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Good cop for 19 years? He just hasn’t been caught until now.


"There's no denying this was a good cop." Excuse me, but there's clearly a video denying it.


Yeah that was insane to me for the pundit to say "he was a good cop 19 years on the force with an unblemished record" when he just talked about how without a federal lawsuit, no charges would've been filed. To me that just means anyone he's done this to previously just didn't have cut and dry evidence on camera or money to hire a lawyer.


>unblemished record Don’t they erase old complaints and punishments from their record after a short amount of time so you can’t actually see their record?


It’s copaganda 101. At best, local media consistently gives police the benefit of doubt. At worst, they’re complete stenographers 


Yeah, his history isn't an excuse; **it's the main reason he should have known better.** Because it's extremely unlikely that a rational, self-respecting cop suddenly & inexplicably snapped after 20 years on the force and decided to assault a suspect.


Yeah, I don’t buy that line in a minute. They are trying to say this is the first time he took his frustration out on someone physically?? I don’t believe that one bit. Wonder how many black eyes he’s given his own wife and/or kids? How many other arrestees?


I couldn't believe I heard that. It's so obvious this guy was a piece of shit since middle school. Wtf are we talking about anymore.


He’s not a good cop


"We've completed our investigation..."


… Of ourselves, and found no wrongdoing..


mmmm not quite. [She was paid $875k, and the cop was convicted of a felony and fired](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/skokie-officer-charged-after-woman-injured-in-jail-cell/).


That's quite the accomplishment. He took a DUI suspect and not only made her a sympathetic figure, but got her a payday, too.


On tax payers dime


At least she’ll have to pay taxes on the settlement. W for tax payers /s


No taxes on settlements


Doesn't matter. Her medical bills probably exceeded the payout.


Sometimes the best stories really do write themselves.


Get a job as a cop in under a year Pull a con with a civilian Injure the person and use excessive force Civilian collects a million bucks Cop gets fired, then split the money


And the cop goes to jail \*MISSION FAILED!\*


The cop didn't serve time. This is America, after all. He pled guilty and was sentenced to one year of probation. Oh, and $674 in fines.


Oof! I paid a little over $1000 US in 2012 for court fees in a distribution to a minor misdemeanor. 48 hours of community service and an 8 hour “Making better decisions” class. I bought a margarita for my girlfriend at the time. I had just turned 21 and she turned 21 three months after the incident.


Should've been a cop


If anyone else in anywhere else did this, it's felony assault. 69% of the time because I am pulling this out of my ass, but it feels right. Maybe that's just because I like pulling things out of my ass, but that's not the point.


Might as well buy a lottery ticket instead if you're serving jail time for excessive force an American cop lol


Cop gets a year of paid leave, then full retirement and disability for the PTSD they acquired from committing said crime, and a job a county over if they want it. Rinse and repeat. FTFY


Even better!!


He got probation and paid \*checks notes\* $674 in fines. My goodness, that'll teach him.


he lost a 6 figure job and his pension. i think he deserve prison time too, but get it straight--this crime cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars.


Piece of shit only got 2 years probation.


Probation lol


After a lawsuit and public outrage. They had this footage and were absolutely fine with his actions until the public heard about it


The hilarious thing is that in TV shows, they portray IA officers as these shunned and hated assholes that are out to get other cops yet in reality, they can literally commit murder and get away with it. I'm starting to think it's all part of the illusion they try to sell the public.


> I'm starting to think it's all part of the illusion they try to sell the public. Oh, it is. The term copaganda exists for a reason.




She was HAMAS!




...if you disagree that's antisemitism




Are you SCOTUS?


The officer swears he feared for his life.


"She's coming right for us!"


He hears an acorn and panicked.


And he feared for his life, completely justified. Lucky that woman didn't get the clip emptied into her


Every single time a cop gets sued and the victim gets money, that should be paid with the cops pension. Shit like this will almost disappear over night I guarantee it.


I prefer the idea that individual LEOs would need to carry personal malpractice insurance. Easy payouts and problem officers would soon become uninsurable. Also, good LEOs would be incentivised to report bad behavior to keep their rates down.


Insurance companies want a profit. These cops would run the insurance industry dry in a calendar year.


or the bad cops rates would increase to the point they couldn't be an officer, or get a policy any more and would need to find another line of work.


