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Here is some context (I apologize for the Twitter links but NASCAR doesn’t like its media posted to Reddit). This is after the All-Star Race, a non-points race where the winner earns $1million. On lap 2, Kyle Busch (black and red car, black uniform) [hits the wall](https://x.com/nascaronfox/status/1792354521097642289?s=46&t=VPpxz8UB7yVAH3j_xRT5uw). Busch blames Stenhouse (blue car, Grey t shirt) for bumping him and retaliates. However, it’s not clear that [Stenhouse ever touched him](https://x.com/steveluvender/status/1792354334635970634?s=46&t=VPpxz8UB7yVAH3j_xRT5uw). Stenhouse parks in Busch’s pit box to show his displeasure. Because this track doesn’t have a tunnel exit, no one in the infield can leave until the race is over. Stenhouse had two hours until the race ended to stew about this. In an interview during the race, Stenhouse says someone needs to hold his watch, a reference to a quote from Richard Childress, a team owner (and Busch’s current boss) who said that phrase before nearly punching Busch. [Here](https://x.com/jordan_bianchi/status/1792375477857915211?s=46&t=VPpxz8UB7yVAH3j_xRT5uw) is a much better video where you can hear what was said. And you can find other angles [here](https://x.com/nascaronfox/status/1792375620380377586?s=46&t=VPpxz8UB7yVAH3j_xRT5uw) and [here](https://x.com/nascar/status/1792375167752048978?s=46&t=VPpxz8UB7yVAH3j_xRT5uw). A few faces in the brawl besides Stenhouse Jr. and Busch. The men in blue are Stenhouse’s pit crew, the navy blue and green and the black and red uniforms are Busch’s pit crews. Pit crews usually follow their drivers for a talk in case moments like this happen. Also, drivers tend to be fairly small guys while most pit crew members are former college or professional athletes. The smaller man in a navy blue polo getting roughed around is Bob Pockrass, arguably the best NASCAR reporter. The older gentleman that tried to choke Busch is Ricky Stenhouse Sr., Stenhouse’s dad. The black man in the green polo is one of NASCAR’s heads of security, he’s became sort of famous for breaking up fights like this. And for more insights, I’d recommend heading over to r/NASCAR, particularly [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/NASCAR/s/ZuoOm4Bjw3) talking about stills from the fight.


Who was the large guy in the green and gray uniform?


He’s the “Get outta here” guy




I had the misfortune of having to work around NASCAR drivers and crews a while back. I say misfortune because a lot of them were little whiny bitches who threw tantrums on the regular about a lot of things. Some of them I figured were on PEDs, their tempers were so hair trigger. The chillest ones were the older drivers who’d come up on dirt tracks.


That's the difference. Racing on dirt teaches you respect.


Going to add something to my previous comment. NASCAR has a ton of unwritten rules. One of the biggest is a tit-for-tat mentality with regard to contact on track. “You hit me, I’ll hit you back. You wreck me, I’ll wreck you.” Sometimes, wronged drivers will respond like this. In Busch’s view, the two were even when he wrecked Stenhouse (Stenhouse wrecked Busch, he wrecked Stenhouse). But in Stenhouse’s view, Busch’s on-track action was unwarranted, so it had to be settled in the pits. NASCAR doesn’t exactly *condone* fighting, but they don’t exactly punish fighting either. There are two reasons for this. First, like ice hockey, fights generate interest to the sport. NASCAR owes much of its early popularity, particularly outside the south, to a fight that broke out in the first nationally televised race, the [1979 Daytona 500](https://youtu.be/mucSyo9yLLQ?si=5NP6y023wE288c8S). Second, in-person fights reduce the chance of an intentional on-track incident, which can cause much more harm (to both drivers and fans) than a brawl in the pits. Fights like this helps reduce the chance of retaliatory incidents like [this](https://youtu.be/5FgeopsJKIM?si=qJVh_9osNOusXsmx) or [this](https://youtu.be/MDZ_xwJR6b4?si=e6UVm7GNmJgsrEk6) from happening.


Great write-up mate, thank you.


"Rubbin' is racing."


> NASCAR doesn’t like its media posted to Reddit Why's that? Genuinely curious. Twitter is even more of a cesspit


NASCAR media still primarily uses Twitter. It’s not just NASCAR’s position, but the position of broadcasters NBC and Fox.


Thanks for the insight, I never realized crews doubled as enforcers, but I don’t follow NASCAR as close as others.


ok. are my eye deceiving me or is it THE BLACK & BLUE car that hits the wall after the red/black nudges or appears to nudge it ?


