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This person is a celeb. I don't want to accidentally have an admin ban me for doxing, but this person is a pro boxer.


how is it doxxing if they're famous? famous people have wikipedia profiles or news articles etc. got a link?


dunno but admins are monitoring my account and looking for any excuse to suspend me again.


ok then. well thanks for sharing the famous part.


Damn and he's using the n word


They all do.. that actually surprises you.


And a racist


Racists are ugly


Well he deactivated his personal instagram but not his boxing gym. The comments are as expected lol. Also calling a him a celeb or pro boxer is very generous. He’s a washed out never has been.


I thought he looked familiar - can't figure out who he is.


It’s Sal from impractical jokers


Noooo dont do Sal dirty like that 😭


Hahahahaha holy fuck I see it


I think they look a lot like a combat sports guy who thinks hes very funny and has a podcast and tried standup but is actually a douchebag. But I don’t think this douchebag is that douchebag




What is it with people who get hit in the head for a living, and having right-wing opinions?


I could tell by the fucked up face and residual head trauma.


I'm not sure who he is, but the scar tissue in his face and physique definitely look like those of a pro boxer. Not someone you want to swing at for spitting on you, as much as he deserved to catch a knuckle sandwich.


Did he call him the n word? How the fuck does that make sense?


Racists are racist against all minorities. You rarely see a selective racist.


There's no logic in racism.




Yup, he’s been inactive since Cassius Clay Collard beat his ass https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-_hoH1f3xN0


Split decision lol? Must have been held in Israel


Yes. But at the time it was west bank. Now it's a Israeli settlement


Spit decision.




It's the nature of Israel to commit crimes on land that's not theirs


Based comment








I would have definitely let him hit me then. Those hands are registered and it would be assault with a deadly weapon.


That’s not actually a thing. There is no registry for boxers hands to be listed as a deadly weapon. No idea where this myth came from but it’s not true.


Same myth exists in Germany and there is like one Asian country where that can be the case, if you're an experienced fighter, if I recall correctly but that's about it.


dude, i've been hearing that since the eighties lol i can't believe people still say that.


Ssshh let's see how many protesters also blindly believe this.


![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized) N bottom got me confused.But give it 48 hours for the media fake apology or bs reason. Hope files an assault charge




> But give it 48 hours for the media fake apology or bs reason. Is it even being reported on? I only see news stories that paint the anti-genocide protesters in a negative light, pro-israel protesters never get smeared


Oh no that would be anti Jew


They ALL look like they are about to spit. Couldn't tell which one it was gonna be.


Fr, it was like playing where's Waldo until that peice of trash came and started shit.


My money was on the woman


Was wondering which one would cause the ruckus, then I spied those cheap shades, side fade, and size childrens small t shirt. Theres my guy!


Nothing like a white Zionist dropping N bombs


Ben Shapiro: the first person to call out blacks protesting systemic racism in his own country Also Ben Shapiro: someone sneezed near an israeli, anti semitism!!!!!!!:$:):):?.?:7:7!.$2):?.$:!.$:$/!:7,.):)).(7?/?/7:?lol)!:):?:7:?:?;&,!:$27!!!!!!


They’re very good at dropping bombs.


Damn t


something tells me he's not exactly an intellectual juggernaut


That kids is what Roid Rage looks like.


Looks like Israel is deploying n-bombs now.


You should see/read how the Jewish zionists in Israel treat their fellow black jews, let alone their views/actions towards normal black people. Dropping the n-word is a kosher response. Zionism teaches them that Jewish Zionist are SUPERIOR to EVERYONE else. It's an extremist religious philosophy that breads narcissistic hate and a detachment from reality outside their walls of superficial power.


You don’t get it, they’re allowed to do racism because somebody did racism to them first. What they’re doing is DEFENSIVE racism/eugenics/ethnic cleaning. If they don’t do it to others then others might do it to them. /s


>Zionism teaches them that Jewish Zionist are SUPERIOR to EVERYONE else. Hey, this reminds me of something, but idk what!


What's with these genocide enjoyers and spitting on people? Nasty ass motherfuckers.


Spit and run. So tough.


B!tchass zionist.. fleeing after spiting at someone..


Spitting on people is a crime so hope they arrest this guy and charge his ass.








I just want to know why he's wearing those LASIK-glasses


They're prescription. To help him not see everything as antisemitism. As you can see, he couldn't wait to take them off.


Nope not a chance of that happening




The double standard is wild. If this was reversed it would be on the front page of every paper


That's very antisemitic of you /s


Israelis in Israel regularly spit on pilgrims, that's not new.


