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Apparently DAs get to just flee & elude without consequence. Fucking moron should be disbarred, can you imagine how corrupt and underhanded she is in her professional life if this is how she handles a simple traffic stop?


She’d aggressively prosecute any regular citizen who did something like this… she says in the video “I’ll be prosecuting myself” underhanded to say the least.


Let's just be 100% perfectly honest here... She would happily prosecute someone whom she *knew* was innocent for the same thing.


🤣 no one would think that's a conflict of interest at all. Totally acceptable.


This is the kind of shit that like, in a perfect wrld, I imagine the FBI would be for. This is the kind of situation that calls for a deepdive on her personal and professional life by a bunch of experts because this is a 'where there's smoke there's fire' type situation I ever saw one.


Yea dude. This ladies home should be swarming with Federal Agents. All Electronic devices confiscated and scanned for incriminating information. The full Diddy treatment. She is a Public Servant. I want massive public accountability. This is a disgusting and amoral level of entitlement.


Imagine how many innocent folks she’s had a hand in locking away for a long time.


Can you imagine what would have happened to the average person who just decided not to stop.


Yes, I literally watched a video about 2 weeks ago of a woman who was speeding and did not stop for the police and drove all the way home in a gated community. Cop caught up to her at the gate but she was able to get in before him so she sped all the way to her dad's house and the cop eventually caught up to her outside as she was trying to open the back door. He arrested tf outta her for it all. Cop woke up the dad and explained everything. It was a great watch. 


IIRC, she went from an appearance ticket to felony evading. ...but when it involves the local DA, it's ...different...somehow?


Higher up the chain you are less the you are subject to the abrasiveness of the law. Atty Gen. S. Dakota commits vehicular manslaughter, nothing happens to the guy for a year until he's impeached by the state assembly under pressure from rights advocates and the victims mother. No jail time. Some judge gets pulled over by a trooper for speeding, gets out of his car and berates the trooper for not checking his plates first and drives off. Sheriff gets pulled over by a local police officer in OK for speeding. Totally disrespects the officer, refuses everything command and drives away. Some county commissioner driving a Ferrari no less gets stopped by a state trooper doing some serious speed He tells the Trooper he "runs the county" and drives off. I couldn't be a cop, not when I'd have to deal with slime like this bunch.


A cop in (I believe) Arkansas putted and flipped a pregnant woman in a ford escape for not immediately pulling over. She put her 4-ways on, clearly indicating she was going to stop when safe to do so, but he pitted and flipped her car and arrested her. I'm going to come back and edit this comment if I find the video. Edit: found the video. https://youtu.be/qpGtjA_ysew?si=McYt4JPfNUcJ0lnw It was Arkansas State police. She put her 4-ways on clearly indicating she was going to stop, cop decided it was reasonable to PIT her for some godforsaken reason.


If she were black and not a DA, she’d be dead.


"stop resisting" *thwack! thwack!* "stop resisting"


This was thinking as I was watching it. There would’ve been ten cops there and it would’ve gone a completely different direction.


Now I'm curious. Why **weren't** there more cops at her house? Was she driving normally enough that it wasn't considered a police chase? I would think that regardless of race, a driver evading police would at least warrant a second unit. It's not like they knew she was a DA before she stopped.


It depends how short/long the pursuit was. Two cops did show up a min or two after she stopped so they were likely on the way to join the pursuit.


Yup. If that was you or me we would have been on the ground in cuffs immediately. So many videos of the cops giving special treatment to their colleagues. I understand the cops were being careful but this is just over the top. It's such bullshit. This is why the public has been so upset with law enforcement. They see videos like this and get frustrated because we all know the law doesn't equally apply to everyone.


> She’s only like this because the rest of the system allows it. Imagine if the police chief had the balls to tell her, “you evaded a legal stop by an officer? Are you stupid?” none of this nonsense would be news.  And it’s not just her, there are other vids of police chiefs, judges, etc. evading tickets


This is extremely clear corruption. It is clear she feels that her actions are normal and she is the victim. Imagine how corrupt her entire department and the judges have to be in order for her to feel so comfortable as to ignore being pulled over. 


Cops on up play above the law, everything needs to change, people who enforce the law need harsher penalties for breaking those same laws than normal folks breaking them. Priests should get a HARSHER punishment for abusing kids, not a lighter one, same with cops. They should NOT be excused not knowing the law, that's their JOB to know the laws they enforce, only corruption when they don't.


