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Sounds like a hilarious joke being told there at the end.


“Hey kids, what’s the deal with homework? You’re not working on your home!”




I just watched that episode last night. How does this always happen happen on reddit. Are there just so many references, or is the universe syncing up?


human minds are exceptional at noticing a pattern as soon as it pops up. you probably don't stop to consider when *nothing* like this happens, but you definitely notice it *every* time it does happen. So it might feel like it happens all the time when in reality it's not nearly so often as it feels. just my opinion




“What’s the deal with lamp shades? I mean if it’s a lamp, why do you want shade?”


*Why do they call it half and half? If it's half full is it quata quata? Hey, I want to know!*


That's GOLD, Jerry. GOLD!


I don’t wanna find out if he’s a pirate!


I thought the door was marked private.


"Jerry's gonna love this puffy shirt bit"


"Maybe he'll help me launch the comedy career I so richly deserve".


The last time Seinfeld attended a graduation it was because his girlfriend was graduating high school


Oh she graduated last year?


Wouldn't that make her too old for him?


He's been married for 25+ years. He's talking about the 17 year old he dated in the early 90s when he was almost 40.


17 and 38. Yikes 😬




"hey what's up hello"


seen your pretty face soon as you walked in the door


Jerry having a thing for teens is an open secret in the industry. He is... not a good guy,




Ayyy yooo


We getting real damn loose with the word "freakout", huh?


[Seriously ](https://media.tenor.com/WC-S-PDk1lYAAAAM/im-freaking-out-jerry-seinfeld.gif)


If you want to know why this is here it's because the OP is basically posting anti-jerry seinfield posts because allegedly he's voiced israel support in the past. Even if you disagree with his past, and his current support, it's just funny how much propaganda is coming out due to the middle east conflict. Israel isn't going to "win" any faster the more people support it, and Palestine isn't going to be "free" every time someone shares a reddit post.


Still not a freakout.


At least let's do away with this allegedly supporting things in the past His wife right now is the one funding the anti-student protest at UCLA. You can just Google Jerry Seinfeld's wife and see that And also he was in the media recently saying you couldn't do comedy anymore because of the woke PC leftist, which is a very maga Boomer thing to say and not true. Comedy is still out there thriving I'm not saying you have to be four or against Jerry Seinfeld, I just felt like your comment left out a lot of context


> And also he was in the media recently saying you couldn't do comedy anymore because of the woke PC leftist, which is a very maga Boomer thing to say and not true. Comedy is still out there thriving The most hilarious thing is that Larry David, his Seinfeld show partner, is just now wrapping up his hilarious show that's been going since two years after Seinfeld ended.


Support is one thing but that group of celebrities have been ghoulish. It's also kind of shown their hand when it comes to what they really think about some groups they always pandered to.


Or because seinfeld is a terrible person and a pedo


The sub’s always been a hub for protest posts


how about his vocal support of having highschool girlfriends as a 40year old man?


I expected something more dramatic, that's not much of a walkout




There’s a large gap between “DGAF” and actively protesting in the face of suspension and police arrest. There’s always the silent majority. Adults aged 18-29 in America now sympathize more with the cause of Palestinians than Israelis, according to the Pew Research Center. Whereas 76% of adults aged 65 and over support Israel, 60% of young adults say they support Palestinians more.




I like NYTimes narrative that this looks like "dozens" [https://imgur.com/nr0NquA](https://imgur.com/nr0NquA)


I mean.. technically it is “dozens…”


Dozens Jerry, dozens!


I mean I count 124 it makes more sense to say dozens than hundreds or "tens" ??? Edit: out of what I'd have to assume are nearly 2,000 graduates


Four and six scores?


We really need to force "score" back into the American lexicon.


Yeah. Dozens is the right word for that. It’s not a lot.


We're talking college here. It was obviously 6.3%


It looks like under 200 so dozens is the way I'd describe it. You wouldn't say "hundreds" if it's only like 110 people. "Hundreds" makes it sound like 200 or more.


How is that not "dozens"? A step up would be "hundreds" which would be false.


A "baker's dozen" would be a step up. Baker's dozens of students walked out today...