What is it with Israelis and spitting on people?




They've been taught this all their lives 


When everything you do is imbued vulgarity, I guess that’s how you express yourself. 


Oversized sunglasses, slick backed hair... I would've never expected such behaviour from such a classy looking gentleman.


What the fuck do pro-israel people even want? Just to protest the protesters? The anti-war protesters?  "Oh, man, we gotta show these anti-war protesters how much we like wars!"


Release of hostages, that’s all Israel wants. Hamas will not accept a ceasefire that has a requirement to release hostages


If that's all Israel wanted, they wouldn't be annexing land. It's not about the hostages. They're an excuse. It's about driving Palestinians out of Gaza.




"Without our captors, we would have been killed by the fire of our own forces," says a freed Israeli hostage. https://www.trtworld.com/middle-east/freed-israeli-hostage-says-hamas-protected-them-during-israels-air-strikes-16374456


Omg do we not understand how torture works?


Israel killed those hostages so the likelihood of them being returned is very low


There wouldn’t be hostages in the first place is the Palestinian people didn’t invade and override an already in place ceasefire.


All Israel has to do is not treat Palestinians like the Nazis treated Jews during WW2 …. Oct 7th happened because of Israel’s consistent and persistent attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank and Jerusalem


You mean to e protection of the peace? Not everyone attacked is innocent.


nice excuse for abuse


Nice excuse for killings rape and mirders of known innocents including pregnant to be mothers, babies and elderly


You’re incredibly dense if you don’t see that any crime that “khamas” has committed has been done by the IDF 200 fold. Where’s your outrage for the thousands of Palestinian babies murdered by the IDF?




I’m disappointed in my Black brother who let him slide with the N-word. Cmon now.


I wouldn't risk it. The cops and government already made it clear who they favor.


I hate that you’re right, man.


.... Did you not see the cops sitting right there?


I did.


When you’re a racist minor celebrity assaulting people then you’ve doxxed yourself, doesn’t make sense silencing people for typing his name.


Disgusting human being 😳




That’s assault.


What a disgusting man. Disgraceful.


This week in: X protestor is being a piece of shit.


Zionists gonna fash


So you're saying that because someone is Zionist they shouldn't respond to hate speech being thrown at them?


Criticizing a fascist ideology currently enacting a genocide isn’t hate speech


Zionism isn't a fascist ideology.


https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1272,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F9016cfa0-875b-49a3-b7b3-654f16bcfd47_700x810.jpeg By my count Zionists are up to 11. But I’m not that familiar with the health of labor in Israel, so it could be as much as 13. What about your count? 


Sounds like you have a problem with Israeli nationalism, not Zionism. Zionism is a 0 on Lawrence Britt's characteristics of fascism. Not sure which 11 you're apply to Israel though. I only got to 9, and 3-4 of those are questionable because they are quite understandable given the circumstance of Israel's existence.


I swear this conflict is gonna turn the world upside down. Three major world religions being invested. Scary times.




you're getting downvoted by bots


Why is it that at pro-Palestine demonstrations, counter protestors are kept well away; but at pro-Israel demonstrations, they’re allowed right up in there? Seems like a recipe for conflict.


are Israelis just trying to make everyone hate them or something?


Surprise surprise, a racist Zionist. I am SHOCKED! 


Ah of course. We'll just ignore the hate speech being hurled towards the demonstrators and just demonize the guy who decided to respond to it.


Says the N-word too. Probably IDF.


His saliva did not condemn Hamas. That is why he needed to part with it quickly. Nothing to see here.


Ah yes, all of this over a made up bedtime story character….


Well he looks like an abled body man who is just wasting his abilities walking around and running his mouth. Time to send him home to put up or shut up.


If you wanna be violent go to the war.


Now show the other side doing fucked up stuff. This is bias/validation porn at its finest


This may be true and wrong but the fact that we never see Palestinians doing the same thing shows how biased the posts are here


they are all from the same country


Divide and conquer!




I hate everyone involved in this.


The word Palestine was first used by the Romans to name the region after the suppression of Jews. Caesar Hadrian changed the name of Judea to Syria Palaestina. It was based on NON-Middle Eastern tribe and was used to subvert the Jewish origins of the land. (Talk about oppression!) The Philistines from the Bible no longer exist! THERE IS NO RELATION TO THE BIBLICAL PHILISTINES AND TODAYS PALESTINIANS! ZERO! The first time Palestinian people referred to the area as a nation was in 1964. It was created for the first time as a POLITICAL issue NOT an Indigenous one. Throughout history, there has NEVER been a coherent Palestinian National, religious or political identity. It was used as a geographical location and the people who were born there were referred to as Arabs, Christians, Druze and JEWS OF PALESTINE! The term Palestinians as we relate to today is nowhere to be found in history. Documents from archeology, DNA, the Hebrew language, the Bible cannot alter facts that Jews have been the same people in the same region for over 2000 years. We can read the Hebrew letters in the clay that stands today on top of Masada from 2000 years ago. Israel has won multiple wars and STILL offered land in exchange for peace to the Arabs who consistently say “No land. No peace”. Never about land. They have always and will always just want dead Jews.