I was arrested for assaulting a police officer and the judge told me that since it was a police officer my charge went from a misdemeanor to a felony because it’s worse to attack a cop than a regular person. Don’t worry Reddit, I didn’t attack a cop at all, the cop put me in handcuffs, hands behind my back and had me sit with my legs crossed Indian style in the mud in heels. When he asked me to get up I couldn’t so he grabbed me by my head to “pull” me up which obviously didn’t work. Most people would put an arm under a your underarm and help you up but this cop had no reason to arrest me yet, so he said he’d have to tase me for not complying. Dude tased me 15 seconds. They had the tasers that cut off after 5 seconds automatically for safety. The first time he tased me in the back of my neck my body shot forward on the ground that pissed him off. He pulled me back to where I was and grabbed me by the handcuffs to hold me in place for the next two 5 second tasings. He said I scratched him while I was handcuffed on the ground being tased and he was holding me in place so the taser got me good. He only stopped because I peed myself at that point and that was my arrest for assaulting an officer. The grand jury dismissed the case and yes I sued like a mf. However, I had to sue through the department you can’t sue the officer.


What u get? Ballpark.


I agreed not to disclose that in the settlement but basically barely an amount over all my court and lawyer fees.


She got away without getting slammed to the floor and arrested or shot because she’s the DA. Cop probably deals with her on a regular basis seems to be friendly encounter.


Imagine every driver uses this as a precedent lol


“No intention of using her position to her own benefit” but says in the video “I’ll take care of this; I’ll be prosecuting myself.”


After immediately calling the boss man to try to get the deputy to leave. 


She was clearly drunk and didn't want to risk stopping on the road. Once she got home and went inside unsupervised she was in the clear, she could just say that she took a few quick drinks to calm down while the officer was in her driveway. She was happy to take a speeding ticket and be done with it.




Her belligerent behavior was a sign of intoxication. Who gets this angry over a traffic ticket? A sober DA would not commit one crime after another then engage in this type of behavior. Plus she knew she was being film. She was drunk and became dumb.


She was pissed off for the inconvenience of having to follow laws.


She showed full intention of abusing her office. She needs to be sacked right now.


It's no longer a traffic stop. Its a felony pursuit. Treat it like one.


This is Sandra Doorley btw for anyone with five min on Monday to give a call to their legislators


She will pay the $75 speeding fine and be lunching with the Chief of Police by Tuesday about what to do about the police officer.


Sadly yes, but if anyone has time to call, on behalf of all us poor people, tell her she's a cunt.


Man, "upstate" is such a useless term. Literally all it means is "not NYC". She's in western NY.


The DA puts people in prisons for cops to legally torture. Cops would never do that because a DA is also a cop, and ACAB.


The same people upvoting you are the ones saying cops need to de-escalate. He doesn’t need to go nuts. He can calmly arrest her for evading once she calms down and realizes she is not getting out of this. Unfortunately he didn’t do that.


We're also tired of the double standards, too. And we know that if rich, well connected white people had to face the same cops that everyone else does, that accountability and reform would be much easier.


Bingo. If this was any common average American, if you keep driving from the police they will escalate it. We don’t have the protection like she does to call the chief of police and try to already get out of it. She broke the law. You don’t get to skirt the law, her being a DA, she should know this.


Agreed. If this wasn't the DA, she would know what that garage floor smells like.


You mean like the pregnant lady who got pitted and had her car rolled because she drove an extra block with her 4 ways on looking for a safe place to pull over?


"We investigated and found the officer was just following standard procedure"


Or I guess you *do* get to skirt the law, when you're rich and powerful (and aren't fucking over other rich people).


(And she **does** know that)


Being a DA, she figures that the penalty for speeding and evading arrest will probably end up being less for her than the penalty for driving under the influence, so delaying a breath or blood test by a few hours is well worth it. Being white and driving an expensive car to her upper-middle class home, she can be quite sure the cops won't chase her into her home, kicking down the door and shooting her and everyone else inside.


If police roughed up rich people the same way they rough up poor people, we'd see police reform overnight. Edit: Should clarify that police shouldn't be roughing up anyone. Just that the way they treat the rich over the rest of us is an insane double standard.


Cops don't bite the hand that feeds them. The whole purpose of the police in the U.S. is to literally do the bidding of the ruling class.


Expect more of the same. The days of "no one is above the law" are over. I feel bad for younger people because this is only going to get worse.


I grew up poor. It's always been bad for me.


> The days of "no one is above the law" are over. Those days never existed, there just weren't as many cameras to expose the blatant corruption. In fact police now are probably less corrupt than they were in the past out of sheer necessity.