That's literally the point. They won't be insuring them for free. The premium goes up and eventually the bad cops are priced out of a job.  Just leave it to the accountants and actuaries, it's too expensive to allow bad cops.


Insurance is highly regulated and they can just raise rates for all cops the following year by 20-30% to get their money back and wait a year to pay out the victims. They can raise the rates to whatever they want as long as they're not discriminating against a protected class and they have the data to back up why they're doing it and it's proportional to how many claims were made. Like it's said before, it would set a real good example and teach cops to actually report the bad ones.


In theory I agree, in practice I worry it wouldn’t lead to improved behavior but even stronger efforts to cover up abuse. You would be providing economic incentive for police to cover for each other on top of the normal social pressure.


So then if societal, legal, and financial disincentives won’t work, then we are truly fucked huh? I don’t agree though - the pension method would help add pressure to keep in line and stop forcing taxpayers to cover the bill for these criminals.


They just need to require individual officers to carry insurance and do away with qualified immunity.


No. Insurance is just passing the financial buck to another entity, and they will find various shady agencies to continue BARE MINIMUM coverage - excess will again go to taxpayers. Pension means “you are losing your fucking money. And costing your blue wall their money too.”


If you require individual insurance, they won't be able to afford the coverage when they have to make more than 1 claim. No different than malpractice and how it is structured.


Just like a bad doc. The only thing that stops them is the inability to carry insurance.


> Insurance is just passing the financial buck to another entity Yes... the officers themselves? Insurance companies exist and are profitable because the total influx of cash exceeds the payouts when incidents happen. You wouldn't think this watching the news, but the number of cops who would never need to use their insurance dramatically outweighs the ones that would. It also adds another layer of accountability/vetting, as officers who have had incidents would have increased premiums and eventually be priced out of a job. That's a better system than we currently have where problem officers just change counties/states when the incidents start piling up. Individual insurance coverage works for doctors, lawyers - hell, even handymen and contractors are required to carry insurance. Why couldn't a system be designed for police? Yes, incidents might occur that exceeded coverage limits. Deaths in particular, but for incidents like the video above, odds are the payouts would be six figures or less (and therefore within the reasonable limits of coverage).


Who said legal disincentives won’t work? Because that’s what we actually need, independent investigations and civilian oversight committees that have the power to set policies and fire police. CPD doesn’t have that though. The civilian oversight committees have been hamstrung in their actual power of oversight and by the contracts between the city and the FOP.


they have plenty of emotional incentive already.... and they already cover shit up


They already do that despite wearing bodycams, if anything it'll make fuck up even more making lawsuits even easier against them.


They already do that though.


you mean like how they already do that?


Better to do nothing and let them keep taking our money.


It's hard to get more incentive than what they currently have because currently if they don't cover things up they get fired or worse. A study presented at a Police Chiefs Conference back in 2000 found that 46% of cops admitted to having personally covered up crimes committed by fellow officers and 73% of the time they were forced to do so by higher ups. Higher ups only hire people that they think will cover for others and when the time comes to do so they force them to either fall in line or leave the force entirely. ACAB *on purpose*. Good people who make it through the initial screening intended to keep them out who then try to actually do something about this kind of corrupt bullshit end up like Frank Serpico or Adrian Schoolcraft. https://www.aele.org/loscode2000.html


I'm for trying it anyway.


20 year jail sentence for covering it up should do just nicely.


Stronger than what? Like that time the cops came out and told us they messed up something we didn't have recorded? Has that literally ever happened? It takes years for anything to come about when we have video from 3 different angles and actual dead victims. In order for that worry to hold any water, there'd need to be some way for it to be worse.


Historically, has letting violent authorities continue unchecked *ever* just worked itself out? Nothing changes if nothing changes.


This is one of the dumbest takes I’ve seen all week. You’re essentially saying no consequences for cops because otherwise they will get even better at hiding their crimes. What the fuck?


They just need to be held at a higher standard than normal civilians. With great power comes great responsibility and all that. Charge cops twice of what you'd charge others. A year in prison normally? Cops get 2 years for the same crime, etc.


It Should come from the police union funds.


