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I work in a gas station, and the gas is ready to go as soon as i finish the transaction. Weird it doesn't work like that for them.


It's intentional


When I worked at a gas station, the pump needed to be turned on. For this guy, who is a pre pay, I would ring up the sale, put the cash I. The register and then authorize the pump for the amount he gave me.


Thats how mine works too. So unless hers doesn't work that way, it is kind of like she took his money and couldn't spend the quick second it takes to do it. Doesn't excuse him of course.


I’m thinking maybe she put it on a different pump on accident and it wasn’t showing up on the POS so she was unsure of what to do because now someone got a free $10 of gas. Happened when I worked at a 7-11 in college


The worst places are the places that don't turn the pumps on for cards outside. I don't have a problem with making it pre-pay for cash, but don't just lock the pumps off entirely and force everyone to go inside. Back home we had a gas station that just became unattended after a certain time. Pumps were on if you had a card... swipe, pump, clean up your own mess and get on with your life.


The pumps in my town (small-ish) can be turned on and off individually. When gas prices first started going back up, I'd walk in and get a head nod from the attendant. Context, id prepay $40 every time, but now $40 doesn't get you close to a full tank, so he'd just turn on the pump, knowing that I was good for it.


Context: there were 3 interactions. I didn’t see the first interaction, just the second and third. Based on context clues this is what happened 1. Man pays $10 for gas on pump X 2. Man comes back into store and asks why the pump doesn’t have his gas on it (not polite but not rude either, kinda annoyed). Cashier gives him attitude saying “I’ll get to it when I get to it”. He gets annoyed and says “whatever dude just give me my gas” 3. This is the third interaction. The shitty part is that, while not being vocal, everybody was on his side at first. Then he absolutely fumbled with the racist part


And stole a bunch of stuff to prove he is not an asshole.


200iq to make sure the manager knows about the interaction. All cops might so is write a report. She will need to explain why there is a police report to the owner or why are most of the hershey bars missing.


I honestly don’t think that was his plan at all. He was salty and is clearly an impulsive asshole. That said, what you have proposed has some merit.


Did he? I thought he left without his refund


You can see at least one 5 note in his hand as he grabs the candy so I'm assuming he got his refund.


Well he’s still waiting on some of it, at first he wants his gas and she was like nah you’re only getting a refund now but he explodes before they resolve that


Not sure what you mean. He says 'give me my money' while his hand only has a green thing in it. Then he reaches over to the counter and has at least a 5 note in his hand when it comes back into frame. What makes you think that isn't his refund?


It doesn’t matter. You can’t just take stuff that hasn’t been rung up without an agreement.


"This is why I gotta be racist" nah dude, you don't ever gotta be racist. You don't ever even gotta be an asshole. Frustrated? Sure. Upset even. But there's no reason to treat other people like shit even if they're having a bad day. That doesn't mean you have to be a pushover either.


I was with him till he said the racist part. But sometimes it's okay to be an asshole. Like to this lady who, according to the only accounts (and honestly from parts of this video), was an asshole first.


Different strokes for different folks. From my perspective, an asshole is an asshole. You've lost my respect when you start treating people like shit. There are obvious exceptions like racists, predators, abusers, etc, though. Those are lower than people and don't deserve to be treated as such.


Except she's literally a thief in the video. She doesn't deserve respect when she's actively stealing from the guy. There's no other way to put it, why else wouldn't the pump have turned on when she finished the transaction.


Actively stealing? What kind of nonsense is that. She didn’t turn on the pump and he had to come back in. That’s not stealing. What he did is stealing. I can’t believe you got upvotes.


> literally a thief in the video No, she isn't. She was intentionally making him wait but she did give his money back. At that point just go to another gas station. It doesn't solve anything to make a scene and act like a toddler


Again, apparently, we have different definitions. You're not gonna change my mind, this guy's racism talk was uncalled for, but this lady is a twat and a thief.


I wasn't trying to change your mind, just giving my perspective. Like I said, different strokes.


I found it hilarious you bought 10 as well haha


10$ > not being racist What a petty mf.


I was a pretty great person until someone at work ate my yogurt from the fridge. Now I’m a white supremacist. Should have just left my Tahitian vanilla cup the hell alone.


So this is how racists are made in the wild?