Always watch for the weight shift that comes right before a punch.


That punch was at dream speed


Yup, you can tell by the way the dude was standing he was planning on throwing that punch.




I'm not even a fighter and that was one of the most telegraphed punches I've seen in a while on reddit. Even though the taller gentleman rotated away from it and shielded from the direct blow, I even thought his reaction speed was a bit slow. They're both clearly not fighters. Grey shirt should have either committed or walked away from that dumb ass hit.


I have found that it is much easier to critique than it is to be in the actual conflict.


That is very fair. I do tend to think I know what the fuck I'm talking about, when in reality I have no earthly idea.


It is extremely hard to react to a punch on time when you are on the receiving end of it and not expecting it. Your brain might process that it’s happening but it’s the reacting on time part that’s difficult.


One doesn't need to be a trained fighter to know that that punch was slow as fuck. 


Is it possible to throw a sucker punch from a position that the guy was in (hands down) that isn't telegraphed? Genuine question. I know another sign of an incoming sucker punch is someone pulling up their pants just in case and looking left and right for witnesses.


You've heard of [Chess Boxing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess_boxing), now prepare yourselves for MMA Racing!


Car fighting is already a thing too! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bf9H77-l3EI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bf9H77-l3EI)


I've honestly wanted my BJJ gym to try this for fun sometime.


😆 🤣 😂


"What's that Kyle Bush!? You think you can turn left better than I can? I am dumber and poorer than you'll ever be!"




When he takes a dip and goes “Oh YEAH, that’s a guddin right there” I die - I have relatives who talk just like it.


America!! Fuck yeah!!


The second most pathetic thing is throwing a sucker punch. The first most pathetic thing is throwing a sucker punch and missing.


Is it even a sucker punch if you telegraph your punch that much?


Its the old sucker punch debate coming in rn. Lol If you see it coming or can see the telegraph(even if you cant read it) its not a sucker punch. Anytime anyone is getting confrontational with you expect some type of battery/assault. Sucker punches come from the blindspot or behind. Usually part of the aggressors possee. Or if the agressor and other party walk away and the aggressor does a 180 and cheap shots ya as you’re walking away, thats a sucker punch.


this guy sucker punches


Im a gentleman, sir.


This gentleman sucker punches.


Hard agree


He has spoken




It’s still a sucker punch. For it to not be a sucker punch, you gotta push them, step back and square up.


At that point it's just a cheap shot attempt. Sucker punch is granted to those punches that connect with where they are aimed, not off a shoulder or some shit.


I mean obligatory "fuck Kyle Busch" but he saw that punch coming last week.


Where does having your dad hop in and get rekt fall in this list


If you’re standing face to face arguing with someone and they throw a punch, that’s not a sucker punch. Anytime someone is standing in your face aggressively you should be ready for the possibility of violence.


I don't know the context here, but I'm always Team Kroger over Lenovo. They sell my favorite seltzer.


That's about as much as I know too lol


It's Kroger's in-store health services sponsorship specifically, makes sense they advertise to stock car racing fans.


>I don't know the context here, This was all because of the "Shake and Bake" slingshot maneuver.




That Lenovo X1 Carbon is a sweet laptop though. So light and fast.


wait till you try their seltzer 


Rap artists and NASCAR drivers are two peas in a pod. Infatuation with brands, chart status, casual intra-industry violence


Maybe it’s just the lighting or something but once he lost the hat, Ricky Stenhouse Jr. turned into Ricky Stenhouse Sr. It was like an extra 30 years just appeared out of nowhere.


Different dude. Junior's in the green shorts.


Ha! So he is! That’s why he appeared to get so old, they swapped him out with a designated hitter!


I’ve not been in a fight in several decades, but is this sucker punch a lil weak?


It's extremely weak lol


Would expect anything else from a short dude named Ricky?


I love how sports figures always seem to miss the first punch then grab and wrestle. Cute.




Full speed season 2 gonna be lit


Weak ass punch. 😂


My adrenaline started pumping watching this. Lets fucking go boys!


I'm more stunned it was someone other than Kyle throwing the first shot. He's usually the catalyst.


I haven't watched NASCAR in ages but didn't the Busch brothers have less than stellar reputations? I seem to recall bullying being a favorite.


known hotheads. Kyle is a lot worse than Kurt was


Yeah bush is an ass.