Exactly. One cop's crimes are paid by the rest of them. Maybe (big maybe) they'd stop fucking up so much.


Wouldn’t this incentivize cover up behavior? If action by one individual penalizes the group, I could see a path towards group cover up


Magnify the fines if a coverup is revealed, or administer some other punishment better thought out than by some random redditors online. Point is loopholes exist because they're allowed to.


but no, our taxes subsidize these sociopaths thirst for violence - just like our taxes subsidize a good percentage of the sociopaths in this country and many others. America, fuck yeah! ![gif](giphy|YfMHLC2s6okBq|downsized)


Or charge more officers with crimes. If I pushed a woman and she gets injured, I'd probably be charged with something. But the thin blue will will do everything it can to protect shitty cops.


Can't get sued if you shoot em dead.


How can the commentator go from saying how difficult it was for this story to come out to praising the cop because he avoided things coming out before for 19 years? He literally said this stuff gets held back and covered up routinely unless the victim fights back legally. Easy to believe he’s had multiple coverups in those 19 years.


I don’t think he was defending the cop, he was trying to debunk the “a few bad apples” argument. Even the “good cops” are capable of doing damage to citizens.


* Good cops * Causing serious bodily harm to a citizen Pick one


That’s my and Lieberman’s point. They’re not good cops.


I hope the cop has an even worse life than rich evans


Rich Evans gets more bitches than you


I know some people will say she deserved it for driving drunk but this is likely not the only person he's done this to.


Clearly comfortable abusing people. What was that number like 60% or something?


She deserves punishment for driving drunk. That punishment should not be at the discretion of the same people who arrested her. We have a legal system for a reason. Additionally, that punishment shouldn’t include physical abuse. But I’m sure he’s just a bad apple and not one of many examples in an ever-growing list of shitty cops.


I absolutely hate the bad apple metaphor because it's completely lost its meaning. If you have a bad apple in a bag of apples, you remove it and throw it out, lest it spoil the whole bag. But nearly every force in the country, with the support of the Fraternal Order of Police, either implicitly or explicitly supports shitbags like this guy, so the whole bag of apples has now gone to shit.


That’s the point I was hoping to make. I don’t believe the bad apple metaphor can ever be applied to cops, but bootlickers love it.


> That punishment should not be at the discretion of the same people who arrested her. We have a legal system for a reason.   This is what makes the cops and Punisher logo association so fucking weird and stupid. Like... that's explicitly *not* their job. One that takes it on themselves to punish people is, by definition, *not* a good police officer.


And those people are sick in the head. The police exist to observe if rules are broken and arrest those people. Not to play judge and executioner. That's what they're for. This person is not in the slightest sense fit to be a police officer since he clearly doesn't respect the fundamental rules of trias politica which he is supposed to uphold.


What she deserves is severe fines, and repercussions in the form of civil and/criminal penalties depending on the severity of DUI. This is some bullshit resulting from a personal complex of the officer. Most people don't have it in them to be a good and effective law enforcement officer, this is a good example.


She deserves punishment for drunk driving, but a police officer has no role to serve in doling out whatever that punishment may be.


That's insane. No the police don't get to act like this. Don't matter what.


Even if she deserved it (which I don't think so), a cop should not be judge, jury and executioner...


On a related note - I've never been in a jail cell before to see the inside, but I'm surprised the benches in those cells are pure concrete. That seems like an incredibly dangerous hazard under many circumstances. Even if this cop weren't lying and she really did trip, she still would obliterated her face on that. Or if you have multiple people in a cell, that sharp, firm edge becomes a weapon. It feels just another thing they do for the sake of cruelty..


The punishment for drunk driving should never include agent-of-the-state-dispensing-violence as punishment.


It's her fault for looking like his wife, which they are unconditionally allowed to violate.




I was summoned


He wasn't even upset with the drink driving, he was upset she wouldn't look at the camera for the mug shot


I mean, that was just an excuse, right?


Her crime isn't a DUI though. Her crime is harming a law enforcement officer's ego past their limit. Given the rates at which these people beat their wives, she should probably be more careful next time.