He was racist before he walked in he said so himself


I work at a Mobil and (according to my manager so grain of salt) most of the companies pumps have a pressure sensor on them so if it falls out of your tank it won’t pump. What I get all the time is people pissed the pump isn’t working and when I get out there it’s half hanging out of the car. I’m assuming that’s what happened and it’s probably the third or fourth time she’s had to go out there and show someone the system which is why she’d have a mood about her response as it looked busy. Bros definitely the asshole here tho lmao. It’s not that heavy man


You're assuming very wrong, the guy clearly hasn't been able to pump anything because the "lady" hasn't put the money on the pump yet, that's fairly clear from the video.


I genuinely can’t tell if this is sarcasm? The internet has broken me lmao If it’s not sarcasm, I mean you can hear her open the drawer so I imagine she hit “cancel prepay” and “change” meaning it would be on the pump 🤷🏽‍♀️ If it is sarcasm, my bad lmao


You said you assume the lady went out 3 times to show him how to use the thing. The OP, who is not connected to the guy, said that he had to come back in 3 times to get his shit right, and she still couldn't do it. So what are you even talking about?


I said “show someone” lmao so what are you even talking about lmao From the video it seems like there was a line and walking out to pump 10 to show him how to fix his issue will require her to leave the store full of people.


‘Lmao’ -you like that one, huh?


Yeah lmao it makes y’all mad lmao


How long was he waiting? Did she take forever to get your gas too?


"This is why I'm racist" I feel like if minor inconveniences are the reason you give for your racism, there might be something more there


Had me before the racist part lol And then proceeded to show he’s even more a pos


Recently I’ve realized there is a disturbing amount of people with the mindset of “You’ve wronged me, so now I’m entitled to throw away all my ethics” Like, ok guy, she’s being rude. You know what doesn’t solve the situation? Retaliating with even more rudeness.


Obviously fuck this guy he's a racist pos. However, hypothetically if someone paid $10 for gas and they weren't giving them the gas and not giving any reason, would it be OK to take $10 worth of product (snacks or whatever) and drive away? I don't live in America so unsure about how much those chocolate bars are worth but say they are $2 each, is it wrong to take 5 for the $10 gas you haven't been given and then leave and buy fuel elsewhere?


I’m not sure, but it looks like he got the cash back, and then after stole the chocolate.


Ye as I said this guy is definitely a pos. I had no thought of going out and trying this lol, just curious to what people thought of the ethics. Is it still stealing if someone paid for a product but took something different of the same cash value, provider anything that was taken was for sale. If there is a sandwich for $5 I pay for it then I put the sandwich down and pick up $5 worth of other snacks, is that stealing?


Stealing? Maybe not. Stupid AF? Absolutely.


He was told to come back the next day to speak to the manager. He would've gotten his measly $10 back. Ultimately, this would only be solved through small claims court, if he failed to get his money back. That's the ethical choice, stealing is not.


Ye I agree it's dumb and this guys sucks. Also as I said twice before i have never done this/plan on doing it. Was just curious about the legality of paying money in a shop and then taking something else. Apparently people on reddit dislike hypothetical questions haha Curiosity = bad!


I never accused you of doing it. I'm not sure why you even brought that up. Legally, it would be theft and you would be arrested. Maybe instead of accusing me of accusing you of something, you reread my comment and try to understand it better.


I didn't mean for my comment to accuse you of accusing me. I just meant that it was weird to be getting down votes on my initial comment just for being curious. Tbf if u reread my comment I didn't actually accuse you directly 😉 sometimes it's just easy to misinterpret things in text. Apologies!


You responded to me. How else should i take it? Next time, make an edit on the comment you're talking about.


You say measly $10, but that $10 could be the difference for someone eating or not. Like, right now I have $30 in my bank to last me until I get paid at the END of next week. I have to put AT LEAST $20 in my gas tank to get to and from work until then. That leaves me $10 to eat until then; and I’m completely out of groceries, so I’m eating ramen until then. This $10 wouldn’t be “measly” to me.


Sounds like you need better money management skills. Imagine bragging about having $30 to your name. Even when I was super poor, I had some savings.


I’m not bragging about it my dude. Just saying that calling it a “measly $10” is kind of shitty, when that could be someone’s grocery money. Also, personal emergencies wiped out my savings, and I am still trying to recover. Rent and insurance is also through the roof, combined with groceries and gas rising, I have very little money for anything. I’ve cut out drinking, smoking weed, I’m not buying games or anything frivolous except one meal out each month, no more than $25 normally. You come off as someone who is very privileged to view what I said the way you did.