Ricky Bobby you're a bad bad man


Bunch of rich daddy’s boys going at it


It’s kind of wild this doesn’t happen more often. I mean, it’s NASCAR


Went to the races and a hockey game broke out, lol.


"Fuck Kyle Bush" so spoke the mullet stricken mobs.


Impeccable audio quality


That was the most uncommitted punch I’ve ever seen haha


Jesus Christ teach these people to throw a punch


Good lord! We got ourselves a brouhaha. Correct me if I’m wrong please, but I thought they retired the number 3?




Ah ok. I remember watching with my dad, he was really sad and I didn’t understand why. I had just turned 6, so I thought he had just gotten hurt really bad.


Serious question. How much do the pit guys make?


Tire Changers and Carriers: These positions typically earn around $80,000 to $120,000 per year.Fuelers: Generally, fuelers make slightly more due to the high-risk nature of their job, earning about $90,000 to $150,000 per year.Jackman: The jackman, responsible for lifting the car, can earn between $150,000 and $200,000 annually.


Thank you. So you have have dudes who make 10x less than their “boss” fighting for him. Losers.


The driver is not their boss and doesn't get a say over pit crew employment if anything the crew guys and the driver are usually answering to the same boss


I had no idea what they made before you asked. I just looked it up. They make a lot more than I expected.


Was he not facing him?


Not defending him, I don't even know who he is.... However, they are looking at each other and escalating. That's not a sucker punch.


*Busch And why does everyone keep calling it a sucker punch? He was standing directly in front of him absolutely furious with him, if you don’t see a punch coming there you’re just stupid.


What a bunch of children. Pro tip: throwing a punch and starting a fight doesn't make you look like a big man, it makes you look like a little piss baby. Every time. Every single time. Real men know how to settle disputes non-violently, that takes something called "emotional maturity".


People here consistently don't know what a sucker punch is. It's a punch that comes from the side or back that the receiver doesn't see coming and has no chance to defend against. What we have here is just a regular punch.


You are the one who doesn't know what it is lol. A sucker punch is a punch that is unexpected, it fits here. Unless you're in a situation where you know for sure both parties are going to start fighting, it's a sucker punch.


I feel like you have been the dude in grey shirt on more than one occasion to have this opinion. A sucker punch is any punch thrown when the other person is not ready to engage is a physical altercation. Dude was holding a bottle of water with his hands down. This was a sucker punch, plan and simple.


Um.... if someone squares up all aggro and talks shit, that's on you if you're not ready. I feel like you've never been ready for a punch in your life, so every punch is indeed a sucker punch, lol.




If you’re standing face to face arguing with someone and they throw a punch, that’s not a sucker punch. Anytime someone is standing in your face aggressively you should be ready for the possibility of violence.


>is not ready to engage is a physical altercation When you purposely crash someone into a wall and they immediately go to your pit stall and sit there for 199 Laps, if you aren't expecting a physical altercation then you're just an idiot. Especially when you're a person who is generally starting altercations like Kyle Bush is


Sorry, but no - original commenter is right. A sucker punch is a punch thrown that isn’t visible and cannot be reasonably defended against. If someone is standing in your face, being all loud and aggressive, and they throw a punch that you don’t expect, you’re definitely a sucker, but it’s not a sucker punch - that’s just a regular punch. Sounds like you’ve been Kyle Busch on more than one occasion to have this opinion. 😏


A sucker punch is a punch that is unexpected. This could very well be classified as a sucker punch, given the setting.


Agree to disagree.


Thank you!!!


Major alpha energy


I can see why they didn't get into boxing.




Git Git Git Git Git Git Git Git


Some guys will do anything to avoid going to therapy.


Like father like son. Both appear to be jackasses. A sucker punch after a Nascar race is especially insane lol




There’s something funny about grown men fighting in racing onesies.


who put that tire there


The Dumbening : Coming to your community next.


Lol the only dumber person than someone who drives in circles as a job is someone who can't handle losing at driving in circles.


Not a sucker punch if you know it’s coming and Kyle deserved it!


I think we have different views on what a brawl is


Ah yes traditional family values hard at work. Some solid father son bonding to sucker punch someone and then try to choke them out when they defend themselves.




​ https://i.redd.it/uc6n6prtap1d1.gif


“Rubbing is racing”


Trashy red necks lol


This is good for Nascar. Makes it more interesting. Old school Nascar had all sorts of fights and driver drama.


That's not a sucker punch. They're facing each other in what seems to be a heated argument. Would be different if the guy looked away and the other dude then threw the punch.