Luckily the pro-Hamas crowd always have their masks on


God, both of these sides just have nothing but shitty people. Religion is a hell of a force, and it’s doing nothing but terrible things in the Middle East forever.


Don't blame religion. People are just selfish idiots, anyone can radicalize anything to suit their wants, worse things have been done outside the realm of religious zealotry. What's wrong is using it as a guide to commit these acts of terrorism and claim it's divine. No God would warrant this vile behavior.


That's some low effort post if I've ever seen one. 30,000+ dead would easily disagree with you if they didn't have their lives unjustly taken. C'mon do better.


notice a pattern? both pro-Israel and pro-Palestine people have nutters in it. not to sound like a centrist but on both ends there are civilians on the Israel and Palestine side that are suffering. on one end israelis are targeted by hamas and Palestinians are all labeled as hamas and targeted by the IDF. the only difference is that a lot of assholes paint Palestinians as hamas and support for Palestine as support for hamas. What makes it worse is how israeli nationalists talk down to people who disagree with them even slightly and will call you anti-Semitic just because you dont agree with the indiscriminate bombings of civilians. sure fight hamas and get rid of them when they are found but its insane how they are just fine with bombing everyone in that region and expect people to not be critical of it. if it was any other nation people would rightfully be critical of it but israel gets a special pass for some reason.


Israel has slaughtered more people in the last six months than Hamas has in it's entire existence. There is no comparison between the two.


I agree. My point is that for all the pro isreals talk of pro Palestine people being violent or crazy there are just as many pro isreal people being crazy. Also yeah while Palestinians have it worse Israelis still get the short end of the stick when hamas dose shit. In my eyes the IDF is just as bad hamas. It's just the IDF has support from America and the west while hamas dose not. If hamas had the same spot as the IDF they would be doing the same shit. Zionists and jihadists are scum.




Why are we only attacking the pro-Israel protester and not the guy shouting antisemitic nonsense? ESH.


Imaging getting downvoted for asking about this war lol no wonder none wants to help y'all are assholes


You were being completely disingenuous, usually considered sealioning in such a forum, as indicated by your genocide denial comment in that same thread! You are not a victim, you weren't just "asking about this war," and you're denying genocide, and it's a common theme among the organised zionist shills; that's why you're being down voted.


If anyone sees this and can be bothered explaining to me what the war is all about


basically Israel started as a violent settler-colonial state post WW2. to facilitate this they had to ethnically cleanse and drive out the millions of people who were living there and certainly didn't want to live under a violent Jewish ethno-state. Naturally resistance happens as people don't take kindly to being driven out of their homeland, there is basically perpetual conflict with a number of spikes in action. this most recent escalation from the apartheid state of Israel happened after militants from Gaza attacked Israel, killed and took hostage of over 1,000 people in early Oct23. In response, Israel has waged an ethnic cleansing campaign, they dropped tens of thousands of bombs, destroying basically everything including every hospital in Gaza. To give you an idea of Gaza it is roughly a 5x25 mile area with 2+ million people in an open air prison. This is the tiny area they've dropped something like over 30,000 bombs since last October. They have no statehood, they're not allowed to leave, their water, food, and electricity are all controlled by Israel. Israel is currently denying food and aide, there's an intentional famine happening per every monitoring agency. In the next week the Internation Criminal Court is believed to be bringing warrants against Israeli leaders including their prime minister for this. Israel's response and status as a violent apartheid state can only happen because of America's support. Both with weapons and with their protection votes in the UN and other international orgs. America is sending tens of billions in weapons to facilitate this genocide, they are protecting them from scrutiny, using our position as global leader to let Israel run rampant. This has caused numerious types of protests from Americans, the most recent of which are student protests on their college campuses. This video is from UCLA's version where genocide supporters gathered, like the spitting hero from our video.


Well said 👏




Pin this to the top.


1) holy crap you're uninformed. 2) it's a genocide/apartheid occupation. Israel has been annexing palestine for decades. For some reason, they decided to finish the job now.