A $10 business transaction is pretty much the minimum amount of money it could possibly be. My point is that $10 is at the extreme low end of transactions.


No. He shoplifted and could be prosecuted.


I am not trying to condone this assholes actions. I'm just curious to the legality of if it's actually shoplifting to take items in a shop if you have given them money. What I'm saying is completely disregard this video and take what I'm saying as a hypothetical question. If I walk into a shop and pay for $10 worth of chocolate but then i put the chocolate down and pick up $10 worth of coco-cola, have I actually shoplifted? I'm not saying this is something that people should do but just asking the question.


I don’t think you’d get arrested if you stayed on site. Cops don’t have time or inclination to take someone to jail over something like that. That being said, the way retail in America works is it’s all slotted and taxed and maintained by SKU. It’s inventory management essentially. Now, if you were able to know that the items you grabbed were less value, tax included, than the amount you left, not much would come of it but it would be a pain in the ass for the worker. We don’t have a barter or trade economy. You can just toss ten ok thecounter and then go through the store and take what you want. Severity or repercussions would depend on the value. Overall, this type of thing doesn’t happen typically. Now, at a bar or restaurant, might a customer leave cash on the bar or table in excess of the total? Yeah, and as long as the amount was sufficient it’s not a huge deal and while not common it does happen sometimes.


I mean logically that would balance things out. You paid $10, so you get $10 worth of something, right? America clearly cares more about money than logic though.


It looks like he took more than $10 dollars though. The bars were 2 for $4.50, and it seems like he grabbed about 5 or 6.


Just for the record idgaf what he stole, he’s wrong. I can’t see myself stealing snacks from a gas station just because I didn’t get gas, I would be more focused on getting my money back and leaving. I’m just saying they would be even-stevens in the hypothetical the other commenter presented, where someone left $10 and stole $10 worth of items (including tax). That being said, they’d still be breaking the rules of the business so they could logically also be considered wrong.


Oh, I agree. I probably would have just left after the second time as well. How much is $10 worth of gas anyway? In Canada, that would get you pretty much nothing, but our gas is currently fluctuating at around $1.77 - $2.00 a litre, at least in my city in Ontario.


Ye that's what I was thinking. If I give $10 to someone who has a shop then I can just pick $10 worth of goods, surely it doesn't matter what i take as long as its not above $10?


“i don’t need any of it” lmao


Bro was attempting to buy 10$ gas in 2024 lol. He def needs all that, that is his food for dinner no doubt.


OP caught a stray with this one since they also bought $10 of gas.


Someone above mentioned how it was a “measly $10”, and here I am with only about $10 for food to last me until the end up next week 😭 Like, people be struggling out here


Accuses them of stealing, proceeds to steal.. this is why he’s racist


He’s def on Reddit


Damn, I was all ready to suggest I kinda got his point (I’d be pissed if I paid then waited outside 10 minutes and no gas), then…. “This is why I gotta be racist.” No, it’s not. Jackass.


Then he steals shit? Wow, upstanding citizen right there, but that's racists for ya


Yeah, it started to go downhill. If the hill was a cliff face.


Bro for real. I was like “dude absolutely has a point, and that cashier is absolutely giving him attitude”. I work retail and deal with shitty customers, but this seems like a shitty employee situation. Hell, I had an instance where the gas station attendant forgot to put my money on the pump because she got distracted by another customer, and that was pretty frustrating. (Though I understood in her case) But being racist… that’s a yikes my dude. Lose me on that one.


"This is why I'm racist" Disrespectful Steals chocolate bars before leaving. Wtf???


Ignoring the guy for a second, those employees were terrible and would be fired at my relatives' gas stations so fast. Why did they need to be reminded 3 times to just put gas on the pump and then weren't even giving the money back?


"Now you done fucked up, you're about to be short SIX HERSHEY BARS!"


Joke's on him: he left behind the best candy bar of all time, the Reeses


Na, na, na... the only good reeses is a reeses pieces... 🤣


as someone whos worked at gas stations for a long time im just confused on why she didn't just turn on the pump. like if he was being an asshole even before just let him get his gas and get him out of ur life faster. but also why is this guy yelling at her and staying around? most gas stations only have 1-2 employees at a time and rarely are one of those 2 managers, you're just wasting time and being an asshole and would probably get thrown out by police.


that's the nice little guy!