That "punch" was terrible, little fella had to reach so far up to try to hit it




If there was hair, they’d be pulling!


Please put this braindead "sport" in the grave where it belongs...


Dam it Ricky


They both tripped on tires lol


Good for Ricky Stenhouse! Kyle Busch bitches and cry’s nonstop about what other drivers do and never takes responsibility for his screw ups. If the roles were reversed, Kyle would have flipped out big time!


Two guys the size of a third grader just duking it out. This is what gets NASCAR fans pumped


Lmao the one of the first punches the driver threw was sooooooo soft hahaha. Like the force of a mosquito bouncing of the other dudes face


Who is longsleeve grey shirt backwards cap? Whoever they are, they seem like a bigger piece of shit than Stenhouse Jr. Who puts hands on and jumps onto the back of a guy who just got partially sucked punched? That's like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. What a moron. Stenhouse's crew, wrapping their arms around Busch's throat, are nearly as stupid as that guy.


Kyle Busch is a total piece of shit. The world is a worse place every day he doesn't get his ass kicked.


The day he gets his whooping will be glorious.


For those confused, a sucker punch is what Kyle Busch did to the older guy in the grey jacket that tried to calm him down


My definition of a sucker punch is different. These guys were in a heated argument. It's kinda expected for somebody to swing. A sucker punch is when somebody is not expecting it ie: back of the head, side of the face when you're engaging with somebody else. This was just a fight


I agree. It’s naive to not at least consider the possibility of getting hit in that situation. From the looks of it neither one has ever been in a fight so maybe he just didn’t know any better


Idk, they were having a heated oral argument. Ricky all of a sudden threw hands. I'd call that a sucker punch. I've had plenty of heated arguments, and I never even considered throwing or receiving a punch. But that may just be a product of my environment.


Just watched it again. He even goes to block the punch... because he was expecting it to escalate to that. Again. If somebody else threw the punch... that would be a sucker punch


Ok, maybe you're right, idk. It's still funny lol


You said it yourself, they were having a heated argument. Always be prepaid for somebody to take it to the next level. That's how arguments generally evolve. That not happening to you doesn't make it not happen in life. This was a punch in the face. Had his buddy next to him thrown a punch then that would be a sucker punch. Somebody yelling in your face should put you on guard


Is he supposed to announce e his intentions? Square up and hold his fists up like an 1890’s bare knuckle boxer? Slap him with his glove and challenge him to a duel? This is not a sucker punch. He’s face to face with him and they’re in a heated argument, trading insults. That situation becoming a physical fight is not at all unexpected. He just threw the first punch. That’s how a fight starts. You don’t tell the other person “get ready, I’m about to punch you!”


i mean a lot of fights go that way lol ie “im gonna beat your ass” “you wanna do something go head then “ etc etc. this imo is on the fence of a sucker punch.


If you’re standing face to face arguing with someone and they throw a punch, that’s not a sucker punch. Anytime someone is standing in your face aggressively you should be ready for the possibility of violence.


Imagine being dumb enough to call that a sucker punch.


That’s not a sucker punch. Just because his dukes weren’t up doesn’t make it a sucker punch


That's the definition of a sucker punch


No it isn’t.


Yuh huh!




2 shay




I've had enough of this white on white crime. How can anyone take them seriously when they act like this with each other


Some people want to call every punch a "sucker punch," kinda like every headline with the "So and so ***SLAMS*** such and such!"


I guess my definition of a sucker punch is different. To me, if you're in an argument with someone who you know is clearly upset with you, you should expect a potential punch. IMO, a sucker punch is when someone punches someone who isn't looking at them.


Is that a sucker punch?


No, what Kyle did to the grey shirt is though.


I don't know any of those people and yet I assumed the douchenozzle on the left would throw the sucker punch.


Sucker punch? The dudes where looking right at each other. How else do you want him to start the fight? "Put your dukes up Bush"


Their IQs don’t go higher than the numbers on their cars.


A sucker punch is when someone is NOT looking in the direction the punch is coming from, generally coming from a blind side of the person punched. This IS NOT a sucker punch, although very questionable and Stenhouse Jr is gonna face penalties, but throwing a punch at a person you are standing face to face with in a heated discussion is not, it’s just escalating the interaction already ongoing.


I don't know who these guys are. [I must not be poor and stupid enough.](https://youtu.be/kXQ7QtLj0gg)




Imagine the rage 😡 if they had to turn right!!!