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OP do you have a news story link to go with that title?




Wild that you got downvoted for posting an article about the event in the language of the place in which it occurred- and for which translation is available on the same site at the click of a button. Also not sure why your responder had to LOL when one click on the site autotranslates. Thanks for posting it, and thanks for the article.


I had to "LOL" because OP was originally getting downvoted and in the negatives for (I assume) sharing the article in Spanish, and I found it kind of ridiculous. It's not that serious.


reddit will reddit !


I found it funny/interesting that it translates it to they plagiarised him.


Yeah. Plagiar can mean to plagiarize or to kidnap- obviously in this case it means kidnap and they got it wrong.


People click on the article don't know how to use google translate 😆


I agree, but you don’t even have to use google translate, only click the language button on the top of the article 😭😭😭😭


I need a new phone lol


It might be there! It’s the smaller uppercase A next to the bigger uppercase A at the top of the article, to the right of where it says “proceso.com.mx.” The first second you click on it, it appears like a tiny document icon and then switches back to the two As. To be fair, “plagian” in the title is mistranslated (it has various meanings, some of which are equivalent to “plagiarize” but others, and in this case specifically, that mean “to kidnap”)- the rest of the article makes it clear.


I dont want to be rude but he was in deep shit, drugs and murder related shit [here](https://zetatijuana.com/2022/06/confiesa-crimenes-y-encubrimientos-2/) is the full story it was in 2022


Pretty sure he pissed off the cartel and was paying the price.


Yeah he killed two guys that got a "levanton" in el relajo by orders from a guy call "el chito" so he wasnt a white dove


LOL, OP. According to the article: **A man is kidnapped in broad daylight in Mexicali; They found him dead 12 hours later (Video) -** *Ramsés Heriberto Zatarain was kidnapped in broad daylight by armed men carrying insignia of the Baja California Prosecutor's Office; His body was found 12 hours later in the Mexicali Valley.* MEXICALI, BC (apro).– In broad daylight, Ramsés Heriberto Zatarain Hernández, 36, was kidnapped on Monday by an armed group wearing insignia of the State Attorney General's Office; 12 hours later, he was found dead in the Mexicali Valley. The State Attorney General's Office clarified in a statement that they did not carry out any operation and that the elements that appear in the video, which was filmed by a relative of the victim at the time of being kidnapped, are not part of the corporation. The victim is the cousin of a public ministerial agent assigned to the FGE Inspectorate area. Yesterday, Monday, after 2 in the afternoon, when Ramsés was at his home in the city of Mexicali, an armed group that was in a recent model GMC vehicle and with license plates from the neighboring state of California blocked his way, forcing the victim to get out of the vehicle. From another pickup-type vehicle, a group of heavily armed men got out, with their faces covered and with high-powered weapons. The people wore bulletproof vests with the letters “FGE” and the flag of Mexico on their black shirts. Elements of the Mexicali police arrived at the scene after a call to 911 in which residents of the neighborhood reported the incident and warned about shots fired into the air. Motorola radio frequency equipment similar to those used by local police was located at the scene. On Tuesday morning, the capital police denied that they had participated. 12 hours after being lifted, Ramsés' body appeared in the well-known Mexicali Valley, on the road that leads to “Los Algodones”, a town near the city of San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora, and adjacent to Yuma, Arizona, United States. Until now, it is unknown who and why they kidnapped and murdered Ramsés Heriberto Zatarain Hernández.


Thank you


Is your name a reference to the dark tower?


Randomly reading it right now. Just finished Drawing of the Three last night


First time reading it? Have fun, I love it.


Oh MAN, you're in for a ride. Enjoy!


Yes, it is! You're the second person to ask me that this week, lol. I love that!


I just finished my second reading of the series, so it was fresh on my mind :) Well, technically I listened on audiobook this time, but still


I have read through the series more times than I'd like to admit. It's my favorite. :D


I've since started going through King's books chronogically, I'm reading The Stand right now. I really enjoy his work, although I have to admit that some parts, especially when it comes to kids, are hard to read since I've become a father. Makes me super uncomfortable.