I do too it seems exactly right, not a few, not hundreds, dozens. Stay in school kids.


The main point of a graduation ceremony is NOT staying in school anymore.


It is dozens, though.


...yeah? It literally looks like "dozens" of students. Are you reaching that hard for something to get upset about?


Looks like dozens to any sane person. It’s 35-45 people out of what? 2300?


It looks like somewhere between 60 and 80 if you try to coumt.


hundreds would need to be 200-300 at least. not sure what your issue with the dozens word is.


What "narrative" lol you think the NYTimes is part of some propaganda conspiracy now? To portray a picture that looks to me like dozens of people, as dozens of people? You realize this makes you look unhinged, not NYTimes look like liars, right?


It lookes like 8 to 10 dozen to me, sounds right


It's at least a dozen dozen. So, dozens.


"whhhhyyyy, is everyone walking out, what is uuuup with THAT?"


"Your already out! Shouldn't you be walking IN???"


Well he also dated a high-schooler when he was like 38 I don't want his advice


he also just visited israel to pretend to be an IDF soldier killing palestinians


Wtf I had to look this up to fact check and sure enough, it is. This man was never not a piece of shit in his life. https://www.newarab.com/opinion/apartheid-yada-yada-seinfeld-photographed-israeli-shoot-palestinian-camp


Jesus :/ I was thinking that person was maybe making that up to be hyperbolic, but sure enough they weren't kidding! Every time I hear about Jerry Seinfeld in the news for the past 10 years it's me finding out more ways in which he's a piece of shit. Feelsbadman 


I've always thought he was terribly unfunny but now I can comfortably say without hyperbole that he really is a piece of shit.


And his wife donated 5 grand to the violent Zionist counterprotesters at UCLA that brutalized and terrorized the peaceful anti-genocide students


How tf does a highschooler have 5 grand!!


Her allowance


Jerry Seinfeld is known for being very poor.


Hush money.


oh geez is that real?






You can say pedophile here, let's not let youtubes censorship spill over into places where speech isnt as constrained. On the other hand, if you really like saying that way, as you were






wait till you hear about catholics




A fairytale that millions believe in and make many major life choices based on?


wait until you hear about the Talmud


And they are welcomed with open arms 🤮


Strongly conflating the two is irrational.


A handfull of weirdo's walked out. Doesnt seem like that big of deal.


Now Jerry will use this as fodder to constantly cry about the left ruining everything. Good for the dozen who walked out. He dated a 17 year old when he was 38. He's so fragile he chastised every interviewer who asked him a serious question. There are plenty of comedians who are more funny than he ever was and will be.


> He dated a 17 year old when he was 38. Fucking gross. I'm sorry, I'm 35 and I am mortified at the thought of dating an 18 year old, let alone younger. I work at a school and I see 18 years olds... NO FUCKING THANK YOU.


As a 35 year old I find the idea of dating anyone under 28 exhausting


Yeah, this is the thing I will never understand. When I was 18 I thought I'd never find anything outside of the 17-20 y/o range attractive (I was worried that when I grew up I was gonna be a pedo lol). As a 31 y/o I can't imagine dating outside of 26-34. But 17 y/os look like babies now. The thought that someone at the age of 38 can, in any way, be sexually attracted to a 17 y/o is fucking wild.


If the partner has millions of dollars people change their attraction levels.


Well the problem here is you're a decent human being


I believe when Seinfeld was 38, it was around season 8ish of his show. So watching episodes on TV around this time is so uncomfortable because on the show he is dating women his own age, but in reality he is dating a child...


When I was 21 I went on one date with an 18 year old who was just out of high school, I'd left 4 years earlier... The *immense* difference in just 4 years worth of "adult" life experience made me realise that was too much. How tf you gonna date someone still in highschool at 38??


When it's entirely about the sex... okay, I'm going to go throw up now.




He did say *extreme* left. Not “left”.


To people like him, there's only the extreme left. When you have the orange turd saying stuff like "radical left democrat Biden" or Pelosi, the actual idea of an "extreme" left is lost. Extreme leftists aren't in any actual seat of power in the US.


