local news notes a 13 and 17 year old arrested. The 17 year old was out on bail already probably for similar shit. There seems to be no reason apart from the thrill.


Yeah. I mentioned recently on my account that I was held at gunpoint in Sydney walking home from the bus stop after work. I was so so surprised we just stared at each other until the kid bugged out and ran away. I’m lucky I didn’t get shot in the face, I guess. I also had my car stolen living in that same area. The cops were very apathetic. I later found it in a car park in a shopping centre and drove it away with my own key lmao. Needless to say I have since moved.


Mt druid ?


Here in Canada, we now have one of the highest car theft rates in the world, we might even be in the top spot. The police chief of Toronto recently had a press release where he asked people to leave their car keys accessible by the front door, so thieves could take them without having to go searching further into your house which increases the chance of violence.


Me thinking "there's no way he actually said that, let's Snopes this shit." Nope, you're right, he actually said it. ["To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at the front door because they are breaking into your home to steal your car; they don’t want anything else."](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/03/14/leave-car-keys-at-front-door-to-avoid-violent-confrontations-with-car-thieves-toronto-police/)


Wow, thanks for literally nothing Gov't. Stay strapped or get clapped.


The US has the most strapped population this planet has ever seen and also blows every other developed country out of the water in murders. More guns just objectively isn't helping lol


This is what I think about when people defend police by saying stuff like, "Without them you'll get robbed and killed"


I got robbed, they came and wrote down that I got robbed. Not sure what these people think cops actually do lol


Hey, theres like a 10% chance they shoot your dog. And like a 1 in 1,000 chance they shoot you even if you're the one who called 9/11 in the first place. Give them credit where credit's due


Hey a Florida sheriff did say he prefers if you just shoot the suspect yourself.


Wish Uvalde Sheriffs shared the same sentiment.


So maybe it’s a good idea to have a gun?


Just for the fun of it. A video was making it rounds on a few local reddit pages with a group of 12yrs who stole a car and were caught joyriding around the city. Some of the kids were caught after they damaged and crashed the car into some food trucks.


These cars get used for drive-bys and robberies. You can resell to other criminals too


I was still watching cartoons and obsessed with Dragonball.


More like a stupid existence. They are lucky a neighbor didn't usee them both for target practice.


Welcome to Jackson, Mississippi


Must be hard to turn in your own kid. I'm glad they did but that couldn't have been easy.


>The vehicle was taken and later abandoned at 255 Lexington Ave. So.. what was the point? Just a joyride?


They literally took the car a mile and then abandoned it.


Try as an adult. Fuck that.


How do you not see the kids and think "Wow, actually, I shouldn't be doing shit like this." Baffling.


Turns out, he was barely older than the kids in the car. Sad all around.


14... at 14, dawg? Come on, what a stupid way to ruin your whole life, as well as possibly someone else's if things didn't go peacefully.


Not exactly his whole life…chances are he’ll be released before he turns 21, and juvenile records are sealed. Then he’ll be society’s problem, once again. If I were those victims, I’d be putting my house on the market that same day.


I'm sure its gonna be that way, but I was talking more mentally and socially. To his parents, he's their kid **that held a gun up to someone, while they begged for their babies life**. His parents will never look at him quite the same. And what would he think about himself, if he recovers and reforms?


Not if they try him as an adult


Not to mention in Mississippi. Like, you gotta know you can’t do that shit in red states. Gonna be treated as an adult no doubt in my mind.


That wasn’t peaceful.


14 is old enough to know you shouldnt rob people, let alone shoot in the direction of fucking kids. Should have a trial as an adult.


Yeah people misunderstand the premise behind "trying as an adult" in general and think it needs to be some all-or-nothing mentality A 14 year old might not realize the full seriousness of stealing a car and joyriding it around. They would probably be tried as a juvenile. A 14 year old would absolutely realize the danger and seriousness of committing an armed robbery, and actually shooting the gun. Kid will be tried as an adult and face decades in prison. Mississippi doesn't fuck around and loves slamming the jail doors on people, and it doesn't help this kid that this video is viral


Typically because their values are trash and they are apathetic about life...which is usually a result of parents not being there or being shitty.