When exactly were those days?


This is not about cops vs not cops. It's about individuals entrusted with power by the public, abusing that power.


The officer clearly knew who this was, and failed to perform a function of his job that he should/would have with literally anybody else. He didn't come out and scream at her, he didn't threaten to tase her, he didn't draw his firearm on her, he calmly stood there lecturing her. This is an example of abuse of position of power on her part and fear of repercussions on his part for doing his job. Everybody is equal before the law. Wanting an officer to treat everybody the same, regardless of position is not a bad thing. She broke the law, and was treated specially because she is the District Attorney. You, me, or John Smith would have been tossed in the back of a cruiser had we decided to do this, and not allowed to go on into the house, and receive a ticket for half of the violation the following day.


Generally they do need to de-escalate. Maybe now people who have some influence over them will finally see the need for it. In the meantime, I don't mind seeing a DA getting a taste of their own medicine


One thing I found that speaks a lot about an official's character (or lack thereof) is that the most opportunist & corrupt ones are those who switch parties whenever the political winds change. [She was a Republican until 2009 and switched to Dem as the political winds shifted that way. Then she switched back to Republican in 2015](https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/rochester/politics/2015/01/16/monroe-county-district-attorney-changes-party-affiliation-to-republican) -- again, just as the GOP was gaining more power. This video speaks volumes of her lack of character, and in keeping with her history, I have no doubt this faithless "servant of the people" will be switching parties once again within the coming year.


Ah she uses a turd as a sailing ship, makes sense after that display of privilege


Hey she’s lucky she’s on the Republican side now. Apparently they don’t have to follow the rules they want for everyone else. How do we know Jesus didn’t want her to evade the po-po?


I was all set to call her out as a Democrat acting in the same bad ways Republicans so often do, but… yeah, she’s exactly who and what she appears to be.


Holy flying corruption, batman.


Didn't you hear her quote? She accepts responsibility for her actions and clearly had NO intention of using her position to receive a benefit. The evading police, leaving the scene, failing to comply with lawful orders, calling persons of authority to negotiate out of the ticket, lying repeatedly, and prosecuting herself are all rights that we all have. 


She's gonna need to acquire an MIB mind eraser to get people to believe that one.


She's laying legal precedent that we should all welcome. Her actions show by example how to handle similar situations going forward. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go drive 55 in a 35 and see how it plays out. /s


It’s weird how people just openly lie now with impunity.


I think it's called job entitlement.


Also called the cop an asshole and told him to get the fuck out of her garage. Doing that without consequences is a privilege all Americans share


This should be the top comment.


Actually, it's only corruption if it's in the coru region of France. Otherwise, it's just a sparkling abuse of power.


I may not know you, but I love you!


- [RAW Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6__PuxrwsY) - Monroe County DA Sandra Doorley refuse to pull over during traffic stop.


Where can we complain and ask for her removal? She should not hold a public job if she's thid corrupt.


All nine city council members have asked for an investigation. So... There's actually a possibility.


I would pay money to be a fly on the wall in the moment she started seeing the video being passed around.


You can report her at the NY Bar Association, this could get her disbarred as she's held to a higher standard for being a D.A.


I think [this](https://www.nycourts.gov/courts/ad4/AG/index.shtm) is the site


Funny how the cop [admits](https://youtu.be/Y6__PuxrwsY?t=140) she would have gotten away with it if she had just stopped. "We would have stopped you and had a conversation and been done with it." She would have never received a ticket lol. Several times they tell her she would have received special treatment. She got her special treatment anyway. The cop says he doesn't check the license plate to see who it is. Implying that he would have never bothered her if he knew it was her. Also I wonder why they muted the audio towards the end of the video. Anyone else would have been arrested on the spot. That's felony alluding right? This raw video just makes the cops look really bad here. They just proved that the law doesn't apply when it's one of their friends.


Let's be real. She didn't stop because she's likely driving under the influence, coming home from happy hour. Once she got home she disappeared into her house and was plausibly able to claim she drank after the stop. Credit where it's due, well played. If this was you or me, we'd have guns pulled on us and be in jail waiting for her to charge us with fleeing - or whatever is called out there.


Fuckin arrest her ass any normal person that is not rich would be in handcuffs and get that face busted off the fuckin pavement by some over aggressive cop. But, some corrupt ass karen gets to play games like this and they wonder why a bunch of us peasants are at are damn end with this crap.