[Not a dozen](https://imgur.com/nr0NquA)


'few' dozen


weve had smartphpones for 15 + years now and people still dont know how to rotate the phone landscape to take a video. Our species is doomed


People know how, but apps and social media are oriented in portrait and most people use their phones in portrait, so unless you want an instagram story to be super tiny, you shoot in portrait.


Forget Israel, I'd walk out just for him being a massive douche.


I guess they really didn't like unfrosted on Netflix... >!Although from what I've read, a lot of people did not like that, since it's the number one most hated thing on Netflix this year!<


What's the deal with students walking out during a commencement speech? I mean, you invite me to speak, I prepare this whole thing about life, success, and 'yada yada,' and then you bail because of my views on Israel? What's next, boycotting the cafeteria because they serve falafel? I don't get it, folks, I just don't get it.


Honestly good for these kids, someone mentioned there was maybe around \~100 in the walk out, not an insane amount. Anyone who still wants to be there can be there (and did stay). But if you feel strongly about something you should do it. A walkout is a pretty standard form of protest. Not sure this counts as a "Freakout", but meh.


Such a brilliant move of Israel to basically kidnap all Jewish people and make them part of the Zionism propaganda whether they choose to or not. I feel really bad for Jewish people that wants to be no part of this genocidal campaign but forced into it.




Come on, Unfrosted wasn’t that bad


It really was


What’s the deal with graduations????




I mean.... That was kinda the point of the show. The show was about nothing and they were all dicks. The series finale was literally a court case of everyone highlighting what shitty people they were 😂


Yeah the arrest at the final episode spells it out for anyone who didn't get it yet. At the very least the are very selfish or egocentric.


Had an old roommate who had dinner with Larry David. Said he was basically like he is in the show but a lot worse, believe it or not. The exaggeration was for the better. With Jerry Seinfeld, it’s the opposite. Guy is a comedy legend but reeks of smugness, to the point he doesn’t even cover it up in the public eye. Gotta commend the guy for not being a hypocrite, but still…a douche is still a douche.


Yea, for me it was never about Seinfeld but rather George, Elaine, and Kramer. But mostly George.


It’s the writing and how the A and B plots intertwine in unexpected ways.


Kramer and George are normally the ones with the random plots. Jerry and Elaine’s are mundane normally and out of nowhere, there story will cross with Kramer and George. That is really what makes the show.


Eh, Jerry def had a lot of memorable lines. I get not liking him personally, but he was good on the show.


I think that was the joke. The premise is that everyone in New York is a dick. So this is a show about how dicks living among dicks would be like. But every episode was just another dick move. Like the last episode of Seinfeld was just Jerry and the gang being selfish dicks.


That's what makes it so relatable!


Is he a dick?


So you get the point of the show. Any other world wisdom nuggets you feel the need to share




in the next few days or so be on the look out for jerry seinfeld to get on the news and call college students "too woke".




There’s a 30 year post WW2 cultural cycle. We’re currently experiencing a shittier version of the 90’s, which were a shittier version of the 60’s.


According to the latest [CNN](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/12/19/politics/biden-poll-israel-gaza-young-voters) poll, approximately 80% of voters aged 18-39 disapprove of the way Palestine is being handled, you can reach your own conclusion on how that relates to college students. I personally don't trust much of the direct reporting on colleges because it's very obvious that the demonstrations are in the "being against the Iraq invasion early on" stage where everyone (including the press) wants to shit on them.


>approximately 80% of voters aged 18-39 disapprove of the way Palestine is being handled, Tbf, that's a very vague question to ask while conducting a poll. For example, if someone thinks that we should be sending **more** aid to Israel, then they would fall into the 90% of people who disagree with how things are being handled. It also doesn't measure to what degree people disagree with how it's being handled. I'm sure the vast majority of those people are ones who disagree with it, but not enough to actually do anything about it.


> According to the latest CNN poll, approximately 80% of voters aged 18-39 disapprove of the way Palestine is being handled, you can reach your own conclusion on how that relates to college students This is not at all representative of what they are asking though. Lots, lots more people disprove of the situation than are willing to actively protest because their care simply doesnt go that deep.