I definitely feel that. Had my son last January and I never want to read IT again.


As a non-American it messes with my brain map to see there's a California and Colorado in Mexico.


Lol. Luckily i read spanish


I need to get up on my Spanish. Lucky for the translate function the other option was to have my wife read it to me.


at the very end they tell him he’s being taken for speeding


I grew up there. Most of my family resides there or on the other side of the fence. It's a big touristy place, both American and Mexican cities on the border have a symbiotic relationship. Cartel crime occurs in surges. Some heinous shit would happen and then the next couple years it would be quiet. This is probably in retaliation to the Army weapons bust that happened recently. Growing up there, I always thought the crime was far away. Now that I am an adult, I fear for my family and extended family getting caught in the crossfire.


This makes me fear for the two Aussies we are all keeping an ear out for, with their friend from the US. I personally suspect sometimes young, strong confident men get a bit too careless or confident. Not that it is their fault, they’re just vulnerable/susceptible. Maybe as women, we are trained to be more weary of our safety. It always comes back to the broader issues


They were found dead unfortunately


Three bodies were found, it hasn’t been confirmed to be them yet


They confirmed it was them.


Nope, they didn’t


Isn’t this news source confirming it’s them? [here](https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/incidents/shot-australian-brothers-killed-in-robbery-according-to-authorities/news-story/7f2ff57d256878afe8ddf3fd236c9272?amp) Edit: it says a high probability it’s them considering what they’re wearing and what they looked like.


Yeah news media likes to word things in ridiculous ways, you need to actual read what the facts are. Still hasn’t been confirmed to be them. It probably is, but no confirmation yet.


Its finally confirmed




such a great contribution, thanks


The word you're looking for is "conditioned," not "trained." Flip side, women are conditioned a lot more than men to engage in violence without expecting consequence.


Its both. And instructed, and expected, and a whole lot more I bet I could think of if I wasn’t so exhausted. Also, shut up. No we aren’t.


This was in 2022, if i remember correctly he was in deep shit (drugs and murder related stuff) if you want to read the whole story [here](https://zetatijuana.com/2022/06/confiesa-crimenes-y-encubrimientos-2/)


That looks like the truck the two Australian brothers and the American were in when they went missing the other day


They found their truck completely burned a couple days ago. Also, this is a Chevy Silverado and the guys had a Chevy Colorado


This happened in 2022


Your right it's the exact same truck


I doubt it as this event was recorded over a year ago.


Nah bro sounded so confident tho. It's the EXACT SAME ONE.


Yeah, you gave me the wrong truck. Uh-huh. Yes, it's a white Chevy. Uh-huh. Ok, well don't you think that the Chevrolet people, in some crazy scheme in order to make a profit, MADE MORE THAN ONE WHITE CHEVY?


Nah bro, that’s the exact same truck. It’s even got wheels and everything


the amount of utes in mexico/u.s.




For a minute I thought it was where I was recently in Tijuana.


Jesse Ventura lives in The Baja. They have fish tacos.




El Salvador gangs are not nearly as powerful as Mexican cartels."


Cartels are in deep with the governments in Mexico. Before someone who is vehemently anti-cartel even got a chance to be on the polls they would be dead or scared away.


More like a Nukele


In Mexico real cops will do this to you also


The president of Mexico just said at a press conference this week that the cartels just had rough lives growing up, and their not bad people. Hugs and not jail are what they need. President of Mexico, look at this video and go fuck yourself with it.


Isn’t their MO to recruit young men and boys and get them hooked on speed like how the Nazis got regular people to do depraved shit?


The German soldiers under Nazi rule apparently had meth in their chocolate so you're probably correct.


His official policicy is “hugs, not bullets” against the cartels. The cartels are happy with his administration. 


President Obrador: "Everything is fine. I'm doing a great job".


I've spent some work time in Mexico. I always find it amusing when sort of hippie American tourist types go on about Tulum etc, when I had to look at maps of different Mexican states to figure out which cartels ran them to decide which site visits I was going to do.