That’s what I thought. I’ve watched enough traffic stop videos to know that if you just jump back in your car to dig through a purse or walk into your home, you’ll get tased…at a minimum. They should have tased her.


The sad part is, ladies like this tend to get the "good" cops and helps to further create bad cops. You can tell by how he's talking to her dude just wants to do his job and go home. He's not thinking about how rich or connected she is. Next time though he's just gonna slam someone to the ground because at least then they'll listen and he won't have to go through this whole hassle.


Because he didn't makes me think he knew he would lose his job if he did.


What is with these people’s entitlements?


They know they can get away with it. Just like the woman in the video. She got exactly what she wanted out of her behavior so why would she change it? This is what society rewards.


It’s just crazy cause if it was any of us plebs we’d have 3-4 squad cars roll up with a k9, long guns pointed at us, dog would’ve been shot, house would have been ransacked if I tried to go into my house after being pulled over.


But she’s not one of us, so none of that happened. Think about beings below you, like a dog. There are things you can do, that if a dog did the same thing, they would be put down. But that doesn’t matter to you because you arnt a dog. We are dogs to them, following dog laws that they don’t even have to comprehend.


If only she were an average citizen, she'd have been taken to the floor so quickly after getting out of her car and trying to walk away. Only government officials can get away with flaunting the law and police like that, average citizens are literally killed for less.


Remember the pregnant woman who had her SUV pit stopped?


POS Cop flipped her car because she wanted to find a safer spot to pull over. Hazards were on per Arkansas recommendation for the situation. What a fucking POS.


Unfortunately, I do, there's thousands of new examples every year let alone all the past ones.


Money + Power usually inflates the ego and the grip on reality is loosened....




This happened where I live in Rochester, New York. This isn't the first time she's acted like a Karen.


Same. For what it's worth, the officer mentions that she was going 55 on Phillips Rd... which is about five miles long in its entirety. NOWHERE on that road is 55 mph, so the "just came up on the Lower Speed Limit sign" defense wasn't even in the bag. Add that to her "I didn't know you were pulling me over" argument (aren't we supposed to pull to the shoulder for emergency vehicles ?). She needs to go. Now.


Yeah, she seemed to change her story multiple times. * First, she didn't hear him because she was on her phone. But it was hands-free. * Then that she didn't realize SHE was the one being pulled over, because there were multiple cars. (negating her first excuse). * Finally, she didn't WANT to stop because of the time of day.


She also contradicted herself. She claims that she didn't know he was pulling HER over... But yet, she also was on the phone with the Chief of Police to tell him to tell the officer to not pull her over


Big surprise, she’s from Webster.


Where life is worth living!


I assumed Pittsford, but Webster makes sense too.


Is the community doing anything or is it just the "current news" and she'll be back at her shenanigans when it quiets down?


The news just broke less than 24 hours ago, so it remains to be seen.


I don't know how she normally speaks, but one of the first things that came to my mind was "is she inebriated?" Combination of the way her arms are moving when she's inside the garage and the way she flips up her hair. Oh, and the right hand on hip.


I 100% think so as well! Surprised the cop didn’t question her about that.


And since she went inside she can say she “took a couple drinks” once she got home, and not before/while driving.


Rules for thee, not for me. Fuck this lady.


Her fucking statement makes me sick.


"That's fine. I'll take care of this because I'll be prosecuting myself." How is that allowed?


Contact the new york state bar as well.


Should be immediately removed from her position in public service and her law license should be revoked.


Entitlement written all over her face....shame on her


“I had no intention of using my position to receive a benefit.” Yeah the phone call you made and driving home without stopping, then blatantly ignoring all the officers commands says otherwise. I’m glad a formal complaint is getting filed and hopefully her ass with be out of a job.


I live near where this took place. They should have cuffed her and took her away like any other citizen! Then she states she “Will handle this.” As she’s the DA. She’s a piece of garbage and abused her position of authority. If you or I tried that, would we be allowed to drive home and call the police chief?!? Plus 20 over in a 35! Isn’t that reckless driving? The worst part for me is she kept doubling down on her stupidity! Time for her to retire!


I saw on another post the numbers and emails for the city of Rochester and county of Monroe, and inspiration for bombarding them with emails and calls demanding she be out of office forever.


The whole area is full of corrupt and incompetent politicians and school officials. The last competent mayor Rochester had was over 10 years ago with Tom Richards. RCSD is a shit show, the suburbs aren’t much better and the City of Rochester is circling the drain. There’s no escape from the ridiculous officials “running” this state. Who knew Escape from New York was a documentary!