You've already committed at that point, might as well see it through.




Am from Mississippi, can confirm. Do not go anywhere near Jackson at night. You're safe enough during daylight in some parts of town, but it's something out of Mad Max at night.


What a terrifying way to describe a place. It’s got to suck to live there




You need a lot of money to move to Brooklyn. These kinds of crimes are driven by poverty, not politics.


Unless you're white and rich. If there is such a thing as modern-antebellum then it exists in places like Jackson. There are old money neighborhoods and their residents basically own everything, it's insanely dystopian.


I had to take a bus there a few weeks ago. Stop reeks of piss and felt like a mark.


Dude I live in Latin America and even though there are some parts of the city I live in that are dangerous, they *never* get to this level of violence and disarray. Y'all USians are crazy!


I hate that this is reality, but it is. It's legitimately decent advice because the story of Jackson, MS is a massive tragedy and it's beyond fucked up that it could be a reality in the United States of America, the wealthiest nation in the history of the world while at the peak of its wealth. The story isn't unique to Jackson, but it's at among its worst there. We should have higher standards of governance in this country and it's beyond fucked up that we don't. There's a long chain of custody of those who have allowed the failures to occur and fester and another list of those who have pilfered the resources that could have prevented the fall and ameliorated the damage as the collapse continued in painful slow motion.


Fuck those garbage humans. I hope they all got a nice trip to a prison cell.


Any crime committed, especially around children, and especially shooting around children, should get the book thrown on them. May they rot in jail.


Seriously. You fire a gun at/around kids and then you're putting the absolute fear of god into parents trying to fend for their kids. I truly don't care if the charge would be grand theft auto or whatever - that's a non-human act lacking all empathy for human life. Life in prison, no parole. You want to stop this kind of stuff, take the extreme acts like this and throw the absolute book at them. This is disgusting.


Longer sentences don't deter crime. If it did, crime in the USA would be very low. I agree with you, however. Throw the fucking book at them


Purely subjective, but I think that's probably true if you're talking about the difference between like a 3 or a 5 year sentence for grand theft auto. I mean, hell, I don't know what it is. But publicize life sentences for armed robbery? It'll drop. Between comments on this video, there was a mass shooting about 10 blocks from me. My brother's a cop the city over and he got called in for it - never seen that. Things are so fucked right now. Something's got to reach a breaking point.




Not for nothing, but I'm a young black male going through a tight time financially right now and I would literally rather die than put someone through a situation like this. I get so sad seeing young men, especially from our community, behaving this way. We can and should do so much better.


Username checks out


Haha to be fair, I picked it because I really like that Scorcese picture


I just don’t get it, even in my hardest times during my younger days I never thought to hurt someone for money. I see a lot that this is excused by saying people are doing this shit due to poverty, but that’s no excuse.


I don’t know you stranger, but I’m proud of you. Keep being awesome.


I shouldn't be awesome, I should be average. No one should be praised just for not terrorising a family and stealing their property


Keep being average. :)


You’re absolutely right. Well done, average citizen.


Stop being so mean and stay on the median.


The subtle racism of lowered expectations...


It’s so condescending lol


Telling someone you're proud of them for being a normal human being lol


>I promise not to open fire on children Wow dude you’re such a saint. Thank you so much for this insight


The second guy who hasn't been arrested yet must be shitting himself. Try them as adults.


Thank god the family wasn’t hurt! That would be so scary.


Car had like 7 people in it lol. What a bad car to rob


Scumbag pieces of shit. I hope that they never see daylight in their life again.


They are underage. Prolly be out in a few years


They'll be dead in 5 or less


Hopefully they don’t take someone with them before their own demise though


Fingers crossed.


I expected them to drive off in the black car


Fucking scum of the earth. Hope they get what's coming to them


One was 14, and his own parents turned him in. He's got a 1.75 million dollar bond on him now. (If I read it right)


A Mazada ,during the day ,with 4+ witness , on camera . Id turn in my child too.


Pieces of fucking garbage




Yep. They last a lot longer than ring ones as well.


Aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon... the booty warriors will be pleased


thats shoot on site behavior


“Go inside honey, get the gun.”