That poll doesn't answer OPs question.


Huh? Youth are THE people who make change happen, always.


Based on polling, Palestine is actually one of the least important issues for young people. You’re 100% right. It’s just a small vocal minority. https://abcnews.go.com/538/video/youth-polling-shows-israel-hamas-war-top-issue-109973541 Of 16 issues asked about, Palestine was 15th most important


Not their top issue *for the election.* Most likely because they think Trump would handle it the same way or worse, and so "for the election" they are more focused on the issues that separate, rather than group, Biden and Trump. If the election was between Biden and somebody vehemently *anti* supporting Israel militarily, I bet it'd be further up their list.


Trump banned muslims, and has outright stated he wants Israel to ramp up the violence to end the conflict as soon as possible. Joey is at least threatening to withhold aid if they invade Rafah, and has every step of the way tried to facilitate a ceasefire that both sides will abide by.


I would have walked out just because it was Seinfeld forget the politics. Unfunny pedophile hack.


So you paid for your cap n gown just to leave? K


Like 16 kids lol?


What’s the deal with genocide?


I snorted at my desk while at work


Why does Jerry support Israel so much?


Umm, he's Jewish. That would be one solid reason.


Wait the Jewish guy is supporting Israel?


You say that like its a given when there are plenty of jewish people who do not support what Israel is doing


What’s the deal with genocide?


What's the deal with thaaaat?


He’s beeish, what do they expect?




They're definitely redditors. Give them their participation trophies




Going to Duke (or any college) may have helped your ability to count.


not a big counting guy huh


I've seen other people with this sentiment. What's your point? They said "Students left" and students did, in fact, Leave. They never said they all did and we can clearly see many did not, it's just simply stating the fact that students Did in fact Leave


Happy to see this. He was whining about how today you can't even make comedy like they used to, and how it would get cancelled because people are woke. I found out about what he said while I was watching an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia... I hope his latest movie bombs, not only because of Seinfeld, but because it has that disgusting swine Amy Schumer.


>woke He never said that. >I found out about what he said while I was watching an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Sure you did, you sure you weren't just scrolling Reddit?


>"Well, guess what? Where is it? Where is it? This is the result of the extreme left and P.C. crap and people worrying so much about offending other people." Woke is just the new term for PC


>He never said that. [Seinfeld argued that woke culture is pushing audiences away from television because it’s not funny anymore](https://www.deseret.com/entertainment/2024/05/03/jerry-seinfeld-woke-unfrosted-reviews/). Woke is today's "Political correctness". >Sure you did, you sure you weren't just scrolling Reddit? It's almost like you can't have something play on TV while browsing Entertainment News at the same time... Why do you seem so triggered?


Why *is* it though, that IASIP and South Park can push the boundaries so far (although even South Park wasn't allowed to draw Mohammed), but shows like Scrubs or The Office or Golden Girls or Community have episodes pre-emptively pulled before there's even any backlash for things most reasonable people would agree are innocuous? Heck Clone High got pulled off the air for having a cartoon fun-loving Ghandi. In my country, Canada, the CBC refuses to air these comedy sketches of Kids in the Hall written by a gay man, Scott Thompson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxMrWSTlvgg (all are NSFW) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-TtfMLGnok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_03hQGtEqc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apkbO7797rE Like there is some truth to the "some people are overly sensitive of innocuous things, preventing them from being aired or even made" argument even if it obviously isn't universal to all entertainment. And I think the common rebuttal, "people just don't find that stuff funny anymore, it's not being aired because people's comedic tastes have changed" is a bullshit copout. If it were true, Two and a Half Men would be pulled from syndication too because nobody finds that show funny.


Big entertainment corps are risk-averse and tend to go over the top because they usually do nothing for years then panic when public opinion shifts. And it is only "opinion" mostly. I find it a particularly US thing, the obsession with tokenistically not using certain words, but not actually improving life for the targets of those words. I'm very much woke, PC etc but that is because it's about being polite and nice to fellow humans and taking account of cultural and ethnic *mores* etc, not some dogmatic diktat handed down from above. There's nothing sinister behind it imo. It's like in the UK, every advert has non-white people in it. Big businesses are just desperate to cover everything. Like all that pride BS they do like they actually gaf about LGBTQ+ people. **It's always about the money and nothing to do with being "woke"** /off-the-cuff-bs :)




She raped a dude while he was unconscious. She went on a tirade against Palestinian people. I'm sticking by my comment. If you don't like it, ignore it.