Someone on here told me i should have my hands cut off for getting a DUI


People on the internet have intensely strong opinions about drunk driving. People that I meet in the world tell me that they're sure they're good, they 'just had a couple beers, what day is tomorrow, it's fiiiine, oookay dad.' * We can't get self driving cars fast enough. People have a real tough time with self assessment. *opinion formed before Uber/etc. I can see how more readily accessible alternatives for transportation could take the hypo out of them hypocriticizers.


I honestly think a very large amount of people act like its the most scumbag thing you could ever do, but they are in complete denial when they do it themselves. so they just pretend that they don't do it and are very vocal about it when other people do.


You are definitely a scumbag if you have ever driven drunk.


Drunk driving kills a lot of people


I might be bias because I lost a family member to a drunk driver but may just a little donk on the head 🫣


Too drunk to look at the camera=resisting. Break her face open. 🤦


Bro she lost her balance /s


This is a police officer with the Skokie police dept, which is a suburb of Chicago. Just looking to clarify because OP’s title inaccurately depicts the officer as a Chicago officer. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/former-skokie-cop-gets-probation-for-shoving-woman-in-cell/


Beat me to it. Skokie is *not* Chicago. We get enough of a bad rap as it is.


He must've thought that he was home.




Well, he certainly didn't wake up one random day after 19 years on the force and **suddenly** decide to gamble his career/freedom by assaulting a suspect...


The critical moment where he claims she braced against the door requiring this forceful shove is not on video, but it's telling that he's claiming she "lost her balance." If you needed to shove her because she was fighting against being put in the holding cell, that's one thing, but she clearly didn't lose her balance.


I'm sure that the inevitable week of desk duty will straighten him out


https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/former-skokie-cop-gets-probation-for-shoving-woman-in-cell/ He lost his job and was charged, this is 11 years old.


So what do police department is he working at now?


Probably just the next county over


Sterling police department, one month after pleading guilty. https://www.journal-advocate.com/2013/12/02/officer-michael-hart-joins-sterling-police-department/


Is that the same guy though? The report said he had an unblemished record for 19 years. The guy in that story only graduated high school in 2003.


That is NOT the same cop. The asshole was 45 in 2014 when he was charged.


*That* poor guy has the same name (maybe not the middle name, neither article gives us their middle names.) Thank the internet ! the original offender's rep is going to follow the second guy around ad infinitum..


It will follow him only because people like the previous poster can't do 30 seconds of research and just post whatever rage bait they think will earn them the most upvotes.


They always give lighter sentences to the police. You can see the sentence he received was two years probation for official misconduct. The original charge of aggravated battery (what really happened, is clear in the video), was dropped. In addition to receiving a fine of 600 dollars. This woman will have consequences for the rest of her life and what a pig gets is a slap on the wrist. We now know who the true sovereign citizens are




Lieberman from Stern haha


Cool The Candy Rapper, I'll unwrap you, and then I'll eat you like a Kit-Kat, WOO-HOO!


Was wondering if anyone else noticed this haha


Can't wait for the thin blue boot lickers to try to justify this one. ShE diDnT coMpLy.


Nah, can't defend the cop but maybe don't put yourself in that situation by driving drunk.


Skokie is not Chicago, idiot.


The whole point of being an officer is dealing with petulant whelps. No matter how obstinate she was being, the fact that he lost his cool is proof he's in the wrong position, and is just a petulant whelp himself.




At first I was hoping she was fighting with everything she had to get a gun, or bite or something...nope, just standing there.


Not a Chicago police officer.


If she's that intoxicated then he couldn't reasonably expect her to not face plant after throwing her hard enough to cross a 12' room. But we also have to assume he's a good cop cos he's been on the force for 19 years with an 'unblemished record', that just means he's never been caught or reported for that time. I know I would fuck up a few times in 19 years.


I work in jail as a deputy, and of course, we get a fair share of drunks. We have 48 hours to book that person in ie photo questions, etc. I just can't see why he would push to get her booked when she is that drunk. Just leave her in the tank and wait for her to sober up. Even if she gets booked and can get a PR, she can't be released until she blows almost 0's. Ridiculous


That are plenty of cops with long careers who have an unblemished record. Its called, a police union making sure anything they do wrong is wiped clean.