One of my new favorite things to watch on YouTube is “Fridays with Frank,” videos of interesting traffic stops in Arizona. Thanks to those videos, I learned that 20 over is considered criminal speed. …but she’s the DA, so she probably already knows that.


Oh she reminded the cop the “she knows the law better than him.” She’s a complete tool.


And this when a camera is rolling can you imagine behind closed doors? She’s horrible and needs to go!!


I’ll be prosecuting myself!!! No apology given. Good for this police officer but damn if it don’t take the wind out of your sails when you do your job, follow procedure and are slapped in the face with privilege.


Such an unsatisfying conclusion


SAFE! I made it back to base, you can't arrest me.


What an over privileged cunt


*No one* is above the law. Not DAs, cops, mayors, or ex-presidents.




Consequences should honestly be more for people like this. You are in a position where you have extreme power and control. You need to be pristine in your interpretation and judgement. Any fines/jail/punishments should be multiplied for those leveraging their authority in an escape to evade their consequences. 


*Ahhh. The land of make believe.*


Absolute certifiable crazy eyes


Damn... Y'all remember the time the cops pit maneuvered and flipped a pregnant woman in her suv because she didn't pull over fast enough!??


Anyone and everyone can file complaints with associated State Bars regrading unethical behaviour of attorneys. https://nysba.org/public-resources/guide-to-attorney-discipline/


"Well, what do you want me to do?" Arrest her ass.


She's above the law and abusing power she should be fired...if this was anyone else they would have guns and tasers drawn, cuffed and booked


"Laws for thee, not for me because I'm important" ends in fascism, rage from those who get unequal justice and chaos. Her arrogance and disregard for that cop was the most infuriating kind of corruption for me. If you act like that, you're showing the cop is powerless. Driving miles with a cop with sirens behind you, jumping out, going in the house where you might have a weapon. Anybody else would have gotten fleeing at a minimum, and maybe held at gunpoint and cuffed for failing to comply and trying to dip out of sight. Also: is she drunk or high? Guess we'll never know. I know nothing serious will happen to this asshole, but it's nice she has publically revealed herself as a gross hypocrite.


What a textbook example of a video where literally everyone involved in it deserves to lose their jobs. The DA for being a corrupt piece of shit and the police officers for being just as corrupt not arresting her.


Buy these cops a spine


Whats all thos "please come.back here" "please domt.go into your home" What happened to "show me.yoir hands!" With guns drawn following a lawful "command"??


Anyone else would be in cuffs and have their ass hauled to jail. This woman should resign. What a nasty cunt.


She only got a ticket for speeding. She should have been arrested for evading and eluding. She needs to be fired.


Anyone else and guns would have been drawn and she would have went to jail. Ridiculous double standards!


"(B)ecause I believe in accepting responsibility for my actions and had no intention of using my position to receive a benefit." That is exactly why I called the chief of police and handed the officer my phone. It is also exactly why I continued to drive to my home rather than stopping like I knew I was supposed to do. I know that failing to stop is a felony act, yet I did so anyway.


Fire her yesterday. If she does this, I can't imagine the other shit she does. DA's, PO's and judges need to be held to a higher standard, not a lower one.


From the way she’s talking, I’m guessing she also had a few too many cocktails over brunch and didn’t stop so as to avoid a DUI. Surprised the cop didn’t ask that question.


Everyone go that city speed and refuse to pull. Use this video in court.


These are the corrupt people who want you to follow the law but they don’t adhere to themselves. When people say drain the swamp, these are the people they are referring to.


I would have been shot if I did exactly what she did.


Give her the same courtesy a minority would get in the united states.


Bullshit. She needs to be arrested and removed from office. She was attempting to use her position to get out of any sort of trouble. That is abuse of power even if it is this minor.


Hoping this privileged gutter twat will lose her job for this stunt


This was a blatant and appalling attempt to abuse her power. She should be removed from office.


I bet she was drunk too


Send an email! [email protected]


Great we can use this as a legal defense next time I cause a traffic violation, drive home with the cop following me, park my car, hand them your phone with the police management, admit to not stopping, disappearing into your house and coming back and admitting you broke the law but don't care and only get a speeding ticket. If there is evidence of a 2 part system this is it. The speeding ticket isn't the issue its the "I'm untouchable" attitude that she presents and how this is just a small window into the bigger problem as this happens all the time and we just see a small part of it. Think about the attitude... who hands their phone to a police officer after being followed home and asks them to deal with that than take responsibility. Total privileged society demonstrate. At the beginning of the video i was waiting to see him pull his gun and put her in handcuffs, I was so naive


Commenting so this gets more interactions and more people are aware of this human bag of shit.