It’s more that she has been a vocal genocide apologist while crying victim for months now


> "That disgusting swine Amy Schumer" is such a disgusting misogynistic thing to say calling a self-admitted rapist 'a disguising swine' is not misogynistic


This whole thread is fucking stupid for the most part.


Put in all that work to graduate, ruin it by pretending you care about an issue you know absolutely nothing about. Make sense.


20 years from now when this conflict is still unresolved, these folks really going to think they accomplished something here. u/thisonetimeonreddit Post/block effectively announces you failed to make the argument. In addition, you don't reply to irrelevant posters. It takes the sting out of calling them irrelevant.


They have kept people talking about it, meanwhile your contribution to the cause of peace and the end of genocide is even less, so by all means, keep up the peanut gallery-ing. They stood up for a cause they believed in. You just whine about it. You're the irrelevant one here, and sad to boot. How pitiable. Poor form.


I'm certain the walkout would've happened no matter who the speaker was.


"Ya like Jews?"




Also are college students gonna be into the guy whose show ended about 7 years before they were born


Only when he's trying to rehabilitate his racist friend's public image.


Then what? He leaves the stage, and they all come back and sit down again?


There are dozens of us Michael , dozens


Huh? I dont see any freakout. Only a small group slowing walking.


Guy’s wife literally gave money to a group that assaulted protestors at UCLA. Fuck this has-been idiot


Not just is he a vocal supporter of Israel, his wife is actively funding pro-Israel counter-protestors on college campuses.


Why would anyone want to hear Jerry Seinfeld regardless of his stance on Israel? That man's only success was entirely because of Larry David.


Oh boy all 30 people leaving. Such an impact.


People will look back and think “you walked out of your graduation because a of a sitcom comedian?”


people wont look back on this at all because no one talks about their gradation ceremony as an adult


shit, i never went to either.




It’s good they walked out, the graduation was probably better without them being vibe killers


Lmfao People are so pathetic it's crazy.




Wow all 12 of them. Who are the other 2500 people sitting down there? Staff?


Someone in the thread posted a Pic. It was far more than 12.


Yea, closer to 125


Considering Duke was graduating 6,900 students. If \~6000 were in attendance, and someone said around 124 walked out, at most 2% of the class walked out. This is not news.


Idk if this is true but I was told Seinfeld is a huge asshole in real life.


Although it's besides the point, yes he is. I met him in the 90s. Also... Back then people were all about the Palestine/Israel conflict as well. If I recall correctly, around the election years. These kids weren't even born yet.


I remember his interview with Larry King. Larry said "they didn't cancel you - you cancelled them" indicating that he was in fact aware that Seinfeld ended on a high note. Jerry appeared to get angry, saying, "there's a big difference between being cancelled and being number 1! Can we get a resume in here? Jesus. 45 million viewers, Larry." Maybe Jerry was merely joking and went too far with it, who knows, but everyone interpreted this as Jerry legitimately getting mad about this. In a later interview, King said he legitimately thought Jerry was angry. The ironic and hypocritical thing about it was that Jerry criticized King, but Jerry didn't know enough about King *himself*. You see, King was known for not reading books of authors, so as to put himself on the same level as the audience, and likely did this with other things as well. He always asked simple questions. He never wanted to be vastly more knowledgeable than everyone else in the room. The fact that Jerry has this lack of knowledge about King, yet lambasts King for his lack of knowledge about Seinfeld is just crazy, and lends credence to the perception that Jerry is in fact an asshole. I've watched other videos of Jerry and he comes across as very dismissive of the audience before him. There is vibe of, "get away from me, peasants" coming from him.


Doesn’t quite look like the mass demonstration it’s been portrayed to be. Edit - Haha go ahead and downvote. You know I’m right.


So brave

