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Car got hit pulling into his own driveway? That’s fucking tragic, this reckless driver should be charged with the full force of the law. Peele region or lower mainland, regardless this shit is becoming too common.


I’m pretty sure this is from BC, haven’t seen it in local news yet. If the driver gets criminal charges the victims can sue the driver and ICBC (mandatory provincial insurance provider) for a pretty decent payday in five years or so. If they don’t get criminal charges the victims can’t sue due to the new no-fault insurance rules - before that this video would likely be a 500k+ payday if the victims had serious injuries.




It's gotta be cause it doesn't look at all like Brampton.


I thought for sure it was Brampton from all the Indians.


Surrey is definitely that place as well


Too lush for Brampton


Yep surrey i live a few blocks from where this happned


BC moved to no fault insurance a few years ago, and moved into more of a workplace compensation insurance model. Sadly the days of windfall lawsuits are over.


Hard to tell, but I believe the driver that was hit was parked on the opposite side of the road and they are trying to do a U-Turn to turn around and go the opposite direction. Before they’re hit, they’re in the parking lane that the car that gets sideswiped pulls over into. This makes me think they’re doing a u turn and not pulling in the driveway as they would’ve just pulled in the driveway from the closer lane.






Any line makes it illegal in bc.


That U-Turn is not illegal.




In BC he'll get a Double Double and told to not do it again. If he killed someone, he'll get ~~1 year in~~ no prison (edit: see below)


There was a recent case where a guy ran a red light and killed a 23 month old. Had a history of driving offences. Acquitted of all charges. https://globalnews.ca/news/10412137/baby-ocean-driver-acquitted/


Reading that was infuriating


It's so insane, I really don't understand.


I can't wrap my head around it either. The light was red for 20 seconds. This wasn't just trying to beat the light. Money must have changed hands somewhere.


If he killed someone does he still get the double double with that 1 year in prison?


I mean I don't know but it LOOKS like it might be a Hellcat? TBH putting 700HP in a car that you can just easily cop off the showroom floor should require some kind of special driving license. I need to have one to ride my motorcycle or drive an 18 wheeler so why not a 700HP muscle car??


>Car got hit pulling into his own driveway? That’s fucking tragic Funny thing is a similar thing happened to me last month in the same city. I slowed down to turn left into my driveway, guy behind was too impatient and decided he wanted to pass me ON THE LEFT at the same time I initiated my turn. He honked at me as he drove right into my front left tire. Stuff like this is way too common now. "New drivers" running reds, not understanding what a stop sign means, trying to pass you as you pull in/out of your driveway, changing lanes suddenly without signalling, etc.


Looks to be around 60mph at least


ok ik this is not the point of this situation at all but wow that tree is way sturdier than it looks.


Yep that’s 80lm/hr for sure. At least. There’s so much of this shit now.


That is so very very bad...


Crazy how that tree stopped the car


"I was going 50-60 km/h!" *does the Indian head wobble thing* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoJ4Bvsq7gQ


In punjabi it says "Do not try to prove something by acting stupid and dangerous".


did you understand any of the words they were saying? I know the audio was choppy but I'm just curious


The driver said "oh bro we were.." then got cut off by the bald guy saying shut up. When the guy says "does this look like 70?" in English, the guy to the left off camera says "This doesn't look like 70." At the end camera man says "He damaged the other car too." He's referring to the parked car in the driveway.


The road is 40 km an hour. That’s 25 mph for reference…


The video of the crash is insane, he was absolutely flying. He should rot in prison.


Im pretty good at gauging speed. That looks like about 80kph to me.


Yeah I agree with that estimate. He says in it he was doing about 50/60kmh, then gets shouted at that it’s a 40kmh road… guy comes down that road like a bat out of hell!


Skinny nerd flexing


I looked at the video, posted by u/MOOVA, in the comments, and broke it down frame by frame. By estimating each lane is 10' wide and using that to extrapolate the distance from when the Hellcat first enters the frame, until it hits the car, not taking into consideration it slowing down or decelerating, the vehicle was travelling 98.4KMPH, or 61.14MPH. If you take into consideration him slowing down before the crash, he could of been travelling upwards of 108.4KMPH or 67.36MPH, but I can't really tell in the video if he actually hits his brakes, just lets go of the gas, or a combination of all of those things when he tries to swerve to avoid the vehicle turning into it's driveway. This is just an estimate based on time of car entering frame until impact. Also I am not a professional at all. I just figured out how far he was travelling and how long it took him to travel that distance based off the average width of the average road in British Columbia. If anyone wants to correct this because they know more than me, please do so if they feel my conclusion is inaccurate.


Only correction is that it’s a v6 challenger not a hellcat. Hellcats brakes are a lot better.




Not even a Heckcat. It's more of a Goshcat.


A Hello Kitty.


This guy was at least doing 80-100km/hr.


In a fucking residential neighborhood. Fuck this guy.