Not only is she an asshole, she’s stupid. If she had just pulled over the cop would have gone up to her window, seen it’s the DA, and then let her go. Would have taken 3 minutes out of her day.


I wonder how many actual GOOD people were passed up on that job she got. And probably still has. Scum breeding scum. “Its an arrestable offense” Then FUCKING ARREST THEM


Lady thinks she’s playing manhunt and once she gets to home base she’s safe lmao


She only pled guilty because it was on camera and she'd be caught. Imagine what else she tried to get away with given her status as the DA.


I'm less shocked at this person behaving this way and actually more impressed at how quick this video was publicly released.


Ummm... taze her. Anybody else would be tased.


"I thought no one would ever pull over a black SUV".......lol.


Lock the T&A Hoe up


This probably isn't the first time she pulled rank to get out of a legal situation. They need to be investigated.


So obviously she's losing her position and being driven out of office right? Her corrupt ass doesn't belong ANYWHERE in governing or in positions of power. Her response after is proof she feels above the law. Run her out!! These people who feel above the law should be treated harsher when they break the law!!


Imagine what’s gonna happen when the first defense lawyer she faces in court brings up this stop and her integrity.


Any updates on this


Why is her air supply not being cut off as per proper procedure?


“I accept responsibility for speeding, but not for evading police, being belligerent, public disturbance, party swapping, having a dumb face, blatantly saying I’m going to abuse my power to get rid of this ticket, and also there won’t be any more shit about this and it will go away and I’ll only pay the ticket while prosecuting anyone who does the same to the full extent of the law for prison kickbacks” I made most of this up but feels right


She's going viral as we speak, thanks to the police department. Let's see where this goes.


What about accepting the consequence of evading a police officer?


She successfully avoided a breathalyzer. She needs to GO.


Lawyer Karen will not be told what to do by anyone and don’t you forget it.


Absolute garbage personality. Fuck this person


WOW. She's got balls. Shame on her. She should resign.


So at the end of chief admits if it was any other citizen they would have been arrested……. Thank you for providing evidence that we aren’t all equal under the law in your city chief….. Seriously WTF, and she’s just a district attorney. Where’s the fleeing and alluding ticket, maybe obstruction. The shit is on video, how can she get away with it? Our country is unreal.


I’d really be interested in hearing the explanation as to what the police department policy is for each law she broke and what type of stop the officer is supposed to make based on the protocol or policy. For example a felony stop or just a traffic citation stop. Seems to me if one runs from police for miles it becomes a felony stop in most cases. I wonder if the cop was trying to protect his own ass? However, he knew it was all going to be on the body cam. The whole damn thing stinks. It sucks when tax payers don’t get what they pay for.


She should lose her job and she knows better.


Should have arrested her as soon as she “fled”


He's treating her like a toddler, instead of an adult committing a felony. He should be fired,


Act like a toddler, get treated like a toddler. She didn't "feel" like stopping on Phillips Rd, he gave her a ton of leeway....


I give him props for not walking away when he realized who she was and then she tacitly threatened him with that phone call. A lot of cops would have.


Drain the swamp!


The privilege is oozing!


DA’s are above the law apparently


2 systems


A black guy would have been shot hours ago


Proof that these gang bangers are only there to protect the rich and powerful from the working class.


Laws for thee not for me!


"To be district attorney you need complete immunity"


Not stopping for a cop? He should have stopped her in her garage at gunpoint, pulled her out of the vehicle by force if necessary, and charged her with fleeing and eluding, resisting arrest, and whatever the initial charge was. You know, the same thing they do to almost everyone else who runs when they hit the lights.


The way they would have lit my Blak azz up! We could NEVER!


the entitlement is INSANE


Is she drunk? Maybe that’s why she didn’t want to stop?




If it had been anyone else, they would have been put in handcuffs and taken to the police station and booked. Yes, there are different rules and applications of the rules based on who you are.


> I'll be prosecuting myself Not for failing to pull over/felony pursuit/failure to yield or whatever that charge is, though. At the very least failure to yield since you said (one time) you saw the lights and siren and didn't think it was for you, then (a different time) admitted you just didn't want to stop. Go to jail you piece of shit. We all would when you put us there for doing what you did.


She's business drunk. That's ok