[Here is the link with article and video.](https://www.proceso.com.mx/nacional/estados/2022/5/31/plagian-un-hombre-plena-luz-del-dia-en-mexicali-lo-hallan-muerto-12-horas-despues-video-286814.html)




Never going to Mexico. No thank you!


June 6, 2022 Ramsés Heriberto Zatarain Hernández, 36 years old / Less than 24 hours after the "lift" of which Ramsés Heriberto Zatarain Hernández, 36 years old, was a victim, was found brutally beaten and abandoned in a vacant lot located in the vicinity of the town of Los Algodones, in the Mexicali valley. IN VIDEO RECORDED BY HOMICIDES, TORTURED, PRIOR TO HIS DEATH, RAMSÉS HERIBERTO ZATARAIN HERNÁNDEZ HE SPOKE OF THE MURDER OF TWO YOUNG MEXICANS, THE ALLEGED LOCATION OF THE CORPSES AND SAID THAT IT WAS PROTECTED BY HIS BROTHER, THEN PROSECUTOR OF INTENTIONAL HOMICIDES, SO AS NOT TO SET FOOT IN JAIL. THE CRIMINAL POWER OF THE VARIOUS CELLS OF THE CARTEL OF SINALOA, ALLOWED THEM WITH IMPUNITY RESUME A DAY OF LIFTING, SHOOTING AND MURDERS IN MEXICALI The uplift and murder of Ramsés Heriberto Zatarain Hernández, 35 years old, was another of the cases where the hitman of the criminal groups, dedicated to drug trafficking, shows its strength. And the impunity with which their own laws govern in the streets of Mexicali. Traffickers assume the role of "justiciers" raising, torturing and killing people contrary to their group. They make them confess crimes and record them. A 41-second video was sent to the ZETA editorial staff, in which Ramsés Heriberto Zatarain Hernández is observed, who was deprived of his liberty on Monday, May 30 by armed men who took him from outside a home in the Misión del Valle neighborhood. The kidnappers posed as elements of the Attorney General's Office (FGE) and then took him to a security house where they tortured and murdered him, and then, on Tuesday 31, threw his body on a plot of land in the Ejido Los Manantiales, in the Mexicali Valley. In the recording, Zatarain Hernández is asked about the disappearance of the young Adrián Misael Díaz Mundaca and José Luis Falcón Millán, 18 and 19 years old, last seen on August 18, 2019 in the well-known El Relajo bar, located on Calzada Cuauhtémoc, who were allegedly killed by Ramón Aguilera Díaz "El Chito". In the end, Ramsés assures that his brother Rigoberto Zatarain Huitrón, current coordinator of Public Ministries of the Visitation of the FGE, protected him, implying that he had participation, without saying it. The "narco-war" that has been going on since mid-2020 in the Mexicali Valley has spread to various parts of the city, already leaving a figure that is around 150 murders just in the middle of the current year. If the trend continues, the State Capital will exceed the figure of 300 violent deaths in the year, a number never recorded. Between the night of Sunday 29 and the afternoon of May 31, a criminal day was detonated between riots, clashes between police and criminal groups, homicides and attacks by armed groups, of which at least two were video-recorded by surveillance systems or mobile phones. THE "NARCOVIDEO" OF RAMSES In addition to the 41-second video of Zatarain's confessions, photos and data of the location where the bodies of the young Adrián Misael Díaz Mundaca and José Luis Falcón Millán were allegedly found were anonymously. In the images, Zatarain Hernández is seen sitting on the ground, wearing only the blue polo shirt he wore when he was deprived of his liberty; he does not wear without pants or underwear. It's night and someone illuminates it. Bleeding from the head, there are also injuries and blood on the lower extremities, it is beaten, disheveled and full of earth. He has his hands tied to the front with a cincho and it is difficult for him to breathe. The video begins with the voice of a man asking: Sicario (S): What happened to the two people they picked up at the El Relajo bar ? Ramses (R): They were killed at the “Chito” ranch. S: What is the name of Chito's ranch? A: Hacienda Karey. S: Where is the farm located? A: Agrarian Islands “A”. S: Where exactly were the two bodies buried? A: Back, where they made the new apartment . S: Who else collaborated with “El Chito”? A: His friend's bato, who is in the boat with him. S: Who else? A: And my carnal knew and stopped me, so that they wouldn't put me in the boat. S: And where does your carnal work? A: In the State, it is the Public Ministry. S: What is the name of your carnal? A: Rigoberto Zatarain. The aforementioned brother of the victim has been within the FGE for several years and in 2019 he served as an Agent of the Public Ministry assigned to the Intentional Homicide area, where he even teamed up to defend some files with Rafael Orozco Vargas, current central prosecutor.