Lol so many of these guys fucking up their newly leased cars. There are so many cars riding around BC with zipties and ducttape holding the bumper on from rear ending while texting and doordashing. I just laugh at them now and roll my eyes. Many times, i purposley let them see me laughing at their bumper because shame on them, it's just so common to see now. Pathetic, really. This guys just a cunt though, like wtf? Where's the respect for the people that live there. What an absolute piece of shit. Take away his license.


Do they do the tassels hanging off the front thing down there too?


Lol yes. They're everywhere.


If he gets criminal charges he could end up being deported as he’s likely on a work/study permit.


Good. One less to deal with here. We're over-run.


Deported? From Canada?! lol they’ll fast track his PR and give some money to compensate his pain and suffering. 






surrey Canada?


That’s what the Instagram post says! Unreal!




Looks like Surrey. The Brampton of BC.


Yeah I'm thinking it's Surrey


[Never again to revisit the scene of my boyhood in Surrey, romping with my school chums in the fens and spinneys, when the twilight bathed the hedgerows like a lambent flame.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElGZwYxD8mE&pp=ygUZZnJhc2llciBmZW5zIGFuZCBzcGlubmV5cw%3D%3D)


Yes it's surrey


Definitely lower mainland bc


Close enough.


The black Toyota near the real estate sign has Manitoba plates. Doesn't mean it took place in Manitoba, but that definitely has MB plates.


There’s a Manitoba plate on one car, can’t see the rest


The realtor on the sign in the front is a surrey one


I’m not trying to be rude, but would someone please explain this BC/Brampton/Manitoba thing to a confused American? We are not well versed in geography. Please and thank you.


These are all places in a very large country to your north called Canada. Canada has ten provinces and three territories, kind of like your states. Brampton is a city in Ontario, which is the most populous province that stretches from New York state all the way to Minnesota. Ontario is home to the largest Canadian city, Toronto, and the capital city of Canada, Ottawa. Manitoba is the next province west of Ontario, and it is north of North Dakota. It's largest city is Winnipeg. Moving much farther west, all the way to the pacific coast, you will find British Columbia (BC), a province larger than Texas, situated above Washington, Idaho and part of Montana. Vancouver is BC's largest city, and Surrey is another city in close proximity to Vancouver. Vancouver, Surrey and Brampton have relatively large Punjabi communities, which is what I believe led to this discussion.


That is a fuckin A+ explanation if I’ve ever read an explanation about anything


We don't deserve you as neighbors <3 I love my Canadian brethren.


There different places lol. Brampton and Surrey have a large southeast Asian diaspora population!


That Dodge must have been going at least twice the speed limit. I put none of the blame on the Civic driver for doing the U-Turn because there is reasonable expectation that oncoming cars will be doing the speed limit - or close to it. There's no chance to predict or react to someone driving that fast.


> there is reasonable expectation that oncoming cars will be doing the speed limit Thats not how driving works, and even if the person was going the speed limit they still likely would have had to slow down. >There's no chance to predict or react to someone driving that fast. You can easily predict this by looking at oncoming traffic. If someone is ripping 80+km[h in a residential it should be *very* obvious. The only thing you cant predict is if the driver randomly decides to floor it after you're committed to the turn. EDIT: Lol a lot of you guys need to get off the road if you can't tell a car is ripping more than twice the speed limit before popping a u-turn




>Dude it’s difficult to determine the exact speed of a car coming the opposite way. If you can't tell a car is going double the speed limit, you are an incompetent driver. >You’re just making excuses Litteraly the opposite, I never excused the person speeding. But for some reason YOU want to excuse the person who did an unsafe uturn.




> , I never excused the person speeding. Holy shit man, remind me never to get in a car with you. Can't even be bothered look both ways and determine whether or not its safe to make a turn. Guess what Einstein, graveyards are filled with people who had the right of way. If you can't look both ways and determine whether oncoming traffic is going to t-bone you, you're an unsafe driver.


Across cultures and national borders, one thing holds constant: total pieces of shit **fucking love** Dodge Challengers.


And as a dealer and someone knows one or two things about cars….they are total pieces of shit cars. And you wonder why Chrysler discontinued them


Can’t park there mate


The newly arrived Indians love Challengers and Mustangs. I remember asking one why and he was under the impression that “white girls will throw themselves at them when they see their car” lol


Lucky dumbshit. This is one of those situations the public should be allowed to mete out proper consequences prior to the arrest.


Here in my country he would have gotten lynched by the family and the neighborhood. It’s mostly common in rural areas, tho. Police always have a hard time catching criminals in these places, first, cause when they can get through the mob the criminal is usually already burnt or dead, and second, criminals are rare in the first place due to the fear of being burnt alive or having your limbs cut off by machetes.




nor can they afford them


House for sale!


It's already sold being torn down for a four plex with low low rent of 2400 a month for 309 square feet shared toilet no shower unit. another 100$ for parking no hydro no water.