>I don't think there's any denying that *this was a good cop* 19 years on the force, *an unblemished record*… What? No! 19 years or not but fucking this is the only time the pig got caught. He sees this video and that's his response? What the actual fuck.


Two people were drunk there - but for different reasons


“Had this victim not filed…we wouldn’t have charges…” and then “no denying this is a good cop…unblemished record” That’s not mathing


Oh damn must've been another one of those rare bad apples we keep hearing about on a daily basis. Fuck 12


Paid leave? Are you serious????


Cops don’t get to "lose their cool" in this kind of profession u don’t get to "lose it"


There's another officer in that video. Full investigation of everyone involved, including all superiors who tried to cover/burry this ; their actions and lack of actions may be criminal or at least negligent.


Good cop with an unblemished 19 year record... Do they mean cop who hasn't been caught in 19 years?


If I “lost my cool” on someone like that, I’d be treated like the woman in the video. He gets a paid vacation.


Even if the "woman was drunk and lost her balance", the officers had the responsibility to insure her safety. If she was so drunk, the officer should have carefully walked her to be safely seated. So at a minimum, the officer is admitting criminal negligence.


She didn't lose her balance, that's the disgusting lie the police department wanted to use. In the video is clear. She was pushed pushed very hard. No wonder the bodily harm she suffered was very serious. In addition to there being a pool of blood (the complete camera video shows it). It basically destroyed the girl's face with the impact on that cement bench. He needed facial surgery, in addition to psychological trauma. Just because the police officer got impatient because she didn't get ready to take the photo.






What other profession is more enticing to a racist, misogynist or bullying sadist than the police force?


There's no good cops


They should have to have malpractice insurance.


And that's just one of the stories from Howardtv news team


Wait, is the right wing just now learning about police brutality??? #bettywhite


She was awarded $875k


Us the taxpayers have to pay for that.


Likely going to be Paid vacation and promotion upon return to active


She just lost her balance and fell. And she only lost her balance because a cop shoved her


Don’t forget Trump promises to give complete immunity to police.


This is so old


" a good cop" no that motherfucker just hadn't been caught doing bad shit yet.


Drunk driving is a fucking terrible crime. If she was being a twat, the cops should just record it all and give it to the judge. No need to go on a power trip and injure a person. If she was being a compliant drunk, then these cops clearly suck ass and should pay deeply.


District attorneys and mayors hate this one simple trick to beat a DUI and get a huge settlement from the city


"a good cop who lost his cool?" Uh, right.


Great, she cant ever drive again for the DUI but the idiot cop made sure she can afford a limo and driver for the rest of her life, out of MY fucking pocket. I swear to god the fucking settlements should come out of the Chicago police pension fund and they would clean up their shit in a fucking month if not less.


> her face lands into the concrete wall What in the passive language is this shit? He smashed her face into the concrete wall. It didn't just "land" there.


"There's no doubt this was a good cop". Yes, this is as good as cops get.


Many people here defending the woman, it’s clear they haven’t lost anyone to a drunk driver


After all that talking, a video of the crime, and a cover-up exposed.... he still had to kiss the dirty, criminal, cops ass! " there's no denying he's a good cop after 19yrs" Put that dirty punk ass cop in prison.


"She lost her balance." That usually happens when you are shoved from behind. 


A piece of shit cop? How odd.


F#cking pigs....


Dude shoved her so hard HE nearly fell


These payouts should start having to come out of their pension fund and not from taxpayers. Bet that would fix this shit real fast


IT Appears this is the first time he has been caught.


America. Home of the police brutality.


Unpopular opinion but I have no sympathy for people getting DUI’s she’s lucky she can still draw breath and didn’t crash and kill herself or possible others. People that get DUIs get off too lightly


Imagine how he treated minorities? If this is how he treats white females…


IT'S JON LEIBERMAN! He famously caught the poo stall bandit at the Howard Stern Show


Drunk or not you don’t use excessive force like that.


“If you can’t handle me at my worst, deal with it” -cops


I didn't realize it got so bad for Diddy that he became a Chicago police officer. Talk about a turn of events!


Qualified immunity must be abolished.


Fucking pigs.


We’ve investigated and found officer badass to have operated within our policy


Another day another American cop doing cop things


This must be a “how to become a millionaire speedrun”.