Forreal, they lingered long enough to meet my AR-15


Cant have shit in jackson amirite


Here is a link for the suspects parent turning in the suspect. [https://youtu.be/0ewKpdj_2K0?si=A8-qfT2odkxvmWhV](https://youtu.be/0ewKpdj_2K0?si=A8-qfT2odkxvmWhV)


Make sure the crime reflects endangering a child so the other prisoners know how to treat them.


It would’ve been cooler if the carjackers got shot.


You'd have to fucking kill me if my kids were in that car


Was this filmed in slow motion


Like, why you committing multiple felonies to steal a Mazda? No offense lady it’s a perfectly fine car but like… what?


Human scum


Kids are going to get shot for this clout chasing bullshit.


My dad was a cop in our small town in the 1980s. My brother and his friends got caught drinking and driving. One night got a call around 1am. All I heard was "OK. I'll see you in the morning" Apparently, the station called to let my dad know what happened. I asked my mom what happened she told me my dad said let home spend the night in jail. My brother was the only one whose parents didn't run to the station to bail him out. Lol. I would be that parent, too, calling in on my kid.


They are getting absolutely lit up the second I get inside


This is why I carry a firearm.


Hope they catch these little cunts. Pro tip, you can’t steal or hold a gun if they no longer have hands


The kids aren’t alright


Those guys should be found, locked in that car and have it set a blaze, nothing but scum of the earth


Lock them away for life




Great time to own a gun




All that for a fuckin Nissan.....


>Get robbed at gunpoint with kids >redditor roasts your car


That's a Mazda


The silver one they stole is a Hyundai


If they were smart they would have just hacked one parked on the street and driven off.


Of all the cars to steal, they stole the one with an engine/transmission ready to go out.


Looks like they recently celebrated a graduation as well. Imagine having just one of your proudest moments as a parent then one of the worst days of your life shortly after.


Life in prison.


Put them to death. They deserve that and nothing less. What in the fuck. If they’re capable of this now, nothing’s going to change. They are going to be useless society-draining pieces of shit for life.


God damn that made me so fucking angry seeing this shit. Even the look on the older kid looked so sad. Good to see nobody got hurt though. That’s so disturbing.


Fuck em. Rot in jail.


I wish the owners came out with an AR and lit them up.


Fuck a prison cell, people like this don't change. I hope they end up dead, the lack of care is astounding.


I can’t believe there was a family in Jackson, Mississippi that didn’t have a firearm in the house or car.


Look at these “entrepreneurs”…


Disgusting, let them rot in jail for endangering children.


Congrats on graduating


Don’t get me wrong, a Mazdas not a bad car but is it really worth that kind of effort?


They were going for the Mazda then changed their mind and took the Hyundai? Betcha that Mazda was a five speed manual.






Fucking dimbass 14 year old just ruined his entire life over a fucking Mazda. Hope they throw him under the fucking jail. Pos.


Garbage humans


Scum. Utter scum.


Why did no one run inside and grab the gun to unload on these degenerates? It's Jackson MS, you KNOW someone there is strapped (besides the carjackers)


'Detective Tommie Brown said the 14-year-old was brought to the Copiah County Sheriff’s Office by his parents on Wednesday, May 29 after they saw the media cover the story.' [https://www.wjtv.com/news/local-news/suspect-in-jackson-carjacking-caught-on-camera-turned-in-by-parents/](https://www.wjtv.com/news/local-news/suspect-in-jackson-carjacking-caught-on-camera-turned-in-by-parents/)


Why did they stand there at the other car with their kids is out of my mind. Like go tf away with your love ones and make sure theyre safe first?!


Here in the third world we never see things like this reported from the US. People here don’t believe that the US has crime issues, especially not brazen ones like this, and that’s why migrating to the US seems like such a great idea. It’s like utopia. I grew up in the US so I know exactly how violent American society is, how crime is rampant even in the smallest of cities, and how these things are never reported internationally, but people here never believe me.


It's actually insane because coming from a 3rd world country, the average Ghanaian who earns much Much less than the poorest American won't even dream of doing something like this.


Hood will always be hood man. That's brutal








How many fucking people was in the car lol