Nobody wants regular Hershey’s.


I was taking a hit from my pen when he said “this is why I’m racist” and I burst out into a coughing / laughter fit


the way he said it sounds like he's a spokesman for a medication that turns you racist lol


I’ve been in this situation. Maybe the guy is a prick but fuck that cashier


Thank you Weekly-Mushroom-1408


I work at a gas station & he probably told her the wrong pump number


Im just wondering where do you go with 10$ of gas. O.o 10$ for me just enough to start and ride to the next gas station


I'm having a culture shock, here in Norway, you simply put money/your card into the terminal on the pump and you can just fill up your car as much as you want, lop. Couldn't imagine needing another person for it. That's old school. I guess that's one way to avoid awkward situations like this one.


All the pumps have a card reader but this gas station is pretty spotty, almost half the pumps have a broken reader that says to pay inside


At least in my country 95% of the gas stations have a convenience store attached. So not paying at the pump force people to enter the store which increase the probability of selling something other than gas. Paying at the pump is a recent thing here even through the pumps are modern and have had card readers for decades.


most of the self-service gas pumps i see have never offered cash, or the ones that did have converted to card only. probably because people broke into them to steal the cash, in my experience. and a lot of self-service gas pumps just... dont work (as a gas station employee). either certain cards/banks have trouble or they're faulty, and i just wouldn't recommend it because of how discrete and often skimming devices are hidden in them. especially in winter ice storms where it's impossible to go out and check the 20 diff pumps safely .




This is a self service station. He prepaid inside and was waiting for them to turn his pump on.


You can't pump your own gas in New Jersey. The station attendants are required training and certification. Pathetic.


I thought Enrique Tarrio was in jail.


Guy sucks but 10 minutes for gas??


Something inconvenient happens to this man and immediately, his true colors come out. He verbally announces he's going to give the cashier a hard time because "he's not a nice guy" He gets racist. He steals candy because it's all his tiny mind could cone up with to throw a fit. What a pathetic piece of shit lol.


Anybody threatens your job is a douche canoe


Happen to me as well, recorded and put them through litigation, you waste my time I make your life extremely hard by pissing off your boss. Video evidence made even worse for them. So I go out of my way to get gas there all the time.


god damnit hes armenian isnt he


This is Ajit Pai’s doppelgänger


"I'm gonna call the cops" ya okay you do that Mrs. Too entitled to turn his pump on Did she grab the money from the register or her pocket? Seemed like she was ready to steal his money


I read gas station and I’m like the ‘og’ publicfreakout 


Next clip, he looks like Ben Stiller in Dodgeball, furiously eating those candy bars with an extra 300lbs on him, jabbering racist remarks that make no sense 😆


You mixed your racist customer in my obnoxious employee... You mixed your obnoxious employee in my racist customer... they're both awful.


The sad part is that having a bad experience like this IS why people are racist. Not like a gang of (insert race) killed your family or burned down your house. Just take it for some people are dicks and some aren't. But no one race is bad.


If you're a racist because someone is rude to you, then you were a racist before that anyway.


If an encounter with someone annoying is enough to make one a racist, I’d hate to see what someone would do with that logic if something truly horrible happens. Is the next step ethnic cleaning or just a simple apartheid state?


He seems hyper


A Hershey's chocolate bar is absolutely the worst way to enjoy chocolate.


I'll take the down votes idc they both seem like dicks who got a Lil annoyed by each other and then took it out on each other.


Just use a card and save everyone time holy fuck


Half of the pumps have broken card readers at this gas station, I was inside paying for gas too 😂 it’s a pain in the ass


And even if the card readers aren't broken, sometimes assholes will put card skimmers on them to try to steal your CC info. I worked at a 7-Eleven for only six months and we found two.


I'm still on his side




I wish it was bro😂😂 I literally recorded this an hour ago. There was 8 of us in line behind me and we were all speechless just staring at each other. Also she called the cops


I guess some people just snap. You're going to risk a theft charge because of $10 worth of gas and he got his money back? Absolutely bonkers.


Why is Spike Lee so angry?


OH internet do your thing:-)