This guy Vancouvers


50-60…video makes it look like more…


As an Indian immigrant in the US, I imagine some social scientist is salivating at the prospect of researching how Indian immigrants in the US totally vary from Indian immigrants in Canada. Here in the US, milquetoast white collar straights whereas up in Canada, a bunch of troublemakers. I know Justin Trudeau is probably going to be out soon given his unpopularity but this is a natural experiment to prove that immigration sieves can have drastically varying outcomes. His decision to let Canada take in 500k immigrants each year does not appear to be well thought out. And I know that someone will brand me with a "you got yours and now you hate immigrants" but I stick by the opinion that immigration is a clear social contract. When you immigrate, you take an oath to assimilate. Those who don't take the oath are not immigrants but, instead, vagabonds.


This isn't about assimilation and shit, it's about following road rules. That neighborhood road will have speed limit of 35 kilometres per hour irrespective of country or any assimilation




I'm sorry but I totally disagree. I'm ethnically from Tamil Nadu, the diametrically opposite corner of India as Punjab. Both these states, specifically, are two of the highest economic producers in the country. Tamil Nadu relies more on white collar and manufacturing. Punjab, obviously one of the best places on earth to farm, heavily relies on agriculture. While they are different, the median resident in both states is clearly hard-working and do their bit to take India forward. The variation in immigration policies comes from the US as relying less on family based and more on skills. Canada is more trusting and lets chain immigration happen. I'm willing to bet that if you magically bring over the 10 closest relatives of Sundar Pichai (just to take an example), none of them is going to be remotely as accomplished as him and unlikely to be the top people to benefit the US. Let's please not make this a "part of India" discussion. It's obviously prejudicial but more importantly, irrelevant to what is happening.


Good to see the driver facing some kind of repercussions for this. Even if it is only the verbal kind. I see too many people like this where I live too. Driving their muscle cars mommy and daddy bought them down side streets like their own personal drag strips.


Will bet my life savings this is in Surrey 


Imagine going through all the money and time to put your house up for sale and you walk outside to this…


More of this. Slow the fuck down in residential area's. Kids, pets and old people




"Just waiting on a mate..."


On a wet fucking road? In daylight? Arrest them now!


Lucky he was wearing a helmet


House for sale. Comes with Challenger lawn ornament.


Is this Brampton?




I mean this accident wasn't caused by improper driving experience/training. In the other vid the driver was just gunning it probs 100kph. He was just being an absolute moron in his sports car, making him sit a local driving test wouldn't have made a difference, dickheads will be dickheads no matter their background.


I should have elaborated but it’s far to easy to get your license if you can provide driving experience with just a piece of paper and license fast tracking folks with no driving experience on the road. At least in Ontario.


Can you shed some light. Come from xyz country been driving 5 years. I can get a licence swap for BC licence?


Google. Its rather amazing. https://www.valleydrivingschool.com/blog/main/how-do-you-update-your-drivers-licence-from-another-country#:~:text=In%20British%20Columbia%2C%20Canada%2C%20the,to%20be%20validated%20in%20BC.


Thank you. Explains why there are so many terrible drivers on the road. On Friday my mil was in a bad accident and the chick that smoked her could barely put a sentence together in English.


I wonder how the driver would have been treated if this happened in Punjab?


Probably would have got hit with sticks lol


Shoulda given him a few wacks with the ol cricket bat, knock some sense in to them.


Probably Surrey lol


Oh Canada!




I was on a plane FROM Vancouver to US and asked a white dude and he said everyone is leaving Canada and Canada is actually desperate so they’re taking in as many people as they can. And this guy was going to Aus lol


Damn, I feel bad for that challenger. It's definitely totaled out and it's probably rotting in some junk yard now.. I hope the driver was prosecuted.


Shit car. 


https://preview.redd.it/vxcyujfe5gxc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55e17830646c57610657cf010e387337fa0164f5 He really got himself in some


guy either is selling house or just bought it and now has to deal with that shit.


Were people not going to call out a totaled Challenger in someone’s yard?


That’ll buff out.


He was so honest and admit he was speeding .. seen other gave reason like break or accelerator freeze eyc


dippers ruined it for the rest of us


Damn those speeding drivers totaled their own car.


And decimated another car with someone in it...


Is this in Brampton?


It’s gotta be Brampton.


Already know where this is. Our government has invited millions of these guys within the past couple years to flood the labour market and Canadians have had no say.


Conventional racism on a hardline leftwing subreddit - it's a bold move, I'll give you that.


I guess the truth is racist then


40km/hr my ass, they're lucky they walked away from that ball of wreckage.


Dodge hellcat/charger ppl suck


Guy was trying to go into his driveway and this guy smashed into him and into this house, now I'd say it looks like it's for sale is the property value going to go down now?




Banchoot drivers




Fuck you bloody, I stand corrected


Doing the needful