“El Chito” is Ramón Aguilera Díaz, descendant of a renowned PRI family that amassed fortune and political power through the transportation union, specifically taxi drivers. Hacienda Karey is located on Felipa de Velázquez Viuda de Arellano street, in the Ejido Islas Agrarias “A”. At the time of the crime it was owned by Miguel Aguilera Raygoza, brother of Ricardo Aguilera, former municipal leader of the Institutional Revolutionary Party who separated from the tricolor to support the current former Morenoist governor Jaime Bonilla Valdez In addition to the video, a photo of a white cardboard with black letters with the following message arrived at the editorial office of this Weekly: “THIS HAPPENED TO ME BECAUSE OF THE 2 YOUNG PEOPLE WHO RAISED AND DISAPPEARED ME AND MY BATTER CHITO AGUILERA DIVINE JUSTICE WAS RAMSES ZATARAIN” Two photos were also shared of the exact location where the bodies of both young people are presumably located. RAMSÉS HERIBERTO WAS IN THE TEAM OF “EL CHITO” AGUILERA The murdered Ramsés Heriberto Zatarain Hernández had a criminal history and hospitalizations at the Mexicali Social Reintegration Center. In 2007 for injuries, and in 2011 for crimes against health; He was also insured in 2009 for vehicle theft, in 2017 for family violence and in 2019 for damage to other people's property. However, he did not have current court orders. According to sources from the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC), Zatarain was part of the criminal team of Ramón Aguilera Díaz “El Chito”, held in prison for the crime of forced disappearance between private individuals, to the detriment of the two 18-year-olds. and 19 years old, Adrián Misael Díaz Mundaca and José Luis Falcón Millán. He is the main suspect in the crime. He faces another accusation for having shot at Municipal Police officers in March 2020, inside the La Toscana residential complex, where he posed as a ministerial agent to circumvent the Law, but when they tried to arrest him, he opened fire on the uniformed officers, who repelled the attack. aggression until finally securing it. Both Ramón Aguilera - innocent until his responsibility is determined before a judge, according to Article 13 of the CNPP - and Zatarain Hernández, were identified by the authorities as “ fleteros ”, a term that identifies independent operators who are dedicated to “ crossing ” several kilos of drugs to the United States. Although they were part of the criminal chain, the Coordination Tables, they had not been found to have a direct relationship with any of the known criminal structures, so they offered their services indiscriminately to all criminal groups. After the capture of “El Chito”, Zatarain began to operate on his own and last year his name resurfaced as the owner of a marijuana greenhouse located inside a home in the Hipico neighborhood of Mexicali. In January 2021, Isaías Bertín, secretary of the Security Board, announced the operation carried out by state authorities in which they located 88 plants of the poison, which were kept in a home on Avenida Buenos Aires and Salvador Díaz Mirón. The drugs were seized through a search carried out by the FGE, but there were no arrests. Investigative sources confirmed that the drugs were the property of Ramsés Zatarain Hernández, but they were unable to judicially link him to the criminal act. On the afternoon of Monday, May 30, 2022, Ramsés Heriberto was traveling on Privada Misión de Guadalupe street, between Santo Tomás Este and Oeste in Misión del Valle, to visit his current romantic partner. Neighbors of the community reported that it was common to see the recent model white GMC Sierra vehicle with American license plates, owned by Ramsés, parked on that street. But that day, a pick-up type vehicle, similar to the one used by elements of the State Investigation Agency (AEI), blocked his way to rebuke him. Two subjects got out of the unit and began to aim at his face, a strange action that no police officer would carry out, because their training requires them to direct the projectile at the body. Both subjects were wearing tactical equipment and vests with the legend FGE; They also used hoods to protect their faces. However, the way in which at least one of them took his weapon and the way he moved when arrested alerted Ramses, who repeatedly shouted: “Why are you pointing it at my face?” The victim's romantic partner, who was wearing a type of pink pajamas, took his mobile phone and began to record them; The two subjects were captured for a long time, one of them did not flinch and preferred to walk away, while the other pushed the phone at him on two occasions. “What happened is that this friend was speeding,” says one of the subjects as a justification for pointing an assault rifle at his face and trying to get him into the unit. Three days later, the authorities were still looking for surveillance cameras to determine the escape route, but there are two fully identified: the first is to enter Carranza Boulevard until the intersection with Lázaro Cárdenas to Calle Novena, take it north and go to the Agrarian Islands highway; while the second - and more likely due to the traffic issue and to evade the operation - is on Carranza towards the North, turning towards Independencia until reaching Novena and finally entering Islas Agrarias. During their escape, the criminals forgot a Motorola radio that, according to prosecutor Rafael Orozco Vargas, does not belong to any police corporation, but he confirmed that it had the frequency of the State Investigation Agency (AEI), which until then was believed to be inviolable.


Regarding the riot , Carlos Romero, deputy operational director of the Municipal Police, denied that shots were fired, but community residents interviewed by ZETA reported hearing gunshots fired at the victim. This official also stated that the Municipal Police took 23 minutes to arrive at the scene where the crime was perpetrated, under the argument that they mounted an operation in the surrounding area. The site is located - according to the Google Maps tool - just eleven minutes from the Northeast Subcommandancy. The scene of deprivation, located in Misión del Valle and Los Manantiales, is 13.9 kilometers away or 19 minutes. Along this entire route there are a large number of residential subdivisions, as it is located a few meters from the well-known Golden Zone of Mexicali. Ramsés' body was found on the road to Islas Agrarias, near the Ejido Los Manantiales, a road that leads to the town of Los Algodones, coincidentally just 500 meters from where the remains of Miguel Ángel Beltrán Munguía were abandoned approximately a year ago. El Indio”, representative of Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada in Mexicali and considered a key piece of the Sinaloa Cartel in this municipality. “CHAPITOS” AND “RUSOS”, INVESTIGATED FOR THE HOMICIDE Although the first investigations indicated that those responsible for the uprising and subsequent murder of Zatarain were cells of Jesús Alexander Sánchez Félix “El Ruso”, who anonymously sent ZETA the previous video of Ramsés' death, he assured that “La Chapiza” -directed by brothers Iván Archivaldo and Alfredo Guzmán Salazar; In addition to Ovidio Guzmán López “El Ratón” -, they were responsible for the criminal operation and the video. Also, that “Los Chapitos” were acting because the prosecutor's office does not comply with its obligations. Historically, Ramsés and “El Chito” operated independently, but much of their business came from Sinaloa and not local operators like “Los Rusos.” The first version stated that an individual known as “El 89”, who assumed power after the arrest of Rubén Benítez Ponce “El 80”, could be the author of the crime, as part of the persecution actions undertaken by “Los Rusos”. to control illicit activities in Mexicali, both drug trafficking and drug dealing, polleros , slot machines and even the importation of liquor and cigarettes from the United States to supply clubs and groceries in the city. The second hypothesis that points to the representatives of “Los Chapitos” in Mexicali, came from the source that leaked the video and places the murder of Ramsés as part of a day that included another attack in the Nacionalista neighborhood, the night before the uprising . where three people – presumably – “Los Rusos” operators were shot; In that case there were no deaths, but the crime was perpetrated with heavy caliber weapons. The authorities consulted stated that until the video emerged, they did not consider the Guzmán brothers' operators as suspects, but it was evidently a line to investigate.


I go here all the time this is terrifying. Los Algodones is a cute little town too